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How to make homemade kvass from black bread

The fermentation process of malt and bread crumbs gives us an amazing drink called “kvass”. It is traditional among the Slavic peoples, but over time it has spread throughout the world and gained popularity, and this is due to its unique ability to quench not only thirst, but also hunger.
In Rus', honey and fragrant herbs were often added to kvass; there was no better soft drink. Numerous cold stews were also prepared on its basis. And quite a long time ago, strong kvass was the main intoxicating drink at weddings and holidays. This is where the expression comes from: when someone drinks a lot of alcohol, they say about him - sourdough.
Homemade kvass is much healthier than any store-bought drinks. Even modern medicine confirms that he is able to restore strength after illness and cope with many ailments. This unique drink can be prepared at home, without using absolutely any chemical additives.
Previously, only wooden barrels were used to prepare this drink; now you can make good bread kvass at home in glass jars or enamel pans. Absolutely do not take plastic and aluminum utensils, they can change the color, taste and beneficial properties of the drink.
To get real tasty kvass you will need a properly prepared starter, which starts fermentation. It has the unique ability to ferment bread products without converting water and sugar into alcohol. If your starter is not correct, you risk getting either plain sweet water or sour mash instead of kvass.
So let's take a closer look at the recipe for kvass made from bread at home.

Taste Info Drinks


  • rye bread – 250 g;
  • pressed yeast – 15 g;
  • bottled water – 2.5 l;
  • sugar – 60 g.

How to make bread kvass at home

Cut the bread into small cubes (3x4 cm in size, no larger).

Place the bread cubes on a baking sheet and place in the preheated oven. We need rye crackers, which we will get by taking out the baking sheet in 15 minutes.

Pour sugar into a clean three-liter jar.

Place the crackers there.

Bring the required volume of water to a boil and immediately pour the boiling water into the jar with sugar and breadcrumbs. Leave to cool.

Dissolve a portion of yeast in 100 ml of warm water.

When the contents of the jar have cooled to room temperature, pour the warm yeast mixture into it. To allow the future kvass to breathe, cover it on top with a piece of gauze. The drink needs to infuse for 36 hours.

Strain the finished kvass through a sieve or cheesecloth and take a sample.

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Homemade kvass from rye bread without yeast

Yeast-free kvass has one small advantage: it does not have the specific taste of yeast. The technology is not much different from the previous recipe. So let's try to make bread kvass, but now without yeast.
The classic recipe uses rye bread crusts, but if you like the flavor of cumin, you can use Borodino bread (only it is not fried in the oven at all, or just a little).


  • rye bread – 300 g;
  • bottled water – 2.0 l;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • raisins – 25 g.


  1. Cut the bread pieces and fry in the oven, as in the previous recipe.
  2. Place the crackers into a saucepan. Bring the water to a boil and immediately pour it into the same container, add sugar and stir.
  3. Allow the kvass wort to cool to room temperature.
  4. Place raisins into the cooled mixture. On its surface there are microorganisms necessary for fermentation, because raisins are, in fact, natural wild yeast. Therefore, do not wash it before use.
  5. Pour the entire resulting mass into a clean jar, cover with gauze and place in a dark place to ferment. After 10-20 hours, you can observe the first signs of fermentation, a hissing sound will be heard from the jar, and foam will begin to collect on the surface.
  6. From this moment, you need to infuse the kvass for another 2-3 days and strain through several layers of gauze. Taste and add more sugar to suit your taste.

Useful tips for making kvass

  • Like jelly. When making kvass, it is very important to take high-quality bread, with minimal addition of any chemicals. The more chemical additives there are in the bread, the more likely it is that the kvass will not ferment and will turn out tasteless. Especially often, incorrect crackers become the reason that the drink turns out to be viscous, like jelly. A thick state of kvass can still result if the container with the drink was in direct sunlight during fermentation. Do not neglect the advice to place kvass in a dark place during the fermentation period.
  • Bitter. Sometimes kvass comes out with a bitter aftertaste, which means you overcooked the bread crumbs in the oven. They should only brown slightly, but under no circumstances burn.
  • I want it sharp. If you want to get a sharper and more carbonated drink, then pour the strained kvass into clean plastic bottles, leaving 3-5 cm to the neck, and close it tightly. Leave them in a dark place at room temperature for 5-7 hours. As soon as the bottles become hard under the influence of carbon dioxide, move them to the cellar or refrigerator. The fermentation process will stop and the taste will stabilize. Wait another 4 hours and you can drink your carbonated soft drink.
  • Doesn't wander. Sometimes it happens that everything was done correctly, but for some reason the kvass does not ferment. This means you used stale yeast. There is an easy way to check the freshness of your yeast. Dissolve a small amount of them in warm water, and then add a little sugar. If a hiss appears soon, it means the yeast is good, you can safely make kvass with it. Be sure to monitor the proportions of sugar and yeast; make no mistake, if you put less, the kvass will ferment poorly.
  • How to understand that kvass is ready?You can taste or smell a little. Kvass that is still in the fermentation process will be odorless. The finished drink smells slightly sour. While the kvass is fermenting, pieces of bread run up and down. In the finished drink they will settle to the bottom of the jar.
  • For okroshka and summer cold soups, white kvass is prepared; it is made on the basis of rye flour.
  • Diversify. Ordinary kvass can be varied with any flavors you like, and it’s impossible to list everything that is added to it. Fruit and berry kvass is prepared from whole berries and fruits, or from their juices and fruit drinks. To make the taste even more piquant, you can add aromatic spices - oregano and cardamom, cinnamon and ginger, cloves and mint. You won’t be able to imagine until you try how delicious rowan, currant, gooseberry or strawberry kvass turns out. It’s also good to marinate boiled pork, meat for barbecue, fish and vegetables for grilling in such fruit drinks.
  • Hop cones? And if, along with the crackers, you also put hops in the jar, or rather its cones, you will end up with an “adult” drink. Add a handful of dry hop inflorescences to 300 g of rye crackers.
  • Do not use containers in which milk was previously stored to prepare kvass.

