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How to gain weight quickly. How to quickly gain weight at home. What to feed yourself to gain weight

Excessively thin people rarely seek professional help from specialists (endocrinologist, gynecologist-endocrinologist), because they do not consider this a medical problem. And this is a big mistake, because exhaustion is often caused precisely by pathological changes in human health. Another misconception is that in order to gain weight, you should just eat a lot and everything. Such disordered eating will not only not help solve the problem, but will also provoke the appearance of new ailments, for example, gastritis, heartburn, gastrointestinal dysfunction and others.

Before sounding the alarm and causing panic, you should make sure that you are exhausted and underweight. It is quite simple to establish this; you just need to calculate the body mass index using the formula: BMI = weight (in kilograms) / height squared (unit of measurement - meter). The resulting number will indicate the presence of weight problems, if any (underweight or overweight). So, if a BMI is below 18.5, this is a clear sign of underweight and you should definitely consult a doctor to establish the causes of this phenomenon and find the best ways to eliminate it.

The main danger of low weight is impaired reproductive function. Thus, when the fair sex loses weight to 45 kg, menstruation disappears, fertility is impaired, and men develop problems with potency. In addition, excessive thinness is also not entirely attractive when it is already excessive.
The main causes of exhaustion include:

Low weight and excessive thinness are not always a consequence of pathological changes in the body associated with health. There are other reasons for this phenomenon:

Nutrition for weight gain

In order to gain weight at home, you should know the basic principles of nutrition that will help with this. You should completely forget that you need to eat a lot and give preference to high-calorie foods. Such nutrition will provoke an increase in the amount of fat, lead to metabolic disorders, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, which entails a number of new troubles.
Following simple nutritional rules will allow you to gain weight at home:

Physical activity and procedures that will help you gain weight

It is impossible to achieve an ideal body without performing regular physical activity. Paradoxical as it may seem, sports not only promotes weight loss, but also helps to gain it by increasing muscle mass, and not the percentage of fat. Before starting training, you should consult with a trainer who, using a special device, will determine the amount of fat and muscle in the body and help you choose the most effective set of exercises.
In order to gain weight at home with the help of sports, you should know several nuances regarding the choice of loads and the rules for their implementation:

  • Cardio exercises are not suitable for weight gain, since they, on the contrary, contribute to weight loss, and this is the opposite effect, not at all what you should strive for.
  • The ideal solution is strength training, which will help build muscle mass while increasing weight gain.
  • Before starting training, you should make sure that there are no contraindications to this kind of physical activity (for example, if you have back problems, a hernia, it is better to find an alternative to strength training).
  • The regularity of training should be 3-5 sessions per week.
  • The most effective exercises include: pull-ups, push-ups, squats with dumbbells or a barbell, and more.

How to gain weight for a man

Men also often suffer from underweight, and many strive to eliminate this problem as early as adolescence in order to have a beautiful, fit, pumped-up body. As a rule, weight gain is achieved by increasing muscle mass, which also allows you to create a beautiful body.
Useful tips to help a man gain weight.

In society, it is generally accepted that if a person is too thin, then something is wrong with him: he tortures himself with diets or has problems with the digestive system. Sometimes this is true, but often it is an unfair and unfounded stereotype.

Whether the body is in normal condition can be calculated based on the body mass index. To understand why some people are too thin and how to deal with excessive thinness, you should consider the problem of underweight in more detail.

The main reasons for thinness

There is an extensive list of reasons why people are underweight. The most common ones are:

  1. Anorexia is an eating disorder characterized by a person's sudden refusal to maintain a healthy body weight. Most often, those suffering from the disease are afraid of gaining kilograms. It is a severe psychological illness with physiological side effects.
  2. Genetics. The genetic factor plays a significant role in a person's appearance. Some people are programmed to be thin; no matter how much food they eat, they cannot gain extra pounds.
  3. Hyperthyroidism is a condition that results in increased secretion of thyroid hormones. These hormones stimulate metabolism, as a result of which a person cannot gain weight.
  4. Narcotic substances. Excessive drug use causes serious problems, including weight loss. Addicts can become so disconnected from the world that they either forget to eat or lose interest in doing so. Or they spend all their money on the dose, without thinking about purchasing food.
  5. Anxiety and depression. Anyone who is very nervous for a long time can easily lose weight. However, such weight loss is unhealthy for the human body. With the kilograms, beneficial microelements and immunity are lost. After prolonged depression, it can take a long time to restore your health.

