home · On a note · How a bay leaf attracts money home. Bay leaf - signs and magical properties. Spell on a bay leaf in a wallet

How a bay leaf attracts money home. Bay leaf - signs and magical properties. Spell on a bay leaf in a wallet

Every housewife has a seasoning like bay leaf in her kitchen, but not everyone knows about its magical abilities. Our ancestors knew many centuries ago that laurel leaves have powerful power, the main thing is to know how to attract and use it correctly. Bay leaf spell will help cope with many ailments that fell upon you. In addition, it will attract well-being, happiness and financial prosperity into your home, and will also fulfill your most cherished desires.

Laurel - symbolizes triumph and determination to win. Immortality and sinlessness are embodied by its evergreen foliage.

The wonderful story of the appearance of laurel

An ancient legend that has survived to this day tells about the miraculous and mysterious origin of the laurel. It tells about distant times when gods lived and reigned on earth.

One day, Apollo, in high spirits from another victory, met Eros. Noticing arrows and a bow in his hands, the young man began to make fun of and mock the god of love’s shooting abilities. The barbs and ridicule offended Eros, and he decided to teach the bully a lesson. Using his magic bow, he shot a couple of arrows.

  1. The first love arrow was intended for Apollo himself. She became the reason for his mad love for a nymph named Daphne.
  2. The second arrow was intended for the young nymph; it forever deprived her of the ability to love. From now on, love became alien to Daphne.

Apollo's endless love pursuits led to the fact that the girl had to hide from constant embarrassment. Starved and exhausted, she began to beg her father Peneus to turn her into a beautiful fragrant tree. He fulfilled his daughter's request and turned her into a laurel bush.

Young Apollo, in love, twisted a wreath for himself from the branches of this bush and always wore it on his head. And the laurel was marked as a symbol of eternal love and fidelity.

The magical properties of bay leaf

The miraculous properties of laurel have been known for a long time. This plant has a wide range of uses and can attract good luck, health, happiness, and prosperity. The most famous features of lavrushka:
  • Getting rid of negative energy. Bay leaves placed in the corners of rooms in your home will help cleanse the room of negative energy. Fumigating your apartment with smoke will also help expel all evil spirits from your home; to do this, set fire to a few leaves, put them in a frying pan and walk through all the rooms with it.
  • In the role strong amulet may become a bay leaf. Place it in a secret compartment on your clothes and it will protect you from troubles and obstacles in your path.
  • Bay leaf is used to attract finance. Simply by placing it in a hidden compartment on your wallet.
  • Tranquil sleep A few leaves of the plant will give you a gift if you put them under a pillow or mattress. It is also believed that if you put it under your pillow, you will definitely have a prophetic dream.
  • Protection from the evil eye. A sprig of laurel placed at the head of a small child's bed will protect him from the evil eye and damage.
  • He is capable relieve fatigue and give the body strength. At such moments it can be used for aromatherapy.

Features and rules of rituals

Spells with bay leaves have some features like other magical rituals. Following certain conventions will help you avoid failure and get the fastest results.

Features of performing rituals:

  • It is necessary to perform all the actions of the conspiracy only on the waxing moon, since along with it your chances of getting what you want increase.
  • Do not tell anyone about the actions you perform with bay leaves.
  • Do not move charmed amulets or leaves from place to place, they may lose their power.
  • You must believe in what you say and do, otherwise you will not get results.

Spell on laurel to fulfill desires

Among the many rituals and ceremonies, this bay leaf spell is especially famous. To complete this you will need:
  • Bay leaf (choose the largest one).
  • Colored felt-tip pen (gold or silver).
  • White candle.
  • Metal bowl or tray.
With its power, a laurel leaf in the shortest possible time can not only attract money to the house, but also fulfill a cherished desire.

  1. Get alone, light a candle on the table and briefly write down your wish, not on paper, but on a leaf of a plant. Try to visualize the desired object.
  2. Kiss the leaf 3 times, then bring it to the candle and set it on fire.
  3. Place in the prepared bowl and say: “ The power of the Gods and the power of heaven, the dominance of the Universe and the power of miracles. May your wish come true. If I command, so be it!»

