home · electrical safety · How to properly paint old iron gates. How to paint metal gates with your own hands? Achieving the effect of antique bronze

How to properly paint old iron gates. How to paint metal gates with your own hands? Achieving the effect of antique bronze

The gate protecting the car in the garage or the entrance to the yard requires regular maintenance and restoration. Painting gates is not just for aesthetic purposes. It is important to protect the metal from damage due to corrosion. It is necessary to choose the right paint and prepare the iron sheets and forged elements. At the same time, you create the original look of the gate with your own hands.

Scale and rust on iron gates

The word “gate” itself means that the structure is outdoors under the influence of moisture and temperature changes. It protects against illegal entry into the garage and yard. Therefore, the gate must be strong and easy to open. They need to be looked after: lubricate the canopies, cover the entire surface with protective compounds.

My friend built his own house and the very next summer came to me with a question about painting the iron gates. Over the course of a year, they all lost their attractive appearance and began to corrode. The paint was peeling off around the edges and at joints. Various structures required restoration:

  • garages made of sheet steel;
  • forged at the entrance to the yard.

Vadik wanted to do everything with his own hands. I told him the main stages of painting the gate:

  1. Clean the structure from dust and dirt, wash it well and dry it.
  2. Remove rust.
  3. Degrease the entire surface.
  4. Coat with metal primer.
  5. Apply fresh exterior metal paint.
  6. If desired, decorate the gate.

Each of the operations can be simplified by using special tools and tools. My friend and I started discussing various options.

Sheet metal garage doors

Vadik brought a garden hose with various attachments. First, he washed off the dust and debris with a stream of water. Then I sprayed the cleaning solution. Gates made of sheets had practically no transitions. Using a regular brush, we walked it over all surfaces, washing it off dirt and oil stains.

The weather was good. The water we used to wash off the remaining solution dried quickly. Next we had a competition. Vadik cleaned one sash with a wire brush. I cleaned the second one using a drill with sandpaper attachments.

The dust was removed with a vacuum cleaner. We didn’t bother with the manual method using a broom and sponge. My friend was tired while working with a brush.

The metal primer was applied with your own hands using brushes. Carefully coated:

  • welding places;
  • around awnings, handles, lock;
  • ends;
  • sheet joints.

Covered the entire surface. We walked through places that were questionable twice. Don't forget the handles. The entire surface was completely dry only the next day. Painted with hammer paint. We used a spray gun.

The walls around the gate were covered with film. We don't need paint there. The awnings were greased with grease. The iron gates were opened and closed several times. Then the excess lubricant was wiped dry. The lock was sealed with tape.

Difficulty in cleaning forged elements

The forged gate at the entrance to the yard had many twisted and bent elements with a large number of hard-to-reach places. They were located near the road and were heavily splashed with mud by cars passing by.

If possible, wash them first with strong water pressure from a hose. Then the cleaning solution was sprayed. We attached round nylon brushes to the drill. Our wives wash the inside of jars with these. Almost all the dirt was washed away. The residues were removed with water.

Inhibitor and modifier will simplify gate cleaning

Quickly paint iron gates

We did not sand off the rust in the gate structure with a large number of hard-to-reach places. Vadik asked me to tell him about other easy ways to clean corrosion with your own hands. I took out the pre-purchased two-component anti-corrosion compound from the trunk:

  • the modifier enters into a chemical reaction with iron oxide and changes its formula to inactive;
  • The inhibitor suppresses the process of combining with oxygen and the formation of corrosion.

The two substances are packaged in different containers and mixed immediately before use.

After applying the rust modifier, Vadik walked his hands over all surfaces with a round metal brush, called a “witch”. He attached it to the drill and set the speed to medium. My friend spent a couple of hours cleaning the complex structure of the metal gate.

Hammer paint

We provide high-quality painting of iron gates

We covered the base with hammer paint. It was possible to combine two actions. There are paints on sale that contain modifiers and inhibitors. After application the surface has a glossy appearance. But in places heavily damaged by corrosion, rough spots remain.

