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What a family icon. These are the Icons You Must Have in Your Home. Save so as not to lose. The most powerful icon in the world

The main purpose of the icon is to assist believers in prayer. The icon helps us focus on turning to the Lord and the saints. The presence of an image is not at all mandatory for performing prayer, but for most of us it is quite difficult to move away from the bustle of the world and concentrate on communicating with God without visible symbols. The consecration of a home, the icon, being consecrated matter - all this is the protection of a Christian’s home from negative influences. The presence of holy icons in the house, in front of which household members offer prayers, creates an invisible spiritual fortress around our homes.

Of course, when talking about protecting a home with holy images, we must understand that the icon is not a talisman and does not act magically, but grace is communicated through the shrine according to the faith of those praying in front of the image. After all, in fact, the protection is not the image itself, but the help of the Lord.

When a person encounters attacks from people or dark forces in his life and asks a question like: “what icons to protect the house with,” then, first of all, it is worth looking into your heart and paying attention to your personal relationship with the Creator, remembering when the last time participated in the Sacraments of the Mother Church. Treating an icon as a talisman is fundamentally wrong, like superstition. Superstition is a vain (empty) faith. The difference in understanding between a pagan amulet and a Christian shrine is that the amulet makes a person passively protected, that is, it acts (in the pagan consciousness) magically, without effort or even the will of the wearer himself. It is impossible to obtain the protection of God by indifferently holding a shrine in your home or on your body, and such an attitude is extra-church and is also superstition.

So, what kind of icon can serve to protect a home in the Christian sense? Answer: any with the sincere faith of the owner of the icon and always turning to the saints and the Lord for help.

But there are images in front of which it is traditional to pray under special circumstances.

Perhaps it would be better to call the given list of icons not “icons that protect the house,” but “icons that patronize the protection of the soul.” After all, in essence, our home and our soul are very connected and the state of one is quite comparable to the other.

The icons of the Savior, the Mother of God and the Holy Trinity are the main ones in the red corner of a Christian, and they are the first to pray in front of them.

In front of the face of your patron saint and guardian angel, you can ask for anything, be it help in a new business or protection of your home from evil.

Seven-shot - in front of this icon they pray for protection from evil spirits.

Ostobramsk Icon of the Mother of God - they pray for protection from quarrels, curses, as well as unwanted guests, the machinations of ill-wishers, envious people and evil spirits.

In front of the icon of Saints Cyprian and Justinia they also pray for protection from dark forces, from magicians and the occult.

In front of the icon of St. Spyridon of Trimythous they pray for various matters related to the house. They pray to the saint in cases where there is not enough money for necessities, and they ask for help in everyday affairs. Also, the Christian people in all troubles turn to St. Nicholas of Myra, as a quick helper and a great saint of God.

Yulia Alekseevna Caesar

Hereditary witch. Tarot reader. Runologist. Reiki Master.

Articles written

An icon is a holy image through which a person communicates with God. Only if the prayer is sincere, Jesus and the saint help and protect. Which icons to choose and place in the house to protect the family from illness and quarrels.

Icons-amulets - why are they hung in the house?

The purpose of the icon is protection in difficult life situations. The face of the saint depicted on the canvas helps to focus thoughts and emotions on prayer. It is believed that one can turn to God at any moment if there is a reason for this, but it is quite difficult for a person to concentrate his efforts on prayer, so the icon is a symbol that tunes in the right energy.

It is important to understand that an icon not illuminated in the temple will remain simply a beautiful decor for the interior. Bless the icon and only after that you can pray in front of it and use it to protect your family.

Note: today creative icon embroidery kits are very popular. Of course, you can make such a talisman for your family with your own hands, but go to church and consecrate the embroidered icon, after which it will gain its power.

How to properly place family icons in the house?

Our ancestors placed images of saints on the eastern wall, however, in modern houses it is not always possible to find a wall in the eastern direction, therefore modern rules for placing a holy face in the house are democratic.

