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Which diet is the most effective? New fashionable diets. Why calories are so important

The terrible word “diet” is associated with hunger, bad mood and envy of those who can eat everything. To begin with, let’s define that a diet is a set of rules for eating food by a person or other living organism. The origin of the concept itself has nothing to do with forced food restriction.

Any way of eating is called a diet, but it implies a natural set of foods for optimal functioning of the body. A squirrel will eat nuts, grains and any sweet food that is available, that's its diet and it won't eat a hamburger or chocolate cake. Place a large handful of nuts in front of the squirrel and it will eat only a few to satisfy its hunger and hide the rest. Eating when you feel hungry is an instinct, but eating three times a day is a habit.

Nutritionists, doctors and fitness trainers tirelessly talk about a healthy diet as an integral part of the weight loss process. The number of existing nutrition systems is so large that choosing a suitable diet becomes difficult. Let's consider the most popular diets on a scale of effectiveness, comfort and impact on health.

10th Place: Kremlin diet (protein)

Method. Products are assessed not by energy value, but by “points” or “scores”. To reduce weight, the diet is selected in such a way that no more than 40 points are consumed per day.

At the time this diet was introduced into society, very little was said about healthy eating, so severe restrictions on fruits, vegetables, bread and grains did not cause concern. In the Kremlin diet, preference is given to meat and fish, which can be consumed at any meal.

The diet is contraindicated for people with kidney, liver or stomach diseases.

Term: 7- 10 days.


Comfort. For those on a diet, this system is quite satisfying; it is suitable for lovers of meat dishes. Absolutely not suitable for people who value a varied diet and love salads or fruits.

Health effects. The propaganda advertising of the “Kremlin” led to a massive furor with dire consequences. Physiologically, only people with titanic health can withstand a week of such nutrition. There are no health benefits to this diet, but only minor disadvantages and their consequences:

  • Limiting carbohydrates - lethargy, apathy, headache, slowing down the process of hematopoiesis, thickening of the blood, constriction of blood vessels;
  • General toxicosis - in an effort to score fewer points, meat or fish is included in all meals. It takes 8 hours for animal products to completely break down into amino acids. Eating a portion of meat three times a day prevents the body from completely digesting it. Protein is in half-life, it is a poison that is absorbed by the intestines to partially maintain the condition of the body.
  • Deficiency of B vitamins - deterioration of the condition of the skin, hair, mucous membranes, decreased hemoglobin, slow production of leukocytes. Magnesium deficiency, which is absorbed in combination with vitamin B6, leads to: insomnia, depression, hysteria, seizures, impaired brain function, memory impairment and decision-making ability.

9th place: Atkins weight loss method

Method. Increased consumption of fats and proteins while completely eliminating carbohydrates. A diet that rightfully shares 10th place with the “Kremlin”. the method is not so popular in the post-Soviet space, as it was replaced by its successor - the Kremlin diet. The Atkins diet, which shocked the world with its effectiveness, led to only one effect. The kilograms went away not due to the improvement of the body, but as an attempt to preserve life.

Term: 7-10 days.

Efficiency: average -7 kilograms per week.

Comfort: such nutrition will be appreciated only by fans of unlimited consumption of meat products, overeating and a constant feeling of heaviness.

Health effects. To all the adversities listed in relation to the “Kremlin”, there is one more nuance. If you resort to such a diet in the hot season, and stay on it for more than five days, this, without exaggeration, can lead to death due to failures in the functioning of the heart muscle.

8th place: Kefir diet

Method. There are several varieties of kefir diets. The general principle is a limited amount of kefir per day, sometimes with the addition of a small amount of vegetables or fruits. The only thing you can eat without restrictions is water.

Term: 5-10 days.

Efficiency: average -5 kilograms per week.

Comfort. We are talking about a mono-diet, so there is no reason to feel good, and as a bonus - constant hunger.

Health effects. Doctors allow the use of a kefir diet for several days to relieve toxicity, in the postoperative period, and in preparation for operations. With a long-term mono-diet, dizziness and fainting, drowsiness, weakness, abdominal pain, heartburn, vomiting may occur, and as a result of increased acidity, progressive gastritis or exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease.

7th place: Time limit on food intake

Method. A system based on the truth: in the morning the body needs food for activity during the day, and in the afternoon the body makes reserves from part of the absorbed food. The cliché “Don’t eat after 18:00” can claim first place in myths about weight loss. Fans of this weight loss method went further; in different types of diets it is forbidden to eat after 16:00, 14:00 and even 12:00.

The diet is truly effective if you adapt it to your daily routine and do not go to extremes. Many studies have shown that the optimal time to eat before bed is 4 hours. For people engaged in hard work or working in conditions of constant harm to health - 2 hours.


Efficiency: Slow but steady weight loss.

Comfort. At first, the restriction may cause discomfort, attacks of severe hunger or nausea, which can be eliminated by drinking a glass of milk, fermented baked milk or kefir. After 14-16 days, the diet becomes a habit and does not bring any unpleasant consequences.

Health effects. When focusing on clichés rather than on the body, the nutrition system is destructive. Most of the energy is consumed during night sleep, due to the maximum activation of the immune system, the process of cell regeneration and restoration of vitality. If you want to lose weight, have a light, but full dinner.

6th place: Japanese diet (salt-free)

Method. A complete ban on sugar, grains, wheat bread, alcohol, spices and salt. Strict adherence to the schedule and portions of the menu, a slow and gradual exit from the diet. Cooking method: steamed or boiled only.

Z: Coffee without milk

A: Boiled egg 2 pcs.;

Boiled cabbage with sunflower oil; Tomato juice 250 ml.

U: Low-fat fish 200g.

Repeat day 6.

