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Which palm oil is harmful? How is palm oil produced? Is the harm of palm oil exaggerated? Two sides of the same coin

Having thoroughly studied the topic of palm oil (numerous articles, research results with evidence from scientists and doctors, as well as nutritionists - specialists in nutrition, including children's), I simply cannot leave it without publicity! So, in my article, summarizing all the data received, I will present reliable facts, statistics and evidence, talk about numerous myths and misconceptions and try to convey to you, Why is palm oil harmful and is it really so?

Why palm oil is harmful: THE MOST ABSURD MYTHS

As we all know, palm oil is obtained from the fruit of the oil palm tree. Its main area of ​​application is the food industry. By the way, it has been known for a long time and has been used for more than one millennium.

Despite the fact that palm oil has been well studied from a medical point of view and its effect on the human body, as well as not prohibited in any country in the world, in our latitudes there is an opinion about its undoubted harm. Why is palm oil harmful and for what reasons? – Here the opinions of “specialists” (read journalists and “well-wishers” from competing areas of the same food industry) differ:

  1. Due to its high melting point, it is supposedly indigestible in the human body.
  2. Harmful to the cardiovascular system.
  3. Contains trans fats.
  4. Palm oil is carcinogenic.
  5. It is added to infant formula to reduce the cost of the product.

I suggest you sort it out point by point (*don’t be lazy and read this article to the end; perhaps this information will really be useful for you and your loved ones*).

1. Probably the most common misconception about palm oil is that it not digested in the human body, and is directly deposited in “pieces” in the stomach, on the walls of blood vessels and in other places.

This statement is definitely incorrect, says Oleg Medvedev, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of Moscow State University. Lomonosov, founder and head of the board of the ANO National Research Center Healthy Nutrition. Indeed, palm oil has a higher melting point than most other vegetable oils. But at the same time, it is known that many animal fats have similar refractoriness. Agree, a piece of lard will also not melt at 36 degrees, but no one is saying that lard should be banned, because... it is “poorly absorbed.”

Cheese also has difficulty melting, but this product is not considered dangerous. The doctor of medical sciences explains that the melting point does not play a decisive role in the process of fat digestion. Completely different principles and laws apply here.

Palm oil is a common fat that, like any other fat (butter, beef fat, lamb fat, vegetable oil, etc.), is digested using the lipase enzyme located in the intestines. This enzyme recognizes fat and “grinds” it into small elements that are absorbed into the intestinal wall. At the same time, any fat is absorbed absolutely normally, even with high melting temperatures, the only difference being that in one case the process goes faster, and in the other - slower.

2. Regarding harm to the cardiovascular system, I will give the following facts.

Cholesterol is known to harm the cardiovascular system. It is contained exclusively in animal fats. An increased amount of it leads to the development of atherosclerosis, which provokes blockage of blood vessels and, as a consequence, strokes.

I repeat, contained in palm oil fats(and other vegetable oils), unlike animal fats, which most people prefer, does not contain cholesterol.

By the way, I propose to compare the composition of 1 tablespoon of natural palm oil and butter.

So, 1 tablespoon of palm oil contains 14 g of fat (=126 kcal). Of these 14 grams:

  • 8 g are saturated fats (their amount should be limited in the diet, more accurately controlled);
  • 4 g – monounsaturated (super healthy, help get rid of “bad” cholesterol and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases);
  • 2 g – polyunsaturated (say, neutral).

Now let's compare it to butter. One tablespoon of butter contains ~100 kcal and only 11 g of fat (it also contains some water), of which:

  • 7 g – saturated fat;
  • 3 g - monounsaturated fats;
  • 1 g – polyunsaturated.

As you can see, palm oil is close in composition to butter, but it would be appropriate to say that the former is somewhat healthier due to the larger amount of unsaturated fats (mono- and polyunsaturated).

Therefore, the conclusion from the above can be drawn as follows: vascular health depends on many factors, in particular on the total quantity and quality of fats in your diet. Of course, for the correct functioning of all organs and systems and maintaining the necessary hormonal levels, both saturated and unsaturated fats are important. The most important thing is BALANCE. According to the recommendations of the American Heart Association, 25-35% of daily calories should come from the “right” fats: cold-pressed oils (the healthiest with the optimal ratio * Omega-3 and Omega-6 – olive, flaxseed, cedar, mustard), avocado, fatty fish, nuts and seeds. And 7% of daily calories are saturated fats (meat, butter, cheeses).

So, for example, if your daily norm 2000 kcal, That 7% - 140 kcal(this is ~ 16 g fat).

Control the amount of fat you eat (especially saturated fat!), and you won’t be afraid of problems with the cardiovascular system.

* The human body cannot produce beneficial polyunsaturated acids Omega-3 and Omega-6 on its own; they must be supplied in sufficient quantities with food. Moreover, in a certain ratio (this is fundamentally important!), optimally 1:4. This is why not all oils are equally beneficial. For example, the ratio of Omega-3 to Omega-6 fatty acids in sunflower oil is greatly increased in favor of Omega 6 (1:200), which will lead to disruption of the optimal level of Omega-6 in the lipid layer of cell membranes, disruption of metabolism in cells, and development inflammatory processes. More information about Omega-3 .

