home · electrical safety · How to get a chorus flower in Minecraft. Chorus: properties, features, order of application, alternatives. Horus and mildew

How to get a chorus flower in Minecraft. Chorus: properties, features, order of application, alternatives. Horus and mildew

Horus in Minecraft

Chorus ID: 199.

NID: chorus_plant.

Chorus Plant, plant To orus, to orus- this is also what chorus is called in Minecraft.

How to get:

Minecraft's Chorus is the blocks in the End (Ender dimension) that make up a plant. Can be grown using chorus flowers. Chorus trees are typically 10-15 blocks tall, although a single plant can reach 22 blocks. You need to get the chorus plant with any ax. In the picture below you can see the chorus and flower blocks for comparison - framed and in their natural form. The chorus itself is additionally circled in the screenshot.

Chorus plant and flower.

How to grow and harvest?

Horus grows on the territory of the distant islands of the Land of Flowers (horus) on Endernyak. You can plant it manually and in another dimension(also on Endernyak). During growth, additional flowers may appear on the sides. The plant can reach a decent height.

The flowers must be collected before harvesting the fruits (stem blocks) so as not to lose the chorus seeds, because When the lower blocks are destroyed, all the upper blocks are destroyed and fruits without seeds fall out. In survival mode, you cannot obtain the plant stem. A stem block when harvested has a chance to produce one Horus Fruit. If a block that has the rest of the plant above it is cut down, it will also drop as a drop, with the exception of Chorus Flowers, which must be collected manually.

For what?

The fruit of the chorus can be eaten or, more simply put, devoured, restoring satiety. But this can lead to teleportation of the player, and in an unknown direction. Risky?

Cooking in a furnace is also available in order to then be used for crafting purple blocks, which in turn will serve as material for making purple slabs and steps. For example.

With the arrival of spring, gardeners have a lot of worries. One of them is the protection of perennial plants from diseases. Most drugs act in warm weather, but there are those that are effective at low temperatures from +3 0. In the article we will analyze the Horus fungicide, how to use it in spring (autumn), how to dilute it (standards), when to process it, and reviews from leading gardeners about it.

Horus fungicide for protecting fruit trees, berry bushes and grapes from diseases

Horus was developed by the famous Swiss company Syngenta Crop Protection Co, one of the world leaders in the production of crop protection products.

Composition and mechanism of action. Advantages and disadvantages

The drug is based on 4-cyclopropyl-6-methyl-N-phenylpyrimidin-2-amine from the category of anilinepyrimidines ( aniline-pyrimidine). The substances have a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms, blocking the formation of protein compounds characteristic of a number of microorganisms. While it has no effect on the formation of proteins in higher plants and animals, since it only affects fungi.

Diseases of fruit plants against which Horus is used (the numbers in the photo correspond to the name of the disease):
1- 2. — Scab of apple and pear trees,
3 – 4. Moniliosis of apple and pear trees,
5 – Moniliosis of plum
6, 7, 8 – Powdery mildew of cherries,
Gooseberry powdery mildew,
Peach powdery mildew.
9 – Plum leaf curl

Horus is effective against certain types of fungi:

  • Actinomycetes (Ascomycetes),
  • deuteromycetes (Deuteromycetes),
  • some varieties of Basidiomycetes.

It is these representatives that cause the most common diseases of tree fruit species. Among them:

It helps to a lesser extent against various types of fruit rot.

The final stage of the lesion, shown in the photo, cannot be treated by Horus; he will no longer cope with it. The drug is used for prevention and at the first symptoms of the disease. With its help, infection can be prevented in the spring, as long as the temperature remains up to +25 0. In conditions above this mark, the effectiveness of the fungicide drops to zero. This property can be considered a disadvantage.

The advantage of the drug is its high activity in cold conditions of high humidity.

After spraying there should be no rain for at least 2 hours.

Mechanism of action

The fungicide does not allow spores of fungal pathogens to germinate. And, then a negligible amount that has not been processed does not pose a danger to plants.