Bay leaf spell for money

There are many rituals that are used to improve financial well-being. Among the powerful spells for money and wealth, this bay leaf spell is more effective, therefore it is widely known among many people.

You need to prepare:

  • 3 laurel leaves.
  • 7 gold-colored coins.
  • Paper.
  • Pen or pencil.
  • A small metal container with a lid.
It is performed early in the morning at dawn until noon; this time is the best for it.
  1. Write down the desired amount of money on the paper, then roll it up and place it in a metal container.
  2. As you drop a coin into it, say: “ The coin shines, the coin rings - there are more and more of them in my wallet. The golden ones come from everywhere, where they are not expected. I will never know poverty!»
  3. Place the leaves on top of the container, close and hide the jar.
  4. Every day, replenish it with at least 1 coin and repeat the cherished words.
  5. After 12 weeks, remove the contents of the jar. Z
  6. Wrap the laurel in a piece of paper and bury it, and use the money for its intended purpose.

To keep money flowing, create special magnets. One for each storage location.

Apply a drop of essential orange oil to each leaf and rub it in. Then put them with your money, for example: in a nightstand, chest of drawers, safe or wallet.

Love fortune telling

To attract strong feelings use the bay leaf spell for love. With the help of magical powers, you can attract the attention of your loved one and gain his favor.

For a love spell to work, you must be in contact with the object and have access to his shoes.

  1. Take a bay leaf and say: “ Just as the aroma of laurel intoxicates the head, so I turned the mind of God’s servant (the name of the beloved). Without me, God's servant (beloved's name) would not have eaten bread, drunk water, or been with anyone else. Amen».
  2. This sheet must be placed in the shoes of the object of adoration under the insole.
  3. Prepare a piece of paper for yourself too and place it in your shoes in the same way; to cast it, say the following words: “ As I trample on the laurel, so I trample the mind of the servant of God (the name of the beloved): wherever I step, I am faithful only to my word. Amen».
The shoes used for the plot should be worn for 3 days without changing. Afterwards, remove the laurel from the shoes and store it in a secluded place. If you want to release the object of the love spell, then simply burn the leaf.

You can call a loved one by throwing three leaves into the fire and saying: “Laurel leaves that burn in the flame! Bring the man (name) to me!”

Bay leaf spell for good luck

They attract both wealth and good luck with magical leaves. In order for prosperity to settle in the house, it is necessary to perform a ritual.

You will need 5 leaves and red thread.

  1. When tying a laurel with a thread, you should say: “ Power of laurel, call grace and good luck to my home!»
  2. Then place the amulet you created with your own hands over the doorway to your apartment. Such a thing will be useful for creative people.

A few laurel leaves placed under a rug will help protect your home from envious people. When they fall apart, simply replace them with new ones.

An evergreen tree or shrub is a truly unique plant. Thanks to laurel, a person can not only satisfy his gastronomic desires, but also find good luck in many aspects of his life. The bay leaf spell can be strengthened, if you do it with sincere faith and pure thoughts. A positive attitude towards the success of the event will ensure good luck in magical rituals.

Laurel has played an important role in the symbolism, mythology and religious beliefs of different peoples since ancient times. Numerous references to it are found in the works of ancient Roman and Greek historians, for example, Theophrastus. Such increased attention could not pass without leaving a trace. Therefore, the bay leaf, folk signs about which go back thousands of years, is endowed with many properties. Bay leaves are known to most of us as a culinary herb that gives dishes a more refined taste. This is due to the fact that the Mediterranean is considered the birthplace of the tree, and its natural growth area is far from the northern latitudes.

Laurel has played an important role in the symbolism, mythology and religious beliefs of different peoples since ancient times. Numerous references to it are found in the works of ancient Roman and Greek historians, for example, Theophrastus. Such increased attention could not pass without leaving a trace. Therefore, the bay leaf, folk signs about which go back thousands of years, is endowed with many properties.