3. Let me dispel another myth: palm oil contains trans fats.

Trans fats are the “bad” isomers of healthy unsaturated fats. They are formed during the hydrogenation of vegetable oils (simply put, when vegetable oil is converted from a liquid state to a solid). Thus, during this process, liquid vegetable oils become thick and opaque. A well-known example of this is margarine!

Also (surprisingly close!) trans fats are also included in natural products: meat, milk, butter (they are formed during the digestion of ruminants and are stored in meat and dairy products in an amount of 5-8%), which, alas, does not help get away.

Trans fats are also formed during deep frying, especially if one portion of oil is used multiple times.

Palm oil, due to the content of saturated fatty acids with double bonds, naturally has a denser consistency and does not require hydrogenation, such as sunflower and other liquid oils.

Thus, palm oil does not contain trans fats! But the latter really should be feared and avoided. There is hardly anything more dangerous in the food industry at the moment. Be sure to remember this and tell your loved ones: All products containing margarine (also indicated by the manufacturer in the composition as “confectionery fats”, “vegetable fats”, “hydrogenated fats”, “special purpose fats”, “spreads”) are very dangerous for humans!

Enzymes in the body do not recognize the “stranger”, which is the converted fat molecule. Such molecules displace beneficial fatty acids from cell membranes, interfering with the proper nutrition of cells and the release of waste products. The result of this is a disruption of metabolic processes in cells, which leads to various pathologies (obesity, diabetes, arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, blurred vision, oncology).

The liver, in turn, reacts to trans fats in the same way as to stress - it produces more cholesterol, which accumulates on the walls of blood vessels. Well, then you understand...

To summarize:

  • Palm oil does not require hydrogenation (since its initial state is not liquid, but semi-solid), and itself does not contain trans fats.
  • In order to use vegetable oils in the food (confectionery!) industry, they need to be “transferred” from a liquid to a solid state - i.e. hydrogenate. After which the seemingly harmless vegetable oil becomes trans fat.

I will not exaggerate if I say that now 90-95% of confectionery products on store shelves (all cakes and creams, cookies, waffles, sweets, nut butters, glazed cheeses, etc. contain trans fats). It’s easier to say which confectionery products this did not affect: chocolate and ice cream (check the ingredients!), marshmallows, halva, marmalade, some types of sweets and, possibly, derivatives of these sweets.

Therefore, decide for yourself: palm oil in the composition or “confectionery fats”.

I avoid store-bought sweets, but it is clear that natural palm oil is safer than hydrogenated (= trans fat) palm oil.

4. Many people claim that palm oil is carcinogenic.

But this hypothesis has no basis or evidence base.

Perhaps the statement is due to the fact that unlimited fat consumption in general increases the risk of cancer. This is the case, therefore, as I already said, fat intake must be controlled (especially if we are talking about saturated fats).

If you want to use palm oil for frying ** , this can be done. Conducted studies confirm that it contains only one unsaturated bond, and peroxides (carcinogenic substances) are not released during heat treatment.

** When frying in oil with a low and medium smoke point, peroxides are formed - dangerous carcinogens. They are formed by heating vegetable oils with several unsaturated bonds. This also applies to sunflower oil, which is widespread in central Russia. First of all, you need to remember that you should not fry with cold-pressed oil (Extra Virgin) under any circumstances! You can read more useful information about frying.

5. There is a widespread belief that palm oil is added to baby food in order to reduce the cost of the product.

I also propose to understand why palm oil is harmful here, so I present facts and opinions of scientists.

This hypothesis is refuted by many doctors and nutritionists. Doctor of Biological Sciences, leading researcher at the Laboratory of Age-Related Nutrition of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Sciences, member of the European Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) Natalia Shilina refutes the misconception, commenting on the situation as follows: palm oil in baby food is used for one single purpose - bring the fatty acid composition of the artificial formula closer to breast milk. After all, no other vegetable oil (and even less so cow’s milk!) has a unique composition so close to mother’s milk!

Breast milk contains many fatty acids: palmitic, oleic, stearic, myristic, linoleic, etc. Palmitic acid is considered the most important component; its share in breast milk reaches 25%. Thanks to it, the baby receives energy for development, intensive reproduction and cell growth occurs. It has been proven that palm oil is the champion in its content of palmitic acid, which is so necessary for newborns.

One of the main requirements for palm oil in infant formula is the percentage of its content. This is really where palm oil in baby food can be harmful. It has been established that if the proportion of palmitic acid does not exceed 20%, the child will not have any problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The myth about addiction and allergies is also dispelled by Maria Gmoshinskaya, Doctor of Medical Sciences, pediatrician of the highest category, senior researcher at the Federal State Budgetary Institution Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Sciences: palm oil used in baby food (and the food industry in general) has no taste and smell. Consequently, it cannot influence the formation of taste habits. For the same reason It cannot be a flavor enhancer!

Accusations regarding the involvement of palm oil in the development of allergies are also unfounded. “Only a protein substrate can cause an allergic reaction, but not fat,” says Maria Gmoszynska.

