home · Other · How to close the pipes in the toilet: methods and instructions. How and how to close the pipes in the toilet in order to neatly hide How to close the pipes in a combined bathroom

How to close the pipes in the toilet: methods and instructions. How and how to close the pipes in the toilet in order to neatly hide How to close the pipes in a combined bathroom

Noticeable communications in the bathroom do not add attractiveness to the room. How to close the pipes in the toilet? We offer you several fairly simple and reliable options for upgrading a room without compromising its functionality.

We have already looked at how it is possible. The same methods are suitable for the toilet. Let's remember them.

Plastic panels or plasterboard

The fastest way to close communications in the toilet is with plastic panels. They are suitable regardless of the finish of the walls, floors and ceilings. The main thing is to choose the color and pattern.

Advantages of this material:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • simple installation;
  • quick installation;
  • low cost;
  • the ability to install a door to access meters or spikes where breakthroughs are possible;
  • possibility of installing a collapsible structure;
  • no additional finishing required.

The second convenient material option for the structure with which the pipes will be masked is drywall. A toilet is not a bathroom, but it’s still better to use a moisture-resistant one. Advantages:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • simple installation;
  • low cost;
  • possibility of installing a collapsible structure;
  • possibility of installing a door for access to communications.

The only drawback of drywall is the need to finish it. But, on the other hand, you can make it the same as the rest of the walls in the toilet.

When you decide on the material for the box, you will need to choose its design. Below we will describe all possible options for installing structures made of plasterboard and PVC panels.

Regardless of the method you choose, don't forget about access to counters and spikes. To do this, you need to install a door. It can be hidden, or it can be ordinary white metal, these are sold in almost any hardware store.

The whole wall is closed

The first option for hiding communication pipes in a toilet is to cover the entire wall with pipes. This is done on a metal profile box. In the space where there are no pipes behind the decorative wall, you can make storage for small items (toilet paper, household chemicals, etc.).

There must be at least 3 cm between the mounted wall to cover the pipes and the pipes themselves! This does not depend on the type of structure chosen.

Oblique false wall

If the pipes only run from the side, then you do not have to cover the entire back wall of the room; it is enough to cover only the corner with communications.

Square box

If you are wondering how to cover the pipes in a toilet and leave more space, then the answer is simple: make a box just around the pipes. If they go in the corner along the walls, then you get a kind of column in the room. If they walk on the floor, then it will look like a step.

Multi-level box

If the pipes do not run clearly along a certain wall, but, for example, only to its middle, then you can make a multi-level box and use it as a shelf for decor, household chemicals, or something else. This method is not suitable for installation from plastic panels.

Roller shutters

Roller blinds are successfully used to hide pipes. They are installed less often than structures made of plasterboard or PVC panels, because the installation itself takes longer, the structure is more expensive, and the appearance is not very attractive, that is, it is not very attractive. But this way you get access to any pipes behind the panel and space for storing small items. Of course, for the latter you will have to make several shelves.

Utility cabinet

A very convenient and attractive way to cover pipes in a toilet room is to install cabinets made of chipboard, wood or plywood. The lower part of the pipes can be covered with a plastic screen that matches the color. This way you kill two birds with one stone: you create additional storage space and decorate communications.

The only disadvantage of this method is the price. It is the highest compared to all other options, even if you install everything yourself.

Decorating pipes

Using a little ingenuity and skill in making various hand-made products, you can decorate the pipes that run through the room using mosaics, decorative painting, rhinestones and other interesting techniques or materials.

The choice of method and materials for decorating or hiding pipes in the toilet always remains with the owners. There are no strict recommendations or contraindications for any of the options listed above. Even in a small room, it is usually possible to install a structure made of plasterboard, PVC panels or chipboard boxes.

It’s hard to disagree with the fact that communications in the bathroom are not the most pleasant sight. No matter how expensive pipes with shut-off valves are, they can only decorate a specific loft-type interior. If you are not one of the adherents of industrial design, then there is a strong desire to hide these networks, right?

