home · Lighting · Which heart rate monitor to choose for running. Chest heart rate monitor: device, principle of operation and the right choice

Which heart rate monitor to choose for running. Chest heart rate monitor: device, principle of operation and the right choice

A heart rate monitor is an example of a fitness gadget that people buy not for convenience or to succumb to fashion trends, but for benefit. With the help of such a device for training, their effectiveness is significantly increased. That is why choosing a good gadget is an important and responsible matter. A heart rate monitor is a device that allows you to quickly monitor an athlete’s pulse during his training, significantly increasing their effectiveness. Therefore, the choice of such a device should be approached with all seriousness and responsibility. Before choosing a heart rate monitor, it would be a good idea to visit any thematic forum and look at reviews from owners of a similar-purpose gadget. But first of all, you should remember that the device is chosen for yourself, therefore it must meet the needs of the future owner, and this is the most important advice for choosing a reliable device.

Why is it so important to track your heart rate?

Knowing your own heart rate makes it possible to select the optimal training and cardio exercise regimen for yourself. Each person has an individual pulse - the number of heartbeats. To determine the normal rate of such contractions, they need to be measured in a state of complete rest, most often this value is about 70 beats per 1 minute. Under increased loads, which are typical for running and other sports, the heart rate can reach more than 200 beats. Playing sports has a negative impact on the heart and can lead to overload, which will result in stress for the body. If the frequency of contractions during training does not reach 100 beats, such exercises will be characterized by low efficiency. In order to get the maximum benefit from each exercise performed in one sport or another, it is important to correctly dose the load depending on your heart rate. A small device that attaches to the athlete’s hand – a heart rate monitor – will help with this.

Calculation of heart rate indicators

Before you choose a heart rate monitor and start using it, you need to find out your maximum heart rate, since it is based on this indicator that all the necessary data for swimming, cycling and any other types of training are calculated. The Karvanen formula is often used for this: the athlete’s age is subtracted from the number 220. Of course, calculating an indicator in this way gives a very approximate result, since it does not take into account the person’s gender, his physical fitness, body characteristics and other important indicators. But, despite this, the method has taken root and is used quite often.

Cardio tests

This indicator can be determined more accurately using cardio tests. It is best to conduct several such tests, which differ in the exercises that are performed. Based on the results of the cardio test, the highest heart rate is selected.

Training zones

The following training zones exist:

  • A low-stress zone when the heart rate is no more than 60% of the highest level. This area is recommended for beginners and “core” players;
  • Moderate level of exercise zone, when the heart rate reaches up to 70%. This is the most suitable value for the purpose of burning fat and calories, as well as for cardio training;
  • Aerobic zone of high load, heart rate is 80%. The zone is recommended for people involved in sports at a professional level;
  • Anaerobic zone, when the heart rate is 90% of the maximum possible rate. Used only by highly trained athletes.

To achieve high results when playing sports, you need to know your own heart rate, training in the optimal zone for yourself. Thanks to this, it will be possible to avoid both overload and low-effective training. Choosing a good heart rate monitor will help with this.

Benefits of a heart rate monitor

A large number of cardio machines in fitness rooms are equipped with a function for measuring heart rate: by holding the handles, you can find out your own pulse. It is clear that this will not help fans of running or other active sports. It is for such cases that sports heart rate monitors are designed. Such a device will bring a lot of benefits to amateurs and novice athletes, and even to people experiencing heart problems. The device helps:

  • Know the body’s reaction to certain loads by tracking heart rate;
  • Avoid stress resulting from too intense training;
  • Monitor the effectiveness of classes, constantly monitoring progress;
  • Monitor the intensity of training;
  • Develop an optimal sports program for yourself.

For convenience, such accessories are equipped with additional features: a pedometer, an alarm clock and other features that make using the device even more convenient.

Types of heart rate monitors

Depending on the type of sport a person is involved in, there are several types of heart rate monitors: for multi-sport, for fitness and for cycling. This is very important to consider before choosing a device. Regardless of the type of device, they all show the heart rate during the workout, the time during which the activity lasts, the current time and some other parameters.

Bicycle models

Bicycle models are a minicomputer attached to the handlebars. In this case, the display will display not only information about the state of the athlete’s body, but also atmospheric pressure, air temperature, bicycle pedal speed, and the like.

Running models

Heart rate monitors for running save the time during which the workout continues, the laps completed, independently calculate the best and average results, and help a person achieve the optimal combination of rest and load. Often the device also has a built-in GPS sensor.

Fitness models

The most multifunctional models are those for fitness. They show their owner the total number of calories burned and their individual level of exercise. In addition, such devices can remember the effectiveness of recent workouts, which helps to monitor the level of effectiveness of training.