All over the world, there are strict requirements for palm oil intended for baby food. Oil production is a high-tech process that allows you to preserve the beneficial properties of the product as much as possible. Oil palms are fertilized with special humus obtained from old palm trees. After harvesting, the fruits are sterilized and pressed, and the resulting oil is refined and purified. Moreover, all these stages, unlike the production of many other oils, take place without the addition of chemicals.

Thus, special requirements for the preparation of palm oil for the baby food industry indicate that the myth about the cheapness of this raw material is untenable.

Why palm oil is actually harmful: conclusions

First of all, palm oil is a fat, so you need to use it in food (including as part of finished products) with caution: strictly controlling the amount, not exceeding the daily norm(I wrote about it above).

The main harm of palm oil is that it contains, as mentioned above, a significant percentage of saturated fat. I note that exactly the same fats are contained in butter (which, moreover, being an animal fat, contains a considerable dose of cholesterol).

According to many scientists, consuming saturated fat along with cholesterol-containing foods leads to the development of cardiovascular diseases . This applies to a greater extent to the same butter, BUT this will apply equally to products that contain both palm oil and sources of animal fat (baked goods, ice cream, etc.)!

In general, having sifted through a lot of scientific and journalistic articles, I came to only one conclusion: all the harm of palm oil to the body lies in saturated fats. And in fact, it is no more harmful than cream.

Why is its “danger” so actively exaggerated in society, and we thoughtlessly and so willingly “eat” this information? Here, I think, the conclusion is obvious: this is due to unfair competition among manufacturers. After all, it makes no sense for palm oil to be subjected to such chemical treatment as hydrogenation, and therefore it avoids the appearance of trans fats in products.

Moderate consumption of palm oil could reduce the incidence of cardiovascular diseases, which are caused by trans fatty acids and animal fats.

Now you understand why Competing manufacturers are “advocating” for a ban on the “harmful” palm oil? Everything is on the surface: by banning palm oil, the food industry will require solid fats, and as an alternative, hydrogenated vegetable oils (trans fats) will be used, and, at best, butter (which is unlikely, since its cost is much higher).

You may ask, how do I feel about palm oil and am I ready to buy products containing it? My answer is simple: when buying, say, dairy products (cheese, butter, cottage cheese), I make sure that there are no “foreign” ingredients in the composition. After all, cheese/butter/cottage cheese are products whose composition does not imply the presence of vegetable fat, why should it be there? Their composition must be “pure”, without additives!

As for store-bought confectionery products (which I would not recommend buying for many reasons: excessive amounts of sugar, fat in general, additives and preservatives), if you buy them, I will pay attention first of all to the absence of hydrogenated fats, numerous E additives, dyes/enhancers taste.

Be careful and don't let yourself be deceived ! Today there is so much information available in the public domain that it would be a sin to believe everything “they said on the news”! Study, check - because your health and the health of your loved ones depends on it!

One of the most common food ingredients on the market is palm oil, which all met in the products, but little is known about him.

Is it so harmful and can it be consumed? Let's try to figure it out. We will talk about the dangers and benefits of palm oil in food in this article.

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What is it?

Palm oil is a product produced from oil palm fruits(Eleis of Guinea).

Now the main places where oil palm is cultivated for agricultural purposes are:

  • Indonesia;
  • countries of West and Central Africa;
  • Malaysia.

The main supplier of oil to the international market is Malaysia, almost 100% of palm oil on the Russian market is represented by products of this country.

The peculiarity of the oil palm is that, unlike other types of vegetable oil, palm oil is obtained not from the seed, but from the soft fruit.

This allows the production of much larger volumes of products - the productivity of one hectare of oil palm 8 times higher than one hectare occupied by sunflower.

Thanks to this, it is cheaper to produce and has become widespread far from the cultivation of this agricultural crop.


Depending on the raw material, there are two types of oil palm products:

Depending on the production technologies Palm oil is divided into various fractions used in the food industry:

  • palm stearin;
  • standard palm oil;
  • palm olein.

All types are used in the food industry and differ in melting point, fat content, digestibility coefficients and application features.

Why is it added?

Palm oil has a wide range of applications in the food industry. Thanks to low price and its features are added to products for various purposes:

  • milk fat surrogate;
  • cocoa butter surrogate;
  • for extending various products;
  • for the production of various special fats;
  • in its pure form as frying oil.

The main advantage of palm oil for the food industry is its cheapness in comparison with analogues: vegetable and milk fats. It is thanks to its low price that it has conquered the world food market, including in Russia.


Why do they add? Main properties oils are:

Is there any benefit?

Despite its bad reputation, palm oil still has benefits for the human body; in many ways, it is healthier than milk fats, which it is used to replace.

The beneficial properties of palm oil include:

  1. Record vitamin E content, which is extremely rare in vegetation. It is also extremely high in vitamin A. As a result, oil palm products help fight skin aging, skin diseases and free radicals that cause cancer. The oil is beneficial for the muscular system, vision and sexual function.
  2. According to some health organizations, palm oil does not contain cholesterol, which has a positive effect on the human cardiovascular system.
  3. Palm oil contains ubiquinone and plastoquinone, again beneficial for the cardiovascular system.
  4. If we ignore the food industry, we can note that palm oil has found wide application in cosmetology and medicine due to its beneficial properties: it good for skin and hair and promotes wound healing.

