home · electrical safety · How to properly dry apples. Proper drying of apples at home - how to do it. Drying apples in an air fryer

How to properly dry apples. Proper drying of apples at home - how to do it. Drying apples in an air fryer

One of the most healthy and popular fruits is juicy, crisp apples. Many owners of even small summer cottages certainly grow this crop in their gardens, taking pleasure in caring for productive trees. Often apple trees are so generous that even after preservation a lot of fruit remains. There is no need to rush to sell them or simply distribute them to neighbors and friends - knowing how to dry apples at home, you can easily stock up on useful drying. It is recommended to use this tasty delicacy for preparing drinks, desserts, and baking.

Apple fruits are famous for their beneficial qualities and abundance of vitamins. Preserving them during canning is quite difficult - heat treatment removes most of the useful elements. Drying is the only way to leave all the substances necessary for humans in unchanged quantities.

During the drying process, the following are preserved:

  • vitamins that normalize blood circulation, replenish the lack of certain elements in the body, increase immune strength;
  • acids that improve the functioning of important organs and systems;
  • minerals that saturate with useful elements and increase resistance to diseases;
  • phytoncides that prevent the development of pathogenic microorganisms and infections;
  • sugar that restores strength;
  • polysaccharides that reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood.

We should not forget that drying is prohibited for certain diseases. If you have diabetes, it is better to refuse tasty treats - some components can cause complications.

Variety selection

The choice of fruits for dried fruits has several features. Apples must certainly be large, with a small seed pod. It is recommended to use fruits with thin skin.

Summer varieties are sweeter, so drying them produces a slightly sweet flavor.

Sour varieties lose acid in the process, so you can safely use them. The most popular varieties of apples for making dried fruits are Antonovka, Pepin.

Preparing apples for drying

The preparation of fresh fruits is carried out in several stages. It is important to process as many apples as will fit on the baking sheets to dry. Long-term storage has a negative effect on peeled and cut fruits; they become dark. There is no need to wash the apples; excess moisture will prolong the process.

Prepare in this order:

  1. Dry the fruit with a clean towel.
  2. Remove the core with a special device.
  3. Do not remove the peel, especially from self-grown apples.
  4. Cut the prepared fruits into thin pieces. The drying time depends on the thickness of the slices, so it is not recommended to make them more than 5 mm.
  5. If the slicing process takes a long time, sprinkle the finished apple pieces with lemon juice or soak for 3 minutes in a saline solution (80-90 g of salt per bucket of water), which prevents darkening.

Start drying immediately; storing raw materials is not recommended - this will affect the taste.

Methods for drying apples for the winter

There are several ways to turn apple particles into flavorful dried apples. If the process is carried out in the hot summer season, it is not even necessary to use kitchen appliances; the warm sun will cope with the task no worse than a multicooker or oven.

On air

Drying in the sun is suitable for residents of hot regions - one cool or damp day is enough to spoil the fruit slices. You can dry an unlimited number of fruit slices at one time.

Another way is to string the prepared slices on threads and hang them in a sunny place. To prevent the destructive work of insects or flies, wrap the bundles with gauze. The duration of the process is 3-5 days. All that remains is to collect ready-made dried fruits and save them for use in winter.

In the microwave

Using a microwave allows you to dry much faster than in the open sun. The process is usually carried out in several stages:

  1. Arrange the fruit pieces on a plate in one layer.
  2. Turn on low power, drying time - 30-40 seconds.
  3. After excess moisture has evaporated, turn the particles over and put them back in the microwave.
  4. Set power to 300W, dry for 3-5 minutes.

Remove the finished dried fruits and store for storage after cooling. You can dry a lot of fruits in this way without much difficulty or time.

Drying with an electric dryer

The electric dryer is quite popular among housewives who make large supplies of drying materials for the winter.

Step-by-step process:

  1. Arrange fruit slices in trays.
  2. Place the filled trays in the dryer in several tiers.
  3. Leave at a temperature of 60-65 degrees for 6-8 hours (depending on the size of the particles).

