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How to make a pressure plate in Minecraft and how to use it? Creating Pressure Plates

Slabs in Minecraft may be needed for various purposes. There are several types of slabs - wood, steel, gold, stone. They all function as a switch or button. As with other items in this game, crafting slabs will require certain resources. Below we will tell you how to make this or that plate in Minecraft.

How to make a pressure plate in Minecraft?

If you have built any structure, then to activate it you will need a pressure plate to supply the object with electricity. You can make it from different materials, but the easiest way is to get a specific stone. So, to craft a stone pressure plate you will only need two cobblestones. The first one must be placed in the central cell of the workbench, and the second one - directly below it.

The end result will be a stone slab. But that is not all. To obtain a pressure plate, connect a wire to the block. In this way you will connect the object with the electronic network.

To activate the pressure plate, you need to send current through the wire and stand on the object. The pressure plate can be used not only as a switch. This item can be included in mob traps.

Wood pressure plate

When thinking about how to make a stove in Minecraft, you can try crafting it from wood. It will have the same characteristics as the stone one. To craft slabs of wood, you will need to lay out two logs on a workbench, the first in the center, and the second below it. To activate the plate, you will need to not only stand on it, but also throw an object. After which the wood board can be used at your own discretion.

Weighted plate

Anything can happen in Minecraft, so you can make certain plates heavier, and a completely different object will appear in your hands. You can, for example, craft a daylight sensor, which is also a slab. This will require the following resources:

  • 3 blocks of glass;
  • 3 nether quartz;
  • 3 wood boards.

Place the resources on the crafting bench in the order in which they were given. After which you will have a daylight sensor in your hands. It can be used as a decorative element, or attached to one or another thing; if it gets lost, it can simply be found by a signal.

How to make a gold pressure plate in Minecraft?

The pressure plate in Minecraft can also be made of gold. To do this, place two ingots on the crafting bench (one in the very center and the other below it). That's all, the golden plate is ready. But it must be activated. To do this, stand on an object, and then throw something at it.

You can craft a metal plate in the same way. But to activate it, it will be enough to stand on it.

You see, making a pressure plate from different materials in Minecraft is not difficult. Happy crafting!

To create various buildings in the world of Minecraft, you can use almost any resources found there. However, when playing in survival mode, it can be very difficult to obtain the necessary item, so most buildings usually use the most common stone. Today we will talk about how to make a stone slab in Minecraft.


Before you make a stone slab or its equivalent in Minecraft, you will have to obtain the necessary material. Fortunately, this resource is found everywhere just below the soil layer.

To get it, you don't need any tools. True, mining by hand will take you about 7.5 seconds per block. So it will be better to use at least a wooden pickaxe. The generation time will be reduced to 1.5 seconds.

After mining you will receive a cobblestone block. Before you make a stone slab in Minecraft, you will have to burn the required resource in a furnace. Be careful! If you set a stone block on the surface and then hammer it again, you will get cobblestone again and will have to be fired again.

After receiving at least three blocks, you can begin to consider the question of how to make a stone slab in Minecraft 1.8.


Now you can begin the crafting process. To make a regular stone slab, place three blocks of stone in the bottom slots of the workbench. This way you will get three stone slabs at once.

These items can be used as stairs or for decoration. It is immediately worth noting that the slabs are full-size blocks. That is, water does not flow above or below them. There will always be empty space. When loose materials such as sand or gravel fall on the slab, they will fall out in the form of a block.

In addition, signs, torches, and levers cannot be placed on placed slabs. On the other hand, you can place these items on the side of it. By placing two stone slabs on top of each other, you will combine them into one block, but there will still be a crack between them. When using the pickaxe, both items will drop.

Knowing how to make a stone slab in Minecraft, you will be able to create not only stairs, but also side shelves, as well as mechanisms for automatically extracting bulk materials. If you install the slab on a fence, you will get a table.

Pressure plate

Another way to use stone blocks is to make mechanisms out of them. To do this, you will need red dust to create circuits and activating elements. How to make a stone pressure plate in Minecraft?

Imagine that the workbench interface is a NUM keyboard. Then the cells will correspond to specific numbers on it. Place stone blocks on spaces 4 and 5. This will give you one pressure plate.

This element is very durable and does not press when objects and arrows hit it, as happens with its wooden counterpart. Therefore, a person or mob must step on it to activate it.

You can also get this item if you find it in an abandoned temple. Usually at least one such component is generated. To get it, use a pickaxe of any quality. Without it, you won't succeed.

Need an electrical energy switch in Minecraft? Then you definitely need to get a pressure plate. They come in four types, each of which provides the player with unique abilities.

Types of pressure plates

Therefore, they distinguish:
— Stone ones are capable of providing energy to the object that is directly located on it. If there is no player (mob) on it, the energy supply stops. A plate, also known as a slab, is used in the construction of rails. They do it like this: open the workbench and place two blocks of stone in the last row.
— Wooden - give the player the opportunity to make traps, turn on lights remotely and open doors, and also provide energy to the player located on it. To activate the plate, you need to throw any object at it. The design of the workbench is similar to the previous method, with the exception of the constituent materials - two wooden boards.
— Weighted pressure plates - the principle of operation is similar to standard pressure plates (plates). To activate them, you need discarded items. There are two types of such devices - iron heavy and golden light. Moreover, the strength of the received signal from the iron depends on how many objects will be placed on it (maximum 10 objects).

