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How to change the start page in Google Chrome. How to change your browser home page

The home page is also called the start page, because it is a tab that opens immediately when the browser starts, unless you have previously set the saving of open tabs - in this case, those pages that were in the browser before it was closed are launched.

This is also the main page that you go to when you click on the Home button. Users are often not satisfied with the start tab, so the question arises of how to change the home page in Internet Explorer. Fortunately, it is changing. This is quite easy to do. Now we'll tell you how.

Why does the start page change?

We all download and install certain programs on our PC. Some of them can change browser settings, in particular, change the start page. This does not mean that the program must necessarily be infected with a virus, but nevertheless, changes have been made. The user may categorically disagree with them, especially if he was not informed about this.

Home tabs can also change due to viruses. If you have not installed any programs, run an antivirus scan of your system. It is likely that you will have at least one. After removing the virus, you can safely change the changed start tab (usually some kind of advertising) to your old one.

As a rule, the starting site is Yandex or any other search engine. This is convenient - you can immediately enter a request without unnecessary clicks.

Windows 8 has two versions of IE. One of them has a classic look, and the second opens from the start screen. The start page changes in two browsers at once. A kind of synchronization.

Method No. 1

We make changes through the settings of the browser itself.

Let's launch IE. Click on the gear icon. Next, there is a choice in favor of the penultimate item “Internet Options”.

Go to the “General” block. In the first section, change the default link to the address of the future start tab. We recommend that you copy it in advance. For example, enter the address of the Yandex or Google search engine.

Click "Apply" and then OK.

Restart your browser. The page will be changed immediately.

The next time you open a new browsing session or a new window (or click the house-style Home button), the home tabs will load automatically.

There may be several starting sites. In this case, you need to place them each time on a new line in the same field.

If you currently have a tab open with the site that you want to make home, click on the “Current” button.

To restore the default home tab, click on the “Original” button.

If after all the procedures the browser somehow starts to work incorrectly, restore it to default settings. To do this, go to the “Internet Options” window and click on the “Reset” button. Next, check the box next to “Delete personal settings” and click on the “Reset” button again. The ability to roll back to the original version of the browser saves you in case of any incorrectly changed settings.

Method number 2

You can also set up your Internet Explorer home page using another method.

  • Go to the Control Panel via Start.
  • We need the “Configuring computer settings” section. Click on the “Internet Options” object. Since IE is a standard browser, it is its settings that can be changed.
  • Go to the “General” block and enter the page url, as in the previous method. The change will also take effect after restarting the browser.

Setting up the start tab in IE will not take much of your time. You can immediately open it in the browser and then just click on the “Current” button so as not to write manually or copy the address from the navigation bar.

The start tab allows you to go straight to the site you want when you launch your browser. There is also an option to install multiple sites. If you press the Home button, several of them will open at once.

Today, the Internet occupies a special place in the life of every person.

Users cannot imagine how they can manage without access to the Internet.

But situations arise when you need to understand the system in detail to improve your skills.

Some users often ask the question: “How to make the Yandex browser the default browser”? Experts will answer all these questions and tell you how to properly install the home page.

To perform downloads, users double-click on specific program shortcuts. At the beginning of the screen, a panel appears, which, in turn, displays the portals visited by users.

Accordingly, information about links and pages that were used before appears in the column. Some links are added manually, since they are practically never downloaded. Therefore, the user can independently perform any actions from his computer, for example:

  • change settings;
  • delete visited pages;
  • install any page you like on the panel
  • configure the program

There is another way to open the page. If you use a navigator program, you can save all your personal data on your computer. In fact, this option is not suitable for those people who share their computer with other users.

Indeed, in this case, access will be open and everyone will be able to use the personal data of another user. To hide confidential information you will need to create additional tabs. Yandex browser offers a button with a “+” sign, which is located on the top side.

Modern browsers provide millions of users with this opportunity to use their favorite home page. However, this action must be performed manually. Since the program asks you to go through certain stages in accordance with the above requirements.

It should be emphasized that in reality the process takes much longer. After all, it is almost impossible to get rid of standard data in the Yandex browser.

How to change the operating mode of the Yandex browser

First of all, you need to open the menu using the icon at the top of the corner. This process optimizes the program's performance. This is necessary in order to use the parameters that serve for the start page. They can be found in the settings in the first paragraph. Often users do not know what to do in this situation and how to set the start page.

In fact, each user has an excellent opportunity to set the necessary parameters independently. After these steps, quick access tabs open with links to various web portals. If a session in the Yandex browser was interrupted earlier, it is possible to restore the browser.

Browser download - add it yourself

To easily load a page, you need to find the installed Yandex browser, which is stored in a specific folder on your computer. In normal cases, this information is saved in system drives, and the file name must necessarily coincide with the name of the program. To clarify the data, go to the “Properties” option. By right-clicking the mouse, a context menu will appear.

To edit a file called “browser.bat”, you need to open the folder with the “Application” attachment. All these folders belong to the Yandex browser. To do this, you will need to use the total Commander file manager.