Previously we told you how to cook

Hello. It's going to be hot very soon. I would like to at least hope so) And what best quenches thirst. For me it's kvass.

Therefore, in the summer we always try to make it at home. True, I appointed my husband to be responsible for this, he does it well.

And today I will tell you several ways to make delicious kvass, including for everyone’s favorite, the recipes of which you can see on my blog.

There are no difficulties here, it just takes time for fermentation. But still, I prefer to make it at home rather than buy it in a store.

In the store, most often it’s just a carbonated drink with the taste of kvass. As a rule, all sorts of flavorings and dyes are added there.

Since there is never too much kvass, I immediately indicate the ingredients for 2 three-liter jars. And for infusion you can use a bucket. The drink turns out quite strong.


  • Borodinsky bread – 1 loaf
  • Boiled water - 6 liters
  • Yeast - 60 gr.
  • Sugar - 0.5 cups
  • Rye flour - 1 cup
  • Raisins - 2 teaspoons

1. Place the pieces of bread on a baking sheet and place in the oven until slightly browned.

2. Then transfer the crackers into water. The water should be approximately 30 degrees.

3. While they are soaking, let’s make sourdough. Take yeast, add sugar and pour a glass of water.

4. Stir the yeast a little to disperse, and pour in a glass of flour.

5. Stir and leave for one hour.

6. In an hour it should rise as in the picture.

7. Pour it over the breadcrumbs in water.

8. Stir and leave for 10 hours. After this time, take out the crackers, squeeze them out and throw them away, and leave them for another day for good fermentation.

9. After pouring it into jars, add 1 teaspoon of raisins and 2 tablespoons of sugar diluted with water. Close the lid and leave to ferment for 10 hours.

And then you can drink it or pour it into okroshka.

Kvass recipe for okroshka from crackers

There is a very interesting recipe for making this drink specifically for okroshka. It is not as sweet, but it contains additional ingredients that make the cold soup even tastier.


  • Rye bread crackers - 200 gr.
  • Water - 1 l.
  • Fresh yeast - 10 gr.
  • Horseradish root - 25 gr.
  • Honey - 1 tbsp
  • Flour - half a tablespoon
  • Raisins - 30 gr.
  • Sugar - 1-1.5 tablespoons

1. Place well-toasted crackers in the oven in a three-liter jar, pour boiling water (1 liter), tightly close the jar with a lid and leave to steep for 3-4 hours.

2. After this time, dilute the yeast. Add some flour and warm water to it, then stir well until the yeast has dissolved. Leave them for 10 minutes.

3. Strain the water with breadcrumbs through cheesecloth and squeeze out.

4. Add dissolved yeast there.

5. Add sugar and stir. Cover with a towel and place in a warm place for a day to ferment.

6. After a day, grate the horseradish root on a fine grater and add to the pot.

7. Add honey and steamed raisins there, mix well.

8. Pour it into jars and can be stored in the refrigerator for several days.

Tasty and aromatic kvass is ready. Drink, add to okroshka and enjoy.

Method of preparation without yeast with raisins

This is my favorite way. I tried to describe it in as much detail as possible, because there are many nuances.


  • Rye bread - 250 gr.
  • Sugar - 180 gr. (a little less than a glass)
  • Raisins - 20 gr.
  • Boiled water - 2.5 liters

1. Put the water to boil.

2. Cut the bread into pieces and place on a baking sheet.

3. Place in a preheated oven for 10-15 minutes to dry and brown.

4. Pour sugar into hot boiled water and dissolve. Then let the water cool to about 30 degrees.

5. Place the crackers in a three-liter jar.

6. Then add raisins to it.

7. And fill in the cooled water.

8. Cover the top with gauze. You can secure with an elastic band and leave to ferment for 2 days in a warm, dark place.

You cannot close the lid tightly, otherwise it will not ferment, but will simply sour.

