home · Measurements · What kind of exercise is it like in the morning? When is the best time to exercise? How to do exercises correctly and when: practical exercises, advice and recommendations from experts

What kind of exercise is it like in the morning? When is the best time to exercise? How to do exercises correctly and when: practical exercises, advice and recommendations from experts

When we wake up, we are somewhat inhibited, because our body continues to be in a state of rest and sleep. It takes 2-3 hours to finally wake up. The process of washing helps to invigorate, allowing you to send impulses to the nerve centers. However, complete awakening is impossible without working the joints and muscles. This is what morning exercises are aimed at. Before we find out how to do exercises in the morning, let's figure out what its benefits are.

For physical training, you should visit the gym 3-4 times a week, giving a thorough load to your muscles. Morning training, in turn, should have a healing meaning. Exercise will bring maximum benefit if over time the exercises included in its complex improve and become more complex. It is recommended to do it in a ventilated area, wearing clothes that do not restrict movement. It is best to end it with a contrast shower.

The benefits of morning exercises are obvious: it will help overcome hypokinesia syndrome, which is expressed in irritability, bad mood, decreased vitality, increased drowsiness, lethargy and fatigue.

Difference from other types of loads

Don't turn exercise into a workout. She has other goals. Charging is called so because it has the goal of charging you with energy for the whole working day. The training is aimed at tensing the muscles by exhausting the body. After it, the body wants peace, since a lot of strength and energy have been spent. Without certain preparation, you can only bring harm to yourself.

Some people prefer to do a morning jog in combination with various strength exercises for the arms, abs and other muscle groups. Such exercises last longer than exercises: about 40-50 minutes. It would be incorrect to classify this type of load as charging. Exercise is a set of physical exercises designed to warm up muscles and joints.

Exercise can and should be combined with strength training, but their quantity, duration and type are determined individually depending on physical fitness, free time and desire. When is it better to exercise in the morning or evening? The optimal time for strength training for the body is the afternoon, and for exercise - in the morning.

Charging rules

How to do morning exercises correctly? The body wakes up gradually and therefore any heavy load immediately after waking up causes the heart to abruptly switch to an active mode of operation, which is harmful to the heart muscle.

Some types of exercises can be done right in bed. But this includes warm-up exercises that do not carry any load. This will not be enough to make the day cheerful and active. Therefore, it is recommended to walk around, wash, drink at least a glass of water and then begin the main exercises.

Music for morning exercises is selected individually. If your complex includes intense exercises, you should choose music with a tempo of 140-170 beats per minute. Most modern songs have this tempo. If the exercise takes place in a calm rhythm, you should choose slower compositions. Choose rhythmic songs, as they help to properly organize movements and coordinate breathing with them.

The best morning exercise is the one after which you feel a surge of strength and vigor. The main mistake when charging is excessive load. The main idea of ​​exercise is to tone up the body. It does not have the goal of building muscle mass. The best way to determine the extent of the load is your own well-being: there should not be a feeling of tiredness or tiredness. If this happens, the load must be reduced.

Set of exercises

Exercises for morning exercises have various variations, but the main ones are the following.

Neck exercises

  • Turns the head right and left.
  • Tilt the head forward and backward, right and left.
  • Slow circular rotations of the head.

You should not close your eyes if you have problems with the vestibular system.

Hand exercises

Core Exercises

Leg exercises

Additional exercises

You can also add strength exercises to your morning exercise routine, such as:

  • abdominal exercises,
  • pushups,
  • rotation of a gymnastic hoop (hula hoop),
  • exercises with an expander,
  • exercises with light or medium weight dumbbells.

The effect of regular exercise

By performing the above exercises, you will improve the general condition of the body and help it quickly switch to a working state.

Exercise in the morning activates the work of our auditory, visual, vestibular and other devices, mobilizes the central nervous system to work, which eliminates the state of lethargy that occurs after sleep. Regular exercise leads to beneficial physical changes: improved blood circulation, proper functioning of the heart muscle, acceleration of venous blood flow. Exercise has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the lungs, the blood is saturated with oxygen, which leads to the activation of acid-reduction processes in the body, strengthening muscles and strengthening joints.

Perform a set of exercises daily for morning exercises, and you will prepare your body for the upcoming physical, mental and emotional stress of the working day. A properly composed set of exercises will lift your spirits and allow you to feel all the joys of an active lifestyle.

Some people don’t do exercises, considering physical exercise a waste of time. You can feel invigorated by drinking a cup of strong coffee. But the aromatic drink contains caffeine, which can hardly be called beneficial. But the benefits of charging are beyond dispute!

