home · Appliances · How to pickle cucumbers at home - recipes for lightly salted and pickled cucumbers. Pickled crispy cucumbers - simple recipes for preparing for the winter

How to pickle cucumbers at home - recipes for lightly salted and pickled cucumbers. Pickled crispy cucumbers - simple recipes for preparing for the winter

Pickling cucumbers for the winter is not so difficult, but quite troublesome. We need to be well prepared. Buy or collect a good harvest of cucumbers themselves, prepare 3 liter jars, green stuff, spices. And all this should be in fairly large quantities, because you shouldn’t bother with one, two, three liter cans.

As a result, we need to choose a recipe so that the end result is tasty, crispy, pickled cucumbers. Means what? We must approach this issue responsibly, and always in a good mood.

In this article you will learn several secrets that have been used for a long time, they have already been tested. Several good recipes for pickling cucumbers for the winter will also be given.

How to properly pickle cucumbers for the winter with the result - tasty, crispy, pickled cucumbers

Almost everyone loves crispy cucumbers and thinks that achieving such a result is difficult. In fact, everything is even very easy. There are several secrets that will lead you to the desired result. Of course, there are an incredible number of recipes for pickling cucumbers, and this is good, because you can choose the recipe that you like best. And I have already outlined them. But, there can never be too much of a good thing, and therefore, let’s not describe the theory, let’s get down to the practical part.

There are several general rules or, so to speak, secrets that you need to know when preparing cucumbers (and not only them, it will work with any pickles...) If you adhere to these rules, then your work will not be in vain and you will get wonderfully tasty pickles.

So, the classic of the genre is the correct preparation of the product, ingredients and containers.

Pickling cucumbers for the winter - how to choose the right cucumbers

The basis of success is fresh cucumbers. They should be hard with thick skin, small in size, about 15 centimeters, to fit well in a jar and with pimples. It would be ideal, of course, if the cucumbers were homemade, but store-bought ones would also work.

Water for pickling cucumbers - so that the cucumbers are crispy

Pickling cucumbers involves using clean water. The final result will depend on this. It is not recommended to use tap water for brine. Better bottled. But if there is no other way out, then you can simply boil the water and use it.

Important! - be sure to soak the cucumbers on the floor in cold water to strengthen and elasticity.

What herbs and spices should you add to make the cucumbers delicious and finger-licking good?

This of course depends on your preferences. You can add allspice, mustard, horseradish leaves, garlic, bay leaf, etc. All classic herbs and spices will do.

Experimenting with spices is possible. but be careful, things may not go as you plan. It’s better to make basic preparations according to proven recipes, but you can give one or two jars to find a new taste. But don’t forget to sign these banks, let’s say “Surprise!”

In what container should you pickle cucumbers for the winter? Preference - in 3 liter jars

In urban areas, we use banks more often. It is very convenient and practical to use 3 liter jars. Be sure to sterilize jars and lids - boil for 10-15 minutes. Dry.

How to properly prepare the brine so that the cucumbers turn out crispy? Classic recipe for pickling cucumbers for the winter

Proportions of brine for pickling cucumbers - per 1 liter of water:

  • take 2-2.5 tbsp. salt.

This is the best option.

So now the procedure is:

Cucumbers and all the spices that you add must be thoroughly washed, jars and lids sterilized. Arrange cucumbers and spices. Try not to overcrowd the jar. Fill it all with boiled solution. Then all that remains is to “roll up” the jars, turn them upside down and wrap them in a blanket. This way the jars will lie until the morning and you can already send them to your cellar. And in winter you will enjoy the wonderful taste of cucumbers and the pride that you got them so crispy.

Recipes for pickling cucumbers for the winter using cold and hot methods - always crispy and tasty

These two methods are both good in their own way. The first is that this is done very quickly, but during storage it is assumed that the jars of cucumbers will be stored in a cool place, a cellar, a basement.

The second, hot method of salting. Accordingly, in terms of the duration of preparation and the actions, it is more complicated, but on the other hand, such cucumbers can be stored at room temperature and for quite a long time.

So, let's start with the first option, which is simpler.

Cold pickling of crispy cucumbers for the winter in a three-liter jar

Let's prepare everything according to the tips written above.

Ingredients for a 3 liter jar:
  • Fresh cucumbers - 15 -20 pcs. depending on size.
  • Garlic 2-3 heads.
  • Currant leaves, cherry leaves, oak leaves - if possible, all, but if not, at least one type is required, 5 - 6 pieces each.
  • Dill umbrellas - 4 - 5 pcs.
  • Horseradish - leaves or root.
  • Lavrukha - one leaf.
  • Peppercorns, black - 5 - 6 pcs.
  • Salt 2.5 tablespoons.

As you might guess, first we put a little of everything from the greens into the bottom of a three-liter jar. You can cut the garlic in half, peppercorns, throw in half for now - 2 - 3 pieces.

We put the “shells” (that is, cucumbers...) into the jar. First, what is larger, then smaller.