Z: Rye bread 20 gr.;

A: Low-fat fish 200g;

Boiled cabbage with sunflower oil;

U: Beef 100 gr.;

Kefir 250 ml.

Repeat day 4.

Z: Rye cracker 20 gr.;

A: Zucchini is unlimited, you can replace it with eggplant.

U: Beef 200 gr.;

Raw cabbage with sunflower oil;

Boiled eggs 2 pcs.

A: Cheese 50 gr.;

Carrots 3 pcs.;

Boiled egg 1 pc.

U: Fruits 200 gr.

Z: Fresh carrots 1 pc.;

Juice from one lemon.

A: Low-fat fish 200g;

Tomato juice 250 ml.

U: Fruits 200 gr.

Repeat day 3.

Repeat day 2.

A: Boiled chicken 500 gr.;

Fresh cabbage and carrot salad in sunflower oil.

U: Fresh carrots 1 pc.;

Boiled egg 2 pcs.

Repeat day 1.

Z: Green tea.

A: Beef 200 gr.

U: choose from day 1, 4 or 6.

Z: Rye bread 20 gr.;

A: Low-fat fish 200g;

Boiled cabbage with olive oil;

U: Beef 100 gr.;

Kefir 250 ml.

Term: 14 days

Efficiency: average 5-7 kilograms per week.

Comfort. Strict restrictions, bland-tasting food, meager breakfast, hunger.

Health effects.

Pros: stabilization of blood pressure, elimination of edema, relief for kidney function.

Cons: leaching of salt, calcium and sodium, as a result: deterioration of the condition of the skin, nails, teeth, bones. Possible dehydration. With a responsible attitude and strict adherence to deadlines, the risk of negative consequences is minimal.

5th place: Diet according to blood type

Method. Based on the blood type, stomach acidity and acid-base indicator, the diet is selected according to the tables. Products have three indices “+”, “-” and “0” - recommended, prohibited and neutral. In medicine, four blood groups have been identified, however, the number of types of antibodies and their combinations is much larger and it is impossible to prescribe a diet for a specific composition.

First group. Considered the progenitor of all others. At different times, this group included from 30 to 40% of the world's population. Indicative list of products:

Second group. It arose with the birth of agriculture. People with this blood composition could eat grown foods and did not depend on hunting for survival. It is believed that 40% of people have this blood type.

Third group. Owners of this group are adapted to a varied diet. It is believed that the blood type appeared at the beginning of the nomadic lifestyle, and represents a segment of 20% of the world's population.

Fourth group. The youngest and rarest group, representatives of which are 7-10% of people. It is believed that the fourth group is in the development stage, and in the future will dominate as the blood of “modern man”.

The lists above are indicative; when creating a menu, you should refer to the full, more detailed tables.

Term: can be maintained on an ongoing basis.

Efficiency. The average is 8-10 kilograms in 3 months.

Comfort. It is considered one of the “healthy” diets. Doctors recommend starting from the blood type based on physiology, however, if you take into account the moral aspects of the issue, the diet is not suitable for everyone. The system provides a fairly varied diet with the ability to lose extra pounds.

Health effects. The right diet in terms of speed of weight loss allows you to consolidate the results for many years. Having reached an optimal weight, you should adhere to a separate diet, or a lighter version of the blood type diet, for another six months to allow the body to get used to the metabolism.

There are no negative factors affecting health, but there are a number of controversial issues that have been raised in the light of recent research. For example, scientists have proven that constant consumption of meat has a negative impact on health; the benefits of dairy products are also questionable. Research data has dealt a blow to centuries-old clichés, so they are not taken seriously by many.

4th place: Michel Montignac's diet

Method. This method of losing weight cannot be called a diet; it is a nutrition system based on calculating glycemic indices in low-calorie foods. Based on the tables, a diet is compiled for weight loss, and then for maintaining it.

At the first stage, the consumption of foods with an index above 40 and their combination with proteins is prohibited. The second stage allows for a mixed diet, alcohol consumption and some other indulgences at personal discretion.

Glycemic index shows the content of fast and slow carbohydrates. The fewer “bad carbohydrates” eaten, the more energy the body acquires without storing fat in reserve.

Only foods containing carbohydrates are included in the table. There are no restrictions on protein products because their glycemic index is zero.

Bad Carbs

Good Carbs

Oat flakes

White bread

Fresh juices

Wholemeal bread

Coarse pasta

Dry peas



Turkish peas



Dry beans

Rye bread

Fresh fruits

Gray bread

Black chocolate


Green vegetables and tomatoes

Durum pasta

Lemons, mushrooms

Unpeeled rice

Unrefined cereals

Term: can be used throughout the entire period of weight loss and consolidation.

Efficiency. The average is 12-15 kilograms for 3 months.

Comfort. The most inconvenient way to eat separately, difficulties will also arise for people who have to have lunch at work. In terms of dietary diversity, the system meets basic requirements and does not threaten the body’s depletion.

Health effects. Foods with a high glycemic index are a source of energy for the immune system and reserve reserves, which are activated in case of stress, extreme situations and increased mental stress. Severe glucose restriction can lead to chronic fatigue syndromes and psychological decline.

If we analyze the system point by point, it turns out that the Montignac system limits daily intake to 1200 calories, and this is a classic low-calorie diet.

3rd place: Separate meals.

Method. The advertising campaign for separate meals says: “No restrictions,” and indeed, you can eat everything whenever you want, but without mixing protein and carbohydrate foods. Meat can be eaten without a side dish, salad without dressing, and products containing proteins and carbohydrates at the same time, strictly speaking, are prohibited for consumption. The diet is based on food compatibility tables.

