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How is the name Paul translated from ancient Greek? Paul. Origin and general characteristics of the name


The name Paul was originally an ancient Roman family name sounding like Paulus. Its interpretation in those days sounded like “small”, “small”. Later it came into Slavic culture and gained the same popularity. It became widespread thanks to the authority of the Apostle Paul.

The male name Pavel continues to be in demand today, like many other old Russian names. But its main advantage lies not in demand or sound, but in significance, which promises a newborn boy a lot of good qualities and excellent compatibility.

Conversational options: Pavlik, Pavlunya, Pavlusha, Pasha

Modern English analogues: Paul, Paul, Paul, Pablo

Meaning and interpretation of the name

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The character of the boy named Pavel is very difficult. It is believed that the meaning of the name Pavel promises a newborn child a contradictory and complex character, combined with a flexible and extraordinary mind, a desire for constant adventurism and risk, good nature and responsiveness.

He is a kind and sincere man who has preferred good to evil since childhood. True, he is emotional, and therefore can easily overstep his own values, being angry or experiencing a feeling of hatred towards someone.

Closed, a little secretive, calm and conservative. He is an interesting person, but shrouded in secrets.

Advantages and positive features: kind and generous, purposeful, talented and intellectually developed, does not stop there and always tries to reach new heights. And on top of that, he is a person who never deviates from his principles.

Pavel treats him badly people prone to betrayal, lies, cunning and self-interest. Pavel hates those who take advantage of others’ successes to achieve their own goals, and most of all he dislikes those who demonstrate their strengths exclusively against the background of the weak.

This name spread throughout Rus' after the name of the Apostle Paul, one of the most famous personalities in the Christian faith, gained authority.

Character of the name Pavel

The nature of the name is one of the most difficult factors. Thousands of researchers continue to study it even today, but no matter how hard they try, it will remain the most theoretical, not counting fate. But nevertheless, there are still results, and the situation with the name Pavel is no exception. The character of the boy named Pavel is such that it presupposes the presence of a bunch of virtues, among a huge list of which are talkativeness, eloquence, kindness, justice, good manners, devotion, fidelity, integrity, the ability to listen, and much, much more. other. But all this can be diluted, although not by a large number, but still shortcomings. These shortcomings can be such characteristics of nature as frivolity, inability to act according to plan, inconstancy, optionality, and the habit of relying solely on intuition. However, his character, despite all the shortcomings, is still leadership, which means Pavel will have a chance to become a leader or at least simply a respected person...

However, on the other hand, character largely depends not only on the name form itself, but also on a bunch of additional factors, including initial parental upbringing, the impact of the energy of the zodiac sign and many others...

Early childhood

The early childhood of the boy, for whom at birth his parents decided to choose the male name Pavel, is filled with movement and overflowing energy. This is a real naughty guy, a restless and spoiled man, he doesn’t sit still for a minute, he’s always on the move, energetic and active. At the same time, his playfulness, ideology and ingenuity go well with his popularity among children. Everyone respects him and wants to be friends with him, he had no enemies in childhood, only comrades, and in general, he is incredibly popular in society.

The energy of this name endows him not only with energy and activity, but also with many other characteristics. This includes restlessness, ingenuity, mobility, efficiency, determination, a cheerful disposition, playfulness, eloquence, friendliness, and good nature. But in addition, the significance of the name Pavel and his energy endows the boy with other traits, one might even say shortcomings - disobedience, lack of planning, irresponsibility, unreliability, and riskiness. In general, this boy can be noted for his good character and good-natured nature.

And in addition to everything, he may have an analytical mind, self-sufficiency, and love of freedom, and these traits, believe me, will remain with him until the end of his life. Parents, unfortunately, will have to worry a lot about him - Pavel is very active and, on top of everything, he often commits rash actions, which can lead to various troubles and possible problems.


A teenager who is patronized by the meaning of the name Pavel is a boy whose nature is usually rewarded with such traits as restlessness, activity, energy, efficiency, restlessness, talkativeness, eloquence, risk-taking, receptivity and sensitivity.

At his core, Pavel is a spoiled child and a child who causes a lot of problems for himself and everyone around him. But his parents will also have to worry about his studies - the fact is that his nature does not allow him to concentrate well enough, which is why many of the subjects studied at school may be poorly understood by Pavel himself.