Many underweight people have weakened immune systems. As a result of poor nutrition, people often feel tired, dizzy and faint.

What foods should a girl eat to gain weight?

There are foods that can help people with low metabolic rates gain weight.

If they are taken in the right combination and at the right time, weight will begin to gain quite quickly.

So, what should a girl eat to quickly gain weight:

Avoid foods high in unhealthy fat and sugar. Eating natural and whole foods is the right way to gain weight.

Drinking for weight gain

Regardless of whether a person is thin, weak or short in weight or height, he can still gain weight by adding a few drinks to his meal:

  1. Hot chocolate is a source of vitamins and calcium. High in calories, made from milk, cocoa, sugar, whipped cream and chocolate syrup. Can be a replacement for coffee or tea.
  2. Milkshakes are a healthy and tasty solution. The cocktail contains a huge amount of calories.
  3. Coffee is high in calories and is beneficial for those who want to gain weight. Add whipped cream, chocolate, sugar to it.
  4. Smoothies are a mixture of cream, fruit juices, honey, milk and many nutrients.
  5. Soft drinks lead to rapid weight gain. However, not all of them are healthy; the sugar in some is often harmful.
  6. Mango and banana are high in calories and can be made into juices or smoothies. This is an excellent natural drink that can be consumed every day.
  7. Coconut milk is a rich source of calories and nutrients. Contains a large amount of carbohydrates and vitamins.

These drinks can be part of a fitness regime and consumed on a regular basis. Choose the ones you like the most.

How to gain weight quickly with exercise

To gain weight for a thin girl without compromising her health and beauty, she needs to exercise. Otherwise, you may gain weight around your waist and hips, which will ruin your figure. For new pounds to be distributed in the right places, you need to gain muscle mass (not fat) through exercise. Training tips:

Leave aerobics to warm up for 10 minutes before training. There is no need to do calorie-burning exercises (running on a treadmill), otherwise your efforts to gain weight will be in vain.

How a girl can gain weight in a week: sports nutrition

To gain weight, you need to eat 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight per day for muscle building and recovery. Some of the best sources of protein for weight gain are:

  • steaks;
  • chicken breast, thighs;
  • tuna, salmon, mackerel, sardines;
  • yogurt, cottage cheese, milk;
  • eggs.

The macronutrient ratio of carbohydrates and fats is not very important. The main thing is that the girl eats more calories than her body can burn. Fill the rest of the food with healthy carbohydrates and fats.

Don't make the mistake of avoiding carbohydrates and fats for fear of gaining fat. Carbohydrates and fats contain more calories than proteins. However, without consuming them, it will be more difficult and expensive to gain weight. People are unable to gain muscle and weight without gaining a drop of fat.

To gain kilograms, increase the number of meals. Increase the total time of day for eating food - wake up earlier and have breakfast. Many girls don't eat anything for breakfast.

Sandwich for lunch, pizza for dinner. Their feeding time is less than 10 hours. Therefore, they cannot gain weight - two meals, with zero calories until lunch.

An example of a meal plan for gaining kilograms:

You can purchase sports nutrition, in particular dry cocktails with different flavors. They are intended for women and men who want to increase their weight and gain muscle mass. The cocktails are balanced, contain fiber, protein, and vitamins.

What pharmaceutical drugs will help you gain weight faster at home?

