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How not to be nervous for any reason: exercises against nervous conditions. How to quickly calm down from nervous tension

Hello dear readers. Some people are able to react calmly enough to many serious problems, solving them with a straight face. Well, we can only envy them, because sometimes even small domestic problems can unsettle us. But, of course, we do not "explode" over trifles. This reaction occurs because over time we accumulate too many negative emotions in ourselves, which we tried not to show. But it brings us to a state where “nerves can’t stand it” is the very “last straw”, which most often can hardly be called a problem. It is from this moment that the period may begin when you will be nervous for any, even the most frivolous, reason. Naturally, often repeated events eventually turn into a habit that a person is not able to get rid of on his own.

If you have already formed such a habit, then you urgently need to get rid of it. Frequent experiences not only spoil our lives, but also affect our health, which in many cases becomes the cause of oncological diseases.

In general, the problem is quite solvable, but in order to cope with it, you need to familiarize yourself with some recommendations.

Constantly feeling anxiety of fear - how to get rid of, consequences

We can be nervous for absolutely any reason, ranging from problems at work, and ending with minor domestic troubles. It's one thing when there is a serious enough reason to worry, but when a person is nervous because of simple communication with another stranger, this already indicates a problem.

A small nervous burst, for example, before the presentation of a project, is a normal reaction of our nervous system. Over time, a person gets rid of his fears, which means that there are no more reasons to be nervous.

If a person develops as a person, then over time he gains self-confidence, so he will no longer worry about what other people think of him. It should be concluded that only self-confident people can calmly relate to the problems that have arisen.

But not every person can boast of such calmness, so we need to figure out how to stop being nervous after all?

Experiencing absolutely for any reason, we, it turns out, waste our energy, which just could help us realize ourselves in life. And so, we spend our strength on coping with ourselves in a separate situation.

As a result, we can lose control over our lives, which can lead to quite unpleasant consequences, which you simply do not have enough strength to cope with.

1. Acquisition of an addiction that creates the illusion that the problem has disappeared, making you forget about its existence for a while. We are talking about alcohol, smoking, as well as the use of various psychotropic drugs.

2. Refusal to achieve the set goals. Usually, problems confuse a person, and constant worries only further undermine him. As a result, a person loses the taste of life, and simply gives up.

3. Decreased mental performance. Being in a state of stress, a person tries to mentally abstract himself from the problem that has arisen, which means that he is not able to think clearly. Severe stress can lead to temporary mental retardation.

4. Chronic fatigue. The presence of any problem that causes sufficiently serious feelings burdens a person. Even a full sleep is not able to fully restore strength, which is why he feels tired even at the beginning of the day.

5. Loss of emotional control. If something “bites” you for a long period, and you are always nervous because of this, then, sooner or later, all this will result in one big emotional explosion. This is especially true for people who are not accustomed to sharing their experiences with anyone.

Analyze your fears

As we have already understood, the feeling of discomfort arises precisely because of self-doubt, which is precisely what fear generates. Accordingly, in order to stop being nervous, we need to understand our own fears that prevent us from realizing ourselves.

Therefore, we need to try to identify our fears in order to acknowledge them, and eventually get rid of them. One method will help us to identify our own fears.

So, we need a simple sheet of paper on which we will draw two columns. In the first one, you should write the problems that you are quite capable of handling. In another part of the sheet, you need to list those life problems that you cannot solve. If everything is clear with the first column, because you know how to solve the problems that have arisen, then for “unsolvable” problems you need to try to find a solution.

You need to try to draw up a detailed plan for solving a specific problem, at least on paper, and then you will see that not everything is as difficult as it might seem. But writing on paper alone is not enough, so you still have to put in a little effort so that this problem no longer makes you worry about it.

If the solution to some problems does not depend on you, then what is the point in worrying about it at all? You can worry if you really can influence the course of events, but for some reason do not do it.

Such an analysis will help you learn to distinguish real problems from far-fetched ones, as well as find solutions for them.

Remember childhood

Many psychological problems of adults stretch from childhood, which a person sometimes does not even realize. Therefore, you should think about the fact that the reason for your constant experiences lies in your past.

As a rule, children's fears develop into insecurity over time, which is why a person, in fact, is nervous. Quite often, parents, trying to motivate a child, compare him with other children. As a result, the child believes that he is somehow worse than others, and he has to live with this psychological trauma all his life.