10-14 days after application, it breaks down into its constituent components, which are safe for humans, plants and the environment.

Specialist consultation

Horus is not used to treat heavily damaged plants and fruits, since it cannot overcome the rough shell of mature pathogens.

It plays a preventive role when fungi are in the initial stage of development, immediately after winter, at the beginning of spring.

A. V. Ivanova – Candidate of Biological Sciences,
senior researcher at the All-Russian Research Institute of Plant Protection.

Features of the drug's action

In addition to temperature limits, it is important to consider other characteristics:

  • The greatest activity of the drug occurs at air humidity above 80%.
  • The active substance has low mobility when it gets into the soil, so it cannot end up in groundwater.
  • The effect on plants is selective; it cannot penetrate into the leaves of ovaries and fruits.
  • Belongs to the third class of danger to humans. Almost non-toxic to bees, birds and fish.
  • It is used not only to protect fruit trees and berry bushes, but also for ornamental perennial plants.

Over many years of use, no long-term consequences of negative environmental impact have been detected.

Instructions for use

Before purchasing the drug, it is worth keeping in mind that opened packaging is not stored; its contents must be used at a time. On sale there are sachets of 1g, 3g and 15g. For the same reason, the working solution is prepared immediately before work.

It is easy to prepare the drug for use:

  • Part of the water is immediately poured into the sprayer tank, filling it one quarter;
  • Stirring continuously, introduce the drug until completely dissolved, then add water to the required volume;
  • Before turning on the sprayer, shake it vigorously several times.

Features of using fungicide to protect fruit trees

For pome crops:

  • Apple trees,
  • Pears,
  • Quinces,

and also for stone fruit trees:

  • Plums,
  • Cherry plums,
  • Apricot,
  • Cherries,
  • Cherries,
  • Peach

Prepare a working solution at the rate of 3 g of the drug per 10 liters of water. Treatment is carried out in the spring, taking into account the vegetative development of the plant species and variety.

Name of culture Name of the disease Application regulations Permissible frequency of treatments
Apple tree Scab · First treatment in spring at the green cone stage before flowering;

· Repeated sessions at the end of flowering, every 10 days

Powdery mildew
Plum Clusterosporosis · Before flowering - first spraying;

· Next, after flowering at the beginning of the formation of the ovary.

Cherry Clusterosporosis · Primary application at the very beginning of flowering;

· Two subsequent ones after the faded petals fall with an interval of 7 - 10 days.

Apricot Clusterosporosis The regulations are the same as for processing plums. 3
Peach Clusterosporosis · During the spring period, which is called:

“on a pink bud”, when the flower bud has barely opened;

· Second treatment – ​​immediately after flowering;

· Third, (if necessary) 2 weeks after the second.

Leaf curl
  • Working fluid consumption rate for one mature tree – 5 liters. To treat small plants you will need half as much, that is, 2 - 2.5 liters.
  • Duration of protective action– 7 – 10 days. This means that there is no need to re-spray until this period has passed. The duration of protection directly depends on the weather . In cool and humid conditions the drug works longer.
  • Waiting time – 10 – 15 days.

Use for the prevention and treatment of berry bushes

To protect black currants, gooseberries, and yoshta, the concentration of the working solution is doubled compared to the saturation for trees. It would seem why this is necessary, because bushes are much smaller than trees. But they are closer to the ground, so they are more susceptible to infection by pathogens that live in the upper layers of the soil. With the evaporation of moisture, they quickly settle on the low crown.

Dosage of working solution for shrubs – 6 g per 10 liters of water, for prevention against various types of spotting.

The exception is powdery mildew– against it, it is enough to dissolve 4 g in 10 liters of water.

A high concentration is also necessary because the bushes are treated only once before flowering, because they bear fruit early. It is useless to spray berries during illness. The peculiarities of the drug are such that it cannot protect fruit tissue. That's why this needs to be done in advance, before flowering begins.