There are a number of basic rules:

  1. Starch and acids are incompatible;
  2. The simultaneous consumption of proteins and carbohydrates is prohibited;
  3. You cannot eat several foods containing protein at one time;
  4. Proteins and acids are incompatible;
  5. Starch and sugar are incompatible;
  6. Milk, melon and watermelon do not go well with anything;
  7. Food should not be washed down;
  8. Only lean meat is allowed;
  9. You need to steam it;
  10. Eat food with a break of 2 hours;
  11. Limit salt intake.

Term: there are no restrictions.

Efficiency. Perhaps the only system with “unproven effectiveness” in theory. Strict restrictions on product compatibility practically do not allow normal protein-carbohydrate metabolism, which means there is no possibility of forming new fat reserves. Abstaining from salt intake leads to the removal of water from the body, which gives an “imaginary” temporary weight loss.

Weight loss occurs at a normal rate of 2 to 5 kilograms per month.

Comfort. The only advantage is a large range of permitted products.

Health effects. The system is based on the correct premise: there are no combined products in nature, but healthy nutrition is natural. Sandwiches do not grow on trees, legumes are not preserved during the ripening process, and chops cannot be found among potato tubers. However, the correctness of the idea's implementation is questionable.

In essence, this concept completely changes the natural habits of eating food, and adaptation to it must occur gradually, over years, over generations. If you stick to the system for a long time, when you leave it, serious problems arise with digesting food.

2nd place: Low-fat diet

Method. Foods containing fats are excluded from the diet, which stimulates the body to use reserves. The meal plan is three times a day and is limited to eating after 19:00.

Bad products

Good products

Fat meat

Diet meat

Lean fish

Animal entrails

Coarse cereals

Fatty fish

Full fat dairy products

Egg yolk

Brewed drinks

Low-fat dairy products.


Efficiency. Suitable for people who regularly exercise or lead an active lifestyle. Weight loss occurs physiologically correctly up to 3 kilograms per month.

Comfort. The diet is quite difficult to tolerate from the point of view of psychological comfort. From a physiological point of view, no particular inconvenience is observed if you do not delay the deadlines and do not starve.

Health effects. There is an opinion that on a low-fat diet, you can eat all the “bad” foods after being saturated with “good” ones, so that harmful foods cannot be absorbed. Doing this is like trying to lose weight by consuming arsenic. Half-life products of food are harmful - toxic . Continuing to eat after satiation is voluntary poisoning of the body.

  • Lethargy;
  • Skin problems;
  • Presence of low-grade fever;
  • Uncontrolled appetite or its complete absence;
  • Feelings of constant cold;
  • Lethargy;
  • Decreased sexual activity.

These disorders indicate the body’s unpreparedness, a small supply of its own fats or metabolic disorders. If you ignore them, the body will “preserve” existing fats and it will not be easy to get rid of them even in the distant future.

1st place: Fractional meals

Method. Not to be confused with separate meals. After clearly constructing a diet, a gradual, comfortable for the body, reduction in calorie intake per day is achieved. Food is taken six times a day with a 4-hour break. A reasonable approach to nutrition, reduction, not elimination, of high-calorie foods and completely personal control over implementation make fractional meals a leader among popular methods of losing weight. Main advantages:

  • You can eat your usual foods;
  • There is no feeling of hunger;
  • The gradual introduction of the system helps to avoid stress on the body;
  • The result is fixed on its own and does not require additional effort;
  • Reduces blood sugar levels.

Term: can be used as a permanent power supply system.

Efficiency. The average is from 3 to 4 kilograms per month.

Comfort. The absence of hunger and the gradual process of addiction have made fractional meals the most popular nutrition system. It is difficult to adhere to such a system for people with a clearly defined work schedule, for example, if only one lunch break is allowed.

Health effects. If you don’t go to extremes, don’t starve, don’t exhaust your body with hard work and physical exertion, then there will be no negative consequences.

Weight loss is a popular and exciting issue. Almost all owners of pride in the form of extra pounds first hope for a miracle, and then take matters into their own hands. Be careful in choosing your method, and remember that not all methods are good.

This is the one that loses a large number of kilograms in a short period of time, but without harm to health. Don't believe this happens? In vain! After analyzing all the available information and reading an incredible number of reviews, experts concluded that the best diet can be safely called the English one.

How did it appear?

After long and thorough experiments and research, British experts identified the best diet in the world, taking into account all the mistakes and shortcomings of other methods of losing weight. It should be especially noted that at first nutritionists had doubts about the effectiveness of this method, but the theory was quickly confirmed in practice and became one of the most popular in the world. By the way, a fairly large number of doctors recommend using this particular diet to restore the body after illnesses. As for figure correction, the best diet promotes rapid weight loss without the slightest harm to health.

Main principles

To understand why the presented diet has earned such popularity, you should consider all its basic principles. These include:

1. Alternation of consumed foods (fiber - proteins). In this case, the days should change according to the principle of 2 after 2.

3. Eat food 4 times a day, but in small portions.

4. Don't use sugar. It is best to replace it with honey.

5. You should sit down at the table only at a strictly designated time, and do not have any snacks.

Among other things, the best diet is based on the following rules:

  • the lack of consumed fats should be compensated by your own reserves;
  • fiber significantly speeds up and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the diet should last at least 20 days, during which you can lose up to 8 kilograms of excess weight.


As mentioned above, the best diet in the world requires strict adherence to the diet. After all, this is how you can lose excess weight without harming your own health. Thus, you should eat at the same time every day, namely:

  • how you woke up, that is, at 8-00, 9-00 or 10-00 (depending on the circumstances);
  • at 13-00 (lunch);
  • at 16-00 (afternoon snack);
  • at 19-00 (dinner).

Taking into account the indicated hours, the specialists who identified the best and fastest diet compiled a detailed menu. You can see it just below.