Dissolve salt, 2.5 tablespoons in water, for about a 3-liter jar you will need one and a half liters of water, add too little.

Pour the saline solution into the jar with cucumbers, pour it almost until it stops, you can leave the measuring tape.

Add the remaining pepper, cover the top with a sheet of horseradish, thereby preventing the formation of mold, add water to the very edges.

Place the jar(s) on a plate, cover with a loose lid and leave in this state for three days.

Then add salt solution to the jars, as a little will spill out during the fermentation process.

Finally cover with a nylon lid and take it to a cool place.

All! This pickling of cucumbers for the winter will not leave you without a tasty snack.

How to hot pickle cucumbers for the winter - recipe with vodka (video)

A very interesting way of pickling. I tried to do it myself - I advise you to try it too, it’s worth your time.

I hope you enjoy these recipes for pickling cucumbers for the winter, and you will delight your family with such crispy and tasty cucumbers.

Good luck and all the best!

The time has come for harvesting and preparations. Experienced housewives have more than one secret of delicious preserves in their arsenal. Pickled cucumbers are very popular in almost every family. Not only adults love them, but also children who don’t mind crunching on a delicious cucumber. The “correct” cucumber is hard, crunchy, and aromatic. But the pickles don’t always turn out well, and often the cucumbers become soft and you don’t want to eat them. The secret of the “correct” cucumbers lies in the preservation technology, as well as in the proportion of products that are added to the jar when pickling.

Subtleties that every housewife should know about:

  1. Proper preparation of the jars in which the pickles will be stored plays a very important role in the preparation process. They need to be very well prepared. Wash the soda cans, then sterilize them with steam. Cucumbers and spices should be placed in a cooled bowl. The lids should be boiled for a few minutes.
  2. It is advisable to use filtered water.
  3. To distribute the brine evenly in the jar, place the cucumbers standing.
  4. If you use a winter pickling recipe, but plan to open a jar of cucumbers earlier, add sugar to the brine in a ratio of 1:100 to the total mass of products in the jar.
  5. Use coarse salt, but not iodized salt.
  6. Be sure to place the jars in a warm place, wrapping them in thick cloth, otherwise the cucumbers will disappear.
  7. The secret ingredient of some cooks when pickling cucumbers is oak leaves. They are said to give cucumbers extra crunch.

Firstly, it is most likely to get a crispy cucumber by pickling the fruits of the variety with pimples. Fruits of smooth varieties often become watery.

Secondly, unripe hard fruits without seeds are better suited. You should not choose very large specimens - there will be a lot of free space between them.

Thirdly, it is best to pickle cucumbers that have just been picked from the garden.

Before pickling cucumbers, they must be washed thoroughly (preferably with a soft brush) and soaked in cold water for a while. It is not necessary to cut off the edges of the fruit.

There are two main ways to pickle cucumbers: hot and cold. Ingredients and quantities may vary. To prepare cucumber brine, use mustard, vinegar and vodka. Cucumbers differ very much in taste depending on what spices are used when preserving them, as well as how much salt the housewife used.

Even a novice housewife who has little experience in canning can pickle cucumbers using this method. In this case, the jars do not need to be tightly screwed using a special device and you do not have to boil the water. Vegetables retain their rich green color, and their taste is no worse than that of hot-salted ones. Previously, cucumbers were pickled in large wooden barrels, filling them with well water. Their taste was unique. Now housewives have to be content with ordinary glass jars, but cucumbers also turn out to be extremely tasty. Cold pickled cucumbers are best stored underground or in the refrigerator.

Recipes for cold pickling cucumbers

For pickling, it is better to use small fruits, because they are well salted and have an appetizing crunch. Adding a small amount of vodka to cucumbers will help preserve their green color.

We will need:

  • fresh cucumbers about 10 cm in length – 900 g;
  • dill umbrellas;
  • several currant leaves;
  • garlic.

Canning process:

— prepare the cucumbers by rinsing them well with water;

- Grind currant leaves and dill to give them flavor;

- cut the peeled garlic into slices;

— dissolve 2 tablespoons of salt in 1 liter of water;

- put everything in a flat pan, pour in brine;

— put oppression on top. So the cucumbers should stand for 24 hours at room temperature. Then you can eat the cucumbers.

To ensure that cold-salted cucumbers survive winter safely, add vinegar to the jars.

What ingredients do we need:

  • about 2 kg of cucumbers with pimples;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of coarse (non-iodized) salt;
  • 1 teaspoon 9% vinegar;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • medium bulb;
  • horseradish;
  • spices: 1 bunch of dill, 5 clove inflorescences, currant leaves, 5 allspice peas.


— soak the cucumbers in cold water for an hour;

- put them in jars, having previously placed all the other ingredients on the bottom;

- pour boiling water over the jars for 10 minutes;

- Pour the liquid into a saucepan, adding sugar and salt. Let the brine boil, then cool it;

- pour cold brine into jars, add vinegar to them and roll up the snack (you can close the jars with plastic lids).