  1. You cannot hang amulets icons in close proximity to a noise source, such as a TV.
  2. If you want good luck in your work, you can place the amulet icon near your computer.
  3. It is not advisable to place the iconostasis near art books or bright decorative elements.
  4. The best place to place an icon that protects the family is indoor plants and self-embroidered towels.
  5. Do not hang illuminated holy images and those that have not undergone the lighting ceremony in the same place.

1. Universal icons.

  • Mother of God;
  • Savior;
  • The image of a saint who protects a specific person.

In front of these icons they ask for everything - be it a prayer for health, a request for patronage in new affairs, protection from evil thoughts.

2. The most energetically powerful images-amulets from evil, damage and robbery.

  • Seven-shot - reliably protects the house and the people living in it from damage, evil and magic. Hang the icon in your house and any person with bad intentions and envy will not be able to cross the threshold and harm you. They hang the Seven Shot opposite the front door.
  • Ostobramskaya is an icon that protects not only from evil and black envy, but also helps to avoid quarrels in the family. Hang such an image in your house and pay attention to which of your friends or neighbors stop visiting you - they are clearly plotting something evil against you.
  • Nikita of Novgorod is a powerful amulet against magic and damage; they ask this saint for protection from enemies and envious people; in addition, the image helps to overcome feelings of fear.
  • The image of Vladimirskaya and Tikhvinskaya - they pray for health, for the obedience and wisdom of children, and for strengthening ties between generations.
  • Panteleimon the Healer - just bring the image of the saint to the sick bed, give him a drink of consecrated water and cross him three times.
  • Mother of God “Quick to Hear” - protects from suffering, pain and chronic pathologies, in order to alleviate the patient’s condition, you need to pray daily.
  • “Tenderness of Seraphim of Sarov” is the best choice for those whose family members often have sick children; it should be hung by the child’s bedside.
  • The Kazan Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary helps to recover from eye diseases, not only alleviates a person’s condition, but also gives hope for complete healing.
  • Mother of God “Feodorovskaya” - protects all pregnant women, helps to bear and give birth to a healthy baby, it is best to hang the image at a woman’s bedside.

Written by Andrey Rublev. The symbol of the “Trinity” is God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Or - wisdom, reason, love. One of the three main icons that should be in every home. In front of the icon they pray for forgiveness of sins. It is considered confessional.

“Iverskaya MOTHER OF GOD” is the keeper of the hearth. She is considered the patroness of all women, their helper and intercessor before the Lord. An icon used to remove the “crown of celibacy” from both men and women. In front of the icon they also pray for the healing of physical and mental illnesses, for consolation in troubles.

“MOTHER OF GOD OF KAZAN” is the main icon of Russia, the intercessor of the entire Russian people, especially in difficult, troubled times. All the main events in life take place with her, starting with baptism. The icon gives a blessing for marriage, and it is also an assistant in work. An icon that stops fire and helps those with vision problems. Before the icon they pray for help in various everyday needs.

“THE MOTHER OF GOD OF VLADIMIR” - written by the Evangelist Luke. The icon is considered one of the most revered images of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Rus'. Tsars were crowned and high priests were elected in front of this icon. Before her they pray for the humility of those at war, for the softening of evil hearts, for the healing of bodily and mental weaknesses, as well as for the healing of the possessed.

“TIKHVIN MOTHER OF GOD” - written by the Evangelist Luke. The icon is considered a child’s icon; it is also called a “guidebook”. She helps children in illness, calms the restless and disobedient, helps them choose friends, and protects them from the bad influence of the street. It is believed that it strengthens the bond between parents and children, that is, children do not abandon their parents in old age. Helps women during childbirth and pregnancy. Those who have problems also turn to her.

“SEVEN ARCH” is the strongest icon in protecting the house and any premises, as well as the person on whom it is located, from evil, envious people, from the evil eye, damage and curses. She reconciles warring parties, brings peace and harmony, and is also hired for important matters. At home, she should be in front of the front door so that she can see the eyes of the person entering. Before installing the icon, you need to read a prayer, and then observe who stops coming to your house.