We suggest considering several options for how to close the pipes in the toilet, leaving access for regular and emergency maintenance. The article describes in detail the technical nuances and ways to implement interesting ideas. The text is supplemented with useful visual appendices and video tutorials.

The issue of masking pipes concerns both budget housing and luxury apartments. The difference lies in the methods of sealing communications, which are largely determined.

If in a 15-meter combined bathroom it is possible to cover all the walls with false panels, then in a 2 m² area every centimeter is important. Often, after renovation, the interior space of the toilet often takes on unimaginable shapes.

In typical housing, everything is simple: in the corner of the room there is a common sewer riser, and centralized water supply pipes are installed parallel to it. Internal communications from pipes of smaller diameter are connected to them. Thus, both the vertical riser and horizontally laid branches need camouflage.

The simplest layout of sewer pipes and water supply in the toilet. The best option for hiding communications is to build two boxes (along the riser and behind the toilet), occupying a minimum of usable space

Difficulties arise when, instead of a couple of branches, you have to hide water meters that require regular access, filters, collectors, etc.

Simple boxes are not enough here; you have to attach partitions to the load-bearing walls or build structures that resemble screens.

The collector, meters and filters are located above the toilet and occupy almost the entire wall opposite the entrance to the toilet. The best way to cover wiring and fixtures is to build a plumbing closet with wide doors or use blinds

In a private house, everything is simpler if you take care of masking communications even before the project is brought to life. Some pipes can be hidden in the walls, and technical hatches can be created for important components. Filters are installed in a specially designated room - together with a pump and other equipment responsible for water supply to the house.

In high-rise buildings, no one will allow the walls to be tapped for pipes, and the characteristics of the walls are not suitable for even partial destruction. What remains is the exterior decor, the options of which we will take a closer look at.

Ways to disguise communications

The choice of method depends on several factors: the size and direction of the pipelines, their location relative to each other, the presence of additional devices, etc.

How to hide sewer and water pipes in a toilet is also influenced by interior design features. For example, blinds do not go well with classics, but they are suitable for minimalism. The choice is up to the homeowners, and a description of how to camouflage pipes is given below.

#1: Box made of plastic panels

Despite some difficulties in building structures on a frame, even beginners can safely take on the task. Their decision is quite understandable: saving the family budget and the availability of photo and video installation instructions.

What is the difference between plasterboard and plastic boxes? The difference is fundamental: in the first case, you create the basis for further decoration, in the second, you immediately receive a finished product. Therefore, creating boxes from plastic panels is easier, cheaper and faster.

However, this is only possible if the walls in the toilet are also lined with plastic of the same type or, in extreme cases, painted in the color of the panels.

One of the best options for using plastic is nothing more. All walls are completely lined with white plastic panels, and instead of boxes covering the pipes, a false wall with a hatch for servicing communications was erected

Instructions for installing a plastic box:

  1. Checking the performance of communications. Necessary in order to provide for pipe repairs, which are usually accompanied by dismantling of structures. The main task is to check connections, components, and operability of devices.
  2. Treatment of walls and ceilings. It is produced with an antiseptic solution to prevent the appearance of fungus. A closed space with high levels of humidity and insufficient ventilation is a risk zone.
  3. Creating a sheathing. Performed on all walls or in communication areas. If you need a box to disguise the riser, build a frame. Both wooden slats (bars) and a metal profile designed for drywall are suitable for this.
  4. Installation of plastic panels. The set of parts happens quickly, the main thing is to fix each one in its place. Small nails are used for fastening. Small gaps at the joints and in the corners can be covered with special decorative strips or liners.

For decoration, it is better to purchase a ready-made model. It is advisable to install a larger model to make it more convenient to service the devices.

If you plan to install a toilet paper holder, at the stage of constructing the frame, you need to attach a mortgage - a wooden block - to the desired place.

#2: Plasterboard construction on a frame

The first stage is preparatory. Materials must be purchased in advance, and the tool for the job must be selected.

