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What is the name of George Clooney's wife? Pregnant wife kicks out George Clooney. George Clooney's daughter Ella Clooney

On June 6, the wife of 56-year-old famous Hollywood actor George Clooney, Amal, gave her beloved husband twins. Representatives of the couple officially confirmed the news, noting that Amal gave birth to a son and daughter, who were named Alexander and Ella.

The names were not chosen by chance: “Ella” is a shortened version of the names “Eleanor” and “Ellen”. It has a beautiful meaning - “wonderful fairy” and “light”. "Alexander" means "protector" in Greek.

US sociologists note that these names are among the most popular among Americans: Alexander is in 11th place as the most common names, and Ella is in 17th place.

Let's remember how the relationship of one of the most beautiful couples in Hollywood developed.

It's no secret that George Clooney was a former bachelor, but Amal was able to melt the cold in his heart. The actor admits that from the first minute he saw the beautiful lawyer, he realized that he wanted to be only with her.

They first met at Clooney's house on Lake Como: Amal appeared as a guest with a friend of the actor, who was invited to the event. After some time, George wrote and called Alamuddin non-stop for several months.

Clooney was so much in love with the brunette beauty that he proposed marriage to her after six months of dating.

As the actor admits, he thought through this moment, full of romance, to the smallest detail, but in reality it was not without a bit of humor:

“It was one of those scary moments... I thought of everything, I had the ring, the music was playing, my Aunt Rosemary was singing the song Why Shouldn't I. Everything was planned... It took about 25 minutes, and in the end I just said, ‘Look, I hope you say yes, but I need an answer now because I’m 52 and I’m about to dislocate my hip.’ And she said yes, it worked great.”

Before her relationship with the Hollywood actor, Amal was not such a media person, but at the same time she is a sought-after legal professional. She defended Julian Assange, Yulia Tymoshenko, Mohamed Nasheed and other famous political and public figures. And in 2015, Amal became the second most influential woman in the Arab world according to the ranking of Arabian Business Magazine.

In 2014, the couple got married in Venice. And this year, society learned that the star couple was expecting a new addition, although the media persistently circulated rumors about a possible imminent divorce of the family, since George did not want to have children, but his wife dreamed of becoming a mother, and for a long time could not get pregnant. Clooney was against modern reproductive technologies and did not want to adopt a child. He claimed that he needed a woman who could be happy without children. However, fortunately George and Amal managed to save their family and became the parents of charming twins for the first time!


Rumor has it that in some creative circles George Clooney is considered almost a god. I wonder if his personal life is so divine? By the way, this actor was married only once in his life. After this marriage, it seems that now only a selk can drag him down the aisle. George Clooney's first wife was actress Talia Balsam. Their marriage lasted about three years from 1989-1992 and ended in divorce.

In this photo, George Clooney's wife is Talia Balsam.

In this photo, George Clooney's ex-wife - Talia Balsam

After the divorce, George Clooney publicly said that he would never marry again. And his plans have not been broken to this day. And this actor is rumored to be the sexiest man. Apparently, to maintain this reputation, George Clooney often finds himself with a new girlfriend. List of women with whom George Clooney posed for the cameras, as with his potential future wives, for a very long time. Here are some of them.

In this photo, George Clooney and Lisa Snowdon. According to some sources, George Clooney dated this British model for almost five years.

In this photo, George Clooney and Sarah Larson. Their relationship lasted only a year.

In this photo, George Clooney and Elisabetta Canalis. Their relationship lasted barely a year.

In this photo, George Clooney and Stacy Keibler. Their relationship was also limited to a short period of time.

In this photo, George Clooney and Krista Allen. Our actor hung out with this model for six whole years.

In this photo, George Clooney and Renee Zellweger. Their relationship lasted a short time. There are also rumors that George Clooney dated Cindy Crawford. But apart from rare photos, there is nothing to prove their connection.

In this photo, George Clooney and Celine Balitran. According to some sources, their couple lasted three years.

in this photo, George Clooney and Kelly Preston, their relationship lasted only a couple of years, after which George Clooney got married for a short time.