Bay leaf: a harbinger of writing

Perhaps everyone knows: if a person finds a bay leaf in soup, the sign indicates that a letter will arrive soon. This superstition has been familiar to many since childhood. Of course, there are no precise statistics to determine the plausibility of this rule. However, the fact that this folk wisdom goes back many centuries speaks of a certain amount of reality.

Moreover, in the age of modern technology, when few people write postal letters anymore, this sign can be interpreted differently. The long-awaited email or message on social networks will not be long in coming. One way or another, finding a bay leaf in a bowl of soup indicates that information communicated by writing text should be expected soon.

Other signs in everyday life

There are a number of properties that bay leaves have in the house, the signs are quite diverse and cover completely different areas of life. As a rule, the presence of this plant in a living room has a beneficial effect on the atmosphere in the family and on the well-being of all household members.

Having grown a laurel tree near your home, you can count on the fact that it will become a kind of talisman for the whole family, protecting it from diseases and troubles. By the way, it can also be planted in the middle zone; laurel tolerates short-term frosts of about -15˚C. Another option is to grow laurel in a pot. It is well suited for breeding at home.

If you put a bay leaf in the shoes of the newlyweds before the wedding at night, the ceremony will take place without unpleasant surprises, and your family life will be happy and long.
If you hide a bay leaf under your pillow at night, the stories you dream about will have a prophetic character.
A laurel leaf attached to the front door frame will help avoid damage, the evil eye and hostile guests.
Laurel is considered a plant that can help lovers strengthen their feelings for each other. To do this, they must together pick a branch from a tree and break it in half.
Carrying a laurel leaf in your inner pocket is considered a talisman against all kinds of accidents and lightning strikes.
If a laurel leaf is thrown into the fire, the energetic crackling sound will be a good sign of upcoming success in business and a happy life. If it burns silently and silently, you should prepare for trouble or even a major disaster.

Bay leaf brings success

Few people know that bay leaves can be used to attract money.

By putting it in your wallet, bag or pocket of everyday clothes, you can count on a sharp rise in business, work and business. After all, this is a symbol of winners since time immemorial, attracting the favor of fortune even today.

A person going for an interview for a position of interest is advised to take with him laurel leaves wrapped in a green cloth or handkerchief of the same color.

For the same purpose, some athletes carry bay leaves with them during competitions, and this peculiar ritual dates back to the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece.

In order to use a bay leaf to attract wealth, just write a laconic wish on its back side and then burn the leaf. You can do the same with any other success-oriented desires.

Another way to help realize your ideas is to write them on paper, wrap them in cloth along with three bay leaves and hide them in a secluded place where no one can find them. After the desired has come true, take out the package and burn it.

The very first cultural mention of the bay leaf can be found in the story of Apollo, dating back to ancient Greek mythology. This god of sunlight fell in love with a beautiful nymph named Defne (translated from ancient Greek it means “laurel”). However, the girl was not in the mood for reciprocity. The constant persecution of a admirer from Olympus forced her to pray to the gods for her transformation into a laurel. From then on it became a sacred and favorite plant of Apollo, who from that moment on constantly wore a laurel wreath. This decoration is still considered a symbol of triumph and victory.

Laurel branches decorated the lyres of many musicians, and musicians and poets wore wreaths from them.

The ancient Romans used laurel in their pagan rituals.

Even in the time of Pliny, there was a sign according to which lightning would never strike a laurel tree. Therefore, the Roman emperor Tiberius always put a laurel wreath on his head during a thunderstorm.

Despite the positive properties that bay leaves have, the signs associated with it are not always joyful. In the Middle Ages, there was a widespread belief that if a laurel growing near a house began to dry up sharply and lose leaves for no apparent reason, the house would soon face an imminent death. This belief was even reflected in Shakespeare's poem "Richard II". One of the characters in this work says that news of the death of the king should soon come: “It’s not for nothing that the laurel in the area is withering.”

Also, the laurel tree was a symbol of immortality and eternity. This idea is associated with statements that even a dried laurel and its branches can again be filled with vital juices after being saturated with moisture. This explains the widespread use of this plant in various funeral ceremonies and rituals, for example, in ancient Britain.

