home · Other · What pills are used for medical abortion. List of drugs without a prescription. Early pregnancy termination pills

What pills are used for medical abortion. List of drugs without a prescription. Early pregnancy termination pills

Although the modern pharmaceutical industry offers a wide range of effective contraceptives, unwanted pregnancy b is a fairly common occurrence. Therefore, the demand for abortion services is always very high. There are many ways, starting from folk remedies, ending with old healers, and dubious specialists who receive at home.

Abortion with pills: fiction or reality

Pregnancy is not a cold that requires you to take folk remedies, nor is it a spoilage that requires you to visit your grandmother. You only need to see a doctor, if you plan to interrupt it. Moreover, modern methods of interrupting it are quite painless. One of them - medical abortion, which is suitable for early deadlines.

Until what time can you terminate a pregnancy with pills?

As stated above, such an abortion is acceptable only in the early stages. In our country these deadlines are established Ministry of Health. You can terminate a pregnancy this way up to 9 weeks. In the West the period is even shorter. There they resort to this method until the 7th week. If the period is longer, taking the pills is ineffective and may cause serious complications.

The main indications are:

  • early dates unwanted pregnancy;
  • high risks of miscarriage due to health conditions women;
  • high risks of developing pathologies The child has;
  • Availability HIV in a pregnant woman;
  • running syphilis in expectant mothers;
  • serious genetic hereditary diseases;
  • mental woman's diseases;
  • oncological diseases.

Pharmaboration is often given to pregnant girls if they under 16 years old. But in this case, not everything is so simple. Necessary permission parents, guardians, doctors' opinions. This is all in the event that it is decided to terminate the pregnancy. Classic types of abortion at such a young age can subsequently cause serious complications and cause infertility.

List of pills for home abortion

Abortion pills:

Another popular drug Postinor. True, it is not used to terminate an already established pregnancy, but to minimize the risks of conception after unprotected sexual intercourse.

How does abortion occur after taking pills?

The procedure includes several stages, including 2 key.

Stage 1. In a hospital setting, a woman is given tablets to take as a pharmacist. She remains there for 2-4 hours, under the supervision of doctors. If everything is fine and there are no side effects, she is sent home. At this stage, a miscarriage is provoked and the fetus dies.

Stage 2. The woman visits the clinic again 2 days later and now takes prostaglandins. They increase the contractile activity of the uterus so that its cavity is cleansed.

Then, the woman should come in 2 days for an ultrasound so that the doctor can evaluate how the procedure went and whether the uterine cavity is completely cleared. After 2-3 weeks, you need to come back for an examination and ultrasound.

Possible complications

Pills to end pregnancy can cause negative consequences:

Despite the fact that it is theoretically and practically possible to terminate a pregnancy at home, it is better to consult a doctor and do everything under his supervision to avoid complications. Moreover, the cost of the procedure will not increase much.

Cost of drugs

Average cost of pills against early pregnancy, starts from 3,000 rubles. If you go to the clinic, they offer a comprehensive service - medical abortion, which also includes a consultation with a specialist and an ultrasound. Average cost of service including medications 5,000−7,000 rubles. If expensive imported drugs are used, the cost may be 8,000 - 10,000 rubles.

You can get rid of an unwanted pregnancy in the early stages with a minimum of health risks using special medications. What is contained in the products, and how the procedure for medical abortion is carried out.

Pharmacological properties

In gynecology, medical abortion is one of the most common procedures.

The drugs contain a large number of hormones. It is this composition that allows the muscles of the uterus to contract strongly and lead to miscarriage. After a mini-abortion, a woman begins to experience spotting, with which the fertilized egg rejected by the uterus is released.

Names of abortion pills:

  1. Emergency contraceptive Postinor based on synthetic hormones. The main active ingredient of the drug: levonorgestrel. It acts comprehensively: it interrupts ovulation and has an abortifacient effect. Postinor for termination of pregnancy in the early stages is taken in stages. The first dose of Postinor is no later than 72 hours after sexual contact, the second dose of Postinor is 12 hours later. Postinor can be purchased in pharmacies without a prescription, but if used uncontrolled and dosages are not observed, it can cause a number of side effects.
  2. Mifepristone and Misoprostol according to the scheme. Increases the contractility of the myometrium, exfoliates the fertilized egg. The drugs are indicated in the early period of conception (up to 42 days). Medicines based on mifepristone are considered one of the highly effective, with a minimum of side effects and contraindications. Based on mifepristone, a number of similar pills for abortion in the early stages have been produced: Pencrofton, Mifolian, Mifegin.