9. And this is what he looks like two days later. Leave it for another two days in a warm place.

10. After the elapsed time, drain the kvass through a sieve with cheesecloth into a saucepan.

11. The remaining bread is a ready-made starter for a new portion. You can put it in water, add all the other ingredients and the drink will come up much faster. Or you can put it in the refrigerator, where it can be stored for a long time.

12. Add sugar to our drink and stir.

13. Prepare the bottles and put 5 raisins at the bottom. Using a funnel, pour our drink into bottles, but not completely, leave a little space, about 3-4 fingers.

14. Close the lid tightly and leave for six hours to saturate it with carbon dioxide.

15. After six hours it will become carbonated, put it in the refrigerator to cool because it is more pleasant to drink chilled. And that’s it, you can use it.

On a hot summer day it will be just great. Refreshing, aromatic, moderately carbonated. You will definitely like it.

Video on how to make bread kvass without yeast

Using this recipe, we will make our drink based on sourdough and rye malt.

Sourdough ingredients:

  • Rye flour – 250 gr
  • Water - 2 glasses

Ingredients for kvass:

  • Rye sourdough - 4 tablespoons
  • Water - 3 l.
  • Roasted rye malt - half a glass
  • Sugar - 7 tablespoons
  • Raisins - 1 tbsp
  • Coriander and cumin (optional) - 1/2 teaspoon each

The fastest recipe with dry yeast

To be honest, I have never heard of such a recipe before. To be honest, I even doubted whether it was kvass. And then I scoured the Internet and found out that it turns out it’s called “coffee.” I tried to make it and I can say one thing, it tastes very similar)


  • Instant coffee - 1.5 teaspoons
  • Sugar - 1/3 cup
  • Dry yeast - 1.5 teaspoon
  • Citric acid - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Boiled water

1. Add coffee to a mug, pour out all the sugar and dilute with hot boiling water until everything dissolves.

2. Then add citric acid there, stir and pour everything into a bottle.

3. Then add cold boiled water there, it will dilute the hot boiling water a little.

4. Next you need to add dry yeast.

5. And add more water, but not to the very top, since the yeast will react and gases will escape there. Then close the cap and shake the bottle properly, shake it a little. Leave for 6 hours.

6. After 6 hours it is ready and can be refrigerated or consumed.

As you can see, it cooks really quickly, you can leave it overnight, and in the morning you will have a delicious drink.

Well, we looked at completely different, not similar to each other, recipes for preparing this kvass under conditions. You can try to cook them all one by one and choose the one you like.

Well, now I want to wish you good luck and I will be waiting for you to visit me again. Did you find my recipes useful, write in the comments. All the best to you.

In hot weather, real kvass perfectly quenches thirst, relieves fatigue and quickly restores strength. This delicious natural drink can also be easily prepared at home, following centuries-old technology. I bring to your attention two recipes for kvass from bread: one with yeast, the other without.

General tips:

  • You can make kvass from any type of bread, but the best drinks are made from black rye loaves without the addition of caraway seeds, dill, etc.;
  • use only glass, plastic or enamel containers;
  • prepare breadcrumbs for kvass without oil and spices;
  • When fermenting in tightly sealed containers, be sure to monitor the carbon dioxide level to prevent high pressure from bursting the bottles.

Kvass from bread with yeast

A simple classic option.


  • rye bread – 0.5 kg;
  • water – 5 liters;
  • sugar – 250 grams;
  • pressed yeast - 20 grams (or 5 grams of dry).

Lovers of sweet drinks can increase the amount of sugar added at the eighth stage by 2-3 times.

1. Cut the bread into small pieces and fry in the oven until golden brown. The more dried the bread is, the more bitterness is felt in the kvass and the darker the color, but you should not overdry it.

2. Boil water, then cool to room temperature and pour into a fermentation container.

3. Add crackers, cover the neck of the container with gauze and leave for 48 hours in a dark place at room temperature. If you need to make kvass quickly, you can boil the mixture for 20-30 minutes, then cool to 25-30°C.

4. Dilute the yeast according to the instructions on the packet.

5. Filter the kvass wort through cheesecloth, squeezing the crackers well.

6. Pour the filtered wort into a fermentation container, add 200 grams of sugar and diluted yeast, mix well.

7. Cover the container loosely with a lid so that carbon dioxide can escape freely, then place in a dark place at a temperature of 18-25°C for 14-16 hours.

8. Pour the kvass into a storage container, for example, plastic bottles or jars, add the remaining 50 grams of sugar, stir. If you use several bottles, distribute the sugar evenly, it is needed to create carbon dioxide in the drink.

9. Seal the containers hermetically and place them in a dark place at room temperature for 4-5 hours.

10. Cool homemade bread kvass to a temperature of 8-11°C, transferring the bottles to the refrigerator or basement. This is necessary to stop the fermentation process. After 3-4 hours you can start tasting. Shelf life – up to 3 days.

Kvass with dry yeast

Bread kvass without yeast

A natural drink without the smell or taste of yeast. Raisins are used as a starter.