For thousands of years, laurel has been closely associated with various superstitions: if a bay leaf is in soup, a sign of a tree withering, all sorts of ways to use it to attract good luck and wealth. Various signs about bay leaves are the result of centuries-old observations about the connection of laurel with human life and the ways of influencing it.

Please note that this website is for informational purposes only.

When using bay leaves, you should consult a specialist (doctor).

There are contraindications for the use of bay leaves: pregnancy and lactation in women, acute forms of kidney, liver and heart disease, gastric and duodenal ulcers, an allergic reaction to bay leaves, severe diabetes mellitus, etc.

Laurel is a plant that symbolizes greatness and triumph. It is a powerful magical amulet that gives its owner optimism and vitality. Laurel helps to attract financial resources, luck and love, improve health, and protects against dark forces. Its energy relieves fears and gives confidence, which is why bay leaf is used by competition participants and job seekers. With its help, you can also bring the fulfillment of your cherished desire closer.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

The miraculous properties of laurel

Bay leaf is commonly used for:

  • Cleansing the home from negative energy. If there are constant quarrels at home or you need to clear the room of the energy of unpleasant guests, laurel leaves are placed in the corners of the rooms.
  • Protecting your home from negative influences. To do this, tie several bay leaves into one bunch and hang it above the front door.
  • Cleansing the energy field. Bay leaf smoke is often used by fortune tellers to neutralize negative energy after a client with a heavy aura.
  • Have a good night's sleep. A fragrant fabric bag filled with crushed laurel is placed under the pillow. It will attract prophetic dreams and free you from nightmares.
  • Restoring psychological balance. While inhaling the aroma of laurel, tension decreases and emotions subside.

The magical properties of laurel will increase if it is fresh. If it is not possible to get such leaves, you can drop a little essential bay oil onto the dry leaves.

Rituals and rituals for various needs

Bay leaves are used in magical practice to attract good luck, love, and health. No special preparation is required to perform these rituals. They begin to act almost immediately after implementation.

Attracting good luck

Bay leaf helps to quickly attract good luck and positive changes in life. It is recommended to perform rituals on the waxing Moon.

To bring good luck to your doorstep

Take four bay leaves and place them in each corner under the front door mat. Throughout the entire lunar month, leaves will attract good luck to your home.

If the leaves break, they must be replaced with new ones.

Simoronsky ritual for victory and success

If you are going to take part in a contest or competition, it is useful to use this Simoron technique using a bay leaf. To do this, you must crown yourself with a laurel wreath before the competition. You will need a bay leaf, glue, a piece of wire and an appropriate emotional state, since Simoron rituals are characterized by ease and humor.

First, the wreath itself is made. It doesn't have to be perfect. The funnier the craft is, the better. Then you should place this symbol of victory on your head and walk around in it for a while, trying to feel the emotions of the winner. Then you need to stand in front of the mirror and solemnly give a thank you speech. You can thank anyone and anything for your victory - relatives, friends, a cat, cough pills, exchange rates. The funnier the speech, the more useful the ritual for future victory.

Good luck in all matters

The ritual allows you to attract good luck in all areas that are important to a person. To carry it out, they light a white wax candle and write a wish of good luck to themselves on a piece of paper. You can write both general wishes and a blessing for the outcome of a specific case. It should be located in the center of the sheet.

Then you need to draw this wish in a circle with melted wax. A large and even bay leaf is placed on top of the inscription and the words of the conspiracy are pronounced: “Just as a bay leaf accompanies a triumphant on his path, so may Fortune be with me. May all my plans and dreams come true, and may luck smile upon me often.” "I will close the wish with a wax seal and hide it from prying eyes. What I want will come true on time. Amen."

Then these words are said again and the candle is extinguished. The note is folded so that the bay leaf is inside it, as if in an envelope. You should carry it with you and repeat your wish as often as possible.