How to deal with this problem? You are no longer a child, so you must understand that all people are different. And every person has both disadvantages and advantages. We must also remember our positive aspects, as often the focus is only on the negative.

Day of rest

If you have already turned to the Internet with the question “How to stop being nervous for any reason and become calm?”, Then this can only mean one thing - you need a rest. Do not forget that every person needs not only physical rest, but also psychological. So arrange for yourself a whole day of rest, forgetting about everything that bothered you before.

Such a discharge will only benefit you, and perhaps it will help you see the solution to the problem. Psychologists recommend during this day to do only those things that bring you pleasure.

1. Forget about your responsibilities. To do this, you should take one day off work at the expense of vacation. If you have children, then you can send them to visit their grandmother for a day. That is, you need to spend this day in an unusual way for you, fencing yourself off from everyday problems. The best option would be a short trip.

2. Take a bath. On a rest day, you have nowhere to rush, so you can afford to wake up at any time and take a relaxing bath right in the morning. Hot water will help your body relax, which can also relax your mind. Do so, throwing all unnecessary thoughts out of your head. Add your favorite herbs and oils to your bath.

3. Arrange a meeting with friends for a cup of tea or coffee. Of course, coffee cannot be called a relaxing drink, because it only stimulates nervousness. But, the effect of this drink also depends on your mood. Therefore, drinking a cup of coffee in the company of friends will only benefit you.

4. Do what you love for which you often simply do not have enough time. Love to draw? Take out the canvas and paints from the closet - and go ahead. If you are doing what you really enjoy, then you will not feel tired.

5. Cook something tasty. Food always helps to cope with stress, so sometimes it’s even good to treat yourself to some unusual dish. But do not overdo it, enjoying a delicacy and overeating are two different things.

6. Watch a movie. Your goal is to relax. Therefore, the film must be selected appropriate. Do not watch a drama or a thriller, but let it be a light and kind comedy.

How to stop being nervous for any reason and become calm?

Not every person can afford to have a whole day of rest, so you have to look for other ways to relax. And even if you managed to escape from the daily routine, this does not mean that bad thoughts will not overtake you.

1. Protect yourself from the source of stress

Take a break from the situation at least for a few minutes. Crash at work? Take a five-minute break for yourself, during which you can put your thoughts in order. So, you will not only get rid of nervousness, but also gain new strength for work.

Sometimes it is helpful to look at a problem through the eyes of a complete stranger. Try to push your emotions into the background and try to figure out the cause of the emotional outburst. Just ask yourself, what is the cause of your worries? Only in this way can you begin to act towards solving the problem.

3. Speak your problem out loud

You will need an interlocutor whom you completely and completely trust. It is best to talk with one of the family members, because only a loved one is able to patiently listen to you. In addition, you will not only feel relieved that you shared your problem with another person, but you will also be able to analyze it.

4. Smile

A serious, tense face is unlikely to help you relax, so start solving the problem with a smile. In this way, you set yourself up for the positive, which will only help you cope with stress.

5. Direct your negative energy in the right direction

If you feel angry or resentful, then this does not mean that you need to fight in hysterics or immediately get into a fight to get a discharge. Just go in for sports. Believe me, physical exercises will physically exhaust you so much that you will forget about any problems there.

How to make your daily routine

If you are nervous before a certain event for which you are not psychologically ready yet, then you need to try to collect your thoughts. Some recommendations of psychologists will help you tune in the right way:

Prepare yourself a delicious breakfast

Let your day start with your favorite yummy that always lifts your spirits. It is desirable that breakfast contains glucose, which will energize you for the whole day.

Do exercises

Of course, no one wants to strain in the morning, but believe me, after a few exercises you will feel cheerful. Sports also have a positive effect on our mood.


Empty experiences will certainly not help you, so try to distract yourself with some activity. Listen to your favorite song or just think of something that makes you happy.

use water

It not only helps us to cleanse ourselves of everything negative, but also charges us with positive energy. It doesn't matter what exactly you will do, take a bath or wash dishes, the main thing is that you are in contact with water.

Always look for the positives

In any situation, even the most difficult, there are positive aspects. That is, if you can no longer influence the situation, then you just have to change your attitude towards it.

Count to ten

If you feel that you cannot control your emotions, then you should take a deep breath and count from one to ten. This method will help to avoid conflicts and nervous breakdowns.

Write a letter

Sometimes it can be very difficult for us to cope with the problems that arise, which is why we are nervous. We are completely unaware that our experiences will not solve the problem, and in this way we only harm our health.