  • black bread – 0.5 kg;
  • sugar – 300 grams;
  • water – 5 liters;
  • unwashed raisins – 50 grams.

1. Cut the bread into pieces and dry it in the oven, the main thing is that the crackers do not burn, otherwise the kvass will turn out bitter.

2. Boil water, add crackers and 250 grams of sugar, stir.

3. Cool the resulting wort to 22-25°C, then pour into a fermentation container, filling a maximum of 90% of the volume.

4. Add raisins, then mix again, cover the neck with gauze and transfer the jar to a dark place with a temperature of 18-25°C.

5. If the raisins are of high quality, fermentation will begin in 1-2 days, the crackers in the jar will move, then foam, hissing and a slight sour smell will appear on the surface.

6. Two days after the start of fermentation, filter homemade kvass through cheesecloth, add 50 grams of sugar, mix, pour into bottles for storage, add 2-3 raisins to each and close tightly with lids.

7. Keep the drink for 8-12 hours in a dark, warm place to gain gas, then transfer it to the refrigerator or basement. After cooling the bread kvass to 8-11°C, you can proceed to tasting. Shelf life up to 4 days.

Kvass with raisins instead of yeast

Far in the past is the same kvass for which there were queues on the city streets, and which was always present on the table in the rural farmstead.

But today we have a great opportunity to make homemade kvass rightfully the number one drink in the house. Recipes for preparing this wonderful drink with its unique taste, as it has been prepared in Rus' for a long time, are carefully passed from hand to hand by our grandmothers and mothers, as well as by culinary experts - specialists in their field.

The drink, which came to us from ancient Egypt, took root in Rus', becoming at the same time a food. After all, there are countless dishes that include kvass in their recipes.

Homemade kvass prepared with your own hands has a beneficial effect on our health. It regulates metabolism in the body, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, saturates us with enzymes, minerals and vitamins, and helps remove toxins from the body. I suggest you prepare a great drink - according to a traditional recipe from rye crackers, as I do.

Homemade rye kvass

You will need one loaf of rye bread, 8 liters of water, 55 grams of yeast, 220 grams of sugar and raisins to taste.

  • First I dry the bread crumbs in the oven over high heat. They should turn out golden brown, but I always make sure they don't burn. Kvass made from rye crackers, prepared at home, is pleasant with its sweet and sour taste of rye bread. It quenches thirst well, tones and gives strength. This is what our ancestors took with them to haymaking.
  • Then I boil water in a large saucepan and pour sugar into it, stirring. I add crackers to the water and leave everything to cool and infuse.
  • After making sure that the base has cooled, I grind the yeast in a small amount until it is liquid and pour everything into the base. For this purpose, it is better to take fresh pressed yeast. I stir the mixture well so that the yeast is completely distributed in the water, and the ripening of homemade kvass occurs evenly.
  • I tie a thin towel around the pot with the future kvass so that no flying creatures will covet it, and leave it for fermentation for a day and a half.
  • If you like your kvass to taste sharper, you can let it sit longer. I start drinking my drink within a day, but since I prepare a large quantity of it at once, over time it becomes sharp, I also drink it with pleasure and treat it to friends.
  • After a day and a half, I strain the finished drink into another container and add more sugar to taste. But just a little so that the drink is not too strong.
  • I also add a handful of raisins so that my homemade kvass acquires a specific flavor. Raisins give the drink a special aroma and also contribute to additional fermentation, and it becomes carbonated. You can easily add blackcurrant and mint leaves, rowan berries, and honey to kvass. This will diversify the taste of the drinks you prepare.
  • I leave it for another day and then, draining the sediment, I filter it completely. I wash the raisins and put them back into the prepared kvass.
  • I put the drink in a cool basement. In your case, this could be the pantry or refrigerator.
  • I use the remaining wort after straining to make homemade kvass a second time.
  • To do this, I boil another 7 liters of water and add 100-120 grams of sugar to it. I prepare kvass as in the previous recipe, adding 300 grams of crackers and 40 grams of yeast. The second time the drink turns out tastier, acquiring a pleasant sour taste.

Recipe for kvass from rye bread with yeast

  • Cut black rye bread into small pieces, place on a baking sheet and place in the oven to dry. Be careful not to overcook or burn the bread. Otherwise, the finished kvass will taste bitter.
  • To boil water. Pour the crackers into a jar (preferably a 3-liter jar). For such a jar you need about half a loaf of breadcrumbs. The layer is approximately 8-10 cm thick.
  • Add sugar (3-4 tablespoons) and add hot water. Pour water up to your shoulders.
  • When the water has cooled to a temperature of 35-37 degrees, add diluted yeast (half a bag of dry or a small piece of fresh). To dilute yeast, pour a little infusion from a jar into a cup and dilute the yeast in it. You can also just use warm water.
  • Stir everything well, cover the jar with gauze or a napkin folded in several layers and leave for a day to a day and a half.
  • For more intense fermentation, you can add a tablespoon of raisins.
  • Then strain the finished bread kvass and pour into bottles. Add a few raisins to each and refrigerate for 6-8 hours. I leave it overnight.