The list of diseases and the rate of consumption of working fluid is indicated in the table:

Important! Horus is not used to protect white currants, red currants, and raspberries. Can accumulate in fruits, penetrating through the thin shell.

For strawberries

  • To protect plantings from white and brown spots, use a solution prepared from 6 g of the drug and 10 liters of water.
  • For prevention against powdery mildew – 2 g per 10 liters of water.
  • Spray garden strawberries (strawberries) before flowering.
  • The liquid consumption rate is 2 liters per 100 m2.

Spraying is carried out once, in the spring.

Efficiency of grape processing

The use of "Horus" for grapes differs from other crops:

  • The first treatment is carried out as soon as the first symptoms of the disease are detected. They appear during the budding period before the flower buds open.
  • The next spraying is done after flowering, at the beginning of cluster formation.
  • The time of the third session is the beginning of ripening, when the berries are just beginning to change color.

Horus helps well against oidium(powdery mildew of grapes) and gray rot.

To prevent and treat these diseases, prepare a working solution with a concentration of 4 g per 10 liters of water and treat the crown of the grapes, adhering to the consumption rate -

2 l per 100 m2 of green mass.

Time interval between procedures – 7 – 10 days.

The frequency of spraying is 3 times.

As for mildew (downy mildew of grapes), reviews about the use of the drug against this disease are quite contradictory.

It is considered effective in cool and humid climates.

But experts have noticed that where grapes are grown on plains with prevailing warm weather (starting from Hungary in an easterly direction), Horus not only does not heal, on the contrary, it reduces the immunity of plants.

This happens like this: after spraying, mildew may not disappear, and in addition, other diseases will appear, against which the fungicide is powerless.

This effect can be explained by high summer temperatures, low humidity and dusty air. Such conditions sharply reduce the effectiveness of the drug, but promote the development of pathogens.

In hot weather, as well as against fungi with mature mycelium, the drug is completely useless.

However, if you decide to fight mildew with the help of “Horus”, you should follow these tips:

  • The concentration of the working solution is 6 g per 10 liters of water;
  • The consumption rate is 3 liters per 100 m 2 crowns.

The method and frequency of treatments used to protect grapes from oidium.

Material prepared by: Yuri Zelikovich, teacher of the Department of Geoecology and Environmental Management

© When using site materials (quotes, tables, images), the source must be indicated.

Horus fungicide is developed by Syngenta Crop Protection Co. It is produced in the form of water-dispersed VDG granules with an active ingredient content of 750 g/kg. Distinctive features of the drug:

  • Shows activity at temperatures above +3 degrees Celsius. At temperatures above +25 degrees, the effectiveness of the drug drops sharply.
  • Most active in wet weather.
  • It is not washed off by rain 2 hours after application.
  • Inactive in the soil, does not penetrate into groundwater.
  • It acts locally on plants, i.e. is not able to penetrate the cuticle of adult leaves, ovaries and ripening fruits.
  • Slightly toxic to bees and other insects (hazard class 4).
  • Hazard class for warm-blooded animals is 3rd, but it penetrates poorly through the body and mucous membranes.
  • The fungicidal effect is of medium strength, but is quite effective against diseases of fruit crops that most affect the quantity and quality of the crop.
  • No long-term negative systemic consequences specifically associated with Horus have been noted to date.

In terms of all its qualities, Horus is primarily a fungicide for early spring use - it destroys the wintering phases of pathogenic fungi at the beginning of germination. In the event of sudden damage to fruit and berry crops by various types of fruit rot and powdery mildew, timely use of Horus can reduce crop losses by 30-50%


The active substance (AI) of the drug Horus is cyprodinil (4-cyclopropyl-6-methyl-N-phenylpyrimidin-2-amine), which belongs to the class of aminopyrimidines. In German specialized sources it is classified as aniline-pyrimidine. Anyone who remembers something from organic chemistry will see from the formula (in the figure below) that both are essentially true. The mechanism of action of cyprodinil on pathogens is similar to that of many other fungicides: it blocks the synthesis of amino acids (and corresponding proteins) in the cells of the affected objects. The effect of cyprodinil on protein and DNA synthesis in warm-blooded animals, as well as its phytotoxicity, have not been noted; in this regard, it is more focused on mushrooms than other means.

