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How to destroy ants in fallout 3. Fire ants: description and photo. Entrances to the Anchorage Memorial

The passages of the quests are placed in spoilers, so that those who do not want to accidentally read in advance and find out something unnecessary would not spoil their enjoyment of the game.

List of side quests:

Big Trouble in Big Town

The quest can be obtained by accidentally getting into the Big Town or by escorting the overgrown Sticky from Little Lamplight there, or by coming there for Red on purpose, because she is one of the contract objectives in the quest. There is another option - you can go to the Germantown Police HQ and save Red and Shorty there.

The population of the Big City is mostly exiled overgrowns from Little Lamplight. Any resident will tell you that the town is constantly being attacked by super mutants who have settled in the former Germantown police station; last time they captured several people (including Red). A marker for this area will appear on the map.

You can get inside the building of the former site through the door on the first floor, closed with a very complex lock, and if you can’t handle it, then through the entrance on the top floor - in this case you will have to make a circle around the entire building. In the courtyard of the building and inside you will come across numerous super mutants, everywhere there will be booby traps and password-protected or freely accessible computers with very interesting stories from the beginning of the war: in the courtyard - the head of the MD-478 unit, Nancy Croydon, on the ground floor - 911 services... In the building you can find several skill books, and on the ground floor there is a storage room for contraband goods locked with a complex lock (also accessible through a very complex password-protected terminal nearby).

The redhead is locked in a cell not far from the front door of the first floor; one of the super mutants will have the key to the cell (or you can hack the isolation computer, or you don’t have to break it - the password for it is on the top floor). After talking with Red, you will learn about Shorty, who was recently dragged into the basement. Go down there and hear a conversation between the super mutant and Shorty, as a result of which the inhuman begins to shoot at the bully, so there is no need to hesitate here. After all the showdown, you should escort both of them to the Big City, where Red will give you a reward - 300 caps and another 200 can be knocked out of her with developed eloquence. There you will learn that the City will soon be attacked by super mutants again. Your help is needed, you can help the residents defend themselves or simply leave. If you stay, you will be asked to choose a defense tactic; depending on the hero’s skills, there may be the following options:

  • (Explosives) - mine the passages so that super mutants cannot pass through;
  • (Science) - repair and place protective robots,
  • (Light weapons) - train locals in shooting,
  • (Stealth) - teach residents to hide properly so that super mutants don’t find anyone.

After repelling the attack of super mutants, talk to Dynamite (Timebomb) (this is the same guy who lies unconscious in the clinic - he can be operated on with a medicine skill of 40), if he remains alive, he will give you his Lucky Ball 8, which increases your luck by 1.

Bugs: If you save Red and leave Shorty in the basement, then after the battle with super mutants in the Big City he will not go anywhere, he will just sit there. In the defense version, related to science, you will be offered to repair two old robots in a landfill, but they are not there... The following helped me - use the console to call the robots, and then repair each one, despite the fact that they are already running fast :) , after which the quest will continue.

Protectron ~player.placeatme 0005AC77 1,1,1
Security robot ~player.placeatme 0002C11A 1,1,1

The Superhuman Gambit

Once in the Canterbury Commons, you will witness the battle of two “superheroes” - the AntAgonizer, who attacks a town with ants, and the Mechanist, who defends it with robots. The performance ends with the destruction of the ants and the remaining participants scattering in different directions.

Ernest "Uncle" Roe will come up to you after the fight and ask you to help the residents get rid of these psychos for 200 caps, with developed eloquence you can bargain with him for 400.

If he agrees, Rowe advises talking to his nephew, Derek Pacion, because... he knows where to find both - NeMirmika has settled in a cave north of the city, and the Mechanist has occupied a former robotics service center to the south.

From Rowe, Derek and Dominic Deisadro you can hear that the Mechanist was previously the local mechanic, Scott Wolinsky, but one day NeMirmiki ants smashed his robot into pieces, after which he put on a strange suit, stopped responding to his name and began to actively defend the city. Joe Porter knows something about NeMirmika (Derek will mention this), if you want to try to persuade her to surrender, then talk to Joe, according to his assumptions, this is Tanya Kristoff from a family that was once completely destroyed by ants. Also, if you previously visited Hubris Comics and read in the terminal a story about an orphan girl, NeMyrmik, who was raised by Myrmik ants and acquired hatred for all humanity, then this information can also be used.

Showdown with NeMirmika. To get to it you will have to make your way through the tunnels of Canterbury through ants and traps. But there is a shortcut - through the hatch at the top of the hill, you need a lockpicking skill of 50 to open it (or you can steal the key from her during the performance in Canterbury). In a conversation with NeMirmika you can:

  • try to persuade her to take off this stupid costume and stop attacking the city, calling her by name (if you asked Joe Porter about her earlier or visited Hubris Comics), if successful, she regrets her actions and gives the costume, if unsuccessful calls ants and attacks;
  • directly announce your intentions to deal with her, the same effect will be if you appear to NeMirmika in a Mechanist costume (a crowd of hostile ants is included);
  • promise to help her get rid of the Mechanist and go to him;
  • if you have a Mechanist costume, give it to NeMirmika, then she will decide to leave this city and give you the Ant's Sting knife with an additional effect of poison damage of 4 units for 10 seconds (negative karma will be added to the hero).

Showdown with the Mechanist. There are two paths to the Mechanist's forge - a short one through the elevator (a hacking skill of 75 is required to open this door) and a long one through the entire building (hostile robots and turrets are included). By the way, under one of the tables there is a box with pulse grenades ( good remedy against robots), the box can be hacked or opened with the key lying behind the terminal (you can read about this in the terminal). If you have to go through the entire building, then at the end you will come across a secret door, which is opened by turning on the coffee maker and then activating the clock mechanism. In a conversation with the Mechanist you can:

  • try to persuade him to take off this ridiculous suit and end his career as a superhero; if successful, he regrets that he created so many problems for the city and gives the suit; if unsuccessful, he calls on the Protectron and attacks;
  • directly announce your intentions to deal with him, the same effect will be if you appear to the Mechanist in a NeMirmika costume;
  • promise to help him get rid of NeMirmiki and go to her;
  • If you have a NeMirmiki costume, give it to the Mechanist and wish him not to stop there, then he will give you a unique laser pistol “Protectron’s Gaze” with damage 24 units (negative karma will be added to the hero).

To complete the quest, it is enough to deal with one of the participants in the hostilities in one way or another, after which you can contact Rowe for a reward. But if, after successfully solving the problem with one, you first talk to Rowe, and then go to the second, then in further dialogues with Rowe there will be no topic about the reward.

The Wasteland Survival Guide

When you go to Craterside Supply in Megaton, you learn that the owner, Moira Brown, is writing a book about the wasteland, something of a survival guide.

Moira will immediately invite you to become an assistant, i.e. you will test her theories in practice, and she will add proven things to the book. Moreover, even before agreeing to participate, you can receive from Moira the armored overalls of shelter 101, left to her by a passing girl, just for a story about life in the shelter.

First part The book is devoted to the following questions: where you can look for food, why radiation is dangerous and how to avoid being blown up by a mine; you can study them in any order.

1. Find food at the Super-Duper Mart. Additionally: find medicines there. The whole difficulty is that there is a nest of raiders in the Supermart, but it’s easy to get food - you need to go through the right entrance and sneak to the right, carefully jumping over the counter. To get to the far back room with medicines you will have to shoot/cut out the raiders (if you couldn’t hack the door or terminal, then look for the key to the pharmacy in the metal box in the room on the right), and when you get there, you will hear that more people have returned to the Supermart two. An easy way to get rid of them: hack the computer in the back room and release the Protectron (first take the clerk’s ID card so that the robot considers you one of its own), if one of the raiders remains alive, then finish him off personally. Moira will reward you with a Food Sanitizer. By the way, there is an option to lie that you were in the “Supermart” and found everything (with developed eloquence).

2. Catch radiation sickness (200 rads). Additionally: contract severe radiation sickness (600 rads). And after that, Moira promises to heal you. Using experimental methods... The easiest way to gain radiation without leaving Megaton is in a puddle with an unexploded bomb or by drinking water from any contaminated source. Don't worry, Moira will actually heal you and also give you some Rad-X and Rad Away. In case of execution additional condition After treatment, Moira will say that there is a small mutation left, Rad Regeneration - now, when you suffer from severe radiation sickness, damaged limbs will regenerate automatically.

3. Get to playground Minefield. Optional: Bring Moira a Frag Mine. The entire destroyed settlement is mined; along the way you will have to carefully look at your feet, neutralizing the mines. The task is complicated by the fact that in the ruins of one of the buildings a certain Arkansas has settled down with a sniper rifle... It is undesirable to kill him, because... he is one of the contract objectives in the quest. For completing the task, Moira will reward you with several stimulants, and for the mine she will give you more fragmentation grenades (Frag Grenade) and a Bottlecap Mine schematic. You can also find an anti-personnel mine somewhere and bring it to Moira, lying that it is from the Minefield (if you have developed eloquence).

In the second part The book will focus on dealing with animals in the wasteland, such as mole rats, studying bogworts, and treating wounds.

1. Test the Mole Rat Repellent on three Mole Rats. Additionally: test the repellent on seven more mole rats. After talking with Moira, a marker for Tepid Sewers appears on the map, where at the entrance you can easily find three test subjects; further passage is more difficult and more dangerous - a turret, raiders, mines (tests can be carried out on any mole rats, not just those there). Upon your return, Moira will give you some screws and a psycho, and will also leave repellent as a souvenir. You can deceive Moira (again, eloquence), but in this case she will take the stick with the repellent for herself. For revision.

Entrances to the Anchorage Memorial

2. Place the observation module in the Mirelurks nest in the Anchorage War Memorial. Optional: Don't kill any swampweeds in Anchorage Memorial. Options for "silent" penetration:

  • If you have a couple of Stealth Boys (they can be found in the Technical Museum, for example), you can sneak through the main entrance (1 on the inset map on the right) or through the service premises of the Memorial (4 on the map, but this door is locked with a middle lock - hacking skill 50 is required).
  • Through the service entrance of the Memorial (2 on the inset map), the door will have to be hacked (lockpicking skill 25 is required), there will be several swampers there, but you can quickly walk to the nearest masonry (first turn to the right) and even have time to run out.
  • Through the underwater tunnel to the administrative section of the Memorial (3 on the inset map), at the beginning there are no swampers, you can attach a module, but you will have to swim through the gloomy polluted water.
  • The dishonest option is to go to the Memorial before receiving this task and slaughter all the swampers in advance...

For fulfilling the additional condition, you will receive from Moira several Stealth Boys and a Shady Hat (stealth +5, perception +1).

3. Be seriously injured (50% health or less). Additionally: get injured. Well, this task should not cause you any difficulties, for example, you can exit the store door and jump down... Moira will give you ammunition, and for injury she will add some med-X and a protective suit (medicine +5, radiation resistance +30) .

The third part The book will be about the survival of humanity and the revival of society. You will have to figure out how large settlements are born, how to work with old technologies, and also look into the nearest library.

1. Learn the history of Rivet City. Additionally: check the history of Rivet City from other sources. On site, you will find out that most of the inhabitants of the former aircraft carrier-turned-settlement have no idea about its history. Talk to Seagrave Holmes, you will hear some embellished things from Bannon, then you will go to Belle Bonny, who can be found in the Muddy Rudder pub. In general, everything will agree that the city was founded by Mr. Pinkerton, who later for some reason broke off the bow of the ship and retired there. And the path to the broken nose is blocked by a door locked with a very complex lock (lockpicking skill 100 required). There is another entrance - under water. The closest you can get to it is by going out through the market onto the take-off deck without a fence, then you need to jump into the water, where the main thing is not to suffocate and successfully deal with a couple of swampers (information about the absence of a fence and swampers can be read in the security terminal in the superstructure). Pinkerton will tell you how everything really happened, and as proof he will provide an extract from the Constituent Assembly of Rivet City. Now you can return to Moira with a clear conscience. As a reward you will receive several Mentats, as well as a 10% discount from Rivet City merchants for positive reviews about them in the guidebook.