Iron gates can be painted with various paints:

  • nitro enamel dries quickly, but is aggressive to all other materials and does not last long;
  • Oil oil quickly deteriorates when exposed to moisture and ceases to protect the metal;
  • alkyds are stable, but emit toxic substances;
  • acrylic is unstable to temperature fluctuations and loses its appearance;
  • hammer has an original appearance and is resistant to moisture.

We settled on hammer paint. The silicone resin base makes it flexible. It gets into the cracks. Metal pigments and synthetic fibers, after drying, form a hard film on the surface with a pattern of small stains. It can even be used to coat iron that has not been rust-free.

High paint resistance is used in machine tool manufacturing. There it withstands the effects of not only water, but oil, emulsion, and hot chips. The appearance lasts for several years.

Imitation of different types of forging

For decoration, Vadik and I used paints that imitated a textured, forged surface. They were called Molotovs. They have a golden and silver hue, and come in yellow and white.

Having selected colors according to the theme of the drawing, my friend and I began to paint the curls and spirals with thin brushes. Vadik decided to turn the gate into an element of architectural decoration.

How to paint a gate if you ordered an untreated structure from a manufacturer or decided to renew corroded gates with a peeling coating? In the first case, everything is simple. It is enough to remove the dust and first apply a layer of primer.

Photo No. 1: procedure for painting gates with a spray gun

Let's talk in more detail about repainting metal sashes. From the article you will learn:

  • how to clean and prime the surface;
  • choose paint;
  • apply a design to the gate using airbrush.

Preparatory work

As we have already said, you need to start work by cleaning the surface of dirt. Choose a method based on the condition of the material and budget. Unfortunately, if the metal is rusted to holes, no measures will save it. You will have to completely replace the doors, this is an excellent reason to buy sliding gates - comfortable, modern, practical.

Surface cleaning

Since the topcoat will lie evenly only on a clean, grease-free surface, you will need to first remove the traces:

  • old paint;
  • oils and rust;
  • dirt and grease.

Budget cleaning method

To inexpensively remove old paint and dirt you will need:

  • regular spray bottle;
  • metal brush;
  • sandpaper No. 60;
  • white spirit or gasoline;
  • rags.

You will spend 8–12 hours cleaning the sashes manually. The advantage is minimal costs. The procedure is as follows.

  1. Wash the gate with a stiff brush. Let the metal dry.
  2. Remove old flaking paint with a wire brush.
  3. Sand the uneven surfaces of the remaining coating with sandpaper.
  4. Degrease the surface with gasoline or white spirit.

Important! It is necessary to clean not only the doors from rust and traces of old paint, but also all fastening and locking elements, as well as the frame.

Mechanized cleaning of metal from rust

Iron gates can also be painted after a simpler, mechanized cleaning method. To work you will need one of the following tools.

Photo No. 2: metal brushes are used for mechanical cleaning of old paint

  • Screwdriver with brush attachment. Easily copes with the task of removing old paint and traces of corrosion. The downside of the tool is that it operates on a battery. The screwdriver quickly discharges, you will have to wait until the next start.
  • Grinder machine. An excellent alternative to sandpaper. The cost of such a tool is small - from 2000 rubles. The equipment operates from the network.
  • Grinder with a metal brush. Brass brush attachments are suitable for removing old paint. If we are talking about heavy dirt, choose a brush with intertwined threads. Wear gloves and a mask.
  • Sandblasting. The most expensive and difficult cleaning option. To remove dirt and traces of the old coating, the gate is removed from its hinges. If you apply a layer of paint using technology to a previously cleaned surface, it will last up to 6 years.

Chemical cleaning

As a rule, chemical cleaning is not used separately. Indeed, in order to make a beautiful gate for a summer house or country house, it is better to play it safe and remove the layer of old paint before exposing the gates to the reagent. This way you will achieve maximum adhesion of the paint to the metal.

The ideal composition for removing rust is Hammerite paint and its analogues. Before application, degrease the surface with white spirit and wash the doors with acetone. It’s easy to check whether the metal is well degreased: attach thin paper to the sash. If a grease stain does not appear on the sheet, proceed to staining.