Sample menu for quick and effective weight loss

Above we said that the English diet is based on the principle of separate nutrition. Thus, for two days you should eat mainly protein foods, two days - carbohydrate foods, etc. But not everyone knows which foods belong to which category. In this regard, we will present to your attention a step-by-step menu of the best and most effective diet.

First and second day

The diet should start at this time and should be based only on kefir or milk. However, for breakfast and afternoon tea you are allowed not only to drink a glass of milk drink, but also to eat a small piece. As for lunch and dinner, it is better to make do with milk or kefir exclusively.

Third and fourth days

These days are protein days. Let's present their detailed menu:

Fifth and sixth days

These 48 hours are vegetable and fruit. Let's look at their detailed menu:

  1. Breakfast should consist of only two oranges or apples.
  2. For lunch, you should prepare a bowl of vegetable soup, which should not include potatoes. In addition, you should eat a vegetable salad (for example, vinaigrette) and a piece of black bread. For dessert, you can make mousse with the addition of fruit.
  3. In the afternoon you can snack on any fruit, except grapes and bananas.
  4. For dinner, you should make a vegetable salad, and also eat a dessert spoon of honey and drink a cup of green tea.

Next, you should return to the first fasting day and repeat the entire cycle again. If it’s hard for you to limit yourself to only milk and kefir, then you can immediately start a protein or vegetable diet. The result will remain virtually unchanged.

Let's sum it up

Perhaps the question of what is the best diet can be considered closed. This method of eating allows you to lose as much as 8 kilograms of excess weight in less than a month. It is worth noting that the presented menu is only approximate. In this regard, it can be modified at your own discretion. For example, instead of vegetables and fruits, it is allowed to use water-based cereals such as buckwheat, oatmeal or millet. This will diversify your diet and make it much easier for you to stick to your diet.

As you know, a huge number of modern women use this method of losing weight. And, it is worth noting, they are quite happy, because they are able to quickly get rid of excess fat on the stomach, hips and sides. But in order to consolidate the results after this diet, you should definitely change your usual diet in the future. In addition, you need to exercise more often or simply lead an active lifestyle.

There are so many different diets out there today that it can be difficult to choose the one that suits you best. However, what to do if you need a good diet for weight loss that will definitely bring the desired results. That is why today we will conduct a special investigation and select exactly those systems that have proven their high efficiency and safety in practice. After all, the most important thing is to maintain your health. There is one significant point here, everyone can have their own good diet for losing weight, since all people are different. That is why we will review the most popular systems so that you have plenty to choose from.

Good or fast diet

Indeed, these are two mutually exclusive concepts. However, in the understanding of a person who wants to become slim, a good weight loss diet should help in a matter of days. Today there is no system that would allow one to become a model in a short time, without harming one’s health, and after finishing to maintain the result obtained. And it’s not even that at the end of the diet everyone immediately attacks cakes and pastries. It’s just that the body, having experienced severe stress, will begin to actively make reserves for a rainy day. In addition, when food is limited, the internal self-regulation system slows down the metabolism in order to save energy. Therefore, by switching to a normal diet, even if you still eat less than normal, you will gain weight. A good diet for weight loss cannot be quick, but it is these express methods that are the most popular, as they give the desired effect. Let's look at the top fast diets so you can make your own choice.

The best diet for fast weight loss

We evaluated diets in terms of their effectiveness and based on reviews from people who tried them in practice. From the entire body of data, we can conclude that a low-carbohydrate diet is easiest to tolerate, and it is quite effective. The difficulty is that the diet completely excludes sugar. Otherwise, despite the restriction on carbohydrates, the menu is quite filling. In 2-3 days you can lose up to 3 kilograms, which is a noticeable result. Your breakfast will consist of 30 g of hard cheese, a small piece of rye bread and coffee without sugar. Lunch is the most important meal; you can afford a few spoons of boiled beans, 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese and coffee. Dinner will consist of 100 g of fish, any fresh vegetables and a cup of green tea. The rest of the time, drink mineral or plain water. If the feeling of hunger is very strong, it is permissible to eat a couple of slices of grapefruit. As we have already said, the best diet for fast weight loss exists, but there are a number of others.

Express diets

One popular method is the potato diet. It would seem that potatoes are recommended to be excluded from the menu for those who want to reduce their weight. But this only applies to those cases when the starchy vegetable is consumed together with protein foods or sweets. At the same time, it is quite suitable as a product for a mono-diet. For two days, you are allowed to eat only potatoes, and they can be boiled or baked. It is prohibited to add any spices or salt. The exception is a small amount of vegetable oil. In two days it is quite possible to get rid of two kilograms of excess weight.

Drinking or juice diet

If we talk about speed and effectiveness, then this is the best diet for losing weight. Reviews confirm that it is very difficult to withstand it, but if you need to get in shape on the eve of an important event, then it’s worth a try. To make juice for one day, you will need 8 oranges, 2 grapefruits and one lemon. The squeezed juice is your diet for one day. It can be consumed 3 times, and in between drink green tea or plain water. You can't eat anything else. The conditions are very tough, so this diet is a real test of your willpower. The diet lasts 2-3 days, if you can stand it, 5 days is acceptable, but no more.

Not eating dinner is also a diet

And very effective. Perhaps this is what the best diet for weight loss should be. Reviews from thousands of women indicate that it is difficult to adhere to such a system, but you gradually get used to it. The duration of the diet is 2-5 days, with the last meal being lunch. In the morning you can afford a chicken egg and a cup of coffee without sugar. At about 12 o'clock a second breakfast awaits you; it can be 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese or a glass of vegetable juice. For lunch you can have 150 g of fish or chicken breast with a vegetable side dish, and for dessert unsweetened fruit or some berries. After this, you can only drink herbal tea or water.