The next portion of kvass can be prepared without yeast. Add a little fresh crackers, one or two handfuls, 3-4 tablespoons of sugar, a few raisins. Fill with water and repeat the process as described above.

Bread kvass without yeast

In the first portions of kvass according to the above recipe, the taste and smell of yeast are first felt. Many people don't like this very much. Therefore, I will give a recipe for kvass made from black rye bread without yeast.

  • To prepare bread kvass according to this recipe, also take rye bread, or sourdough bread, hop leaven.
  • Cut into small pieces and dry in the oven. For the first portion of kvass, take a little more bread. Pour the crackers into a three-liter jar (almost half the jar).
  • Boil water and dissolve sugar in it (10-15 tablespoons), cool and pour in crackers. For more intense fermentation, add a handful of raisins.
  • Cover the jar with gauze and leave to ferment. In a day or two, fermentation will begin. The crackers in the jar will begin to stir up and down, increasing in intensity every day. The first portion of bread kvass will be ready in 3–4 days.
  • Drain the finished kvass from the jar. There is no need to throw away all the crackers. Leave about half of the original volume. Add to them a handful of fresh dried crackers, 2-4 tablespoons of sugar, a few raisins, cover with gauze and leave to ferment. If you pour a new portion of kvass in the evening, it is usually ready in the morning. Next, we repeat the process until there is a desire to prepare kvass.

A lot of sugar is added to the first portion of kvass. This is necessary in order to trigger the fermentation process and prevent the kvass from turning sour. If there are no raisins, you can add more sugar. Next time, you can add sugar to your bread kvass to taste, 3-4 tablespoons.

A few small useful tips for making homemade kvass from rye bread.

  • You need to prepare kvass in containers that do not oxidize. If you cook kvass in a pan, it is better to take an enamel or stainless steel pan.
  • Add sugar to taste. If you like it sour, add less sugar. Sweeter - add sugar. Add a little more sugar to the first portion of kvass.
  • The richness of the color of kvass depends not only on the type of bread, but on the degree of frying of the crackers. But you still shouldn’t overcook the crackers; the kvass will contain both the taste and smell of burnt bread.
  • The intensity of fermentation, which means the readiness of bread kvass, depends on the temperature in the room. The higher the temperature, the fermentation will begin faster. Therefore, this point must be taken into account so that the kvass does not peroxide.
  • Raisins not only cause the fermentation process, but also give the kvass some sparkle and saturate the kvass with carbon dioxide.
  • If you do not immediately prepare a new portion of kvass, do not throw away the remaining softened crackers. Transfer them to a jar and place them in the refrigerator. Before cooking, take out the jar, heat it in the room, add sugar and the starter for a new portion of kvass is ready.

Rules for preparing homemade bread kvass

  1. The yeast must be the freshest, and the bread for the wort must be rye.
  2. Kvass is prepared in cooled boiled water.
  3. It is recommended to store kvass in a cool place.
  4. Ready kvass should be consumed within 2-3 days. If stored for a longer period of time, it loses its taste and becomes sour.
  5. The container in which the wort is infused must be glass or enamel; kvass cannot be prepared in aluminum containers, as it oxidizes.
  6. To prepare berry kvass, only ripe, selected, undamaged berries are used.

For those who want to get a healing and tasty drink, we advise you to prepare homemade bread kvass using the following recipes. We will be the first to publish a recipe for kvass without yeast.

Kvass without yeast

Sourdough for kvass without yeast

2 cups boiled water cooled to room temperature.
0.5 slices of rye bread.
1 tsp granulated sugar.
For the starter, take a glass of lukewarm boiled water, 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar, and half a slice of rye bread. Place all ingredients in a 0.5 liter jar. At the same time, crush the bread. Cover the jar with the starter with a cloth and leave it to ferment in a warm place. Without yeast, sourdough fermentation takes a little longer: a day or two.

How to make bread kvass without yeast at home from sourdough starter

1 tbsp. spoon of granulated sugar
1 – 2 slices rye bread
0.5 liters of prepared sourdough
1.5 liters of chilled boiled water

And so a day or two passed, you tasted the sourdough and made sure it was ready. The liquid should be cloudy and taste sharp. First, take a 2 liter jar, pour the starter into it, add 2 pieces of rye bread (crushed), 1 tbsp. spoon of granulated sugar and add cold boiled water to the edges of the jar. Close the lid and let it sit for a day. You can also put crackers, dried in the oven until golden brown, in a jar. In this case, the kvass will steep for much longer, but will acquire a golden color almost immediately. A day or two later, after tasting the first kvass, pour 2/3 of the liquid into a separate container. Add the remaining starter in the jar with boiled water cooled to room temperature, add 1 - 2 chopped pieces of fresh rye bread, close the lid and leave again.