Rust neutralizer

Now we will describe how to use a chemical remover before finishing painting a product.

Photo No. 3: rust neutralizer “Ferum-3” (Ukraine)

  1. Apply the reagent to the surface cleaned with a wire brush. Use a remover with a gel-like consistency - it has better coverage.
  2. Cover the sashes with plastic film - the created greenhouse effect will speed up the process of paint removal.
  3. Wait half an hour and remove the old coating with a spatula. Reuse the reagent if necessary.

Choosing paint and primer for gates

Now we’ll tell you which primer is best to use and what paint to paint the gates with. It is important that the topcoat meets the following requirements:

  • good covering ability;
  • enhanced adhesion to metal;
  • absence of components that oxidize iron;
  • high moisture resistance;
  • high elasticity;
  • strength to mechanical stress.

Several types of metal paints on the market meet these requirements.

  • Organosilicon enamel. It has high strength properties and elasticity. Resistant to moisture. Adheses well to metal. All organic silicon-based enamels have anti-corrosion characteristics.
  • Alkyd enamel. Elastic and durable. Suitable for exterior decoration. Available in a wide range of colors.
  • Hammer paint. It is convenient because the coating does not need to be cleaned or primed before application. Gives excellent water- and dirt-repellent effect. Apply from a spray gun under pressure.
  • Acrylic enamel. With its help, you can beautifully paint any type of gate - swing, sectional, sliding. Withstands large temperature changes, is not afraid of exposure to moisture and chemicals, and is resistant to atmospheric conditions.

Popular paint brands

Now let's look at the most popular brands of metal paints.

Primer for metal

As you remember, before applying the paint you will need another layer of primer, which will protect the surface from corrosion and provide better adhesion of the finish coat to the metal. To work you can use:

  • ship red lead;
  • silver coin;
  • phosphating primer VL-02;
  • metal lead;
  • primer for metal GF-021.

Photo No. 6: 3 in 1 primer for metal

To apply the primer evenly, use a sprayer. After this, you can proceed to finishing processing.

Color selection

Since everyone has different tastes, the shade of the future gate depends only on the preferences of the garage owner. The most popular colors are green, burgundy, brick and blue. For ease of selection, we provide a palette of shades.

Photo No. 7: metal paint palette

Tools for staining

It is better to paint the gate using:

  • spray gun - allows you to apply the coating in an even layer, without drips;
  • roller - reduces work time, but leaves stripes that have to be rolled several times;
  • brushes - increases paint consumption and complicates the procedure.

Sequence of work

We paint metal gates sequentially from top to bottom, following the following recommendations:

  • cover surfaces that do not need to be painted with masking tape or tape;
  • overlap one layer with another to hide transitions;
  • wait for the layer to dry and paint over the missing areas;
  • paint the hinges, grooves and latches with a thin brush;
  • Apply a second coat after the first has completely dried (the recommended time is indicated on the paint packaging).

Important! Don't apply more paint than necessary. A thick layer reduces the strength properties of the material. The optimal number of layers is 2.


Image No. 1: properties of enamels and varnishes

What happens if you ignore temperature advice? In 8 cases out of 10:

  • the paint will swell;
  • the color will turn out dull, with transitions;
  • drips and sagging will appear.

How to beautifully paint a gate?

The airbrush method allows you to beautifully paint the gate. To work, you will need an airbrush - a device similar to a spray gun, but more functional.

Photo No. 8: this is what working with an airbrush looks like

Before drawing, stock up on a sketch and paints. Where can I find the sketch? You can choose an image online or design it yourself.

Sequence of work.

  1. Draw the contours of the future image according to the sketch. To do this, use paper templates.
  2. To convey the depth of the picture, alternate light and dark shades of paint.
  3. Work out the small details.
  4. Cover the design with varnish to add shine and realism.

Examples of work performed using the airbrush method are presented below. Such designs can be applied to sliding, swing and sectional garage doors.