Egg-honey diet

Its principle is slightly different, but still this is another best diet for losing weight. Reviews from women say that it is very well tolerated due to honey. The body receives a large amount of nutrients. The yolk is a source of essential amino acids, fats and microelements, and honey is nutrition for our brain and a source of vitamins. Before each meal (3 times a day), you need to drink a mixture of one yolk and a teaspoon of honey.

For breakfast you can have a cup of tea or coffee with a small piece of rye bread. On the first day, you can have 90 g of low-fat cheese for lunch, and on the second day - 150 g of fish with boiled cabbage. It is allowed to supplement the meal with tea. For dinner on the first day, prepare chicken broth with rye bread, and on the second day, 90 g of cheese with rye bread. Dinner should be no later than 4 hours before bedtime.


Another common option for quick weight loss. It is quite difficult to withstand it, so weigh your strength. Your diet may consist of 250 g of boiled rice, rolled oats or buckwheat without salt and oil. There are options when cereals are replaced with kefir; you can drink up to a liter of low-fat drink a day. In addition, there are many diets that suggest eating apples, tangerines, pineapples, cucumbers, zucchini, grapefruits or oranges for several days. In any case, such mono-diets are recommended to be used only as fasting days; they cannot be followed for more than 2 days.

Today we will finish the review of express methods that promise quick results that are very difficult to maintain. Let's devote time to more balanced complexes that work more slowly, but allow you to consolidate the effect obtained and do not cause damage to your health. We will be guided by research and social surveys, according to which the ten best diets have been selected.

"Six Petals" - a good diet for losing weight at home

This system was developed by a Swedish nutritionist, and every year it is only gaining popularity. Indeed, impressively, eight out of ten women managed to achieve their goals. This is despite the fact that you do not need to suffer from hunger and develop chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The weight on this diet is from 500 to 800 g per day. So you can easily lose 10-15 kg in two weeks. The beauty of this diet is that after finishing one round, you can immediately start the second, and so on until you achieve your goal.

In essence, this diet is based on the principles of separate nutrition. Six petals - six monodiets that follow each other. This is not only a weight loss system, but also an interesting game. Before you start, you must depict a flower with six petals, which you will tear off one by one. The first petal bears the inscription fish. When the day ends, the petal comes off. The second one is called vegetables. On the third day you will have chicken, the fourth - cereals, the fifth - cottage cheese, the sixth - fruits.

This is a fairly easy diet, since you don’t get tired of the dishes. Even if you don't really like fish, you can handle it just fine for one day.

Diet "Enchantress"

In surveys, this system takes second place; this is another good diet for losing weight at home. We love to start a new life on Monday, so the menu is written according to the days of the week. The first day is “White Monday”, when you can eat cottage cheese and kefir, milk and yogurt without fruit additives. The second day is “Sweet Tuesday”. Only one day of the diet has passed, and you can already please yourself with sweet fruits and vegetables (carrots, beets), dried fruits and honey, berries, sugar-free fruit jelly are allowed. If you really want something sweet, a saucer of fruit jam and 50 g of dark chocolate are acceptable. The third day is meat day, it is called “nourishing Wednesday”. You can eat lean meat, poultry, eggs, seafood and fish. Thursday is “soup day”. Cook vegetable, meat and fish broths, as well as a variety of soups without frying. The fifth day is “cooking”; any porridge without butter is acceptable. On Saturday you will have a fasting day. On this day you can have tea and coffee, compotes, water, but all drinks must be sugar-free. The last day is “salad”. You can make your favorite panicle or cabbage salad, vinaigrette with peas. Most importantly, do not add mayonnaise and country sour cream. The fat content of cheese should also not exceed 20%. In a week you can get rid of 3-5 kg, if you need to lose more extra pounds, then simply repeat the course. The above two systems are the best diets for losing weight. Reviews confirm that it is easy to stick to them, there is no feeling of hunger.

Diet "Ladder"

Five days - five steps to a new appearance. This system cannot be ignored when discussing the best diets for weight loss. Reviews about it are not so rosy, because it is more difficult to stick to than the previous two. But the results are worth it. The first day is a cleansing step, when you can drink water, eat apples and use activated charcoal. The second day is a recovery step; it is necessary to bring the intestinal microflora back to normal. You can eat cottage cheese, drink kefir and water. The next day is an energy step, which is designed to reduce stress from this program. On this day you can eat dried fruits and honey. Then comes the building step - a day dedicated to protein foods (chicken and turkey). The last one is a fat-burning step; you can eat oatmeal, as well as vegetables and fruits, that is, sources of fiber. In five days you can lose from 2.5 to 5 kilograms. It is believed that this is the best diet for weight loss.

Diet "Pushinka"

A real salvation for those who need to lose a lot. The author of this technique got rid of 35 kg. For her, this is the best diet for losing weight, but many will say that the system has too strict a nutritional plan. Nevertheless, this diet has been approved by a number of nutritionists. You will need three products: pearl barley, fish and kefir. You can add cabbage. Soak 100 g of pearl barley overnight, and in the morning set it to cook for one hour. You will get 400 g of porridge, which should be divided into 5 meals. In the morning you can add a glass of kefir to the porridge, a piece of fish for lunch, and a plate of coarsely grated cabbage for an afternoon snack. It’s not for nothing that we included it in our list today, considering the best diets for weight loss. It gives amazing results.