There is always a way out of any situation, and it is more profitable for you to spend your energy on finding this way out than on useless experiences that will not lead to anything good. Therefore, learn to arrange small breaks for yourself when you can take a break from all problems, relaxing in a hot bath with aromatic herbs, for example.

Each person chooses for himself ways to help him relax, so for each they will be different. Give yourself one full day off when you can devote time only to yourself. Sometimes "doing nothing" can be very useful, if not abused, of course.

First of all, in order to somehow reduce nervous tension, you need to stop paying too much attention to the problems that happened in the past and possible troubles that await you in the future, and concentrate as much as possible on solving current problems. It's not that you live for today. Rather, on the contrary, the more you do today, the more you will pave the way for new victories.

Do not poison your life with thoughts of past failures. This can no longer be changed. Live here and now.

It is important to learn how to solve problems effectively. Write down everything that worries you on a piece of paper. Next, next to each problem, indicate ways to resolve the situation. Set your priorities. What cases require immediate execution? Is it possible to postpone something for later? Put it all in your diary and cross it off as you go. This way of doing things not only disciplines well, but also allows you to get rid of nervous tension.

In addition, when analyzing the current situation, speculate about its worst consequences. What can you do to prevent this from happening? How will this affect your life? As a rule, after working through such a negative scenario, you will understand that everything is not as scary as it seems at first glance, so don’t even get nervous.

Work on yourself

For some people, worrying about trifles is a kind of hobby that they literally torment their loved ones with. In their opinion, not for any reason, in particular, about the fate of others - this is the degree of selfishness. It doesn’t even occur to them that excessive anxiety will only lead to sleep disturbance, loss of appetite, deterioration of hair and nails, and other negative factors, but it is unlikely to change anything.

If you are overwhelmed with compassion, then you should try to help this or that person in this situation, and not torment yourself with empty experiences.

On the other hand, there are those who deliberately invent new fears for themselves. Are you afraid of being fired from your job? Why will your wife leave you? That in a month you will recover by a couple of kilograms? Enough! You can always find another job, not all wives and husbands are their soul mates. As you get better, you will lose weight. And are there any real prerequisites for all this?

If you are worried about your own imperfection, then it's time to start loving yourself as you are. Still, self-love is the basis for finding peace of mind.

At an Israeli resort, a cook's assistant fired from a hotel staged a massacre by opening fire and barricaded himself in the kitchen. Only thanks to the composure of the arrived special forces, he was neutralized. The self-control of employees of special forces of all countries is taught first of all.

But can we - ordinary people - adopt the technique of self-control of special forces in order to be able to control our emotions and not splash out anger, while preserving our own nerve cells? Only for our readers shared professional secrets Oleg Tarasov, candidate master of sports in hand-to-hand combat.


If you feel that the conversation threatens to turn into a scandal, do not let yourself be trapped. It is best to start training on small things - in small skirmishes in transport, a store, when you just don’t like something, etc. Then, in a really serious stressful situation, you will be able to quickly cope with yourself.

Method one. Abstraction.

A very simple way: when you lose control, think of a completely different, pleasant situation or moment. For example, about which tropical island you would like to spend your next vacation on, or about a great movie that you watched yesterday.

Result. The point is to distract yourself from the annoying factor. Then the adrenaline will not have time to stand out and all claims can be expressed calmly, which will speed up the resolution of the problem.

Method two. Check.

This method is very similar to the one that psychologists advise: count to ten, for example, for a child who does not obey.

Result. There is an opportunity not to show their uncontrollable emotions.

Method three. Physical.

You can help yourself with any physical actions that you will do with force: clench and unclench your fists, crunch your fingers. You can just twist an object in your hands. A necessary condition is to fix your attention on what you are doing (“I clench my fists”, “I fiddle with a pen in my hands”).

It also helps to freeze and tighten every muscle of your body on the inhale and relax on the exhale.

Result. You calm down.


If you are on your nerves, you can, of course, take a relaxing bath, and, covered with a blanket, read your favorite book. But if you are now in the boss’s office or there is an important speech coming up, you need to be able to quickly, simply, and most importantly, quietly calm your nerves. At that moment, when you start to get angry or very nervous, a large amount of adrenaline is released into the blood in the body. All techniques of "calming" are designed to reduce its level as soon as possible. When there is a lot of adrenaline in the blood, the heartbeat quickens, the muscles are in hypertonicity, breathing gets confused, it becomes intermittent. Proper breathing is the most effective way to "burn" adrenaline: the more oxygen your muscles get, the faster the adrenaline will decrease. There are several ways to breathe.