Lack of discipline, inattention, inconstancy, optionality, inability to perform, instability, lack of control, self-indulgence - these are the things that prevent him from achieving positive results in his studies. But Pavel is essentially an organizer. He has organizational skills, thanks to which he gains authority among his peers, and thanks to which he becomes popular in society.

As for relationships with peers, everything is simple - he is sociable and eloquent, knows how to listen, listens to other people's opinions and never insults his comrades, a reliable friend and devoted comrade. In other words, his relationships with peers are excellent, with the exception of only one point - in childhood he may have many envious ill-wishers.

Grown man

Adult Pavel is a completely different person. A boy, or rather, now a man, can be rewarded with a bunch of different virtues, including friendliness, eloquence, goodwill, integrity, fairness, honesty, prudence, pragmatism, determination and perseverance. With all this, Pavel is also very passionate - he achieves almost any goal he sets, but what attracts him is not the goal itself, but how quickly he achieves it, plus he likes to take risks, which also cannot go unnoticed.

Rash actions, lightning-fast reactions, efficiency, mobility, self-confidence and determination - these are what can bring him victory in many of his “battles.” The meaning endows this man with a truly strong character and powerful willpower, he never gives up, is persistent and arrogant at the same time, and amazes with his intuition. Sensitive and receptive, he has a hard time with betrayal and deception on the part of his comrades, but he easily forgives minor offenses, because he knows that there are no ideal people. But as for betrayal, everything is not as simple as many would like - Paul will never allow the person who once betrayed him to approach him. Communication with potential comrades and like-minded people is at a high level - he listens to people with pleasure, helps them, will never leave a comrade in trouble, but at the same time demands the same from everyone.

By the way, meaning can also bestow communication skills, thanks to which Pavel will easily make contact...

Interaction of Paul's character with the seasons

Summer - a newborn boy named Pavel will be reasonable, diplomatic and serious rather than positive and positive. In general, the character is unique in nature. Gallant and courteous, charming and charming - a seducer and a ladies' man, an honest and very passionate gentleman.

Winter - the meaning of Winter gives birth to a cheerful and rather witty boy. Talented, smart, positive, emotional, and at the same time reasonable. Despite a lot of advantages, he has no vanity or pride. He hates egoists, tries to make everyone equal in order to achieve harmony.

Spring - here a sensitive and gentle person by origin of the soul is born, who takes to heart any troubles and adversities of the world around him. He is open, honest, knows how to listen and encourage with advice, a speaker you can look for, tries to help everyone, to be useful, but does not demand attention to his person.

Autumn - this child will shine with his imagination and far-reaching plans from childhood. Romantic, impetuous and impulsive, but these traits are hidden under a thick layer of correctness and sanity. He wants to live in his own illusory world, but is forced to live in reality for the sake of his own self-interest. He is patient and enduring, easily copes with any adversity, but needs a reliable guardian of peace - a woman who is faithful and calm.

The fate of the name Pavel

The fate of the name is another equally complex factor. It is quite difficult to predict what a person’s fate will be based only on the characteristics of the name form, and thousands of specialists are ready to confirm this. And yet, statistics still allowed researchers to come to several interesting facts that they are ninety percent sure of...

One of these facts indicates that the fate of a man named Pavel always presupposes a rather stormy personal life. So, Pavel will always be in great demand among representatives of the opposite sex, will be popular with ladies, and will be surrounded by female attention. But the whole problem is that he himself will be extremely demanding of women - he doesn’t like “fifas” and “dolls”, just as he doesn’t like “tomboys”, all his life he will look for someone whose character will combine sociability , and femininity, and simplicity.

By the way, Pavel’s fate will ultimately lead him to a stable, long-lasting, happy marriage - this is what most researchers think. But it is worth noting that not everyone can withstand Pavel - the reason is his incredibly strong jealousy, accompanied by emotionality. However, fate is just a theoretical parameter, and it is simply unrealistic to predict it with one hundred percent accuracy, so in reality everything may be completely different from what is described above.

Love and marriage

Pavel is a man to whom admiring ladies are drawn. He conquers women's hearts with his good nature, responsiveness, reliability and sense of beauty. He treats female representatives with reverence and tenderness, but does not reassure girls in vain. He is not looking for numerous love affairs, and on the contrary, he dreams of connecting his life with only one single woman and is looking for his soulmate with all his heart.