"Cleansing" diet

And we continue our extensive topic. Indeed, the best diets for weight loss today are not described only by the lazy; from this variety we will try to isolate only the best and most effective systems. This diet is recommended by nutritionists, as it helps cleanse the body. In a week you will lose about 10 kg. First day of drinking. You can use decoctions of dried fruits or broths, water and green tea. The second day is vegetable salads, be sure to add cabbage to them. The third day is drinking again. The fourth is fruity, be sure to include grapefruits in your diet. The fifth day is protein, you can eat chicken fillet or eggs. Sixth day of drinking. The seventh day is the final one, you can have two eggs for breakfast, a fruit snack, light broth for lunch, fruit for an afternoon snack, and cabbage salad for dinner. This is truly the best diet for losing 10 kg.

Diet "Montignac"

Rather, it is a new nutrition system that helps you get rid of 10 kg in 30 days without much effort. The authors do not describe the menu step by step, but offer general guidelines that can be followed. It will be necessary to reduce to a minimum the consumption of pure sugar and products containing it. It is necessary to exclude various sauces and seasonings from the diet: mayonnaise, ketchup and mustard. Avoid wheat bread; it is better to take rye bread with bran. Completely eliminate foods that contain a lot of starch: potatoes, corn, millet, white rice. You cannot combine fatty and carbohydrate foods (bread and butter) at one time. You need to eat three meals a day, drink 2 or more liters of water and completely abstain from alcohol. This is a very good diet for losing weight in a month.

We can talk about diets endlessly. One system may be suitable for each individual and another may be unacceptable. That is why we reviewed the 10 best diets for weight loss, so that among this variety you can choose exactly what will be closest to you.

There are many diets for every taste and style that help in the fight against excess weight, but not all diets are effective methods of losing weight. There are 10 best diets that are recognized as the most effective complexes in the fight against excess weight all over the world.

The best diets in the world: the Kremlin diet

This diet refers to mono-diets, since it is based on the principle of reducing the intake of carbohydrates into the body and increasing the consumption of protein foods. This diet is completely unsuitable for vegetarians, since the main product that can be consumed in unlimited quantities is meat. The daily diet includes eggs, mushrooms, butter and dairy products. Unfortunately, when choosing one of the best diets of this type, you will have to limit your carbohydrate intake as much as possible, namely bread, fruits, starchy vegetables, cereals, pasta and confectionery. Each of the permitted products is assigned points, depending on the content of fats and carbohydrates. You are allowed to eat no more than 40 points worth of food per day.

Buckwheat-kefir diet

The second best diet for weight loss is the buckwheat-kefir diet. Buckwheat porridge contains vitamins, microelements and iron, which help cleanse the body. To prepare the porridge, use a glass of uncrushed buckwheat, which is not boiled, but poured with two glasses of boiling water or 0% kefir without adding spices and left overnight. The amount of consumption of such buckwheat is not limited; you can also drink up to 1 liter of 0% kefir separately throughout the day, half an hour before or after meals. Following this best diet, according to reviews, you need to drink at least 2 liters of plain or still mineral water. The last meal should occur 4-6 hours before bedtime, but half an hour before you can drink a glass of 0% kefir. The duration of the diet is no more than one week.

Best diet: rice-compote

The third best diet in the world is the rice-compote diet, recommended for the treatment of diseases of the liver and biliary tract, hypertension, kidney failure or circulatory disorders. The daily ration of this diet consists of rice porridge, which is cooked in water without spices, and 6 glasses of dried fruit compote or fresh fruit for five days. Ready rice is consumed in two doses, morning and evening, along with compote. The amount of food consumed per day for this best diet: 50 g of rice, 100 g of sugar (for compote), 1.5-2 kg of dried fruits or fresh fruits and at least 2 liters of water.

Stephen Pratt's 14 Superfoods Diet

The fourth best diet in the world is the 14-food diet. These 14 products are:

  • Oranges;
  • Broccoli;
  • Blueberry;
  • Beans;
  • Oatmeal;
  • Yellow pumpkin;
  • Nuts;
  • Spinach;
  • Black and green tea;
  • Turkey;
  • Salmon;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Yogurt.

The author of this best diet is plastic surgeon Stephen Pratt, who claims that in addition to the above 14 foods, you can eat others, but the weekly intake of beans should be four 350 g servings, salmon - 2-4 350 g servings, turkey - 3-4 350 g serving and at least 140 g of nuts, divided into 5 servings.

The best diet for weight loss: oatmeal

The fifth best diet in the world is considered to be the oatmeal diet recommended for atherosclerosis with obesity and diabetes. The diet is followed for three days, during which 5 times a day a portion of 140 g of oatmeal cooked in water, 1-2 glasses of green or black tea without sugar and rosehip decoction are consumed.

Cabbage diet

The sixth best diet, according to reviews, is a diet in which white cabbage is used as the main product, which prevents the deposition of fat in the body. Cabbage can be consumed in unlimited quantities, shredded with 1 tbsp. unrefined sunflower oil, boiled or in the form of soup, for the preparation of which you use half a kilo of cabbage, 5 onions and carrots, 2 tomatoes and peppers, 4 stalks of celery and 100 g of unpolished rice. You can also eat a little boiled chicken breast or fish, 0% kefir, one boiled egg, green tea without sugar and vegetables (except potatoes and corn).

Best Diet: Liquid

The seventh best diet, according to reviews, is a diet based on liquid food and water. The daily diet must include oatmeal or rice broth, fruit or vegetable juices diluted with water, low-fat kefir or yogurt, milk, strained broths, vegetable cocktails with kefir and water. Broths are allowed to be consumed once a day, liquids are taken every hour, the total volume of liquid consumed per day, including water, should not exceed 3.5 liters, the duration of the diet is 1 week.