What pills are used to terminate pregnancy with 100% success? Manufacturers claim that the effectiveness of all medications is close to 100% and has almost no complications. But each body is unique and therefore the procedure is best carried out after the appointment, under the supervision of a gynecologist.

To terminate a pregnancy with pills, until when can you see a doctor? According to the protocol, the termination procedure can be carried out within a period of up to six weeks. It is during this period that pills instead of abortion will act with minimal risk of complications.

Advantages of drugs

With the help of medical abortion, it is possible to terminate an unwanted conception without surgical intervention. But abortion pills can be prescribed only in the initial stages, when menstruation is delayed for no more than 49 days.

Abortion pills have several advantages:

  1. The lowest rates of post-abortion infertility.
  2. If surgical intervention involves trauma to the cervix with frequent unwanted complications, then pills to terminate an early pregnancy, taken in the first 72 hours after sexual intercourse, will not harm the patient’s health.
  3. The patient does not require inpatient conditions or hospitalization. The medicine can be taken on an outpatient basis.

  4. Medical abortion with drugs does not require a long recovery period. After three days, the patient can return to her normal lifestyle.
  5. Women who have not given birth are allowed to take tablets. This termination procedure does not cause complications in the form of secondary infertility.
  6. With the drug procedure there is no risk of contracting HIV infection or hepatitis.
  7. The pain sensation is no different from ordinary menstrual pain.

From a moral and emotional point of view, the patient tolerates medication interruption much easier, and there is no need for a long rehabilitation period.


Drugs for early termination of pregnancy belong to the group of potent drugs. Abortion pills are prohibited for use by the following categories of patients:

  1. Women under 18 and over 36 years of age.
  2. If the woman has taken oral contraceptives within the last three months.
  3. Women with an intrauterine device.
  4. If you suspect an ectopic pregnancy.
  5. With an irregular menstrual cycle.
  6. Women with diseases of the hematopoietic system (anemia, hemophilia, bleeding disorders).
  7. After prolonged use of steroid drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs.
  8. If you have a history of the following pathologies: bronchial asthma, erosive diseases of the gastric and intestinal mucosa, hypertension, endocrine diseases, a tendency to allergic reactions, severe kidney and liver failure, chronic genitourinary diseases.

Medication interruption is also not indicated for patients with individual intolerance to the main and additional components of medications.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may affect the effectiveness of drugs. Taking them together is prohibited!

Medical termination of pregnancy in the early stages can provoke irreversible hormonal disorders. Therefore, any of the tablets should be selected individually by a doctor. Abortion using pills requires mandatory medical supervision.

Stages of the procedure

Before prescribing pills for medical abortion, the specialist conducts a complete gynecological examination of the patient. Additionally, laboratory tests, ultrasound to clarify the date, and consultations with specialized specialists will be prescribed.

What pills can be used to terminate a pregnancy, in what combinations they will be used, is the choice of the doctor alone. He will take into account laboratory data, concomitant pathologies, and the patient’s age.

Afterwards, the doctor writes a prescription for the pills, and the woman signs a document in which she expresses her consent to the procedure.

The patient takes anti-pregnancy pills and is under doctor's supervision for four hours. If the patient feels good, the doctor allows the patient to go home. Within a few days, the muscles of the uterus will begin to reject the fertilized egg, and heavy bleeding will begin with moderate cramping and throbbing pain. As prescribed by the doctor, the patient is allowed to take analgesics.

During medication interruption, the patient may feel a headache with dizziness and weakness. Usually these symptoms go away on their own and do not require additional medical interventions.

By the end of the third week after the procedure, the gynecologist schedules a re-examination of the patient. If an ultrasound examination reveals remnants of the fertilized egg in the uterus, the doctor will prescribe vacuum aspiration or curettage. In very rare, severe cases, the doctor decides to perform open surgery.

According to medical statistics, in 8% of patients, medical interruption ends in incomplete abortion with surgical intervention.

Dangerous pills

The composition of Chinese abortion pills, according to the instructions, contains the same active ingredients: levonorgestrel, mifepristone.

But, according to practicing gynecologists, they cause a large number of complications and unwanted side effects: heavy bleeding, fever, dyspepsia, hormonal imbalance, incomplete rejection of the fertilized egg, allergic reactions, bacterial infection, endometritis, infertility.

Therefore, the use of Chinese abortion pills is allowed only if it has complete, translated instructions in Russian. Manufacturers from China often supply counterfeit drugs; it is better to avoid them completely.

At such a crucial period in life, it is important not to harm your own health and in the future be ready for the planned conception.

More and more often, girls are asking the question: how can a miscarriage be provoked? Having rejected the option of surgical termination of pregnancy, women use drugs that cause miscarriage, and even use traditional medicine. When deciding to resort to taking pills to help terminate a pregnancy, you should carefully study the instructions for use and find out the side effects.