The most convenient to use are wrist devices that look like regular watches with a sensor on your finger, earlobe or chest. Important advice on choosing a reliable heart rate monitor for those who are hampered by the presence of such a sensor: nowadays on the market you can also find models without sensors with a built-in sensor in the watch.

Chest models

Existing models are wireless or wired, with information transmitted analogue or digital. The most accurate are chest-mounted models that have digital data transmission.

How much does a heart rate monitor cost?

The cost of such a modern accessory for athletes and ordinary sports enthusiasts varies directly depending on the number of built-in functions and the manufacturer. You can purchase any model of such a gadget in almost every serious sports store. To make a choice of a good heart rate monitor, you immediately need to decide what basic functions should be present in it first of all - this will help to avoid overpaying for unused functionality. The delivery package must contain detailed instructions for operating the device.

The simplest models, which contain a limited set of only the most important functions, can be purchased these days for just 600 rubles. An example of such a device is the finger model - ID-501-FC from a Taiwanese manufacturer, which only has a pulse indicator.

Sigma Sport PC 3.11

A device with a little more functionality is the popular model - Sigma Sport PC 3.11, which also has a stopwatch and a clock. Costs approximately 1.5 thousand rubles.

1 - ideal price-quality ratio 2 - excellent option with constant calorie counting and GPS system

A heart rate monitor is a very useful accessory for people who want to lead a healthy lifestyle and monitor their fitness, and it is also necessary for athletes who play sports professionally. If you have it, then any workout, be it a light jog, a trip to the gym or a fitness group class, can be done more efficiently and safely. In this article we will help you navigate the variety of these necessary devices.

Which manufacturer's model should you prefer?

The company was founded in 1936 by Finnish engineer Tuomas Vohlonen. The company occupies a leading position in the production of dive computers, compasses and other sports measuring equipment. The company's main plant and headquarters are located in Finland. The company's slogan: “Conquer new territories.” The company's products are widely distributed throughout the world.

A company from Germany that produces various cosmetic and medical equipment. The company's products are popular. In particular, their heart rate monitors are liked by customers for their interesting design, ease of use and water resistance of most models.

The company appeared in 1919. The basis of their production is health products - pressure measuring devices, thermometers, electric blankets, etc. The company has gained popularity among consumers all over the world due to the excellent quality of its products and reasonable prices.


A Finnish company, the idea of ​​which came from a skiing enthusiast. As a result of research work, the first heart rate monitor was patented in 1979. And today the manufacturer offers a wide range of products for a wide variety of categories of users.

We form the top of the best models

  • level of error
  • functionality
  • appearance and ergonomics
  • waterproof
  • staffing
  • battery capacity

Heart rate monitors can be divided into two main groups. These are devices for professional athletes and fitness bracelets. We will present you the most popular models from both groups.

Heart rate monitors for professionals - your assistants in sports achievements

Models in this category accurately determine the physical condition of an athlete and help achieve greater training efficiency and, accordingly, bring closer the expected result. They can be used for walking, running, and can also help biathletes, swimmers, cyclists and representatives of other sports, for which a wide variety of sensors are available.

Score (2018): 4.9

Advantages: Best model for walking and running

Manufacturer country: Germany

The device will be able to measure the heart rate, and will also show the maximum number of contractions of the heart muscle and calculate the average values ​​of the indicators. In addition, the gadget will calculate the number of kilocalories burned during the workout. It can also be customized to the time and intensity of your workout. Users note the convenience of the model. The device is equipped with a clock, stopwatch, as well as a calendar and alarm clock.

It should be noted that users have not noted any shortcomings of the model; it fully meets the requirements of the modern consumer.

Score (2018): 4.9

Advantages: Best option for swimming

Manufacturer country: Germany

The German-made model is designed to be worn on the left hand. To determine the pulse, you just need to touch the sensitive panel with your finger. In addition to measuring heart rate, the device will be able to determine the distance covered during training. If you run or do race walking, the gadget will easily count the kilometers traveled and also show how many calories you have burned. The device will be able to function as an alarm clock, calendar or stopwatch, and even during rain you can continue training with it - its body is completely waterproof. This fact also makes it possible to use it while swimming.

Score (2018): 4.7

Advantages: Personal e-trainer

Manufacturer country: Finland

This model will not only accurately determine your pulse during sports, but can be a real personal trainer. You just need to enter your parameters, level of fitness, and then the heart rate monitor will provide you with a well-designed training program. It is convenient to use such gadget functions as a calorie counter, alarm clock, training diary and calendar. During water training, you can also easily use the device - at a depth of about 30 meters, it continues to perform its functions with precision.