After turning off the dryer, check readiness - press the slice with your finger; if moisture does not release, place it in storage containers.

In the oven

Place the prepared fruit slices on a baking sheet (pre-cover with parchment) and place in the oven. Dry the apples for about 4 hours. Temperature - up to 65 degrees.

Air fryer drying

Drying apple pieces is easy in a convection oven - the process will only take about an hour. It’s not difficult to cope with the work - arrange the prepared slices on the levels. Make sure that they do not lie too closely - this will extend the cooking time.

Turn on the device, temperature - 100 degrees. After turning off the air fryer, make sure the treats are ready and place them in storage containers.

In a slow cooker

The fruit particles are also dried in a slow cooker, which will cope with the task in a short time:

  1. Place the prepared slices into the bowl.
  2. Turn on the “Baking” mode for 40 minutes.
  3. Turn the pieces over and leave to dry for another quarter of an hour.

Spread in one layer on the countertop, leave until completely cooled, and place in clean, dry containers.

How to know when dried fruits are ready

It is not difficult to determine the readiness of the particles even visually - the skin darkens. It is better not to pay attention to the pulp; it may take on a different shade. You can press the dried part with your finger, if after strong pressure it does not spread, the dried fruit is ready.

It should be remembered that too dark particles usually indicate overdrying. It is recommended to use them first; during storage they can lose their taste.

Storing apples, important rules

Pour the dried fruits into a large canvas bag and leave for several days. This allows all particles to acquire the same readiness.

After 3-5 days, examine the apple slices again. If suspicious (soft) particles are found, set them aside and use them first.

What and where to store

Regardless of where the storage will take place, in an apartment or in a country house, it is recommended to adhere to the basic rules. The most common way to store fruits is to use cloth bags that can be tied tightly.

It often happens that there is high humidity in the room, which is undesirable when storing dried fruits. To prevent dry apples from spoiling, it is recommended to send them to containers or clean jars that close tightly. Many housewives use this method to prevent food moths from infesting them; pests will not be able to get into sealed containers.

Paper bags or cardboard boxes are also good for storing dried fruits. To keep apple slices longer, be sure to place them in a dry room - if the packages become damp, this will have a detrimental effect on the product.

Shelf life of dried apples

The shelf life of dry apples is about three years. During this period, be sure to carry out regular drying checks. If signs of spoilage appear, sort out the unusable particles and re-dry the remaining ones.

If summer varieties were used to prepare dry fruits, some of them have a short shelf life. It is recommended to store them separately and use them first for preparing food or drinks.

What to do if there are insects in apples

It often happens that if dried fruits are not stored properly, insects infest them, which in a short time can destroy or spoil the entire stock. If pests are found in drying, you need to act immediately - this will save most of the fruit.

The first stage of pest control is a careful inspection of every piece of fruit. If insect eggs are found, discard the slices immediately. Place the remaining dried fruits on baking sheets and place in the oven. Dry the slices for half an hour at a temperature of 65 degrees.

If it is not possible to use the oven, it is recommended to resort to another method. Insects also cannot tolerate frost, so leave it to dry for several hours at a low temperature.

It is strictly not recommended to use chemicals to get rid of insects; products after processing are unsuitable for consumption. If there are pests in the closet where dried fruits are stored, the fruits should be subjected to additional drying or freezing, and the room itself should be treated with toxic agents at this time. After killing the insects, wash all surfaces and only then return the dried fruit particles.

Drying apples is a process that allows you to stock up on valuable ingredients for baking, compote, and delicious desserts. It is not difficult to cope with the workpiece; the main thing is to carefully study the important rules and strictly follow them. In winter, delicious slices will certainly remind you of warm days filled with pleasant chores.

Drying apples in the oven for the winter is not difficult. The process itself is simple. But it will take a lot of time to dry the apple slices. Dried apples are a healthy dried fruit that we often use in winter for preparing compotes, uzvar, jelly, all kinds of desserts and other dishes. During the drying process, apple slices retain all the beneficial vitamins for a long time. This is the most useful way to prepare apples for the winter. It is best to use sweet and sour varieties of apples for drying, which have dense pulp and do not crumble during slicing. From 1 kg of apples you get approximately 150-180 grams. drying.