Technique first.

It is aimed at ensuring that during nervous tension, breathing comes into line with the state of the body. You need to breathe often and deeply. Take 3-4 deep and quick breaths. We inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Then pause for 5 seconds and breathe as comfortably as you can. Then breathe in and out again. Repeat this 3-4 times.

Result. A lot of oxygen enters the body, and adrenaline goes away. And since there are no exciting factors, the person calms down.

Technique second.

It is aimed at using breathing to force the body to go into a calm state. Breathe a little deeper than usual. Just a little. If you breathe deeply, you will feel dizzy, you will achieve the opposite effect. Think about how you breathe correctly. This technique is less noticeable than the first and is suitable for those who, for example, are currently being scolded in a raised voice by a nervous boss.

Result. Oxygen relieves the body of adrenaline, and thoughts focused on breathing help to “rise” above the situation and perceive what is happening more adequately.

Technique third.

It is associated with small muscular movements. But the goal is the same - to reduce the level of adrenaline.

On a sharp breath, clench your fists as tightly as possible, digging your nails into your palm, and sharply, without a pause, throw your fingers forward as you exhale.

It is enough to make 10-12 such movements. At the same time, you need to think about what you are doing with your hands, concentrate on this.

Result. With sharp movements, you “burn out” adrenaline. Focusing on movement and breathing helps to distract from disturbing thoughts.

The state of nervousness is not alien to every person, especially given the high pace of life and the huge amount of information flows. Under such conditions, even minor failures can lead to depression, apathy and other nervous disorders. In order to stop experiencing with or without it, you need to learn to control your emotions. There are certain ways to help calm down and stop being nervous.

Causes of nervousness.

The state of anxiety and mental anguish can be triggered by various circumstances. Each person has different values, and for this reason, different situations can throw him off balance. Often, a person himself inflames the situation, giving excessive significance to things that are not worth it. Reasons for anxiety can be:

  • Dangerous situations that pose a threat to health or life;
  • Fear of failure or, in fact, failure itself;
  • Fear of appearing inappropriate in front of others;
  • in anticipation of important events;
  • Excitement due to conflicts, household trifles.

The emergence of moral discomfort under any stress factor is not a physiological process, it is a psychological setting. From a physiological point of view, nervousness is associated with the properties of the nervous system, and from a psychological point of view, with personality traits. Thus, the disposition to be nervous is not a natural reaction to stress, but the reaction of a particular person to what is happening.

Ways to stop being nervous.

Thanks to hard work on oneself, it is possible to overcome the state of nervousness. Here are some ways to help control your emotions:

Avoidance or elimination of stress.

If you know that this or that situation causes you bouts of excitement and negative emotions, then, if possible, you should avoid them in advance. If the situation arose spontaneously, then try to find an opportunity to eliminate it. However, not all problems can be "run away". This method is suitable if you are upset by a movie, communication with a new acquaintance, news on a social network - close the movie, leave the meeting, log out of the network.


If it is impossible to use the method of avoiding negativity, this method will be appropriate. If you are forced to be in an environment that makes you nervous, it is worth trying distraction techniques. A good option is a mental distraction - to think about something of your own, but a visual distraction works even better - contemplation on something extraneous. This strategy is suitable for meetings, travel in transport.

Drinking water.

A simple yet scientifically proven way. A glass of water, drunk without haste, is able to start the mechanism of self-rehabilitation of the body. The method is relevant in any situation.

Passion for interesting things.

The method is suitable if you cannot “let go” of the problem, if it torments and unnerves you again and again. The techniques can be: reading a fascinating book, knitting, drawing, computer games, outdoor activities. You should be interested in some kind of intrigue, courage, the rapid development of events. In pursuit of new sensations, it is important to follow the rule - do not harm anyone else.

water procedures.

Water is a healing agent for improving the psycho-emotional state. Water, both literally and figuratively, washes away all the “dirt”. As techniques, you can use: taking a bath or shower (can be combined with music therapy and light therapy), visiting a sauna or bath, swimming in a river / reservoir / sea. Even the usual washing of dishes will help to distract and benefit in the form of directly clean dishes and normalization of the state of mind.

Physical discharge.