The benefits of morning exercises are revealed when the complex is performed regularly. Gradually getting used to physical activity, a person becomes active and does not experience drowsiness or excessive fatigue during the day.

Increased performance

The benefits of exercise in the morning are manifested in increased performance. Warming up makes blood move through the vessels more intensely. As a result, the body tissues are saturated with nutrients and oxygen. Oxygen saturation of the brain leads to increased concentration, improved memory, and acceleration of thought processes.

A person who is in no hurry to get out of bed after the alarm goes off experiences drowsiness for 2-3 hours after waking up, which makes it difficult to concentrate on the tasks facing him. The amateur is forced to periodically replenish caffeine reserves in the body - the substance is eliminated after an hour, which provokes “energy hunger.” An exercise enthusiast has no problems waking up, easily gets into a working rhythm and enjoys good health.

Improvement of the body

The benefit of exercise for the body is to stimulate blood flow, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain and respiratory organs. Stagnation of blood in the veins is eliminated, phlegm that accumulates during sleep is removed from the lungs and bronchi. At the same time, the functioning of the vestibular apparatus improves, which leads to increased coordination of movements.

We cannot remain silent about positive changes in posture. Systematic physical exercise straightens the back and teaches a person to stand up straight. And this is prevention against scoliosis, spinal hernia, osteochondrosis. Oxygen saturation of lung tissue simulates acid-reduction processes, which helps to remove extra pounds, strengthen muscles, and achieve coordinated functioning of internal organs.

Physical exercise, performed without excessive zeal, strengthens the immune defense. A person who does not neglect exercises rarely catches a cold. The immune system protects the body, preventing infectious processes from getting a chance.

Improved mood

If you perform a gymnastic complex to an invigorating musical tune, a long-lasting mood is ensured. A rhythmic melody coupled with exercises cleanses energy channels, removing the negativity accumulated over the past day. Relaxation to relaxing melodies does not increase the strength of bone tissue and joints. Morning exercises combine 2 in 1 - improves mood, awakening interest in life, and blocks the path of pathogenic microorganisms.

Strengthening discipline

Parents have long appreciated the benefits of exercises for children. Children accustomed to physical activity in the morning wake up easily, are not capricious, are happy to attend kindergarten, and do not experience problems with discipline. A person accustomed to exercise copes with adversity and moves up the career ladder.

Elimination of insomnia

Waking up early will allow you to stick to your daily routine. A person does not stay up all night. Fatigue makes itself felt when the biological clock indicates rest time. Compliance with the regime guarantees sound and restful sleep.

Exercises for exercise

It's easy to change your life using exercises for morning exercises. The complex is divided into 3 parts: warm-up, main and finishing.

It is recommended to start warming up before you even get out of bed - stretch and have fun. The first part includes smooth bends forward and to the sides, turns of the body and head, and stretching. They warm up by walking around the room on their toes, rotating their arms.

A warm-up set of exercises for charging lasts 2-3 minutes and helps to stretch the muscles.

Having completed the warm-up, they perform toilet procedures and begin the second part of the gymnastic complex. Exercises are selected individually, based on your own preferences.

If there are no personal preferences, use a ready-made complex. Practice these exercises to exercise children, men, women.

  1. Tilt your head alternately to the sides, perform torso turns.
  2. Clasp your hands in a “lock” and turn your hands towards and away from you.
  3. Bend your elbows, touching your fingers to your shoulders, and slowly rotate your arms.
  4. Bend forward, touching your toes to the floor.
  5. Raise your left hand up, place your right hand on your waist. Lean to the right. Change the position of your hands through 2 bends.
  6. Place your hands on your waist and rotate your hips alternately to the right and left. Try not to lift your feet off the surface. Make the exercise more difficult by stretching your arms forward and clasping your hands together.
  7. Swing your legs while holding the back of the chair with your hand. Lunge forward with your legs, squatting as deep as possible. Squat without lifting your heels from the surface, stretching your arms in front of you.

Ecology of life. Fitness and sports: So, armed with confidence and determination, keeping in mind the saying: “How you start the day is how you spend it,” you decided to do exercises in the morning...

“Get ready to perform gymnastic exercises,” these words, spoken by Nikolai Gordeev to the musical accompaniment of Valentin Rodin, began the famous Soviet morning exercises on the radio. Adults and children used it; they brushed their teeth, had breakfast, and got ready for work and school.

Today, despite the propaganda and fashion for a healthy lifestyle, there are practically no such programs on TV and radio. Moreover, in many forums dedicated to healthy lifestyle, morning exercises are assessed quite skeptically.

