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How to learn to save money and save. Top proven ways to save money in your family. Changing eating habits

How to learn to save money with a small salary? How to save money in a family and calculate the family budget? Is it worth saving on food, groceries and electricity?

Hello, dear friends! Denis Kuderin is with you.

Each of us strives to live better, and for almost any person (family), sooner or later the question of saving money arises. After all, money must not only be earned, but also distributed wisely. It is a fact.

Today I will share my practical experience and tell you what money-saving techniques I use myself and what you need to do so that your expenses do not create financial problems for you.

Using my techniques and techniques described in the article, you can actually save up to 50% of your funds.

So, let's begin!

1. Saving the family budget is an important financial habit.

The first thing you need to understand is that saving does not mean reducing your standard of living. This is a competent optimization of your own budget. It is quite possible that a more reasonable approach to finances will even improve your standard of living, since the costs of bad habits and equally harmful products will be reduced.

Small but regular unnecessary expenses gradually grow into large sums, and holes appear in the family or personal budget that cannot be filled with anything. Saving money wisely is an art: mastering it requires perseverance and patience. But having learned how to save money, you will learn not only to avoid unnecessary spending, but also to make profitable financial investments.

Saving does not mean living poorly, eating poorly and denying yourself everything. Such savings will do more harm than good.

In this article we will talk about a completely different kind of saving - about the reasonable distribution of your budget, which will allow you not only to avoid unnecessary expenses, but also to start saving money.

By the way, having a goal is a great motivating factor.

The main thing is to understand how to start saving money, and then the right attitude towards financial spending will become a kind of habit.

The transition to reasonable savings is carried out in stages:

  • First you need to divide all expenses into necessary and unnecessary;
  • Then the regime for using paid resources (electricity, water, communications) should be reviewed;
  • Next – optimization of diet and spending on food;
  • Another necessary step is to set aside a certain percentage of saved finances: it is better if the money does not lie as a dead weight, but works.

Even if you manage to save only 10-20% of your monthly budget, this will allow you to create impressive savings in just 6-12 months. I repeat once again that saving money should not be perceived as a forced period of self-restraint. A reasonable attitude towards finance is an opportunity to change your life for the better.

2. Is it worth saving on food, groceries and electricity?

Saving on food and energy resources does not mean living from hand to mouth, sitting in the dark in the evenings and walking to work. Optimization involves eliminating unnecessary expenses; however, all important and necessary expenses remain. A reasonable approach to nutrition will be discussed in a separate section. Proper use of electricity is all the more important with the constant increase in energy tariffs.

And remember that it is not the poor who save, but the smart!

How to save on electricity

Experts advise adhering to the following 5 simple rules:

  1. Proper useelectrical appliances. For example, phone and tablet chargers that are plugged in continue to consume energy even when the gadgets are not connected. The same applies to various household equipment - televisions, music speakers.
  2. Using the correct size cookware for electric stoves. Electric stoves will consume less energy if you use cookware that exactly matches the size of the burner: in this case, the stove will not waste heat in the kitchen, which means the efficiency of heating the food will increase.
  3. Smart setting of the refrigerator. The refrigerator should be located as far as possible from the stove, so it will consume less electricity.
  4. When you turn on the washing machine, monitor the load rate of laundry - an excessive amount (as well as an incomplete load) leads to excessive consumption of electricity by 10-15%.
  5. Turn off electrical appliances at night. It is better to unplug most electrical appliances at night, as well as during your absence during the day.

When purchasing household appliances, pay attention to the energy consumption class. Devices with low electricity consumption tend to be more expensive, but the difference quickly pays off due to further savings during operation.

Turning off the lights after you leave the room is a useful habit, but not everyone has it. Purchasing infrared sensors will allow you to save on electricity without unnecessary movements.

Conventional light bulbs should be replaced with energy-saving ones. Also think about zone lighting: bedside lamps in the bedroom are much more economical than three-arm chandeliers. You can also buy a thermos, which will eliminate the need to heat water in an electric kettle several times a day.

3. How to save and save money - 10 proven methods

There are proven ways that will allow you to save money even with a small salary. I use many of them myself and recommend them to my friends and acquaintances.

Method 1. Setting financial priorities

A rational approach to spending is the basis of reasonable savings. Managing a family budget is a kind of management that works exclusively for you. You need to understand that your financial well-being depends on the correct use of the funds at your disposal.

Money can be spent with or without benefit. But how can you determine how useful a waste is? Let's try to figure this out.

Spending, first of all, depends on the lifestyle we lead. The younger a person is, the more temptations he has. Lack of experience leads to making a large number of mistakes, including financial ones. Young people often buy things that they do not need at all - simply succumbing to the influence of advertising, fashion, and the advice of friends.

Make a list of necessary expenses and those that are not vital. Perhaps some items can be crossed off the list of expenses.

Urgent expenses are expenses for food, rent, loans (if any). Less urgent – ​​investments in knowledge, savings, funds for family vacations.

Completely non-urgent ones - buying fashionable clothes, visiting restaurants, entertainment, buying household goods, buying new gadgets, and other purchases that can be postponed or not made at all.

The last category is the one you need to work with first. It is important to understand what our defining goals and life values ​​are. If fashionable clothes are more important to you than education and investing in the future, then the amount of unreasonable spending is unlikely to decrease. The same goes for visiting restaurants, expensive cafes and entertainment venues.

It is also important where the money saved is directed. The most appropriate option is to invest finances in assets that will allow you to have and receive profits in the future without being directly involved in the work process.

Method 2. We use the “Pay yourself first!” rule.

The principle of “pay yourself first” means that from any financial income you must first set aside a certain percentage in order to further invest these funds in your own business or, as a last resort, set aside. It doesn't have to be a personal business in the literal sense of the word. This could be securities, construction, or any other projects that can generate income in the future.

This works if you pay yourself consistently, no matter the circumstances. No matter how much you would like to spend this amount for other purposes, you cannot do this until the main task is completed. Investing in financial instruments is the most rational way to manage money, since money should work and not lie idle.

How to invest correctly has already been written earlier.

Strict adherence to the “pay yourself first” rule eliminates the need to think about where to get money to create passive income. Profitable investments will slowly but surely increase your family's wealth, even if you invest only 10% of your available income in profitable projects.

By the way, about 20% of millionaires in the West understood it precisely thanks to this rule.

Start paying yourself right now: save from your first income 10% and for the time being forget about them. Let this 10% become the first brick from which the building of your financial independence will be built in the future.

Method 3. Keep records of income and expenses

The need to account for income and expenses is emphasized by all people leading successful financial affairs. Such reporting (documentation) will allow you to track the highest cost items in the family budget and optimize them.

For example, if you find that going out to eat eats up an unacceptable amount of money each month, you may want to cut that line item or eliminate it entirely. Visibility is a great power. Accurate cost figures are much more convincing than abstract knowledge.

You definitely need to know all your financial indicators.

As Anthony Robbins, a world-renowned speaker and personal success coach, says: “What you can’t measure, you can’t manage.”

Consider not only expenses, but also income, especially if you live not only on your salary, but have additional sources of income. If there are several income items, accounting will allow you to discover the most profitable of them and correctly use this information.

The development of information technology has made the process of accounting for income and expenses a very convenient and effective event: special applications will save you from the need to create tables yourself and fill them out by hand. Visually monitoring your own spending and cash receipts is a real way to improve your financial literacy.

Expert research shows that 90-95% Russians spend almost all their money by the time they receive their next salary. By the way, this indicator does not depend on income level. Increasing financial literacy will change this situation in the most radical way.

Method 4. Make a shopping list before going to the store

Making a list will allow you to avoid unplanned expenses in the form of impulsive purchases. Marketers in supermarkets and boutiques know 1000 and 1 ways to force you to buy a product that you absolutely do not need. By making a list, you will be reliably insured against such acquisitions.

Another way to avoid unnecessary spending is to take only as much money as you need for purchases, and no more.

You should go to stores well-fed: a hungry person’s brain works differently.

There are modern mobile apps that will allow you to avoid making lists by hand. Smart shopping services save both time and money. If you have a clear and precise purchasing plan, you will not forget anything, and a visit to the store will not take much time.

Experts also advise against making any purchases on payday. From a psychological point of view, on such a day a person evaluates his financial condition biasedly - he considers himself richer than he is.

Experts in the field of finance advise paying exclusively in cash: using plastic cards, although convenient, is not economically profitable. A person does not perceive virtual finance as real money and spends it more easily. But parting with real money is much more difficult.

Method 5. Find similar products or the same quality at a lower price

Each product has a cheaper analogue. Those who know this truth save a significant amount of money every day. First, learn to avoid the most obvious marketer tricks.

  • The most expensive goods in supermarkets are always located at eye level. On the lower shelves you can find similar products that are much cheaper;
  • When you decide to purchase household appliances, do not be lazy to spend time searching for the best price for the product through Internet resources. In addition, some stores often hold profitable promotions that you can take advantage of;
  • Never make a purchase without first comparing prices. Try to find a similar or the same product cheaper. Often prices in neighboring stores for the same items may differ by 10%-30%;
  • Shopping (equipment, clothing, phones) via the Internet is becoming more and more profitable - in addition, this saves buyers from wasting time and money on traveling to stores.

The rules of “analogues” apply not only to products, but also to any other goods, for example, medicines. Often, expensive imported medicines have cheap domestic analogues, which are called differently, but have absolutely the same medicinal properties.

Method 6. Eat inexpensively and healthy

Let me say right away that we are not talking about forced fasting. Oddly enough, switching to a healthy diet does not mean increasing costs. On the contrary, they can even be reduced by starting recovery through nutrition.

Eating healthy doesn't have to be expensive. The price is influenced not only by the quality of the products, but also by packaging, brand popularity, and the manufacturer’s marketing policy.

Often, tasty and healthy food (for example, dietary meat, nutritious cereals, legumes, dairy products) is much cheaper than advertised “fast food” (chips, hot dogs, cakes and soda).