This method physiologically causes physical relaxation and, as a result, moral relief. Among the effective methods are: long walks in the fresh air, dancing, general cleaning, gardening, sports training, destruction of old things.

Intimate intimacy.

Sex is a great remedy for blues. Ideally, sexual contact should take place with a loved one, but other options are also acceptable. The main thing is to approach the issue wisely and do not forget about the means of protection, otherwise the stress that you can experience after passing a pregnancy test will overshadow all other efforts.


It is enough to compare your situation with a worse scenario. This method teaches you to appreciate what you have and to realize that your situation is not worth such nerves. An effective method can be called for minor problems that are not related to health and a significant decrease in the quality of life.

Positive look.

The stressful event should be evaluated in a positive way. That is, you need to find the pluses in the fact that this happened. Maybe, thanks to this, you will get much more and pleasant events await you.

Laughter and tears.

These two opposite phenomena can bring moral relief. Although their interweaving is also possible: laughter to tears, crying to laughter. Making fun of the problem itself or laughing at something else will lift your spirits and help you move away from anxiety faster. Crying, moreover, the stronger, the better, relieves stress. Although in the process of sobbing it seems to you that relief is still far away, a new wave of emotions may flood you, but at the end of the hysteria, you will definitely feel better. With tears, toxic substances that were formed during stress leave the body.


The standard method of counting to 10 will help normalize breathing and control the surge of negative emotions. The method is suitable for athletes, and in situations where you want to avoid conflict.


Passion for your duties at work, additional tasks are very appropriate if you need to distract yourself from the problem. This method is suitable for long-term stress.


Keeping a personal diary that you trust in all moments of your life. Not everyone will like this method, but systematically writing down your thoughts on paper will help you get through unpleasant moments faster.

Chat with friends.

It is not necessary to speak out on a disturbing topic, especially if it is not significant. It is better not to remember the unpleasant incident once again, but simply to communicate and enjoy it. But, as an option, discussing your problem is also acceptable. Friends will listen, it may be important for you, and they can advise something else.

What methods are best not to resort to.

There is a group of ways that have only an apparent positive effect on the fight against nervousness:

  • drinking coffee
  • "Jamming" problems
  • Smoking
  • Drinking alcohol
  • Admission of narcotic substances

Perhaps these methods will help to survive stress, but their use, especially in large quantities, brings great harm to health and, ultimately, to the whole life of a person. Therefore, the harm far outweighs the benefit.

It is very important to learn to live without burdening yourself with worries about trifles. Your health depends on this useful skill, since frequent nervous breakdowns can lead to its deterioration.

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Nervousness occurs in various life situations: before or during some critical events, at the moment of agonizing expectation, when communicating with people.

In this article, you will learn how to stop being nervous and how to control your nervousness.

Nervousness can be due to both physiological and psychological reasons.

Causes of nervousness and anxiety

Physiological causes occur when nervousness is caused by our physical health condition. For example, our level of fatigue can affect our level of nervousness. Nervousness can arise from hunger, lack of vitamins, lack of sleep.

The psychological causes of nervousness are related to the psychological state. Absence, pessimism, timidity, feelings of insecurity, fear of failure - all this can cause nervousness.

Very often, these two types of reasons appear together, which is why an integrated approach is needed to work with both reasons in order to stop being nervous.

It is important to understand that nervousness is caused by internal factors more than external conditions. Nervousness is our response to what is happening around us. And how we react is largely up to us.

Therefore, different people react differently to the same situation. Some become nervous when talking to a few people, while others remain calm when they have to make a presentation in front of a huge crowd.

Of course, there are situations that will make them both nervous. We can't always influence the triggering of these events, but we can improve what we have inside to change the response to the events of the outside world: stop being nervous and worrying over trifles.

You can't always avoid stressful situations. To do this, you will have to not go to work, not drive a car and not leave the house at all. Stress accompanies every human life, and there is no way to avoid it. Therefore, we will improve ourselves.

Some people may think that it is normal and natural to be nervous and anxious in front of people during important meetings. But this is not true: anxiety is not the norm. You can get rid of nervousness and feel much calmer in stressful situations.

This is the first thing you need to understand before moving on.

There's no point in being nervous

The second thing you need to understand is that there is no point in being embarrassed and nervous.

Although nervousness or anxiety and fear can manifest as defense mechanisms that make us react to potentially dangerous situations - most often they take on an absurd form.