2. Install the processor module into the supercomputer of the RobCo plant. Optional: reprogram the RobCo supercomputer. It is not difficult to penetrate the plant and reach the goal on the upper level of the offices and cafeteria; there are radroaches, mole rats, and motionless robots lying around everywhere. But after you install the module, the robots come to life and become hostile. If your hero's science skill is 50 or more, then you can reprogram the supercomputer. Moreover, it is worth reading the introductory guide and selecting the “complete total liquidation” option, the robots will become kinder and you will calmly go outside. If your hero is not interested in science, then you can use stealth combat or shoot robots. From Moira you will receive several Pulse Grenades and additionally the book “Science for Everyone” (Big Book of Science) (science +1).

3. Access the Arlington Public Library file cabinet. Additionally: obtain the complete library archive. In the building you will come across representatives of the Brotherhood of Steel; if you are polite to scribe Yerling from the Order of the Word, she will tell you the password for the terminal with a card index here in the hall. She will also offer you to collect all the surviving pre-war books for their covers. If you are rude, the terminal will be hacked. To get the complete library archive you will have to go through the entire building and destroy all the local raiders (two paladins of the Brotherhood will help you with this). Moira will pay with caps and finally give you a Mini Nuke.

That's all, the manual goes into print and you will receive a copy of it. You will have an ability, the variation of which will be determined by your previous truthfulness and diligence in fulfilling preconditions (your answers, depending on stats - strength, intelligence, etc., will also be taken into account):

  • Cub Scout (Junior Survivor),
  • Scout expert (Survival Expert),
  • Scoutmaster (Survival Guru).

Alternative passage. With a high eloquence skill, you can convince Moira not to write the book. You face the loss of karma, a 30% discount in Moira's store and the Dream Crusher perk (the chance of your enemies dealing critical damage is reduced by 50%).

Note: If Megaton is blown up during the quest, then look for the gulified Moira in the Dungeon of the Historical Museum.

They! (Those!)

You can get this quest from the boy Bryan Wilks, he will find you when you find yourself near Grayditch - an interactive map is at your service.

Brian will tell you that the settlement in which he lives, Graydich, was attacked by terrible monsters and will ask you to find his father. Yes, the Brandises and Doctor Lesko also live in the settlement, about whose fate the boy also knows nothing.

When approaching Gradich, be prepared to encounter fire ants; without a hunting rifle, it will be difficult. You shouldn’t let them get close to you; it’s better to shoot at the head or at the antennae if there are several ants - with the antennae knocked off, they begin to attack anyone.

You will find Fred Wilkes dead in his house, surrounded by ant carcasses; you should take the key to the neighboring hut from his body (there is a Chinese machine gun and ammunition in the house). After this, you should look for Brian to tell him the sad news. The boy is hiding in Pulovski's hideout near the diner, he will try to persuade you to destroy the source of the ants. And he will persuade...

Information about the source of the ants can be found in Dr. Lesko's hut; you need to read the entries on his computer (the note with the password is on the table next to it). It turns out that the doc has set up a mini-laboratory at Marigold Station, where he is now studying these living creatures that people do not understand. On the way to the station and underground, crowds of fire-breathing ants are again waiting for you, there you need to find Lesko (see map of Marigold station).

If the doc is alive, then choose - either you listen to him and clear the way for him to the portable terminal next to the queen ant, or kill the queen and her five guards (alternatively, destroy the mutagen). The obedient hero receives a mutagenic vaccination - an increase in strength (Ant Might) or perception (Ant Eye) by 1, as well as 25% fire resistance, in addition you can give yourself Lesko's Lab Coat (science +10, radiation resistance +20). If you kill the queen, then with developed eloquence you will still be able to persuade the dock to give out a reward. If you kill the queen and destroy the mutagen, you will not get anything. By the way, you can deal with the queen after you return to Lesko and tell him about the fulfillment of his instructions, just accompany him to the lair and proceed, he will not be offended. If Lesko was killed before the destruction of the queen ant guards, then you will only have the option of eliminating her.

After all your actions, the ants go crazy and destroy each other, the last task remains - to find a home for Brian Wilkes. He himself talks about his aunt in Rivet City, Vera Weatherly, you can negotiate with her. You can also convince Mayor MacCready in Little Lamplight to let Brian stay there. There is an option to sell the boy to slave traders in Paradise Falls. You can also simply refuse to help him.

Notes: At the station you can find the body of William Brandice; take from him the key to the chest with a grenade launcher in his house in Grayditch. You can also find the last entry of Grady next to his skeleton (see the map of Marigold station), after which look for a room at the station with a flashing lamp, there will be a safe (the key to the safe is in the old fire hydrant in the closet), and in it a frank pajamas. This is part of another quest, Grady's Package, not marked in the Pip-Boy.

The Nuka-Cola Challenge

To start this quest, you must visit Girdershade and talk to Sierra Petrovita there. You can end up in Gerdershade either by accident or by going in on the matter of delivering skimpy pajamas to Ronald Laren (hidden quest). Sierra will immediately want to show off her Nuka Cola collection to a new person, well, what to do, agree and learn a lot about Quantum and the Nuka Cola Club (of which Sierra herself is the President, Secretary and Treasurer), as well as about her brave neighbor and defender Ronald and so on...

When John-Caleb Bradburton invented Nuka-Cola in 2044, it quickly became the most popular soft drink in the world, as it was flavored with the essences of seventeen different fruits to give it a unique flavor.

And right before the start of the war, a certain improvement of the original formula was developed, called Nuka-Cola Quantums. Its secret ingredient was the eighteenth fruit flavor, adding a slight hint of pomegranate. However, in order to attract the attention of consumers to the bottles on store shelves and promote the product, light isotopes had to be added to the recipe, specially designed to increase energy efficiency and dazzling blue color, and the result was a seemingly ideal invigorating drink on a hot day. There were no officially registered side effects, but nevertheless, after drinking quantum, the effect of glowing urine occurs. So think about whether to drink or not to drink...

After the tour, you'll get a bottle of Ice Cold Nuka-Cola straight from the fridge, and then Sierra will offer to collect Quantum for decent caps - it takes 30 bottles to fill her vending machine, and she also mentions some kind of surprise (at If you have a good tongue, you will know that this is a Molotov-Cola scheme). Sierra suggests starting the search for quantum from the Nuka-Cola Plant, because before the war this was the only place where it was produced.

Upon leaving Sierra's house, Ronald Laren, Sierra's unrequited admirer (she doesn't understand hints), will approach you, and since he is actively looking for approaches to the object of his affection, he will ask you to bring the quantum not to her, but to him, for the same covers. With developed eloquence, you can negotiate double the price from him, and if you have the Black Widow perk, you can even force him to look for the quantum himself, promising to subsequently arrange entertainment for three... In the latter case, Ronald will very briskly ride off in search, after which you will only be able to see his lifeless the body at the Yader-Cola plant at the front doors (and selling him the skimpy pajamas he was trying to get for the sake of impressing Sierra would not work). Choose what you will do with Ronald and go in search of the quantum one. I’ll say right away that in the original there are 94 bottles of quantum in different locations (see), there is also a 10% chance of finding quantum in vending machines, but this does not change the situation much.

At the factory, there are two paths to the computer with shipping invoices - either a short one through the door to the workshop from the reception area (hack 100), or a bypass through the mixing and storage vats, where a special type of swamp dwellers, nuclear workers, live. From there you can get to the offices (nuclear workers and radroaches), in the southwestern corner of which lies the body of the flanker Mercier (Winger Mercier) with a note - this is the beginning of a hidden quest. Also, don’t miss the door to the storage room in the offices (hacking 75), there you will find a skeleton and next to it a note for help: once upon a time, a certain robot locked the unfortunate man here for some kind of violation and doomed him to starvation. In the end, you will make your way into the factory floor and... stumble upon the foreman Milo (yep, that same robot!), who will demand that you name your position and registration number employee. Options:

  • the robot can be convinced that you are John-Caleb Bradburton himself (eloquence),
  • name the ID of the logistics employee (the note with the ID is at the beginning of the level with mixing vats),
  • disable the security program (Robotech perk),
  • prove to the tin by force who is boss.

One way or another, you will receive a password from Milo for the delivery terminal and key to a research safe containing the formula for pure Nuka Cola, which is on the first floor in the room on the left, and you will learn that experimental quantum deliveries were sent to the following points:

  • Paradise Falls Shopping Center,
  • "Supermart"
  • Old Olney Grocery.

At the plant itself, you can only find three bottles of quantum, and only after the line starts (it will break, read the instructions of the operator of the Nuka-Cola packaging line). To get to Paradise Falls, you need to complete a quest, entry to the Supermart is almost free, and as for Old Olney, there is no quantum there - there you will only find an explanatory note from a truck driver who had an accident east of the city, in whose van you will find quantum not delivered to its destination.

Awards: Sierra will pay 40 caps for each bottle, and after delivering 30 bottles, she will give you a Molotov-Cola scheme (+ 300 karma). Then she will bake you a Mississippi Quantum Pie at any time if you have the ingredients: flour, vodka and quantum Nuka Cola (Rad +5, AP +20, Intellect -1, Strength + 1). If you bring another 30 bottles to Ronald (- 150 karma), the reward will be caps from him (80 or 40 per bottle) and watching the scene of his declaration of love to Sierra. However, if you first give 30 bottles of quantum to Ronald, you will no longer receive the Molotov-Cola scheme, because Sierra will keep it as a gift for her future husband. After the explanation, be sure to chat with Sierra, she will be very happy that Ronald is going to “warm her buns”, but she is puzzled by where to get them :)

Notes: The quantum given to Sierra will end up inside her undamaged vending machine, the key to which is simply nowhere to be found...

Ronald has a unique sawn-off shotgun, the Kneecapper, with increased damage and faster reload time compared to a regular sawed-off shotgun.

If this quest is completed in the previously hidden quest Finding the Formula, then Goalkeeper Ledoux will never appear near the Red Racer Factory.

Head of State

This quest can be received from slaves or slave traders, switch to one side or the other in the process and complete as desired.

The quest can be started by chance or by specifically going to the Temple of the Union and talking to Hannibal Hamlin there. The mark on the map appears as a result of a conversation with Mei Wong from Rivet City - if you give her pistol caps, the discovery of a slave's body somewhere in the Wasteland with a note about the Slave Shelter, as well as the liberation of slaves from encountered slave caravans.

The Temple of Unity will contain several runaway slaves and the head of a statue of Lincoln... Hannibal wants to move to the Lincoln Memorial and make it a symbol of hope and freedom for all slaves.

However, Hannibal heard that the place was captured by super mutants, so he asks to check this, and also find out from Caleb Smith, a local mason, what he needs to restore the Memorial. Caleb needs a picture of the building to see what it looked like before. This image of the Memorial can be found in the Historical Museum.

Near the Memorial, you will find that all the super mutants have been killed, and the structure is occupied by slave traders from Paradise Falls, led by Leroy Walker. Leroy puts forward a counter-proposal - to lead them to Hannibal so that they can deal with the runaway slaves, and bring him all the artifacts found related to Lincoln. You can also initially stumble upon the Lincoln Memorial occupied by slave traders and take this quest from Leroy, who will invite you to find the Temple of Unity and Hannibal, promising to pay for it with caps.

The Historical Museum has the following artifacts -

  • Lincoln Rifle (Lincoln's Repeater),
  • Lincoln's Voice
  • Draft Proclamation 1863 (Civil War Draft Poster),
  • Antique Lincoln Coin Collection,
  • Lincoln's Diary,
  • John Wilkes Booth Wanted Poster
  • Action Abe Action Figure,
  • Lincoln's Hat,
  • The Lincoln Memorial Poster that appears on the wall in the administration building of the Historical Museum when this quest begins.