Some drugs will help you gain weight quickly, but you need to figure out how they will affect a specific person yourself:

  1. Oral contraceptives affect a girl’s hormonal levels, thereby causing weight gain. Some athletes use this option. Oral contraceptives are sometimes prescribed for people with anorexia. Popular drugs: Logest, Novinet Mercilon, Midiana.
  2. Brewer's yeast regulates the metabolic process, replenishes the deficiency of vitamins of various groups, in particular. Yeast normalizes intestinal function and improves appetite.
  3. Nutrizon is a protein substance, sold in bags or bottles. Improves the absorption of nutrients, normalizes the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

Remember that taking any medications without a doctor’s prescription can have negative consequences. It is better to consult and choose an individual treatment method.

How to maintain a healthy lifestyle for a girl when gaining weight

To maintain a healthy lifestyle, maintaining a healthy diet and being active is not enough to be considered “healthy.” You should include the following tips in your daily routine:

The main thing is to take responsibility for your life to create a healthier lifestyle.


By following simple tips, you can start gaining pounds within two weeks.

More tips on how to gain weight in the next video.

A lot has already been said about various diets and ways to lose extra pounds, but finding information on how to gain weight quickly is not easy, and there are several proven methods that will help you gain weight.

How can you gain weight quickly by changing your diet?

It’s worth clarifying right away that if a person’s goal is not just to gain weight, but to gain weight without harm to health, it is necessary to abandon the strategy called “eat everything,” since it obviously will not work. The first thing you should do to gain weight is to change your diet to include as much protein food as possible, for example, chicken, turkey, buckwheat, and dairy products. Protein is essential for gaining muscle mass, so it should make up approximately 55-65% of your total daily diet.

Next, you should review the timing of meals and the amount per day. Ideally, you should have breakfast 20-30 minutes after a person wakes up, an hour and a half after that you should have a snack, then after 2-2.5 hours you should have lunch. Between lunch and dinner, you also need to take another meal, the so-called afternoon snack, and before going to bed, drink a glass of milk or kefir.

Now let's talk about a sample menu, following which you can both quickly gain weight and safely gain weight. For example, a daily diet might look like this:

  1. Breakfast - cottage cheese with honey, fruits and nuts, tea or coffee, a sandwich of grain bread with cheese or natural ham, banana.
  2. Snack – a glass of milk and grain toast with honey, fruit.
  3. Lunch - a portion of any soup, boiled rice, vegetable salad with dressing from, a portion of steamed chicken breast, tea or coffee with dessert, for example, ice cream.
  4. Afternoon snack – milkshake or yogurt, fruit.
  5. Dinner – buckwheat with turkey and vegetable salad, or boiled potatoes with steamed fish.
  6. Before bed - a glass of milk or kefir.

There are quite a lot of products and dishes that allow both a woman and a man to quickly gain weight, for example, you can use any fermented milk products as a snack, and serve lentils, beans or vegetable stews as a side dish. Therefore, the menu will be quite varied, and you will not suffer while adhering to this nutrition plan.

How can skinny people gain weight quickly by playing sports?

To harmoniously gain muscle mass, you can and should attend strength training. At home, strength exercises will help both women and men recover quickly. Guys are recommended to do push-ups, pull-ups on the bar, exercises to develop biceps and triceps with dumbbells, and squats.

Girls can try using various video courses by such authors as Denise Austin, Jillian Michaels. Such classes can easily be done at home, just choose courses aimed at creating a beautiful silhouette, and not at losing weight, for example, Denise Austin has an excellent “Training Camp” complex, the second part of which will be entirely devoted to solving this problem.

If there is no opportunity to use video courses, then you can do exercises yourself such as lifting the body from a lying position, push-ups, squats with dumbbells. The number of approaches of each exercise should be at least 2, but no more than 4, and the number of repetitions depends on your physical condition, you can start with 5 - 10, gradually increasing their number. Don’t forget to stretch, so your muscles will quickly take on beautiful shapes. It is enough to train every 3-4 days for 30-40 minutes, so even a very busy girl can find time for classes.