And yet, despite the significant cost of the device, most users are satisfied with it. Wide functionality and interesting design make this model popular in the world market.

Heart rate monitors for fitness training - simplicity and ease of use

This line of models is designed for people who prefer a healthy lifestyle and strive to maintain their physical shape. They are miniature and equipped with a sufficient range of functions.

Score (2018): 4.6

Advantages: Ideal price-quality ratio

Manufacturer country: Japan

The device will accurately determine the pulse rate, as well as its maximum and average value for a specified time period. In addition, it will calculate the kilocalories that you burn during training, the number of laps completed, and will function as an alarm clock, calendar or stopwatch. You can also determine the total time spent on training or on one exercise. Users call the advantages of the model:

And yet, despite the disadvantages, most users are very satisfied with the heart rate monitor.

Score (2018): 4.6

Advantages: Great option with constant calorie counting and GPS system

Manufacturer country: Finland

Model from a Finnish manufacturer. A simple and multifunctional gadget. It will measure your pulse, the number of kilocalories burned, show the date and time, and the device’s memory will save all your data. Having analyzed the indicators, the device will be able to set the maximum permissible physical activity for its owner; a graphical drawing will demonstrate the change in indicators over a certain period of time. If the readings exceed the maximum permissible value, a sound signal will sound.

Which model should you choose in the end?

1 If you are a professional in race walking or running and want to make this process even safer and more controlled, the Sanita SPM 25 model is ideal for you.

2 For a professional swimmer, the best choice is the Beurer PM18. 3 If you want a personal trainer, and not just a device that monitors your heart rate, choose SUUNTO M2 Men. 4 If you just love fitness and lead a healthy lifestyle, Sigma Sport PC 15.11 is for you. 5 If your ideal in life is sports and healthy eating and you can afford to spend a considerable amount on purchasing a heart rate monitor, then choosing the Polar FT4 model will be justified.

Until recently, only athletes used heart rate monitors in their training. Now this device has become indispensable for everyone who exercises independently: runs in the morning, rides a bicycle. Using it, you can judge the intensity of the activity and correctly distribute the load on your body. During training, constantly measuring your pulse is extremely inconvenient, but a heart rate monitor on your hand unobtrusively reads your heartbeat and, if the limit is exceeded, warns you about it with an audible signal. Immediately during the exercise, you can change direction and adjust the speed.

Types of heart rate monitors

Depending on the type of sport the devices are intended for, there are models:

  • for running. These are narrow-profile devices with low sensitivity. While running, the human heart supplies sufficient impulses for such heart rate monitors;
  • products for fitness. They are most often made in the form of sports watches;
  • for cycling. They can be attached to the handlebars of a bicycle. They often have many related functions (for example, display movement speed, pressure).

Heart rate monitors with a minimum configuration show: heart rate, duration of the activity and usual time.

Based on the type of food they are divided into two types:

  • wired heart rate monitors. They have a flexible cord that can be a little awkward to move. But these products respond only to signals coming directly from their owner, without registering the readings of nearby people, as is the case with the use of their analogues;
  • wireless models They are characterized by mobility and do not restrict movement. But it’s better to overpay a little and choose devices with an encoded signal so that the sensor readings are accurate and do not read extraneous signals.

All heart rate monitors have the same set, which includes a bracelet and a sensor. They can be in the form of a bracelet, watch, clip, earphone, placed on the chest, attached to one finger or on the wrist. There are built-in models (in exercise bikes). There are even special applications on iPhone and Android phones that detect your pulse without contact. They use a smartphone camera as a sensor.

There are many models of heart rate monitors on sale from various manufacturers. To choose the best one for yourself, you should focus on the required set of functions; you should not overpay for unnecessary innovations. Moreover, the cost depends on their quantity, as well as the quality of the device and the country of manufacture. To make your choice easier, we will provide an overview of the most popular representatives of these devices.

Rating of the best handheld heart rate monitors

The most popular gadgets are watches. Therefore, we will try to talk about their functions and distinctive properties.

It additionally shows: number of steps, distance traveled in kilometers, speed of movement, kilocalorie consumption and fat burning. It also has a stopwatch, alarm clock, and calendar in its arsenal. When the load is exceeded, a sound signal is triggered. It is also waterproof, so it can be suitable for swimmers and can be used in the rain. You can even dive in it, but not deeper than 50 meters. The only drawback is the minute interruption of the workout to determine the pulse. The cost of this device is $100.

Beurer PM 200 heart rate monitor.