Homemade bread kvass recipes

Since store-bought kvass can hardly be called useful, many people want to know how to make kvass at home. After all, homemade bread kvass is much tastier and healthier. In addition, preparing kvass at home is not difficult for experienced housewives.

Recipe for kvass from crackers

How to make homemade kvass from crackers:
Rye crackers (1 kg) are fried in the oven until golden brown. Place in a saucepan, add warm water and leave in a warm place for a couple of hours, stirring occasionally. The infusion is drained. The remaining crackers are poured again with water, left for 1-2 hours and poured into the infusion that was obtained earlier. The resulting wort is cooled to 20 degrees. Add sugar (per 3 liters of water - 1.5 cups of sugar) and yeast (40 g), diluted with the same wort. Leave in a warm place for 12 hours. The finished kvass is poured into jars or bottles and stored in a cool place.

Boyarsky kvass recipe

How to prepare Boyarsky kvass at home
Ingredients: 1 kg of stale rye bread, 5 liters of water, 1.3 sugar, 60 g of yeast, 1 tbsp of wheat flour, mint to taste.
Prepare the starter. To do this, dilute the yeast with a glass of warm water and place in a warm place. Pour boiling water over dried mint and leave to infuse. Cut the bread into slices, pour boiling water over it and cool to 30-40 degrees. Add the starter, mint infusion and leave for a day, then strain, add sugar, stir until it is completely dissolved. Pour the kvass into bottles, seal them well and store in the cold.

Borodinsky kvass recipe

Making Borodinsky kvass at home
Ingredients: 3 liters of water, 2 pieces of Borodino bread, 15 g of yeast, 1 teaspoon of flour, a handful of raisins
How to prepare Borodino kvass. Cut the bread into slices and lightly dry in the oven. Pour boiling water over and let the wort steep for 3 hours. Dissolve yeast with flour and add to wort. Leave for a day. Strain. Pour into bottles, add a twist to each. Keep warm for 3 hours, then put the bottles in the refrigerator. After 3-4 days you can drink kvass. Borodino kvass is ready.

Vigorous kvass with horseradish

Making kvass with horseradish, raisins and honey at home
Ingredients: 4 l of water, 800 g of rye crackers, 20 g of yeast, 100 g of honey, 100 g of grated horseradish, 50 g of raisins
How to prepare vigorous kvass with horseradish. Pour boiling water over the crackers and let stand for 3-4 hours. Strain. Add yeast and leave to ferment for 5-6 hours. Add grated horseradish and honey. Mix, pour into bottles, adding zest to each. Let it brew for 2 hours. Vigorous kvass with horseradish is ready.

Beet kvass recipe

How to make beet kvass at home
Ingredients: 1 kg of beets, 2 liters of water, 20 g of sugar, 1 piece of black bread, a clove of garlic, salt to taste
How to prepare beet kvass. Peel the beets and grate them on a coarse grater. Place in a 3-liter jar and fill with water. Add a piece of black bread, sugar, a little salt. Cover the jar with gauze and place in a warm place for 3-4 days. You can add a clove of garlic to almost finished kvass. Beet kvass is ready.

Kvass prepared at home turns out very tasty and enjoyable. There are many recipes for making kvass at home from bread so as to delight your dear guests and refresh yourself during the hot season. In this case, you can take bread, both rye and wheat. Here are some interesting ideas on how you can prepare it.

Recipe 1

Have to take:

- half a jar of black bread;
- 80 grams of sugar;
- 20 grams of yeast;
- water.

Step 1. First, while it is soft, the bread needs to be cut into pieces and dried in the oven. The bread needs to become hard, like crackers.

Step 2. Heat the water to boiling water and put the crackers in a jar. Pour boiling water over them and leave for several hours. During this time, the crackers should swell and become very soft, like porridge. When they become like this, you need to add sugar and stir it thoroughly.

Step 3. The water should gradually cool down and become warm. When its temperature reaches about 35 degrees, you can add a little yeast to the kvass. You need to cover the jar with gauze, not a plastic lid. In an hour, the starter will be ready and there will be enough for 10 liters of kvass.

Step 4. Now you need to take about 1 tenth of the starter, add it to a liter of warm water, cover with gauze. In a few hours, active fermentation will begin and the kvass will be ready. Bon appetit.

There is another recipe for making kvass from rye bread. Here's how to make it quickly and easily at home.

Recipe 2

This kvass turns out to be very tender and refreshing. To prepare it correctly, you You will need to take the following products:

- 200 grams of black bread;
- 2 liters of water;
- 50 grams of sugar;
- approximately 3 grams of yeast.

Step 1. The bread needs to be cut into small pieces and lightly dried in the microwave or oven. The crackers should be slightly hard, but not crispy.

Step 2. Boil water and put crackers in it. Then add sugar and yeast and leave for 6 hours, or preferably overnight.

Step 3. You need to stir it a little and leave it for another 3 days. Then collect the pulp and throw it away, and pour the liquid into bottles and jars. Now the kvass is ready. Bon appetit!