Found artifacts can be sold to Hannibal or Abraham Washington in Rivet City or Leroy Walker (for any of the above, he will allow you to walk freely around the Memorial). After the image of the Memorial is given to Caleb Smith, Hannibal will order his troops to gather, you can choose to warn them about the slavers in the Memorial or not. You can accompany them to the place, but it is better not to do this, because... it is long, tedious and dangerous for them. It will be easier to wait for them at the Mall - North-West metro station. In some cases, due to glitches, they have to wait longer than a day... Then you can send them into battle alone (but they have no chance against slave traders) or help the slaves or deal with the slave traders yourself. When all the slave traders are killed, Hannibal will give you the dart thrower diagram (positive karma will be added to the hero), this will complete the quest. After some time, the broken head of the Lincoln statue will be in its rightful place (if nothing happened to the pack Brahmin along the way).

If you sold any artifact to Leroy, you can tell him about the location of the Temple of Unity and all the slave traders will rush off together. Near the Temple, they will gather at the supports of the destroyed bridge and begin to storm the building. You can join them or just watch or still shoot them here... If your hero shoots Hannibal, then his reward will be 50 caps, if Leroy, then 100 caps (negative karma will be added to the hero).

The Replicated Man

How to get a: talk in the scientific laboratory of Rivet City with Dr. Zimmer from the Commonwealth or find one of the quest holodisks in the wasteland.

In the first case, you will hear Zimmer's request to find the escaped android, which is the most advanced synthetic humanoid developed by the doctor (model A3-21). Zimmer will give you an audio recording “Self determination is not a malfunction”, tell you that the appearance and memory of the android were probably changed and advise you to find the person who could do this, i.e. with sufficient qualifications and access to special, pre-war equipment. Finally, he will name a possible candidate - Doctor Preston from Rivet City (no need to check).

Additionally: From Preston you can receive another holodisk with a recording of the android and information that exactly the same ones were sent to almost all doctors in the wasteland.

In the second case, you need to find one of the holodisks lying in certain places. However, you will not always find the same holodisks in the same places; which ones will end up where will depend on your progress through the quest. In total, you need to get four holodisks, two are given out by key characters during the quest, and two need to be found somewhere and their content may vary, depending on who they were found with:

  • The doctors -
    • Dr Banfield, Tenpenny Tower(Doctor Banfield, Tenpenny Tower)
    • Doc Church, Megaton
    • Doctor Barrows, Underworld,
    • Cutter, Paradise Falls,
    • Lucy, Little Lamplight
    • Doctor Preston, Rivet City
    • Red, Big Town.
  • Technicians -
    • Knick Knack, Little Lamplight
    • Moira Brown, Megaton
    • Seagrave Holmes, Rivet City
    • Scribe Bowditch, Citadel,
    • Winthrop, Historical Museum Dungeon (Winthrop, Underworld).
  • Slavers -
    • Undertaker Jones, Paradise Falls (Eulogy Jones, Paradise Falls),
    • Grumpy, Paradise Falls (Grouse, Paradise Falls),
    • Sister, Rivet City
  • Android Rights Advocates -
    • Manya, Megaton (Manya Vargas, Megaton),
    • Father Clifford, Rivet City
    • Herbert Dashwood, Tenpenny Tower
    • Tulip, Historical Museum Dungeon (Tulip, Underworld).

There are two ways to obtain holodisks: through dialogue or searching premises belonging to the above NPCs. The exception is Dr. Preston, his holodisk can only be obtained through dialogue.

Railway. After starting the quest, Victoria Watts will approach you at any time and anywhere in the wasteland on behalf of the so-called. The Railroad, an organization dedicated to helping androids gain independence. She will ask you to tell Dr. Zimmer that the android is dead and will give him a part as proof. After this, you can stop searching by transferring the resulting android component to Zimmer, but the reward for such a decision will be small - 50 caps and good karma. Zimmer will be upset and leave Rivet City forever, along with Armitage, and you will never know who the android is.

Surgeon and computer expert. Having found the holodisk “A free man... a new man...”, you will find out that thanks to the “railroad workers” a certain Pinkerton (Horace Pinkerton) from Rivet City had lipoplasty and a microdermal graft for plastic surgery, as well as a circuit neuronizer. It’s quite difficult to get to Pinkerton’s residence in the broken bow of a ship (Broken Bow) near Rivet City (see quest), but Pinkerton will confirm that it was he who performed plastic surgery on the android (and he can do it to your character too...) and you finally Find out who the android has become now - this is Rivet City Sheriff Harkness. Pinkerton will also say that Harkness's memory was not actually erased, but locked, and can be unlocked using a code word. Finally, he will give you the last holodisk and the password for his terminal, from which you can download evidence to convince Harkness to your Pipboy.

Possible quest endings:

Hand over Harkness to Zimmer: tell the doctor the current name of the android and the memory unlock code. The reward will be a perk Super reflexes (Wired Reflexes, +10% chance of making a critical shot in V.A.T.S.) and bad karma. After this, the doctor will find Harkness on the ship and, not paying attention to his attempts at resistance, will call the code that restores the A3-21 to factory settings, then Doctor Zimmer and Armitage will leave Rivet City with Harkness.

Keep Harkness's secret: convince the sheriff that he is an android and promise not to talk about it. You'll get unique plasma rifle A3-21 (A3-21 "s Plasma Rifle) and good karma, after which you can still give the part to Zimmer in exchange for 50 caps (the promise to keep the sheriff’s secret will lead to the fact that you will not be able to do anything with Zimmer and Armitage - they will remain indestructible).

Convince Harkness to surrender to Zimmer: a talkative character (eloquence!) can convince Harkness to surrender and go to the Commonwealth. The reward is a unique plasma rifle A3-21.

How to get both rewards: reveal the truth to Harkness and ask him what he plans to do with Zimmer, then, hearing about his intention to deal with him, ask to do it personally. The sheriff will allow it and give you his plasma rifle (+ good karma). Next, go to Zimmer and hand over the android, get the Super Reflexes perk (+ bad karma). After that, kill Zimmer and Armitage or watch as Zimmer breaks Harkness and takes him with him (note that if Zimmer and Armitage are killed after resetting Harkness, the former sheriff will stand in the same place for the rest of the game).

Blood Ties

This quest can be started by asking Lucy West, who lives in Megaton, to deliver a letter to her relatives in Arefu, or you can simply go to this settlement. There will be a heated meeting, in the form of a grenade thrown at your feet by the local mayor, Evan King. True, he will immediately apologize, explaining that he mistakenly mistook you for a representative of the Family that is hooligan here.

Evan will ask you to check all the houses and residents of the settlement to see if everything is in order, because... he himself is forced to constantly guard the barricade. You should go around the houses of the Ewers, Karen Skenzi and Wests (King's house is closed due to the absence of the owner, but inside on the table there is a skill bobblehead (Bobblehead), which increases the repair skill by 10; to take it, you will have to pick the middle lock on the door).

The Ewers and Skenzi will open if you knock and ask politely, but you will find the Wests killed. Depending on the value of your medical skill, you will be able to obtain different data for analyzing the cause of their death:

  • Medicine from 30 - "There are traces of deep bites on the bodies of the Wests in the neck area."
  • Medicine from 50, additionally - “It’s strange that there is almost no blood on the sheets, because a bite or wound of such depth would have caused heavy bleeding.”
  • Medicine from 70, additionally - “The shape of the bites is similar to those made by a person or people with pointed incisors or fangs.”
  • Medicine from 90, additionally - “On the bodies there are remnants of a dark powder, reminiscent of the soot characteristic of railway depots.”

Tell Evan about the Wests and hear about their son, Ian, whose body was not in the house. Evan refuses to take Lucy's letter and offers to give it to Ian, who must first be found. Apparently, Ian has been captured by the Family... According to Evan, they are coming from the northeast and may be hiding in Hamilton's hiding place or the old Moonbeam movie theater or at Seneca Station - northwest (interactive map). If your hero’s medical skill is at least 90, then you can immediately find out about the right place - the Mereshti depot, but if not, then it’s okay: the Seneca station and the Mereshti depot are connected by a system of tunnels, at the station there is an entrance to the service The depot tunnel begins under the manhole cover. This path is somewhat more dangerous than straight through the depot: there will be a couple more swampers there, but otherwise the same mines, bear traps and other traps are in abundance.

At the depot, the first representative of the Family encountered will be Robert. If you have a letter from Lucy, then he will let you through, if not, then you will have to show eloquence or wealth (100 caps). Don't attack Robert, then the whole Family will be friendly. From them you will learn that Ian is meditating in a secure area and, depending on your skills and other talents, you may or may not receive an access password from it. If it doesn’t work out, then talk to the head of the Family, Vance, he will give you the password for the family’s terminal to familiarize yourself with their laws and other things, and he will also say that it was Ian who was responsible for the death of his parents... When you finally understand, that they are all vampires here, Vance will allow you to visit Ian so that you can help him make a choice - to stay with the Family or return to Arefa.

You can give Ian the letter to Lucy and he will decide to return to Arefa (this can also be achieved through eloquence). Or you can convince him to stay with the Family. If you settle the matter peacefully, then, regardless of Ian’s decision, you will receive the Shishkebab scheme from Vance. With the settlement of Arefu, Vance will without hesitation agree to conclude a peace treaty, according to which the residents will supply the Family with donor blood, and it will protect them. Next, you should go to Evan with Vance’s proposal (if Ian stayed with the Family, then it’s better for Evan to lie that he went to live with Lucy). After confirming the peace treaty with Evan King, you can return to Vance, from whom you will finally receive the “Hematophage” perk - it allows you to heal 20 health points with blood packs. Also, these packages can now be sold to Vance.

If you are going to kill vampires, then this will result in the loss of karma and trophies from their bodies (the same Shish Kebab scheme, Vance’s unique sword “Vampire Fang”, etc.). But it is advisable to carry out the elimination of vampires before talking with Ian, otherwise everything in Arefu will become hostile and you will not pass the quest to Evan King.


In this quest you will meet a special FEV mutant, Harold. Once upon a time, he was an ordinary person, but due to an incident that occurred during reconnaissance of some military base (like Mariposa), something changed in him and a strange small tree began to grow right from his head. It grew and grew, and in the end Harold got stuck in it. He decided to name the tree Bob, and as a joke began to call it Herbert, although he did not like it.

Subsequently, several people appeared who began to worship Harold as a deity, and created a small secret cult of the Treeminders. Every year during the Harvest Month, pods with ripening seeds appear on Bob's branches, at the end of the month they open and the wind carries the seeds throughout the Oasis Valley.

Wherever the seeds fall, they grow into trees, bushes, grass, all kinds of beautiful plants. Over time, this area began to contrast sharply with the surrounding wasteland, and disagreements began to arise among the Drevens...

The coordinates of the Oasis can be obtained in the Dickerson Tabernacle Chapel if you manage to remove the Flyer from the platform with a well-aimed shot so that he falls down along with a note and a unique sniper - the Reservist's Rifle. As you approach the Oasis, he will come out to meet you Tree Father Birch will tell you that "he" is calling you. If you agree to follow Laurus, he will open the gates of the settlement. There he will explain that he is the head of the Drevens, and who or what "he" , will be expressed very vaguely.You will be asked to perform a ritual - drink an incomprehensible juice from a bowl in order to cleanse yourself of all evil.

After the ritual, you will find yourself in the Grove near a strange talking tree, Harold. He will beg for a favor - to rid him of this arboreal life that has been going on for two decades. The other inhabitants of the Oasis ignore this desire, and instead want to either stop or speed up Harold/Bob's growth. You can take Harold's life by destroying his heart, which is located in the caves below him. He may also admit that he is afraid of fire, i.e. the bad option arises to arrange an auto-da-fé for him. If you choose this, you will hear Harold’s terrible scream, receive negative karma and war with all the inhabitants of the Oasis (you can set fire to a tree with any suitable weapon such as a flamethrower, grenade launcher, “fat man”, etc.)

