home · Installation · How to make raspberry compote. Raspberry compote recipes. Raspberry compote with cherries and sweet red wine

How to make raspberry compote. Raspberry compote recipes. Raspberry compote with cherries and sweet red wine

In the summer, at the height of the ripening of the most delicious berries and fruits, it would be a great sin not to make compote from them! But the most delicious and aromatic drink is made from raspberries. It will not only perfectly refresh you on hot days, but will also properly strengthen your immune system, thanks to the beneficial vitamins and minerals contained in the berries.

Preparing raspberry compote is incredibly easy and simple - just from raspberries, sugar and water. If such a small amount of sugar is not enough for you, then you can add more to your taste, but I do not advise you to add citric acid, although many housewives are guilty of this. Pick or purchase fresh, juicy raspberries and prepare granulated sugar.

Rinse the berries in water and place them in the pan in which you are going to cook the raspberry compote.

Add granulated sugar afterwards. They say that you can even add a little cinnamon to the raspberry compote “for warmth,” but it seems to me that the raspberry drink is already incredibly juicy and bright on its own.

Pour boiling water or hot water over the berries and sugar and place on the fire. Cook for 10 minutes, reducing heat slightly to a simmer. As soon as the compote is cooked, immediately place the pan in a container with cold water and cool it, then bottle it and place it in the refrigerator.

If you plan to roll up raspberry compote for the winter, then pour it into steamed jars with a ladle, roll up the lids using a preservation key and turn the top upside down.

- Raspberry compote can be prepared with the addition of other berries: black currants, gooseberries, blackberries, strawberries or with the addition of summer apples, cut into thin slices.

You can make raspberry compote from frozen raspberries. To do this, in the summer you need to collect raspberries and freeze them in the freezer. The berries should be frozen in bulk on a flat surface (some freezers have special trays for this) and only then collected in a bag. This form of freezing will allow the berries not to stick together when frozen.

To add richness of flavor, you can add a small slice of lemon or two pinches of citric acid to the raspberry compote.

In order to preserve vitamins when preparing compote, you should pour fresh or frozen raspberries with cooled boiled water, add sugar to taste, cover with a lid and let the drink brew for several hours. The compote will remain rich in vitamins, since the berries will not be boiled.

The calorie content of raspberry compote is 60 kcal/100 milliliters.

The average cost of raspberries in Moscow in the 2017 season is from 300 rubles/1 kilogram, in the off-season - from 2000 rubles. (as of June 2017).

If stored correctly (in a cool, dark place), raspberry compote can last not just 1, but several years.

When cooking compote, raspberries lose color and in this form can spoil the appearance of the drink. To prevent this from happening, and also to prevent raspberry seeds from getting into the drink, you can rub the raspberries through a sieve after cooking.

Surely every housewife has her own cooking recipes and secrets. Most of the fairer sex not only prepare food for daily consumption, but also make this article. This article will tell you how to cook raspberry compote. The recipe with step-by-step instructions will be presented to your attention below. You will find out the proportions of products and the main nuances of preparing this drink.

Raspberry compote

This drink is rich in healthy vitamins and minerals. It can be prepared either from fresh berries or using frozen fruits. It is recommended to serve the drink chilled in summer and hot in winter.

Raspberry compote will perfectly quench your thirst and benefit your body. The fruits of this plant actively fight bacteria and pathological microorganisms. Raspberries have long been used to treat respiratory diseases and certain infections. Also, the fruits of the plant will help expectant mothers prepare their bodies for childbirth.

Method of preparing the drink

Before you cook raspberry compote, you need to decide on the method of serving it. For a cold drink you will need less water. In this case, the raspberry compote will be more concentrated. If you plan to treat everyone to a hot drink or preserve the decoction, then the amount of water and sugar should be increased proportionally.

Take one kilogram of berries. If you are using a frozen product, you must first leave it in the refrigerator for two hours. Thus, defrosting will be as favorable as possible for the fruit. There is no need to wash raspberries. Sort the hard berries and separate them from the leaves. Place a pot of water on the fire and bring the liquid to a boil. Add sugar in a thin stream. For one kilogram of berries you will need two liters of water and 300 grams of sugar. These proportions must be observed if you are going to serve chilled raspberry compote. For hot or canned drink, for the specified amount of fruit you need to take 5 liters of water and 500 grams of sugar.

After the sand has completely dissolved in the boiling liquid, place the berries in it. The resulting mixture should be cooked for 5-7 minutes. After this, remove the pan from the heat.

The final stage of preparation

Raspberry compote for cold serving should be cooled and supplemented with lemon juice in the amount of 50 milliliters. After this, you can pour the liquid into glasses and, if necessary, put ice in them. Garnish the drink with a few fresh raspberries and insert a straw.

To preserve the product, you need to pour hot raspberry compote into jars. Next, tightly screw the lid on the workpiece and turn it over. In this position, the drink should stand for two days in a warm place. After this, you need to move it to a dark and cool room. In this state, banks can wait in the wings for a long time. After opening the drink, you can also serve it warm or add some ice.