What's the harm?

However, despite its beneficial properties, palm oil remains a product whose use is being fought not only by social activists, but also by some states. prohibited the use of these agricultural products in the food industry.

Opponents of palm oil make the following arguments:

  1. Consumption of palm oil reduces calcium absorption in infants by 20% or more. Thus, the use of palm olein in infant formula disrupts intestinal function and can lead to bowel dysfunction and intestinal colic due to the characteristics of the body of infants. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid using formulas containing unstructured palm oil (structured oil or beta palmitate is found in more expensive formulas and its content has virtually no effect on the child’s body).
  2. Palm oil contains only 5% unsaturated fatty acids, and in vegetable oil their content reaches 75%. Therefore, palm oil brings significantly less benefits than sunflower or other types of vegetable fats.
  3. The large amount of saturated fats contained in palm oil makes it similar in properties and harmfulness to butter. Saturated fats lead to the development of cardiovascular diseases, which compensates for the lack of cholesterol in palm oil.
  4. Palm oil less easily absorbed by humans, as a result of which the body is significantly more contaminated with toxins than when consuming vegetable oils.

The benefits and harms of palm oil are almost equal, which is what allows it to have such a controversial reputation.

Where is it kept?

What products are they added to?

Now palm oil is on the Russian market can be found in a huge number of different products nutrition.

In one form or another it is used in:

  • various types of dairy products (margarines, spreads, cheese, and curd products, condensed milk, etc.);
  • and confectionery;
  • mayonnaise and mayonnaise sauces;
  • chips;
  • inexpensive instant foods (porridge, noodles, purees, etc.);
  • sausages;
  • frozen products.

Almost any product that uses milk fats or is fried may contain traces of palm oil as a cheap substitute for more expensive types of fats: milk and vegetable.

How to recognize in products?

First of all, of course, you need to pay attention to the packaging of the product. Palm oil on labels usually indicated in the composition How:

  • Palm oil;
  • or hidden behind the words “vegetable fat” or “vegetable oil”.

You also need to pay attention to:

If you have to eat food in conditions where it is not possible to study the composition (for example, in a cafe), then you can determine the palm oil in the product taste(cheeses containing vegetable fats have a “soapy” taste).

Or visually - for example, on a piece of ice cream rubbed with your fingers, the remaining film effect indicates the presence of palm oil.

What products don't have it?

Risk group products usually do not contain palm oil: milk, kefir, and natural cottage cheese. If the dairy product is perishable, then the presence of palm oil in it is practically excluded.

Naturally, natural products that have not been processed (meat, honey, vegetables, fruits, etc.) do not contain palm oil.

About harm and benefit palm oil in this video:

List of manufacturers that do not use palm oil

The list of manufacturers using palm oil includes both world-famous food concerns and famous back in the USSR factories with popular brands.

But finding manufacturers who do not use vegetable fats as a dairy substitute is much more difficult.

In particular, these include:

  • Korenovsky milk canning plant (condensed milk, ice cream, yoghurts);
  • Kiprinsky Dairy Plant (butter, cheese);
  • Wimm Bill Dann (Agusha infant formula);
  • UNIVITA (trademark "Laime");
  • “Vkusville” (trademark “Izbenka”);
  • "Belarus Export" (oil).

How to choose milk without it?

How do you know that it is not in the composition? When choosing one made only from milk fat, should pay attention on the:

  • price, since 10 kg of milk is used to make 1 kg of natural cheese;
  • name - no cheese curds, cheese products, etc.;
  • composition indicated on the label.

When choosing butter It is also necessary to pay attention to the composition indicated on the label (only cream for a natural product), and also take into account:

  • price - a low price guarantees the availability of vegetable fats, the cheaper, the more palm oil;
  • fat content - at least 70% for a natural product;
  • name and compliance with GOST.


The most common myths about palm oil are:

Nowadays it is almost impossible to avoid eating palm oil, since it can be contained in almost any food product. But you can reduce its consumption by giving preference more expensive natural products.

How to determine availability palm oil in dairy products? Find out about it in the video:

For centuries, palm oil has been used for cooking. Especially in the tropical zone, where there are plenty of raw materials for its production. Nowadays, the oil extracted from the fruit of the oil palm is widely used in the production of refined foods because it does not contain trans fats. It is rich in natural antioxidants, including vitamins A and E. However, there is a flip side to the coin. Today you will learn why palm oil is dangerous for the body.

Why is palm oil dangerous?

It contains a lot of saturated fat

While the product does not contain trans fats, the oil contains high levels of saturated fats, which pose a serious threat to cardiovascular health.

The Center for Science in the Public Interest reports that palm oil is second only to soybean oil in popularity. It is most widely used in the manufacture of refined products in the USA. Its consumption has increased sharply after the government passed a series of bills to reduce trans fat content.

A 2005 report found that this type of vegetable oil is less harmful than partially hydrogenated soy products. However, this does not relieve it of responsibility for raising cholesterol levels. Two meta-analyses were included in the report to support the findings. Based on the results, we can conclude that palm oil is dangerous for the body.