Fish diet

The eighth best diet for weight loss is the fish diet, which bases your daily diet on fish. When following the diet, eat low-fat fish (bream, trout, cod, navaga), seafood (colmars, mussels, shrimp, scallops), fermented milk products, fresh fruits (except bananas, grapes and avocados) and vegetables (except corn and potatoes ), eggs, seasonings and a minimal amount of salt. You will have to forget about sweets and flour products and drink green tea without sugar, rose hip decoction and plain water as much as possible. The duration of the diet is one week.

The best diet according to Montignac

The ninth best diet for weight loss is the nutritional system developed by French nutritionist Michel Montignac. This diet is included in the 10 best diets not only because it gives excellent results, but because with the help of this system the attitude towards food changes psychologically and the functions of the pancreas are restored. The Montignac diet is based on the following principles:

  • Minimum consumption of carbohydrates and industrially processed foods;
  • Complete exclusion of alcoholic beverages, potatoes and corn;
  • The consumption of simple carbohydrates is allowed (beans, lentils, wholemeal cereals, fruits and vegetables);
  • Exclusion of prepared foods that contain both fats and carbohydrates (chocolate, liver, sauces, baked goods, fatty dairy products and sausages);
  • Breakfast should consist of fruits;
  • Taking complexes of vitamins and minerals;
  • Drinking at least 2 liters of water per day;
  • Three or more meals a day at the same time.

Cretan diet

The last diet included in the 10 best diets in the world is the Cretan diet, similar to Michel Montignac's system, which is based on a balanced diet. Recommended products for consumption are vegetables, fruits, cereals, olive oil, beans, eggs, raba, meat, dairy products, garlic, red wine and herbs. Meat can be consumed twice a week, fish four times a week, and eggs twice a week in any form. The duration of the diet is 1-2 weeks, food intake should be regular at the same time at least three times a day.

The most effective diet for quick weight loss: a selection of the best systems and techniques with descriptions, rules, advantages, possible difficulties and contraindications.

The most effective diet for losing weight at home

Having decided to lose weight, women reconsider their diet. There are two options: balance your diet and exercise regimen, and bring your weight back to normal by minus 0.5-2 kg per week, or lose weight quickly on one of the extreme but effective diets. Which option do you like better? Many girls choose quick ways to lose weight, because they really want to see results in just a few days!

However, fast effective diets have a downside: the results are short-term. The kilograms lost through fasting return as quickly as they went away. In addition, extreme methods of losing weight are practically one-time use. They help you lose weight once or twice. But over time they stop working. This is due to the fact that periods of acute calorie deficit are stressful for the body, and gradually it “learns” to resist it. Therefore, more and more girls prefer not extreme methods of weight loss, but a healthy, balanced diet that guarantees long-term results.

But sometimes you still need to lose weight quickly: before sports competitions, special dates or events. The list of requirements for some professions includes weight standards, and if you fall outside the standard, only a quick and effective diet can solve the problem. We have collected the most popular diets that help you get rid of 5-10 extra pounds. But exercise reasonable caution! Drastically restricting your diet can have side effects.

TOP 5 most effective diets

The easiest and fastest way to lose a few kilograms at home is mono-diets. They have several disadvantages: the monotony of dishes, causing a deficiency of vitamins and microelements, the rapid return of lost kilograms, the need to consult a doctor. And yet they are among the most effective diets for rapid weight loss.

Kima Protasova

Suitable for those who love vegetables and can easily do without meat. The diet compiled by Protasov is designed for 5 weeks. It is based on raw vegetables with a small addition of fermented milk products. The menu looks something like this:

  • breakfast: unsweetened coffee, low-fat yogurt, apple;
  • second breakfast: cucumbers with homemade cheese;
  • lunch: tea, apple, salad with grated cheese;
  • afternoon snack: carrots, lettuce, apple;
  • dinner: boiled egg, tomatoes with herbs and kefir.

Diet for the lazy

Sometimes there is no time for cooking and complex recipes. The good news is that there are effective diets that don't require fancy cooking. The main principle of the “lazy” diet: before meals you need to drink 2 glasses of clean warm water. Be sure to only warm! The idea is simple: warm water will extinguish the feeling of hunger, while at the same time preventing you from overeating.

As part of this method of quickly losing weight, you need to eat three times a day; there are practically no food restrictions. Although it is better to avoid sweets, fatty and fried foods, as well as alcohol and carbonated drinks.


With this mono-diet you can lose up to 10 kg in a week. However, buckwheat porridge should not be boiled, but steamed. Because of this, it becomes not so tasty, but it helps to lose weight. First, rinse the grains, pour boiling water over them and wait until the grains are completely swollen. This takes a lot of time, so you need to steam the porridge 12 hours in advance. It is best to do this in the evening. Add a little salt, spices, and a spoonful of soy sauce to the buckwheat.

Divide the resulting amount of cereal into 5 meals and eat throughout the day. The last meal should take place no later than 5 hours before bedtime. Half an hour before meals, drink a glass of water. You can also drink unsweetened green tea. But you should not abuse this effective diet, otherwise you risk developing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Ducan's diet

This is a protein diet, which is based on an almost complete rejection of carbohydrates. Pierre Dukan assured that you can eat this way all the time, diversifying the menu. And yet, the diet created by Dukan is not suitable for everyone, but only for those who need to lose 10 kg or more, and who are willing to wait a month or longer for results.

The transition to a low-carbohydrate diet occurs in several stages. First, you completely give up carbohydrates, replacing them with protein. Then alternate vegetables and protein, stabilizing your weight. Then you can introduce carbohydrates into your diet a little at a time, but their share should still not exceed 10% of the total number of foods.

The simplest diet

Mono-diets are not suitable for everyone: they can be difficult to maintain due to the monotony of the diet, a sharp reduction in the amount of carbohydrates, and the need to search for special foods. But there are ways to lose weight without having to go through a lot of complicated cooking.