Spicy lovers will appreciate cucumbers prepared with the addition of mustard. The fruits should be selected small; before pickling, they should be kept in very cold water so that they are saturated with liquid and become denser.

In addition to pickling cucumbers, we will need:

  • 1 bunch of dill and parsley;
  • 5-6 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 dill umbrella;
  • leaves of currant, cherry, oak or other trees and shrubs (to taste);
  • 250 g rock salt;
  • dry mustard (1 tablespoon per liter of liquid).

How to salt:

- mix 1.5 liters of boiling water and salt;

— put the ingredients into jars while the brine cools;

- cool the brine, pour it into jars. Cover them with plastic lids and let stand for 48 hours;

- after two days, drain the brine and fill the jars with cold boiled water, add dry mustard;

— store jars closed with nylon lids in the refrigerator or cool room.

There are many recipes for canning cucumbers using the hot method. Below is one of them. It does not require the addition of vinegar during the preservation process, but despite this, jars of cucumbers can be stored at room temperature in an ordinary apartment in a dark place.

For a three-liter jar we will need: 2 kg of medium-sized cucumbers, 1.5 heads of garlic, 1 medium-sized horseradish root, ingredients to taste: hot pepper, horseradish leaves, dill umbrellas, cherry and black currant leaves, 1.5 level tablespoons of salt.

Salting process:

prepare the cucumbers: wash, cut off the ends, place the cucumbers in a container with cold water so that they are completely covered with it. Keep the cucumbers in water for about 3 hours;

prepare jars and lids;

prepare the remaining products: wash, cut the horseradish leaves into smaller pieces, cut the horseradish root into pieces, hot pepper into rings, peel the garlic;

put hot peppers, shrub leaves, half of all dill, horseradish leaves, garlic at the bottom of the jar;

lay the cucumbers vertically (the top layer can be laid horizontally), trying to fill the jar as much as possible;

place the remaining ingredients on top;

Dissolve the salt in water at room temperature and pour the liquid into jars. Cover the jars with lids and leave them for 24 hours. It may take more time (up to two days). The smaller the cucumbers and the higher the air temperature in the room, the faster the fermentation process will occur;

After the jars have “settled”, drain the brine from them into a large saucepan, add clean cold water to it at the rate of 0.5 cups per 1 liter of liquid. Bring the brine to a boil and pour into jars;

We screw the lids on the containers and turn them over. We leave them alone for 11 hours, after which we send them to be stored in a dark place.

There are a great many recipes for pickling cucumbers for the winter. They can be eaten as a separate dish or as part of other dishes (soups, salads). In any case, cucumbers will always find a place on the table of any family, be it a holiday meal or a regular family dinner.

Young cucumbers straight from the garden, small ones with pimples, are loved by many. At least at the very beginning of the summer season. Then there are more and more cucumbers, their prices fall, and gardeners do not know what to do with so many green vegetables. When you are tired of eating fresh cucumbers in salads just like that or in any other interpretation, pickling cucumbers for the winter will help. Crispy cucumbers can be easily and quickly prepared at home.

It’s worth mentioning right away that this section of our culinary portal contains two options for preparing cucumbers. The first option is pickling as it is, in a bag or in a jar, but to eat in the summer. That is, such cucumbers are often called “lightly salted” in our country. Another option for pickling is used to prepare preserves for the winter. It will be easy to filter out those recipes that you currently need: you need to filter everything by search.

How to prepare crispy pickled cucumbers in jars for the winter? As you might guess, there are a lot of recipes. Some housewives have their mother or grandmother’s cookbook in their hands; one or more family recipes for pickling cucumbers will certainly be written there. Other housewives start their cookbook with a clean face and want to find something new, a special recipe that will become their signature recipe in the future.

In both the first and second cases, you should definitely look at our website. In the first version, new recipes diversify the already familiar rolls. Believe me, winter canning is now experiencing a second wave of its popularity and, of course, new recipes appear all year round, which means our website is also updated.

If you ask yourself in time how to roll up pickles in jars for the winter and find a suitable recipe for this (and maybe even more than one recipe), then in winter there will always be something salty and tasty on the table, made with your own hands, but also reminiscent of summer. Pay attention to the large number of recipes for making pickled cucumbers for the winter. At first glance it may seem that they are very similar. But in fact, each recipe will have its own subtleties and nuances, additional ingredients.


Cucumber slices with garlic for the winter

Ingredients: cucumber, garlic, dill, sugar, vinegar, pepper, salt

Every year I make this delicious preparation from cucumbers for the winter. The recipe is very simple, I described it to you in detail.


- half a kilo of cucumbers,
- a head of garlic,
- 6 sprigs of dill,
- 1 tbsp. Sahara,
- 1 tsp. salt,
- 2 tbsp. vinegar,
- peppercorns.


Sliced ​​cucumbers with mustard

Ingredients: cucumber, mustard, salt, dill, horseradish leaf, garlic, pepper

Today I will tell you how to cook delicious sliced ​​cucumbers with mustard in just 15 minutes. The recipe is very simple and quick.