This is the many-sided wife of George Clooney. I would like to note that, given the busy shooting schedule of the year, Clooney’s short-lived public affairs with models were most likely for show... they say, look, they “give me” the best models... Similar show-off in the West widespread. The fact is that many mass media publications are ready to pay millions of dollars to famous actors who pose with new passions or lovers in front of the cameras and tell something new about their lives.
In conclusion, I would like to add that in Las Vegas, in the wax museum, there is a special dress of George Clooney’s wife, in which any of the fans can pose against the background of a wax figure of the actor himself.

It looks something like this....in the photo is the wife of George Clooney - wax...

In two thousand and fourteen, the celebrity finally decided to become married again and got married to Amal Alamuddin

George was born to former beauty queen Nina Bruce and journalist Nick Clooney. His family moved frequently, so Clooney first attended Blessed Sacrament School in Fort Mitchell, Kentucky, then went to St. Michael's in Columbus and St. Susanna in Mason, Ohio, and finally attended Augusta High School in Augusta, Kentucky.

In 1979 he entered Northern Kentucky University, but two years later he dropped out and entered the University of Cincinnati, from which he also did not graduate. At that time, Clooney decided to move to Los Angeles to begin his acting career.

At first, the aspiring actor had no luck with roles. He made his debut in an episode of Murder, She Wrote in 1984. Then he starred in small roles in the films “Return to Horror School”, “Harvest” and others.

The actor got his first serious role in 1994: it was then that he began acting in the popular TV series “Emergency.” The role of Dr. Doug Ross brought George Clooney his first fame and new film offers. The actor starred in the series until 1999. For this role he received three Golden Globe nominations.

In 1996 he starred in the film From Dusk Till Dawn. This was followed by roles in such films as “One Fine Day”, “The Peacemaker”, “Batman and Robin”, “Out of Sight” and others.

In 2001, George Clooney received the first Golden Globe of his career for his role in the film O Brother, Where Art Thou? In subsequent years, he starred in the films Ocean's Eleven and its two sequels: Ocean's Twelve and Ocean's Thirteen.

In 2002, he made his directorial debut with the film Confessions of a Dangerous Man. In subsequent years, as a director, he directed the films “Good Night and Good Luck” (2005), “Love Beyond the Rules” (2008), “Ides of March” (2011), “Treasure Hunters” (2014), “Suburbicon” (2017) .

In 2006, he won an Oscar in the category “Best Supporting Actor” for the film “Syriana”.

In subsequent years, he starred in such films as “Michael Clayton”, “Burn After Reading”, “Up in the Air”, “Descendants” and many others.

Hobbies : Charity, music

Personal life : In 1989, he married actress Talia Balsam. Their marriage lasted four years, and in 1993 the couple divorced.

Later he met with actresses Renee Zellweger, Kelly Preston, Julia Roberts, and model Cindy Crawford.

From 2009 to 2011 he dated model Elisabeth Canalis. Then, for several years, he was in a relationship with actress Stacy Keibler. The couple broke up in July 2013.

Clooney met his future wife, lawyer Amal Alamuddin, in Venice. Their romance began in October 2013, and a year later - on September 27, 2014 - the lovers got married. On June 6, 2017, the couple became parents for the first time: they had a daughter, Ella, and a son, Alexander.

Scandals\interesting facts\charity

During his school years, he suffered from Bell's palsy, a genetic disease passed on to the actor from his father. For about a year, George had half his face paralyzed and his left eye was closed.

George Clooney devotes a lot of time to charity. Thus, he was one of the organizers of a telethon that collected donations for victims of the earthquake in Haiti in 2010. In addition, he is an active supporter of recognition of the Armenian genocide. The actor is one of the founders of the awardAurora, which is given to those who work to prevent genocide.

For many years, a hog named Max lived in the actor’s house. Clooney's pet died at the age of 18 in 2006.

Quotes :

The main thing I learned from my mother was the ability to be versatile. She was a beauty queen and had her own TV show. But for my birthday, I bought myself a circular saw and repaired the roof in our house myself. And more importantly, she taught me to be realistic and survive in difficult situations

I've been competing with myself all my life. For me it is like a drug for others. The most beautiful and amazing thing is that when I make films, I am never bored. It seems to me that if I suddenly stop, I really won’t be able to find anything else to do. I can’t imagine what I would fill my life with

Actually, in life I am a very modest guy, this, one might say, is my Achilles heel. Since childhood, I have been aware that it is very difficult to achieve any real heights in Hollywood. There are so many great actors who have not succeeded and will not succeed, no matter how hard they try!