Photo No. 9: sports car on the garage door (airbrushing)

Photo No. 10: sea waves on the garage door (airbrushing)

No artistic talent? Here is an option that is available to everyone, regardless of skill level.

Photo #11: Canadian flag on the garage door

For the work, a simple spray gun and a paper stencil were used.

There are many methods for making forged fences: cold and hot forging, welding and many other methods. Choosing one method or another allows you to achieve a certain color effect.

Forged gates with gilded elements

But, in addition to the nuances and subtleties of blacksmithing, a good aesthetic and anti-corrosion effect can be achieved using blacksmith paint.

The best option for painting gates in temperate climates is paint made in Germany.

The metal from which various forged products are made can be mistaken for different materials using paint. A wide range of colors allows you to achieve a similar effect.

Which shade to choose for painting is the choice of the owner. The gate can be designed in the same color scheme as the house and buildings on the site, or it can contrast with them. The use of special paint for forged products allows you to change both the color of the gate and its shade.

Blacksmith paints can be mixed with each other, obtaining the boldest shades for painting surfaces.

How to protect forged products from corrosion?

Painting the gate with blacksmith's paint will help protect the forged beauty from corrosion. Before painting the gate, you need to carry out work to prepare the surfaces for painting.

Algorithm for performing work on anti-corrosion protection of forged gates.

  • Cleaning from rust.
  • Primer for surfaces to be painted.
  • Application of special blacksmith paint to the gate, followed by protection of the painted surface with special substances.

The main thing is to clean the metal from rust. Under no circumstances should you paint over rust! Our task is not to disguise rust, but to get rid of it. Here are some ways:

  1. Sandblasting. Purchasing a sandblasting machine is very important if you become the owner of a forged gate. Experience shows that if painting the gate is done once every year or two years, renting a sandblasting machine can cost quite a significant amount. In general, the final choice is yours.
  2. Clean with a stiff wire brush.
  3. Using sandpaper. This is also a fairly effective method, but you need to keep in mind that to clean the gate from rust, you should use the harshest types of rust.

Which primer should I choose?

A primer is needed to protect the wrought iron gates from corrosion and to ensure that the paint layer adheres smoother and better. Some types of primers add substances that transform the chemical composition of rust.

An integral part of others are inhibitors (substances that slow down the oxidation process of the metal). According to manufacturers, the use of such primers allows you to at least double the service life of paints applied over the primer.

Dyeing technologies

So, it is clear: the surface is painted after preliminary priming. Many experts recommend using primer and paint in pairs.

Experience shows that if you paint a metal product with hammer paint, the effect will be truly amazing.

However, it should be noted that the name “hammer paint” is not entirely correct. Rather, the effect of its use can be called hammer. Dyes are known as acrylic (alkyd-acrylic).

You can paint wrought iron gates in the following ways.

  • Painting with a brush. The best option is a rounded brush with a stiff brush. The process is simple, but requires a certain degree of accuracy. If you do not approach your work very responsibly, the result, to put it mildly, will not live up to expectations.
  • Aerosol painting – special dyes are used in cans.
  • Powder painting. Recommended for use when no welding was used during installation.
  • Electrostatic painting. Perhaps the most durable and reliable type of painting. The disadvantage is the high cost, since special equipment must be used.
  • Patination is the application of a small amount of patina to give the metal an antique effect. It is applied to the surface with very small strokes (this creates a scuffed effect).

The main advantages of painting with hammer paint:

  • Painting with hammer paint does not require too scrupulous surface preparation. Cleaning from dust and rust is quite enough.
  • Painting gates with hammer paint is a combination of three-in-one work: simultaneously priming, painting and applying a protective anti-corrosion coating for the metal.
  • If you paint the surface correctly, you don’t have to worry about frequent repairs.
  • Very good appearance.

As you know, metal paints have three effects: matte, glossy and hammer (the hammer effect, due to its aesthetics and characteristic pattern, is the most common).

When using dyes with matte and glossy effects, such a pattern does not occur.