To trim a metal profile, you will need metal scissors; to cut wooden parts, you will need a hacksaw or jigsaw. You also need a hammer drill and a screwdriver to fix the parts on the wall with dowels and screws. Wood processing is done with a brush.

Required elements for the construction of the structure:

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People who decide to carry out major renovations in their apartment on their own will definitely ask themselves the following question: how to properly close the pipes in the toilet?

And this is a really logical question. After all, who would like it if their bathroom or toilet has various meters, valves and, ultimately, sewer pipes everywhere?

To do this kind of work, you need to know some basics that will help you do it as efficiently as possible.

Before answering the question of how to hide pipes in a toilet, it is worth mentioning that this problem can be solved in several ways.

You can use blinds, disguise sewer pipes with plasterboard or plastic moisture-resistant panels, which are popular nowadays.

From this article you will learn about the most popular methods that will help you understand how to close the pipes in the toilet and do it yourself.

Beginning of work

Remember that if you really want to, you can disguise anything on your own, but in your case it needs to be done in such a way that you can then have access to certain valves or pipes.

If you wanted to do everything yourself, but it didn’t turn out well enough, then you will have to break down the wall that you painstakingly built.

There are a number of safety precautions you should be aware of before attempting any DIY construction.

So, in order to hide various plumbing parts of the water supply in the toilet with your own hands, you must first check all the sewer pipes.

It is quite possible that they may have various defects.

You can, of course, not perform this check, but then there is a huge risk that suddenly their malfunction can lead to flooding.

It is best, of course, to carry out a thorough check of the various pipe connections with your own hands. It is necessary that before carrying out the planned work they are free of defects.

For example, if the pipes are plastic, other elements related to water supply must also be made of the same material.

So, from the flow of hot water, the heating elements will be deformed equally.

If, during the inspection, you or the hands of specialists discovered any shortcomings, then the best solution to this problem would be to replace the damaged parts.

Water supply is not something you should skimp on.

The most common methods of masking pipes

Today, there are a large number of ways to hide numerous pipes in the toilet.

However, it is best to opt for the method that is most popular.

The most famous methods are:

  • hiding pipes behind plastic boxes;
  • use of blinds;
  • decoration of pipes with decorative panels.

You can also install a convenient utility box behind which you can hide the pipes. It can also store necessary accessories.

In much the same way as an installed utility box, you can also use a box made of decorative materials.

In fact, you have the opportunity to create an incredibly beautiful interior of a bathroom or toilet with your own hands.

But remember not to get too carried away with the design.

Safety should come first - in unexpected situations, you should have quick access to pipes and other plumbing elements.

Before you cover the pipes in the toilet with blinds or panels, you also need to consider that for safety, all plumbing parts must be made of identical materials.

It doesn’t matter whether you choose blinds, cover the pipes with plasterboard or DIY decorative panels. The most important thing is that you have quick access to the pipes.

Thanks to the installed door, you will not need to demolish the wall on which you spent money and built it yourself.

What to choose - a box made of plastic or plasterboard?

Even if you do not have enough knowledge regarding masking pipes, you can easily make a special masking box with your own hands.

Most often, this procedure is carried out using metal sheets, and as a result, the structure is restored to its proper form using plastic or plasterboard.

By the way, if you are masking pipes with your own hands, then you can easily choose wooden bars instead of metal.

If you prefer the plasterboard covering method, then it is best to cover the plasterboard structure with tiles upon completion of the process.

Despite the fairly common method of using blinds, manufacturing and subsequent work with plastic decorative panels is considered the simplest and most convenient.

So, how to hide pipes in a toilet using plastic panels?

First, you need to acquire wooden blocks or a profile made of metal.

Don't forget to make markings that will help you in future work. After this, you will need to secure the profile or wooden blocks.

After you have completed everything described above, you can begin installing the most important thing - the frame.

In the end, it is necessary to cover the entire structure with decorative plastic panels, which will look best in the interior of a bathroom or toilet.