After leaving the Grove, you should go for the key to the mines to the Branchtender Cypress trunk guarding the entrance to them. Nearby there will be father-root Laurel and mother-crown Birch (Leaf Mother Laurel) arguing about something. After listening to them, you can understand that Laurel wants to stop Harold’s growth by pouring his heart with the same juice that was used in the ritual, so as not to attract anyone here and protect him, and Birch, on the contrary, wants to smear the heart with an ointment that accelerates Harold’s growth, in order to strengthen its influence on the entire wasteland and the rapid spread of greenery everywhere, so that no one could stop it. Each of them wants to win the stranger over to their side, i.e. other options for the development of events appear:

  • pour Laurel juice (Birch's Sap) over the heart to stop Harold's growth,
  • use Birch ointment (Laurel's Liniment) to accelerate Harold's growth,
  • take Harold's side and destroy his heart.

The rest of the Drevens will also express their arguments for this or that. Regardless of your choice, you should definitely chat with the twig Sapling Yew before entering the caves; from her you can also learn about Harold’s fear of fire (ask about her “God”); if you have the Eternal Child perk, this is not difficult. If you manage to get Iva to talk, then as a parting gift she will give you her bear amulet, which increases eloquence by 10 units, and if the heart is destroyed, it will become the only reward of the Drevens. Other trees, depending on the turn of events, can also give something or not (if you don’t talk to someone before leaving for the caves, you risk being left without their gift). If you share Lavr’s point of view, then talk:

  • with Branchtender Maple and ask her a question about how she got to the Oasis,
  • with a Cypress trunk and ask how it became an ancient tree.

If you want to take the side of Mother Crown Birch, then talk to:

  • with the seer Bloomseer Poplar and ask her a question about “her God”,
  • with the trunk Maple (Branchtender Linden) and ask how he ended up here, maybe you will be able to find out that he was previously an outcast of the Brotherhood of Steel.

The door of the Oasis caves is locked with a very complex lock, take the key from Cypress and go to the heart (you can get there before the ritual, but then the heart will be hidden behind the roots). The caves are inhabited by swampweeds of various sizes and radroaches, there is radioactive water everywhere, you will have to swim a lot, so stock up on rad-X and some special clothing. There are many useful items lying underwater and on the surface, such as stealth battles, ammunition and other things. When you find yourself near Harold's heart, you will hear his knock. Do what you intended (if the heart is destroyed, you will immediately receive the Barkskin perk (+5% damage resistance)) and return to the Grove, where either Birch or Laurel should be waiting for you (you can go back directly to the Grove through the Damp Cave), after talking with one or the other, the quest will end, and the Drevens will give their parting gifts:

  • if Laurel juice was applied, then the Linden branch will give a personalized hoodie (Maple's Garb, agility +1, perception +1), the Cypress barrel is a regular grenade launcher with a pair of charges (Missile Launcher),
  • if Birch ointment was used, then the seer Lilac will give a special hood (Poplar's Hood, stealth +10, agility +1), a Maple trunk - her old power armor (Linden's Outcast Power Armor, heavy weapons +5, strength + 1, agility +1, radiation resistance +10),
  • from the Willow branch, in any case (except for the auto-da-fé), you will receive a bear amulet (Yew's Bear Charm, eloquence +10), if you previously managed to please her (if the heart is destroyed, it will be the only gift from the trees).

Notes: If you anger the Oasis treemen by choosing lines of dialogue that are outrageous to them, then the quest can only be completed with the auto-da-fé option.

The most evil way to complete this quest is to first use Laurel juice or Birch ointment, and then burn Harold.

Bugs: If you postpone the purification ritual for a long time, then the father-root Laurus may disappear in an unknown direction. As a result, there will be only one option left - burning...

Sometimes, after a conversation between Laurel and Birch, the player does not return control of the character as it should. This can be fixed with the console command:


The Power of the Atom

In the middle of the crater in Megaton lies an unexploded atomic bomb, as a reminder of the conflict that destroyed civilization... The quest can be started:

  • in conversation with Megaton Sheriff Lucas Simms,
  • approaching this very bomb and pressing the action key,
  • in conversation with the mysterious Mister Burke.

Sheriff's Order: From Simms you learn about his antipathy towards the unexploded atomic bomb at the center of Megaton and his desire to find a sapper who can disarm it. For completing this work, he offers 100 caps, and if your eloquence influences him, he will agree to 500. You can also refuse money and do a good deed for good karma (+200). Or announce your intention to detonate a bomb and, thereby, arrange a duel with the sheriff.

Deal with Burke: agreeing to help Simms does not at all negate the fact that you may be more interested in the offer of Mr. Burke, who is looking for a suitable person in Moriarty's saloon. Burke wants you to help him prepare the bomb because his employer, Allistair Tenpenny, considers Megaton a nuisance on the city's thriving cityscape. For this dirty deed, Burke promises to pay 500 caps (or 1000 if you convince him) and immediately hands over a Fusion Pulse Charge, which must be connected to the bomb and then activated from a safe shelter. You can kill Burke at the end of the conversation, for this the hero will receive good karma, but of course, events may develop differently...

Showdown between Burke and the sheriff: After the conversation with Burke, a new topic will appear in the dialogues with the sheriff - report Burke’s proposal. True, if you reduce everything to a joke, then Simms will be offended and will not take any action regarding Burke. If you're serious, Simms takes the pulse charge and shouts "Now you're about to see wasteland justice in action!" rushes to Moriarty's saloon, where he orders Burke to follow him to the jail. After bickering, Burke pretends to agree to go, however, as soon as Simms turns his back to him, he shoots from a 10mm pistol with a silencer. You can manage to save the sheriff with a successful shot in Burke's head, but this requires a powerful gun. If the sheriff remains alive, he will express gratitude, and if not, then Burke utters a threat to you over his body and leaves. At this moment, you can still start a fight with him, but then he will disappear without a trace. And a pulse charge too, so all you have to do is defuse the bomb and collect the reward from the sheriff's young son, Harden Simms. You can remove the key to his house and arsenal from the sheriff’s body, but, oddly enough, the key to his house in Megaton will not be on Burke’s body (there is no key in the game at all, the door will have to be broken into).

Romance with Burke: If your character is a femme fatale (Black Widow perk), then you can turn Burke’s head and easily ask him for an additional 500 caps for an explosion or convince him that you live here, but he can’t harm you! In the latter case, Burke disappears in confusion, promising to return for you after settling urgent matters. You won't see him again, but you will receive love messages from him through Colin Moriarty (four in total).

So you've made your choice - to be or not to be Megaton- and get down to business.

The option for the evil ones is to detonate a bomb. To connect a pulse charge to a bomb, the character's explosives skill must be at least 25. To increase it, you can equip a raider-explosives helmet (heavy weapons +5, explosives +5) or eat Mentats, which temporarily improve perception and intelligence by +5 . If there is a problem with the presence of Mentats, then Burke additionally gives a tip on Leo Stahl, who sells chemicals. Before you leave Megaton forever, don't forget:

  • grab the Seal doll from the house of Sheriff Lucas Simms, you can freely enter the house when the sheriff or his son is there, or pick the middle lock on the door, or steal the key from the sheriff’s pocket;
  • take all kinds of weapons from the arsenal (nothing remarkable), the door opens with a sheriff's key or you can pick a very complex lock, a hostile robot lives inside, Deputy Steele (he and Deputy Weld at the gate are disconnected through the armory terminal);
  • get the keys to Dr. Church's clinic and Leo Stahl's hiding place at the water treatment plant in order to get a lot of chemicals;
  • recruit Jericho, which requires bad karma and 1000 caps, and also read the book “Grognak the Barbarian” that increases the melee weapon skill in his house;
  • hack the computer with Andy Stahl's notes in the Brass Lantern (very easy) or the safe (very difficult) containing 300 caps;
  • take 4 pre-war books from Billy Creel's house and anything else you like.

After connecting the pulse charge to the bomb, you should arrive at Tenpenny Tower, to Mr. Burke, who is awaiting news. Chief Gustavo will let you through unhindered, because you are on business. Go up to the penthouses to Alistair Tenpenny and Burke, who will invite you to press the button and admire the explosion from a safe distance (when pressed, the character’s karma will decrease by -1000). In addition to caps and 300 XP, you will also be rewarded with a key to the Tenpenny Tower Penthouse Suite.

Near the former gate to the destroyed Megaton, you will find the remains of the protectron of Weld’s assistant, fixated on the phrase: “The bomb is completely safe. We give our word.”, and you will not be able to get inside (only through the console using the tcl or coc megatonentrance commands). Among the named residents, you will meet the gulified Moira Brown in the Dungeon of the Historical Museum, who will explain her salvation by saying that she was outside the city during the explosion, and this will allow you to start/complete the quest. You may also encounter hostile refugees from Megaton in the Wasteland.

Note: if in the Tenpenny Tower quest you helped Roy Phillips occupy the building, and Tenpenny is killed, then Burke and Roy, frightened by his sudden appearance, will appear on the roof, easily agreeing to wipe this smooth-faced bug from the face of the earth. By the way, Roy also really likes such a valuable shot as Burke.

The option for the good ones is to defuse the bomb. This also requires an Explosives skill of at least 25 (see above). After successfully defusing the bomb, approach Lucas for a reward and a certificate of ownership of the house in Megaton. Mr. Burke will leave Megaton forever, but the killers he hired, mercenaries of the Claw company, will now pursue you.

Notes In the Japanese version of the game there is no way to blow up Megaton and there is no Burke either, you can only defuse the bomb or walk around without noticing it. As you progress through the main quest line, the character's father will express either admiration or horror at his child's actions.

Tenpenny Tower

Background: A gang of ghouls led by Roy Phillips wants to move into the luxurious Tenpenny Tower, but its owner Allistair Tenpenny and the rest of the residents do not want such neighbors. It is up to you how this situation is resolved.

How to get the quest: come to Tenpenny Tower, listen to the dialogue between Roy Phillips and Chief Gustavo on the intercom at the gate, then negotiate a pass to the tower and chat with Gustavo there. He will offer 500 caps for the heads of Roy and his minions. If you are eloquent, you can beg for more caps (700) and a Chinese machine gun with cartridges (if that doesn’t work out, an assault rifle). Chief Gustavo will tell you that ghouls have occupied the Warrington Tunnels west of the tower.

Following these tunnels, you will find yourself in the lair of Roy Phillips, and there you can either kill the ghouls, or agree to help them slaughter the inhabitants of Tenpenny Tower, or offer to talk about a peaceful solution to the problem with Mr. Tenpenny on their behalf.

Destroy the ghouls:

You need to kill Roy Philips and all the other ghouls at Warrington station (more bad karma), and then return to Chief Gustavo for the promised caps. If you don’t want to lose karma, you can either force each of them to attack you in dialogue, or do it at night using the Sandman perk.

Agree on the settlement of ghouls in Tenpenny Tower:

Talk to Phillips about the possibility of a peaceful solution, and then approach Alistair Tenpenny. He will say that if you convince five residents: Edgar Wellington II, Millicent Wellington, Anthony Ling, Lydia Montenegro and Susan Lancaster to agree to the presence of ghouls , then he won’t mind either. If Mr. Tenpenny is already dead at the start of negotiations, then Gustavo takes his place, and it is impossible in principle to persuade Gustavo to do this (you will have to kill him).