There are other options for saving on food by optimizing your diet:

  • buy food in bulk: it is usually cheaper than buying packaged food;
  • when purchasing products at the market, bargain;
  • It is better to visit the market in the evening, when sellers can seriously reduce the price;
  • It is better to buy meat not in the form of semi-finished products, but fresh and in large quantities: this way you will get a product not only for main courses, but also for first courses;
  • if you have lunch at work, take your lunch with you;
  • remember about seasonality - vegetables and fruits purchased in season are much cheaper (and healthier) than imported analogues;
  • first courses are cheaper and often healthier than second courses;
  • It is better to prepare the menu for a week in advance: this will help to purchase only the necessary products;
  • the number of calories consumed must correspond to energy expenditure;
  • Some categories of products are better to buy in bulk in hypermarkets: a bag of cereal, sugar, flour is much cheaper than packaged options.

By eating healthy and healthy, you will not only save money, but also improve your health. All therapeutic diets insist on excluding “junk food” from the menu - soda, chips, crackers and sweets.

By reviewing your diet, you can save on 10 to 50% family budget.

For example, if instead of the habit of going to a cafe, you learn to cook at home, this will allow you to create substantial savings in just a few months. In addition, homemade food made from natural, healthy ingredients is much tastier and healthier than food from catering establishments. Even semi-finished products like dumplings and dumplings are much more profitable to cook at home, while freezing the products for a long time.

By the way, about freezing. You can freeze not only dumplings, but also vegetables. This way you get a tasty and nutritious product at a lower price.

You can freeze almost any vegetables - carrots, peppers, herbs, tomatoes. This food in winter will be much healthier than canned vegetables or plant products grown in an unknown way in greenhouses.

Food costs make up the majority of family financial expenses for many people: it is from this point that cost optimization should begin.

Living to eat is a fundamentally wrong position, which will sooner or later affect your health. And vice versa - rational nutrition will make not only your body healthier, but also your spirit!

Method 7. Eliminate “bad habits”

We’ve talked about bad eating habits, now let’s move on to things that are even more detrimental to health, on which a significant part of the population spends considerable financial resources.

Hundreds of articles and books have been written about the dangers of smoking. The harmful effects of cigarettes on health have long been known. But for some reason, much fewer people talk about the dangers of smoking for the consumer’s wallet.

Savings on cigarettes, or rather, on the lack of them, mean considerable monthly and even more significant annual profits. Personally, I quit smoking a couple of years ago, and since then I have never regretted it. According to the most conservative estimates, my annual income after that increased by 22,000 rubles.

Now about alcohol. There are people who cannot imagine rest and relaxation without alcohol. I myself have a friend who drinks 2-3 bottles of beer after work, while receiving quite an average salary.

It is not difficult to calculate how much this habit costs him monthly, given the average price of beer in 60-70 rubles for 0.5 l. By giving up beer, you can save up for a new laptop in a year or launch your own profitable website and start making money on it.

Method 8. Optimizing loan payments

A loan, although it is vaguely called “credit,” is essentially a debt that must be repaid.

Having such a debt is unnerving at first, but then it becomes a habit. Many people don't even realize that they can optimize their loan payments and pay much less.

Here is the simplest and most obvious way to reduce payments: take out a new, more profitable loan and pay off the old one ahead of schedule. Of course, financial transactions of this kind require preliminary and repeated verification.

If you take out a loan, try to take it for as long as possible so that your monthly payment is minimal. Don't be afraid of a large final overpayment.

After all, most problems with loan repayment begin when the monthly financial burden is too high. For example, if you take 100,000 rubles from a bank, it’s better to give it back 2500 rubles per month for 5 years than 10,000 - 12,000 rubles, trying to get it back within a year.

By the way, before taking out a loan from a bank, it is also necessary to carry out preliminary comparative work. It is foolish to borrow without studying the terms of repayment of the debt. Some banks are successful with customers only because they have more costly and competent advertising. Meanwhile, the conditions for loans in such institutions can be completely extortionate.

If you still need third-party financial assistance, then read the article about “” and do it in accordance with all the recommendations given in it.

Method 9. Getting rid of “money eaters”

Money eaters can be not only bad habits, but also completely harmless things - for example, unfavorable tariffs for mobile communications and the Internet.

Sometimes a person connects to a completely unnecessary mobile service and continues to pay for it for years, without thinking about how much money accrues during this time.

The famous journalist and writer of the twentieth century, Napoleon Hill, said that the habit of spending is acquired much easier than the habit of saving.

So be prepared to put in the effort if you want to learn how to save money.

The biggest money eaters:

  • bad habits;
  • unjustified options in Internet and mobile phone tariffs;
  • loans for entertainment (expensive car, cool audio and video equipment);

Watch what you spend your money on.

Method 10. Install water and gas meters

Water and gas meters are a sure way to avoid unnecessary expenses. Just remember to choose the best offer possible before installing these devices.

After all, if you do not have such devices, then you pay utility bills according to the standards, or, more simply put, depending on the square footage or number of those registered on the territory of your home.

It’s better to spend a few thousand rubles once and this money will become a real investment, because it will be “repaid” in about six months.

4. How to save money in the family: a visual table for controlling expenses

Here I provide a visual table thanks to which you can save money and evaluate all your expenses according to three categories:

  1. Category "A" - the most important and necessary expenses of any person;
  2. Category "B" - minor expenses that in some sense improve the standard of living;
  3. Category "C" - entertainment and bad habits. These expenses will most quickly lead you to financial problems and affect the deterioration of your physical and emotional well-being.
Mandatory (periodic)
Category "A"
Secondary (one-time)
Category "B"
Money Eaters
Category "C"
1 Food, productsEducationCafes and clubs
2 Utilities (gas, electricity, water)FurnitureExpensive and unhealthy “snacks”
3 Transport (tolls, petrol)Household and digital appliancesGambling
4 Communication (Internet, telephone)Branded items and “show off”Bad habits
5 ClothHobbies and interestsUnnecessary options for different devices and processes

As you can see from the table, first of all, you need to reduce or completely eliminate the costs of their last column.

Even this one step will help you set aside the required amount for truly important purchases.

5. Conclusion

I hope this article will help you reduce your expenses and get on the path to smart savings. Optimizing your spending will not only help you preserve your finances, but will also make them work for your future.

Be sure to optimize your expenses in the following areas:

  1. Mobile communications and Internet. This is done by disabling unprofitable and useless options.
  2. Travel by public transport. Buy a pass or bulk subway ride if you use this type of transport often.
  3. Gasoline and gas (for motorists). Fill up at the same proven gas station (series of gas stations) and ask for a bonus card.
  4. Utility payments (electricity, gas, water). Install meters, do not keep electrical appliances on when not required, replace conventional lamps with energy-saving ones.
  5. Saving on food and food. Cook at home, buy healthy food, do not overindulge in cafes and fast foods.
  6. Entertainment and relaxation. Give up impulsive purchases and an idle lifestyle, don’t chase expensive brands, follow the principle “all that glitters is not gold.” Many expensive products are just a thoughtful policy of marketing and advertising specialists.

So, saving money is possible even with a small salary, if you follow all the simple rules and recommendations described above.

I wish you good luck and growth of your savings!

Last update: 02/18/2020

Reading time: 14 min. | Views: 37304

Hello, dear readers of the site! Now we will analyze all the proven methods, how to save and save money correctly with a small salary.

We all strive for a good life , and each of us would like to make our lives even better, but in most cases our finances, or rather, our small salary, do not allow us to do this.

Unfortunately, in our modern world, you need to learn not only how to earn money, but also how to save it and distribute it correctly.

Today we will look at various techniques how to save money with a small salary, how and what to do so that financial difficulties do not take you by surprise, and there are no problems with finances.

To improve your financial situation (learn to save and save money), you just need to follow the simplest rules, and then you won’t have financial problems! Remember: money comes to those who know how to handle it correctly!

So, from this article you will learn:

  • Do you need to save on food, electricity, etc.;
  • How to save energy;
  • How to save on groceries;
  • How to learn to save money and save money with a small salary - proven methods;
  • How to save a decent amount;
  • Folk signs about money.

For more information on how to save money with a small salary in the family, as well as how to save it, read further in the article

The first thing to remember: saving - This is not the worst thing in life, but on the contrary, a very important and necessary phenomenon in our modern life. Saving will help you competently, smart And Right control and distribute your expenses, refuse from foods and habits harmful to the body.

Very often we have, at first glance, petty, but constant expenses that seem “trifling” to us, but in fact create good holes in our budget.

To learn how to save wisely and correctly , you need patience and work on yourself. But then you will understand what unnecessary costs are, and, perhaps, you will learn how to invest profitably and make money from it. If you want to know how you can make money, then our article “” will help you.

Saving does not mean that you will have to deny yourself everything, eat bad products, and generally live poorly. Saving means distributing your funds correctly in order to avoid unnecessary costs, distribute money wisely and not spend it on trifles. Also in this article you will learn how to save money using specialist techniques.

First you need motivation, that is, the goal: why you need to save, and most importantly, how to start doing it. Perhaps you want to buy a new car or apartment?(In a separate article we already wrote about the one with a small salary). Or do you need a good renovation in your apartment?

A few steps on how to learn how to save money correctly

To understand how to start saving, you need to consider several stages.


  1. you need to divide all costs into necessary and Not good necessary, that is, the extra ones or those that can wait;
  2. Next, we consider the resources for which you must pay, and these are: electricity, water, gas, communication, etc.;
  3. then you need to calculate the cost of food, and also pay attention to your diet;
  4. We set aside a percentage of the money saved so that it doesn’t just sit there, but also works.

Even if you try to put off some 10 % (percent) of your monthly income, then in just six months or a year you will have accumulated an impressive amount.

And we repeat the rule once again: you don’t need to perceive saving as a limitation or a bad way of life. On the contrary, it will help significantly improve your life.

Remember: you will not have to infringe on yourself, you will not go hungry, sit at home in the dark, saving light, or walk around in cast-offs. All this has nothing to do with saving!

2. Should you save on food and electricity?

Saving on food (groceries) does not mean sitting hungry, and saving on electricity does not mean sitting in the dark. All necessary expenses remain, and only unnecessary and superfluous ones are removed.

Food expenses- these are the expenses that we can influence, because it depends on our desire and our choice.

We need to figure out which stores we buy products from, what criteria we use to select these products, and in what quantities.