Now you know how to prepare raspberry compote. Remember that the drink can be varied with other fruits. So, currants, sour cherries, and strawberries go perfectly with raspberries. If desired, you can place mint leaves, anise or fennel seeds in the compote. To prepare a medicinal drink, complement the raspberry compote with rose hips or cranberries. If you use brown or brown to prepare the drink, then its quantity should be reduced. Otherwise you will end up with a very sweet drink. Happy cooking!

Compote is a magical drink that can quench your thirst at any time of the year. Despite the fact that a large volume is prepared mainly in the summer, in the winter it also goes off with a bang. What to cook from is an individual matter. Classic compotes, like in childhood, are prepared from strawberries, currants and apples, in general, from all the fruits and berries available in the country. A more exotic drink is made from citrus and rare overseas fruits. And raspberry compote is rightfully considered one of the most delicious. Preparing it couldn’t be easier, the main thing is to pick the berries, or buy them in the supermarket, and then it’s up to the little bit. The berries are filled with water, sugar is added, the mixture is brought to a boil, and after a couple of minutes it is turned off. There is no need for exact recommendations on the amount of ingredients; this is not preparation for the winter. Sugar is added to taste. Some people like sweet drinks, while others like sour ones, so there are no universal proportions. The same applies to raspberries, the more berries, the richer and brighter the compote.

In any case, homemade raspberry compote is much better than store-bought carbonated drinks with artificial colors and flavor enhancers. It already turns out very tasty and aromatic, so there is no need to artificially improve the drink.

This recipe describes the process of preparing raspberry compote in a slow cooker, but it can be prepared similarly on the stove. The result is a delicious, aromatic and very beautifully colored drink.


  • raspberries – 0.5 kg;
  • water 2.5-3 l;
  • sugar - to taste.

Cooking process:

There is an opinion that it is not necessary to wash raspberries, but for your own peace of mind, it is advisable to rinse them under running water. You can use fresh or frozen berries.

Open the multicooker, pour raspberries into it. To enhance the flavor, add a handful of red currants. This is not a required ingredient, but if you use blackcurrant, keep in mind that it can overpower the taste of the raspberries and change the color of the drink, making it darker. Add sugar.

Pour water over the berries, preferably filtered or settled, and mix everything carefully.

If you have a Panasonic multicooker, select the “stew” function. In the Redmond MV, compote can be prepared in the “soup” mode. If the volume is large, do not close the lid; cooking time is about 25 minutes.

With the lid closed, it is enough to cook for 20 minutes.

Allow the finished compote to brew so that the color and taste become more saturated. Serve the drink chilled in a clear carafe so you can see how beautiful it is.


So that you can make raspberry compote in winter, keep a supply of berries in the freezer. It is convenient to freeze them in plastic bags and plastic containers. The raspberries must be dry, otherwise you will have a single briquette frozen, from which it will subsequently be difficult to separate the amount of berries required for the compote.
If you couldn’t freeze raspberries in time, but you have plenty of jam from them, you can use it when preparing a drink (just pour it into boiling water). Since the jam is quite sweet, you most likely won’t need to add additional sugar. Assorted compotes, to which you add a little bit of everything, turn out to be very tasty. There are a couple of apricots or plums, a handful of cherries and raspberries, great - put them in the pan.

Freezing berries has become very common among housewives as one of the ways to preserve food. Such berries perfectly retain their taste, color and all the vitamins that they contain in their natural form.

The abundance of berry crops in gardens in summer allows you to collect and store them in large quantities, which significantly saves your budget, because such frozen berries are a popular and expensive product. In addition, it is always available on store shelves.

There are enough manufacturing companies that freeze berries (produce such products) using special technologies, preserving all the properties of the product. If you derive the “formula for the usefulness” of drinks, then frozen raspberry compote will be on the same level as freshly squeezed berry juice.

Recipe ingredients:

  • frozen raspberries – 750-800 gr.
  • sugar – 200 gr.
  • water – 3 liters

    Making compote from frozen raspberries

    Containers with ice raspberries are taken out of the freezer. Read more - how to freeze raspberries. For compote, you can use frozen whole berries or shaped briquettes of raspberries, ground with sugar. To make the compote fragrant and concentrated, you need to take more berries than are suggested in the usual recipes for fresh raspberries.

    Place the berries on a plate and wait 5 minutes. During this time, the whitish coating on the berries will disappear, but the raspberries will remain firm.

    The berries are placed in a sieve and quickly rinsed with cold water. The condensate that settles on the berries contains harmful substances that need to be gotten rid of. Cold running water does the job perfectly. Raspberries are placed in a saucepan without waiting for complete defrosting.

    Add sugar. Raspberry compote should not be cloying. With too much sugar, the fresh berry taste is lost. These proportions leave raspberry sourness as the leading flavor note of the drink.

    Pour cold water into the pan. The taste of compote largely depends on the quality of the water. If there is no spring water or pre-purified water, then the tap water is passed through a filter.

    Compote of frozen raspberries is boiled for 5 minutes. Then cover the pan with a lid and leave for 20 minutes. The warm compote is filtered.

    For good filtration, a metal sieve is not enough: the grate is additionally covered with one or two layers of gauze. The compote will turn out perfect; there will not be the slightest hint of the presence of raspberry pulp flakes.