Obtaining the consent of five residents: In addition to their persuasion in dialogues (eloquence!, increase in good karma), or stealth assassinations (increase in bad karma), there are other options. You can take the love letter from Susan Lancaster's desk and show it to Millicent Wellington, who, in a rage, will shoot her husband Edgar and his lover Susan, and then leave Tenpenny Tower. By clearing out the safes in the stores of Anthony Lin and Lydia Montenegro, you can force them to leave their homes.

Once all of the above are convinced or somehow removed from Tenpenny Tower, visit Mr. Tenpenny to hear his approval and claim 500 premium caps. Roy Phillips will give you a Ghoul Mask for permission to settle (ghouls do not attack unless provoked).

Upon returning to Tenpenny Tower, you will see a picture of peaceful coexistence between humans and ghouls. However, after a few days, all human residents will disappear. Further investigation will reveal that a disagreement began and Roy Phillips decided to "take out the trash." All the people were killed, their property was looted, and their bodies were thrown into the basement. All you have to do is take revenge on the ghouls for their treachery (an increase in bad karma).

Notes: There is no way to save any of the people in Tenpenny Tower when choosing a diplomatic solution. Even killing the ghouls in the tunnels of Warrington Station immediately after receiving the ghoul mask from Roy Phillips will not help.

If you send Susan Lancaster into slavery as part of the quest, this will cause problems with obtaining her consent. Even if you later free her from Paradise Falls and she gets back to the tower, you will no longer be able to talk to her (no dialogue), so to fulfill Mr. Tenpenny's condition, you will have to kill her.

Help the ghouls take over Tenpenny Tower:

In order to carry out his plan to capture the tower, Roy Phillips will ask you to open the emergency door in the Tenpenny Tower generator room and let his wild brothers in from the tunnels of Warrington Station. You can easily enter the generator room from the tower hall and go to the tightly locked emergency door. By making inquiries, you will find out that:

  • the tower generators are powered from the metro power grid through the tunnels,
  • the emergency door to the tunnels is opened using a remote terminal,
  • Another door in the Tenpenny Tower courtyard leads to the generator room.

After opening the emergency door, Roy will be waiting for you near the main entrance and will give you a ghoul mask to prevent attacks from wild ghouls. Inside the tower you will see ghouls finishing off people. Chaos has set in and you are free to loot the bodies of former tenants and shops. Subsequently, everything here will be tidied up (so don’t throw anything valuable in the middle of the devastation), ghouls (not wild ones) will replace the previous NPCs and begin selling in stores (there will be a discount for you).

Notes: if you decide to blow up Megaton as part of the quest, but have not yet done so, then Mr. Burke will be allowed to survive and provide you with such an opportunity.

Clearing Tenpenny Tower:

You can drive the residents out of Tenpenny Tower by killing Alistair Tenpenny, Gustavo and all the guards. After this, panic will begin and all the residents will run away in all directions. Then you will need to find Roy Phillips in the tunnels of Warrington station and tell him that he can move into the tower. Roy will thank you and give you a ghoul mask.

Strictly Business

This quest will begin when you find Paradise Falls and want to go there. The slave trader guard Grouse will allow an evil character to pass through, but will block a neutral or good one. Also, you will be able to enter freely if you helped the slave traders during the quest. The evil hero Grumpy will ask to test the hypnotron and help him catch several especially important people for the local owner, Undertaker Jones (Eulogy Jones), for caps, 250 for each:

  • Flak from Rivet City,
  • Red from Big Town,
  • Susan Lancaster from Tenpenny Tower
  • Arkansas sniper entrenched in the Minefield.

Options for developing a conversation with Grumpy for a neutral or good-natured person:

  • if you say that hunting for people is an outrageous activity, then the slave traders will become hostile and you will have to eliminate them all in order to still get to Paradise Falls, and this quest will not take place;
  • with developed eloquence, you can negotiate a pass for 500 caps;
  • if it was not possible to reach an agreement or it’s a pity, then you will be asked to participate in the capture of several special slaves (the list and prices are the same, to get a pass it is enough to catch one of them) and at the same time test the hypnotron.

If any of the above has already died, then he will not be on the list of recruits for Paradise Falls (if all four of them are, then the quest will close and you will have to get the pass by force). From Grumpy you can learn that Projectile and Susan Lancaster were previously slave traders, but then the former wanted to start new life and has already repeatedly betrayed his former comrades, and the second one did not pay for the exit; The redhead promised something to the slave traders, but that was all; Arkansas killed a lot of local kids.

The Grumpy will hand over a hypnotron, 50 batteries for it and a manual, one slave collar with instructions. You can also buy batteries from him, and he only gives out one collar, so after capturing each slave you need to return to Grumpy for a new collar. The hunt is not difficult - you shoot the victim in the head with a hypnotron, if it works, then she is ready to give you everything and will allow you to put a collar on herself, after which all you have to do is order her to run to Paradise Falls as fast as she can before her head explodes. Each collar you wear reduces your hero’s karma by 100, and a commission is awarded for each slave who escapes. The hypnotron can also be used to create discord among opponents and as a means of robbery.

Susan Lancaster, who lives in Tenpenny Tower, should be waylaid without witnesses in her apartment. However, keep in mind that in the Tenpenny Tower quest she will be on the list of those tenants from whom Allistair Tenpenny will require consent to move ghouls into the tower - if you want to resolve the matter peacefully. Moreover, even if you free Susan from slavery, you will no longer be able to talk to her (lack of lines), so to fulfill Mr. Tenpenny’s condition, you will have to kill her.

Red must first be saved from super mutants on the quest and completed, and only then sent to Paradise Falls, which is easier to do in the clinic.

It is better to catch the projectile at night in his cabin on the upper deck of Rivet City. An unexpected consequence of this will be the disappearance of his companion, Shrapnel, from Rivet City. Yeah, he's going to Paradise Falls. And there will be no arms dealers left in Rivet City. The subsequently released Projectile will also have no replicas, so think about what is more important (to complete the quest, you can deal with it in a dark corner).

Arkansas can be killed when you enter the Minefield on the instructions of Moira Brown (quest), due to ignorance of its value to slave traders. It's quite easy to lure a sniper out of the ruins, or you can try to sneak up on him.

If these four get to the place, then you will see them in the slave pen, you will be able to remove the collars from them with a developed explosives skill and save everyone by killing the slave traders.

Control shot (You Gotta Shoot "Em in the Head)

Background: Once upon a time, Allistair Tenpenny tasked five mercenaries - Mister Crowley, Tara, Dave, Jeff Strayer and Dukov - to find some unique weapon in Fort Constantine ). In order to increase his share of the reward, Dukov lured the ghoul Crowley into a trap, locking him in a room with wild ghouls. Tara died in the fort and the three remaining mercenaries fled. Crowley somehow survived and made it out of the fort, and subsequently settled in the Underworld under the Historical Museum.

How to start the quest: talk to Mr. Crowley in the Ninth Circle or at Carol's Place in the Dungeon. He will invite you to find and kill - Dave in Dave's Republic, Ted Strayer in Rivet City, Dukov in Dukov's home and Alistair Tenpenny in Tenpenny Tower.

In response to the question "Why?" Crowley will say that they are all known ghoul haters and therefore he wants each of them to be not just killed, but with a shot in the head. To do this, he will give you a sniper rifle and five .308 caliber cartridges, and as a reward he will promise 100 caps. About Tenpenny, Crowley says that one way or another he will find out about his death, but wants to get proof of the death of the others, something personal, like a key or a ring.

Crowley will only pay 25 caps for any method of killing other than a headshot, but you can lie and get the promised hundred caps (eloquence!). Deception will not work only in the case of Tenpenny, since rumors about the death of such a famous person will spread across the Wasteland quite quickly.

Crowley's true motives: a character with developed eloquence or a decent supply of caps can check Crowley's version with any of the following NPCs in the Dungeon - Ahzrukhal, Carol, Doctor Barrows, Winthrop, Patchwork, Tulip ( Tulip) or Quinn, and Crowley's words will be greatly doubted. After a successful check, he admits that he actually wants a special key for each target except Tenpenny. And he will still wish Tenpenny was shot in the head. Now Crowley will offer 100 caps at once and another hundred for each key. If your character is smart, you'll learn that Mr. Crowley's real target is the T-51B Power Armor, still stored at Fort Constantine.

Tenpenny's counter offer: by visiting Tenpenny and telling him who sent you to him and why, you will receive a counter offer - 300 caps for Crowley’s head:

  • Tenpenny pays 100 caps up front, so it's possible to trick him (or just steal caps);
  • Killing Crowley and returning to Tenpenny for the reward is one of the options for completing the quest (after accepting Tenpenny's offer, this will not result in the loss of karma).

Collection of keys: Without the aforementioned keys, you cannot enter the power armor room in Fort Constantine. Keys can be collected in any order and delivered to Crowley one at a time or all at once. Three keys can be obtained by pickpocketing, persuasion or murder (special options are given below), the fourth is in the fort on Tara's corpse.

Ted Strayer: Jeff Strayer has since died and the key is now owned by his son, Ted, who lives in Rivet City. You can force him to part with the key by convincingly threatening him (strength 6+ or the Fortitude perk is required).

Dukov: how can one artistically obtain its key:

  • using the Black Widow perk, convincing him to give up the key (female character);
  • a male character with the Wifekiller perk can persuade Fantasia to get the key;
  • Cherry will get the key if the character agrees to accompany her to Rivet City.

Dave: Dave's key can be obtained if he performs successfully at the first meeting; Dave will accept the character as an "ambassador of the Wasteland" and give him the key.

Last key lies on Tara's body in the bomb depot of Fort Constantine. Tara's Key is not needed to complete Crowley's quest, but it is needed to get into the warhead vault.

Obtaining T-51B power armor:

If you decide to give the keys to Crowley: deal with Alistair Tenpenny, give Crowley the three keys and collect your reward. After this, Crowley will go to Fort Constantine for armor and return to the Underground after a few days (if he is not killed along the way). Upon returning, Crowley can be killed or try to steal the armor (he will wear it).

If you decide to get armor yourself: in the fort you will find outcasts of the Brotherhood of Steel and hostile robots. Go into the small house (Command Residence, CO Quarters), in the basement you will find a “Heavy Weapon” bobblehead in an open safe and a locked door to the Launch Control Bunker (you need Ted Strayer's special key). Follow to the bomb storage facility (Dukov's special key), where you will find Tara's body opposite two very difficult locked doors. Open the door to the room with armor (Dave’s special key), turn off the stasis field through the terminal and take the desired armor with a helmet.

If you decide to give the keys to Crowley and get the armor yourself: deal with Alistair Tenpenny and give Crowley three keys in exchange for the caps. Then follow Crowley along the path to Fort Constantine (you will have to constantly defend it). The ghoul will become hostile upon reaching the fort, at which point you can squash it to take the keys.

If you don't want to keep an eye on Crowley, you can give him the keys and steal them back. Or first go to Fort Constantine, open all the doors, but do not take the armor!, then give Crowley the keys to receive a reward. Then fast travel to the fort and take the armor. In this case, there is a chance that Crowley will begin to track you and, perhaps, attack somewhere if he is not killed first.

Note: if in a quest If you sided with the ghouls, Mr. Tenpenny will already be dead before this quest begins. Then you will receive 25 caps due to the fact that he was not killed by a shot to the head.

Premature completion of the quest: if you take or equip the T-51B power armor obtained after completing Operation Anchorage.

Bugs: Crowley can get stuck in a bomb vault, and you will need 100% lockpicking skill to open the door.

If Dave, Ted Strayer or Dukov are killed before the quest and their bodies disappear before you can take their keys, then the quest will become impossible. You will have to obtain the keys using console commands:

Ted Strayer's special key ~player.additem 0002b8da 1
Dukov's special key ~player.additem 0002b8db 1
Dave's Special Key ~player.additem 0002bf5a 1

Stealing Independence

In Rivet City, Abraham Washington, curator of the Capitol Preservation Society, will ask your hero to go to The National Archives to find the Declaration of Independence there. For a fee, of course.