Pavel is one of those men for whom it is important that their wives be admired and envied. He tactfully and gently teaches his wife all the intricacies of creating an ideal image and often chooses her wardrobe himself. Oddly enough, this does not offend the spouse at all, and on the contrary, she should be pleased to feel such care and generosity of her husband.

Pavel is ready to help his wife on the farm, although without much zeal. He carefully ensures that his wife can cope with all household chores. In addition to his help, he gives her equipment to help her: a dishwasher, an automatic washing machine, a blender, a food processor and even a robot vacuum cleaner. In addition, he is a hospitable host and always happily receives guests in his home.

Paul as Father

Pavel takes the issue of paternity very seriously and plans the appearance of children in advance. He, of course, loves his children madly, but it cannot be said that he spends a lot of time with them. But Pasha makes sure that his kids do not need anything and that they have everything their heart desires.

The best toys, strollers, bicycles and the best clothes - he believes that this is how he proves his love to them. However, with this he only pampers them, which does not always have a positive effect on their character. As you know, overly spoiled children in the future become quite selfish people and continue to expect that everything will be brought to them on a plate.

In other aspects of the educational process, Pavel relies entirely on his wife. By the way, in such a family, it is most often the father who instills a sense of style and a love for everything beautiful. It teaches children neatness, the habit of looking perfect, commitment and other equally important factors.

Compatibility with female names

In terms of relationships, passion, reciprocated love and devotion, ideal options for Pavel would be women named by names such as Stella, Emma, ​​Frida, Dora, Marianna, Bronislava and Varvara.

With such people as Dina, Rosa, Elina, Clara, Iya, Vera, Susanna and Praskovya, there is the best compatibility.

But with Ninel and Antonina, unfortunately, there is no compatibility.

Pavel: what is he really like? Photo from the site mamindnevnichok.ru

Pavel’s character cannot be called simple, but only close people who communicate with this man for many years know about this. The first impression of him is that he is a kind person, it is easy to communicate with him, it seems that he is always ready to help and give the right advice.

Origin of the name Pavel

This name is of Latin origin, analogues in other languages: in England - Paul, in Italy - Paolo, in Spain - Pablo, in Poland - Pawel, in France - Paul. I wonder what the name Pavel means when translated into Russian from Latin - it is “small”. But, despite this, men with this name can clearly express themselves and will never allow themselves and their loved ones to be offended. Sometimes it even seems that their character is developing contrary to the meaning of the name.

Pavlov's name day is July 12 and January 28. July 12 is the day of Saints Peter and Paul, and January 28 is the day of St. Paul of Thebes.

Boy Pasha

A boy with this name is calm and obedient; he is very close to his parents and spends a lot of free time with them. He will happily take care of his brother and sister, especially if the age difference is more than 5 years. If Pavel’s parents forbid something, they can be sure that he will not break the ban and will also dissuade his friends from doing wrong.

Despite his calm behavior, he is popular with his peers, and in high school he can even become the life of the party.

If you named your child Pavel, then get ready that throughout his childhood he will bring stray animals into the house, as he is always ready to help. Over the years, empathy does not disappear, therefore, if Pavel is rich, he will definitely help his needy relatives, friends, and do charity work.

The main character traits of the adult Pavel

The behavior and basic character traits of an adult man with this name are often determined by the methods of education that his parents chose. That is why you need to find out in advance what the name Pavel means for a child and how to raise him correctly.

If the parents were strict and often resorted to the “whip” method, then the boy grows up gloomy and uncommunicative, even in a close circle of friends he can remain silent and sit on the sidelines, and if strangers are present, then it is unlikely that he will be able to get at least one word from him . But with a democratic method of upbringing, when parents act only with the help of affection and love, Pavel will grow up to be a kind and balanced optimist, who is quite sociable, has many friends, many appreciate his good nature and ability to listen.

Pavel can boast of the trust placed in him by friends and colleagues, who often turn to him for advice. He has a well-developed intuition, so he often obeys not logic, but his feelings. Owners of this name can laugh it off even in a difficult situation, they don’t like conflicts and fights, but if you catch Pavel in the flesh, then beware, he will definitely take revenge, but, most likely, not immediately, but later, when no one will wait for this.