Cyprodinil has been known to specialists for quite a long time as a non-strong but relatively safe fungicide. In order to use it in early spring against pathogenic fungi, its greater penetration into the mesophyll of young leaves than that of its DV analogues is attractive (in the figure below). This, combined with the drug’s activity at low temperatures and in bad weather, makes it possible to destroy pathogen seedlings at the very beginning. After 1-2 weeks, cyprodinil breaks down into harmless components, which makes it possible to use it for processing ripening fruits. But at the same time, the low mobility of cyprodinil limits its capabilities as a fungicide: it does not take overgrown “mature” mushrooms and is not able to penetrate their covers.

Features of the accumulation of the active substance Horus (cyprodinil) in plants

Scope of application

Horus is a fairly specialized drug: it is active against fungi of actinomycetes (Ascomycetes), deuteromycetes (Deuteromycetes) and certain species of basidymycetes (Basidiomycetes). However, they are the ones that cause the greatest losses in harvest volume and commercial quality of the crop.

At the initial stages of the disease, Horus allows you to cope with such fungal diseases of fruit and berry crops as (see also Fig.):

  1. scab of apples and pears;
  2. moniliosis burn (moniliosis) of pome and stone fruits (plums);
  3. powdery mildew of stone fruits, berries and peaches;
  4. peach leaf curl;
  5. and also, with less success, other fruit rots and blights.

Note: of course, at the stages of the disease shown in Fig. for clarity, it is useless to treat the fruits. And the drug will not help, and they are no longer suitable for food anyway.

Horus and mildew

The manufacturer also positions Horus as a remedy for downy mildew of grapes - mildew. see picture:

Downy mildew of grapes - mildew

Perhaps, in the specific conditions there (Syngenta Crop Protection Co. Swiss company): coolness, clean air, high insolation, Chorus against mildew and is effective. But in the lowland viticulture regions, following east from Hungary, many winegrowers note: the use of Horus reduces plant immunity. Once you spray it, get ready to do the same every 10 days and fight other diseases. Perhaps this is due to higher summer temperatures, less active insolation due to dust in the air, and a smaller difference between day and night temperatures than in the mountains. All this contributes to the rapid development of pathogens, but the activity of the drug is the opposite. In any case, the fact that Horus is above +25 and against mushrooms that have formed mycelium is useless. Other fungicides have proven more effective for grapes, see video:

Video: about fungicides for grapes


Horus in tank mixtures is compatible with fungicides Skor and Topaz. The manufacturer also declares its compatibility with drugs containing DV difenoconazole, captan, copper oxalate and penconazole, but in the notes or in small print something like: “Subject to prior compatibility testing. That is, you need to prepare approx. half a liter of both solutions, drain half of them and monitor: if the liquid has not changed in 2 hours (gradual precipitation is allowed in an amount approximately the same as in the control residues), the drugs are compatible. If a precipitate immediately forms and/or signs of a chemical reaction are observed (change in temperature and/or color of the solution, foam, bubbling) – the drugs are incompatible. To use Horus together with other pesticides, this drug is dissolved first.

Note: Horus together with Skor is recommended to be used to completely eradicate pathogenic fungi from the area.

Precautionary measures

The low mobility of cyprodinil in a humid environment makes it relatively safe for humans. The permissible operating time is determined by the shelf life of the tank solution - 2 hours. A simplified PPE kit for working with Horus can be used with a petal respirator, see fig. It is highly advisable to spray in cloudy weather, as this enhances the effectiveness of the drug and the susceptibility of pathogens to it.

General precautions are standard: do not drink, do not eat, do not smoke while working. Pregnant and lactating children, allergy sufferers, patients or those with skin diseases should not be closer than 15 m to the treated area. If you feel unwell, stop working immediately.