- 2 kg. cucumbers,
- 1 tbsp. mustard powder,
- 2 tbsp. salt,
- dill umbrella,
- horseradish leaf and root,
- currant, oak and cherry leaves,
- a head of garlic,
- a third of chili pepper.


Pickled cucumbers with red currants

Ingredients: tarragon, parsley, garlic, cloves, cucumber, red currants, salt, sugar, vinegar

Using this recipe, I suggest you prepare very tasty pickled cucumbers with red currants. The recipe is very simple, the cucumbers turn out tasty and crispy.


- 3 sprigs of tarragon,
- 2 sprigs of parsley,
- clove of garlic,
- 5 buds of cloves,
- 5-6 cucumbers,
- half a glass of red currants,
- 1 tsp. salt,
- one and a half tsp. Sahara,
- 25 ml. vinegar.


Lightly salted cucumbers in a jar in cold water

Ingredients: cucumber, salt, water, pepper, bay, greens

Lightly salted cucumbers can be cooked in cold water. The recipe is very simple and quite quick.


- 1-1.5 kg. cucumbers;
- 45 grams of salt;
- 2.2 liters of water;
- pepper;
- coriander;
- cumin;
- Bay leaf;
- greenery.


How to salt cucumbers for the winter

Ingredients: cucumber, garlic, dill, seasoning, salt, water

If you want to deliciously pickle cucumbers for the winter, use my simple recipe for the most delicious crispy cucumbers.


- 10 kg. cucumbers;
- 65 grams of garlic;
- 150 grams of dill umbrellas;
- fennel;
- Bay leaf;
- 55-65 grams of salt;
- 1 liter of water.


How to pickle cucumbers for the winter in jars with vinegar

Ingredients: cucumber, salt, sugar, vinegar, bay, seasoning, water, garlic

I suggest you prepare very tasty cucumbers in jars with vinegar for the winter. I have described the cooking recipe in detail for you.


- 600-700 grams of cucumbers;
- 10 grams of salt;
- 25 grams of sugar;
- 30 ml. apple cider vinegar;
- 2 bay leaves;
- 1 tsp. fennel;
- 1 tsp. caraway;
- coriander;
- garlic;
- currant or oak leaves;
- water.


Pickled cucumbers for the winter

Ingredients: cucumbers, garlic, salt, sugar, vinegar, dill, water

By the beginning of autumn, many housewives can boast of a wide variety of pickles. Penetrating into the holy of holies of the cold monastery, you admire with pleasure the even rows of green, red, orange cylinders with blanks. We invite you to replenish your shelves with another successful cucumber twist.

Products for the recipe:
- cucumbers - 1 kg,
- garlic - 2 teeth,
- salt - 1.5 tbsp. l.,
- sugar - 3 tbsp. l.,
- vinegar 9% - 3 tbsp. l.,
- 3 sprigs of fresh dill,
- water - 1 liter.


Crispy pickled cucumbers

Ingredients: cucumber, dill, carrots, onion, vinegar, water, sugar, salt, pepper, spice

Today we will prepare the most delicious crispy pickled cucumbers. The recipe for this preparation is very simple and quick.


- cucumbers,
- 1-2 branches of dill,
- 1 carrot,
- half an onion,
- 1 tsp. vinegar essence,
- 500 ml. water,
- 1 tbsp. Sahara,
- half tbsp. salt,
- 2-3 pcs. black peppercorns,
- spices to taste.


Cucumbers and tomatoes, canned in a 3-liter jar

Ingredients: cucumber, tomato, garlic, pepper, dill, horseradish, currant leaf, water, salt, sugar, vinegar

Tomatoes and cucumbers canned together for the winter, assorted, are prepared quite simply, and are eaten first in cold weather. That is why many housewives close them in 3 liter jars, knowing for sure that everything will go away.
for 1 jar of 3 liters:

- cucumbers - 1.3 kg;
- tomatoes - 0.6-0.7 kg;
- garlic - 6-8 cloves;
- red hot pepper - 1/3 pod;
- dill - 2-3 umbrellas;
- horseradish - 0.5 sheets;
- black currant leaf - 2 pcs;
- cherry leaf - 2 pcs.

- water - 1.3 l;
- salt - 80 g;
- sugar - 60 g;
- vinegar essence - 20 ml.


Cucumbers in tomato paste for the winter

Ingredients: water, sugar, tomato paste, vinegar, salt, cucumber, bay, pepper, spice

I recently learned how to preserve cucumbers in tomato paste. My experiment turned out to be very successful. I have described the recipe for preparing a delicious winter preparation in detail for you.


- 500 ml. water;
- 70 grams of sugar;
- 80 grams of tomato paste;
- 60 ml. vinegar;
- half tbsp. salt;
- 300 grams of cucumbers;
- 1 bay leaf;
- 1 tsp. peppercorns;
- a pinch of spices for Korean salad.