Mr. Washington may also admit that he previously hired someone else to find the document...

Near the entrance to the National Archives, don't miss the two Guess and Win terminals! In the first terminal you will find 8 questions on American history. Right answers:

  1. Second Continental Congress
  2. Thirteen
  3. John Hancock
  4. Ratification
  5. King George III
  6. Happiness
  7. Thomas Jefferson.

With the received prize receipt, go to the second terminal for prize distribution. There you can choose one of three: glamorous grape mentats (charisma +5), brilliant berry mentats (intelligence +5), observant orange mentats (perception +5). By the way, six more of the same receipts are in the safe in the Berkeley administrator's office...

Going further straight, you will find yourself in the mined Rotunda, where you will see Sydney, who will say that she was also hired by Washington for the same reason. A little later, super mutants burst in here, and after repelling their attack, Sydney will offer to unite. You can agree, or refuse, or take time to think.

If you refused (Sydney can be killed and the unique 10 mm Ultra submachine gun removed from her body, an option for the evil ones), then you will have to find the way on your own. Entering through the door to the right of the entrance, you can quickly find the entrance to the basement of the Archives (hack 25 or science 25 required), literally filled with super mutants. Through the basement you can get to the guarded eastern wing of the Archives.

If you agree, then Sydney gives you the password to her terminal, then you can use the Rotunda freight elevator and go directly to the guarded eastern wing of the Archives. The information that "the only way to use the elevator from the Rotunda side is to connect the maintenance terminal directly to the floor data ports" is contained in the Berkeley administrator terminal, which is exactly what Sydney was doing here.

There will be hostile robots and turrets in the guarded eastern wing. With science over 67, you can repair the door behind which the turret generator is located and turn it off (Sidney's hint), if you are not into science, then you can get to the generator in a roundabout way. The turrets protect two rooms (to get into them you need a lockpicking skill of 50) with the Bill of Rights and the Magna Carta, which can also be sold to Washington. Next there will be a door to the Armored Archive Storage.

And behind her will be a crazy robot, who once took part in theatrical productions, now imagining himself as Button Gwinnett, the second signer of the Declaration (oh, how long ago that was...). Naturally, he will mistake you for an English spy. You can:

  • with developed eloquence, convince him to give you the Declaration to transfer it to Washington (and that’s what it is),
  • disassemble this robot into pieces (in this case, more hostile robots will appear),
  • negotiate with him to make a copy of the Declaration, for which you will have to visit the Arlington Library for ink (in the Periodicals Archive).

So, having received the Declaration or a copy of it, do not forget to pick up all the books, stealth battles and Button’s wig on the chest of drawers (Barter +5, VSP -1, INT +1, Speech +10), and you can go back or along the same path, or through the door on the right into the room with containers for protectron actors, then take the elevator to the first floor. For the Declaration of Independence (either fake or real, or both at once, if you received a fake and dealt with the handsome Button), Abraham Washington gives a diagram of a railroad rifle (Railway Rifle), for the Bill of Rights 100-125 caps, for the Magna Carta 75 -100 caps.

In the case of a joint search for the document with Sydney, after completing the case in Rivet City or Underworld, you can talk about her long-lost father and find out that he called her Moonbeam. Then, if you are lucky enough to find his skeleton and an audio recording addressed to Sydney on the second floor of the Statesman Hotel, you will receive a unique 10 mm Ultra submachine gun as a gift (an option for the good).

Bug: If you give Washington both Declarations, the ink can be thrown out of your inventory. In other cases, they remain in the inventory as a quest item and can only be removed using the console:

Ink ~player.removeitem 00003aa2 1

Trouble on the Homefront

The story of a short-term return to your native shelter can be started at any time after completing the quest The Waters of Life. Somewhere near Megaton you will catch the Vault 101 Distress Signal, this will be a message from Amata, she will ask you to return to the shelter due to the problems that have arisen there and give you the password for the door.

At the entrance, you will be greeted by Officer Gomez (or Steve Armstong, if Gomez was killed during the Escape!) and will explain that after those events, the shelter split into two parties: rebels led by Amata, entrenched on the lower level of the clinic and wanting the doors to open, and the rest, led by the Overseer (if Amata's father was killed, then Allen Mack, Wally Mack's father, will become the Overseer), insisting on secrecy and following the mission of the shelter to the end. The officer will ask who to take you to - Amata or the Overseer; you can also say that you don’t care and leave forever.

The situation in the shelter is really tense - there are corpses everywhere, in a prison cell you will stumble upon a hostile Officer Wilkins and find a teacher, Mr. Brotch, locked there, who, after being released, will go to the lower level with the rebels. By the way, the prison terminal (with which you can open the cell door) contains a plan for the guards to raid the rebels using weapons, read it, it may come in handy. And in the Overseer’s terminal, a new entry appeared that the Enclave had contacted the shelter, offering amnesty and the favor of the official successor of the American government in exchange for access to the shelter and its data storage facilities, but the Overseer refused them. There are several options for the development of events:

  • By going to the Overseer, you can:
    • With developed eloquence, lead him to think about the lack of human resources and the inevitable failure of the shelter mission, then he will relinquish his powers in favor of Amata and agree to the opening of the shelter (only in the case when the Overseer is Amata’s father),
    • Reveal to him the villainous plans of the guard to raid the rebels (if they are known), then he will voluntarily transfer his powers to Amata (only in the case when the Overseer is Amata’s father),
    • You won’t be able to peacefully convince Alen Mak to open the shelter, because he will refer to the death of his predecessor, so another option is possible here - kill all the rebels (if the Overseer is Amata’s father, killing them will lead to chaos in the shelter and failure of the quest),
    • Kill the Overseer and talk to the new leader Amata, she will not settle the score, but will say that you no longer belong here,
  • By going to Amata, you can:
    • With developed eloquence, convince her not to disturb the people and sit quietly in the shelter,
    • Tell about the appearance of the Enclave and the reaction of the Overseer (if this is known), then Amata will not dare to endanger everyone and will remain,
    • Announce that you don't care and leave.
  • Harm everyone (negative karma). From Butch you can learn about the problems with life support systems that began after the escape, then you should hack the service terminal of shelter 101 (science 75) in the reactor compartment or steal the password for it from Stanley, do “service maintenance of the water chip”, switch to manual mode and clean the systems. Now the shelter becomes uninhabitable and everyone runs away in horror wherever they look. At the exit from the reactor compartment, the Overseer will catch you, accuse you and try to kill you (or you will be able to deceive him that one of the rebels did it, then he will commit suicide). However, that's not all - Amata will be waiting for you at the exit from the shelter, perplexed about who could do this. If you manage to convince her that the Overseer who has gone crazy is to blame, then you will part peacefully, and if not, then she will promise to carry out reprisals against you the next time they meet in the Wasteland.

Note. Don't forget to grab the "Medicine" bobblehead from your father's desk (if you haven't already) and open the wall safe disguised as a frame with a quote (hack 50), as this is the last opportunity. The safe contains lids, a racket diagram, and an audio recording of Home Sweet Home.

Consequences. After a decision is made on the fate of the shelter, entry there will be closed for you forever, regardless of the choice of the side and the methods. Having calmed the youth, you can get a modified Utility Jumpsuit from the Overseer; luck +1, repair +5, radiation resistance +10) or some supplies. Amata will give you the same modified jumpsuit if she becomes a Warden.

If you drive everyone out of the shelter, then later on in the Wasteland you will meet various hostile inhabitants. In particular, Amata can be randomly seen being interrogated by an Enclave patrol. They will begin to find out who she is and where she is from, where the shelter is located, and then they will kill her. Saving her life won't change anything.

In any case, Butch will disappear from the shelter and settle down at The Muddy Rudder Bar on the lower deck of Rivet City. There you can take him as a partner if you have neutral karma (armed with a 10mm pistol and the unique Butch's Toothpick).

Agatha's Song

This quest is given by Agatha in her house, located northeast of the Mereshti depot. The point is that Agatha plays the violin quite well and even broadcasts her performance throughout the Wasteland using her husband’s old walkie-talkie, but she would really like to replace her homemade violin with a unique instrument - the Soil Stradivarius, which once belonged to her great-great-grandmother Hilda. It is known that Hilda was invited to shelter 92, which specialized in preserving musical talent, and after the outbreak of the war, contact with her was interrupted. According to Agatha, the violin is still in the shelter to this day. The instrument was stored in a special sealed case, the image of which will be in your Pip-Boy. The reward for delivering the precious violin will be the opportunity to tune into the frequency of Agatha’s radio station and listen to her play. An eloquent character can ask Agatha for the key to her husband's ammunition box (or if she has the Wifekiller perk).

The three-level building of the Vault-Tec Headquarters rises on Vernon Square, near Vernon Square North, inside you will be greeted by numerous robots that are controlled by a special robot Masterbrain. Your goal is the Vault-Tec Administration level, where you need to break through to the Vault-Tec Mainframe computer and load the locations of all shelters onto the map in the Pip-Boy. To gain access to the computer, authorization is required through three system terminals scattered throughout the administrative section, and Masterbrain is also disabled using them.

Bug: In some cases, after authorization at all three system terminals, the door leading to the Vault-Tec computer stubbornly does not open. This can be solved this way - enter the room through the lower door and jump first onto the pipe, and then onto the equipment from which you can easily reach the Vault-Tec computer and activate it.

Vault 92 (Vault 92) is inhabited by various types of mires, radroaches and dutnas. Everywhere you will find evidence of experiments conducted here to study the effects of white noise on people, which ended disastrously, judging by the audio recordings of Professor Malleus. The Soil Stradivarius lies in the southwestern part of the Sound Testing studio, in the sound studio, which is opened using the studio computer. In addition, do not miss the music paper in the living quarters of the shelter (in the men's dormitory) (all local swampers are killed by turning on white noise).

After handing over the violin to Agatha, you learn that she also wants to immortalize on paper those great works that she remembers. But for this you need music paper... It can be found in shelter 92, also in the Arlington Library, Springvale School, in the basement of the National Archives, in the arts hall of the Roosevelt Academy and on the roof of the Statesman Hotel. For one piece of music, Agatha gives you a unique revolver with a Blackhawk optical sight or positive karma.

Notes: Those hungry for caps can sell the violin to Ahzrukhal from the Ninth Circle in the Underground or to Abraham Washington in Rivet City. It is possible to first find the violin in shelter 92 and then take it to Agatha's house, to avoid glitches you should do this quickly.

Reilly's Rangers

Reilly's Rangers are mercenaries who specialize in destroying super mutants and creating topographical maps of urban areas of the District of Columbia. There are five of them in total:

  • Reilly - director,
  • Butcher - doctor, Reilly's deputy,
  • Donovan - technician,
  • Brick is a master of heavy weapons, wielding the unique minigun Eugene extremely effectively,
  • Theo, a probationary quartermaster carrying Ranger ammunition, was killed on the second floor of the Statesman Hotel.

Details about the Rangers and current contracts are contained in the Reilly terminal at the Ranger base (there is also information about their recent clash with the Talon Company mercenaries near the Capitol). The quest can be started in several ways:

  • Picking up on the radio the emergency frequency of the rangers sitting surrounded on the roof of the Statesman Hotel. The signal can be received near the National Archives, also on Pennsylvania Avenue and Vernon Square near the Statesman Hotel.
  • Having stumbled upon Reilly, the city of ghouls, which is in the Dungeon under the Historical Museum. Reilly is found unconscious at the local hospital, The Chop Shop. In this regard, you will have to either convince Doctor Barrows to wake her up or do it personally (medicine skill 60 required). Reilly will tell you that the rangers were ambushed on the roof of the hotel, and she was wounded by super mutants while trying to escape from the roof for help and she was picked up by ghouls (only from her can you find out the password to Theo’s cartridge box).
  • By visiting the rangers' base (science 100 or hacking 100) and reading the entries in Reilly's terminal, you can find out where they went.