Boys rarely ask themselves the question: “Why am I so thin?” The problem worsens in adolescence, when they measure their strength, begin to be interested in the opposite sex, and are ranked according to the rating of “male beauty.” Then it turns out that girls are more willing to be friends with athletic, well-built men. They deprive attention of loose fat people and “eternal teenagers” with sunken chests and thin necks. The desire to gain weight, look good and be liked by girls is possible: you need to work smartly on your character and body.

Where do skinny men come from?

The first thing to do is to establish the cause of thinness: it can be pathological and physiological.

Pathological thinness

Sudden weight loss is caused by diseases such as:

If within 1-2 months the loss is more than 5% of weight, the first right step is to visit a doctor, first a therapist, and then a specialist. It will not be possible to gain weight with such diseases.

Nervous disorders are a particularly common cause of weight loss.

  1. Stress forces the human body to work in high alert mode. All its resources (fat, protein) literally burn, turning into carbohydrates - a source of energy for the body. Even increased nutrition during periods of stress will not help a person gain weight.
  2. Depression is a consequence of prolonged stress. It is associated with decreased vitality, lack of appetite and, as a result, weight loss.
  3. Anorexia is a mental illness caused by the fear of being fat. The guy exhausts himself with diets and intense physical activity, becomes incredibly thin, but is convinced that he needs to lose weight.

In such cases, consultation and treatment with a psychotherapist and psychiatrist, sedatives, vitamins, and psychotropic medications are necessary.

Physiological thinness

  1. Body type with its own metabolic characteristics.

The tendency to be thin may be an innate predisposition. According to their bodily constitution, all people are divided into three types:

  • endomorphs - hypersthenics;
  • mesomorphs - normosthenics;
  • ectomorphs - asthenics.

Thin and tall men with a small layer of subcutaneous fat, elongated muscles on thin bones belong to the type of ectomorphs or asthenics. Their feature is an accelerated metabolism (metabolism), in which the fat layer does not have time to form, and muscle building occurs with great difficulty.

Improper nutrition nullifies all attempts of asthenic people to gain weight. People with asthenic build should eat often and a lot. But they don’t have a big appetite, and they eat 1-2 times a day. The body replenishes only energy costs and does not receive material for building muscles.

The disturbed mode of work and rest in the matter of weight gain is of fundamental importance: people get better in their sleep. Chaotic and insufficient sleep, nutrition on the go is a clear sign that the asthenic will not have smooth outlines or relief muscles.

Is it really necessary to gain weight?

Do you need to gain weight? Two formulas derived back in the 19th century will help answer this question.

1. Broca's formula is suitable for men with a height of 155 cm to 170 cm.

Weight \u003d (Height - 100) - (Height - 100) * 0.1

Let's say a guy is 170 cm tall, his normal weight will be:

(170 - 100) - (170 - 100) * 0.1 = 70 - 7 = 63. If the weight is 1–2 kg less than normal, then care must be taken to increase it.

2. The international indicator of the correspondence of height and weight is the Body Mass Index. This formula appeared at the end of the 19th century.

BMI = Body weight/Height2 (squared)

Body weight is taken in kilograms, and height in meters. This indicator is universal and has no restrictions on growth. The calculated indices are compared with the recommendations developed by the World Health Organization:

Table: relationship between mass index and body weight

So, if the body mass index of a young person under 25 is less than 17.5, and there are no serious illnesses, then he needs to increase his body weight. Excessive thinness is dangerous to health and has negative consequences.

  1. Immunity is weakened, diseases cling one after another: herpes, colds, sore throats, flu, etc.
  2. The bones become thin, the spine curves towards the digestive organs and squeezes them; food is poorly digested; appetite worsens.
  3. Nervousness increases, mood drops, fatigue does not go away.
  4. Tissues and organs quickly age and wear out, hair turns gray, and nails break.
  5. A very thin person quickly freezes, every wound on the skin threatens with complications, because there is no fatty protection. The lack of fat deposits under the skin deprives the body of energy reserves.