If a man with this name does not receive satisfaction at work, then he can become a gossip and a braggart; it is difficult for him to keep his mouth shut, so many stop communicating with him, but if he turns on his charm, he will again earn love and respect.

Personal life and family

Women love him, so he doesn’t need to make any special efforts to charm and win the woman he likes, but he rarely has whirlwind romances with breaking dishes and passionate reconciliation.

He chooses a calm girl as his life partner, who will make the house cozy and will raise children. It is important for Pavel that his wife be faithful and caring, but he cannot do without frequent intimate relationships, so he often takes a mistress. However, he himself is extremely jealous, he can create scandals for no reason, but if his wife provokes him herself, then a tragedy may even happen.

He loves his children madly, as a parent he is quite democratic, rarely scolds or raises his voice. If a child has done something wrong, he will prefer to have an instructive conversation.
For marriage, it is better for him to choose Diana, Dina, Vera, Sophia, Maya, and avoid serious relationships with Natalya, Tatyana, Daria, Angelina and Yulia.

Professional preferences and career

The choice of profession is greatly influenced by what the name Pavel means, because this man chooses a job only in accordance with his own preferences, he will never go to work that he does not like and count the hours until the end of the working day.

Colleagues and managers value him for his calmness and perseverance, but sometimes career advancement is hampered by laziness, which has haunted most Pavlovs since childhood. He will never climb the career ladder over his head, but will prefer an honest method, albeit a longer one.

But if he has the opportunity to open his own business or earn a lot of money quickly, he will never refuse, so the owners of this name rarely need finance.

How does the name Pavel combine with a patronymic?

A person’s character is influenced not only by his name, but also by his patronymic, so it is not enough to know what the name Pavel means for a boy; one must also take into account the name of his father.

Pavel Vasilievich, Andreevich, Viktorovich, Vitalievich, Sergeevich, Ivanovich, Evgenievich, Vladimirovich

he is balanced and calm, like all representatives of this name, but his main difference is that he is insanely attached to his family and home, his personal life comes first for him, so he will do everything to ensure that harmony and calm reign in it.

Pavel Grigorievich, Vyacheslavovich, Egorovich, Yanovich

sociable and simple-minded, cheerful and a favorite of women, he always has many friends, loves holidays and noisy companies, but sometimes he can be aggressive and hot-tempered.

Pavel Valerievich, Antonovich, Igorevich, Lvovich, Leonidovich, Denisovich

purposeful and will always achieve the goal he sets for himself. He is an excellent psychologist, he can easily find a person’s weak points and will put pressure on them for his own purposes. He strives to get a good education and a well-paid position, to take a position in society, he chooses a woman for himself based on social status and appearance, he loves respectable and beautiful people, but with age, a strong family and mutual understanding become important to him.

Pavel Anatolyevich, Nikolaevich, Stepanovich, Feliksovich, Stanislavovich, Albertovich

he is ambitious, does not tolerate dishonesty and betrayal, he is hot-tempered, and it can be extremely difficult to calm him down. But with age, he learns to restrain himself and no longer shows his emotions so violently and openly.

Pavel is a calm man, but sometimes he is hot-tempered and uncontrollable. Women love him, he is always ready to reciprocate their feelings, but he may not marry for a long time, choosing a worthy companion. The character of a man is greatly influenced by his patronymic, especially with regard to personal qualities and relationships in the family.

Calm, kind, sympathetic, able to sympathize - this is the meaning of the name Pavel. People willingly trust him with all their innermost thoughts and secrets, because Pasha knows how to empathize and can suggest a solution to the problem. This masculine name gives its owner a rich imagination and deepest intellect. However, his mind is somewhat passive.

A mother’s best assistant in caring for younger children is the meaning of the name Pavel for a boy. Responsive, obedient, will never go against the rules. Children who are planning a prank will be dissuaded from rash actions. He loves to play, but it cannot be said that the process is very addictive for Pavlusha.

Flexible, sociable, but not assiduous - this is the meaning of the name Pavel for a child. To some extent even lazy. However, if you captivate Pasha with funny stories or travel stories, he will get carried away and his laziness will disappear. He is kind and sensitive, but reacts to events with some delay. Loves to invent new games and enjoys showing them to friends.