To make weighted iron plates, two iron ingots are used, which are located in the bottom row of the workbench. But to make gold, you need to use two gold bars, obtained by melting gold ore in a furnace.
Both types of weighted pressure plate can be broken with a wooden pick.

How to Make a Pressure Plate in Minecraft http://zov.karep.ru/%D0%9A%D0%B0%D0%BA%20%D0%A1%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B0 %D1%82%D1%8C%20%D0%9D%D0%B0%D0%B6%D0%B8%D0%BC%D0%BD%D1%83%D1%8E%20%D0%9F%D0 %BB%D0%B8%D1%82%D1%83%20%D0%B2%20Minecraft See pictures on request how to make a pressure plate in minecraftimages How to make a stone pressure plate Author PiterPetrelli average rating 35 - 5 user ratings. What's new in Minecraft 1.8.2. How to make a gold block in Minecraft. How to make a Pressure Plate in Minecraft? Minecraft How to make a pressure plate in Minecraft? A pressure plate is similar in action to a button, but is activated when a person or mob presses it. Stone Pressure Plate How to make in Minecraft A pressure plate in Minecraft is a button that is placed on a solid block and activates red dust when a player or zombie steps on it. How to make a pressure plate in Minecraft. Name. how to make a pressure plate in minecraft - 16 How to make a pressure plate in minecraft? Wooden pressure plate. When thinking about how to make a stove in Minecraft, you can try crafting one from wood. How to make a pressure plate in Minecraft? Here you will find a detailed description of the Stone Pressure Plate in Minecraft Minecraft: how to make it, where to apply it, screenshots, videos, mods, etc. Pressure plate - Minecraft Wiki minecraft -ru How to make a stone pressure plate Minecraft - Wiki blog minecraft How to make a stone pressure plate in Minecraft? These include the pressure plate, or pressure plate. Pressure plates can be crafted from various materials. How to make a pressure plate in Minecraft How to make a pressure plate in Minecraft and how to use it? Computers Computer games Av. Various mechanisms in Minecraft, their types and applications Belousov Roman. How to make a table in Minecraft, or DIY Interior How to make a pressure plate in Minecraft Minecraft client- minecraft Detailed description of how to make a pressure plate in Minecraft? In order to create a Pressure Plate you only need 2 blocks of stone. The pressure plate is used as a mechanism that, using an electrical circuit, will How to make a plate in Minecraft? Pressure plates eng. Pressure Plate - non-solid blocks that can signal red stone when a mob, player, item, etc. is detected on it. There are two versions of pressure plates: stone pressure plate Pressure plate in Minecraft - Everything for Minecraft on minecraft

Slabs in Minecraft can be useful for various purposes. There are several types of slabs - wooden, iron, gold, stone. They all perform the function of a switch or button. As with other items in this game, crafting slabs will require certain resources. Below we will tell you how to make this or that plate in Minecraft.

How to make a pressure plate in Minecraft?

If you have built a structure, then to activate it you will need a pressure plate to supply the object with electricity. You can make it from various materials, but the easiest one to get is stone. So, to craft a stone pressure plate, you only need two cobblestones. The first one needs to be placed in the central cell of the workbench, and the second one - directly below it.

As a result, you will be able to get a stone slab. But that is not all. To obtain a pressure plate, connect a wire to the block. This way you will connect the item to the electrical network.

To activate the pressure plate, you need to send a current through the wire and stand on the object. The pressure plate can be used for more than just a switch. This item can be included in mob traps.

Wooden pressure plate

When thinking about how to make a stove in Minecraft, you can try crafting one from wood. It will have the same properties as stone. To craft wooden slabs, you will need to place 2 logs on the workbench, the first in the center, and the second below it. To activate the stove, you will need to not only stand on it, but also throw an object. After this, the wooden slab can be used at your discretion.

Weighted plate

In Minecraft, everything is possible, so you can make certain plates heavier, and a completely different object will appear in your hands. You can, for example, craft a daylight sensor, which is also a slab. This will require the following resources:

  • 3 blocks of glass;
  • 3 nether quartz;
  • 3 wooden slabs.

Place the resources on the crafting bench in the order in which they were given. After this, you will have a daylight sensor in your hands. It can be used as a decorative element, or attached to one or another thing; if it gets lost, it can be easily found using a signal.

How to make a gold pressure plate in Minecraft?

A pressure plate in Minecraft can also be made from gold. To do this, place two ingots on the crafting bench (one in the very center and the other below it). That's all, the golden plate is ready. However, it must be activated. To do this, stand on an object and then throw something at it.

You can craft an iron plate in the same way. However, to activate it, it will be enough to stand on it.

As you can see, making a pressure plate from various materials in Minecraft is not difficult. Happy crafting!