How can you gain weight quickly?

Getting better for an asthenic person is a difficult task. You need to radically change your lifestyle: first, change your diet; secondly, start training your body; thirdly, observe the work and rest schedule.

Proper nutrition management consists of several sequential steps.

Calculating your daily calorie intake for weight gain

Let's start with the Harris-Benedict formula, which determines the basic metabolism - the basic number of calories to maintain the vital activity of the body itself:

GV = 88 + (13.4* weight) + (5*height) - (5.8*age)

If a guy with a height of 180 cm weighs 70 kg, he is 25 years old, then the base amount will be equal to:

88 + (13.4*70) + (5*180) - (5.8*25) = 88 + 938 + 900 - 145= 1781 kcal/day.

This number of calories must be multiplied by the activity coefficient. It depends on the intensity of the loads that a person has during the day.

  • Sedentary lifestyle: sedentary work, passive rest - the coefficient is 1.2.
  • Active days fall 1-2 times a week: work in the country, jogging, training - 1.3.
  • 2–3 days a week playing sports or physical work - 1.5.
  • Long-distance running, daily training or constant physical work - 1.7 - 1.9.

Let's say our guy spends 3 days a week in the gym, then he needs to consume a day:

1781 * 1.5 \u003d 2775.5 kcal / day.

These calories will only replenish his energy costs. To increase weight, you should add another 400–600 kcal to the norm, because muscles are not built from air. More than 3000 kcal should be consumed daily by an asthenic in order to achieve weight gain.

Diet Definition

In men, weight is added through an increase in muscle mass, this is achieved by a balanced ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

  • Proteins are the building material for muscles. You need to eat 2–2.5 g of protein for every kilogram of weight. With a weight of 70 kg, this will be 140-180 g of protein, which is 560-720 kcal or 20-25% of the diet. Especially useful: chicken meat; eggs; mackerel, herring, red fish; cottage cheese.
  • Carbohydrates. Asthenics have significant energy costs, this is due to an accelerated metabolism. Therefore, carbohydrates occupy a central place in nutrition. They are consumed at the rate of 4-6 g per 1 kg of weight, i.e. 280-420 grams per day, which is equal to 1100-1700 kcal or 60% of the diet.
  • "Fast" carbohydrates (sweets, fruits, pastries) are high in calories, restore energy costs well, but do not stay in the body for a long time. "Slow" - with a long chain of decomposition reactions - play an important role in the formation of muscle mass. These include porridges: buckwheat, oatmeal, rice; pasta, potatoes; apples, bananas, zucchini, tomatoes.
  • Fats are needed in an amount of 1–2 g/kg of weight; for a weight of, for example, 70 kg, this will be 70–140 grams per day. It is better not to get carried away with saturated fats (butter, pork, fast food), they are absorbed only by 25-30%. Unsaturated: vegetable oil, nuts, are 100% digestible and should prevail in the diet over animal fats.

Carbohydrates play an important role in gaining muscle mass

The right approach to food

For an asthenic person this is perhaps the most difficult thing. Lack of appetite forces him to eat when the body is literally screaming about the lack of calories to live. This means that all minor fat reserves have already been burned, and muscle tissue begins to break down. In order to provide yourself with energy, and even have the material to gain weight, you need to regularly add the appropriate amount of calories into the “metabolic furnace”: you need to eat often and the food that is needed at the moment.

A hearty breakfast is absolutely mandatory for an ectomorph: eggs, cereal, bread, coffee - this is a charge of energy + building material for muscles. Between the main meals there should be 3-4 intermediate meals: energy refueling in the form of fruits, sandwiches, juices. Protein lunch with good portions of meat, fish, potatoes, vegetable salads. An hour before training and immediately after them - a light snack of "fast" carbohydrates (fruits, sweets), restoring energy reserves +. In the evening - cottage cheese, milk, kefir - sources of "night" proteins, because weight gain occurs at night.