In this article we will focus on exercise routines for adults and children, and consider some practical and theoretical aspects associated with physical activity in the morning.

Arguments for or why you need to do exercises in the morning

G. Landry, fitness trainer and author of high-intensity weight loss programs, argues that one of the important elements when playing sports is morning exercises. Regular exercise helps, in his opinion, to lose weight and improve the general condition of the body.

He identifies 10 reasons why you need to do morning exercises:

1. More than 90% of people who do exercises in the morning improve their results in sports.

2. Morning exercises contribute to a “jump” in metabolism, as a result of which the body burns more calories per day.

3. By doing exercises, a person receives a charge of vivacity and energy.

4. Many people say that exercising in the morning helps them regulate their appetite throughout the day.

5. Morning exercise helps awaken the body. Over time, the circadian rhythm adjusts to this regime, and the person feels better.

6. By doing exercises, we become more disciplined.

7. Research has confirmed that physical activity stimulates mental activity.

8. By doing 10 minutes of exercise in the morning, you can keep your body in shape.

9. As a result of exercise, physiological processes in the body will work better, which will lead to an overall improvement in well-being.

10. Just try doing exercises in the morning and you will see how great it is.

Promoted by films jogging in the morning is perceived by many as the best alternative to charging. What is healthier and better – exercise or morning jogging, we will let everyone decide for themselves; there is enough material on this topic on the Internet. There is no doubt that competent exercise is useful in any form, but not everyone will be able to readjust and start running in the morning, because it requires a lot of effort, willpower and time.

In addition, there are discussions regarding when is the best time to run and whether morning running is harmful. But if you're determined to run in the morning, here are some facts and recommendations:

  • There is an opinion that the air is cleaner in the morning, which means running at this time is healthier.
  • Thanks to running, the body is saturated with oxygen, muscles and joints are toned, and metabolic processes are more active.
  • Those who run in the morning are much less likely to suffer from insomnia. The positive effects of running on the cardiovascular, nervous and respiratory systems have been proven. While jogging, almost all human muscles are involved.
  • Running helps strengthen the immune system. Sweat also releases toxins accumulated in the body.
  • Running is a serious activity, and an unprepared person can get injured. If there are any medical contraindications, it is better to consult your doctor first. Also, always do a warm-up.
  • Running is perfect for those who want to lose excess weight. So, during an hour-long run at a speed of 10 km/h, a man weighing 80 kg “burns” more than 800 kcal.
  • The route and equipment are of great importance. You need to run where there are trees - in a forest plantation, a park. Clothing should be comfortable and not restrict movement. Shoes are true to size and have soft soles.

There is a lot of useful information and answers to questions from those who have just decided to start running in this report:

A set of exercises for morning exercises

So, armed with confidence and determination, remembering the saying: “How you start the day is how you spend it,” you decided to do exercises in the morning. There are many exercises, you can combine them and do them in any order. Let us dwell on some important aspects that you should know before starting the exercises.

1. You should not do exercises immediately after waking up. Get up, drink a glass of water, wash your face, stretch, and then start doing exercises.

2. The body is not yet ready for heavy loads in the morning. The exercises performed should be smooth and not contain sudden movements. During exercise, try to breathe evenly and calmly.

3. It is also better not to resort to power loads. It is optimal to do aerobic and bodyweight exercises in the morning.

4. You need to perform each exercise 8-10 times. Try to do exercises daily.

Also interesting:


For the head: turns left and right; bending back and forth.

For shoulders and arms: rotational movements of the shoulders alternately and together; rotation with straight arms, describing a circle; alternate swings of arms - one hand from above, the other from below; rotation with arms bent at the elbows in different directions.

For the torso: feet shoulder-width apart, perform smooth bends forward, trying to touch the floor with your palms; with your arms bent at the elbows, holding your belt, rotate your pelvis with slight bends forward in both directions.

For legs: alternately swing your legs back and forth; squats without lifting your heels off the floor; raises on the toes. published

Morning is perhaps the hardest time of the day, when you wake up from a hated alarm clock and want to sleep for another 10 minutes, you pull yourself out of bed and think “Oh, gods, it’s morning again and you need to get up.” To start your morning on a positive note, you need to do exercises!

Yes Yes exactly. Yes, you feel sleepy and lazy, and in general, in the morning you look like a sleeping bear that was woken up at the wrong time. But it is light morning exercises that will wake up the body and set the mood for the whole day.