“QUICK TO HEAR” - the image was painted in the 10th century. They pray in front of the icon when quick and urgent help is needed, for the healing of mental and physical ailments, including paralysis, blindness, cancer, and also ask for the birth of healthy children and the release of prisoners.

“HEALER” - the icon is one of the most ancient and revered. In front of the icon they pray for healing of the soul and body; it protects from various misfortunes, troubles, sorrow, eternal condemnation, and takes care of liberation from imprisonment. Childbirth assistant.

“INEXHAIBLE CHALICE” - The Mother of God prays for all sinners and calls for an inexhaustible source of spiritual joy and consolation, proclaiming that the inexhaustible cup of heavenly help and mercy is prepared for those who ask with faith. It brings prosperity to the home, and also helps to heal from bad habits, drunkenness, drug addiction, and gambling.

“UNBREAKABLE WALL” - located in the main altar of the Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral. For more than ten centuries, this miraculous icon remained intact. That's probably why it's named like that. In front of the icon for every need: healing for the sick, consolation for the grieving, admonition for the lost, protect babies, educate and teach the young, encourage and instruct husbands and wives, support and warm the old, deliver from all misfortunes.

“THREE-HANDED” - the miraculous image of the Mother of God was painted in the eighth century in honor of St. John of Damascus, a church hymn writer who was innocently slandered. In front of the icon they pray for healing from hand pain or injury, from fire, as well as from illness, grief and sadness.

“UNEXPECTED JOY” is an icon about forgiveness of sins and grateful healing. Before the icon they pray for the conversion of the lost, for the health and well-being of children, for the healing of deafness and ear diseases, for the preservation of marriage in love and harmony.

“BLESSED MATRONA” is a very powerful saint of our time. People turn to her for any difficult issue. She is our “first helper” and intercessor, intercessor for us before the Lord. The relics are located in the Intercession Monastery on Taganka, where every day countless people come and turn to her for help.

“NICHOLAS THE WONDERWORKER” is the favorite saint of the Russian people. He protects from poverty and need: when his icon is in the house, he makes sure that there is prosperity in the house, and protects from the need for anything. In addition, he is the patron saint of all travelers, drivers, sailors, pilots and just people who are on the road and revere St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The relics of St. Nicholas the Pleasant are located in Italy.

“THE HOLY GREAT MARTYR PANTELEMON” is a great healer, patron of doctors. During his lifetime he brought healing to many people from serious illnesses. And now people receive a charge for miraculous healing from the icon with the face of St. Panteleimon.

“GEORGE THE VICTORIOUS” is the patron saint of Moscow, as well as an assistant to those people whose work involves weapons, risking their lives - military, police, firefighters, rescuers. In addition, these include athletes and people starting a new business.

"SERGIUS OF RADONEZH" - founder of the Sergius - Trinity Lavra in the 14th century. He is the patron saint of all students. They take the icon with them when taking exams and tests. It is very good for the icon to always be in the pocket of your purse or briefcase every day when the child goes to school.

“SERAPHIM OF SAROV” is one of the beloved and revered saints of Russia. He devoted his entire life to serving our Lord and founded the Diveyevo convent in the Nizhny Novgorod province. Prayer to Holy Father Seraphim of Sarov helps very well with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, spine, and joints.

“GUARDIAN ANGEL” - they pray to him: for help with headaches; about his patronage, from
insomnia, in grief, about happiness in marriage, about driving away evil spirits, about getting rid of harm from wizards and sorcerers. About the intercession of widows and orphans in despair, about deliverance from sudden or sudden death, about the expulsion of demons. Those going to bed pray to him for deliverance from prodigal dreams.

"Tenderness" Before the icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness"
or “JOY OF ALL JOYS” - an icon revered by the Venerable Seraphim of Sarov, according to the faith of those who ask, he gives them healing.