So, for example, this happens when we are nervous in front of people or nervous before an interview. After all, these situations are not dangerous; so no need to worry!

Any person who is more collected, organized and his mind works better in those moments when he is calm and in control.

When we are nervous, it is difficult for us to concentrate and think. Our body begins to show unnecessary physical activity. If we go to an interview or some kind of meeting, it can get in the way. We may forget something important.

Constant and chronic nervousness is bad for health and is the cause of many diseases.

Anxiety does not give us anything; it only hinders our development. So we have to get rid of it and we can do it.

The practical part of the article will consist of several parts:

  • Preparation - what you need to do to prepare your body for possible stress and be less nervous, for example, during an important meeting;
  • Self-control in real time - how to control yourself in a stressful situation;
  • Overcoming the consequences - how to calm down after stress;
  • Preventive treatment - how to teach your body not to respond to stress.

If you are nervous before some important event or activity, then it is time to be prepared to prevent the negative impact of anxiety on the course of events. A more cool-headed and concentrated person is more likely to succeed.

This applies to interviews, important meetings, negotiations, events, etc. What will you do if you can't pull yourself together before one of these events?

1. Don't be dramatic

If you're worried about something, very often that "something" is actually a small, harmless thing. Are you not being hired? And what? You will find another. Will you look funny in front of people? And what? Don't you care?

Consider each vital issue in some context of your entire life and a long period of time, and not in terms of immediate necessity. For example, you are worried that the person you like will refuse to meet you. And what? In a few months you will surely forget him and you will meet another person. If you fall in love with someone, it does not mean that he / she is the person of your whole life.

Try to think of situations that make you feel anxious. Try to think calmly and calmly. Many problems seem serious and significant at first glance, but if you analyze them, their significance disappears immediately.

The unexpected barking of dogs can scare you, but if you pull yourself together and assess the situation, it may turn out that the dog is on the other side of the iron fence, attached to the chain, and he is not barking at you at all.

It's the same with human problems: surprise can be confusing, but once you look closer, things get better than they first thought.

If you are unable to respond calmly to the subject of your worries (most likely it will be), and you are still worried, then do not think about the upcoming situation at all. Keep your mind off this. It's not all that simple: annoying thoughts will attack you again and again. Try not to become obsessed with these thoughts, switch to something else every time they occur.

The exercises below will help you overcome these difficulties. And remember, there is no point in being nervous. But telling yourself to calm down isn't always enough, because your body is still reacting to stress. So you have to work with your body.

2. Relax your whole body

Relaxed body = calm mind. Yoga methods are based on this principle. This truth has long been known - people who are calm, able to control themselves.

Try to direct your attention to the muscles and relax the tension in them. As a result, you will feel more calm and relaxed.

3. Eliminate nervous gestures

Stop pacing back and forth in nervous anticipation. Stop biting your nails, pulling your hair, smoking every 10 minutes - in short, stop doing involuntary things with your body when you are nervous.

Sit quietly and still, relax. Watch yourself.

4. Breathe in your belly

When people are nervous, they breathe from their chest. Thus, breathing increases, and becomes intermittent. In order to calm down, you should breathe smoothly into your belly at regular intervals. This technique is used in folk medicine as well as in ancient practices such as yoga. The so-called diaphragmatic breathing has long been proven effective.

After smoking a cigarette, the smoker feels relaxed, and not only because of the action of nicotine. He inhales and exhales slowly, so he stabilizes his breathing and he calms down.
Take advantage of this effect, but without cigarettes.

How to breathe with the diaphragm? Sitting in a quiet and motionless position, put your hand on your stomach (this is necessary for self-control). You must inhale and exhale at the same length of time. For example, inhale 5 seconds - exhale 5 seconds. You can hold your breath between inhalation and exhalation. Inhale - 5 seconds, hold your breath - 2 seconds, exhale - 5 seconds, hold your breath - 2 seconds.

Do exercises with or without delays - as you wish. The hand that rests on your stomach rises up and down in time with your movement of the abdomen, and the chest remains motionless. It is important!

When you learn to breathe with your belly, there will be no need to keep your hand on it.

Try to keep your attention on your breath and on the intervals between inhalation and exhalation. Do not be distracted by third-party thoughts and silently rely on yourself.

One session may last from 2 to 5 minutes, or may take longer, depending on your feelings.

This is a very effective exercise that always helps if you need to calm down and pull yourself together. Try doing this when you are tense, you will feel the instant relaxation that this simple practice gives you!