Among the ingredients included in hammer paint are silicone additives, substances that cause chemical transformation of rust, paint enamel, tiny particles of glass, and aluminum powder.

Using silicone filler and tempered glass particles, protection against the harmful effects of water is created. Aluminum powder creates the opportunity for better adhesion of paint to the surface being painted.

The hammer paint option is therefore ideal for painting wrought iron gates.

How to choose blacksmith paint

How to choose blacksmith paint?

Let's look at some types of hammer effect paint from different manufacturers.

  • “Hammerite” is an English paint for metal. Considered one of the best. First of all, she is very pleasant to work with. This is perhaps the best option for applying paint with a brush. Secondly, in terms of the aesthetics of the result obtained, this paint is unrivaled. It is distinguished by the noble effect of old metal. A painted forged product looks as if it was made in a blacksmith shop. Applying a small amount of patina to the surface will enhance the effect of noble aging of the metal.
  • Paint "Polymetal" from the company "Polisan" (Türkiye). The price is cheaper than Hammerite, but the quality is quite good. An undoubted advantage is the rich range of colors. Disadvantage: limited application possibilities (preferably applied with a spray gun). Want to paint with a brush? You can try, but keep in mind: only a professional can achieve a truly good result.
  • "Tambour" (Israel). A high-quality analogue of Turkish paint “Polymetal”: advantages, disadvantages and even brands of different colors are the same.
  • Senta paint from Sentapol (Türkiye).
  • “Poller” is an excellent paint, much cheaper than imported analogues. The coloring quality is good. The only drawback of this paint is the lack of a “three in one” effect: the surface requires priming before painting.

Staining order

There is such an algorithm for applying hammer paint:

  • Cleaning the surface from rust (if repainting, from remnants of old paint), removing dust and dirt. The surface should be degreased with acetone.
  • Applying primer.
  • Hammer paint is thoroughly mixed. After the primer-enamel has dried, you can paint the gate using a brush or spray gun. If the enamel thickens during work, you need to dilute it with a solvent.
  • Has the first coat of paint dried? Now the second layer is applied (thicker than the first). The paint dries completely within a day, and a characteristic, very beautiful pattern appears.

Painting a garage door is a necessary measure aimed at protecting the material from environmental influences and enhancing its decorative properties. Before you paint your garage door, you should find a material suitable for this purpose, so we want to tell you what paint to paint your garage door with and how to do it yourself.

Painting metal gates

Purpose and features

Garage doors are painted to protect the metal from which these doors are made from exposure to precipitation, moisture and other destructive environmental factors. In addition, painted gates look much better and fit into the overall architectural picture than unfinished steel shutters.

However, paint for garage doors must meet certain requirements, which are dictated by the following operating characteristics of the parts being processed:

  • Metal has a special surface structure, which not all coatings can adhere to. The material with which you plan to process the metal part must have good adhesion to the steel;
  • The coating composition should not contain chemicals that can oxidize iron or enter into other reactions with it, since in this case the layer will swell with released gases and peel off;
  • The material must be absolutely waterproof and moisture-resistant, since water is the main enemy of steel products. The gate will be constantly exposed to various types of precipitation carrying water in all its states of aggregation;
  • Metal products are characterized by a high coefficient of thermal expansion, so the finishing layer must be sufficiently elastic so as not to crack when changing the geometry of the part. Considering the temperature conditions in which garage doors are operated, this requirement becomes especially important;
  • Garages, as a rule, are not heated, so the coating must be designed for operation in a wide thermal range - from severe frost to peak surface heating values ​​​​by the summer sun;
  • The coating will be exposed to oils, gasoline, solvents and other aggressive chemical compounds, so it must be resistant to such substances;
  • Frequent mechanical impacts on the gate are possible: impacts, scratches, friction and bending. The material must be durable and wear-resistant.

Moisture and frost can reach the most hidden areas.

Important! As you can see, our part will be used in difficult conditions close to production conditions. Therefore, its finishing must meet these conditions fully, or better yet, with a margin.