Pickled cucumbers for winter storage in the apartment

Ingredients: cucumber, garlic, bay, cherry leaf, seasoning, sugar, vinegar, water

If you live in an apartment, then to prepare cucumbers for the winter you will need a special preparation recipe. Today I will describe it to you. The cucumbers turn out very tasty.


- 500 grams of cucumbers;
- 2 cloves of garlic;
- 2 bay leaves;
- leaves of cherry, oak, currant, horseradish;
- coriander, black pepper, rosemary, cloves;
- 7 grams of salt;
- 15 grams of sugar;
- 12 ml. vinegar;
- water.


Pickled cucumbers for the winter

Ingredients: cucumber, pepper, garlic, currants, horseradish, water, dill, bay, salt

Do you prepare pickled cucumbers for the winter? Sharp, crispy, they will be very useful in the cold - both as a snack and as an ingredient for many dishes. Pickling cucumbers in jars is quite simple and relatively quick.
- 750 grams of small prickly cucumbers;
- 2 pieces of chili pepper;
- 2 cloves of garlic;
- 30 grams of red currants;
- 1 horseradish leaf;
- 350 ml filtered water;
- dill;
- Bay leaf;
- 20 grams of rock salt.


Pickled cucumbers for the winter with red currants

Ingredients: cucumber, red currant, currant leaf, bay, water, sugar, salt, vinegar, cloves, pepper, cloves

For the winter, pickled cucumbers are often packed together with some vegetables - tomatoes, zucchini... But they also turn out very tasty and crunchy with red currants. Try this preservation, it will definitely not disappoint you!
- 1 kg of cucumbers;
- 100 grams of red currants;
- 3 currant leaves;
- 2 dill umbrellas;
- 2 bay leaves.

For the marinade:
- 800 ml water;
- 100 grams of sugar;
- 45 grams of salt;
- 35 ml vinegar;
- carnation;
- black pepper.


Classic lightly salted cucumbers

Ingredients: cucumber, water, salt, onion, garlic, horseradish leaf, min, pepper, bay

There are many different ways to prepare lightly salted cucumbers, but the most popular was, is and will be the classic recipe for their preparation. Properly selected ingredients in the right quantities provide the excellent taste of traditional lightly salted cucumbers.
- 1 kg of prickly cucumbers;
- 1 liter of water;
- 55 grams of salt;
- 2-3 pieces of small onions;
- 3 cloves of garlic;
- horseradish leaves;
- currant leaves;
- dill umbrellas;
- cumin;
- black pepper;
- Bay leaf.


Pickled cucumbers for the winter without vinegar

Ingredients: cucumbers, dill, cherry leaf, garlic, horseradish leaves, capsicum, horseradish root, water, salt

Delicious pickles are not only obtained in barrels. You can pickle them for the winter in jars, also without vinegar. If you love crispy pickles, then you can safely use this recipe, it will not let you down!
- 5 kg of cucumbers;
- 1 bunch of umbrellas and dill stems;
- 2 handfuls of cherry leaves;
- 3 heads of garlic;
- 3-4 leaves of horseradish;
- 2 capsicums;
- 5-6 cm of horseradish root.

For the brine:

- 5 liters of water - approximately;
- 60 grams per 1 liter of water.

“Shall we make cucumbers for the winter? Salted or pickled? Both? Of course we will"! This is the question and the answer received that probably sounds in every family. And most likely after this dialogue, preparations for the process itself begin. We rattle cans, taking them out of the “bins”, we carry cucumbers in bags or buckets, some from the garden beds, some from the store, we run at the last moment for salt, and so on…. overall fun!

For those who are just heading out of town to open the summer season, it may seem premature to talk about upcoming preparations for the winter. And yet, advice on how to make the future harvest happy in the cold winter will be useful.

And I don’t think it’s worth even talking about how and what to eat with and what to cook with pickled or pickled cucumbers. What is it worth? It’s not like without them! And without our cucumbers? In general, we are not lazy, we make preparations for the whole winter so that there is enough for everything.

Cucumbers for the winter - how to salt cucumbers in jars correctly and tasty

A simple and proven recipe for pickling cucumbers for the winter - right in jars. This method of pickling is also useful for city residents who do not have areas for growing vegetables or special places for storing preparations.

What you need to prepare for pickling cucumbers for the winter

We start with choosing cucumbers. We will not go into a description of the different types; the general rule is not to pickle early varieties, long varieties, greenhouse varieties, and generally store-bought cucumbers.

If you don’t have your own beds, you can buy it at the market from small traders who sell their harvest. The cucumbers should be fresh, picked no more than two days ago, medium-sized, not pot-bellied, strong and whole. You need to prepare these cucumbers on the basis that it will take about five kg for 3 three-liter glass jars. vegetables

Along with the cucumbers, prepare or buy for pickling horseradish leaves, currant and cherry leaves, dill stems, bay leaves, peppercorns, garlic, mustard powder, and coarse salt.