By the way, it is worth saying that installing blinds does not require so much effort and, if you need to carry out the work in a short time, then it is best to use blinds.

Some experts use different methods when carrying out plumbing work.

It is rare to find two specialists whose working methods will be identical. You can do the same.

It is you who choose the method of masking water pipes and other elements of the bathroom and toilet that suits you perfectly and likes it.

But, as mentioned above, you should not pay too much attention to the design and aesthetics of the disguise itself. Still, it is better to pay more attention to safety.

From the article you learned how you can disguise water pipes in a toilet using blinds, drywall or decorative panels with your own hands.

Any toilet in an apartment is a concentration of all kinds of pipes, differing both in purpose and in diameter. It contains a sewer riser, a cold and hot water supply pipe, and sometimes heating pipes. In addition, there are all kinds of taps, meters and filters on the pipes, which do not add any special charm to the overall interior of the room.

There is no way to get rid of the web of these pipes and plumbing fixtures, for the simple reason that it is in the toilet that communication systems least interfere with the inhabitants of the home. However, such an intricacy of communication systems may appeal to the rare exotic lover. At the same time, today there are many ways how to hide pipes in a toilet.

Choosing materials for hiding pipes in the toilet

When starting to solve the problem of how to close a pipe in a toilet, you first need to decide on a suitable material. At the same time, focusing only on the aesthetic component is wrong. This is primarily due to the fact that the material used in the finishing of toilets and bathrooms must meet the following characteristics:

  • the design of the material should be obtained as light and compact as possible so as not to clutter up the already limited space;
  • the material should not be susceptible to corrosion and exposure to chemicals used to maintain hygiene in the toilet;
  • When the temperature changes or the moisture level increases, the material should not deform or change its structure.

But even taking into account the strict selection criteria, there are quite a lot of materials for finishing or constructing various structures in the toilet. Plastic panels, moisture-resistant plasterboard or plywood, decorative MDF boards and much more are perfect for toilets. And finally, when choosing a material, you need to ensure that it fits harmoniously into the overall interior of the toilet.

Options for sewing sewer and water pipes in the toilet

Using plastic panels to hide pipes in a toilet

Installation of decorative plastic panels considered one of the most common methods to hide pipes in the toilet. This option has the following advantages:

  • decorative plastic panels are quite inexpensive;
  • they are easy to install;
  • all decorative elements are interchangeable;
  • The construction market offers a wide range of plastic panels.

If we talk about the installation of such material, then it is done on a pre-arranged metal profile frame, which is built around the communication pipes in the toilet. It is on this frame that decorative plastic panels are sewn. For frame It is advisable to use a galvanized profile, which is not afraid of moisture.

At the wall, a starting strip is attached to the frame with self-tapping screws and panels, pre-cut to the appropriate length, are inserted into it one by one. It is important that the next panel fits tightly with its edge into the lock of the already installed element.

If the structure has large dimensions, then it is advisable in its central part additionally secure the panels using self-tapping screws. But for this, intermediate transverse elements must be present in the frame.

Covering the pipes in the toilet with plasterboard

For a toilet or bathroom, only moisture-resistant plasterboard is suitable. This is due to increased moisture in rooms of this kind. Moreover, this design for hiding the aesthetic defects of pipes in the toilet has the following advantages:

  • the material is more durable than plastic panels;
  • the design is as rigid and reliable as possible;
  • To finish drywall, use wallpaper, tiles, paint or any other finishing material that emphasizes the overall style of the room.

The procedure for constructing a plasterboard structure is completely similar to installing plastic panels. The only difference is the strength of the frame, which must be constructed with a large number of crossbars, since plasterboards are heavier than plastic ones panels.

How to hide pipes in the toilet using blinds or roller shutters?

The use of blinds or roller shutters is interesting because they provide free access to communication systems. But to install them, you will need to build either a false wall, or a plastic box, or a plasterboard structure, which will serve as the basis. In addition to this you will need cut a niche in the structure for installation of blinds or roller shutters.