Consultation with a qualified doctor will help to avoid dangerous consequences, since medical abortion can cause the development of pathologies in the body.

What drugs are allowed to be used to terminate pregnancy?

Medical abortion during pregnancy up to 6 weeks causes minimal harm to the body. Reception must be carried out according to the rules in the instructions. The effect of the pills is not always what the manufacturers promise.

Abortion drugs come in several types and are sold in tablets.

Experts highlight a number of products that act effectively and safely:

  1. Escapelle;
  2. Pencrofton;
  3. Mifegin;
  4. Mytholian;
  5. Mifeprex.

Any drug that causes a miscarriage has a strong impact on a woman’s health, changing the vital processes of the body.

A popular contraceptive, but it is not effective for an already established pregnancy. The tablets should be taken after unprotected sexual intercourse for 72 hours. Manufacturers of the tablets claim that their product has several functions. The components of Postinor block the ovulation process, affecting the fertilization process, and also prevents the implantation of an already fertilized egg. After taking Postinor, bleeding is observed - rejection of the mucous layer of the uterus along with the dead embryo. The drug Escapelle has a similar effect.

The Postinor package contains two tablets, which contain levonorgestrel. The first tablet should be taken within two days, twelve hours later the second tablet should be taken. The properties of Postinor resemble abortion, the effect of the tablets is very strong, it is recommended to take the drug no more than once per menstrual cycle (according to the instructions). Gynecologists do not recommend using this remedy frequently due to the high risk of hormonal imbalance.

Using the drug late in pregnancy is dangerous to health.

Pencrofton promotes contraction of the uterine muscles, which causes the fertilized egg to leave the uterine cavity and a miscarriage occurs. To terminate a pregnancy, three tablets at a time are enough.

Pencrofton is taken in an amount of no more than three tablets. Experts recommend using Misoprostol after this, which provokes an enhanced effect of the first drug.

After 36-48 hours, the woman requires an ultrasound examination to confirm termination of pregnancy. After 1-2 weeks, it is recommended to be examined again.

The drug is contraindicated in women who are allergic to the components of the tablets, kidney disease, liver disease or blood disease. Side effects include dizziness, pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, vomiting, bleeding and dyspepsia.

Effective drugs also include Mifepristone, Mifegin and Mifeprex. These tablets are used during pregnancy, the duration of which does not exceed 42 days. If you take the drug later, there is a high probability that the fetus will survive, but will be born with significant deformities. Pregnancy is terminated within 8 hours.

How to protect yourself when taking medications

Despite their effectiveness and popularity, medications for medical abortion cannot be purchased at the pharmacy. Only emergency contraception is available at the pharmacy (Postinor, Escapelle)

The drugs are taken only in medical institutions that perform abortions. Before the procedure, the woman is examined by a doctor, who prescribes an ultrasound and blood and urine tests. It is necessary to exclude the presence of an ectopic pregnancy, which makes it impossible to perform a medical abortion.

Abortion procedures are permitted up to 42 days after the last menstrual period.

During the procedure, the patient takes the prescribed drug, resulting in a miscarriage. After this, the woman must be observed by a doctor for several hours, then she is allowed to go home. Some pills need to be taken twice: the woman no longer has to return to the clinic, but a loved one must stay at home so that if a problem arises, they can call an ambulance to hospitalize the patient.

Complications can occur when taking any of these drugs. Dangerous consequences are caused not only by the action of the pills, but also by carrying out the procedure independently at home. Often, particles of the fetus remain in a woman’s uterus, which begin to rot and contribute to the inflammatory process: this leads not only to the inability to become pregnant in the future, but also to death. To ensure her own safety, a woman is recommended to go to a clinic where she will receive help.

After a medical abortion, it is possible to become pregnant again after two weeks, so the woman needs to take care to use contraceptives.

Safety first

Often women decide to terminate their pregnancy without consulting a doctor, which is very dangerous for their health. Many pills are strong and have dire consequences. It is harmful for the body to take the drug in the later stages: after the sixth week of pregnancy, the pills do not have the desired effect, such use can result in death for the woman. Therefore, it is safer to provoke a miscarriage at an early stage.

It is no less dangerous for a woman to provoke an abortion using traditional medicine. Most of the methods that can be found on the Internet not only do not help to safely induce a miscarriage, but also cause significant harm to the health of the mother.

If you intend to take pills for a miscarriage, a woman should understand that it is dangerous to engage in a medical abortion on her own: you need to consult a qualified specialist who will prescribe an examination and the right drug.