A later test conducted by British scientists on 147 volunteers also showed an equally disastrous result. It turned out that palm acid, the active ingredient in the oil, significantly raised total cholesterol levels.

Another clinical study was conducted in Holland. As a result, they found that palmitic acid significantly increased the ratio of total cholesterol to so-called “good cholesterol,” a widely recognized risk factor for cardiovascular disease.

It's hard to digest

In her book Food for Healing, Linda Page, Ph.D., a practicing naturopath, acknowledges that palm oil has a number of beneficial properties. But as a result of cleaning, it loses most of the beneficial substances. The purification process makes the oil difficult for the gastrointestinal tract to absorb. For this reason, Linda Page recommends avoiding it. This especially applies to those who suffer from other digestive problems.

May cause intoxication

In one of the issues of the foreign journal “Plant Products for Human Nutrition,” Nigerian researchers praised palm oil for the fact that it contains many useful substances in its fresh form. However, these same researchers note that oil in an oxidized state jeopardizes the physiological and biochemical functioning of the body!

They also acknowledge that processed food manufacturers oxidize palm oil for various culinary purposes, meaning that a large proportion of consumers consume it in an oxidized state. The dangerous effects of oxidized palm oil affect the functioning of the heart, kidneys, liver and lungs, and also negatively affect reproductive function. In addition, scientists noted that refined oil leads to an increase in the amount of free fatty acids, phospholipids and cerebrosides.

Most formulas for artificial feeding contain palm oil. This is due to the fact that it contains palmitic acid, one of the components of mother's milk. In addition, palm oil does not provoke allergies and contains a large amount of retinol.

If only it were that simple. As already noted, processed palm oil has a high melting point, so not only children, but also the digestive system of an adult cannot cope with it. As a result, a small organism is not able to obtain the intended benefit from this product. And if you consider its ability to absorb and remove calcium, necessary for the full growth and development of bones. Such food products should generally be avoided! Domestic pediatrics only confirmed these conclusions by classifying infant formula containing palm oil as potentially hazardous food products.

In a child, palm oil can cause:

  • Leaching calcium from the body;
  • Prolonged colic;
  • Frequent regurgitation.

Don't be led by marketing shills. Read again about the dangers of palm oil for the body before feeding your baby formulas that contain this element. Scientists and pediatricians unanimously say that the developing body is not ready for the stress that they are.

Can I eat foods with palm oil?

Fortunately, palm oil has not yet received the global popularity in our homeland that it has, for example, in the USA. Nevertheless, the market is slowly being flooded with refined products containing this ingredient. Around which there are heated debates. What is more benefit or harm in this overseas miracle? Someone says more benefits! Others warn that citizens should avoid products containing palm oil. Who to believe?

Let's face it. Palm oil is indeed a very useful product only if it has not been subjected to careful processing and multi-level purification. This oil can be found on the shelves of some stores, but its price scares off ordinary people. As a rule, the oil used by large food manufacturers is preliminarily subjected to severe processing and oxidation. As a result, not a trace remains of the useful components.

Therefore, do not put your health and the health of your loved ones at risk. If possible, avoid foods that contain this type of vegetable fat. Or at least reduce their consumption to a minimum.

Environmental consequences of palm oil production

Large areas of tropical forests and other ecosystems with high conservation value have been cleared to make way for extensive oil palm plantations. As a result, the potential habitats of many endangered species, including rhinoceroses, elephants and tigers, have been destroyed. In some cases, the expansion of plantations has led to the eviction of forest dwellers!

The establishment of extensive monoculture oil palm plantations has a number of negative environmental impacts.

The two most serious are:

  • Large-scale forest conversions;
  • Habitat destruction for endangered species.

Other consequences of such activities include:

  • Soil erosion;
  • Air pollution;
  • Soil and water pollution;
  • Changing of the climate.

Palm oil can easily be called a vegetable analogue of butter, but its scope of application is much wider: it is difficult to imagine the modern cosmetic, technical and especially food industries without it. This substance is obtained from oil palms, which grow only in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand, but according to the World Wildlife Fund, 50% of packaged foods worldwide contain this product. How does such a component affect the health of consumers and what is more beneficial or harmful in it - let's find out together.

Oil characteristics

Depending on the type of processing, different types of oil can be made from oil palm raw materials:

  • The most expensive subspecies, which has a slightly sweet taste and pleasant smell, and its color corresponds to its name. During processing, harmful substances are removed from it, while leaving vitamins and beneficial microelements. Experts equate this type of palm oil to olive oil in quality. It is used as an ingredient in sauces and as a topping for salads, as it is best consumed raw.

    Did you know?Oil palm trees require huge areas to grow, so Indonesia practices forest burning to clear land for plantations. This process has reached such proportions that this small country took third placein the world(after China and the USA) in terms of greenhouse gas emissions.

    The nutritional value

    The main advantage of palm oil over analogues of animal and plant origin is the low cost of its production. However, at the same time, it retains a lot of useful substances that are difficult to find in any other.

    Did you know?Palm trees grow on the coast of the Gulf of Guinea, the juice of which, when thickened, tastes very similar to butter.