To prepare dried apples in the oven for the winter, you will need the following ingredients.

First of all, high-quality fruits need to be rinsed well in running cold water. Place on a towel and dry well.

There is a special knife for removing the core of apples. It is very convenient to use it. Especially if the apples are small. Cut large fruits in half and remove the core.

Cut the prepared apples into thin rings. Maximum thickness - 4 mm. The wider the slice, the longer it takes to dry.

Apple pulp tends to darken when exposed to air. To prevent this from happening, prepare a saline solution. Dissolve a spoonful of salt in a liter of water. Pour the solution over the cut circles and leave for 10-15 minutes.

Place in a sieve or colander and let the water drain. Place on paper towels and pat well to ensure the wedges are dry.

Cover a baking sheet with parchment. Place apples in one layer. Set the oven to the lowest temperature. I have a regular gas stove and the minimum temperature is 90-100 degrees. Dried apples are prepared in the oven for the winter for 3-5 hours. Leave the oven door slightly open. Check back periodically and lightly stir or shake the pan.

Dried apples are ready. The slices should be brown or beige in color and soft to the touch.

Store dried apple slices in a glass or plastic container. Cover the top with baking paper or a cotton cloth to allow the dried fruit to breathe.

Dried apples, like many dried fruits, are a storehouse of vitamins, microelements and easily digestible carbohydrates. They, especially the peel, contain a lot of nutrients that are so necessary for a person in winter and early spring, during the period of vitamin deficiency. You need to stock up well on these natural gifts, and then no diseases will be scary. The thing is that, compared to fresh ones, these dried fruits have a long shelf life and “survive” until spring without problems. How to dry apples at home? There are several ways. Let's study these folk recipes!


Apples are mostly water (up to 90 percent). When dried, it evaporates, but the beneficial substances do not. Making dried fruits from fresh apples does not in any way affect the taste of the product. These dried vitamins can be stored for a long time; they are used to prepare dishes when there are no more fresh apples, compotes and uzvars are cooked. The drying process itself does not require complex equipment or any special knowledge. How to dry apples at home? First, they need to be prepared and sorted. Fruits with all sorts of defects are immediately put aside. We thoroughly wash the selected apples under running water. We take out the core (there are special tools, but you can get by with a thin, sharp stainless steel knife). Some people also prefer to remove the skin, but it contains many useful substances. So it's better not to peel! Next, cut the fruits into circles or slices. Cut apples immediately begin to oxidize and darken. To avoid this, they are usually blanched - dipped in hot water for a few seconds. It must be taken into account that during this process some sugars and acids are lost. Some people prefer to soak the slices in a saline solution for two to three minutes.

In the sun

How to dry apples at home? The simplest and most time-tested method is sun drying. The prepared slices are laid out on a flat surface so that they do not touch each other, and covered with a piece of gauze to prevent insects. The sun must do the rest. The main thing is that this happens at a sufficiently high temperature and without the participation of extraneous moisture (for example, rain). But that’s what awnings were invented for. From time to time, apples need to be turned over and moved from place to place. This speeds up drying time.

How to dry apples in the oven?

But if the first method is more suitable for rural residents or summer residents, then the second is ideal for city dwellers who want to indulge in vitamins in the winter. First, you need to preheat the oven to a low temperature (50-60 degrees) so that the fruit does not become crusty and the process of water evaporation does not stop. Spread baking paper on a baking sheet (or baking sheets) and place the apple slices in one layer. Place the baking sheets in the oven with the door ajar. This will allow steam to escape from the oven and air to circulate. We periodically swap the baking sheets and rotate the apples. After some time, raise the temperature to 70 degrees and close the door. Drying lasts 7-8 hours. Before the end of the process, the temperature can be reduced to 50 degrees. We determine the degree of readiness by appearance (everyone knows what dried fruits look like)! When squeezed, the slices should not release juice. This is one way to dry apples at home. In fact, instead of an oven, you can use a special drying cabinet, if you have one. But here is another method of preparation - and a very interesting one.