It is also necessary to take into account that termination of pregnancy causes diseases of the adrenal glands, ovaries, pituitary gland and disorders of the thyroid gland.

One of the main causes of many gynecological diseases and infertility is artificial termination of pregnancy. Abortions that are accompanied by instrumental dilatation of the cervix, vacuum aspiration and, especially, curettage are characterized by a particularly high risk of complications and trauma to the genital organs.

Termination of pregnancy using pills in the early stages of gestation allows you to avoid mechanical trauma to the cervix and uterine body, significantly reduce the risks of bleeding and acute and chronic inflammatory processes, which often complicate abortions performed by surgical methods. In addition, medical abortion completely eliminates the risks associated with anesthesia and significantly reduces the degree of psychological trauma.

Drugs for medical abortion

The medication technique is based on the use of medications belonging to different groups that affect the function of the luteal (yellow) body and increase the contractility of the uterine myometrium. These include:

  1. Synthetic derivatives of prostaglandins.
  2. Progesterone antagonists (antiprogestins).

Prostaglandin derivatives

This group includes the only drug registered in Russia, Misoprostol, produced in tablets in a dose of 200 mcg, which can also be under the trade name Mirolut. It is a synthetic analogue of prostaglandin E 1. Misoprostol initiates contractions of smooth muscle fibers, which not only facilitates the opening of the cervical canal and stimulates myometrial contractions, but also increases the strength and frequency of uterine contractions, which leads to the expulsion of the contents of its cavity.

The mechanism of action of misoprostol is explained by the fact that it binds, like oxytocin, to the specific receptor apparatus of the muscle cells of the uterus, as a result of which calcium ions are released from the endoplasm of the latter, increasing the contractile activity of smooth muscle fibers. In addition, it enhances impulse transmission in the presynaptic membrane of adrenergic nerve endings, which leads to an increase in their release of norepinephrine.

Progesterone antagonists

Misoprostol, a synthetic analogue of prostaglandin E 1, is used in combination with the antiprogestin mifepristone. The names of abortion pills of this group are “Mifepristone”, “Pencrofton”, “Mifolian”, “Mifegin”, “Mifeprex”. All of these products, equally effective, contain 200 mg of mifepristone as an active ingredient.

The latter is a synthetic steroid drug intended for oral administration. Tablets for early pregnancy termination containing mifepristone are characterized by a high degree of affinity for progesterone receptors. By binding to them, it leads to a specific blocking of the effects of progesterone on the corresponding receptors located in the endometrium and myometrium. Mifepristone also causes a significant decrease in blood levels, which may be due to its destructive effect on the corpus luteum and its ability to reduce human chorionic gonadotropin levels in the blood.

All this, in turn, becomes the reason:

  • inhibition of the development of cells of the nutrient layer (trophoblast) of the embryo and necrosis of the fetal egg;
  • hypoplasia and necrosis of the transformed functional layer of the uterine mucosa (decidua of the embryo) with its subsequent rejection;
  • the occurrence of uterine contractions and the development of bleeding similar to menstrual bleeding or slightly exceeding it in blood volume, which (clinically) is the essence.

In addition, mifepristone increases the sensitivity of the muscular layer of the uterus to the effects of endogenous (own) and exogenous (additionally administered in the form of misoprostol) prostaglandins. Thus, drugs for abortion in the early stages, when used simultaneously, act as synergists.

Basic regimen for the use of Mifepristone and Misoprostol

It consists of a single dose of three tablets (600 mg) of mifepristone in the presence of a gynecologist, after which 36-48 hours later the prostaglandin misoprostol is prescribed at a dose of 2 - 4 tablets (400-800 mcg). After taking the latter, the woman is observed by a doctor for 2 to 4 hours. A repeated examination by a gynecologist with an ultrasound examination is carried out at the end of the second or 3 weeks (14 days) after taking mifepristone.

Side effects and complications

When performing a medical abortion, in 2-10% of cases the following side effects and complications of the combined use of the listed drugs are possible:

  • chills and fever (sometimes to high values), which usually lasts no more than 2 hours;
  • general malaise and weakness;
  • dizziness, headache, fainting;
  • a feeling of discomfort and minor pain, mainly in the lower abdomen, associated with spastic uterine contractions (sometimes, in 5-15%, the pain can be quite intense, requiring the use of analgesic and/or antispasmodic drugs);
  • bloating, nausea (50%), vomiting (30%), diarrhea (less than 25%);
  • allergic reactions in the form of skin rashes (rare);
  • incomplete abortion, due to the insufficient effectiveness of the drugs - the longer the pregnancy, the higher the risk of incomplete abortion;
  • bleeding after taking abortion medications.