First aid measures are also usual: take a glass of water with 2-4 activated carbon powders. Wait 3-5 minutes, induce vomiting and consult a doctor.

Chorus is moderately toxic to aquatic organisms, so it can be used at a typical sanitary distance from water sources and reservoirs of 50 m. The flight limit for bees for Chorus is 12 hours; apiary protection zone 1.5 km.

Application procedure

Chorus is not stored in opened packaging, so you need to purchase the drug based on the use of a whole number of packages (packaged on sale in 1, 3 and 15 g). The Horus working solution is unstable, so it is prepared immediately before use. The sprayer tank is filled a quarter full with water, and the drug is administered with continuous stirring. Then the tank is topped up with water to the working volume and shaken several times.

Instructions for using the Horus fungicide are given in the table:

CultureDiseaseDrug consumption g/10 lConsumption of working solution l per hundred square meters/treeApplication diagramTime of protective action, daysWaiting time before harvest, daysPermissible frequency of treatments
Apple tree, pear treeMoniliosis, powdery mildew, scab3 –/5* Green cone - at the beginning of flowering. After flowering up to 3 times in 10 days7-10*** 10-15 4
CherryCoccomycosis, klyasterosporiosis, moniliosis3 –/5* Green cone - at the beginning of flowering. After flowering up to 2 times in 10 days7-10*** 10-15 3
PlumClusterosporiasis, moniliosis3 –/5* Green cone - at the beginning of flowering. After flowering again after 10 days7-10*** 10-15 2
PeachLeaf curl, moniliosis, clasterosporiosis3 –/5* 7-10*** 10-15 3
ApricotClusterosporiasis, moniliosis3 –/5* At the pink bud stage, after flowering, if necessary, additional treatment is carried out after 10–15 days7-10*** 10-15 3
Strawberries, gooseberries, black and golden currants


Brown and white spotting6 2/– Treatment of vegetative plants before flowering7-10*** 7-10 1
Powdery mildew, gray rot4 2/–
GrapeOidium, gray rot4 2/– Treatment of vegetative plants after flowering when the first signs of disease appear**7-10*** 7-10 3
Mildew6 3/–
SunflowerGray rot7 3/– During the growing season until flowering7-10*** 2

The drug is not applicable for red and white currants, raspberries and other bush berries, because is able to accumulate in them through the thin cuticle of fruits. Notes in the table: *) - sprayed according to the usual rules: until a continuous film of solution forms on the leaves without dripping drops. Accordingly, the consumption for wood is approximate. **):

  1. Chorus for grapes is used when the first signs of the disease appear;
  2. The period for the first spraying is from the beginning of budding to the beginning of flower blooming;
  3. The second treatment is during the formation of bunches;
  4. The time of the third treatment is before the color of the berries begins to change.

And finally, ***) means that the effectiveness of the drug depends on the weather: the cooler and more humid, the longer. Resp. The minimum interval between treatments also changes.

Note: For more information on using Horus for fruit trees, see the video:

Video: how to use Chorus for fruit trees

About fakes

Oddly enough, there are plenty of counterfeits of such a generally not very popular drug like Horus on the market. Most likely, this is due to the rather high price of the original - $(8-10) per kg; something, but the counterfeiters know how to calculate the “profit”. In principle, a fake can be recognized by the shape, size and dustiness of the granules, see video:

Video: how to distinguish a fake Horus from an original one

But, firstly, this way you can only test a drug that has already been purchased, and money for an opened package can only be returned in court. Secondly, the shelf life of the original product is 3 years. During this time, the type, color and amount of dust of branded granules in branded packaging may change significantly.

Look at pos. 1 pic. The Syngenta logo is circled in red. Buying the right to use a Swiss “label” is very expensive, so counterfeiters “take away” its elements (items 2 and 3), which makes it much more difficult to present formal claims to them. An unlicensed supplier may, quite conscientiously, purchase branded WG in bulk and package it in his own way, pos. 2. In this case, you need to recalculate the price of the package per 1 kg: if it is less than or equal to 10-12 USD, it is definitely a fake. If, in addition, there is rollicking self-promotion on the packaging (highlighted in red in position 2), then it is better not to buy it right away. Just like a product without specifying the supplier's details, no matter how attractive it may look, pos. 3.