How to dry apples in the microwave?

This method only takes a few minutes. Accordingly, he is very productive. What about the benefits? Microwave processing of apples will not cause any particular harm to the fruit. For the skeptics: after all, millions of people heat up food in this kitchen appliance every day! So, put the prepared fruits in a bowl covered with a cloth towel. Turn on the microwave at low power for two to three minutes. We take out the apples. If the dried fruits are not ready, let them sit for a couple more minutes. It should work!

Everyone knows that apples are healthy fruits, natural sources of vitamins and microelements. This fruit is widespread and popular: apples are sold in shop windows and counters all year round. In addition to eating fresh, they can be dried, dried and even salted. One simple and not labor-intensive process is drying apples for compote at home.

How to slice and peel apples in seconds:

General information: benefits of dried apples

With this processing, the fruit retains all its beneficial properties. Regular consumption of dried apples will strengthen and nourish the body, help with prevention, or be an excellent addition to treatment. The rich composition of the fruit has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

  • Normalization of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Vitamin P will strengthen blood vessels and capillaries;
  • The combination of vitamins and ascorbic acid normalizes redox processes.

Varieties suitable for drying

To prepare compote from dried apple slices, it is better to choose autumn sour or sweet and sour varieties rich in pectins and vitamins. The presence of vitamin P in apples will give a rich taste and ensure the clarity of the finished drink.

Proper drying of apples:

So, the list of popular varieties of apples for drying for compote looks like this.

  • Antonovka;
  • Pippin;
  • Aport;
  • Titovka;
  • Slav;
  • Borovik.

REFERENCE: Sweet varieties of apples have an excess of sugar in their composition. Because of this, the sushin is loose and sticky.

How to make sure that the selected apples are suitable for drying?

For harvesting, you need to take large or medium-sized apples with thin skin and a small seed pod - this will avoid unnecessary waste. To make sure that the selected fruits are suitable for drying, pay attention to the pulp and other factors.

  • The apple pieces should remain light yellow;
  • Properly selected varieties do not darken;
  • Dried apple fruits are soft and slightly springy when touched.

Drying apples for compote: basic rules

You need to choose the optimal drying method based on your capabilities and conditions. Apples can be dried both in the fresh air (on the plot, on the balcony, in the attic) and using household electrical appliances.

Dried apple fruits:

What are the basic rules of the process:

  • Compliance with weather conditions. You need to dry apples outside in hot weather. At the slightest rain, immediately remove trays with slices under a canopy;
  • For preparations you need to take whole and unspoiled fruits. They must be ripe;
  • You need to cut slices or pieces of the same thickness;
  • To dry evenly, lay out the slices in one layer at a short distance from each other.

Step-by-step instruction

ATTENTION: To prevent apples from becoming dull, before drying they should be placed in water with the addition of citric or acetic acid or dipped in a weak saline solution (100 g of salt per 10 liters of water). This will refresh the fruit and provide protection from pests. Salt will also increase the shelf life of dried slices.

At the first stage, it is important to properly prepare the apples for drying. What does this process involve?

  1. Selection of high-quality fruits (the apple has no signs of spoilage, signs of decomposition or rotting);
  2. Washing apples under running water. Then they need to be laid out on a towel and allowed to dry, since excess moisture slows down the harvesting procedure;
  3. Eliminating the middle. This is done using a special knife;
  4. An alternative is to simply divide the apple into 4 pieces and remove the seeds with a regular knife. But when preparing apples for compote, the core does not need to be removed at all;
  5. It is not necessary to clean the skin, as it contains a large amount of nutrients;
  6. Slice apples as desired. These can be slices or circles, but their size should not exceed 5 mm.

After preliminary preparation, they proceed directly to drying the apples.