Selection of materials

The construction market is overflowing with all kinds of compounds for metal processing. But how to choose the right one among them? To do this, you need to determine which composition most closely matches the requirements that we listed in the previous chapter.

So, we need one that is sufficiently elastic and durable, with good adhesion to steel, resistant to petroleum products and solvents and completely waterproof and frost-resistant.

Several types of paints meet these requirements:

  1. Silicone enamel. This composition is characterized by good strength and elasticity, it lasts a long time and is not afraid of moisture. Adhesion to steel surfaces is excellent, the composition adheres well and adheres well to the base, in addition, it is distinguished by high anti-corrosion qualities, which is especially important in our case;
  2. Alkyd enamel. This type of coating is characterized by increased elasticity, abrasion resistance, weather resistance, and suitability for. The material adheres well to the surface and lasts a long time, is not afraid of direct contact with water and detergents, feels good in the presence of oil or gasoline, and is also distinguished by its bright color and wide palette of shades;
  3. Acrylic enamel. The most progressive and modern paint that is not afraid of temperature changes, heat, moisture, aggressive environments and atmospheric phenomena. The high price of the material is compensated by its durability and excellent decorative, protective and performance qualities.

Important! You should not use oil-based paints to paint gates, as they do not adhere well to the surface and are practically incapable of stretching, so they quickly crack and fall off.

If your gate is exposed to direct sunlight and gets very hot, use silicone enamel, as this material can withstand high temperatures without changing color or structure. Maximum heating – up to 600 degrees.

Acrylic enamel will look the most beautiful and solid; in addition, it is completely harmless and odorless. It is easy to work with, but its cost may unpleasantly surprise you.

Alkyd enamels allow you to create a durable protective coating that is not much inferior to acrylic in beauty and choice of colors, but is much cheaper. The film is strong and durable, and the color does not lose its attractiveness over time.

Important! If you cannot choose what to paint your garage door with, buy silicone enamel or alkyd-urethane paint, these are the most reliable ways to protect the metal.

Fire-retardant metal paints Polistil are also used to process products made of iron and its derivatives, and sometimes electrically conductive paint zinga is used. These products are suitable for the most extreme and special operating conditions and are highly durable.

Work progress

Now about how to paint a garage door.

To make it more convenient, this will not be just a story, but step-by-step instructions:

  1. We remove old paint from the surface of the gate using a chemical remover or mechanically. It is convenient to use an angle grinder with a metal brush; a hair dryer or a blowtorch can also help;

  1. We degrease the material with a solvent and apply two or three layers of primer to it. Such care will extend the service life of the coating and increase its durability;

  1. After the primer has dried, wash away dust and dirt from the surface with water and detergent, and after drying, apply a layer of paint using a brush, roller or spray. Make the layer thin, without smudges or sagging;

  1. After the first layer has completely dried, apply the second and third according to the same pattern.

Important! When working with solvents and enamels based on them, be sure to wear safety glasses, gloves and a respirator.


Garage doors can be painted using various means, including acrylic, alkyd or silicone compounds (

From time to time there is a need to refresh the front entrance, change the color, or protect it from corrosion or rotting. The material from which the gates are made requires a special approach. And if you do it yourself, the question arises of how to paint the gate if, for example, it is forged. It seems that such work is not particularly difficult. Meanwhile, the painting technique of different materials differs from each other. In addition, swing, sliding, and overhead gates are also painted differently.

High-quality painting of gates is the key to an excellent look

How to paint different types of gates

In order to paint swing gates with your own hands, you don’t have to remove them from their hinges. The edge of the lower part of the canvas will be painted well and will be protected from moisture. This is important because this part is especially susceptible to rotting or corrosion in the autumn-spring period.

It is better to disassemble sliding and lifting structures before painting. The removed sashes must be freed from rollers and other elements. The supporting structure must also be free of all parts.

The painting procedure is the same for any type of gate. Using a brush, spray gun or roller, first paint the most difficult places where the paint does not penetrate well. These are welded joints, cracks, joints of overhead parts, areas around the heads of screws and nails, corners. Next, you can paint the entire canvas.