Bleeding is the most serious and dangerous complication. As a rule, this bleeding is longer and more pronounced compared to menstrual bleeding. At the same time, it does not lead to a decrease in blood hemoglobin levels. However, in approximately 0.2-2.6% it can be quite intense. In these cases, hemostatic therapy, surgical stopping of bleeding by performing or curettage, transfusion of blood substitutes, blood plasma, and red blood cells may be required.

Terms of use of tablets

The instructions for Misoprostol and Mifepristone, registered in the Russian Federation, for their use for medical termination of pregnancy in an outpatient setting indicate a limitation on the period of use of 42 days of absence of menstruation. At the same time, the World Health Organization limits this period to 63 days. In addition, the safety and high degree of effectiveness of these funds are noted.

In this regard, a period of 63 days of absence of menstruation is accepted as normative. Drugs for abortion in later stages can be used exclusively in an inpatient gynecological department with the ability to provide medical care to the required extent. It should be remembered that the longer this period, the lower the degree of effectiveness of the drugs.

Contraindications for use

Absolute contraindications are:

  1. Individual intolerance to one of the drugs or their auxiliary components.
  2. Availability assumption.
  3. Long-term use of glucocorticoid drugs due to certain concomitant pathologies, and/or chronic adrenal insufficiency.
  4. Chronic renal or liver failure.
  5. A disorder of pigment metabolism, accompanied by an increased level of porphyrins in the blood (hereditary porphyria).
  6. Severe concomitant pathology of an extragenital nature, as well as the presence of glaucoma, arterial hypertension, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, severe bronchial asthma.
  7. Hormone-dependent tumor formations, as well as dysfunction of the endocrine glands, including diabetes mellitus.
  8. Exhaustion.

Relative contraindications:

  1. Absence of menstruation (with confirmed pregnancy) for more than 63 days. The need to use misoprostol and mifepristone during a longer pregnancy requires hospitalization in the gynecological department.
  2. The presence of significant size, which is a risk factor for bleeding. The use of drugs is possible when the size of the dominant myomatous node is up to 4 cm and there is no deformation of the uterine cavity by myomatous nodes.
  3. The initial hemoglobin content in the blood is less than 100 g/l, which increases the risk of even more severe anemia due to possible blood loss.
  4. Bleeding disorders, including taking anticoagulants and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which sharply increases the risk of blood loss.
  5. Acute inflammatory processes of the female genital area (despite the fact that medical abortion does not increase the risk of developing an ascending infection, nevertheless, the simultaneous use of antibacterial agents is desirable).
  6. Smoking in women over 35 years of age, as they are at risk for cardiovascular diseases. Before prescribing the above drugs, it is necessary to conduct an examination by a therapist.
  7. Breastfeeding period. It must be canceled for 7 days from the day of taking mifepristone, and for 5 days from the day of taking misoprostol.
  8. Development of pregnancy during the use of an intrauterine contraceptive device. Before taking mifepristone and misoprostol, the intrauterine contraceptive device must be removed.
  9. Long-term use of oral hormonal contraceptives, which increase the risk of bleeding disorders. Although this contraindication is relative, a preliminary study of the coagulogram is nevertheless necessary.

Early abortion using these drugs is characterized by longer bleeding and, often, longer pain compared to surgical abortion. However, complications resulting from medical abortions occur much less frequently. In addition, psychologically it is much easier to bear.

It is practically impossible to purchase pills for medical abortion in pharmacies, especially without a prescription. They should be used only under the supervision of a gynecologist, and are distributed mainly to specialized private medical institutions or gynecological inpatient departments that have official permission to perform abortions and have the ability to carry out not only infusion and transfusion therapy, but also to provide emergency gynecological and surgical care or , as a last resort, emergency delivery of the woman to the appropriate medical institutions.

In the article we talk about termination of pregnancy in the early stages. We talk about the procedure at home and in hospital, possible consequences and complications. You will learn about the main methods of terminating pregnancy in the early stages, which pills and folk remedies are most often used, reviews from women and the cost of drugs to eliminate unwanted conception.

Most women find out that they are in an interesting position long before there is a delay, especially if this is not the first pregnancy. The main signs of conception include:

  • swelling and tenderness of the mammary glands;
  • frequent urination;
  • increased irritability;
  • vomiting, most often in the morning;
  • nausea;
  • fatigue and constant weakness;
  • change in taste preferences.

But the most accurate sign of conception is a delay in menstruation. Although in some cases, such a state of the body may indicate health problems. For this reason, before turning to folk or traditional medicine to terminate a pregnancy in the early stages, you need to be sure of its presence.

Accurate diagnostic methods include:

  • pregnancy test;
  • examination by a gynecologist on a chair;
  • blood test for hCG;
  • Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, you should consult a specialist for advice on choosing a method of termination of pregnancy.