There is only one way to the roof of the hotel to the rangers - through the Hope Hospital in Vernon Square, because... The hotel elevator is broken. The hospital has three entrances - the main entrance and an inconspicuous alternate one in Vernon Square, and another through a dry sewer on Dupont Circle (Reilly mentions it), but inside you will have to make your way to the second floor through crowds of super mutants and traps. From there you can cross the street along the fallen radio antenna, so you will find yourself on the second floor of the Statesman Hotel. You can get to the top floor of the hotel either by repairing another broken elevator (repair and hacking skills), or by going around the stairs.

Special Finds: On landing on the second floor of the hotel you will see Theo’s body and an ammunition box with good ammunition nearby (Reilly gives the password for it). Also, don’t miss the audio recording of Moonbeam’s father in the hotel - this is a message from Sydney’s father, see quest.

When you finally get to the roof of the hotel, you will hear the sounds of a shootout - these are the rangers dealing with super mutants. From the Butcher you learn that a lack of ammo and a broken elevator are keeping them here. Although, Donovan could fix the elevator, but that would require a nuclear battery. By the way, downstairs in the restaurant closet the rangers saw a broken Protectron. Give them ammo (optional) and head down for the nuclear battery if you don't have one with you. The closet is difficult to notice because the door to this room is hidden under the stairs in the southwest corner of the restaurant. As soon as you give the battery to Donovan, he will repair the elevator and the whole company will rush from the roof into the hall (the elevator can be repaired without Donovan with a repair skill of 75, and if he is killed, you can use Donovan’s wrench). Super mutants are waiting for you and the rangers in the hotel lobby (if you want to reduce their numbers, you can look there in advance); after the showdown is over, the Butcher will invite you to visit the rangers’ base in Seward Square.

In Seward Square, on the way to the ranger base, you will not pass by a yard booby-trapped by a madman with a megaphone, because... you can hear it very well from everywhere. If you try to clear the mines in the yard yourself or send in a wastelander hiding nearby, the psycho will blow everything up. The only acceptable option is to shoot a psycho from afar with a well-aimed shot.

At the base you will see Reilly and the rest of the survivors of the battle. She will offer a reward of your choice - ranger armor or Eugene minigun. And you, for your part, can offer Reilly help in drawing maps (hidden quest) and she will give you a cartographic module (Geomapper Module), after which for each mark found on the map Reilly will pay 30 caps (the module must be in your possession). inventory). You can talk to Reilly immediately after receiving the device and she will pay for all the tags already found.

How to get both items as a reward: If you choose Eugene, then you can try to steal the armor. To do this, you need to remove the Tesla armor and Tesla helmet from the Enclave soldiers (main quest), and they must be in good condition. Give Donovan this and that and leave the location. Upon your return, you will see Donovan in Tesla armor (if his armor is more worn out, he will take it off), and then you can steal a set of Ranger armor from him.

Another option: do not give the ammunition to the rangers on the roof of the hotel, then after repairing the elevator, Brick will rush into battle with a 10mm pistol, which will most likely end in her death. Other rangers may also die. At the maximum you will have three sets of armor, Eugene and a failed quest.

Two rangers can be contacted (if they remain alive):

  • to the Butcher about treatment for wounds (but he does not know how to cleanse from radiation or get rid of acquired addictions),
  • to Donovan about repairing weapons and armor (but his repair level is low).

Notes After completing the quest, you can meet Donovan somewhere in the wasteland. He'll give you a nuke and tell you that Reilly sent him to help. Or you can lean on his body. If you remove Donovan's wrench from his body (after repairing the elevator), you won't be able to simply throw it out of your inventory, only using the console:

Donovan's Wrench ~player.removeitem 00070cd4 1

Somehow Greydich is completely empty.
Three Dog

The quest is given by a boy named Brian Wilkes not far from Grayditch. In fact, I met him on the road from Skupermart to the Anchorage Memorial. There is no need to look for Brian, he will come running and tell you that their city was attacked by terrible monsters.

Yes. Monsters attacked, dad disappeared somewhere (yeah, not only the main characters’ fathers disappear), the rest of the residents also disappeared somewhere. The rest of the residents are the Brandis, from the terminal in their house you can find out that the head of the family was a sergeant of the enclave in Navara (yes, yes, that one), and Dr. Lesko. At the end of the conversation, Brian will say that he has somewhere to hide and that he will near the cafe, after which he will run away.

Graydich itself is full of fire ants. They attack with a stream of fire. So it’s better not to get close to them, but to hit them from a distance. In the head, if there is only one ant, and in the antennae, if there are several of them, then with broken antennae they attack everyone indiscriminately.

The Ulx house is located next to the cafe. It contains the corpse of Wilkes Sr. and a bunch of dead ants. The key to the shack next to the house is taken from the corpse. There is also a Chinese machine gun and cartridges for it in the house. There’s nothing else to do in the house, let’s go to Brian’s.

Brian sits in Pulovski's hideout. Having learned that she was left an orphan, she asks to get even with the fire ants and finally resolve their issue. Let's go to the shack.

Doctor Lesky lived in the shack. There you can find out where fire ants come from. This is the result of an irresponsible experiment conducted by a doctor in his laboratory located at Methor Marigold Station. Let's go there. It's a couple of blocks ahead from the shack exit and to the left. In general, not far.

On the way to the subway and in the subway itself there are regular crowds of ants.

We find Dr. Lesko and ask what kind of business he is doing here. Lesko sprinkles chanting on his head, repents in every possible way that he did not want to, and offers to help eliminate the fiery mutation. In total, you need to destroy five guards of the ant queen, but do not touch the queen itself. And don't touch the mutagen either. Then take the doctor to the terminal in the caves.

If you do everything as asked, the reward will be a mutagenic vaccination +1 to strength or +1 to perception and 25% fire resistance. You can claim Lesko's laboratory lahat (+10 to science and +20 to radiation resistance).

If you kill the queen, you will have to use eloquence to receive the reward. There will be no reward if the mutagen is destroyed.

We return to Brian, listen to the story that the fire ants began to fight with each other and everyone died. Lastly, Brian asks to find his aunt in Rivert City. An aunt named Vera Witherly runs a hotel and will gladly agree to take the boy under her wing. There is an option to negotiate with the mayor of Little Lamplight about a shelter for the orphan or hand over Brian to the slave traders in Paradise Falls.

In the Marigold subway there is a door with a yellow lamp spinning above it. In the little room behind the door there is a room with a safe. There are skimpy pajamas in the safe. The key to the safe is in the fire hydrant. There at the station lies the corpse of William Brandis. There, next to Grady's skeleton, there is a note about skimpy pajamas.

Today, “killer ants” that are dangerous to people exist, but there are not very large numbers of them. As they say, fear has big eyes. Frightening stories about fire ants have acquired the status of legends among those people who like to spoil their nerves while lying on the sofa.

There is still some truth in these stories. Dangerous ants are indeed present in our world, but they have a completely different name. Biologists, in their scientific language, began to call them “fire ants” for their ability to inflict a painful, burning bite.

Some facts from history

Initially, these dangerous insects occupied Brazil, which is considered their homeland. In 1900, when the cattle trade began to improve, dangerous invaders settled in the United States. This “live” cargo with harmful insects was on merchant ships, which transported it by sea to a new habitat.

Fire ants quickly began to multiply in countless numbers. There were no natural enemies here, the climate was quite suitable to feel comfortable - this is a great success for harmful insects, it would be a sin not to take advantage of it. The ants moved further into California, occupying more and more territories.

If by the beginning of the 20th century the most dangerous ants in the world were limited only to the territory of South America, now they are found in Mexico, in the southern part of America, and on the islands of the Caribbean. The habitat of fire ants has become the lands of Australia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and China.

Fiery creatures inflicted merciless bites on farmers, wild and domestic animals. They besieged buildings and destroyed grain reserves. They erected their anthills on the tracks where the mowers should pass. All this undermined the image of capitalist countries.

Red fire ant: description

Who are they, what do these little “monsters” look like? Appearance resembles an ordinary ant, the only difference between them is the color. Fire ants, the photo of which is in front of you, have a reddish color, hence their name. They also owe their name to their ability to burn during a bite.

These are small insects. Body length depends on external living conditions and is 2-6mm. The body is divided into three main parts: head, chest, abdomen. The head and chest are lighter than the belly. Like other members of this family, red fire aggressors have six strong legs.

Ants are classified as having complete transformation. Their development consists of four stages:

1. Eggs.
2. Larva.
3. Doll.
4. Adult insect.

The larva resembles a helpless worm-like creature. She cannot move or feed on her own. It is served by working individuals until the larva, having gone through several stages of molting, gains the required mass to turn into a pupa.

On the last day before metamorphosis occurs, the larva stops eating and empties its intestines. Workers take care of the pupa, and in right time help her leave the cocoon.

Lifestyle of the most dangerous insects

Ants are considered insects that can cause a lot of surprise. We can start with the fact that these creatures, which do not have a developed brain, act quite clearly and organized when protecting their family and obtaining food. They also surprise with the structure of their community. Fire ants live in an anthill they built on their own, and their reproduction takes place there. Reproductive individuals have the ability to reproduce by cloning, mating only to produce sterile workers. Throughout her life, the queen gives birth to numerous offspring (about a quarter of a million ants).

The diet of these ants consists of plant and animal foods; they do not distinguish between them and happily eat both types. Basically, insects with a passion eat sprouts of herbal plants and shoots of small shrubs. The diet includes different types insects, larvae, caterpillars. Fire goosebumps often attack even mice, frogs and snakes, and do not ignore the corpses of large animals.

When attacking a victim, ants in a large group climb up the legs of the victim's body. They dig into the skin with their mouthparts and insert a sting. This is how a considerable dose of poison enters the animal’s body, which is toxic. At the site of the bite, the skin begins to burn severely, and unbearable pain occurs.

Fire ant family structure

An ant family is an organized community. It contains:

1. Brood.
2. Adults.
3. Infertile females (workers).

An ant family can consist of several dozen individuals, but sometimes develops into real colonies consisting of millions of individuals living over large areas. Large families are mainly wingless, sterile females, from which the worker castes, soldiers and various other groups are formed.

Almost every family contains males and one, sometimes several reproductive females, which have a very beautiful name - queen, queen. Fire ants work as one unit, which is why the family is called a super organism. Parallels with human society, such as the division of labor, self-organization in difficult situations, and connections between family members, have long attracted the attention of scientists.

Fire Ant Source

Ants live with their families in nests, which are earthen mounds and are called anthills. Insects construct this source in the soil, under a stone or in wood. Some people use small plant particles.

Between the nests of fire ants there are tunnels through which they move freely in different directions. They can wander for a long time in search of food; during such trips, meetings with representatives of another colony often occur. During such unwanted encounters, fights break out between belligerent goosebumps.

Stopping at a rest stop where a fire ant nest is located is unsafe for a person who has allergic reactions. After all, ants not only have a terrifying appearance, but their attack can lead to irreversible processes in the body of a living creature.

The danger posed by the fire ant

These tiny ants are capable of destroying fauna, causing great loss to birds and livestock, and they kill weaker ants. We can say that all living beings are horrified by these insects and run away from them.

People show hostility towards miniature “monsters” for their ability to destroy all food supplies. In city apartments, ants make their nest in electrical appliances, which leads to short circuits and, in rare cases, to a fire.

Another reason for the great danger of this for humans lies in the toxic poison that they possess. Statistics confirm that fire ant bites result in death for approximately 30-35 people each year. This is explained by the fact that the poison has a neurotoxic and necrotic effect and contains the alkaloid solenopsin.

First aid for a “monster” bite

At the first suspicion of a dangerous insect bite, you should quickly move away from the place where the source of fire ants is located. This must be done carefully so as not to cause unrest in the “family.” Usually, sentinel individuals begin to bite first.