Usually we have extra expenses due to not correct diet, use of harmful semi-finished products, purchases not according to the list, reluctance to cook food yourself.

This also applies to electricity: If you do everything correctly, there will be no financial problems.

Ways to learn to save money on electricity

3. How to save electricity - 5 simple rules for saving on electricity 💡

let's consider 5 simple rules, thanks to which you will learn how to save energy.

Rule 1. Use electrical appliances correctly

For example, a charger for a phone or tablet, plugged into a socket for nothing, continues to waste our electricity, and we may not even pay attention to such a trifle or simply forget to unplug it from the socket. It would seem like a small thing, but our electricity is wasted.

This applies not only to mobile phones, but also to other household appliances, multicooker, microwave, TV, and so on.

This is one of the first important rules on how you can save energy.

Rule 2. It is important to use the correct cookware for the electric stove

Or more precisely, for the burner. After all, a correctly selected frying pan that is exactly the right size will heat up faster, and the stove will not just heat up the air. It's simple, isn't it? Probably every housewife has frying pans at home, both large and small. The main thing is to use them correctly! In this way you can significantly save energy.

Rule 3. You need to know where to properly place the refrigerator

Believe it or not, a refrigerator is also a “harmful” device, and it also “eats” a lot of energy if it is not installed correctly. Remember: the refrigerator will use less electricity if it is placed further away from the electric stove.

Of course, not everyone has large and spacious kitchens, but you can probably place the refrigerator so that it is at least not on the same side as the stove and does not touch it.

Rule 4. You need to load the washing machine with laundry correctly

For whole 10 – 15 Our washing machine consumes percent more electricity if it is reloaded or underloaded. Did not know? So remember! It is imperative to monitor the normal weight of your laundry! You will also be insured against damage to the washing machine in case of overload.

Rule 5. Turn off electrical appliances at night

Many electrical appliances must be unplugged at night and even during the day when you are not using them, and especially when you are not at home. It’s not so difficult: if you leave home, turn it off, why should they work in vain?

Only 5 These rules will help you save energy in your apartment. Not difficult, right?

Here are a couple more tips for saving on electricity:

  • If you decide to buy yourself any household appliances, then pay attention to its energy consumption. It is clear that household appliances that use less energy are much more expensive, but believe me: in the future this amount will be recouped through savings. And how much is the overpayment per year!
  • A very good and useful habit - turn off the light behind you, leaving the room. But, unfortunately, not everyone can do this and many people simply forget about it. In this case, you can purchase infrared sensors that allow you to save electricity without your participation and unnecessary movements.
  • It is better to use energy-saving light bulbs than ordinary ones. It is also worth thinking about bedside lamps, because it is more economical to use them than a three-arm chandelier.
  • Use a thermos It’s more profitable than boiling the kettle several times, because a thermos can retain heat for several hours.

If you follow these useful, and most importantly simple, tips and tricks, you will see the changes in your receipts, and then in your wallet.

Let's look at it in the article 10 Tips on how to save money on food:

Tip 1. Experts believe that it is necessary to choose a product not by its beautiful packaging, and the more expensive the better, but you must first become familiar with its composition. A high price does not guarantee high quality. We also pay attention to stock, discounts, And bonuses. Many supermarkets offer us such programs.

It is clear that at first glance it may seem that the difference is 5 rubles is insignificant and you won’t save much on this. But this is a mistaken opinion of most people, because if you calculate the difference even over a month, you will be pleasantly surprised. Can you imagine how much you save per year?

Tip 2. We write a list of the most necessary products and we follow it. We buy only those products that are on the list. This way you will avoid unplanned expenses. There are also all kinds of phone apps, and with them you can save not only your money, but also your time. All your information will be stored there, and you will not have to constantly think about these lists.

Tip 3. It is important to take with you as much money as you need, but no more. Then you will be able to avoid unnecessary expenses. Take a certain amount with you, calculate it so that you only have enough for the necessary products, and then you simply will have nothing to buy unplanned items. Thus, you can save significantly on products.

Tip 4. Did you know that a hungry person’s brain works differently than a well-fed one? So, in order to avoid temptations, you need to go to the store well-fed! And then you will understand that you don’t need all these “goodies” at all.

Tip 5. Try not to run to the store on payday. After all, it is on this day that a person feels richer than he actually is, and can spend much more money than he has calculated. This is where financial difficulties arise: you don’t have enough for anything, and by the end of the month you can be left without a penny of money.

Tip 6. Experts believe that It's better to pay in cash, not plastic cards. Undoubtedly, a plastic card is the most convenient way to pay for purchases, but not the most economical, because the buyer does not feel real money, and it is harder to part with it.

Tip 7. Analogue products are the best way to save! Absolutely every product has a replacement that is much cheaper than itself. The main thing is to go shopping, look and find this analogue. You need to learn not to succumb to the temptations of marketers, because they will always find a way to sell you something more expensive.

Tip 8. Remember! Expensive and beautifully packaged products will always catch your eye. It’s better to look at the lower shelves, “dig deeper” there, most likely you will find a similar product cheaper than what you saw, because expensive products will always be in sight.

Tip 9. The similar products rule also applies to other products, for example, medications. Most drugs have analogues with the same medicinal properties, often they differ only in name and manufacturer.

Tip 10. If possible, we do not take children with us to the store! Certainly, children are happiness, and sometimes you want to pamper your baby, but children are attracted to everything beautiful, and these products are often expensive. It’s better to leave the child at home and buy him, for example, a cheaper chocolate bar - the child will enjoy all the sweets, and you will avoid hysterics in the store.

We eat healthy, and most importantly not expensive!

Remember, eating healthy doesn't have to be expensive, and you don't have to go hungry to save money. On the contrary, expenses even decrease with a healthy diet.

Healthy food, For example cereals, dairy products, lean meat, cheaper than fast food. Moreover, it is not known what the pies and hot dogs in the stall around the corner or in the nearest cafe are made from. And here you cook with your own hands, and you know everything about your homemade food.

Here are some more tips for shopping for healthy foods:

  1. It is more profitable to purchase products by weight rather than in original packaging. Packaged cereals and pasta, as well as sugar and flour, are much more expensive than in bulk.
  2. If you buy food at the market, don't forget to haggle! And there is nothing shameful about it. It is important for sellers to sell their goods, and it is profitable for you to buy.
  3. It is better to come to the market late in the evening, at this time sellers significantly reduce their prices.
  4. It is better to buy meat in large pieces, and at home divide it into the parts you need. In terms of price, this meat comes out cheaper than if you bought it by the kilogram.
  5. If you have lunch at work, take food with you. Let us repeat once again that you eat food prepared by yourself, which means that you automatically avoid food poisoning and save on it!
  6. Try to create a menu for the week ahead - this will help you buy only the necessary products.
  7. First courses are considered healthier than second courses, and even more economical and cheaper!
  8. Compare prices in several stores. Don’t be lazy, each store has its own feature and its own promotions.
  9. You don’t have to buy expensive meat, such as pork, because you can also cook many delicious and healthy dishes from chicken! Nowadays you can find a lot of recipes on the Internet that will suit you, and you don’t have to sit and invent your own. The main thing is not to be lazy!
  10. Yogurts can be replaced with kefir and fermented baked milk. Yogurts contain all kinds of thickeners, dyes and sugars. So why not replace them with kefir, which is more gentle on the body and cheaper?
  11. Pasteurized milk is much cheaper and healthier than sterilized milk. Milk in a box will last longer than milk in bags. And this is its only advantage. So is this worth paying extra for?
  12. Try to give up sausage, it can be replaced with meat, it is both healthier and cheaper.
  13. Buy fresh fruits and vegetables when they are in season and then freeze them. All the nutrients will remain in them, and you will save a lot, since in the winter they cost much more.

When you review your diet and follow our advice, you will see a difference even at the end of the month. And it's not just about money, but also about health. After all, all famous nutritionists and doctors remove fatty, sweet and especially fast food from their diet.

Using these simple rules will help you save significantly on groceries, maintain your budget, as well as a healthy mind and shape!

Important tips on how to save and save money

5. How to learn to save money and save money with a small salary 💰 - 15 useful tips

First, we'll look at the rules and ways to save money. And even if you have a small salary, it’s not scary!

Tip #1. Set your financial priorities

After all, you must understand that your financial budget works only exclusively for you, and your financial well-being can only depend on you.

After all, waste can be done both with benefit and without it. But how can we understand how useful our expenditure is? Let's figure it out.

Costs also greatly depend on a person’s lifestyle. For example, young people often succumb to unnecessary temptation. It is understandable that there is little life experience, but this can lead to financial mistakes. Young people who buy things for themselves often look at goods that they probably don’t need, but their friends advised them, or the advertising is beautiful, or the fashion has gone…

Expenses are divided into three types- This urgent, not urgent And not urgent at all. Try to make a list of these and those expenses for yourself, and perhaps you will understand what you absolutely do not need and what you can cross off from the list.

Urgent waste - this is understandable, food, utilities, possibly clothing and if there are loans.

Not urgent - this is a family vacation, for example, it can be postponed, or investments in studies.

Well not urgent at all we are all very familiar with it - restaurants, entertainment, buying a new phone if you still have an old one, buying expensive fashionable clothes, just because a new advertisement has come out. All this can be put aside for a while, and if you reconsider, you can not spend money on it at all.

The last point is worth paying attention to first. After all, it is important to set your life priorities and understand your goals in life.

If for you buying expensive clothes is a necessary part of life rather than, for example, getting an education and investing in your studies, then it’s unlikely that you be able to save .

And it also applies to entertainment and visiting establishments such as coffee, restaurants, because this is not the most important thing in life.

All financially successful people keep such records. After all, with a clear example, you will see what exactly is causing you holes in your budget. For example, it will be a trip to a cafe, monthly such visits eat up a considerable amount of money, and you will understand for yourself that this can be removed.

After all, when you see all the exact numbers of your budget, and not in the memorization way, you will be surprised how much you used to spend without thinking.

As the very famous speaker Anthony Robbins said: “ What cannot be measured cannot be managed " Remember this rule, and it will help you achieve your personal material success.