Table: how to eat right to gain weight

Meals First option Second option Third option
First breakfastButter (60g), porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice), black bread, coffee, jam.Three egg omelette with rye bread, canned corn (1/3 can), grapes or melon; black tea with jam.2–3 eggs (boiled or fried), cheese, oatmeal (buckwheat, rice), 1–2 tsp. flaxseed oil, bread, tea or coffee.
LunchA sandwich with butter or sausage, a glass of milk.Bread, cheese, juice or kefir, a handful of nuts or dried fruits.Fruits (apple, banana), protein shake.
DinnerMeat broth with pasta, meat or fish (100–150 g), potatoes (fried or mashed), vegetable salad.Soup, potatoes with meat or fish, vegetable salad, compote.Vegetable salad, meat (chicken, beef), rice or potato bread.
“Refueling” before training Oatmeal, banana, tea with a chocolate bar.Fruits.
after training
Chocolate bar, bananas, gainer.
DinnerPorridge or cottage cheese with sour cream, vegetable salad, sandwich with butter or sausage.Rice or buckwheat porridge, green peas (1/3 of a jar), berries, apple, orange (depending on the season); green tea.Fish or poultry, cereal, juice.
Refueling before bed A glass of kefir or milk.Cottage cheese, kefir.

It is necessary to eat food at the same time, only then will the body be ready for the next dose of calories: enzymes are released and appetite appears. The best way to increase appetite is diet, a great desire to gain weight and look beautiful.

A set of products for weight gain in the photo

Meat is rich in protein and contains naturally occurring creatine Eggs are a source of proteins that the body needs every day Cottage cheese is rich in casein, which provides the body with long-acting protein Fruits and vegetables provide the body with many nutrients, vitamin C and E, beta-carotene Nuts are a rich source monounsaturated fats

The sweat of your brow increases your weight

The second condition for increasing muscle tissue is muscle training, although they do not grow due to physical activity. Training causes fatigue in the muscles and triggers the restoration mechanism of muscle fibers, which grow during the rest period (if there is building material for this!).

“Fat people” have to run and move, burning calories, while the lot of asthenics is to “carry iron.” No matter how scary it may be for their fragile bones.

Classes consist of basic exercises with dumbbells and a barbell: bench press - for the shoulder and pectoral muscles; squats - to increase legs; deadlift - for a powerful back. But not all exercises are immediately suitable for beginners; you can damage joints and tear ligaments. Therefore, the training program and types of exercises must be determined with the trainer.

Video: basic exercises for gaining muscle mass

Some rules for gaining weight:

  1. The repeated effort method is the most effective at increasing muscle mass. The main thing here is not the magnitude of the load, but the repetition of the exercise “until muscle failure” until there is no strength to make the next jerk. During the last jerks, a “burning” appears, which indicates extreme stress in the trained muscle and the creation of conditions for its growth during the rest period. A short rest - 0.5–2 minutes - and a new approach. Three to four approaches provide maximum load for the muscles.
  2. Mandatory rest and relaxation (5-10 minutes) after performing one exercise before approaching another.
  3. Algorithm for increasing loads: if your own weight has increased by 1 kg, the number of repetitions of the exercise should be increased by 10, or the weight of the barbell by 2 kg. It is not recommended for thin people to work with one weight for more than a week: muscle growth will not occur.
  4. Classes should be no more than three times a week, muscles should rest and recover, this is when their growth occurs.
  5. The best time to work out in the gym is in the evening, from 20 to 22 hours.

At home, pull-ups on the horizontal bar are required - for a sculpted back and shoulder girdle; push-ups that tighten the pectoral muscles.

Steroids - hormonal drugs - allow athletes to quickly increase muscle mass before competitions. In ordinary life, they will lead to hormonal imbalance and liver disorders. Flexing your biceps on the podium and then falling down with a diseased liver is not an option for a happy life.

Preparing gainer at home

Gainer is a biologically active food supplement rich in protein and carbohydrates; means for gaining muscle mass.