An unusual kvass recipe can be prepared with the addition of a few sprigs of mint and horseradish. It turns out very tasty and enjoyable, and will appeal to everyone who loves experiments and unusual dishes.

Recipe 3

To prepare this delicate, tasty and refreshing drink, you need to take:

- 50 grams of sugar;
- 200 grams of white crackers or a loaf;
- horseradish leaf;
- 3 grams of yeast;
- a few sprigs of mint to taste;
- 2 liters of boiling water.

Step 1. The loaf, if you are using it in a recipe for cooking, you need to cut into small squares and fry in the oven until the pieces are well cooked. Otherwise, you just need to take ready-made crackers from a loaf.

Step 2. Pour boiling water over them. Leave for 10 hours, adding a small amount of yeast, sugar, a little mint and horseradish. It is best to leave the kvass to ferment overnight.

Step 3. In the morning, remove the pulp and pour into containers.

Kvass prepared according to this recipe will turn out very pleasant, slightly intoxicating, refreshing, with a spicy bitterness.

Another refreshing recipe can be prepared by adding ginger root, lemon or tangerine peels. The taste of this kvass is brightly sour, very pleasant and delicate. Here's how to prepare it at home.

Recipe 4. With ginger and lemon peels

It is also prepared from white bread or loaf. Here's how to properly prepare this delicious drink and what you need for it:

- 200 grams of white loaf or breadcrumbs from it;
- a small piece of fresh ginger root;
- zest of one lemon;
- raisin;
- 3 grams of yeast;
- 50 grams of sugar.

Step 1. The loaf, if you use it in the recipe, you need to cut it into pieces, put it in a frying pan or in the oven and lightly fry so that the pieces are hard.

Step 2. Grate the ginger and add to boiling water along with lemon zest.

Step 3. Pour boiling water over the loaf along with lemon peels and ginger, add raisins and yeast.

Step 4. Cover with gauze and leave overnight.

Step 5. In the morning, squeeze out the pulp and throw it away. Pour the drink into jars.

The taste of this kvass can be islandy and slightly bitter. Therefore, sugar should be added to it in portions to taste. This recipe will appeal to those who love lemonade and ginger. From white bread and loaf, kvass turns out to be less rich, but with a pleasant, refreshing sourness. And here is an autumn recipe for kvass that will appeal to those who love drinks with berry sourness.

Recipe 5. With fresh cranberries and dried apples

To make it, you will need regular bread, a small amount of apple chips or apples, cut and dried for compote. To prepare tasty and healthy natural kvass you need to take:

- 200 grams of regular light bread;
- 10 raisins;
- 100 grams of apple chips or dried apples for compote;
- 100 grams of fresh cranberries or lingonberries;
- 4 grams of yeast;
- 70 grams of sugar;
- 2 liters of boiling water.

Step 1. Cut the bread into pieces and lightly dry in the microwave. The crackers should be soft, but somewhat dry.

Step 2. Lightly boil the apples along with the cranberries.

Step 3. Place the bread in a container, add a small amount of sugar, raisins and yeast, as indicated in the recipe. After this, cover the kvass with gauze and leave for a day.

Step 4. Then remove the cake, strain the kvass and pour it into bottles, cylinders and jars. After this, the drink is ready. Bon appetit!

This recipe will appeal to those who love berry flavors, light acidity, pleasant drinks and a bright, refreshing taste.

However, lovers of rich flavors may like a drink with young pine cones, from which you can make delicious jam. This recipe will be appreciated by lovers of spices and herbs. Here's how to make aromatic and very tasty kvass with pine or cedar cones. Exotic Russian recipe.

Recipe 6. With young pine cones

You can use both regular ones from wood and jam. To prepare kvass according to this recipe you need to take:

- 300 grams of black bread;
- 5 grams of yeast;
- 4 cones;
- 70 grams of sugar;
- 2 liters of water;
- a small amount of citric acid or the zest of one lemon.

Step 1. Toast the bread in the oven. The crackers should be very hard.

Step 2. Then boil the cones in boiling water, add sugar, yeast and pour over the bread. Add a small amount of raisins, lemon zest, and acid to it.

Step 3. Cover the kvass with gauze and leave for a day.

Step 4. After this, you need to remove the cake and heat the kvass again, adding a small amount of mint or linden blossom. It will highlight the spiciness of the berries and allow you to enjoy a pleasant, delicate taste.

In this case, you will get a pleasant, fresh kvass with a piquant “forest” note. Men will like it due to its rich and pleasant taste.

But there are recipes that do not require frying the bread. The taste of this kvass is more delicate and pleasant. Here's how to make a delicate and very light kvass with lemon peels and a little mint and ginger. The taste is light, almost the same as ginger lemonade. Here's how to make it deliciously at home.