If you have additional income, then you need to keep records of them. After all, if there are several ways to earn additional income, then accounting will help you figure out which source of income is more profitable and which one needs to be emphasized more.

In general, now is the 21st century, and information technologies have developed various programs And applications, to keep financial records, which means you don't have to draw any tables by hand.

You just need to try several programs and choose the one that is closer to your spirit and has a more convenient interface. Let us repeat, clarity is financial literacy. Visibility will help you identify and direct your expenses and income in the right direction.

Experts have shown that up to 95 percent Russians spend much more of their money on payday. And these percentages do not relate to income level.

If you can improve your financial literacy, it will help you change your life in a radical way. And you will feel it.

To learn how to save money and save it, you need to give up loans.

To conclude this chapter, we will give you an example of how to correctly draw up a table of expenses.

6. How to save money in the family - table of 3 types of expenses 📊

Using this table, you can monitor and control your budget, and cross out unnecessary expenses. It will help you determine how to save money and save it correctly.

Table of three types of expenses:

Necessary and urgent expenses. Not very urgent, minor costs. Not very urgent, or just MONEY EATERS.
1 FoodGetting an educationCafes, clubs, restaurants
2 Utilities (electricity, gas, water)Buying furnitureFast food, expensive sweets, soda
3 Payment for travel, gasolinePurchases of digital and household appliancesGambling
4 Mobile communications, internetExpensive fashion itemsBad habits - fast food, alcohol, cigarettes
5 ClothHobbyUnnecessary connected services on your phone

As you can see from the table, you need to pay special attention to the last column. After all, even if you cross out one point from here, you can see the result from the savings.

7. How to save money correctly 📝 - 4 ways to save money quickly

Of course, saving money is no longer so easy and simple. There is a learning curve and it will take a little effort and patience. But even the most disciplined, calculating And responsible a person has the risk of making a mistake.

let's consider most common mistakes among people, and also study adviсe And expert rules to eliminate these same errors.

If you have already started accumulating funds, then this is already good. But how to save money correctly and have you chosen the right method? And won't you fall apart in half a year? Perhaps your strategy is not as perfect as you think.

Method number 1. We put aside what remains!

So, you pay all your necessary bills, utilities, buy groceries, and send everything that remains to the bank. But notice you don't have a goal, and you don't even know what specific amount you have left after all expenses, and you throw only the leftovers there.

Try restructuring your methodology differently. When you received your salary, the very first count, you must have a savings account. Make this your golden rule.

Calculate how much you can give to the bank per month, and do it first. And if you can’t do this, well, anything can happen, for example, you don’t have time, or there are some temptations to spend your money as quickly as possible, then connect the bank to a service automatic debiting of money from your card of a certain amount to your savings account.

This way you can save money and save time. And you will forget about these troubles. And then your savings account will pleasantly surprise you.

Method number 2. Where is the money kept?

As we have already learned, a savings account is great. But it is important to know where exactly your funds are stored in a bank or on a plastic card?

After all, if the money is on the card, then there is a great temptation to spend all the accumulated funds. And this is quite convenient and easy to do, just use an ATM on the street. And even if this purchase was desired, then most likely you will regret it.

Method number 3. Each account for a specific purpose

If you have only one savings account, then it will most likely seem to you that everything is fine and the money is accumulating quickly enough and there will be enough for all your desires. Certainly. if you are saving for only one goal, for example car or apartment, then everything is fine, this method is just for you.

But if you have several desires, then one savings account will not be enough, because you will not see concrete progress, and this complicates the calculation of your savings. It will be very difficult for you to calculate what you have already accumulated, and what else can you do? wait.

To avoid such problems and difficulties, you need to acquire several savings accounts. And let everyone the savings account will be designated for a specific purpose, For example, " per car», « for an apartment», « for education», « to the dacha" and so on. Rather, this is the correct way to save money, since each “account” has its own “purpose.”

Method number 4. Don't give up everything

There’s no need to get too hung up on postpone, postpone, postpone. There is no need to specifically give up things that bring you pleasure, because it is on such things that our “ lucky indicator" And good mood.

Of course, many, as we have already said, habits and entertainments should be given up, but this does not mean that you need to become a prude, sit from hand to mouth, not go anywhere, and even sit in the dark.

When your annual savings account runs out, you should think about more serious investments for the long term. After all, you yourself will feel the difference and want to improve your financial situation.

Tips on how to save a decent amount of money

To conclude our article, let's look at some more 15 tips How you can save money and accumulate it quickly. Some of the advice may be repeated, but you should Necessarily remember.

Of course, there is no specific set of rules and advice on how to save money correctly, but next we will consider the advice of experts who suggest using it to simplify saving and saving money.

So, tips on how to create savings to accumulate a decent amount:

Tip #1. Paying for purchases in cash

Try to pay for all your purchases and expenses only in cash. This way you will clearly feel the difference and say goodbye to the money you hold in your hands, and this is more tangible than spending invisible money stored on a plastic card.

By the way, if you buy goods through cashback services , then you can save 1-1.5% of the purchase price. We have already written about this in one of our articles.

Tip #2. Put money into your account

Every month you put a certain amount into your savings account. At the end of a certain period, a nice tidy sum will accumulate, which can be spent on a long-awaited purchase or invested in a profitable business. And as mentioned earlier, have a goal for what the funds you have accumulated will be spent on.

Try to keep your entertainment costs to a minimum. Better spend time with your family, play sports. After all, there are many useful ways to replace unnecessary expenses on entertainment in cafes and restaurants; in the end, experiment with new inexpensive recipes for dishes at home. You have good skills and your husband and children will be happy!

Tip #4. Don't fall for promotional offers

Everything that comes into your mailbox, various catalogs and advertisements, is just trying to seduce you. But don’t give in, feel free to throw everything in the trash, or better yet, unsubscribe from these useless mailings that clog your inbox.

If you have such a bad habit of buying everything, or just to buy something, then make a list of everything you want to buy. And look through it monthly, you will see whether you still need this thing, or was it just an unnecessary temptation?

If you decide that you really need this product, then buy it. But most likely your opinion will change in a month.

Try to prepare food at home and avoid snacking in restaurants. This will cost you a pretty penny. You don’t have time at work for lunch at home, and you rush to a nearby cafe for a quick snack? Think about it!

Prepare your lunch at home the night before; there are special food containers that can be heated in the microwave. This will allow you to save money on restaurants, and let’s face it, you know your home-cooked food. It's also healthier.

Try to sort your money into envelopes: “for utilities”, “for credit”, “for groceries”, “for telephone” and so on. And your expenses will always be planned.

Tip #8. Discuss upcoming expenses with your family

Discuss financial issues with your spouse every week. You should make sure that you are aware of each other's waste. And cohesion leads to success!

Distribute all expenses according to the table; see an example of such a table above. Or download the application to your mobile phone, which is much more convenient! And always with you!

Tip #10. Pay necessary bills first

First, we pay all the necessary bills, then we look at the need for other expenses.

Tip #11. Replace paid hobbies, hobbies, etc. for free

If you go to the gym or do fitness, then this hobby can be replaced with exercise and running outside in the park. Both useful and free!

Tip #12. Give gifts made by yourself

You can also save on gifts. After all, the best gift is a gift made with your own hands! You can now find a lot of ideas on the Internet.

Tip #13. Buy analogues of branded clothing

Remember, money does not buy happiness. And not in fashionable, branded expensive clothes. There are many similar things, but much cheaper than the “branded” ones. Besides, fashion comes and goes, and then things remain unnecessary.

Tip #14. Use exchange services

Try using barter. That is, exchange services and things. After all, it is much more profitable and will help you save good money!

Tip #15. Use electronic wallets

Try saving money on virtual wallets such as Qiwi, Yandex Money, WebMoney. It will take time to withdraw money from there, so you will insure yourself against unexpected and unplanned purchases.

In addition, you can earn a pretty penny on the Internet; money is also withdrawn to these electronic wallets.

9. Superstitions and signs for attracting money ☯

Folk signs about money:

  • Never lend on Monday, otherwise you risk losing all your money!
  • Never give money from hand to hand, it is better to put it on the table and then take it. Otherwise, a person’s negative energy can pass to you through money.
  • If you are borrowing money from someone else in the evening, simply place the bills on the floor and let them pick them up. It’s better to remember that it’s better not to lend money in the evening.
  • You only need to repay the debt in the morning and with small money.
  • When a debt is repaid to you, keep a fig in the pocket on your left hand.
  • In your wallet, keep your money carefully, unfolded and so that it is divided into different bills.
  • Keep paper bills facing you.
  • To prevent money from going to waste, put a piece of wood from a swallow's nest in your wallet.
  • If you made a good profit, then take one bill from there and keep it in your wallet, do not spend or exchange it.
  • If you decide to give a wallet to someone, then put one money in it so that the wallet is not empty.
  • To keep money in the house, put a coin in each corner and say: “Let it come to my house.”
  • Keep money in red envelopes or bags.
  • Buy yourself a money tree and take good care of it.
  • Money loves to be counted. Always count your change.
  • Never spend every penny, make sure that there is always money left in your wallet.
  • If you have a newborn at home, put money under his pillow.
  • Count your money on Maundy Thursday.
  • Try to cut your nails on Tuesday or Friday.
  • Never discuss other people's material income, otherwise you won't have any of your own.
  • Do not treat the rich and the poor with hatred, otherwise you yourself risk remaining in want.
  • If you see that a cat is reaching out, then this is a sign of profit.
  • If you saw an angry or hissing cat in a dream, then this is a sign of theft. Be careful!
  • Be sure to get yourself a dog or cat at home, otherwise there will be no prosperity in the house!
  • There is such a sign that a black cat or dog will protect the house from thieves.

To ensure you don't need anything in the new year:

  • Celebrate the New Year in new socks and underwear. And don't forget to give yourself a new hairstyle.
  • Try seven different dishes at the table and place seven coins under the chair.
  • It is necessary to repay the debt before the New Year, you can even at the festive table.
  • When the first chime strikes, make a wish by squeezing a coin in your left hand.
  • Throw a coin into a glass of champagne and drink it. And then make a hole in this coin and wear it as a pendant.
  • On the morning of January 1, wash your face with water and coins.