Method name Drying in the sun in the fresh air Oven Microwave In an electric dryer
  • The first option is to place the apples on tin sheets or mesh;
  • The second is to put apples on strings like beads. You can use sticks (string slices on them);
  • Be sure to cover the apples with a thin cloth or gauze to protect them from insects.
  • Arrange the fruit evenly on a baking sheet or mesh;
  • Turn the oven on low heat or set the temperature to 75 o;
  • Leave the oven door slightly open;
  • Turn apples every 1.5-2 hours;
  • Reduce temperature to 50° after 5 hours of cooking.
  • Place the wedges on a platter;
  • Set the mode to 200W, total time – 3 minutes;
  • Dry intermittently. Set the timer for 30 seconds, checking for readiness each time;
  • The finished product is checked by the condition of the peel (it does not turn pale), and the pulp should not stick to your hands.
This is the best and correct way of drying.
  • Lay the sliced ​​apples evenly in the dryer;
  • Record the necessary drying parameters (temperature, time);
  • The fruits will dry quickly, will not burn, and insects will not touch them.
Full cooking time If all conditions are met, the apples will dry in 3-4 days in the hot sun. When drying in the shade, it will take at least 7-8 days. After about 7 hours the fruit will dry out. Outwardly they look pale, but they should not be burnt. The maximum time is 3 minutes. Total time – 8 hours.

Below are video reviews of all of the above methods.

Solar fruit dryer:

Drying apples in the oven on a baking sheet:

Dried apples in the microwave:

How to dry apples in a fruit dehydrator:

How to store the finished product all winter?

In order not to spoil the quality after drying, it is important to properly store the resulting product. What secrets do you need to know?

  • Collect apples in one bag (pillowcase) to achieve equal moisture;
  • Store in this way for 2 weeks, then put into fabric bags. You can also use cardboard boxes or parchment;
  • Store in a ventilated area, in a cool and dark place.

IMPORTANT: Do not store dried wedges in plastic bags or plastic containers. In such conditions, dried meat can suffocate and become moldy.

So, taking into account and following simple recommendations, you can prepare delicious and aromatic apple slices for the entire winter. If the varieties were selected correctly and the heat treatment was not disturbed, the result will be a transparent, pleasant-tasting compote without turbidity or brown color.

Large harvests of apples make them accessible to all segments of the population. People try to eat them not only fresh, but also to prepare them as much as possible for the winter: they make preserves, jams, and compotes. However, when cooked, apples lose most of their vitamins. If you want to preserve the beneficial properties as much as possible, it is better to prepare apples in the form of drying. Drying has many advantages:

There are many ways to dry apples. Modern housewives often use stoves. And yet, the method of drying fruits in open areas has been used for centuries due to its simplicity and accessibility.

Is it possible to dry apples in the sun? It is convenient to harvest dried fruits in the fresh air in those regions where summer is hot and dry. Autumn should also pamper you with sunny days and high enough air temperatures so that housewives can dry late varieties of apples.

The main advantage of this method of preparing dried fruits is that you can dry a large harvest of apples almost in one go. The main thing is that there is enough space to lay out the apples. In addition, this method saves energy.

Flaws drying apples in the fresh air:

  • need to protect drying apples from flies;
  • necessity hide at night drying: at this time the humidity is higher, dew falls in the morning, and the apples may disappear;
  • if the weather changes unexpectedly and it will rain, then the process will have to be interrupted and the apples dried at home.

Basic Rules

It is advisable to process apples not all at once, but divide into portions(about half a bucket each).

In order to have time to complete all the necessary procedures before the slices are cut oxidize and darken. It is necessary to select ripe ones, preferably undamaged apples.