Painting iron gates

Painting metal gates with your own hands is easy. It is important to carefully and consistently carry out all the steps in order not only to refresh the appearance of the gate, but also to reliably protect it from corrosive processes. Any work begins with preparation:

  • The metal surface is cleaned from dirt, rust, and old peeling paint with a steel bristle brush. To free welded joints from frozen flux, they are tapped with a hammer.
  • Before painting, the metal surface must be degreased. Kerosene, white spirit, xylene or any other available means are suitable for this purpose.
  • The next stage is surface treatment with a primer. It can be a pore-filling, acrylic or nitro primer. Its choice depends on the choice of paint. In order not to make mistakes with the primer, it is better to spend a little time and carefully read the instructions on the package.
  • If there are potholes and dents on the gate leaves, they are leveled, sanded, degreased, and filled with automotive metal putty. After complete drying, the surface is sanded again to level it with the general surface. Only then can the primer be applied.

For your information! Putty cannot be applied to surfaces that have been previously painted. She just won't hold on.

After the primer has completely dried, you can begin to paint the iron gates. The best option is to paint in three layers. Each layer should be given time to dry thoroughly.

Professionals advise applying the first and third layers with a thinner paint, and the middle one with a standard viscosity. After each layer has dried, the surface can be sanded with fine sandpaper for greater shine.

Methods for painting wrought iron gates

Wrought iron gates are painted after preliminary cleaning and priming. To get rid of rust residues, you can use one of the following cleaning methods:

  • Using a sandblaster. If you have installed wrought iron gates, you will have to paint them once every year or two. Renting a sandblasting machine costs a pretty penny. Therefore, it is worth considering buying it.
  • A stiff steel bristle brush is an old tried-and-true method for cleaning metal surfaces.
  • Sandpaper can do this job perfectly. But you need to use the hardest sandpaper.

After the cleaning procedure, the metal surface is covered with a layer of primer. After it has completely dried, you can use one of the painting methods:

  • A round brush with stiff bristles. The process is long, labor-intensive, and requires special care.
  • Spray paint from cans is easier to paint. Particular attention should be paid to painting the edge so as not to stain nearby surfaces.
  • You can paint the gate with powder paint if no welding was used during installation.
  • The electrostatic method will cost a pretty penny. But it is considered the most effective and reliable.
  • To give the gate an antique effect, a patina method is used. In this case, the paint is applied in short strokes, giving the appearance of wear.

Painting wooden gates

Wooden surfaces do not need to be primed before painting. But a number of preparatory work that can be done with your own hands, without the involvement of a specialist, will still have to be completed.

If you use paint or enamel for painting, then the wooden gate leaves must be cleaned of old layers of paint, dirt, loose knots, and resin residues. This is done easily using sandpaper. If there are unevenness and dents on the surface, they need to be filled with a special wood putty.

In order for the putty to harden better, PVA glue is added to it in a ratio of 1: 3. After drying, the surface is sanded, covered with a layer of drying oil, and then two to three layers of paint are applied, allowing each to dry completely.

If you plan to open a wooden gate with varnish, then the unevenness must be sealed in other ways:

  • Grinding is suitable for removing shallow dents. Sharp edges are simply rounded off with sandpaper, and after applying a layer of varnish they will become invisible.
  • To make inlay with your own hands, you will need maximum attention and patience. First, the pothole needs to be given some kind of geometric shape, according to the size of which an insert needs to be cut in a piece of wood, taking into account the direction of the fibers. The cut out insert is glued to the place of the pothole and clamped with a clamp until the glue dries completely. The edges of the restored piece are carefully sanded.
  • The knotting method is used where voids have formed on the gate leaves from rotten knots. The restoration site needs to be drilled out. Now, into the resulting round shape, you need to drive a piece of a branch, cut in the shape of a cone and coated with glue. Cut off and sand all uneven surfaces.

To perform such work you need to be patient, especially in cases where you do not have carpentry skills. But the efforts will not be in vain. Lacquered gates always look neat, beautiful and rich.