    It contains two extremely beneficial vitamins for humans:

    • , or carotene. It is this that gives the extract its reddish tint, because the oil palm fruit contains 16 times more carotene than carrots. This vitamin provides visual acuity while protecting the eyes from harmful radiation, and also works as a natural antioxidant, removing toxins from the body and speeding up metabolism. As a result, wounds heal faster, hormone production is normalized and the immune system is strengthened.
    • in two forms. Its task is to prolong youth by filling the skin with collagen, increasing muscle mass, and strengthening the walls of blood vessels. It has a positive effect on the reproductive function of the body, helps it absorb iron, thus ensuring the prevention of anemia. This same vitamin guards the calm of the nervous system, preventing stress.

    Useful acids and coenzymes

    Along with vitamins, palm oil also contains other components that make it special:

    • Palmitic fatty acid. It promotes the appearance in the human blood of natural “enemies” of bad cholesterol - lipoproteins, which prevent the formation of blood clots, thereby protecting the heart from overload.
    • Unsaturated fatty acids and. Their complex effect on the body is manifested in improving the condition of the skin, restoring the nervous system, and adjusting hormonal levels.

    Important!According to recent scientific research, these acids are effective in preventing certain types of cancer and Alzheimer's disease.

    • Coenzyme Q10. This “undervitamin” is “fuel” for the main muscle in the human body - the cardiac myocardium. A lack of Q10 leads to heart problems (ischemia, heart attack, stroke, atherosclerosis, etc.) and diseases associated with them: chronic fatigue, kidney disease, lung disease, oncology.

    Calorie content

    Since palm oil consists of more than 90% of various fats, it has a fairly high calorie content - 900 kcal per 100 g of product.


    This product is completely free of proteins and carbohydrates, and the fat level is 99.9 g per 100 g of product.

    What are the benefits of palm oil

    Even the most ardent opponents of this herbal miracle cannot deny its beneficial properties.

    Scientists attribute the following facts to the advantages of the product:
    • Benefits for the heart and blood vessels, which are provided by the interaction of vitamins and amino acids.
    • Consumption of palm oil greatly reduces the risk of eye diseases (cataracts, macular degeneration, night blindness).
    • It stimulates the digestive system, promoting the formation of bile, removing fat from the liver and healing erosions on the sensitive surface of the gastric mucosa.
    • In diabetic patients, this product reduces the need for insulin and reduces the risks of developing complications of this disease. Vitamin A, with the support of Omega-6 and Omega-9, stabilizes blood sugar levels, restoring the body's functioning.
    • As an additional remedy, oil palm fruit extract is used in the treatment of respiratory diseases.

    This oil is especially useful for women. During pregnancy, carotenoids and vitamin E contribute to the full development of the embryo. During feeding, this additive improves the taste of milk, and during menopause it prevents the occurrence of osteoporosis. Particular attention is paid to palm oil in the treatment of cancer of the breast, cervix and other organs of the female reproductive system.

    Is the product good for children?

    For a long time there has been debate about whether palm oil can be consumed by children. The fact is that the processes of food processing in a child’s body differ from those of an adult. The end to this dispute has not yet been reached, since the situation is quite complicated.

    On the one hand, studies on infant formula with palm oil have shown that palmitic acid from its composition mixes with calcium in the baby’s stomach, causing the removal of the beneficial mineral from the body. Thus, the child not only does not receive healthy fat, but also loses calcium, which is so important for him during this period. Additional unpleasant surprises will also include colic, belching and bloating after taking such mixtures.

    Important!On the other hand, vitamins A, E, and Omega-6 acid from palm extract are perfectly processed by the child’s body, helping to strengthen the immune system and form teeth and bones.

    In the first years of a baby’s life, doctors advise young parents to refrain from such a product in the child’s diet, since the likelihood of harm is still higher due to the characteristics of the growing body.

    How exaggerated is the harm?

    But what harm is possible from palm oil for adults is worth looking into more carefully. Due to its active use in modern life, myths about it are also multiplying. Therefore, it is important to understand what information about palm oil is true.

    What harm can palm oil do?

    The dangers of the product are evidenced by the fact that developed countries are now actively campaigning to reduce its market share, and also oblige manufacturers to indicate on the packaging information about the presence of palm extract. Such actions are caused by the fact that:

    • Palm oil melts at a temperature an order of magnitude higher than human temperature, 36–37 °C, so when it enters our body it solidifies in the form of droplets or grains. They settle on the walls of the stomach, causing disturbances in its functioning and thereby loading the heart with additional work.
    • In case of violations during the production process, the oil turns into a strong carcinogen, which can cause the awakening of cancer cells in the body.
    • It is often used as a flavor enhancer in sauces, hamburgers, chips, and ice cream. This component causes addiction in the consumer, making him want the tasty product again and again.

    Did you know?Palm trees only grow at night. During the day, due to high temperatures, their growth stops.

    These facts about oil have a scientific basis, but modern media have spread on their basis a considerable number of rumors about this already controversial product.