Let's consider Basic Rules drying apples on the street (for example, in the country):

  1. For drying outside you need to choose the right varieties: Golden winter parmen, Montuaner, Renet Orleans, Rosemary, Renet Simerenko, Antonovka, Aport, Pepin. All these varieties of apples are autumn and have a sweet and sour taste. Unlike sweet summer apples, when autumn varieties are dried, more dry pulp remains and the taste of dried fruit is more pronounced.
  2. Apples are necessary rinse thoroughly and wipe dry so that excess moisture does not delay the drying time.
  3. If the apples are purchased and you know that they have been processed several times chemicals, then it is better to remove the peel from the fruit. It is better not to cut off the peel of domestic apples unless it is hard. It is believed to contain many vitamins.
  4. Next, the apples are removed core. The easiest way to do this is to use a tube with sharp edges. If it is not there, then the apple is divided into four parts and the inedible part is removed with a knife.
  5. Cut the apples into slices using a slicer or a knife. no thicker than 1 cm.
  6. To save light shade Apple pulp and slices are kept in a saline solution for several minutes (100 g of salt is dissolved in a bucket of water).
  7. Processed apple slices are laid out in one layer on baking sheets or grids.
  8. Top with apple slices several layers of gauze in order to at least partially protect future dried fruits from flies and dust.
  9. Every day you need all the slices turn over.

Large apple slices can be strung on a strong thread or wooden sticks. In this case there will be no need everyday turning over lobes

At this stage, the preparatory work for drying apples is completed. Now you need to decide where it is best to place the baking sheets so that you get the most delicious and healthy dried fruits.


How to dry apples on the street or in the country. Let's consider several ways.

In the sun

How to properly dry apples in the sun? If you place baking sheets with apples in direct sunlight, drying the apples in the sun will take four to six days.

After which the baking sheets need to be kept for a few more days. in a dry, ventilated area until final drying.

No matter how hot the weather is, baking sheets are essential overnight. clean the room. Since air humidity rises significantly at night, all drying can go down the drain.

On hot days, apple slices quickly become dry, however, intense sun rays destroy some vitamins and organic compounds.

In the shadow

Apples can also be dried in the shade, it will take much longer, however, the resulting drying will be healthier than the one that was dried in the sun. Trays can be placed in the shade only on very hot summer days, when air humidity is low and the temperature is high.

It is advisable that the baking trays well blown by the wind. And it is imperative to turn the slices at least once a day, and hide the dryer in the house at night.

In the bath

What to do with autumn apple varieties? The sun is shining, but it is no longer warm, and the air humidity is already high. If you have a sauna at your dacha, then you can not only take a steam bath in it, but also dry apples, while enjoying their aroma.

How is apples dried in a steam room? It is most convenient to arrange the apples cut into slices on a metal mesh or string on a strong thread. Attach the finished structure under the ceiling, closer to the stove. The bathhouse needs to be heated for 3-4 hours so that during this time the temperature does not drop below 90 degrees.

Then the stove can no longer be heated, the bathhouse will gradually cool down, and in the meantime the dryer will finish drying.

It is advisable to keep the finished drying for a few more days. in a dry, well-ventilated area.

The main thing is that the bathhouse is hot and dry.

If you constantly throw water on the stones, then humidity will rise to 80% and under such conditions it will no longer be possible to dry apples.

Are they dry or not?

Recommendations regarding the number of days required to dry apples are relative. It all depends on the temperature and humidity, as well as on the variety: summer apples dry out faster than autumn varieties. So how do you understand drying ready or not?

If the skin is on the apple slices darkened, and the pulp stopped sticking, then the drying is completely ready. You can also additionally check the readiness by pressing firmly on the pulp with your finger: if it is under your finger will not spread to the sides, which means the apples are already quite dry.

Dried apple slices should remain soft and bendable, otherwise they are overdried. IN overdried Apples retain fewer vitamins and nutrients.

The color of the dryer does not indicate its readiness. Summer varieties of apples are obtained lighter, winter – darker. The color of the pulp becomes lighter if the apples were treated in a saline solution at the preparatory stage.

How to store dried fruits?

Properly prepared drying is only half the battle. We still need it save until winter so that it does not become moldy or eaten by mice and insects. ? This simple matter has its own nuances:

Simple process requiring minimal quantities financial investments. If you do everything correctly, then dried apples will always delight you with their aroma and taste on cold winter days, they will help diversify the table with compotes and pies.

At regular consumption of dried apples you can improve your metabolism and increase your body's resistance to colds.

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