A few rules for morning exercises

1. Exercises should be done immediately after waking up.

The body and brain may resist, but this is necessary. Wash your face and run to exercise. Believe me, after a few exercises the body will begin to wake up and the mind will begin to clear up. Gradually you will get used to doing exercises in the morning.

2. Gymnastics should be short.

There is no need to starve yourself with an hour-long workout in the morning, otherwise you will not wake up and will be even more tired. 15-20 minutes is quite a suitable duration.

3. Exercise should meet your goals.

In addition to general warm-up exercises, you can pay attention to problem areas. Want to keep your butt in shape? This means that you should include squats and lunges in your morning exercise routine. If you want to get rid of your belly and abs, then abdominal exercises will help you.

This does not mean that the entire complex should be used to pump up the muscles you need, but you can pay attention to problem areas with the help of 2-3 special exercises.

The main thing in morning exercises is systematicity, and even when you want to sleep more than ever, you need to get up and do exercises. You will wake up, your body will be fine, and the pride that you got up and started exercising will be off the charts.

A set of exercises for morning exercises.

Gymnastics is done from top to bottom, that is, we begin to warm up the neck and arms first and end with the feet.

Basic exercises for the neck and head.

Each exercise should be done 4-5 times in each direction.

Charging for arms and shoulders:
  1. Rotate your shoulders forward and backward 5 times in each direction.
  2. Working on the hands - clench your palm into a fist, so as to hide your thumb in the fist. Spread your arms to your sides and rotate your hands 5 times in each direction.
  3. Rotation in the elbow joints - straighten your hands, bend your elbows, rotate your elbow joints 4-5 times in one direction and the other.
  4. Shoulder Rotation – Keep your sides parallel to the floor. Starting with a small amplitude, rotate your arms forward, drawing imaginary circles, gradually increasing the radius. When you reach the largest amplitude, begin to rotate your arms in the opposite direction, reducing the radius to the smallest.

Important: In this exercise it is important to keep your arms tense.

Exercises for the torso:Exercise for legs.Back exercises:

We will do all back exercises while lying on the floor.

These exercises are quite enough to warm up the body. Then you can include exercises for other muscle groups, for example,

To finally wake up in the morning, it will definitely help you morning work-out. Having completed the necessary set of exercises, you will feel a charge of energy, vigor and good mood all day long.

If you do exercises every morning, your health will improve because blood circulation is normalized and metabolism is accelerated, the body will be in good shape and it will even be possible to lose weight. Next, we will discuss in detail how to do physical exercises in order to significantly improve the functioning of your body. Charging is carried out with a warm-up and a more complex complex, which should be performed whenever possible. In the morning you should do a calm, stress-free set of exercises. The main purpose of morning exercises is to stretch the body and saturate its cells with oxygen. Heavy exercise in the morning disrupts the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and now we will look at everything in more detail.

A set of exercises in the morning includes warm-up and basic exercises. Morning warm-up is required to warm up the muscles, for greater flexibility of the ligaments, to improve blood flow to them, to increase tone and prevent sprains. The duration of the warm-up exercise should be 5 minutes.

Practical advice: Before starting morning exercises, it is recommended to drink a glass of clean water and breathe evenly and deeply during training.

The main exercises of the complex are when all muscle groups are necessarily worked out, the exercises are performed more intensively. The duration of this training block is 10-15 minutes, in the future you can increase the load.

Morning warm-up before exercise

Warm-up exercises are aimed at normalizing joint function. Therefore, the entire complex of the presented part of the exercise is based on tilting, rotation and bending. A quick warm-up begins with walking in place, which is complemented by movements of the hands. Next comes a warm-up for individual parts of the body.


The first thing you need to do is tilt your head in different directions, as well as forward and backward. Next, you need to bend forward and tilt your head back.

Arms and shoulders

Warming up the joints of the hands is required by performing rotational movements with the hands with clenched fists or closing them in a “lock”. Then also rotate your shoulders, together or separately. Extend your arms and rotate them in the same sequence, and then move to the forearm area. After everything, put your hands on your shoulders and perform rotational movements in this position.

body frame

The first thing you need to do is bend forward, standing on the floor and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Your hands should touch the floor; it would be correct to use your palms. After this, place your hands on your lower back and make rotational movements with your pelvis. Then there are bends, leave one hand on the lower back, and throw the other as you bend.


First, the legs swing forward and backward. Then do swings to the sides one by one. Afterwards you need to make circular movements with your knees. The final step is to perform squats, making sure that your heels do not leave the floor.