1. “Chocolate lard” - an ancient folk remedy known to our great-grandmothers. With its help, you can gain weight up to 1.5 kg per week.

  • 400 g lard;
  • 6 green apples;
  • 12 egg yolks;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 100 g chocolate.

Cut the lard and apples into small pieces and heat in the oven at moderate temperature, then rub through a sieve. Grind the yolks with sugar and mix with the shaved chocolate. Mix all. Spread the delicious chocolate mixture on bread and wash it down with hot milk.

2. A sports gainer can be prepared from available materials. You can drink it after training and between meals up to three times a day.

  • Eggs - 2 pcs;
  • Milk 2–3% - 400 ml;
  • Honey - 1 tsp;
  • Wash the eggs thoroughly, break them into a bowl, add milk, add honey and mix with a blender.

All men who managed to overcome their thinness and turn from an “ugly duckling” into a swan adhered to three golden rules. Here they are:

  • adherence to a protein-carbohydrate diet;
  • strict diet and sleep regime;
  • thoughtful bodybuilding exercises.

Every healthy guy can gain weight and make his figure masculine. To do this, you need to make a balanced diet, regularly give a feasible load to the muscles, allocate time for recovery. There is nothing supernatural in this, so everyone can become a sculptor of their own figure.

Some people dream of losing extra pounds, others don’t know how to gain weight quickly. To do this, you need to force the body to expend fewer calories than it consumes. By changing your metabolism (metabolism), you can gain weight in a short period of time not only by increasing body fat, but also by growing muscle mass. Therefore, you cannot do without regular training. And in the future, the ratio of fat and muscle supports metabolic reactions that prevent both weight loss and obesity.

Eating fatty foods can cause you to gain weight because such foods are high in calories. With one gram of fat, 8 kcal enters the body, which is 2 times more in comparison with protein foods. But attractive-looking foods containing significant amounts of fat lead to overeating. When compared to foods rich in carbohydrates and proteins, the body requires less energy to process. It turned out that fitness classes help you quickly gain weight on such a diet due to the growth of fat mass, not muscle mass. Giving the body a load after a heavy meal, carbohydrates are converted into fat, and not into fatty starch - glycogen, i.e. form of storage of glucose in cells. When there is a sudden lack of glucose in the blood, the body uses glycogen reserves.

Exercising leads to a lack of glycogen and the production of the hormone cortisol, which inhibits fat burning, conserving the body's energy resources. Cortisol, in addition, leads to a decrease in muscle tissue volume.

More precisely, not the refusal of food itself, but the consequences - restoration of health. Poor nutrition interferes with the absorption of food and proper digestion. But, digestive disorders prevent you from gaining weight. In this case, even a menu of quality products, as well as a balanced intake of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, cannot change the situation. A person loses strength due to incomplete absorption of food, which causes health to deteriorate. If food is incompletely absorbed and waste is poorly eliminated, there is no point in increasing the portion. On the contrary, the body needs time to completely remove harmful substances, after which the system will work at full capacity.

When fasting, you are allowed to drink only distilled water.

After the end of fasting, you should not immediately eat your usual food. It is recommended to go on a fruit and vegetable diet for some time, during which you need to walk in the fresh air and do physical exercise.

After several courses of fasting, even at home, you can quickly recover.

How to eat to gain weight quickly

You need to eat right. Those who want to gain weight quickly should care about muscle growth (hypertrophy), and not about increasing overall mass due to the growth of adipose tissue.

The volume of muscle mass decreases with insufficient intake of the right calories, so in order to quickly gain weight, you need high-quality nutrition. Besides this, training is needed. Only by fulfilling these two requirements will it be possible to increase muscle mass. It is clear that building muscle is more difficult than increasing fat tissue.

The main role in getting well quickly is played by individual characteristics: the body’s ability to synthesize protein, the hereditary ability to grow muscle fibers, and testosterone levels.