Superstitions that you should never do:

  • Place empty bottles on the table.
  • Sit down on the table.
  • Place the bills on the table.
  • Sweep away the trash at sunset.
  • Stand on the threshold.
  • Whistle while at home.
  • Exchange big money for small ones.

Well, believe it or not, many people observe and follow all these signs. The signs came from our ancestors. The most important thing we can conclude is that you need to treat money carefully, carefully, don't crush them, don't talk. Don’t spend all your money, your wallet shouldn’t be empty.

10. Conclusion + video 🎥

From this article we can conclude that saving and saving money is not so difficult, because in order to improve your financial situation, you do not need to perform any grandiose feats. You just need to reconsider your attitude to finances, and to your life in general.

And remember one main thing, there shouldn’t be a crazy amount of money, in order to feel in a good financial position, there should just be enough money.

Good and stable financial situation- these are not millions of dollars in earnings; every person and every family can have a good financial situation, even with the smallest salary. The main thing is to manage your finances correctly. When you yourself understand your income and expenses, you will understand everything yourself.

As a clear example, you will see how much you spend per month, what is unnecessary in your life and what you need to give up. This is not all that difficult, the main thing is to manage your life correctly, not to accumulate loans, and if this has already happened, then get rid of them as quickly as possible. Then not only your financial situation will change, but also a healthy spirit will awaken, you will be in a great mood every day, since you will forget about at least half of your financial problems.

Let's hope that all these tips will be remembered by you, and most importantly, will be useful. After all, as you already understood, saving– this is not the worst thing, but rather, on the contrary, a useful one that will make your financial and personal life easier and better!

We hope that this article helped you find answers to your questions - how to learn to save money with a small salary and at the same time accumulate it. We wish you successful savings and good luck in all your endeavors!

Large incomes do not guarantee that a family will live in abundance, not need anything, or even save part of the funds for large purchases. Surprisingly, someone can live a great life, receiving 20-30 thousand rubles, and someone, even with an income of 50,000, can not get out of loans and debts. This happens because not everyone knows how to save and spend their budget rationally. Unfortunately, this is not taught in schools, although science is vital.

Rules - how to learn to save?

There is a misconception that saving in a family is based on “tightening your belts” and limiting your needs in every possible way. In fact, you need to conduct a thorough analysis of income and expenses, plan your budget and learn to save for a rainy day. How to save money in your family? The following rules will help you avoid unexpected expenses:

  • Don't go to the grocery store on an empty stomach - you could end up buying a bunch of food that will simply go bad;
  • Avoid spontaneous purchases. You cannot go to the store to buy something for the table. You should have a prepared list and a clear idea of ​​what products to put in your cart;
  • Watch promotions wisely - many stores organize sales days and offer discounts on certain products. If the price is really reduced, you can purchase products with a longer shelf life for future use;
  • Bonus cards and cashback are a great way to save. Gas stations, supermarkets, banks and all kinds of stores return part of the money spent in the form of bonuses;
  • Take your time when making large purchases and clothing. Having chosen the thing you like, give yourself time to think; perhaps the first impression turned out to be deceiving.

It would seem that such banal rules are familiar to everyone, but not everyone uses them in practice. Some people are too lazy to follow the recommendations, many do not believe that simple tips will help close the hole in the budget, but the effectiveness of these rules has long been tested.

Saving methods: how to use them successfully?

There are common methods for proper saving. To manage family finances wisely, you can use one or all of the following methods:

  1. After receiving your salary, divide it into five equal parts and place it in envelopes. You can use only one envelope per week, and leave the last one for the final 2-3 days of the month and accumulation;
  2. Keep records of all income and expenses. For these purposes, you can fill out a table in Excel, use special programs (including mobile ones), or simply make notes in a notebook. At the end of the month, conduct an analysis to understand what the money was spent on and which columns are superfluous;
  3. Motivate yourself - you must understand why you will save. Perhaps you want to save for a vacation, a new car, or nice things for loved ones. Knowing your goal will make saving money much easier.

In addition, you should refuse borrowed funds and loans - turning to a bank or microfinance organization will not lead to anything good. Try not to consider the possibility of borrowing money at all - you will still have to pay it back.

The savings are justified on food, wardrobe, household appliances and many other expense items. We don’t notice that when we buy small things, we spend a lot of money, and the trinkets turn out to be unnecessary. What expenses can you exactly cut?

How easy is it to save on food?

Spending on food makes up the lion's share of the average family's budget. It is for these goods that prices rise first; for example, over the past year, the rise in price of the consumer basket exceeded 18%. But how can you save money on food for your family? There are many ways to do this. Of course, we are not talking about buying the cheapest, low-quality food. You can save on food by following these recommendations:

  • Refuse to buy semi-finished products, ready-made salads and dishes that only need to be heated;
  • If possible, buy farm products - they will not be cheaper than store-bought counterparts, but the health benefits will be significantly greater;
  • Reduce your meat consumption, especially sausages, sausages, and smoked meats;
  • Buy sweet desserts, cakes and pastries only for holidays and on special occasions - this method will save not only your budget, but also your figure;
  • Compare prices in different supermarkets - in one store today there are discounts on cereals, in another - on vegetables and fruits, you can buy them more profitably;
  • Do not take children with you - the kids will definitely beg for something, and if you refuse to buy, they will be upset;
  • Study the shelves and assortment - smart marketers place inexpensive products at the bottom, where it is more difficult for consumers to notice them. Sometimes it’s enough to look down to save a lot of money;
  • Do not refuse to visit weekend fairs and “fast markets”; here goods from gardens and gardens are sold at discounts, since the fair is only open for a few hours;
  • Buying in bulk is a great option if you want to purchase salt, sugar, pasta, grains, and even meats that can be frozen. If you can’t afford a large volume, you can involve relatives and friends in saving;
  • Prepare it yourself - in the summer heat, a bottle of kvass costs about 80 rubles, but making it at home will cost 4 times less, and the drink will be more natural and healthy. The same applies to preservation - salads, appetizers, jams and compotes;
  • Consider the seasonality - you need to eat strawberries, cherries, apricots and peaches in the summer so that you don’t want to try exotic things in winter. The same applies to tomatoes and cucumbers - make a salad with them in the warm season, and in winter give preference to cabbage and carrots, they are much cheaper. Don't forget about the possibility of freezing vegetables and berries.

You should not buy products from popular brands - part of the cost is invested in advertising, for which the consumer has to pay. By comparing the composition, you can find cheap but high-quality analogues.

Expenses for purchasing clothes

Women often suffer from the habit of buying everything at once, without thinking about the amount in their wallet. They visit clothing stores and boutiques, making spontaneous purchases. As a result, your wardrobe ends up with almost identical things or clothes that have nowhere or nothing to wear with them. You can save in several ways:

  • Buy clothes at the end of the season when there are sales. A winter jacket will cost half as much if you buy it in February - for the next season;
  • Buy fewer things, giving preference not to quantity, but to quality. It is better to buy boots that last a long time than three pairs of shoes that fall apart during fitting;
  • Think practical. Thus, wearing a fur coat in a metropolis, where the roads are watered with reagents and dirt flies from under the wheels of cars, is only possible for a short period of time. And buying boots with heels for winter is generally dangerous;
  • Remember your rights. Many wardrobe items can be returned to the store within two weeks, so do not rush to break the etiquette - think about whether the item is suitable for you, consult with your family.

Try to choose versatile clothes that are easy to combine with. For example, you might like a pink bag, but if there are no items of the same color in your closet, you will rarely wear it.

Household appliances and utilities

You can also save on purchasing household appliances. Don't buy a product with the maximum set of features if you don't plan to use them. So, when a laptop is needed only for work, there is no point in overpaying for a device with an impressive amount of RAM and a gaming video card. You will also be able to save on housing and communal services:

  • Calculate whether it will be profitable to install water and gas meters. Their installation is justified for a small family, if all residents are registered in the apartment - paying according to the standard is too expensive;
  • Buy energy-saving lamps, and when leaving the room, turn off the lights;
  • Buy low-power equipment, energy efficiency class - A, AA, A+;
  • Do not leave devices plugged in after you have finished using them;
  • Instead of a bathtub, install a shower cabin - this will help significantly reduce water consumption.

It is profitable to pay utility bills through Internet banking - you don’t have to waste time, stand in queues, and the commission will be minimal.

There are many ways to save money as a family. Often you don’t even have to give up your favorite things, it’s enough to simply control and record all expenses, spend money wisely, rationally and competently. Analyze the purchases made during the month, refuse loans and you will see that many expenses can be easily crossed out of the budget, and the amount of savings will exceed 30% of your salary.

How to save your family budget: family budget table

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Many people sometimes wonder why some people spend their holidays in the south, while others can only afford barbecue in the country? Or why, with the same income, one buys a second car, while the other travels by bus?

It's not about rich relatives or accidentally winning the lottery. Most likely, the reason is the ability to count the money you earn and spend it. How to save your family budget?

  1. Always plan your income and expenses. Knowing the exact numbers will help you save money.
  2. Refuse loans. The only exceptions can be loans for work, for example, for a car or for business development.
  3. Start a piggy bank. This is not about a “pig” for collecting change, but about the fact that you need to learn to save 10% of your income for unexpected expenses. This will help you save a decent amount to buy something large-scale.
  4. Buy gifts in advance. This is good advice for those who are used to visiting at the last minute. Often you have to take the first thing that catches your eye, since there is absolutely no time left to choose.
  5. Don't give in to emotions. Before buying something very important, you should think carefully - is it really necessary?!
  6. Divide all expenses into groups. Here we mean money for “food”, “transport”, “household chemicals”, “cosmetic products”, “utilities”, “communication expenses” and so on. You can then analyze and correct the resulting numbers.
  7. Give up unnecessary little things. Snacks on the go, magazines for travel, water from vending machines - all this steals a lot of money from the family budget.
  8. Prepare your own lunch for work. As a rule, home-cooked food is cheaper than in public catering establishments. If there is no way to eat at home, then it is necessary to include these expenses in the family budget.
  9. Always buy quality things. Don't skimp on good clothes, shoes, or electronics and household appliances. Most often, the price is a guarantee that the item will last longer.
  10. Use concentrated products in the household. Despite their price, concentrates of washing powders, conditioners and other various products last much longer and thus allow you to save on purchases.