Also important is the material from which the blinds or roller shutters are made. In most cases, more expensive aluminum systems are used, as it is resistant to moisture and corrosion. In addition, if a motorized system is used, the motor must be in a sealed housing.

Closing the pipes in the toilet - straight and oblique false wall construction

The most radical solution to masking plumbing pipes in a toilet is the construction of a false wall. Moreover, at the final stage, such a structure can be finished with the material that was used during the renovation of the room, giving a finished look to the interior.

To construct such a structure, markings are made on opposite walls. In this case, the distance from the wall along which the communication systems are located should be enough to hide the pipe furthest from it. According to the resulting markup, using dowels and screws, a guide profile is attached, into which jumpers are inserted in increments of 60 cm. After this, sheets of plasterboard, previously cut to the required width, are attached to the resulting structure.

The inclined structure of the false wall is constructed in the same way as its direct counterpart. Its only difference is that one of its edges retreats from the main wall to the distance of the communication pipes, and the other is closely adjacent to it. It is advisable to close the pipes using this design when the communications in the toilet are assembled in a row near the corner. A straight false wall in such a situation steals useful space, of which there is already little in the toilet.

Square box for hiding pipes in the toilet

The construction of such a structure is advantageous when all pipes are concentrated in one bundle. The technology for arranging square boxes is reminiscent of installing a false wall. A square-shaped frame is created from galvanized metal profiles, which surrounds the pipes in the toilet along the perimeter.

Moreover, for the construction of the box it is not necessary to use metal profiles, or you can replace them with wooden blocks, which are pre-treated with moisture-repellent substances. After the frame is formed, plasterboard is sewn onto it, by analogy with a false wall.

At the corners, the structure is protected with metal corners that sit on the putty. Any material used in the interior of the toilet, emphasizing the overall styling, is suitable as a decorative finish.

Using a multi-level box

The assembly of a multi-level structure is similar to the construction of a box. In fact, not one, but several boxes are formed, which are arranged sequentially. But this option is more interesting in terms of the design of the room. Thanks to multi-level boxes, you can build niches that will later be used to place shelves.

Hiding sewer and water pipes from human eyes is a design technique that has gained great popularity among apartment owners. Arranging false walls and boxes, using roller shutters and blinds or other structures that hide communication systems, allows you to transform the space in the toilet, making it unique and attractive, hiding all its shortcomings.

By approaching the issue with imagination and with a little effort, you can make a beautiful decorative column out of an old sewer riser by finishing the pipe with mosaics. The resulting niche from multi-level boxes can be used to build shelves or arrange a cabinet for household chemicals. The main thing is that such a design emphasizes the overall styling of the room, and then the toilet will delight the apartment residents with comfort and coziness.

Repairing a toilet is a task that all owners face sooner or later. One of the components of this task is the camouflage of sewer outlets, because pipes sticking out from all places look quite unpleasant. How to close a sewer pipe in a toilet will be discussed in this article.

When working, it is worth taking into account the features of the bathroom and sewer system. For example, a bathroom can be combined or separate. In the case of a separate toilet, the sewer riser is located in this room, and the appearance of the connected pipes cannot be called aesthetically attractive.

The cast iron structure, installed several decades ago, looks even worse - rust, peeling paint and numerous chips do not allow us to talk about good visual qualities. To avoid these problems, sewer pipes must be closed using one of the methods that will be discussed below.

Selection of materials for masking pipes

In order to reliably hide sewer pipes, it is necessary to skillfully select materials - this will depend on the efficiency and visual qualities of the future design.

The following requirements apply to materials for masking sewer pipes:

  • It is important that the materials used are harmless to human health and do not emit hazardous substances during temperature and atmospheric changes;
  • Pipes can be masked with materials that are highly resistant to corrosion and its consequences;
  • All materials must be compact and light enough so that the final design does not take up much space in an already small room.

Several materials meet these requirements, the most common of which are the following:

  • Plastic;
  • Moisture-resistant plywood;
  • Moisture-resistant drywall.