This harmony was destroyed by a British woman with Libyan roots, Amal Alamuddin. The 36-year-old beauty, a world-class legal professional, initially did not accept the advances of the actor, known for his superficial relationships with women. Amal Alamuddin embodies the true ideal of an independent business woman. She graduated from Oxford, advised members of the UN and even defended Yulia Tymoshenko and WikiLeaks creator Julian Assange in court.

George and Amal were introduced by mutual friends in Italy at a charity fair in September 2013. After 3 days, Clooney realized that he wanted to ask her out. After several refusals, the oriental beauty agreed to a date with Clooney, and already in February 2014, the couple appeared holding hands at the film premiere at the White House.

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March was marked by the actor's trip to Africa with his girlfriend, where they ate fruit, sunbathed and watched wild lions play.

And at the end of April, in a simple home environment, George Clooney asked Amal for her hand in marriage, handing over a ring worth $800,000 with a 7-carat diamond. She accepted the offer. George was truly happy: he called his friends, told his neighbors and even waiters in restaurants about this news.

Journalists did not miss the opportunity to play on the hype around such an interesting love story and started a rumor that the wedding could not take place due to the religious views of the groom (Clooney was baptized in the Catholic Church, but positions himself as an agnostic). But the rumors turned out to be just rumors: on September 27, a wedding ceremony took place in Venice.

There were many celebrity guests at the wedding: Cindy Crawford (after a fleeting affection, she and Clooney remained friends) with her husband Randy Gerber, who carefully played the role of best man, actors Bill Murray and Matt Damon arrived, and the event was also attended by Clooney’s close friend, the merry fellow and prankster Bono from rock band U2.

The future spouses and their guests traveled to the wedding along the Venetian canals on a motor boat:

The ceremony took place in an elegant 15th-century European villa.

All of Clooney's friends and family are very happy for this union. George's parents are sincerely happy that their son's chosen one is not connected with the world of glamor and show business. Friends say that Amal embodies the ideal of George Clooney. The actor himself rationalistically identified 4 points that explain why his choice fell on this woman: sensitivity, care, non-trivial intelligence and a sense of humor.

For George, it is a delight to watch his wife’s performances in court, her polemics with politicians and other powerful people. George Clooney jokes that in his relationship with Amal Alamuddin, it is he who plays the role of a “candy girl” who should simply please people’s eyes at important meetings and not interfere when Amal is talking with important and influential people. The great actor is also amazed that his wife understands the world of fashion. Here's what he thinks about it:

“She always looks amazing and has a sense and understanding of style. Although she does not use the services of stylists. But she looks like the best stylists in the world worked on her. While managing to work on 11 trials in court. Amal is an amazing woman."

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After a year of official marriage, the celebrity couple has not made any statements about Amal's pregnancy or their plans for it. But there is a fact that clearly indicates the couple’s desire to have a baby. The Clooneys began building a mansion in England with an expansive and luxurious nursery that includes a bedroom, spa, children's library, playrooms and bedroom for four nannies. According to preliminary data, the children's corner will cost the family $2 million.

In winter, the Clooneys went to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, to relax after celebrating the New Year. They kicked off 2015 with their good pals Cindy Crawford and Rande Gerber.

In a 2015 interview, George Clooney again lavished praise on his wife Amal:

“There is not a single doubt that my wife is smarter than me, and I admire this fact! It’s great to be surrounded by people who are smarter than you.” “If there is an intellectual battle between us, I will undoubtedly lose!” the actor added. “Amal is up there. She's brilliant."

Amal's abilities helped the couple spend time together, despite the highly professional careers of each of them.

“When I told her I was getting ready to go to New York this spring to film a movie with Jodie Foster, she just said, 'Okay, I'll come with you and lecture as a professor at Columbia University.' And this is what she has been devoting to lately. Without a doubt she is the smartest of our couple."

On June 3, 2015, the couple was spotted at Clooney's annual family reunion in Augusta, Kentucky, where they even went to the actor's favorite local bakery, Magee's, for some candy.

"They are a funny couple!" - co-owner Russell Dixon said about them. “The Clooney family have been our clients for a long time. I grew up watching them all the time. George still visits us once a year,” added the bakery owner.