Fulfillment of desires

The magic of laurel helps to make your cherished dreams come true. Rituals using it attract a sufficient amount of energy to transfer desire from the subtle plane to the real world. To make the rituals work even faster, you should regularly visualize the fulfillment of what you want, filling the dream image with positive emotions.

To make your cherished dream come true

To perform the ceremony you need to take:

  • small fireproof container;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • light wax candle;
  • felt-tip pen.

The sacrament is performed as follows:

  1. 1. You need to light a candle.
  2. 2. Write down your desire with a marker on a bay leaf.
  3. 3. Visualize the fulfillment of what you want.
  4. 4. Kiss the leaf three times, put it in a bowl and set it on fire.
  5. 5. While it is burning, say the words of the conspiracy: “By the power of the Holy Heavens, by the power of great miracles, may my dream come true. As I commanded, so it happened! Amen.”

For seven wishes

Take a yellow thread (floss is suitable) and seven laurel leaves. Then they think of their seven most important desires. Their wording should be extremely specific.

At sunrise it is necessary to make a “ladder of success”. To do this, take one leaf at a time and, pronouncing your wish on it, tie it to a thread on both sides. All the sheets should make a craft in the form of a ladder. It is hung in the kitchen and stored until all wishes are fulfilled.

Rituals for money

Laurel is a powerful attribute for attracting financial well-being. Its power comes from the fact that the plant is directly associated with success and greatness, which often comes with wealth. The unique color palette of the bay leaf, which is reminiscent of dollars and other banknotes, also has the magic of attracting money.

To attract wealth

Take 3 dried leaves and lubricate them with 2-3 drops of essential orange oil. Then they put it where the money is stored - in a purse, wallet, box or safe.

To receive a specific amount

To perform the ceremony you will need:

  • a small jar (suitable for coffee);
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • 7 gold coins;
  • piece of paper.

The ritual is carried out as follows:

  1. 1. Write the required amount of money and your name on paper.
  2. 2. Place a note with three bay leaves in a jar.
  3. 3. One by one, coins are lowered there, simultaneously pronouncing the words of the spell: “The more the coins shine, the more they ring, the more of them I have. Coins will come from where I’m not expecting them at all, they will disperse both adversity and misfortune. So be it! ".
  4. 4. The jar is placed in a secret place.
  5. 5. Every day you should add at least one coin to it, visualizing how the required amount comes from unexpected sources.

For debt repayment

Bay leaf is used not only to attract money, but to get back what you have: debts, lost or lost money.

To perform the ritual you will need:

  • canvas bag or handkerchief;
  • red thread;
  • three whole bay leaves;
  • seven silver coins.

The ceremony takes place at dawn. The sheets are tied together with a thread, at the same time pronouncing the spell: “Lord, All-Merciful! I am not resorting to You out of selfishness, but for assistance in repaying the debt. Grant me a speedy repayment, and grant the debtor a good increase, so that he does not need anything. Other people's money "They won't be found on the road, but let them quickly return to your wallet, for Your glory. Amen."

The sheets and coins are then wrapped in a bag or scarf. They should be buried in fertile soil. You can do this in your garden, garden, or even in a flower pot.

Love magic

Laurel is also useful in matters of the heart. His positive energy will give confidence in relationships and attract happiness to family life.

To give the fan confidence

If a woman has a modest admirer, whose uncertainty prevents him from taking the initiative, the following ritual, which is performed only on Thursdays, will help. A bay leaf is set on fire in a fireproof container and the words of the spell are pronounced on its smoke 9 times: “Glorious, victorious laurel! Give (the name of the admirer) courage. Let it be absorbed into his thoughts, soul and body. Let his courage grow and become stronger every day. And let the fire burn away all doubt; coming to me quickly helps (name). So be it! Amen."

You can perform the sacrament several times. The most optimal time is the waxing moon or full moon.

To get married

If a girl cannot get married for a long time, she can resort to the help of bay leaves. For the ceremony for a quick marriage you will need:

  • three bay leaves (preferably fresh);
  • red thread or thin ribbon;
  • any ring worn by the witch for at least three days.