By adhering to these rules, you can save enough money to buy something expensive or on a trip to hot countries, for example.

How to control the family budget using a table?

How to properly manage a family budget to save money? The first thing that comes to mind when you need to calculate something is to take a notebook with a pen. Of course, you can draw the table yourself, but it will be more convenient to use Microsoft services and document your expenses in Excel.

How to create a family budget? First, you need to clearly decide for yourself what to save for.

The main task, designed for a period of up to 5 years (medium term), is to reduce unimportant expenses in order to purchase something significant, such as a laptop or a professional camera.

The goal can also be short-term - to pay off some small debts, or long-term - to pay off a mortgage or buy a home.

The next step is to take into account all income per family. This may include wages, alimony, benefits, pensions and others.

You should also enter into the table all expected expenses - fixed and variable. Here it is necessary to take into account the wishes of all family members so that no misunderstandings arise. An example of such a table (the data below should not be considered standard):

Maintaining such tables will help identify completely unnecessary expenses and accordingly save the family budget.

How to plan a family budget for a month?

To avoid the need to borrow money from neighbors or friends at the end of the month, you need to follow simple but very important rules.

1 rule. Put aside part of your income into a piggy bank!

The very first thing you need to do when your salary arrives is to put aside at least 10% and not spend it under any pretext. This is family capital, which will only grow every month.

Rule 2. Learn to understand the difference between important expenses and non-essential ones.

To do this, make a list of constant expenses (rent, television, Internet, communications, etc.) and some variables (food, gasoline, household chemicals and cosmetic products, etc.). Place all this in order of importance - from the most important to those that you can do without.

Rule 3. Be sure to leave some amount for unforeseen (5-10%) and planned expenses.

This refers to purchases that are not permanent or variable, but are also necessary this month. An example would be buying gifts.

This “extra” money can be spent on expenses from the “want” category.

Rule 5. Adhere to the policy of saving and optimizing costs.

This means that you need to get rid of unnecessary waste and learn how to purchase goods for less money. Sales or promotions are perfect for this, as well as giving up bad habits - the main eaters of the family budget.

How to save your family budget on groceries?

Food takes the lion's share of all income. And a reduction in prices for them is not expected in the near future. Therefore, it is worth learning to save on this expense item. You can start with your first trip to the store.

  1. Having a pre-made grocery list can help you save your hard-earned money. It’s good if the family has a developed menu for the week, then it won’t be difficult to schedule the necessary purchases.
  2. If you buy groceries for the week at once, you can avoid unplanned expenses.
  3. Children should not be taken shopping as this may result in additional costs not listed.
  4. A good reason to save money is to avoid semi-finished products. They are more expensive than self-prepared dishes. By the way, this also applies to sliced ​​bread and sausage.
  5. Looking at the bottom shelves in stores is a good habit. This is where the cheapest goods are usually found.

The right “policy” in the kitchen will also help you save money. Each season has its own dishes - for example, in winter you can abandon a salad of fresh cucumbers and tomatoes in favor of cabbage and carrots.

And expensive trout can be replaced with equally tasty, but inexpensive, pink salmon. You can turn your attention to offal, they are as nutritious as meat, but much cheaper.

Preparing food for future use can be a good habit for a housewife. For example, greens, if cut and frozen, will last well in this form for some time and will always delight you with their freshness.

The same can be done with vegetables, berries and homemade dumplings and cutlets. It’s always convenient to get a homemade semi-finished product and cook dinner from it.

Sometimes you can find budget recipes online that you can save for yourself and include in your weekly menu. This is another reason to browse thematic sites and please your household with new dishes. Cooking programs can also be suitable for the same purpose.

And the most important rule that will help you not throw money away is proper storage of food in the refrigerator. Throw away spoiled food in a timely manner, put raw and prepared foods in separate containers with lids, and separate meat, vegetables and various sausages into special compartments of the refrigerator. These simple principles will help you preserve food longer and save your family budget.

How to save your family budget using programs?

In an era of rapid development of various modern devices, you can choose an excellent assistant in managing your home budget in the form of a ready-made service - Drebedengi, Finance PM or another. It is more convenient if the selected option has not only a website, but also a mobile application that is always at hand.

How can you save your family budget using a home computer? There are free programs, such as "Home Finance" or "DomFin", and paid ones - Family 11, AceMoney, MoneyTracker and others.

It is very convenient to do accounting with their help, since you don’t need to invent anything and do a lot of manipulations. And if you have constant access to the Internet, everything becomes much easier if you use the mobile version of such an application.

If your income turns out to be less than your expenses, you need to learn to control both. To avoid switching to crackers and water at the end of the month, you should get into the habit of sorting out your budget and keeping track of all your purchases.

How to save money in your family

This was due to unplanned vacations, the need for quality medical care, and much more.

I had to be very careful about every penny. But we managed to get through that difficult period without debts or loans. Want to learn how to save money as a family? Where can you save the most? In the article below I will share with you all the details.

How to learn to save money for your family in 2018

Rule No. 1 - Agree with all family members. You will never be able to save even a penny if some people follow the rules and others don't.


You can save money, everything will go according to plan, and your other half will spend so much in one trip to the store that you will have to pay off debts for several more months. What kind of savings can we talk about here?

Therefore, it is important to come to an agreement. Everyone must understand what you will do, why it is being done, and how it will be done.

Rule No. 2 - Distribute the family budget for the week and month. Even if you managed to come to an agreement with all family members, this still does not mean anything.

You need to decide on specific numbers:

The family budget is divided into expense categories. Each category is assigned a certain amount of money per month, the limit for which should not be exceeded. Now you clearly understand where and how much you can spend during the month.

For greater convenience, you can set limits not for a month, but for a week. It’s not worth less, because today you exceeded your daily budget and it’s worth saving, but tomorrow you won’t spend money on the contrary. In order not to bother yourself with unnecessary calculations, it will be easier to set a weekly limit.

Below is an approximate list of family budget expenses that can be used to control and save money:

  • food (at home/at work)
  • payments (electricity, water, heating, utilities, major repairs, internet, telephone)
  • loans
  • travel (cars can be divided into a separate category with subcategories)
  • purchases (clothing, household appliances, tools, furniture, personal, etc.)
  • health (sports, medicines, doctors, other)
  • gifts (holidays, birthdays, other)
  • recreation (cafes and restaurants, cinema and theater, other)
  • vacation
  • repair
  • household goods

This turns out to be approximately 11 points with sub-points. Each person will most likely have their own percentage of expenses. Payments, food, loans will take up the most money.

Rule No. 3 - Controlling family expenses. We agreed with family members and decided on limits. Now you need to stick to this plan. To do this, be sure to control your expenses, otherwise how will you understand whether you have exceeded the limits or not.


Rule No. 4 - Keep track of family expenses and adjust every week. Learned to control. Now you need to figure out the costs. To do this, you can use special programs, or create a regular table in EXCEL.

This allows you to see the full picture and understand where you are overspending and where there is a reserve of money. It will not be possible to keep all the information in your head. It is advisable to summarize and make adjustments at least once a week.

I have accumulated statistics for several years. Sometimes it's quite interesting to watch. You can always open a table for the whole year and track what and when expenses are expected in the family budget, and prepare in advance.

Tip #1 - Think about your diet. Reducing the consumption of meat foods or sweets for tea can bring significant savings.

For example, at one time I kept track of expenses in sufficient detail and after a couple of months I learned that expenses for buns and tea cakes accounted for 30% of all food expenses. If your monthly spending on food is 9,000 rubles, then 3,000 rubles go towards baking. Reducing this category of expenses will have a beneficial effect not only on the budget, but also on health.

Tip #2 - Monitor whether everything is eaten. It happens that in the store you want kefir, but at home this desire disappears, and the purchased product may sit until the expiration date, and over the course of a month such expired goods can accumulate to a good percentage of the total food costs.

What to do in this case? It's simple. These are not the times when there were no products in stores. You can buy everything you need at almost any time of the day or night, and it’s fresh. At least in cities. So you can take perishable products only when necessary, and do not make stocks of them.

Tip No. 3 - Packing and cutting products. Compare prices for products in different packaging, primarily dried fruits, fruits and vegetables.


A large package is not always cheaper - some cereals, flour, pasta in a large package may cost more than two small packages of the same weight.

Why is this happening? Those involved in sales noticed that buyers were accustomed to taking a large pack in order to save money, and they used it to their advantage.

Although sometimes the opposite happens. A few examples:

  1. Packaged vegetables can be spoiled, it’s hard to see in the packaging, and as a result, instead of saving, you can throw some of the food in the trash.
  2. Sliced ​​bread or washed potatoes can cost several times more than the same products without the extras. service."
  3. A fairly common product is frozen vegetables. Everything seemed to be fine, but a couple of times I bought assorted food in a bag, most of it turned out to be potatoes. It turned out that buying 0.5 kg of potatoes was 10 times more expensive.
  4. In general, be more careful. Such little things will allow you to save an extra penny, or, on the contrary, spend a lot.

Tip #4 - Bring lunch to work. If you cook in advance at home and take it with you, you can save up to half your food budget per month.

For example, a salad for 100 grams can cost as much as half a kilo of vegetables, a plate of mashed potatoes costs as much as 2 kg of potatoes, a plate of porridge costs as much as half a pack of cereal, etc. Instead of one serving, you can cook from 2 to 4 servings for the same money, and homemade food itself usually tastes better.

Another example. If you make salads, sandwiches, sushi, pizza yourself at home, it also costs less. Ordering sushi in our city for two at least once a month costs 1,200 rubles, and for a year it will be approximately 12,000 rubles! If you do it yourself, a savings of 50% will give you an additional 6,000 rubles in money saved.

200 grams for the price of 10 kg. How do you like this? Going to a cafe. On average, it costs about 1,500–2,000 rubles for two people. Of which, ordering some grilled potatoes will cost 200–300 rubles, and that’s 3 whole potatoes cut in half.

Tip #5 - Buy products in bulk. Although this point is not so easy to implement, it can save a lot of money on the family budget.