You will also need three-liter glass jars, metal lids and a machine for rolling them. For those who are embarking on the fascinating process of pickling cucumbers for the first time, you need to keep in mind that it will take approximately six hours of time. And voila - cucumbers will be present in your diet for the winter!

Let's begin the process of preparing cucumbers for the winter

Place the cucumbers in a large saucepan, preferably in a basin, remove any that are not whole or rotten, and fill with cold water so that the cucumbers float. We keep them in water for about five to six hours.

While they are sour, prepare the spices for pickling. We wash the leaves and dill, scald with hot water and leave in a sieve to drain.

It is not necessary to sterilize the jars; just wash them well with warm water and baking soda. After washing, scald each jar with hot water and leave to dry upside down on a towel. Also wash the metal lids with hot water and baking soda.

Cucumbers for the winter - the next step

After these five to six hours, remove the cucumbers from the basin and rinse well with water. We peel the garlic, no need to cut the cloves. Next, put the garlic in the container, all the cooked leaves, black peppercorns, maybe add a piece of hot pepper for spiciness.

Then we place the cucumbers vertically in the jars as densely as possible, starting with the larger ones. If there are leaves or dill left, you can put it on top.

Preparing brine for pickled cucumbers

Add two tablespoons of coarse salt to one liter of water.

Keep in mind that a three-liter jar will contain approximately two liters of ready-made brine, this will depend on the density of the vegetables in the jar. That is, in order to fill three such jars with brine, boil six liters of water and add twelve large spoons of salt.

Slowly fill the jars to the top with boiling brine and simply cover them with metal lids.

Now, we need to forget about these jars of cucumbers and leave them to sour for three days at room temperature. The brine will become cloudy and a little foam may appear - this is normal. Therefore, immediately place the containers on a towel or film so as not to stain the table.

We finally roll up cucumbers for the winter with mustard powder

After three days, remove the lids from the jars, rinse them with soda and boil for 2-3 minutes. We take a large saucepan, preferably 6-7 liters, and carefully pour the brine from the jars into it, holding the cucumbers and leaves in the jars.

In each jar, pour one tablespoon of mustard powder on top of the cucumbers.

Boil the cloudy brine in which the cucumbers were fermented again and again pour it into the jars of cucumbers. Fill the brine to the top, even to the convex meniscus, immediately close the lid and roll up.

Then we prepare a place for the cans where they will cool. Somewhere not on the aisle we put an old blanket, bedspread, etc. on the floor, put the cans on it upside down so that the lids are at the bottom, and wrap it on all sides with a blanket. In this position, the jars should cool down.

Once they have cooled down, after about a day or two, we open the blanket and put the jars away for storage in a convenient place - a pantry, a table, a closet.

It is important that there is no battery nearby. No need to put it in the refrigerator. You can take it to a warm basement, but not to the balcony. They may freeze in the cold.

The jars can be stored this way for up to two years. The cucumbers in them will finally be salted in 2-3 months. If you notice that the lid on the jar is swollen, then simply open it, pour the brine into the pan, boil it and roll it back with a new metal lid and cool it upside down under a blanket. The cucumbers will continue to stand normally.

That's all the wisdom. These cucumbers are suitable for salads, for preparing first and second courses, and as a snack. Having opened a jar of aromatic cucumbers in winter, you will not regret the time spent in summer.

Pickled and sour cucumbers: grandma’s recipe without sterilization

Cucumbers can be prepared for future use by pickling them directly in jars, avoiding the use of vinegar and sterilization. If you do this at the end of summer - beginning of autumn, then the pickled crispy cucumbers will not acquire a sour taste over time and will continue to crunch until spring. And, you see, a natural product that has not undergone heat treatment is much healthier for the body than one that has undergone hot pickling.

The best proof of this is the good health of people who lived in former times, when vinegar was not used in preparing foods for long-term storage - fermentation in tubs and barrels.

Try pickling cucumbers for the winter using the method that has been used in my family for several generations - you will definitely like it:

Let's prepare the ingredients:

After thoroughly washing the small cucumbers, immediately cover them with water. If it is not possible to take well water, then bottled water will do - the main thing is that it is clean. Salts - based on one liter of water, 2.5 level tablespoons, 5 small cloves of garlic, part of horseradish root. Also put its leaves along with cherry and currant leaves. You can add, if you like, tarragon, celery, regan (basil).

The workpiece itself:

Wash the jars with hot water and baking soda, scald with boiling water. Turn over onto a clean towel and let the water drain. Then we put herbs and spices on the bottom of the jar and pack the cucumbers tightly. Fill with brine to the top! Place a leaf of horseradish under the lid. Cover with nylon lids and place in a cool place.

That's all! Bon appetit!

I’m sure that next year you will want to prepare just such cucumbers for the winter!

Pickled cucumbers in tomato sauce for the winter

Everyone loves deliciously prepared food. And without vegetables it is impossible to do this. After all, vegetables not only make our table more beautiful, but also improve the taste of dishes. Now, at any time of the year, every supermarket is full of fruits and vegetables, but in winter, and not only, you want something special, piquant.