Kefir diet

One of the most popular options for emergency weight loss is the kefir mono-diet. It’s not easy to maintain, but there are no difficulties with planning your diet and eating schedule. The point is that you drink 1.5 liters of kefir per day, even if it’s fatty, and that’s all. This way you can lose up to 5 kg per week. However, you cannot sit on kefir alone for more than 3-5 days, otherwise the body will begin to suffer from exhaustion.

Fast weight loss regimen

Severe food restriction is effective in the short term. Therefore, when you sit down on kefir or buckwheat porridge alone, you need to be prepared for the fact that the lost kilograms will quickly return. But you can rearrange your own diet so as to reduce weight and fix it at the same level, plus or minus 2 kg. To do this, you should eat fractionally: not in large portions three times a day, but in small doses 5 times. You will also have to give up all high-calorie foods:

  • carbonated sweet drinks;
  • alcohol;
  • desserts;
  • fried and baked potatoes;
  • fatty red meat;
  • sausages and frankfurters;
  • cereals, instant breakfasts;
  • fast food;
  • muffins and other baked goods made from white wheat flour.

The basis of the diet should be fresh vegetables and fruits, lean fish and white meat, cereals with the exception of white rice. It is useful to keep a food diary, taking into account all meals, even the smallest ones. You should also calculate the daily calorie intake for your weight and lifestyle, subtract 300-500 units from it, and stick to exactly this calorie content.

Effective ways to lose weight

In addition to the listed methods of emergency weight loss, there are others.

Diet for 5 days is effective

“Ladder” is a method of losing weight by 3-8 kg in 5 days. It is based on five stages of nutrition, equal to 5 days of the week:

  1. Cleansing day: fasting with regular consumption of clean water.
  2. Restorative: you can eat fermented milk products.
  3. Energy: you need to please the body with glucose using raisins, honey and other natural products.
  4. Construction: at this stage we eat protein.
  5. Fat burning: you need fiber that satisfies and satisfies hunger.

The most effective diet for a week

The easiest way to lose weight in a week is with a diet of only buckwheat porridge and kefir. Yes, it turns out monotonous, but you lose up to 5 kg. Buckwheat should be prepared in the same way as for the buckwheat method: steamed, not boiled. We drink up to 1.5 liters of low-fat kefir per day.

Effective diet for 10 days

The essence of a super diet for weight loss: in one day you can eat only one product in an amount of up to 1 kg. Weight loss lasts up to 10 days, so you can lose about 8 kg. However, doctors warn: although this method helps to lose weight, it is not safe for health. Therefore, at the first signs of discomfort, you should consult a doctor. And to avoid illness, adhere to these principles:

  • choose natural products;
  • exclude fatty, sweet, smoked, red meat, and alcohol from your diet;
  • Make a meal schedule and stick to it;
  • reduce the amount of salt you consume with food.

Product options that are suitable for this method of weight loss: boiled potatoes, fresh cabbage, boiled beets, raw carrots. Fresh cucumbers, apples and boiled rice are also recommended. You can arrange “kefir” and “milk” days.

You can also try a vegetarian diet. This is a safer option, but you will lose up to 3 kg. The essence of the method is to eat only vegetables and fruits, giving up all other foods, including cheeses, eggs and milk.

Diet for 2 weeks is effective

In just fourteen minutes you can try an extreme method of weight loss, which involves almost completely giving up food. You need to eat very little healthy food to avoid feeling full. You will constantly feel hungry, you will lose the main kilograms in the first week of fasting, then the rate of weight loss will slow down.

However, this diet is not suitable for everyone, to put it mildly. Fasting is stressful for the body, and two weeks of malnutrition has a whole bunch of side effects. Therefore, we recommend a less radical way to normalize body weight: an already familiar diet of one product for one day. It can be extended for 14 days, the main thing is not to forget to drink up to 2 liters of water per day and alternate foods.

Diet effective for losing weight for a month: food menu

The BeFit service offers a ready-made weekly diet and a menu of healthy products that help normalize weight. We have developed a balanced and tasty diet, you will not only lose weight, but also enjoy healthy and appetizing food. In a month of eating according to our system, you will lose up to 10 kg. The result will be better if you combine a healthy diet with physical activity.

The most effective diets for losing weight by 10 kg

There are three types of ways to reduce body weight by 10 kg: hard, cleansing and gentle. We advise you not to resort to harsh methods unless absolutely necessary, because they have many side effects. But if you urgently need to lose weight, you can try this option: completely giving up high-calorie foods and switching to a low-calorie diet. The maximum daily calorie intake is 1300 calories. To avoid a constant feeling of hunger, you need to divide your food into 7-8 meals.

A more gentle option: a cleansing method, which involves avoiding animal products, as well as fried, fatty and smoked foods. They should be replaced with vegetables, fruits, cereals, and low-fat dairy products. But even in this case, it is important to eat small portions 5 times a day.

The gentle diet is the easiest to tolerate; it is designed for a loss of 10 kg within a month. There are no strict restrictions, but high-calorie foods, fast food, desserts, baked goods, sweet and carbonated drinks should be completely excluded. We also refuse fatty, fried, smoked foods. Instead, we eat black and yeast-free bread, slightly stale unsweetened buns, butter, celery, milk, vegetables and fruits. You can also eat grains, legumes, lean meats and fish. We drink green tea, kefir, fruit juices. But not from packs, but squeezed out with your own hands!

Secrets of a light diet

To lose weight, it is important to stay motivated: remember your goal. Also try to make this period enjoyable: don’t isolate yourself, communicate, walk in the fresh air, play sports. Do not forget to drink at least 2 liters of pure mineral water per day, eat small portions, and then the diet will be easier to accept.