Methods for early termination of pregnancy

Many women dream of becoming mothers and carefully plan the desired pregnancy. But for some of them, 2 stripes on the test can cause nervous stress and a desire to get rid of the embryo as quickly as possible.

There are several reasons for this condition: reluctance to give birth at a young age, health problems, financial difficulties or the presence of children. You should not condemn such a decision, since every woman has her own good reasons for such an act.

Types of early abortion:

  • surgical;
  • medicinal;

Now let's take a closer look at each of these methods.

Surgical abortion

Any woman can terminate an unwanted pregnancy of her own free will. But such a procedure can only be carried out until a certain period, or more precisely, up to 12 weeks.

Surgical abortion involves 2 techniques: vacuum aspiration and curettage.

Vacuum aspiration (vacuum or mini-abortion) is performed for up to 5 weeks. The procedure is performed under anesthesia. Using special equipment in the form of a vacuum pump, the contents of the uterus are sucked out.

If the pregnancy is short, a mini-abortion can be performed in a antenatal clinic using local painkillers. It is extremely rare that bleeding occurs after a vacuum abortion. If it does appear, it lasts no longer than 7 days.

Curettage is the most popular way to eliminate an unwanted pregnancy. It is carried out for up to 3 months.

Due to pain, curettage is performed under general anesthesia. During the procedure, artificial dilatation of the cervix is ​​performed, after which the uterine cavity is scraped out using a curette. The duration of the operation is no more than 20 minutes. After it, the woman is under the supervision of a specialist for 2-4 hours.

This method is the most traumatic. The consequences may be:

  • cervical injury;
  • bleeding;
  • endometrial damage;
  • inability to have children in the future;
  • the appearance of a large wound on the tissues of the internal uterine cavity;
  • the appearance of endometritis and other inflammatory processes.

Medical abortion

It is possible to use medical termination of pregnancy for up to 6 weeks. The procedure is based on the expulsion of the embryo under the influence of certain substances. This is due to the weak attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus. In the later stages this will be impossible to do.

Medicines for abortion in the early stages should be taken only under the supervision of a specialist and after examinations. The woman should not have any contraindications for the procedure.

Advantages of medical abortion:

  • the risk of developing infertility is practically absent - the drugs do not injure the uterine mucosa, thereby reducing the possibility of becoming infertile;
  • absence of complications - after a surgical abortion, the development of various inflammatory processes in the uterine cavity is quite often observed, and when using pills to terminate pregnancy there are no such consequences;
  • outpatient mode - after taking the drug to terminate pregnancy in the early stages, there is no need for hospitalization.

Medical abortion involves taking a hormonal drug, which is sold in pharmacies strictly according to a prescription, causing the death of the embryo, followed by contraction of the uterus and the removal of the fetus. This discharge is similar to normal menstruation.

Possible consequences of medical abortion:

  • intense bleeding leading to surgery;
  • absence of embryo rejection, which leads to surgical intervention, since maintaining a pregnancy in such a situation is prohibited;
  • unbearable pain, deterioration in health, increased or decreased blood pressure, nausea.

Pills for early pregnancy termination

The use of pills to eliminate unwanted pregnancy refers to medical abortion. This method is safe for women’s health if it occurs under the supervision of a specialist.

Self-administration of the drug can cause irreparable harm to women's health, which includes severe bleeding, infertility and even death.


Ginepristone is an antigestagenic and steroid drug, the greatest effect of which can be achieved when taken at 3 weeks of pregnancy. The action of the drug is aimed at disrupting the functioning of progesterone receptors and disrupting its regulation during the attachment of a fertilized egg.

After taking the drug, mucus appears in the cervix, creating an unfavorable environment for the development of pregnancy.

The cost of the drug ranges from 350-500 rubles.


Zhenale has an antigestagenic effect, which causes miscarriage. The drug prevents the fertilized egg from attaching and slows down the onset of ovulation. The product must be taken within 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse.


  • serious kidney disease;
  • porphyria;
  • lactation;
  • late stages of pregnancy;
  • anemia;
  • treatment with glucocorticoids.

The cost of the drug is 400-800 rubles.


Mirolut is a synthetic derivative of prostaglandin E1. Promotes expansion of the uterus. The active ingredient of the drug is misoprostol, which stimulates the contraction of the uterus, helps to open its cervix and expel the embryo.

Mirolut should only be taken together with Mifepristone.

Contraindications for use:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • anemia;
  • suspicion of ectopic pregnancy.

The cost of the drug is 400 rubles and more.


This drug is used for up to 6 weeks. It must be used in conjunction with Mirolut.