“QUIL MY SADNESS” to the icon of the Mother of God “QUIL MY SADNESS” - pray for deliverance from illnesses and bodily sorrows; from sinful passions that overwhelm the human heart.

Who in our world could be more defenseless than children? Due to their natural purity and defenselessness, children have special guardianship from God and themselves.

Every baptized child, as well as an adult, is accompanied by his Guardian Angel, who helps, guides, and protects him on the path of life. The Lord Jesus Christ Himself, who said “Do not hinder the children from coming to Me...” preserves the children. And the Mother of God is a Mother for children, and much closer than any mother in the flesh.

Among the countless host of saints of God glorified by the Holy Spirit in the Church, there are those who are considered to be especially protective of children, which is due to the peculiarities of their earthly life and the nature of their deeds.

We often wonder what icon helps children, protects children? What image should I give to a child as a gift, what saint should I pray for to help children?

Here is a list and descriptions of the lives of just some of the saints who are patrons of children:

Holy Martyr Neophytos of Nicea

The holy martyr Neophytos, originally from Nicaea, grew up in strict Christian piety. For his meekness, abstinence and prayerful work, he was glorified in his adolescence for the gift of miracles. One day, by the miraculous appearance of a dove, the saint was taken out of his parents' house and brought to a cave in which a wild lion lived. It was in this cave that Neophyte lived until he was fifteen years old, leaving it only once in order to bury his parents and distribute his inheritance to the poor.

During the persecution of Diocletian, he voluntarily came to Nicaea and fearlessly began to expose the lies of the pagans. The heterodox persecutors subjected him to cruel torture. After many torments: beatings, sitting in the oven for several days, etc., the saint remained unharmed. Then the saint was condemned to be devoured by wild beasts. The naked saint was tied to a pole and a wild bear was released on him. The beast roared towards the saint, but stopped abruptly, looked at him and then returned to its place. The ruler and everyone who gathered at this spectacle were greatly amazed.

Then they released the most ferocious bear, who was only released into the lists twice a year, as she was very angry and killed many people. She ran up, threw herself at the feet of the saint, seeing in him the saint of God, and then also peacefully retreated to her place. Then they brought to the ruler a very large and extremely ferocious lion, which had been caught in the desert five days ago and had not been fed at all since then.

The ruler ordered that this lion be released against Saint Neophytos. The people were horrified looking at this lion, as he was huge and fierce. The lion, approaching the saint, looked at him, stopped, and tears flowed from his eyes. Then the beast began to lick the feet of Saint Neophytos. This was the same lion that Saint Neophytos found on Mount Olympus, in a stone cave, and, taking his former place, sent him to another place. Having recognized him, the Saint ordered him to return to his first home, and then the Saint forbade him to harm the people gathered in this place and anyone in general. The lion, bowing to the martyr, left him with a terrible roar, broke down the gates of the lists and quickly began to move among the people. Everyone rushed to run, fearing to be torn to pieces, but the lion, without harming anyone, fled into the desert, at the command of the saint. The ruler, filled with fear and horror, ordered the martyr to be killed immediately. One beast-like foreigner stood there; he rushed at the saint and, hitting him with a spear right in the chest, pierced his body right through. So the Holy Martyr Neophytos gave up his soul into the hands of the Lord, having lived fifteen years from his birth.

The Holy Martyr Neophytos is the patron and protector of children.

Holy Child - Martyr Gabriel of Bialystok

Gabriel was born on March 22, 1684 in the village of Zverki, Bialystok district, Grodno province, in the family of pious Orthodox Christians - peasants Peter and Anastasia. He grew up as a meek, kind boy and loved to spend time in quiet solitude.

In 1690, on April 11, shortly before Easter, the mother of six-year-old Gabriel brought lunch to her husband, who was working in the field. At this very time, a Jewish tenant climbed into the house, took care of the child and, treacherously kidnapping Gabriel, took him to the city of Bialystok, where the baby was subjected to terrible torture: he was crucified, his sides were pierced, gradually bleeding out. On the ninth day of the training, the child died, his body was thrown into a field near the village of Zverki.