Self-control during the event

So everyone is looking at you. During an event, job interview, or meeting, it's not always possible to sit down, relax, and try to pull yourself together. You must speak and answer questions in a timely manner. What will you do in such situations?

1. Watch your facial expressions, gestures, intonation

Watch your body. Make sure your movements are smooth, the pace of speech is steady, and your facial muscles are relaxed. If you find yourself talking too fast or making too many sudden movements, stop yourself.

Your goal is to make sure that your appearance expresses complete calm. Inner peace creates outer peace, and vice versa. The calmer your posture and facial expression, the calmer you are inside. Human emotions have a feedback loop with the body.

That is why people advise to smile more often: if a person tries to portray some emotions on his face, he begins to feel these emotions. You can check it yourself. Smile at someone!

Why should you take care of yourself? Because when you watch your body and its movements, and when you try to control them, you are paying close attention to what is going on inside you.

It's like you keep your mind from emotions by changing it to the position of an outside observer. This is a good way to keep some distance between your true ego and the feeling in the moment. This allows you to stay focused and calm.

Some emotional storms may rage within you, but your mind will still be quiet. It may be difficult for those who have never experienced it to understand. But this ability comes with the practice of self-control.

2. Take your time

Haste never leads to good things. It can cause nervousness and scattered attention. Rushing at the time of the need to do something quickly, as a rule, does not have any positive effect on the speed of a specific task implementation.

When you are in a hurry, you start to fuss, switching abruptly from one subject to another. In this state, you can easily forget something and not finish something. This negatively affects the quality of the result.

Therefore, take your time, even if time is running out and someone is rushing you (this is done by those people who do not understand that there is no need to rush). Do everything at your natural speed: calm and collected.

Prepare carefully for your speech, do not rush to answer questions as soon as possible, your speech should not be very fast.

3. Overcoming the consequences

It's over! Relax and don't overuse "if" ("if I spoke better", "if I didn't forget"). If you didn't manage to pull yourself together and were very worried despite your best efforts, don't be discouraged.

Self-control is not an easy task and requires long and hard work on yourself. Analyze your mistakes, but don't dwell on them.

Relax and calm your breath. Diaphragmatic breathing will help you relieve nervous tension.

Preventive treatment

Even if you have learned to suppress attacks of nervousness, this is not enough. It would be better if you become less nervous at all. To do this, you must regularly carry out preventive measures.

1. Follow a sleep schedule

A constant lack of sleep has a bad effect on health and, in particular, on the nervous system. Make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep every day. It is advisable to go to bed at the same time. Basic principle: regularity and duration. More than 8 hours of sleep is not recommended, also.

Sticking to a sleep schedule works wonders. It makes you more energetic, alert and increases your resistance to stress.

2. Eat healthy

Eat a balanced and varied diet. Your body needs to get the full spectrum of vitamins. Eat less fried and fast food. Eat more food that contains essential nutrients for your nervous system (magnesium, vitamin B, zinc, antioxidants): whole grains, nuts, various fruits and vegetables.

Drink more water. Dehydration can trigger stress.

3. Get fit

Move more, and spend time outdoors as much as possible. Try to take a break from your computer if you can. Go in for sports. Sport strengthens the body, relieves tension and stress.

4. Meditate

First, a meditation session helps you relax. Secondly, regular practice increases resistance to stress. This is why unruffled stillness has become the hallmark of the experienced yogi or experienced meditator.

Unlike yoga, you do not need an experienced instructor or a special place to start meditating. You can meditate anywhere. Learning the basics of meditation is easy, and even an inexperienced person can do it.

5. Get rid of bad habits

Although smoking and alcohol may calm you down for a short period of time, the substance contained in cigarettes, alcohol and other drugs negatively affects the nervous system.

The more and more often you use alcohol and other drugs, the more your body is exposed to stress in everyday life. Do not abuse coffee! Caffeine triggers the release of stress hormones in the body.

6. Try not to create stressful situations yourself

For example, if you are preparing to take an exam, you do not need to worry and be nervous if you are well prepared and know the subject. You are calm, as there is no situation that could contribute to stress. Conversely, if you have not prepared well for the exam, you begin to worry and think that you will certainly come across the topic that you know the least.

Get ready for important meetings and negotiations so that you have no reason to blush. Think ahead and always have a plan of action ready. Follow the plan.