Buy the most popular products in your diet in bulk, and to make it easier to gain volume, do it with friends or relatives - for example, sugar, potatoes, juices, etc. (such products are stored for a long time and are bought in larger quantities, everyone eats them).

It is also better to buy products in season, when they are much cheaper. Now try adding up all the money saved from this category. How much do you make per month? What about a year?

How to save money on grocery shopping

Tip #1 - Go to the store with a shopping list. A banal rule, but it works. I’ve tested it many times from my own experience, and it takes much less time. They came, they saw, they bought.


For example, the following situation, you forgot to buy milk, returned the next day, but along with it you bought something else extra, and this is an additional expense.

Tip #2 - Get bonus and discount cards. Most chain stores have long been offering their customers cards on which they can accumulate bonus points and then spend them on purchases in the same store. The percentage may not be very large, but if you take into account the consistency of purchases, then a significant amount can accumulate over the same year.

Don't neglect. The same applies to discount cards.

Tip #3 - Shopping online. Nowadays it’s quite common to buy some product on the Internet; you can look at all the offers without leaving your home and find the one with the lowest price.

You should not buy goods that require service or repair to order from another city, and especially not from another country. You need to understand when it is really profitable to make such a purchase, and when it is not worth it.

For example, if you decide to buy cheaper electronics on ebay or alliexpress, then think about how much time and money it will take to return the goods under warranty, and this possibility cannot be excluded. Someone may covet a discount of 2–3 thousand, but when the item breaks, the wait, nerves, and costs associated with returning it will cost many times more.

Tip #4 - Take your time with purchases, think about it. It's better to weigh the pros and cons. This is another banal piece of advice, but as practice shows, after a week of searching and thinking, you can find a better option than with a spontaneous purchase, and maybe there will be no need at all.

A short pause eliminates the emotional component and ultimately allows you to make a more profitable purchase. Which in turn allows you to save money.

Tip No. 5 - Look for what is simpler in functionality - it’s cheaper and no worse. This advice applies to various techniques. Many people buy fancy electronics, but end up using only 3-4 functions out of 20 (phones, washing machines, computers and other electronics).


Tip #6 - Plan your purchases in advance. Most stores hold promotions and sales at certain intervals; if you take your time and time it right, you can get a big discount. Sometimes it’s better to wait for holidays and big discounts; you can save 50% or more.

Tip No. 7 - Rent things, tools. It is better to rent things that are needed only once every few years for money or from friends.

For example, a power tool (hammer, drill) may be needed for one day; sometimes it’s easier to borrow from friends or relatives. If you decide to buy, then get ready to spend several thousand, or even more, if you need a high-quality tool that will last for years, and not throw it away after two uses.

Tip #8 - Say no to new products and brands. As a rule, they are more expensive, wait a while and you can buy cheaper. Before purchasing, think about why you need the item.

For example, if you need a camera for a hobby, then you should not take the most expensive and best one; as a rule, you can get by with a simpler one, the difference will not be noticeable.

Many Chinese goods are not inferior in quality to more expensive brands, and are several times cheaper in price. Again, as an example, Xiaomi smartphones (Hiomi), in terms of their parameters, are a very worthy alternative at a price of only about 10 thousand rubles.

Tip #9 - A product with defects is not always bad. Even a small scratch in an inconspicuous place can reduce the price of the product by 2 times. There's nothing wrong with that. It's stupid to spend a lot of money when you can save money.

Example: when my wife and I were looking for a bathtub, we saw a cast iron one with a very small scratch in an inconspicuous place, and the price of this bathtub was 50% lower. We bought and saved 5,000 rubles - not bad.


Tip #10 - Joint shopping is a good alternative to shopping. Nowadays, joint shopping sites have become popular. This is when people together collect orders for a wholesale batch and receive a discount. You can find many products much cheaper.

But here you should also be careful and not buy in unverified places, compare prices for goods, and do not buy goods that may not fit in size.

For example, I found chocolate on sale during joint purchases; the same brand in stores was 20 rubles cheaper, and this did not take into account transportation costs, storage and the need to go to the point of delivery.

Or another example, I found an attachment for mixing construction mixtures, it seemed to be 100 rubles cheaper, but after calculations it became clear that taking into account the waiting time for an order, payment of transportation costs and storage costs, such a purchase was not profitable.

How to save money on tariffs

Method No. 1 - Compare service rates from time to time. Telephone and Internet can be much cheaper, you just need to periodically check the tariffs and their changes, and also look for additional bonuses.

For example, having summed up my phone expenses, I came to the conclusion that a regular tariff with a monthly subscription fee would suit me, as a nice bonus - cheap Internet. Costs have remained the same, but opportunities have increased.

Method number 2 - Refuse unnecessary services. For example, it’s cheaper for me to make a long-distance cell phone call once a month than to have a home phone; the Internet makes these calls even cheaper.

Another example: I got a second SIM card, and after some time I noticed that the money on it had disappeared. I started looking carefully at the tariffs, it turned out that some options were paid or not, and they started charging me a subscription fee. It seems like just 50 rubles a month, but if you eliminate such leaks in all areas of your life, you can save a good percentage.

Method number 3 - Look for options to reduce commissions. I periodically pay for a number of services on the Internet and pay a commission for transferring money. After comparing different payment methods, I found a more profitable one. Thus, it was possible to reduce costs in this category by approximately 2 times.


Again, the amount itself may seem insignificant, like a few hundred rubles, but in total, a more significant figure accumulates in different areas of our lives due to such commissions.

Method #4 - Paying in advance can bring savings of 50%. If you pay in advance for several months or a year, they sometimes give you bonuses in the form of a % of the payment amount back to your account or good discounts.

For example, let’s take the LinguaLeo service for learning English. For 3 months the price is 690 rubles (for a year it is 2760 rubles), and if you pay for a year at once the price is 1690 rubles. As a result, the savings are 1070 rubles or almost 40%.

Method number 5 - Be sure to install meters. In this case, the recommendation is not unambiguous; if you consume little of the same water, then meters will bring savings, but if you like to splash around, you will have to pay more.

From 2018, those without meters will be subject to increased tariffs and will have to pay 1.5 times more. So, it’s time to think about installing them, at least sit down and count.

Method No. 6 - Correct operating modes of devices. Trite advice, but sometimes it is ignored. Wash in batches, use economical mode. Water boils faster if the lid is closed. Same with the saucepan. As soon as the water boils, you can turn down the “fire”. You may not notice the savings during the day, but if you calculate it over a year...

The same applies to the light in the apartment; if you leave the room, turn it off.

Method No. 7 - Ticket prices are cheaper on certain days. So, from May 1 to May 2, from May 8 to May 9, from January 31 to January 1, you can save up to 50% on train tickets; see the indexing details on the Russian Railways website. If you add bonuses in the form of miles from banks for payment to this savings, you will save even more money.

How to save money by changing your lifestyle

Method number 1 - Leading a healthy lifestyle is more profitable. In the summer, you can switch to a bicycle instead of using public transport or a car. For example, the cost of public transport per month is about 1000 rubles, in other words, a bicycle will pay for itself in a maximum of two seasons.

Method #2 - Pay only for what you need. An expensive gym with fancy equipment is not always the best choice. Often only 20% of the equipment is used, but you will have to pay more. By training in a basement, you can save 30%.


Or another example, you can buy an unlimited subscription, but go 2 times a week, a subscription for a smaller number of classes will usually be cheaper, its only disadvantage is that you will have to plan the time of visits and their number.

Method number 3 - Forget about fashion. There are many people who change things just because they are no longer fashionable and new options have appeared.

Method number 4 - Giving up bad habits. For example, quitting smoking can save a lot of money. Let's do the math: 15 packs per month * 100 rubles per pack = 1,500 rubles per month - these are several interesting books. It’s good for health, and it also saves money on medicines and doctors.

Method No. 5 - We do it ourselves - it’s interesting, fun, cheaper. You can learn to do many things yourself or in a company, which also allows you to save money. For example: sushi, haircut, installing a toilet (takes a maximum of 2 hours, but is quite expensive when calling a plumber) and much more. Many of these can make your everyday life more interesting and fun.

A nuance, if ordering a service costs 2 times less than the cost of your time that you will spend on its implementation, then it is better to order it on the contrary.

Method #6 - Ask about discounts to save money. I have heard this method many times: if you buy or order a service, be sure to ask about the discount. Do this always and everywhere. If they refuse you, it's okay.

Method number 7 - Don't save money. This advice may seem counterintuitive given everything described above, but sometimes the best savings is to pay more.

An example from the field of health. I treated my teeth for free under compulsory medical insurance (for two teeth 4,600 rubles), after half a year I had to have it redone, but in a paid clinic and it cost about 30,000 rubles.

source: https://moi-ipodom.ru/kak-ekonomit-dengi.html

How to save money in the family, on rent?

How to save money in the family? – many people ask this question and cannot definitively answer it. But the answer is simple - in the correct distribution of funds and the ability to save.

With the help of subsidies

The country is trying in every possible way to update the social support program - benefits, compensation, support. But these concepts should not be confused; they are different in content and differ from each other.


After all, a subsidy is financial assistance provided by the state. That is, the state bears part of the costs for housing and communal services. And this is more profitable than ever, since housing and communal services costs and tariffs are growing higher and higher every year.

Therefore, if you try to take advantage of the subsidy, you will be able to save a lot of money in percentage terms. If we take into account the annual expression, this is up to 20% of the monthly rent.

But in order to use this tool, you need to prove that it will be too difficult for the family to pay for housing and communal services and the cost of services takes up a large part of the family’s income and confirm it with official documents. The following are considered income: salaries, pensions, various social benefits, etc. The maximum rate for subsidies is estimated differently in each region, from 10–22%.

Almost everyone can use this service: owners of residential premises, users of residential premises (assigned to state funds), etc.

But it is worth taking into account the fact that with every percentage and rubles saved, nerves become “shaky” and time is spent even more to receive subsidies. Therefore, some residents, in order not to waste their energy once again, simply refuse this opportunity.

Are you leaving? Make a recalculation!

These recommendations are good for those who have not installed meters for water (hot and cold), electricity, and gas. Or you have them in your apartment, but not on all resources. If so, then you are “lucky” because there is an opportunity to reduce costs in your absence. How to do it? - it's simple.