Miropriston suppresses progesterone, which causes detachment of the ovum. Mirolut promotes contraction of the uterus, causing miscarriage.


  • suspected ectopic pregnancy;
  • pregnancy period is more than 6 weeks;
  • problems with the adrenal glands.

The price of the drug is from 1900 rubles.


The action of this medication is aimed at blocking the production of progesterone. The tablets contain no hormones.

It is best to take this remedy for a period of 4-6 weeks. For medical reasons, this drug can be used for up to 22 weeks inclusive, additionally using various methods that promote uterine contraction.

Rarely, incomplete abortion is observed after taking the drug. For this reason, an ultrasound examination is necessary after the procedure.

Price - from 5000 rub.


Norkolut is a hormonal drug intended to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. Its active substance prevents the onset of ovulation and prevents follicles from maturing until 4-5 weeks of pregnancy. You should take 2 tablets of the drug for 3-5 days before the onset of menstruation.

The drug is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance;
  • adolescence;
  • breastfeeding;
  • late stages of pregnancy;
  • blockage of blood vessels.

The average price of the drug is 150 rubles.


Postinor is an emergency contraceptive intended for use within 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse. Experts do not recommend taking this drug on your own to avoid serious health problems. It is also undesirable to use it very often to prevent hormonal imbalances.

The product contains:

  • levonorgestrel;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • potato and corn starch.

Contraindications for use are:

  • liver diseases;
  • hepatitis;
  • adolescence.

The average price for 2 tablets is 300-500 rubles.


Rigevidon is a contraceptive that helps slow down

ovulation and prevents pregnancy. It is not effective as an emergency contraceptive, as it does not terminate pregnancy in the early stages, but only prevents conception and implantation of a fertilized egg.


The main active ingredient of the drug is levonorgestrel (1.5 mg per capsule). The effect of the drug depends on the phase of its administration:

  • Use in the 1st phase of the menstrual cycle, due to which ovulation is delayed. In this case, the probability of pregnancy decreases to only 1-3 percent.
  • Use in phase 2 of the menstrual cycle within 72 hours after unprotected sex. In this case, levonorgestrel prevents estrogen from being produced, as a result of which the ability of the endometrium of the uterus to attach a fertilized egg is reduced. After taking the drug, menstruation is likely to occur.

According to studies, approximately 2% of women became pregnant after taking Escapel, which makes the drug a fairly effective remedy against unwanted pregnancy.

The cost of Escapelle is 350-600 rubles.

Other drugs

In some cases, the following pills are also used to terminate early pregnancy:

  • Mifeprex is recommended for pharmacological abortion for up to 42 days. It shows high efficiency and has virtually no effect on the well-being of healthy women.
  • Pencrofton - the tablets contain mifepristone. Recommended as an emergency contraceptive for women who do not have children. Quite rarely, gynecological complications or infertility occur after taking the pills.
  • Mifegin is a French-made tablet that can be used for up to 6 weeks. The effectiveness of the drug is almost 100 percent.
  • Mifolian is another effective remedy, after taking which the embryo is rejected along with the tissues of the uterine cavity.

Many women mistakenly believe that Duphaston will help cope with unwanted conception. This is incorrect, since these pills are intended to maintain pregnancy. Therefore, they are ineffective for disrupting an unplanned pregnancy.

Once again we would like to remind you that these tablets can only be used under the strict supervision of a specialist!

Injections to terminate pregnancy in the early stages

If you are afraid of the thought of using a surgical or medical abortion, then in this case you can resort to injections that will help get rid of the embryo. Usually an injection of calcium chloride is used, under its influence the death of the embryo occurs, followed by a miscarriage.

If there are no signs of miscarriage within 2 days after the injection, the doctor will prescribe an ultrasound examination and tests. Based on them, the doctor makes a decision about curettage, otherwise there is a high probability of developing a severe inflammatory process, leading to blood poisoning and even death.

Some women are confident that a mixed injection of vitamin C and Nosh-pa will help cope with an unwanted pregnancy. The effectiveness of this technique is only 10 percent.

The safest injection for abortion is the use of oxytocin. It provokes cramping contractions, leading to miscarriage. In the early stages of pregnancy, this remedy is used only in cases where it is impossible to perform a surgical abortion.

Termination of pregnancy at home

In folk medicine, there are many remedies that are designed to eliminate unwanted pregnancy. But you can resort to them only after consultation and permission from a specialist. Side effects of such drugs include poor health, severe bleeding or incomplete abortion. Therefore, think twice before choosing this method of abortion.

Next, we will look at the main folk remedies designed to eliminate unwanted conception. Please note that they may not be completely safe for your health at any stage, including 3-4 weeks of pregnancy.