Using a thread, the leaves and decoration are tied together and placed under the bed. While bandaging, the words of the conspiracy are pronounced: “The Sun and Moon bring love to people. They are in the firmament of heaven for eternity, but everyone can’t get enough of each other. So my love lives forever, brings happiness. To peace, to joy, to a quick marriage. How I said it will be so. Amen."

For a strong marriage

To ensure that newlyweds have a happy and long marriage, one dried laurel leaf is placed in their shoes for the whole night before the wedding. For 2 pairs of shoes you will need 4 sheets.

In the morning, the one who put the leaves should remove them, not forgetting to thank the laurel for its assistance.

For happiness in family life

Take three bay leaves and tie them by the cuttings using a red thread. The composition is placed in the living room, where all household members gather.

When making the amulet, they cast a spell: “The leaves of the laurel rustle in the wind, I will bring the green laurel into the house. The glorious laurel grows in the sun, it will bring family happiness to the house!”

Rituals for work

Laurel will also help you build a career. Rituals using it are useful for those who are looking for work or want to stabilize things in an existing place.

For successful employment

To perform the ceremony, you should take a new handkerchief made of green fabric. It can be replaced with a piece of fabric of the same color. The scarf is spread on the table at one angle towards you. Place 3 cardamom seeds, 1 bay leaf and a rosemary branch (dry or fresh) in its middle. All corners are folded together and tied with ribbon.

This magical herb knot will help boost your confidence during an interview. The dominant role in it is played by the bay leaf, symbolizing victory and success. Cardamom will help you open up in communication and enhance eloquence. Rosemary is the herb of achievement, mental focus and concentration.

Before the interview, you need to take a bundle of herbs in your palm and imagine the entire employment process in your imagination. If the employer refuses or becomes doubtful, this is a sign that this place of work is not suitable for the person.

  1. 1. Write the desired position and salary on a small piece of paper.
  2. 2. After this, the leaf is cut into small pieces, mixed with crushed bay leaves, placed in a frying pan and set on fire.
  3. 3. When all the contents have burned and cooled, you should collect the ashes and wrap them in a banknote of any denomination.
  4. 4. The bundle is carried with you as a talisman.

To prevent the contents from falling apart, you can put it in a small pocket of your wallet or in a ziplock bag.

So that things go well

The following ritual allows you to attract good luck in your work:

  1. 1. Take 5 dried laurel leaves and a small piece of red wool thread.
  2. 2. The sheets must be connected with a thread and placed in a drawer on your desktop.
  3. 3. At the same time, the words of the conspiracy are pronounced: “The laurel is tall and slender! You grew up on a glorious land, under the hot sun. Bring joy and good luck into my life.”

This technique will be especially useful for creative individuals and those who, due to their line of work, have to work a lot with people.

Health promotion

To boost immunity, improve well-being and cleanse the biofield, you can use the following ritual. It consists of placing bay leaves under the mattress during the waxing moon phase. After the lunar month has passed, they are replaced with new ones. The old ones are burned because they absorb negative energy.

When they put the leaves, they say a spell: “I put the bay leaves on the bed, I ask for their protection. Let them absorb the evil illness, and add health and strength to me, good sleep and vigor during the day. So be it.”

Protection from enemies

Laurel is a subtle magical instrument that is sensitive to any negativity. With its help, you can determine the presence of damage in a person, protect a child or adult from negativity from the outside.

Definition of spoilage

The following ritual will help determine whether a person is damaged. To do this, set fire to a dry laurel leaf and see what happens to it:

  • If it does not burn, this indicates the presence of envious people or ill-wishers with strong negative energy.
  • If a leaf smokes, black smoke emanates from it - this is a sign of damage.

Protecting children from the evil eye

A laurel branch attached at the head of a child's bed will protect him from the evil eye, envy and any other negative influence.

If you put a laurel leaf in a schoolchild’s pocket, it will serve as a talisman to protect against the evil eye.