Realist and optimist - this is the interpretation of the name. He always acts slowly and does not accept being rushed. He sets a goal for himself and strives for it with great tenacity. Knows what needs to be done to implement it. He solves problems with his characteristic creative approach. Those around him treat him with sympathy.


The gallant Pavlik always behaves courteously towards the ladies. Takes care of his appearance. Affectionate, gentle and, at the same time, passionate lover. Thanks to his developed intuition, he can sense whether a woman will reject him. He values ​​relationships highly, but his career is of greater importance in life.

The lady of Pasha's heart must be worthy of him. He is jealous, but does not show his feelings. If he finds out about betrayal, he will never forgive and break off the relationship. A romantic by nature, Pavlik strives to please the girl. This means that it is very important that the chosen one understands Pasha’s feelings and desires.

At a young age, he often starts whirlwind romances, trying to prove to himself his sexual capabilities. Attaches great importance to failures with partners. He knows which gift his beloved will like most.


Pashka does not consider himself the head of the house. This means that he trusts his wife to manage the household. But he behaves this way only in the absence of strangers. As a rule, people get married late. However, marriage can be not only for love, but also for convenience.

Sexual relationship with your wife is very important. If the beloved ceases to experience the same passion as at the beginning of the relationship, she may have a mistress. But he is unlikely to love her. Pavlik needs another woman only for physical intimacy. Pasha is a monogamous person. Divorce has a negative meaning, so it is extremely rare to separate from your spouse.

He treats his wife with sincere love, she will always help and suggest a solution in a difficult situation. He doesn’t offend his wife, he wants to see her as the most beautiful. He is unlikely to help with housework, but if he takes on some task, he will do it brilliantly. She loves children, but does not know how to raise them, she only spoils them.

Relationships with Dina, Ekaterina, Zinaida, Elizaveta, Sophia, Seraphima, Vera, Maya, Ella, Venus, Juliet, Ella will develop well. A marriage with Nina, Natalya, Lilya, Inga, Angela, Daria can become unsuccessful.

Business and career

Many endeavors end unsuccessfully. But Pavlik does not stop there and persistently moves towards the goal, which means he can achieve enormous heights in his chosen specialty. Lucky in business. He conducts all his affairs honestly and, thanks to this, easily gets rid of the troubles and obstacles of competitors.

Can find work in any field. Reliable, modest, hardworking – this is what colleagues attribute to him. Pavlik's calmness and good nature only help in his career. If your profession is of great importance in life, you will easily become rich and successful. Talented, will find his way in science and art.

Origin of the name Pavel

The Latin word "paulus" is where this name comes from. Its meaning is “small”, “small”. Previously, this was the name given to those who were born later than everyone else in the family. The Apostle, whose name was Paul, was one of the greatest teachers of the Church of Christ, who was called Saul from birth. During his life he was an opponent of Christianity. But when the Lord called him, Saul believed in Christ. The Almighty named him Paul and ordered him to spread Christianity throughout the earth.

The origin of the name Paul is due to the fact that in Latin families father and son were often called the same. Therefore, the secret of the name is simple - in order to distinguish between father and son, they added the prefix “paulus” to the nickname of the younger one.

Thanks to etymology, it is known that this name came to Rus' from Byzantium. It spread quite quickly among the Russians. Saints Peter and Paul, who, according to history, were revered by the Slavs, played a big role in this.

Characteristics of the name Pavel

Pasha’s character is not easy. But it's easy to communicate with him. Calm and flexible, capable of becoming a fighter for justice. Loves to help those in need and is merciful. But he can't stand stupid people. He behaves warily with new acquaintances. Witty and smart - these are the characteristics of the name Pavel.

In a difficult situation, he does not make a breakthrough. Tries to discover an easier path and, as a rule, finds it. He does not show his power over people dependent on him. Kind-hearted and witty. You can win him over only through some action, as well as through devotion and sincerity.

Pavlik's advantages are a craving for creativity, calmness, poise, intellectual abilities, goodwill, reliability, affection. Cons: suspiciousness, laziness, passivity, demandingness, strictness.

The mystery of the name

  • The stone is ruby.
  • Name days - January 5, 17, 23, 27, 28, 30; February 2, 26; March 1, 17, 20, 23, 29, 30; April 9, 19, 29; May 10, 16, 31; June 1, 4, 10, 14, 16, 21, 23; July 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, 20, 29; August 10, 12, 30; September 3, 5, 12, 17, 23; October 7, 8, 16, 17, 21; November 2, 4, 11, 16, 19, 20; December 5, 8, 11, 20, 28, 29.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Virgo.