You won’t be able to shake off the insects, which means you need to carefully remove them from clothing and parts of the body. They cannot be crushed, because crushed ants emit a smell, through which other members of the family receive a signal of danger and immediately begin a new attack.

After this, you need to free the affected area of ​​skin from clothing in order to reduce swelling. Rinse the area, then place a cold compress on it. Be sure to take an antihistamine. Then seek help from a medical facility. Delay can be costly because the venom is a strong allergen that often causes pulmonary edema.

Ways to fight “fire monsters”

In the United States, billions of dollars are spent annually on the fight against fiery little “terrorists,” but there are still no tangible results. In this country, fire ants were given the name - imported insects. To combat them, pesticides are used, spraying them using helicopters. They manually try to eliminate the source of fire ants by digging and destroying nests and pouring boiling water into them. But the results of all these actions are zero.

As people say, every “villain” has its own justice, including little biting aggressors. The most effective and unusual way to destroy these insects is a fly that kills fire ants. Meet this brave warrior called the humpback fly.

She lays eggs in a living insect, from which a larva subsequently develops, which, using a special enzyme, gnaws through the ant's head. This head serves as a living incubator for the fly.

Fire ant in Russia

In Russia, tropical “barbarians” are very rare. The harsh climatic conditions of the country are not suitable for them. But fire ants were once discovered in a Moscow hospital. Basically, although these insects are found, they are small colonies that settle next to people in warm homes.

Redheads live on the territory of Russia and although they are called fiery, they are not as aggressive as their tropical counterparts. These insects build their nests - anthills - in coniferous and deciduous forests. This species of goosebumps destroys harmful insects, which is considered important for people.

A miniature insect from the order Hymenoptera, the ant is a symbol of hard work. Its ability to move loads that are several times its own weight is unique. Some species are completely harmless, but there are others that pose a danger to the health of animals and humans.

Description and features of the fire ant

An allergic reaction of immediate effect is the smallest thing that happens when fire ant bite cases of deaths are known. It got its name because of the poison containing the alkaloid solenopsin, which is released when bitten.

It affects organisms like fire. No less dangerous is the fact of their excellent adaptation to new conditions during the destruction of existing biocenoses. It is originally from Brazil, but has already spread through sea routes to China, New Zealand, the USA, and the Philippines.

They look scary photo of fire ants. But still, these are small creatures with a well-developed motor system. They have six unusually strong legs.

The body varies in size from 2 to 6 ml, the length depends on the habitat of the insect. In one anthill both the little ones and the “giants” coexist. Their body is three-part: head, chest, belly.

They are not only red, there are brown or ruby ​​red. The color of the abdomen is always darker. These insects are called social because of the existing hierarchy:

  • females - with veined wings, geniculate antennae up to 12 pieces;
  • males are also winged, with up to 13 whiskers;
  • workers - without them, shoots up to 12 pcs.

All have a long main mustache - the scape. The sting is hidden in the abdomen, but there are subspecies with a pronounced needle.

Fire ant lifestyle and habitat

A warm environment will be a good place for source of fire ants. Therefore, they prefer to live in appropriate climatic zones closer to agricultural land, but can settle in the human dwelling itself.

As social individuals, they exist and hunt together. First, they spread throughout the victim’s body through the legs, dig into the skin, and then use a sting to inject a noticeable portion of solenopsin.

Depending on the dose, the victim receives unbearable pain and a wound similar to a thermal burn, or even dies. During a peaceful life inside an anthill, there is a clear distribution of responsibilities: someone builds, protects, nurses the offspring, and is responsible for provisions.

In the countries where they live, a lot of money is spent on destroying anthills. chemical treatment lands, veterinary control, treatment of consequences of bites.

They tried to eradicate nests by digging up springs, but smart females hide in numerous underground passages, up to 1 m deep, and then resume settlement. There are known cases when people were removed from their place of residence, and red fire ants remained.

Fire ant nutrition

It may seem strange, but these insidious predators have some benefit. They eat crop pests:

  • grains and legumes;
  • rice;
  • sugar cane, etc.

But there is still more harm. From fire ants Small amphibians suffer greatly, they have to change their morphology, behavior and lose eggs laid.

Insects do not get along with their “relatives”, their own kind, competing for food. They are not only predators, but also herbivores. On fire ant photo almost always depicted carrying something on his back for construction or food:

  • shoots, plant stems;
  • various bugs, caterpillars;
  • larvae;
  • reptiles.

Fire ant reproduction and lifespan

Reproduction method fire ant fallout Scientists have not yet fully studied or proven it. It was previously believed that among insects only honey drones reproduce occasionally by cloning.

But females and males of this species are able to produce genetic copies of themselves, which suggests separate gene pools. Mating occurs only to obtain working individuals that are not capable of producing offspring.

Despite its incompatibility with other species, science knows the facts of crossing with other closely related ants, with the subsequent formation of offspring.

Several queens live in an anthill, so there is no shortage of labor. Larvae can be seen a week after laying eggs with a diameter of up to 0.5 mm. After a couple of weeks, their growth stops and a brood emerges.

At the genetic level, a newborn’s perception of the smell of its parent is established. Its lifespan is 3 years or more, during which time one individual can produce up to half a million ants. The lifespan of others depends on:

  • climatic conditions, where it is warmer, it lasts longer;
  • status, workhorses and males live for several days, several months, up to a maximum of 2 years;
  • type of insect.

Today, “killer ants” that are dangerous to people exist, but there are not very large numbers of them. As they say, fear has big eyes. Frightening stories about fire ants have acquired the status of legends among those people who like to spoil their nerves while lying on the sofa.

There is still some truth in these stories. Dangerous ants are indeed present in our world, but they have a completely different name. Biologists, in their scientific language, began to call them “fire ants” for their ability to inflict a painful, burning bite.

Some facts from history

Initially, these dangerous insects occupied Brazil, which is considered their homeland. In 1900, when the cattle trade began to improve, dangerous invaders settled in the United States. This “live” cargo with harmful insects was on merchant ships, which transported it by sea to a new habitat.

Fiery creatures inflicted merciless bites on farmers, wild and domestic animals. They besieged agricultural lands and buildings and destroyed grain reserves. They erected their anthills on the tracks where the mowers should pass. All this undermined the image of capitalist countries.

Red fire ant: description

Who are they, what do these little “monsters” look like? The appearance resembles an ordinary ant, the only difference between them is the color. Fire ants, the photo of which is in front of you, have a reddish color, hence their name. They also owe their name to their ability to burn during a bite.
These are small insects. Body length depends on external living conditions and is 2-6mm. The body is divided into three main parts: head, chest, abdomen. The head and chest are lighter than the belly. Like other members of this family, red fire aggressors have six strong legs.

Ants are classified as insects with complete metamorphosis. Their development consists of four stages:

1. Eggs.
2. Larva.
3. Doll.
4. Adult insect.

The larva resembles a helpless worm-like creature. She cannot move or feed on her own. It is served by working individuals until the larva, having gone through several stages of molting, gains the required mass to turn into a pupa.

On the last day before metamorphosis occurs, the larva stops eating and empties its intestines. Working individuals take care of the pupa and, at the right time, help it leave the cocoon.

Lifestyle of the most dangerous insects

Ants are considered insects that can cause a lot of surprise. We can start with the fact that these creatures, which do not have a developed brain, act quite clearly and organized when protecting their family and obtaining food. They also surprise with the structure of their community. The most dangerous insects, fire ants, live in an anthill they built on their own, and their reproduction takes place there. Reproductive individuals have the ability to reproduce by cloning, mating only to produce sterile workers. Throughout her life, the queen gives birth to numerous offspring (about a quarter of a million ants).
The diet of these ants consists of plant and animal foods; they do not distinguish between them and happily eat both types. Basically, insects with a passion eat sprouts of herbal plants and shoots of small shrubs. The diet includes different types of insects, larvae, and caterpillars. Fire goosebumps often attack even mice, frogs and snakes, and do not ignore the corpses of large animals.

When attacking a victim, ants in a large group climb up the legs of the victim's body. They dig into the skin with their mouthparts and insert a sting. This is how a considerable dose of poison enters the animal’s body, which is toxic. At the site of the bite, the skin begins to burn severely, and unbearable pain occurs.

Fire ant family structure

An ant family is an organized community. It contains:

1. Brood.
2. Adults.
3. Infertile females (workers).

An ant family can consist of several dozen individuals, but sometimes develops into real colonies consisting of millions of individuals living over large areas. Large families are mainly wingless, sterile females, from which the worker castes, soldiers and various other groups are formed.

Almost every family contains males and one, sometimes several reproductive females, which have a very beautiful name - queen, queen. Fire ants work as one unit, which is why the family is called a super organism. Parallels with human society, such as the division of labor, self-organization in difficult situations, and connections between family members, have long attracted the attention of scientists.

Fire Ant Source

Ants live with their families in nests, which are earthen mounds and are called anthills. Insects construct this source in the soil, under a stone or in wood. Some people use small plant particles to create an anthill.

Between the nests of fire ants there are tunnels through which they move freely in different directions. They can wander for a long time in search of food; during such trips, meetings with representatives of another colony often occur. During such unwanted encounters, fights break out between belligerent goosebumps.

Stopping at a rest stop where a fire ant nest is located is unsafe for a person who has allergic reactions. After all, ants not only have a terrifying appearance, but their attack can lead to irreversible processes in the body of a living creature.

The danger posed by the fire ant

These tiny ants are capable of destroying fauna, causing great loss to birds and livestock, and they kill weaker ants. We can say that all living beings are horrified by these insects and run away from them.

People show hostility towards miniature “monsters” for their ability to destroy all food supplies. In city apartments, ants make their nest in electrical appliances, which leads to short circuits and, in rare cases, to a fire.

Another reason for the great danger of this type of ant for humans lies in the toxic poison that they possess. Statistics confirm that fire ant bites result in death for approximately 30-35 people each year. This is explained by the fact that the poison has a neurotoxic and necrotic effect and contains the alkaloid solenopsin.

First aid for a “monster” bite

At the first suspicion of a dangerous insect bite, you should quickly move away from the place where the source of fire ants is located. This must be done carefully so as not to cause unrest in the “family.” Usually, sentinel individuals begin to bite first.
You won’t be able to shake off the insects, which means you need to carefully remove them from clothing and parts of the body. They cannot be crushed, because crushed ants emit a smell, through which other members of the family receive a signal of danger and immediately begin a new attack.

After this, you need to free the affected area of ​​skin from clothing in order to reduce swelling. Rinse the area, then place a cold compress on it. Be sure to take an antihistamine. Then seek help from a medical facility. Delay can be costly because the venom is a strong allergen that often causes pulmonary edema.

Ways to fight “fire monsters”

In the United States, billions of dollars are spent annually on the fight against fiery little “terrorists,” but there are still no tangible results. In this country, fire ants were given the name - imported insects. To combat them, pesticides are used, spraying them using helicopters. They manually try to eliminate the source of fire ants by digging and destroying nests and pouring boiling water into them. But the results of all these actions are zero.

As people say, every “villain” has its own justice, including little biting aggressors. The most effective and unusual way to destroy these insects is a fly that kills fire ants. Meet this brave warrior called the humpback fly. She lays eggs in a living insect, from which a larva subsequently develops, which, using a special enzyme, gnaws through the ant's head. This head serves as a living incubator for the fly.

Fire ant in Russia

In Russia, tropical “barbarians” are very rare. The harsh climatic conditions of the country are not suitable for them. But fire ants were once discovered in a Moscow hospital. Basically, although these insects are found, they are small colonies that settle next to people in warm homes.
Red and red ants live in Russia. Although they are called fiery, they are not as aggressive as their tropical counterparts. These insects build their nests - anthills - in coniferous and deciduous forests. This species of goosebumps destroys harmful insects, which is considered important for people.