Here's a recipe that's simply killer - winter cucumbers in tomato sauce (sounds interesting, right?).

When marinating, two general rules must be followed:

1) For cucumbers to be tasty, you need to choose fruits that are small in size; they are dense and have a delicate skin.

2) Before marinating, soak the fruits in soft water for eight hours to make them crispy.

List of ingredients:

  • Eight kg of small cucumber fruits;
  • six large sweet peppers;
  • a couple of hot chili peppers;
  • four liters of tomato juice;
  • twelve pieces of peppercorns;
  • five large heads of garlic;
  • salt and sugar

The process of pickling cucumbers

Wash the cucumbers thoroughly and put them in jars. Add a piece of hot pepper to them and fill with boiling water.

Peel the sweet pepper and garlic, then grind everything until smooth. Pour the resulting mass into tomato juice, add salt and sugar to taste. Heat it on the stove, remembering to stir it constantly. Boil for at least 15 minutes.

For a liter jar, we use approximately 20 grams of salt and 30 grams of sugar.

Next, all the water is poured out of the jars of cucumbers. Now pour the prepared sauce over the cucumbers and add a peppercorn to each. Cover the top with sterile lids and set to boil (water bath) at the rate of three-liter for 30 minutes, liter for 20 and half-liter for 10 minutes.

Then we roll everything up tightly and turn it over, placing it on the lid. Once completely cooled, leave in a cool, dry place to store.

As a result, we get very tasty, crispy pickled cucumbers and an excellent sauce.

Sweet pickled cucumbers

If you and your family love pickled cucumbers, this wonderful recipe will suit you. They are very easy to prepare and will take no more than an hour. I advise you to try this recipe too. But, of course, you need to cook it first.

For one kilogram of cucumbers you will need:

  • Salt - two tbsp. spoons;
  • two inflorescences of dill;
  • garlic - one clove;
  • four cherry leaves;
  • allspice - 3 pcs;
  • water - liter;
  • vinegar 9% - one tbsp. spoon;
  • sugar - two tbsp. spoons.

How to cook:

Wash the cucumbers and cut off the ends. Next, prepare the jars, add pepper, dill, cherry leaves and garlic. Fill the jar to the top with cucumbers. Boil one liter of water with sugar and salt in a saucepan, pour the resulting marinade into our cucumbers, wait ten minutes.

Korean cucumbers

I cannot guarantee, dear reader, that the proposed recipe for the appetizer “Korean-style cucumbers” is a real one, or, as they say in the culinary community, a classic cucumber recipe. The same goes for the fact that Korean-style cucumbers are prepared in Korea itself according to this recipe.

It was selected among the many options existing on the network as the most suitable for our conditions. Plus, according to this recipe, the Korean cucumber appetizer itself was already prepared, which everyone liked both in taste and appearance.

I couldn’t resist offering this recipe, although it doesn’t quite fit into the topic of preparing cucumbers for the winter. But don't judge strictly, just consider it a bonus. Why make a separate article on one recipe (since the topic about cucumbers came up, let’s finish it..).

So, the recipe is in the studio!

Korean cucumbers - set of products

  • As many as a thousand grams of cucumbers (that is, a kilogram...);
  • two hundred fifty g. beef
  • one sweet pepper
  • three cloves of garlic
  • one hundred ml. oils
  • bulb
  • coriander
  • red pepper
  • sesame
  • ground pepper
  • soy sauce, sugar, vinegar, cilantro, salt

Korean cucumbers - preparation:

2). Cut the beef into strips, finely chop the onion, and cut the prepared sweet pepper into strips.

3). Heat the oil, add the beef strips, stir for a few minutes, and fry. After the meat strips have browned, add the onion and cook until translucent. Next, add the pepper strips and continue cooking for two minutes. After removing from heat, add red pepper and chopped garlic.

4). Drain the juice completely from the cucumber slices, add them to the fried beef strips, then sprinkle with sugar, then ground pepper, coriander, sesame seeds, chopped cilantro, pour in vinegar, soy sauce, mix.

5). Remove the Korean-style cucumbers for two hours in the cold. Serve cold.

It's very tasty, believe me, it's worth making.

Cucumbers for the winter - salted and pickled - delicious

These are the “brilliant” recipes I put down on paper today. I hope that the cucumbers prepared for the winter according to these recipes will turn out tasty, crispy and healthy. Cheers!

We must remember that in order to maintain the level of our own health, everyone needs

Crispy pickled cucumber in winter is a godsend. It preserves many vitamins. It was sealed without adding vinegar. You open a jar that also contains garlic, dill and other spices, and you get pleasure. Moreover, despite the absence of any acids, they are stored perfectly - either in the refrigerator, or in the basement, or simply on a shelf in the pantry.

Lightly salted and medium-salted cucumbers can be prepared both in the summer and in any other season, since they are on sale all year round. Properly prepared, they can become the basis of various dishes. - starting with salads, ending with...

How to make lightly salted cucumbers quickly and tasty?