Famous people

  • Pavel Priluchny is a theater and film actor.
  • Pavel Volya is a TV presenter, participant in the Comedy Club TV project, film actor, and pop artist of the spoken genre.
  • Pavel Durov is a programmer, Russian entrepreneur, ruble billionaire, one of the creators of the social network VKontakte.

Different languages

Translation of the name Pavel into English is Paul. Pablo - that's how it translates into Spanish. Its meaning in Italian is Paolo. In Chinese, the translation looks like this: 帕维尔. In Japanese the meaning is パヴェル.

Name forms

  • Full name: Pavel.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other options - Pavlik, Pasha, Pavlusha, Pavlunya, Panya, Pashka, Pavlukha, Palya, Pavelka, Pavlya, Pavka, Pashuta, Pavlusya, Pavlyuka, Panyasha, Pavlyukasha, Pakha, Pashenka, Pashok.
  • Declension of the name - Paul (born, wine, p.), Pavel (dat. p.), Pavel (creative p.), Pavle (prev. p.).
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Paul.

There are some names whose original meaning does not coincide with our usual idea of ​​their bearers, with their real characteristics.

It is unlikely that any of the stronger sex would like it if, for example, they were called “Baby Ivanovich” or “Baby Alexandrovich” in a work environment. But the original meaning of the name Paul is precisely this - from Latin “Paulus” is translated as “baby”.

True, linguists say that the origin of this name has a slightly different semantic connotation: “Paulus” is translated from the language of the ancient Romans as “younger,” and most often it was used to call the youngest child. The name came to the territory of today's Russia thanks to Christianity and one of its apostles - Apostle Paul. This name was “to the taste” of representatives of different social strata, not only because it is of Christian origin, but also due to its ease of pronunciation and good compatibility with different patronymics.

This name is popular both in Orthodox countries and in Catholic ones - precisely because it is of Christian origin. There are several known popes who took this name for themselves after their elevation to the rank. The Apostle Paul was chosen as their patron by cities, including St. Petersburg, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and London, and entire states - Malta, and admirers of the saint often named their sons after him.

The name Pavel in everyday life is transformed into the diminutive forms Pasha and Pavlusha, Pava and Pavlik. In European countries, Pavel turns into Paul, Pablo or Paolo.

"Kids" in childhood

Men bearing the name Pavel do not at all look like “babies”, as one might conclude, having only learned the origin of the name. Pavel's character is quite masculine and “adult”. And in order to understand more precisely who Pavel is, the meaning of the name for his real life, you need to take a closer look at the following points:

  • How is little Pasha behaving?
  • What are the characteristics of an adult male?
  • How is his personal and professional life?
  • Health, name day and some other features of Pavel.

If parents want their newborn son to not lose touch with his family as he grows up, then the name Pavel is exactly what is suitable for their boy. As a child, Pasha is usually kind-hearted and sympathetic, and the rules established in the family do not cause him to protest. If he has brothers and sisters, the boy is very attached to them.

Pasha is a sociable child; he enjoys playing with friends, but he does not like dangerous adventures and even dissuades his daredevil peers from such adventures. An open character, which is expressed in sociability, in the desire to play and explore the world, is balanced by a view of the world around us that is quite reasonable for childhood.

His behavior is logical and reasonable, he gets down to business only after thinking, so haste is not typical for this child. And parents will have to come to terms with some of the slowness with which Pasha acts. But this slowness should not be mistaken for laziness - this is how a boy learns about the world around him and acts most effectively.

His slowness and prudence have one important positive side, which is not typical for every boy. If he believes that he needs to do something, he will certainly do it and will finish the job he has started. This typically male behavior has a special meaning for Pavlik from the first conscious years of his life.

In elementary school, Pasha is far from an exemplary student; it is difficult for him to sit still if a school subject does not fully capture his attention. But his restless character does not prevent him from studying quite well - his mentality allows him to generalize information and draw the necessary conclusions. And this skill sometimes turns out to be more important than ordinary cramming.

Pasha rarely becomes a leader in the class because he is quite modest. But he is never deprived of friends. Other boys - and girls too - are drawn to him because he knows a lot for his age and knows how to talk about it in a fascinating way.