Having done a morning warm-up according to the presented complex, you will already feel a surge of vivacity and energy. Daily exercise in the morning helps you move up the career ladder because it improves your health and gives you a boost of energy to do your work flawlessly.

Expert opinion

Smirnov Viktor Petrovich
Dietitian, Samara

All the exercises and movements described in the article are extremely important ways not only to maintain normal weight, but also normal vitality. Moreover, as studies show, people who regularly perform morning exercises of their own free will have a 20% lower risk of developing cardiovascular accidents - heart attack or stroke. This is due not only to the magical effect of exercise, but also to the fact that patients disciplined by exercise have a different attitude towards their own health. A person who exercises will not drink or smoke, will not develop chronic diseases, but will treat them in a timely manner. As practice shows, people who exercise in a timely manner do not delay their trip to the doctor or laboratory, and monitor not only their weight, but also their sugar and cholesterol levels. Exercise not only helps you improve your health, it also disciplines you.

A set of exercises for morning exercises

Following the warm-up, you need to perform the main set of exercises for morning exercises. Several programs have been developed aimed at training for children and girls who dream of losing weight or tightening some sagging areas of the skin to improve overall tone. Morning exercises for girls are different from those for men - they additionally have the goal of losing weight.

During training you should perform the following physical exercises:

  • Walking in one place with your knees raised high.
  • Alternate bends on each leg. Clasp your palms and place them on your knee, and put your other leg forward, bending.
  • Throw your arms back and tilt your torso forward, as low as possible to the floor.
  • Standing on the floor, spread your feet shoulder-width apart, place your hand on your lower back and the other on the back of your head. Start bending to one side, while the hand from the lower back should smoothly slide down the thigh.
  • Place your hands on your lower back and tilt your head to the sides alternately.
  • Perform rotations with straight arms.
  • Do squats - this physical activity is performed whenever possible. It is not recommended to include squats in the complex if you have problems with your knee joints.
  • Leaning more tightly against the wall, pull your knees to your chest.
  • Lying on the floor, bend your knees and do abdominal exercises. First, raise your body a little, and then raise your knees.
  • Get on your knees and place your hands on the floor. In this position, you should do push-ups. If physical fitness allows, you can increase the load by performing them with a straight torso.

This is important: Perform all exercises from the complex for 8-13 approaches. If the load is small for you, then at the end of your morning exercises you can jump rope.

To restore breathing after exercise, you need to do pull-ups: stand up straight, straighten your posture, stretch up and, while inhaling, stand on your toes, while exhaling, you need to lower yourself onto your foot.

Common mistakes when charging

In order for morning exercises to be beneficial, you must follow certain rules when performing the exercises and not make mistakes:

  • Physical activity should be regular. As for morning exercises, it is not necessary to do it every day, but at least 4-5 times a week.
  • If the load is too high, then it is necessary to reduce the number of repetitions. When the preparation is good, you can increase the repetitions. But you don’t need to overwork your body; exercise should invigorate and not take away your strength.
  • At the end of your workout, be sure to check your pulse: if the number of beats is more than 120, you should reduce the load.

After morning exercises, you need to take a shower and have breakfast, preferably including an omelet or porridge in the menu.

Exercises for beginners

It is difficult for a person without training to perform the entire set of exercises, so a program of simple exercises has been developed for beginners:

  • Warm up. Starting position – back straight, arms down, breathing even. You need to walk around for one minute.
  • Rotate your arms and lift them up, while standing on your toes as you inhale, while exhaling, lower yourself to the floor and place your arms in their original position.
  • Place your hands on your belt and tilt your head, alternately touching your ear.
  • Perform bending movements, keeping one hand on your belt and throwing the other one forward as you bend.
  • Make movements like a helicopter propeller: spread your arms and rotate your torso in different directions.
  • Keep your hands on your lower back, bend forward and backward.
  • Make swings in different directions, holding the back of the chair.
  • Sitting on the floor, spread your legs narrowly with straight knees and try to reach your feet with your fingers.
  • Standing on all fours, bend your back.
  • Squats with a straight back and without lifting your heels off the floor.
  • Jumping on one leg or both.
  • Run in place.

Perform all exercises in the presented complex of morning exercises in 5-10 approaches. When doing morning exercises at home, it is important to remember that if you feel tired, you should stop exercising, take a shower and have breakfast. The effective and best exercise in the morning is the one that invigorates and does not take away your strength. You should choose for yourself those exercises for morning exercises that do not cause physical fatigue, but feel cheerful and elevate your mood. And always find time to do exercises, and not complain that there is not a single free minute.