The couple took photographs for memory. Amal Clooney has not changed her habits of dressing up in branded clothing and arrived in the southern United States with an extensive designer wardrobe. For example, in the photo in Magee's with the bakery owners, she is depicted wearing a suede outfit by Albert Ferretti for €1970.

In August, Clooney and his wife attended the Casamigos Tequila party at the Ushuaia Beach Hotel in Ibiza, Spain, where they snuggled adorably.

“George and Amal were very affectionate throughout the trip,” the Observer said. “They danced and had a blast with friends, being close the whole time.”

After celebrating his two-year wedding anniversary in September 2016, Clooney joked to Entertainment Tonight:

Birth of children

Before Amal's first pregnancy was confirmed in February 2017, Clooney constantly said that he couldn't imagine himself being a father.

"I don't really think about it," he said in May 2015 during an interview on CBS Morning. “I have been thinking about this question and I imagine this possibility. But this does not apply to the primary goals.”

On January 9, 2017, Amal looked stunning at the Clooney Justice Foundation's White Helmets show in London, England. At this event, it became obvious that the couple were expecting a new baby, which was expected in June 2017.

The twins were born in early June 2017 at St. Mary's Hospital in London. Alexander was born first at 12:54 p.m., followed by Ella at 12:56 p.m., according to birth certificates shown to People magazine. A source close to the couple's family told the magazine:

“This is very good news. We are very, very happy. George will be a great father to twins." Amal's boss, Geoffrey Robertson QC of Doughty Street Chambers, also told People magazine that he was delighted for the couple: "All I can say is it's a wonderful collaboration."

Sources confirmed in February that everyone in their family is happy. At the end of February, on the occasion of the birth of twins, two-time sexiest man alive and first-time father, George Clooney, opened up during an interview with Laurent Weil for the French program Rencontres de Cinéma and said with a smile:

At first, the couple and their children lived in their English home, where the children were provided with 24-hour bodyguard protection. And not so long ago, the Clooney couple moved to their own mansion near Lake Como in Italy. They will presumably remain there until the end of the summer season.

Recently, photographers caught the Clooneys descending from the ramp of their own plane, which arrived in Milan. George was holding a portable crib with the twins sleeping in it, but the paparazzi were unable to capture the babies in the photo.

Became parents for the first time. The couple had twins Alexander and Ella. The birth of two children at once took a lot of energy from the parents: despite the fact that the spouses avoid discussing their personal lives, both of them admitted in interviews that it was difficult for them to adapt to the new way of life.

However, both George and Amal dote on the twins and try to spend their free time with them, even though both have extremely busy work schedules. So, Clooney works on the set of the series “,” where he simultaneously acts as a director, producer and one of the key actors, as well as. Amal attends events related to her activities as a lawyer. However, yesterday George Clooney's wife and her son Alexander were caught by the paparazzi while walking in New York.

Amal Clooney appeared in public with her grown son for the first time in a long time

Amal, who was dressed rather flamboyantly - in a bright yellow jacket, carried the grown-up Alexander in her arms. However, as soon as Clooney's wife noticed the paparazzi, she tried to hide from their sight as quickly as possible. The Hollywood star's wife tried to cover her face and hurried to hide in a tinted car.

It is interesting that Alexander’s sister Ella was not captured by reporters this time. Foreign journalists have long noticed that Clooney’s wife prefers to go for a walk with only one of the twins. Some people bet that a young mother cannot cope with two children at once and is forced to resort to the services of a nanny. By the way, almost immediately after the birth of the twins, the couple announced that they did not plan to have any more children: according to Amal, again.

Amal and George Clooney

By the way, at the beginning of this year, Amal admitted that by the time she met George Clooney, she had already resigned herself to the fate of an “old maid.” During a gala dinner held in honor of the actor, lawyer. “I couldn’t sleep when we were apart. Someone told me that when I read his SMS or letters that he secretly put in my bag, I had a special smile and tilt of my head. Five years have passed and nothing has changed. He is a person I admire endlessly and also someone whose smile makes me the happiest person in the world. My dear, when I met you, I found the greatest love, which I hope will last forever. And seeing you with our children Ella and Alexander is the greatest pleasure in my life. You filled our home with laughter and happiness even before the children knew that dad was Batman, a talking fox and a friend of Mary Poppins,” Amal then said publicly.