The last lines that appear on the screen should be changed to another. Seeing the home page of the Yandex browser is very easy and simple. This page will be displayed as a my.com portal. This function must be removed by using the address bar that appears on the screen.

Don't know how to change your home page? For those who are not very familiar with computers or simply do not work on the Internet, this can really be a serious problem. The home page is the tab you'll see first when you open your browser. Many people start working on the Internet with search engines that allow them to answer existing questions; others are only interested in email or a specific site. Why waste time going to this tab if you can configure the browser in such a way that it will show the necessary tab first. It is very comfortable. However, not everyone knows how to change the home page. Let's look at a few of the most popular browsers.

In order to change the home page, you must have an Internet browser installed on your computer, as well as an Internet connection.

Google Chrome

If you are concerned about the issue, you need to follow these steps. Find the key icon to the right, click on it and select the item called “Options”. After this, you need to go to the “Basic” tab. Then, in the “Home Page” field, put a dot next to the item called “Open this page.” All you have to do is enter the required address that you want to see every time you launch your browser. Click on the “Close” button. Now everything is ready. As you can see, the issue of changing the tab that will open when you start working with the browser is solved very simply and quickly, but it allows you to save your time and not enter the site address into the address bar each time.

Mozilla Firefox

If you are wondering how to change the home page in Mozilla, then it is worth noting right away that this process will be very simple. Open Mozilla. In the menu, find the “Tools” item, go to the “Settings” line and click the mouse. A window will open with the “General” tab asking you to choose whether to show the home page, an empty tab, or the tabs that were last opened at startup. Select the required item, and in the address bar for the home page write the address that interests you. Click on “Ok”. Everything is very simple and convenient.

Internet Explorer

Throughout the world, this browser is the most popular and is included in the Windows package, but in Russia it is not considered the most widespread. How to change home page in IE? Everything is quite simple. Launch the browser, find the “Tools” item in the menu and open “Internet Options”. Now on the “General” tab in the window that appears, we are asked to enter the home page address. It should be noted that in the Internet Explorer browser it is possible to enter several addresses, which will open in tabs each time you turn on the browser. This function is quite convenient. Then click “Apply”, “Ok”.

The Opera browser is also included. It works quite quickly and stably and is very reliable. To solve the question of how to change the home page in the Opera browser, you need to click on the “Menu” button with the Opera icon in the upper left corner. Next, select the line “Settings” and “General settings”. You can also use the convenient keyboard shortcut Ctrl and F12. In the window that appears, we are asked to enter the home page or select the current page as the home page. Or we can choose another option, for example, when opening the browser, those tabs that were open during the last session will be shown.

As you can see, changing the home page was quite simple. You can also use other browser settings that will make your work easier and save time, for example, use the quick access panel where you can place links to the sites you visit most often.

Hello, dear readers of the computer help site. In today's article, we'll look at how to change the browser's start page, or in other words, the "home" page that is loaded when it starts, using the example of all known Internet browsers.

Users are not always satisfied with the standard home or start page of the browser; this happens when, for example, the browser comes with the Mail.ru home page installed, but Yandex or Google is required. There is also a situation when the start page changes on its own, after installing any programs or add-ons for the browser, viruses and others are usually to blame for this, I advise you to read the article. Well, if it’s not a virus, but you need to change this page of your own free will, just because you don’t like it or aren’t happy with it, then in this article we’ll figure out how to change the quick access page in your browser.

How to change the browser start page.

Let's look at the example of all the major browsers, starting with the leader of browsers - Google Chrome (Google Chrome).

How to change the start page in Google Chrome.

And so, to change the home page in Google Chrome, you need to click on the settings icon in the upper right corner under the cross, then select “Settings”. In the window that opens, in the “Open at startup” item, opposite “Specified pages”, click on “Add” and enter the address of the desired site there.

If you look a little lower, there will be an item “Appearance” and opposite “Show Home Page button”, you can enter the address that will open when you click on the “Home Page” button:

You can also open the home page using the Alt+Home combination; you can see the full list of Google Chrome hotkey combinations.

How to change the start page in the Opera browser.

To change the home (start) page in the Opera browser, you need to click on the "Opera" icon, then "Settings" - "General settings", or use the hotkey combination Ctrl +.

In the “General” settings window, in the “Home” item, you need to enter the address of the desired site and click “Ok”.

How to change the start page in Mozilla Firefox.

In Mozilla Firefox this is done like this: “Tools - Settings - General” and opposite “Home Page”, you need to enter the site address. Just above, in the line “When you start Firefox”, you can also select the option to open the page when you start Mozilla Firefox; in the drop-down menu you can choose from three options: “Show home page” (the site address specified below will open), “Show blank page" (a blank Mozilla Firefox tab will open) and "Show windows and tabs opened last time" (tabs that were last viewed, i.e., that were not closed, will be restored). In general, if you want the desired site to load at startup, then you need to select the first option “Home Page”, and below enter the desired address and whenever Mozilla Firefox is launched, this site will load.