Protection from ill-wishers

To protect yourself from enemies and their intrigues, you should cut the apple into two parts and put a bay leaf in the middle. Then both halves are folded again and tied with green thread. At the same time, the words of the conspiracy are pronounced: “I put a green leaf in a green apple. Wrap yourself tightly with a green thread. Save me from evil, turn spells and slander into dust.”

Then the apple should be buried under a tree in a deserted place. When it begins to decompose, the plans of ill-wishers will begin to be thwarted, and they will not be able to harm the person.

The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

Money has always been my main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the problem is in you, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad force.

But who can help in a difficult life situation, when it seems that your whole life is going downhill and passing you by? It’s hard to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 thousand for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight for the better. I couldn’t even imagine that it was possible to earn so much money that some trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

It all started when I ordered my personal...

Spells with bay leaves for health

The main component of happiness is health. Unfortunately, due to the individual characteristics of each person’s body, pills and various types of medications cannot always cope with the disease. If the disease really does not require serious medical intervention, then try to follow these steps, which will probably contribute to your speedy recovery!

An additional video will help you get rid of the evil eye and damage for free:

Healing ritual with a candle

This healing ritual with bay leaves should be performed on the new moon. First of all, the magic of the leaf helps to increase immunity. To complete it, you will need the following:

  • Dry bay leaf;
  • Church candle;
  • Jug (empty).
You need to stand by an open window, light a candle, and cast a spell against diseases:

“Lord, you are merciful and your heart is kind, send me health, take away illness and all illnesses from me. Add strength to my body, make my legs fast and my head bright. Just as a leaf doesn’t drown in water, I can’t get sick! Amen!"

The laurel leaf should be thrown into a jug and left standing near the window. Wait until the candle burns out completely and bury its stub right in front of the entrance to the house. If you live in an apartment, then you can bury it in a flower pot.

Words to make you feel better

You can read this hex both for the sake of your own health and for the sake of improving the well-being of your loved ones and relatives. In this case, do not forget to insert into the spell words the name of the person for whose sake you are performing the ritual. To improve your health with laurel and a spell, you will need: a thick needle with a large eye and thread. So, take the thread previously threaded into the needle in your right hand, and three bay leaves in your left hand. Start sewing the sheets together and say the magic spell:

“As a thread is strong, so will my health be strong. I sew the leaves together and ward off all diseases. I won’t know any illness or troubles for many years! And so be it!”

Sewn leaves should be used as a talisman for health; it can be placed under a pillow or mattress.

Magic to attract love

A charmed bay leaf is a universal remedy for returning harmony, love and happiness to the family! Do you feel that your partner has cooled towards you, do you dream of returning the former passion, tenderness and sincerity to the relationship? We share the most effective and proven conspiracies!

Edible love spell for a man

Borscht is the most popular dish with bay leaves!

Let a man's heart go through his stomach - a centuries-old fact that confirms itself every time. By preparing your lover a dinner with the addition of a magical ingredient, you will definitely melt his heart and make him look at you with loving eyes.

Before adding a bay leaf to a dish, take it and say a love spell in a quiet whisper:

“As you enhance the taste of my dish, make it better and more appetizing, so the love of “NAME” for me will intensify. He will adore me with all his soul, pamper me, love me, and carry me in his arms! Let it be so!"

A ritual with a leaf for love without consequences, and is accessible even to people who do not have much experience in the world of magic.

Amulet for harmony in the family

For a happy and carefree family life, you will need to create a small composition from laurel leaves, which should be placed above the entrance to your house or apartment. Three laurel leaves need to be connected to each other, tied at the base with a red thread.

When creating an amulet, you need to say, which will endow the talisman with magical powers:

“Just as the sheets are all connected together, so we and the “NAME” (Names) will be forever connected to each other. Our house is a full cup. Only joy and love reign inside. Whoever wishes us evil will have it returned to him three times. Nothing will separate us, neither on earth nor in heaven! Amen!"

People who made a talisman to protect the family note that family relationships are between husbands and wives.