The hungry dogs that found the baby’s body not only did not attack him, but even protected the body from the attacks of birds of prey. After some time, villagers began to come to hear the dogs barking. People found the martyr and realized that the baby had died as a result of ritual murder. The body of the tortured Gabriel, in front of a large crowd of Orthodox people, struck by unprecedented atrocities, was interred not far from the village church.

Thirty years later, the saint’s relics remained incorrupt. In 1746, the temple in which the baby was buried burned down, but the holy relics were miraculously preserved. The handle was only partially burned, but when the holy relics were transferred to the monastery, it miraculously healed and became covered with skin again. St. Martyr Gabriel is considered the patron and healer of children.

Saint Stylian was born in Paphlagonia in the 5th century. From childhood he showed a rare desire for a holy life. By the grace of God, both as a child and as an adolescent, he repelled all the attacks of the enemy. As he approached adolescence, his soul became more and more drawn towards a holy life. Having reached adulthood, Saint Stylian distributed all his property to the poor, saying the following words: “I threw off the heavy anchor that kept me tied to the desires of my fallen body. From now on, the path to true life is open to me.”

After this, Saint Stylian became a monk. Gradually, with the help of work and prayer, Saint Stylian ascended the spiritual ladder of obedience and love for God. Wanting to be even closer to God, he went into the deserted desert, where he settled in a cave.

The words of the Savior entered Stylian’s heart deeply: “Truly I tell you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven” (Matthew 18:1-4). Children are gentle and simple. The Lord, knowing about Stylian’s ardent desire to acquire a child’s faith and purity, gave him the grace of protecting children. Mothers walked through the desert for days from nearby towns and villages, bringing him their sick children for healing. Saint Stylian took the child into his mother’s arms, tearfully asked God for healing, and certainly received it. Through the prayers of the saint, barren women became mothers of many children. And after the saint’s dormition, barren women who prayed at the icon of Saint Stylian always received healing.

Saint Stylian reposed in the Lord, already an old man. The fame of the saint spread throughout the Christian world. Saint Stylian is still the patron saint of children. The name Stylian (Greek “pillar”) comes from “stylono”, which means “strengthen”, “maintain” the health of children. On the icon the saint is depicted holding one or more babies in his arms.

The patron saint of each individual child, of course, is the saint in whose honor he is named in the Sacrament of Holy Baptism. For any Orthodox person, it is extremely important to know his heavenly patron well and to be able to turn to him for help and with gratitude, to learn to mentally turn to him and raise his thoughts to God. In order to make the presence of a saint in a child’s life more real and visible, you can give him a unique and unforgettable gift - a dimensional or personalized icon. In the Icon Painting Workshop “Measured Icon”, experienced craftsmen will paint for you an image that will become a moral guide and a faithful protector of your child for life. If you are lucky enough to be parents in a large family, and it is important for you that your children have an icon that protects them spiritually, then a family icon can become an excellent collective image for the whole family.

It is important to understand that the icon of a saint who protects children is not a talisman. But the Lord Himself, with His Graceful energies, helps us, through the prayers of the saint, to whom we turn through the icon.

The presence of holy images in a home disciplines each owner, forcing him to turn to God more often.

Even if the owner of an apartment or house does not consider himself an overly zealous Christian, a casual glance thrown at a wall with an icon inevitably forces him to settle down and reconsider his desires.

The most important shrines

In their prayers, believers most often turn to Jesus Christ and the Mother of God. Therefore, it makes sense to have images with the Son of God and the Virgin Mary without fail. Such amulets are necessary in every house or apartment.

Icons in the house

They should be placed in a room where a person is most often alone. For example, in the bedroom. Then you will inevitably begin and end your day with an appeal to the patron saints. This disciplines thoughts and brings peace to the souls and minds of believers.