To quickly gain weight, you do not need bulky foods, such as oatmeal and whole vegetables, which, filling the stomach, cause a quick feeling of fullness, but you need high-quality food. Otherwise, muscle tissue growth does not occur due to a lack of calories.

Taking into account the daily value of the menu helps you get better quickly, because for the result you will have to balance:

  • with a high calorie diet, weight gain occurs due to the growth of fat deposits;
  • With insufficient nutrition, muscle mass growth does not occur at all or very slowly.

In the first case, you will have to reduce the calorie content by 10 percent. If your calorie intake is reduced further, muscle growth will stop.

When drawing up a training plan, do not forget about cardio exercises, which speed up metabolism, increase appetite, and help restore strength. But, for those who want to recover quickly, it is important to maintain a balance between cardio and strength training. Cycling and running exercises help remove fat deposits. But, you don’t need to train too intensely so that the growth of muscle mass does not stop.

If the goal is to get better quickly, then it is enough to dedicate 10 minutes to warming up before training.

Menu for weight gain

A protein diet helps you recover quickly even if you are physically exhausted.

  • For breakfast, buckwheat porridge, soft-boiled eggs, orange juice.
  • In the interval between breakfast and lunch, in order to satisfy your hunger, you are allowed to eat a sandwich with cheese, an apple, or a casserole.
  • For lunch, prepare pureed pea soup, potato casserole, boiled meat, and apple juice.
  • For an afternoon snack, milk and cottage cheese, crackers, and orange juice are recommended.
  • Dinner: vegetable puree, fish, wheat porridge, tea.

You are allowed to eat a little bread during the day and sugar (up to 30 g). It helps to quickly recover from the use of fresh bananas, which contain salts of magnesium, potassium, many nutrients, vitamins easily absorbed by the body.

A couple of bananas eaten a day will eliminate fatigue, tones up, cheer up, improve memory and attention, and cleanse the body.

The diet of Japanese sumo wrestlers includes bananas with rice. They are recommended to be included in the menu for weightlifters and wrestlers.

How much protein do you need for muscle growth?

Depending on individual characteristics, it is possible to build up to 0.5 kg of muscle per week, which requires 3500 kcal. To achieve this result, the daily diet will have to be increased by 500 kcal, which will give the necessary 3500 kcal per week.

That is, for a girl or a guy who wants to get better quickly, you need, firstly, to increase by 300-500 kcal per day, and secondly, sign up for a gym where they must do weight training, and this is an additional 100 -200 kcal.

This figure will be 2400 kcal per week (300 kcal x 7 days + 100 kcal x 3 workouts).

This means that every day you will have to absorb 342 kcal more than usual (2400 kcal / 7 days), i.e. in total, the number of daily calories will be 2500 + 342 = 2800.

Protein in 300 grams of muscle contains 20% (60 g), therefore, in order to gain 300 g weekly, protein should be 9 grams per day (60/7).

The following products contribute to the growth of muscle mass, therefore, to increase the caloric content of the diet, it is recommended to include them in the menu:

  • corn, olive, sunflower oil (reduce consumption of unsaturated fats);
  • lean meat, fish, poultry;
  • legumes;
  • seeds and nuts in small quantities;
  • rice, pasta, muesli.

Foods containing protein that will help you gain weight quickly

Products Serving Size Protein content (g)
Milk and dairy products
Low-fat cottage cheese 50 g 9
Yogurt, milk 1 glass 8
Cheese "Gouda", "Eden" 30 g 8
Cheeses: Adyghe, rustic, homemade 30 g 3
Fish, meat, poultry
Beef 30 g 8
Chicken meat 30 g 8
Turkey breast 30 g 8
Fish 30 g 7
Egg 1 6
Soybeans cup 31
Lentils cup 19
Beans, peas cup 17
Pasta, cereals, bread
Boiled spaghetti cup 5
boiled rice cup 3
Loaf, bread slice 2
Baked potatoes 150 g 3
Green peas ½ cup 5
Carrot big 1
Apple, banana, orange medium size 1