So is it worth it?

Horus, as we see, is quite expensive and not a very strong fungicide. Among the means of similar purposes, it does not formally stand out as anything special, see table:

In addition to the table, there is a video review below.

Video: review of fungicide alternatives to Horus

However, firstly, early spring prevention is an effective remedy against fungal diseases of fruits and berries. Moreover, if the harvest or part of it is for sale: for fruits that are quite edible, but with spots, the price will have to be reduced significantly. And here the possibility of using Horus on a ripening harvest also has a significant impact. Just don’t forget: before ripeness begins and at the first signs of disease! Then, if not all, then a significant part of the crop will be saved without compromising its consumer and commercial qualities.

In this material we will look at the instructions for using the fungicide “Horus”, an effective drug that has been recommended both by amateur gardeners and in agricultural production. We will determine the purpose, treatment regulations, dosage and consumption rates of the drug, as well as restrictions and safety.

Fungicide "Horus" is a highly effective drug that combines contact and systemic properties. Used for preventive protection and treatment of pome and stone fruit crops from various diseases - moniliosis, various rots, penicillosis. Widely used for treating grapes against various rots (gray rot, dry rot, etc.) and aspergillosis.

Used in agricultural production and private household plots. For better results, “Horus” is recommended for preventive early spring treatments (from +3°C) and in the early stages of disease development.

Release options for the drug "Horus" from various manufacturers

Composition and dosage form

Active substance - cyprodinil, dosage 750 g/kg

Chemical class of fungicide – anilinopyrimidines,

Preparative form - VDG (water-dispersible granules)

The drug "Horus" is available in various dosages - 1g, 2g, 4g, 15g for private household plots, and 1kg for agricultural production.

Regulations for treatment with fungicide "Horus"

Treatment of grapes for diseases

The drug "Horus" is effective for the prevention and treatment of various rots of grapes (gray, white, moldy, black aspergillus and watery rhizopus).

The grapes are sprayed 3 times during the following growing seasons:

  • Stage 1 – beginning of flowering and budding;
  • Stage 2 – before the berries close in a bunch;
  • Stage 3 – the beginning of coloring of the berries.

Instructions for use of "Chorus" suggest a dosage of the drug in a ratio of 6-7g. for 10l. water.

The waiting period is 7 days.

Treatment of stone fruit crops against diseases

Fruit and berry stone fruit crops (apricot, plum, cherry and sweet cherry) are treated with “Chorus” against the most common diseases - clasterosporiosis, coccomycosis, fruit rot, monilial burn. Treatments are carried out during the growing season by spraying:

a) for the treatment of diseases - the first time upon detection, subsequent ones at intervals of 7-14 days. The last treatment is carried out at least 14 days before harvest.

b) for preventive treatments - the first time before flowering, the second after 7-14 days.

The dosage of the drug is 2-3.5g/10l. water.

Frequency of treatments – 2, waiting period – up to 14 days.

Treatment of pome fruit crops against diseases

Pome crops (apple, pear) are treated with the drug “Horus” for the following diseases:

  • scab,
  • Alternaria blight,
  • moniliosis,
  • powdery mildew (together with other pesticides).

Treatment is carried out by spraying. The first treatment in the “green cone” phase - “end of flowering”, the second and subsequent ones with an interval of 7–14 days

Dosage – 2g/10l. water.

The minimum number of treatments is 2.

The waiting period is up to 28 days.

Features of application

Compatibility and analogues

The drug "Horus" is well compatible with other agrochemicals. It is allowed to be used in tank mixtures with other pesticides in strict accordance with the processing regulations. As analogues, we can recommend the use of drugs, “Strobi”, “Fundazol”, “Topaz”, etc.