    Myths about an exotic product

    Let's now figure out what you shouldn't believe.
    Myth No. 1. Palm oil is cheap, which is why it is so actively used in the food industry. This statement is true only for certain categories of extract, which, in accordance with world nutrition standards, cannot be consumed. But a high-quality product made from palm raw materials is comparable in price to good sunflower oil.

    Myth No. 2. Palm oil is not digested due to the insufficiently high temperature of the human body. In this case, the authors of this myth confused completely different concepts. Yes, it does not turn into liquid fat in our stomachs, but this absolutely does not prevent it from being digested. Another thing is that if you consume it in large quantities, the body simply cannot cope with processing such a heavy product, and fat particles will begin to enter the blood, causing blockage of blood vessels there over time.

    Myth No. 3. Palm oil is banned in developed countries. Do not confuse “prohibited” and “not recommended”. No country has yet been able to completely abandon snacks, chips and other spicy-sweet-sour bacchanalia of tastes. However, governments that truly care about the health of their nation are still trying to reduce the amount of palm product consumed.

    Did you know?The inventor of chips, George Crum, never ate his invention. That is why, as evil tongues claim, he lived 92 years.

    Myth No. 4. Palm oil is suitable only for technical needs. The same thing has been said for a long time about the very useful corn extract and the lesser-known (but not inferior in benefits) rapeseed extract. But no, the palm analogue is a fairly multifunctional product, which, depending on the degree of its purification, can be used in both the food and industrial sectors.

    Cosmetological properties

    As for cosmetology, in this area there is no debate on the harm of palm oil, and all experts unanimously say that:

    • it nourishes and moisturizes the skin;
    • cleanses and removes toxins;
    • rejuvenates the skin and removes puffiness;
    • adds collagen to the dermis, making it more elastic.

    Palm oil works effectively in the form of face and hair masks.

    Face masks

    A moisturizing mask is perfect for regular use, the vitamins of which will strengthen the facial vessels and replenish the lack of useful elements. It's easy to prepare using:

    • 5 g palm extract;
    • 10 g white clay;
    • 5 ml lime juice.
    Gently mix the oil and clay until smooth, then add the juice and grind thoroughly. Apply the resulting mixture in a thin layer to your face, avoiding the eyelids and lips, for 30 minutes.
    Your skin will be extremely grateful for such a spa treatment three times a week. If you have problems with acne or inflammation, then use a mask based on rice flour to eliminate them. It contains:
    • 3 g palm oil;
    • 10 g rice flour;
    • 1 aloe leaf.
    Squeeze out as much liquid as possible from the juicy leaf, then mix it with butter and gradually add flour, kneading the mixture. Apply the resulting paste to your face for 25 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. Usually, girls who take care of their appearance find it difficult to find a mask for the delicate skin around the eyes. This is not surprising, because this area requires special care. Palm oil will help provide it. Mix 2 g of this product with 3 g of yogurt. The mask should not be too liquid, but rather creamy. Apply it to the desired area overnight and remove it in the morning with thermal water.

    Hair masks

    To strengthen the roots and accelerate hair growth, use a nourishing mask based on various oils. The recipe for its preparation is simple:

    • 20 g palm oil;
    • 10 g coconut;
    • 4 drops of clove;
    • 4–5 drops.

    Did you know?Normal healthy human hair contains 14 elements, including gold.

    Combine the liquids in a small container and heat gently until the palm oil melts. Apply this cocktail warm to dry hair, massaging into the roots. For better absorption, wear a shower cap or wrap a towel around your head. It is advisable to keep the mask on for 3–4 hours.
    Then wash it off. Approach this process carefully: for the first session, take a mild shampoo and treat your hair with it twice. The procedure will be more effective if carried out once every 2 weeks: the first time with a mild shampoo, the second time with a product for deep hair cleansing. But colored hair will like a mask with ylang-ylang, which is carried out after the next correction:

    • take 1 tbsp. l. palm oil;
    • mix it with fresh chicken yolk;
    • add 50 ml of well-heated water with 5-7 drops of ylang-ylang.
    We treat the hair with the resulting mixture and hide it under a towel for 1.5 hours, and then rinse off the mask. Palm oil is in the spotlight today due to its controversial properties. The end of these disputes is not expected soon, but this does not mean that it is worth abandoning its use in all areas. After all, if its use in food is in question, then the beneficial properties of this product in cosmetology are beyond doubt.

Palm oil is made from the fruits of the oil palm tree. And the oil obtained from the seeds of this palm tree is called palm kernel oil. In Russia, palm oil began to be used relatively recently. It is ideal for baking and confectionery products, especially those intended for long-term storage. Currently, palm oil has become widespread, the benefits and harms of which are still being studied, and controversy surrounding it continues.

Use of palm oil

Due to its interesting chemical and physical properties, palm oil has become one of the most common types of vegetable fat in the world. This is also due to the fact that it is easily available and very cheap. Palm oil is highly resistant to oxidation, so it can be stored for a long time.

Palm oil is mainly used in the food industry. It is used in the preparation of waffles, sponge rolls, cakes, creams, and semi-finished products are fried on it. Palm oil is included in processed cheese, condensed milk, combined butter, it is added to curd desserts, etc. Many modern recipes cannot do without palm oil. They also partially replace milk fat. In general, it is easier to list those products that do not contain palm oil than those that do contain it.