For example, if you have not lived in the apartment for a significant time, then you have the right to demand a recalculation from the housing and communal services. The recalculation is not necessarily calculated if the entire family was absent; the temporary departure of one resident is sufficient.

For example, a minor child was relaxing in a sanatorium during the summer holidays. In this case, there will also be a recalculation of expenses, and this is completely legal; no one has the power to deny such a right.

What documents are required for recalculation?

  • draw up and submit an application to the accounting department
  • present documents confirming the absence of an individual resident or the family as a whole. Suitable documents include a travel stamp in the international passport, tickets, a certificate from a health institution, a photocopy of the travel document, etc.

An application for recalculation is considered no earlier than 5 days of absence of tenants (resident) in the apartment. According to the law of the Russian Federation, the application is considered within one month after the stay of the family or family member.

Saving on utility bills

When we receive the receipts, we look in surprise, where did this amount come from? – it seems like we won’t use up so much of the resources that are provided to us. But out of habit, we don’t notice how we overpay for water and heating. Try these tips and see the difference.

Heating. Install counters. Installing such meters is not always easy, since this meter is installed in the house, so there must be an agreement on the purchase between neighbors. But it’s worth it, because you will pay for the “real” heat consumed. Ultrasonic meters are installed both in old apartment buildings and in new buildings.


Battery color. An interesting pattern that really helps to keep the room warm is to paint the radiators a dark color. In this way they reflect 9% more heat than classic white. But before this action, it is important to install a reflector behind the battery. You can buy this material in a store, or make it yourself (plywood painted silver with stretched foil)

Plastic windows. If you have old wooden windows, replace them with double-chamber plastic windows, this way you can save twice as much heat in your apartment! And this already suggests that you can pay less for heating.

Temperature regulation. Sometimes housing and communal services are not only not heated, but they are heated so much that the apartment becomes unbearably hot. If your batteries allow you to regulate the temperature, take advantage of it. By turning it off completely or partially, the temperature can remain in the room due to hot risers.

Water. Install a counter. This is probably the best advice. This meter will help you save significantly, almost three times!

Modern drain barrel. There are new barrels with a saving function that help reduce a certain amount of water, from about 25 liters per day. Seems impossible, but reality.

Shower. For those who use baths daily, use the shower frequently. It has already been proven that taking a bath at least once a week will help save water by almost 6-7 times!

Do not leave the tap open. Every day, when you brush your teeth with the tap open, 16 liters of water flow out every minute. Think about how much you can save if you close the tap in a timely manner. There are special faucet attachments on sale that turn off the water automatically if your hands are removed from the water drainage area, and you do not have to pull the faucet often.

On electricity. By installing two or three tariff meters, you pay different amounts of money for electricity at different times.

We install energy-saving lamps, or better yet LED lamps; they cost the same as energy-saving lamps, but they last quite a long time and are guaranteed for several years.

When leaving, turn off the lights - turn off the lights when leaving the house, or at home in rooms that you do not use.

If you are sitting at a computer, you don’t need to turn on the TV, why just run electricity, turn on the Internet radio, or some TV series in a small window in the corner and kill two birds with one stone.

source: http://site/financial-independence.ru/lichnye-finansy/kak-ekonomit-dengi-v-seme.html

Basic ways to save money at home

To begin with, it is important to understand that the issue of rational distribution of the family budget consists of two main aspects - psychological and mathematical. In the first case, we will talk about unnecessary purchases, on which money is spent impulsively, without obvious need. After all, often the momentary desire is stronger than the arguments of reason, and we buy something that we can easily do without.


For example, women buy another dress, lipstick or perfume only because store consultants suddenly draw their attention to a very favorable discount. And men can make thoughtless purchases, especially when it comes to the entertainment sector.

Therefore, every family should take advice such as, for example, dividing planned expenses into two parts: mandatory and optional. The result in the form of money saved in the first month will please you and the rest of the family.

To ensure that such a useful undertaking does not fade away, it would not be amiss to outline, in addition to global goals, those that can be achieved in the foreseeable future. For example, allocate part of the savings to a trip to the movies, a trip to a water park, or a trip to nature.

The essence of the mathematical approach to the correct distribution of the family budget is to immediately determine how much money you should allocate to:

  • rent and utility bills;
  • food and medicine;
  • household chemicals;
  • clothing and entertainment.

But you should clearly understand how much money will be spent on the above categories, and determine the minimum and maximum amounts for each of them. After all, the amount of spending will depend on the size of the monthly total family income.

Keep a notebook in which you should record your family’s monthly income and all its expenses, both mandatory and additional. Perhaps for the first time it is better to live in a familiar way, without saving.

This will help you get a realistic picture of where you think your money is going the most. By analyzing your records, you will be able to quickly understand exactly where you should be more economical.

Why can't you put off priority expenses?

So, according to the psychological approach to the issue of saving the family budget, you have correctly set your priorities, and using the mathematical approach, you know all the amounts of monthly inevitable expenses. But this is not enough, so you need to use the first rule of frugality.

It consists of making all mandatory purchases and paying bills within one or two days after your family members receive their salaries.


But why should those who are trying to save money rush to resolve these issues? Everything is very simple and can be explained by the ordinary human factor. After all, if you have a large sum of money at your disposal, then you want to relax and please yourself and your loved ones with some pleasant purchases or entertainment.

Why not, because funds still allow? Of course, this is very good, you need to rest and enjoy life too. But very often, after such ill-considered spending, you find yourself in a situation where there are at least ten more days until your next paycheck, and there is only money left for rent and utilities.

But there are still expenses to be spent on food, kindergarten, educational activities, sports clubs or dances. Surely one of the family members will need to buy clothes or shoes, perhaps someone’s birthday or other holiday is coming up. So it turns out that there was not as much free money as it seemed.

Therefore, it is better to close all issues related to mandatory payments immediately after receiving your salary and plan the remaining expected expenses. And then, based on the remaining amount, think about entertainment and pleasure.

Believe me, the funds that will remain in your hands as a result will not give you the opportunity to waste everything recklessly, as could happen with a larger amount of money in the first few days after payday.

Divide and set aside

The second rule is distribution, and it will help you accurately take into account all upcoming expenses. To do this, at first, get yourself envelopes that you sign in accordance with the planned expenses, for example, “rent and utilities,” “groceries,” “kindergarten, sports, dancing,” “gifts for the holidays,” and so on. Don’t forget about the envelope with the words “savings” written on it.

Train yourself on the very first day of your paycheck to distribute money among these, so to speak, “shelves.” The amount that should be put aside in an envelope called “savings” should be at least 10% of the total family income. If you can save more money, then that’s great; if less, analyze your expenses.

However, do not forget that only adults can often deny themselves everything for the sake of global goals, and even then not all. If there are children in your family, do not deprive them of entertainment. Just introduce feasible restrictions and refocus a little.

For example, is your family used to going to a shopping and entertainment center on weekends and spending a lot of time there, leaving a tidy sum of money? This tradition should be adjusted while maintaining the main idea - to spend time for everyone together.

In the warm season, have a picnic in the nearest park or just take a walk around the city: children will be able to breathe fresh air, run and stretch, and parents will be able to remember the period of falling in love and walk holding hands, like in the old days. In winter, the whole family can build a snowman, go sledding, and play in the snow.


Of course, sometimes the weather does not allow you to actively spend time outside, but in any case you will be at the entertainment center less often. And this will also have a positive impact on your family’s budget in the sense that it will allow you to save on medications.

Indeed, in the winter season, the risk of contracting a viral infection in crowded places is very high. Therefore, if you can’t go for a walk on the street together, then introduce another tradition, for example, making pies or dumplings with the whole family. And it’s homely, and it’s all about business, and it’s fun.

We eat at home, cook ourselves and go to sales

This is how we smoothly approached one of the most costly items of expenditure, namely the funds spent on food. First of all, you should determine how much money your family spends on food in 10 days. To do this, record what was purchased and in what quantities during this time. Further analysis will be required again.

Study the list carefully, and if it contains a large number of semi-finished products, chips, sweets and cakes, then, in principle, the answer to the question of where to save money can be closed.

Many women, in the eternal bustle, try, at least on weekdays, not to waste time preparing food, and buy dumplings, dumplings, cutlets and sausages in the store. And even salads from supermarkets are often included in family dinners. Of course it's faster and easier. But it is clearly not cheaper and, especially, not healthier than natural homemade dishes.

Therefore, to save money and keep yourself and your family healthy, get rid of the habit of eating ready-made food. And when you go to the supermarket again, give preference to meat, fish and vegetables, and leave dumplings and sausages for bachelors.

In order not to turn the process of preparing dinner into torture for yourself after a busy day at work, make homemade preparations on the weekends and freeze them. Knowing that there are semi-finished products in the refrigerator, you will not buy store-bought ones.

Instead of ready-made cakes, bake your own. Start with simple recipes and involve children in the process. The taste of mother's pies is the taste of childhood. But besides cooking at home, there are several other ways to cut down on spending.

  1. Don't go to the store hungry, otherwise you'll end up with a lot of extra food.
  2. Buy as many foods with a limited shelf life as you can eat.
  3. Make a shopping list carefully and take enough money so that the amount is only slightly larger than the expected amount of the check.
  4. Plan your menu for the week and choose simple recipes.
  5. It is better to go to the market in the afternoon, when sellers are ready to bargain.

You should also approach the issue of purchasing clothes and shoes carefully and purchase the necessary new things at the end of the season. But you shouldn’t skimp on quality - it’s better to buy less, but really good things that will last a long time.


Try not to make impulsive purchases under the influence of discounts and great deals at the beginning of the season, especially since in many stores, before they put the “sale 50%” tag on an item, its price may first be raised.

As for the cost of household chemicals, some housewives prefer to wash with laundry soap and wash dishes with flour, soda or mustard. This may be a good way to save money, but it is not suitable for everyone.

If you're worried about your monthly energy bills and water usage, take a look at your family's habits. Perhaps the lights in the rooms are often turned on unnecessarily, all the TVs are on at the same time, and the washing machine and dishwasher do not turn on when fully loaded, but when you want to rinse a couple of plates or wash one shirt.