Most women try to get rid of an embryo using honey, without really thinking about the consequences of such an action. This is especially dangerous when using pure iodine, since this alcohol infusion has a toxic effect on the human body.

After consuming pure iodine, severe burns to internal organs are likely, causing serious harm to the thyroid gland and significant changes in hormonal levels. Such consequences are possible after taking 3 g of iodine.

There is a popular belief that a mixture based on milk and iodine can cope with an unwanted pregnancy. It does not provoke such a toxic effect as pure iodine, moreover, after taking such a composition, the death of the embryo usually occurs. But the dead embryo remains in the uterus due to the absence of uterine contractions. And, as a result, the woman develops sepsis, which entails hospital treatment.

If, after using this folk remedy, the fetus does not die, then such a child is born with many pathologies.

In some cases, after taking iodine, a woman experiences intense bleeding. It is extremely difficult to cope with, which subsequently leads to the death of the pregnant woman.

Hot bath

This method of successfully terminating a pregnancy was successfully practiced before the advent of surgical and medical abortion. Currently, it is also used, but quite rarely due to the sharp deterioration after the procedure.

This method of eliminating unwanted conception is used because it is free and accessible. But few people think about further health problems. This method can only be used for up to 3 weeks. If the period is longer, then a miscarriage will not occur due to the fact that the embryo is sufficiently developed.

If you practice this method during pregnancy more than 3 weeks, it will lead to serious health problems for the woman. For this reason, it is better to use it immediately after pregnancy is confirmed.

Hot water helps to dilate blood vessels located in the uterus and pelvis. These vessels affect the vessels near the uterus, causing them to burst.

After this, the embryo present in the uterus comes out of it along with bloody discharge, which is a sure sign of a miscarriage.

How to use a hot bath to cause a miscarriage? It is enough to sit in it for 3-4 hours, while your thighs should be in hot water. As it cools, you need to add hot water. To terminate a pregnancy, one use of such a bath is enough, since if repeated, there is a possibility of severe uterine bleeding.


In some cases, to eliminate unwanted pregnancy, women use vaginal or rectal suppositories, which are prohibited for use during pregnancy. These drugs provoke contractions of the uterus, resulting in miscarriage.

Using them according to instructions can cause bleeding from the uterus. But most often, the use of suppositories does not bring any results.

Herbs for early abortion

Various herbs are often used to eliminate unwanted conception. Next we will talk about the most popular herbs.

Bay leaf

Expectant mothers should not take bay leaf because it can cause miscarriage. Drinking a decoction of bay leaves in early pregnancy promotes uterine bleeding. The embryo leaves the body along with the secretions. You can practice this method up to 8 weeks of pregnancy. The effectiveness of this method directly depends on the characteristics of the body, but still this method works.

The sooner the decoction is taken, the greater the likelihood of miscarriage. To prepare the decoction, pour 0.1 kg of bay leaves into 250 ml of boiling water. Boil the mixture for 15 minutes. Cool and filter.

Drink the decoction at night. At the same time, make a tampon from gauze and bay leaves, then place it in the vagina until the morning.

A miscarriage should occur within 1-2 days. At this time, discomfort in the lower abdomen and bleeding may appear. If after 2 days there are no changes, then the bay leaf did not help.


Taking a decoction of tansy flowers causes severe contractions of the uterus, followed by miscarriage. But it should be borne in mind that tansy is very toxic, it causes intoxication, liver failure, vomiting and even convulsions. Also, due to severe bleeding, the death of the pregnant woman may occur.


The use of oregano affects the formation of estrogens, which support and preserve pregnancy. The use of this herb changes the hormonal background of a woman, as a result of which the course of pregnancy is disrupted, the growth and development of the embryo stops. As a result, a miscarriage occurs.

You can learn more about the effects of this product during pregnancy in the article Oregano during pregnancy.

After any abortion, especially a surgical one, it will take some time for the body to recover. The following are recommendations that must be followed to prevent the development of complications after termination of pregnancy:

  1. Refrain from intimate relations for 21 days. If you ignore this advice, then in the future this can lead to the development of various complications, inflammatory and infectious processes, and even death.
  2. Monitor your health. Take your temperature and blood pressure. If they do not meet the norm, seek help from specialists.
  3. Avoid physical activity and heavy lifting for 2 weeks.
  4. Take only warm showers. Avoid visiting saunas, swimming pools and open water bodies.
  5. Empty your bladder and bowels in a timely manner - this will help prevent the development of inflammation in the pelvic area.
  6. Eat a balanced diet.
  7. Follow the rules of personal hygiene, change your underwear twice a day. Wash only with boiled water.