Teenager and man

As a teenager, Pasha remains a fairly calm and reasonable guy; Pavlikov’s parents are rarely familiar with all the “charms” of adolescence among boys. A balanced and sociable character allows him to maintain good relationships with both his parents and friends acquired in childhood. Friends especially appreciate in a boy named Pasha his sincerity, responsiveness and ability not only to empathize, but also to come to the rescue.

Moreover, he helps not only his comrades - in family affairs, parents can well count on the help of the matured Pavlik. Sometimes the older generation is confused by the fact that it is in adolescence that Pasha begins to show his contradictory character: despite his kindness and responsiveness, he can radically change his appearance - “turn” into a real dandy or a “kick-ass” informal.

Don’t be afraid of this - finding yourself is of great importance for Pavel. It is better to treat this condescendingly and with humor, and point out some shortcomings or absurdities very gently and correctly - this is exactly the approach that the grown-up son will appreciate positively. Pavlik will take any rejection or aggressive desire to “correct” him with hostility, and his relationship with his parents can seriously deteriorate.

The character of an adult man becomes somewhat more contradictory and tougher than in childhood and adolescence. Nevertheless, in his communication he tries to be diplomatic and balanced, which allows him to maintain good relations not only with his circle of friends, but also with unfamiliar people and colleagues. However, you should not expect that this man will be lenient towards impudent behavior - he organically does not tolerate rudeness and selfishness.

At the same time, his character becomes demanding: he not only strives to do everything almost perfectly, but demands the same from those around him. Doing everything “on the level” is of particular importance for Pavel - after all, he takes very hard even the slightest failures. At the same time, he knows how to draw conclusions from his defeats and will certainly achieve success next time.

But Paul’s character does not require everyone’s attention to his own person. He doesn't like being the life of the party, although he still knows more than most and his wit is "above average." But Pavel’s friends need to remember one rule: you need to be sincere with him and not go into conflict, then the relationship will remain friendly for many years.

Love and marriage

Of course, it is very interesting what the name Pavel means for its bearer in the sexual and love aspect. Most often, the friendly environment of both Pavlik and the already grown man is not only male; among his friends there are many representatives of the fair sex. But Pavel has one important rule: he will never create false illusions in a girl who has sympathy for him if he himself does not have tender feelings for her.

Despite this, in their youth these men have many sexual partners, but he makes the choice of his “only” quite late. For him, complete unity is important not only in the mental and intellectual aspects, but also in the sexual.

Moreover, sex for Pavel is not only bodily pleasure, but also aesthetic. Therefore, he gives one of the priorities to the environment in which his dates take place. In this, his sense of taste and style is not changed at all - his partner will simply be fascinated by the romantic atmosphere.

For Pavel, intimate relationships are one of the indispensable conditions of a marriage; for him, a relationship with his wife without sex is simply not possible. At the same time, family life in no way diminishes Pavel’s sense of style and good taste.

Moreover, if he feels that his beloved wife is somewhat “not up to” his level in this regard, he gradually begins to educate her. For example, she gives perfume that not only suits her, but is also popular today. He may even give his wife cosmetics or jewelry that he thinks will help his woman look elegant.

The meaning of the name Pavel for running his own business is not the most favorable, but such a direction in his life is also possible. To do this, a man needs constant motivation, which his responsibility cannot ignore. Ambition and vanity are not his characteristics, so the income from Pavel’s commercial activities will not be exorbitant: enough for a decent life and a little more on top.

But wherever fate takes Pavel, a very important quality can help him - he knows how to withstand life’s difficulties. In addition, primary attention to his own opinion and sometimes almost complete disregard for the opinions of others (except for those whom he dearly loves) can make his life, if not completely happy, then certainly calm.

The ability to negotiate with people also plays an important role in this. So if you like conflicts and showdowns, then Pavel is not a person in your social circle. One of the passions that Pavlik acquires in childhood and retains until old age is the desire to learn and study the world around him. So Paul will never refuse to go on a trip if he has such an opportunity.

As for Orthodox baptism, since Paul is the name of a Christian saint, it is given at baptism. According to the calendar, Paul's name day falls on July (29), August (10, 12, 30) and September (3, 5, 10, 12, 15, 17). Author: Olga Inozemtseva