Advice. You should have the image of the Mother of God in the children's room, as if placing your beloved child under the protection of higher powers. The Virgin Mary has become an example of maternal love for her only son; parents of sick children most often turn to her.

The image of the Matrona of Moscow enjoys no less honor among believers. During her lifetime, the woman canonized by the church was famous for her gift of foresight and ability to help the sick. It is believed that prayer with the words of a request for health addressed to it helps with various diseases.

It is important that there are no things above or next to the icons that prevent the spiritual essence from successfully performing its protective functions:

  • photographs of relatives, both living and those who have left this world;
  • posters with images of celebrities in the world of show business;
  • cult objects of various pagan rites;
  • hunting trophies and collections of edged weapons, etc.

A naive child, little experienced in matters of secular temptations, will also turn to God in his own way, thereby asking the image for protection and help in solving his own youthful problems.

Miracle Worker of Myra

The image of Nicholas the Saint is extremely popular among Christians. In terms of its significance, it is equal to the images of the most revered saints. Most often in a house with an equipped iconostasis you will see the Holy Trinity:

  • Jesus Christ;
  • Our Lady;
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker.

It is the latter image of the saint that is popular as an effective relic that protects the house. Almost every family has experience of turning to a shrine for help and successfully solving problems with the help of prayer to the righteous man of Myra.

What icons should be in the house: home protection icon

This is considered to be the image of the Mother of God with seven swords in her hands. Not everyone knows where to hang the Seven Shot Icon, so every time the clergy explain to the parishioners the symbolic meaning of the face and its purpose.

The icon refers to the general protection of the home from:

  • thieves and scammers;
  • irritation and anger;
  • illness and poverty.

Advice. It is best to place it above the entrance to the living space, as if it were an invisible guard, it will protect the family from these troubles.

Home fire protection

Since ancient times in Rus' this disaster was considered the most terrible. Therefore, Christians always tried to have at home a prototype of the Burning Bush, symbolizing the resilience of the green thorn before the Divine Fire back in the time of Moses. The Burning Bush icon from fire in the house will help protect property from natural fire - in the event of a thunderstorm, for example.

Shrines to inherit

According to Archpriest Andrei Efanov, sacred relics should serve living people. This is what they are created for. Do not hesitate, if your grandparents left you holy images as an inheritance, do not think about whether it is possible to take icons from the house of the deceased. Combined with your family ritual items, they will become reliable protection against all kinds of misfortunes.

Signs associated with the faces of saints

People believe that if an icon falls, it is a bad sign, foreshadowing misfortune for everyone in the family. Therefore, in order not to wonder what such an incident leads to, you should firmly secure the family iconostasis. This precaution will help distinguish a bad omen from your own negligence.

If the holy image breaks due to a fall or cracks from hitting the floor, the following misfortunes may occur:

  • probable betrayal of one of the spouses;
  • misfortune on the road during a business trip or travel;
  • illness of someone close to you.

However, you shouldn’t worry too much about what happened. As one of the commandments says, you should not create idols from holy images. You just need to pick up the portrait of the saint and kiss it. And then go to church and light a candle near such an icon. Read the Lord's Prayer and ask for forgiveness for your negligence.

Accessing Home Images

Before praying at home in front of the icon, you should leave aside all thoughts and worries about everyday problems. Only the appropriate attitude and true faith will make your appeal to the saints truly miraculous.

It is believed that ready-made texts of prayers to the Creator and the Righteous are more effective due to their many years of existence, consecration by church authorities and canonization. You can address the faces with your own words, if they come from a pure heart, with recognition of the supremacy of higher powers and your own imperfection.

I hope that my modest knowledge about icons in the house and their meaning in everyday life will only benefit you. We all, sooner or later, turn to the Lord in search of intercession. Therefore, knowing what icons should be in your home will help you correctly use the opportunities given to humanity by Jesus Christ and his feat.