In the process of selecting materials for hiding pipes, it is advisable to also take into account the interior of the room so that there is no dissonance between the hiding box and other finishing elements.

Marking the masking box

Of course, before closing the pipes in the toilet, you need to know what kind of material will be used for these purposes. The next step is to take measurements in the room to select the design of the box.

For measurements you will need any suitable tool - a tape measure, a level or something similar. When all the dimensions are known, it is worth displaying the room on paper to scale to simplify the layout of the future masking box.

Also, when designing, it is worth considering the need to provide access to valves and meters. The traditional solution to this problem is closing doors or hatches, which are very easily built into the design of the box to hide sewer pipes.

Masking pipes with plastic panels

You can hide the pipes in the toilet using plastic panels, the design of which has many advantages:

  • Simple installation that does not require much time;
  • Light weight, which further simplifies the installation process, and the ability to easily dismantle;
  • Hygiene, which is especially important when used in the bathroom, and moisture resistance, which increases the service life of the structure;
  • Good aesthetic qualities, allowing you to choose the best option that matches the overall style of the interior;
  • Low cost and durability of this material.

Before covering the pipes in the toilet with plastic panels, you need to collect a set of tools and materials necessary to create a masking box:

  • Plastic panels;
  • Profiles required for installing panels;
  • Start profile;
  • Various fastenings (self-tapping screws, screws or dowels);
  • Hammer;
  • Assembly knife;
  • Screwdriver and screwdriver;
  • Roulette and building level.

Plastic panels can be installed according to two schemes:

  1. The wall near which the sewer pipes pass is completely covered with panels. If we cover the pipes in the toilet with plasterboard, then we can achieve a harmonious appearance of the structure, but we will have to pay for it with free space. Read also: "".
  2. The second scheme involves masking the pipes themselves, for which they are covered with a box. This method is much more profitable in terms of material consumption and space saving, but the resulting structure will not look the best.

Closing the pipes in the toilet looks like this:

  • First, markings are created on the walls along which guides will be fixed;
  • The guide profiles are installed according to the markings and provide a perimeter for installing panels;
  • The profiles are fastened to the wall using a hammer drill and dowels located in increments of 30-40 cm;
  • Plastic panels are attached using self-tapping screws to the guides.

Masking pipes with plasterboard

A toilet pipe box made from plasterboard is often the final choice. This is due to the fact that drywall is very well suited for subsequent finishing - it can be painted, wallpaper or tiles can be glued on top of it.

However, there is also a drawback, and it lies in the somewhat greater labor intensity of arranging a plasterboard box. The process itself is very reminiscent of installing a plastic box - first everything is measured, then guides are installed to which panels cut from sheets of plasterboard will be attached.

When covering sewer pipes in a toilet with plasterboard, you should use the following recommendations:

  • When designing a structure, you need to remember the need to create inspection hatches;
  • When screwing in self-tapping screws or other fasteners, you need to act carefully so as not to accidentally touch the pipeline;
  • The masking box should be positioned in such a way that using the toilet is extremely comfortable;
  • To minimize the noise coming from the sewer pipes, you can use soundproofing material when creating the duct.

Alternative options for masking sewer pipes

In addition to the pipeline camouflage methods described in the article, which are the most common, you can arrange a different design. A fairly simple option is a primitive removable box made of plywood sheets - little effort is required, and the final result will be quite digestible and functional.

If you wish, you can use a creative approach that will allow you to hide the pipes so that the whole thing looks like a work of art (read: " "). For example, you can cover a sewer riser with mosaic, the color and texture of which will match the main decoration of the room, thereby emphasizing it.

However, you need to be careful with such decisions - the sewer system must first fulfill its immediate responsibilities, and only then everything else. That is why you should first make sure of the reliability of the system, and only after that think about options for its finishing.


The choice of the optimal solution is always individual and depends on many variables. This article provides information that you can use to properly hide sewer pipes in your toilet.