Bay leaf spells for wealth

No matter what anyone says, happiness directly depends on the amount of finances and income level. Well, it’s impossible to fully enjoy all the delights of life if your roof is leaking and your last winter boots are torn. Spells and rituals with bay leaves will allow you to make your business go uphill - you will get a promotion at work, you will find a wallet with a large sum, a sponsor will appear.

Additional video about laurel and quick money:

There is no harm or consequences from money slander on bay leaves. If you do something wrong, you simply won’t see the effect. Spells on bay leaves for money and success are white magic, so it is simply impossible to harm anyone with it.

Ritual with nickels

“Leaf to leaf, grass to earth, moon to sky, ray to sun. I tie the leaves with a strong thread so that wealth will come to my house. I didn’t wash the evil for, but for the sake of a well-fed and drunken life. Lord, make sure that my home is filled with happiness, joy and prosperity, so that my family lives in abundance! Amen!"

Wrap the leaves in a scarf and drip candle wax on top. After this, the charmed amulet must be hidden somewhere near a reservoir. Make sure that no one sees you during the sacrament!

An ancient spell on laurel for wealth

A ritual for money and luxury, which is performed with a bay leaf, a stone and a candle, is a way to get rich quickly. It is important to strictly follow all the rules of the financial ritual, otherwise you will never notice a positive result. You may also be interested in - there are spells proven over centuries.

A video with a bay leaf will help you fulfill all your wishes:

Take three laurel leaves and place a candle on top of each leaf. Arrange them so that they form a triangle. Place a stone in the center and start whispering a magic spell that sounds like this:

“Stone, you are strong and strong. So don’t let misfortune and poverty into my house, take away all the sorrows and sorrows! Let the benefits come and bring joy. My family will live in abundance, then my affairs will always be smooth! May my wishes come true in the shortest possible time!”

In the United States, there was a sign according to which a $2 banknote with the image of Thomas Jefferson was considered unlucky. Americans tried not to pick up these bills or got rid of them as quickly as possible. After almost 50 years, it was decided to discontinue its production.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future.

Bay leaf - signs for all occasions

Bay leaf, familiar to many housewives as a spice, turns out to be capable of not only improving the taste and aroma of food. There are few plants on earth that have such a wide range of magical qualities as the noble laurel.

It symbolizes victory over an opponent and the immortal glory of earthly deeds. He is credited with the ability to control the wheel of fortune and money flows. It is placed in the bed of women in labor, newborns, and in the coffin of the deceased, hung above the door and carried in a wallet. What is the secret of laurel, and how to achieve what you want with its help?

Magical properties of the plant

The magical properties of the plant are due to its origin. He appeared on earth by the will of the Greek gods. They turned the river nymph Daphne, fleeing the persecution of Apollo, into a laurel tree. Since then, this plant has been considered sacred.

For recovery and good luck in business

It is recommended to place laurel in the house when it is necessary to speed up the recovery of a seriously ill person or to attract good luck in business. In addition, it will protect the home from magical effects and the penetration of entities from the other world.

From scandals and quarrels

As a houseplant, laurel is recommended to be used in case of frequent scandals between household members. It is believed that it absorbs and neutralizes negative energy released in excess during scandals.

Protecting yourself and your home

Its branch or leaf, placed above the front door, will protect the house from the machinations of ill-wishers. A bay leaf in your pocket will protect you from an accident. Its presence in your wallet will ensure a stable flow of money.

For clairvoyance

The magical capabilities of the plant allow it to enhance prophetic abilities. Clairvoyants often chew a leaf of a “magic” tree before entering a trance.

Noble laurel - folk signs

There are many signs associated with laurel. It is believed that the plant senses death. Shortly before one of the household members passes away, a tree growing near the house or in a pot indoors withers.

Having a bay leaf helps in the following situations:

  • During competitions, it will increase your chances of winning.
  • In a thunderstorm it will protect from lightning.
  • During an interview for a vacancy of interest, he will ensure the favor of the employer.
  • Placed in the newlyweds' shoes guarantees a happy marriage.

The bay leaf and signs for newborns were not ignored. Thus, its constant presence in a child’s cradle will protect the baby from the evil eye and help to reveal genetically endowed talents.