Palm oil, whose use is not limited to the food industry, is also used in the manufacture of candles and soap. In cosmetology, it is usually used to care for dry and aging facial skin, as it nourishes, softens and moisturizes the skin.

Palm oil is useful to use for certain diseases. For example, for vision problems: night blindness, blepharitis, glaucoma, conjunctivitis and others. Due to its medicinal properties, palm oil is recommended to be used to treat various diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Benefits of palm oil

Many people are interested in the question: “Is palm oil harmful or beneficial?”

If we talk about its benefits, then first of all it is necessary to emphasize that it contains a large amount of carotenoids, the strongest antioxidants that are of great value to the human body. Carotenoids have a positive effect on weakened hair and skin. Therefore, it is used by many well-known cosmetic companies.

Palm oil holds the record for vitamin E content, which consists of tocotrienols and tocopherol. Tocotrienols are extremely rare in plants, they fight free radicals that cause cancer.

Palm oil is rich in triglycerols, which are digested very quickly, and when they enter the liver, they are used to produce energy without entering the bloodstream. This oil is especially useful for people who have difficulty digesting other fats, as well as those who watch their figure and athletes.

Palm oil also contains many unsaturated fats: oleic and linoleic acid, which contribute. These acids are involved in the structuring of bones, joints and are beneficial for skin health.

Provitamin A ensures the functioning of the vision analyzer and is involved in the production of visual pigment in the retina.

Palm oil. Some numbers...

The harm of palm oil

The main harm of palm oil is its high content of saturated fats. The same fats are present in butter. Many scientists argue that consuming large amounts of saturated fat contributes to the occurrence of heart and vascular diseases.

Palm oil contains only 5% linoleic acid; it is on this indicator that the quality and price of vegetable oils depends. Vegetable oils contain on average 71–75% of this acid, and the more it is, the more valuable the type of oil.

Statistics from the World Wildlife Fund say that half of all packaged foods contain palm oil. Companies are increasing the production of this oil and, for this purpose, wild tropical forests are being cut down and oil palm plantations are being planted in their place. As a result of deforestation, rare species of animals die - also indirect, but harmful.

What happens, is palm oil harmful or beneficial? Surprisingly, the benefits and harms of oil are comparable. For example, due to the saturated fats of the oil, heart problems arise when consumed, but at the same time it contains vitamins A and E, which make palm oil useful for the prevention of heart diseases and cancer. Palm oil is valued for its linoleic acid content, but at the same time it is much less than in other oils. Some strange combination of harmful and beneficial properties is obtained - maybe the researchers were British scientists or made a mistake somewhere? No, everything is much simpler - palm oil comes in several varieties.

Types of palm oil

The most useful and natural is red palm oil. To obtain it, gentle technology is used, in which most of the beneficial substances are preserved. This oil is red in color due to its high carotene content (which gives tomatoes their orange and red color).

Red palm oil has a sweetish taste and smell. The researchers came to the conclusion that during the refining process of palm oil, beneficial substances are released from it. And raw red palm oil contains a huge amount of beneficial substances. The described beneficial properties of palm oil mainly apply to red palm oil. It has long been consumed as food by the indigenous people of Central and Western Africa, Central America and Brazil. In Africa, red palm oil is popular as an excellent fat raw material. Some scientists claim that this oil is no different in beneficial properties from olive oil, so popular among Europeans.

Refined and deodorized palm oil is a different product. It is odorless and colorless. This is done specifically for use in the food industry. There is GOST R 53776-2010, which specifies the requirements for edible palm oil. This oil has the same beneficial properties as red palm oil, but in much less quantity.

There is another variety of palm oil that is used to make cosmetics, soaps and more. This oil is five times cheaper than other types of palm oil. It differs from edible oil in its acid-fat composition. Due to the low degree of purification, it contains a lot of harmful oxidized fats. It happens that unscrupulous manufacturers add such oil to products, the consumption of which causes the accumulation of free radicals in the human body, causing cancer. Also, consuming such oil leads to the formation of cholesterol plaques.

Experts are sure that some manufacturers use this oil in the production of food products. When talking about the dangers of palm oil, they mainly mean just this possibility. It is very difficult to bring the case to court, since identifying this oil in products is very difficult, so there have been no precedents yet.

Four myths about palm oil

  1. Palm oil is indigestible because it melts at a temperature higher than human body temperature. This is not true; fats are not digested in the human body under the influence of temperatures.
  2. Palm oil is banned in developed countries. This is not true, for example, 10% of palm oil produced is consumed by the United States.
  3. Palm oil can only be used in the metallurgical industry and soap making. In fact, palm oil has a wider range of uses. It is even known to have been used during World War II to produce napalm. But this does not mean that it absolutely cannot be used for food.
  4. Palm oil is produced from the trunk of a palm tree. This is not true, it is made from the fleshy part of the oil palm fruit.

The benefits and harms of palm oil are known to many. Palm oil has a number of beneficial properties, some of which are even unique, but this only applies to red palm oil.

Whether to eat palm oil or not, everyone decides for themselves. We tried to give you a little information.