Recipe 7. Light kvass made from white bread

To prepare it you need to take:

- 300 grams of fresh white bread;
- 15 white grapes;
- 50 grams of fresh ginger root;
- 50 grams of sugar;
- a tablespoon of liquid honey;
- 50 grams of citric acid;
- zest of one lemon or tangerine;
- 4 grams of yeast;
- 3 liters of boiling water.

Step 1. Mix bread with honey, grapes, lemon peels. Add yeast and a little ginger and citric acid.

Step 2. Pour boiling water over everything and leave overnight. Kvass should be covered with gauze to ensure air circulation.

Step 3. Remove the gruel and pour the kvass into a bowl.

Thanks to honey, grapes and lemon sourness, kvass turns out slightly sweet with a rich taste. It will appeal to those who love light summer drinks. It is very good to combine it with ice and serve in glasses with fresh sprigs of mint or basil.

However, there is a separate recipe for light kvass, the additional ingredients of which are lemon, basil and honey. It will appeal to those who love the delicate and refreshing tastes of summer drinks.

Recipe 8. With blue basil and lemon

To prepare this very tasty and refreshing drink, you need to take:

- 300 grams of white breadcrumbs from a loaf;
- 2 grams of yeast;
- 5 sprigs of basil;
- 1 lemon;
- 50 grams of sugar;
- 2 tablespoons of liquid acacia honey;
- 2 liters of water.

Step 1. Place the crackers in a container along with sugar and yeast.

Step 2. Cut the lemon into slices and add to the bread.

Step 3. Add basil sprigs and honey.

Step 4. Pour boiling water over everything and leave for 5 hours. Then mix.

Step 5. Remove the cake and pour the kvass into jars. Serve with a lemon wedge in a glass and a sprig of basil.

This kvass turns out to be very fresh and tasty, pleasant in the hot season. It tastes a little like basil lemonade. Well, a real New Year's sweet drink can be kvass with refreshing tangerine peels, maple syrup and honey. Here's how to make it at home.

Recipe 9. With tangerine peels and honey

To prepare it you need to take:

- 200 grams of black bread crackers;
- the same amount of white crackers;
- 15 black and dried raisins;
- 50 grams of sugar;
- 5 grams of yeast;
- a little citric acid;
- 200 grams of tangerine peels;
- a small amount of cinnamon;
- a little cayenne red pepper;
- 100 grams of liquid honey;
- 100 grams of maple syrup.

Step 1. Fry the crackers very tightly so that they all turn out with a crust.

Step 2. Place them in a separate container and add raisins, sugar, citric acid and dry tangerine peels. Then sprinkle lightly with pepper and cinnamon.

Step 3. Pour boiling water over everything and after 5 hours add honey.

Step 4. Infuse the kvass for 3 days, then strain and pour into jars. Before serving, add a tablespoon of maple syrup to each.

This kvass pleasantly combines the richness of the bread drink with the brightness of tangerine peels, spices and the pleasant viscous sweetness of honey and maple syrup. This drink will appeal to those who love sweet, refreshing and pleasant drinks in which the taste is revealed in many ways.

Here is a very unusual recipe for kvass with lime, lemon and blackberries. It will appeal to those who love refreshing lemonades with a sour taste. And this is how they prepare it.

Recipe 10. With lime and blackberries

To prepare it, you need to take:

- 200 grams of Borodino bread;
- 20 black raisins;
- 2 limes;
- 100 grams of frozen blackberries;
- 100 grams of sugar;
- 3 grams of yeast;
- water 3 liters.

Step 1. Dry the bread very thoroughly and place it in a separate container along with sugar, raisins and blackberries.

Step 2. Add yeast and cut the lime into slices on top.

Step 3. Pour boiling water over everything and leave for 7 hours.

Step 4. Then remove the pulp and pour the drink into jars. Serve with a little honey or maple syrup.

This kvass has a very bright and rich taste with a piquant lime sourness. Lovers of refreshing drinks will really like it.

But here is an unusual raspberry-cranberry kvass, which in hot weather can be an excellent alternative to sweet carbonated drinks. Here's how to make it at home.

Recipe 11. With raspberries

To prepare it you need to take:

- 200 grams of white crackers without crust;
- citric acid;
- 200 grams of fresh raspberries;
- the same amount of cranberries;
- 50 grams of sugar;
- 4 grams of yeast;
- 7 white raisins;
- 2 liters of boiling water.

Step 1. Place the crackers in a container and mix with raspberries, cranberries, raisins and sugar. Add yeast.

Step 2. Pour boiling water over everything and leave for 7 hours. Then you need to cool the kvass. Remove the pulp and pour it into jars.

You can serve this kvass with frozen raspberries, blackberries and a lemon wedge. If it is very sour for you, then you can put a small amount of sugar or honey in it.

The drink has a sweetish taste thanks to raspberries. However, its sweetness can be adjusted in portions so that the drink does not turn out too sour or, on the contrary, too sweet. Therefore, for it you need to put a minimum amount of sugar and only then add it to taste.

Having prepared kvass at home using one of the methods, you can then prepare a delicious