If you are tired of fresh cucumber, lightly salted cucumber is an excellent alternative. It’s just important to remember that the fruits should be tight and in no case soft, otherwise such cucumbers won’t turn out crispy. Soak a kilogram of cucumbers in cold water. Let's wash them and trim the stalks. Let's leave it in the water.

Step 1. Soak the cucumbers in cold water

Let's take care of the brine and spices ourselves. Dissolve 2-1.5 tbsp in 3-4 glasses of water. salt. We chop the greens (including black currant leaves, cherries, horseradish, parsley, celery, dill, etc.), garlic, horseradish, hot pepper to taste and, placing them on the bottom of the bottle, fill it with cucumbers, sprinkling with your favorite spices. Pour in brine and leave to sour for a few days. Then we store it in the refrigerator or basement.

Step 2. Place spices, cucumbers in a jar and fill with rosemary

There are other recipes for lightly salted cucumbers. So, you can make them with apples (in addition to herbs, garlic, spices, etc., you can add a couple of green apples cut into 4 parts per kilogram of cucumbers). If you fill it all with hot brine, then the sample can be taken after 10 hours. Cucumbers prepared with the addition of lime juice have an original taste (4 pieces per one and a half kilograms of fruit). This beauty, cooked in brine from 3.5 tbsp. l salt and 1 tsp. sugar per liter of water, can be tasted in just half an hour. An excellent recipe for lightly salted cucumbers using young zucchini - kilogram per kilogram. You can add mint leaves, hot pepper pods, etc. to the brine.

Step 3. For the second jar, use the recipe with lime juice.

Making medium salted cucumbers at home

It's very nice to have cucumbers for dinner while it's cooking. You need to take cucumbers and cut them into 4 pieces lengthwise. Chop all kinds of greens, add bay leaves, hot pepper to taste and sprinkle with salt and sugar (determine the proportion according to your taste preferences). Place it all in a jar or plastic bag, mix thoroughly, shaking the cucumbers for a long time. It will be ready in half an hour.

Step 1. Quick recipe - salted in 30 minutes

Medium-salted cucumbers can be prepared for the winter and consumed immediately, after a short time. It is important to choose the salting method. Either this will be done directly in the bottle, or in a separate container. One way or another, cucumbers pickled in this way can be screwed on with lids or covered with plastic lids. You need to add two tablespoons of salt per liter of water. Cucumbers can be fermented whole or chopped. We top them with garlic, pepper, spices, herbs, bay leaves, etc. Fill them with brine and keep them in a warm place for several days. After which you need to put it in a cool place.

Step 2. For medium salting, wait a few days

Recipe for crispy pickles for the winter

Everyone will like the pickled cucumber prepared according to this recipe. Firstly, everything is simple in terms of cooking. Secondly, in winter, cucumbers will crunch as if they had just been picked from the garden.

Ingredients for preparing canned cucumbers for the winter

  • Cucumbers – 4 kg.
  • Salt - 1.5 tbsp. spoons per liter of water
  • Horseradish leaf or root - 3-5 pcs.
  • Black currant leaf – 6-10 pcs.
  • Cherry leaf – 5-10 pcs.
  • Walnut or oak leaf - 10 pcs.
  • Dill - bunch
  • Celery – 1 pod or half a root
  • Garlic – 2 heads
  • Grape leaf – 20 pcs.
  • Chili – 1 pc.

How to pickle cucumbers for the winter correctly - step-by-step pickling recipe with photos

We will wash all the products. We choose cucumbers that are tight and have pimples. If they are not just from the garden, then we’ll leave them in cold water longer. Leaves and twigs, if large, will be cut with scissors. But it’s better to put everything in one piece. The horseradish root needs to be chopped, and the leaves need to be chopped into smaller pieces. Dill is usually placed directly in bushes, but you can also cut it.

Step 1. Prepare the spices

When the cucumbers have already stood in the water, salt it and rinse the fruits again. We choose a vessel in which the cucumbers will be pickled. Place a layer of chopped mixture on the bottom and place a layer of cucumbers. And in this way we shift until we lay out the fruits and spices. Mix salt with water and pour it over the cucumbers. This number of cucumbers will require about 5 liters of brine. Cover everything on top with washed grape leaves.

Step 2. Cover the cucumbers with grape leaves on top.

It is important to place some kind of weight on top of the vessel. If not, then a three-liter jar full of water, placed on something flat, will do. In a warm place, salt the cucumbers for 5 days (if it’s cool, and 2-3 if it’s warm). Don't worry if you see a white coating on the water, this is lactic acid bacteria. The cucumbers will be ready to eat even after 3 days. But if you want to prepare them for the winter, then salt the brine, rinse all the contents (except the greens) and the jars with boiling water (sterilize the jars and lids), and then fill them with boiled brine (you can do this twice) and roll up the lids. We keep them upside down under the blanket, and then we put them on the shelves. It's okay if the brine becomes cloudy. Then all this will fall into sediment. And in winter, delicious crispy pickles await you.