Restrictions and security

"Horus" is approved for use in the Russian Federation until 2023, certificate 041-01-176-1.

Release time after treatment for manual work is at least 7 days, for mechanized work - at least 3 days

Hazard class - 3rd class.

Advantages and disadvantages

TO merits should include:

  • complex effect of the drug - protective and therapeutic;
  • “Chorus” is quickly absorbed by the plant, and after 2 hours it is no longer washed off by rain;
  • the drug is not phytotoxic, provided dosages and consumption rates are observed;
  • lack of resistance;
  • the drug has high starting activity and increased eradication ability;
  • works at low air temperatures;
  • low consumption rate of the active substance.

Flaws the drug is not specified, except for those related to restrictions on use in sanitary zones of fishery reservoirs.


In conclusion, I would like to note two important points:

  1. about the need for strict adherence to the regulations and instructions for use of Horus - this ensures maximum effectiveness of the drug;
  2. and the fact that the original drug is produced by the Swiss company Syngenta Crop Protection Co., there are versions of the drug produced in Russia - beware of fakes.

In this video, watch how to distinguish the original drug from a fake.

Minecraft's Chorus is the blocks in the End (Ender dimension) that make up a plant. Can be grown using chorus flowers. Chorus trees are typically 10-15 blocks tall, although a single plant can reach 22 blocks. You need to get the chorus plant with any ax. In the picture below you can see the chorus and flower blocks for comparison - framed and in their natural form. The chorus itself is additionally circled in the screenshot.

Horus grows on the territory of the distant islands of the Land of Flowers (horus) on Endernyak. You can manually plant it in another dimension (also on Endernyak). During growth, additional flowers may appear on the sides. The plant can reach a decent height.

The flowers must be collected before harvesting the fruits (stem blocks) so as not to lose the chorus seeds, because When the lower blocks are destroyed, all the upper blocks are destroyed and fruits without seeds fall out. In survival mode, you cannot obtain the plant stem. When harvested, a stem block has a chance to produce one Horus Fruit. If a block that has the rest of the plant above it is cut down, it will also drop as a drop, with the exception of Chorus Flowers, which must be collected manually.

The fruit of the chorus can be eaten or, more simply put, devoured, restoring satiety. But this can lead to teleportation of the player, and in an unknown direction. Risky?

It is also possible to cook in a furnace in order to then use it to craft purple blocks, which in turn will serve as material for making purple slabs and steps. For example:

Horus is a plant consisting of blocks, can be found in the Land, and can also be grown in any dimension. The Horus Flower grows on the Edge stone, after growth the Flower rises up, leaving in its place another block - the Horus Plant, after several such stages the plant begins to grow to the sides.

Horus can be found in the End, destroyed and mined by hand. It can then be grown in the overworld by planting it on an Endstone block.

Harvesting the Horus Fruit, which is used as food
- Decoration

The first thing that meets us on the distant islands of the End is the corus plant. The Corus consists of Corus Blocks, Corus Flowers and Corus Fruits. When the bottom block is removed, the entire plant is destroyed. To collect flowers, you need to destroy them with your hand, then the flower will fall out with a 100% chance.

If you take several Edge stones with you, then, regardless of the amount of light, and therefore in any place, you can place a charus flower on this block. After some time, (at about the speed of wheat growth) the flower reaches its maximum growth and is replaced by a corus block and a new flower appears at the top. After some time, the flower generates side shoots, forming branches. When a height of 10-15 blocks is reached, growth stops - you can harvest. But if you plant a flower on an already grown corus, growth can continue. In this way an infinitely tall tree can be grown. It's time to harvest.

When you destroy Corus blocks, you can get a Corus fruit from about every third block. It can be used in food. It restores 2 hunger and 2.4 saturation. At the same time, he teleports you within a radius of 8 blocks, so do not eat the corus near lava and abyss. Although when you fall, it teleports you to a hard surface, but this fact does not always work to its full potential and you can suddenly receive damage.