How to change the home page in Internet Explorer.

"Tools - Internet Options - General", enter the address in the "Home Page" window, then click the "Apply" and "Ok" button. In new versions of Internet Explorer, for example in Windows 8, you just need to click on the settings icon in the upper corner, and in the drop-down menu select “Browser Options”, on the “General” tab in the Home page line, enter the desired address.

How to change your home page in Safari.

In the Apple Safari browser, changing the start page is as easy as in the examples above. To do this, go to the “Settings” menu, then “General”, in the “Home page” item enter the address.

Yandex browser.

Sometimes, users have a question: how to change the start page of Yandex.Browser? The fact is that in this way, as in the examples above, it is not possible to change the page in the browser from Yandex, there is no such option, i.e. it is there, but you can’t set another site to load; the choice only falls on either loading the yandex.ru site, or the quick launch page, or restoring the last open tabs. But you can put another site on the quick access page in another way. To do this, you need to right-click on the Yandex Browser shortcut, select "Properties", on the "Shortcut" tab, in the "Object" line, enter the address of the desired site, thus: browser..ru - enter the site you need.

After this, you need to go to the Yandex Browser settings and select the download method, in the “Where to start” line, select “Open quick access page”.

Now the Yandex Browser has a quick access page installed and when it starts, the site that you specified in the properties will load.

This is probably where the article on changing the quick launch page in the browser ends. If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments.

In today’s article, we’ll look at how to change the browser’s start page, or in other words, the “home” page that is loaded when it starts, using the example of all known Internet browsers.

Users are not always satisfied with the standard home or start page of the browser; this happens when, for example, the browser comes with the Mail.ru home page installed, but Yandex or Google is required. There is also a situation when the start page changes by itself, after installing any programs or add-ons for the browser, viruses and other malware are usually to blame for this, I advise you to read the article on how to remove Webalta from the browser start page. Well, if it’s not a virus, but you need to change this page of your own free will, just because you don’t like it or aren’t happy with it, then in this article we’ll figure out how to change the quick access page in your browser.

How to change the browser start page.

Let's look at the example of all the major browsers, starting with the leader of browsers - Google Chrome (Google Chrome).

How to change the start page in Google Chrome.

And so, to change the home page in Google Chrome, you need to click on the settings icon in the upper right corner under the cross, then select “Settings”. In the window that opens, in the “Open at startup” item, opposite “Specified pages”, click on “Add” and enter the address of the desired site there.

If you look a little lower, there will be an item “Appearance” and opposite “Show Home Page button”, you can enter the address that will open when you click on the “Home Page” button:

You can also open the home page using the Alt+Home combination; you can see the full list of Google Chrome hotkey combinations.

How to change the start page in the Opera browser.

To change the home (start) page in the Opera browser, you need to click on the “Opera” icon, then “Settings” - “General settings”, or use the hotkey combination Ctrl + function key F12.

In the “General” settings window, in the “Home” item, you need to enter the address of the desired site and click “OK”.

How to change the start page in Mozilla Firefox.

In Mozilla Firefox this is done like this: “Tools - Settings - General” and opposite “Home Page”, you need to enter the site address. Just above, in the line “When you start Firefox”, you can also select the option to open the page when you start Mozilla Firefox; in the drop-down menu you can choose from three options: “Show home page” (the site address specified below will open), “Show blank page" (an empty Mozilla Firefox tab will open) and "Show windows and tabs opened last time" (tabs that were last viewed, i.e., that were not closed, will be restored). In general, if you want the desired site to load at startup, then you need to select the first option “Home Page”, and below enter the desired address and whenever Mozilla Firefox is launched, this site will load.

How to change the home page in Internet Explorer.

“Tools - Internet Options - General”, enter the address in the “Home Page” window, then click the “Apply” and “Ok” button. In new versions of Internet Explorer, for example in Windows 8, you just need to click on the settings icon in the upper corner, and in the drop-down menu select “Browser Options”, on the “General” tab in the Home page line, enter the desired address.

How to change your home page in Safari.

In the Apple Safari browser, changing the start page is as easy as in the examples above. To do this, go to the “Settings” menu, then “General”, in the “Home page” item enter the address.

Yandex browser.

Sometimes, users have a question: how to change the start page of Yandex.Browser? The fact is that in this way, as in the examples above, it is not possible to change the page in the browser from Yandex, there is no such option, i.e. it is there, but you can’t set another site to load; the choice only falls on either loading the yandex.ru site, or the quick launch page, or restoring the last open tabs. But you can put another site on the quick access page in another way. To do this, right-click on the Yandex Browser shortcut, select “Properties”, on the “Shortcut” tab, in the “Object” line enter the address of the desired site, thus: browser.exe http://ocompah.ru, where instead of ocompah.ru - enter the site you need.

After this, you need to go to the Yandex Browser settings and select the download method, in the “Where to start” line, select “Open quick access page”.

Now the Yandex Browser has a quick access page installed and when it starts, the site that you specified in the properties will load.