More expensive models, for example, the Beurer PM 200, consist of a heart rate monitor and a strap for a smartphone to attach it to the chest. This gadget is notable for transmitting data about a moving person. They are immediately sent to the phone and can be saved on a special website, where each buyer of such heart rate monitors can create their own free account. This site has a direct connection with popular social networks, where you can systematize and store all information about the routes traveled, as well as personal indicators. The price of this device is 150 dollars.

Software for the device must be downloaded from the official website. Then you need to synchronize the heart rate monitor with your computer through a special program, and after that you will be able to keep an online diary of your workouts. And to communicate about your achievements, on the site you can make friends with people who are interested in the same sport.

We hope this review of popular models will help you find a reliable assistant in your sports activities. When choosing a heart rate monitor, you should focus not only on the cost, but also take into account its characteristics, manufacturer and reviews of those who have already purchased this model. To ensure your training is effective, you need to correctly enter your personal data into the device and keep constant training statistics, then the purchase of this gadget will be justified.


Mikhail, 30 years old

I have been jogging in the morning for a long time, and to monitor my results I bought a Garmin 610. This watch perfectly measures the distance traveled and my speed. They also measure your pulse. An audible signal reacts to excess loads and warns of their decrease from the minimum permissible level. The touch screen, of course, cannot be kept in the cold, so in winter I protect it with clothing. I like this great accessory for its design, functions and the ability to upload your indicators to the website. The only thing is that you need to save up for it first, because the model is not cheap.

Tatyana, 26 years old

I recommend to everyone Suunto Ambit 2 heart rate monitor. My boyfriend and I are starting mountain climbing. He’s had these for two years now, and they recently bought me this model, only in white. They work in any weather and can measure the temperature outside. The battery lasts a long time. There is a storm warning function. This watch is so comfortable that I wear it every day.

Vasily, 36 years old

I decided to fight excess weight by running and working out in the gym. From the first days it became clear that I needed to somehow control my loads. Until this moment I had never done anything like this. The coach advised me to buy a very ordinary heart rate monitor, and I bought a Chinese model Torneo H-102. They explained to me how to calculate my upper and lower heart rate limits. By the way, there was a lot of this information on the Internet. I entered the obtained data into the device. A sensor on the chest reads the heartbeat and transmits it to a hand-held device using micropulses. And I can see how my workout is going and how many calories I burned today. I advise everyone to buy it who have just started playing sports and do not know their maximum loads.

Smart watch with heart rate monitor Not uncommon in 2017, almost every smartwatch manufacturer has taken care of a heart rate sensor in their device. This is not surprising; the function is really necessary, and sometimes even critically important, especially for athletes and for people with heart disease. Athletes have a unique opportunity to regulate their training, adjusting to the appropriate heart rate zone depending on the training goal.

Such a huge assortment of smart watches with a heart rate monitor on the market makes the buyer at a loss in choosing, for this, to ease the pain of choice, we have made the TOP 7 smart sports watches with a heart rate sensor.

Herzband Elegance

Editor's rating:

Average price – $70

Estimated life time: 5 days

Herzband is a brand that is confidently gaining popularity in the CIS, it has gained fame for its ability to measure pressure, or rather, calculate it based on heart rate readings. These are the best at the moment.

Design. They have a classic design, a round dial with a mechanical button on the right, a leather strap complements the classic ambience.

Functionality and characteristics. The display is monochrome and has a fairly low brightness reserve. The controls are convenient, they can be turned on by turning the wrist, but there is no voice control. Receive notifications from all messenger applications. Tracks all physical activity, like any other fitness tracker. They have a fairly low brightness reserve; in sunny weather it will be difficult to make out anything.

Our editorial testing has shown that The watch's heart rate monitor works properly.


  • pressure measurement;
  • stylish design
  • low price


  • low display brightness reserve
  • no GPS

Verdict: A good option for those who are looking for a budget option for a smartwatch with a heart rate monitor that has a classic design and the functionality of a fitness tracker.

Editor's rating:

Average price – $200

Estimated life time: 25 days

Design and interface.Withings Steel HR has a truly “Swiss” watch design; it is only revealed by a small OLED display, which is designed to show all the watch’s notifications. Using a mechanical button, it switches between Withings Steel HR screens, where you can view your heart rate, steps and calories.

Functionality and characteristics. The main advantage of the watch is its record life time, which is 25 days in active mode, an incredible result for a modern smartwatch. To achieve such results, sacrifices had to be made, and this sacrifice was the display, which received a very small size. But it is worth noting that it copes with all its functions perfectly. Due to the bright backlight, all information is clearly perceived even on a small display.

Another interesting feature is the high water protection, which is 5 ATM. This allows the watch to be submerged to a depth of 50 meters. The watch is equipped with a soft silicone strap, which will allow you to dive with the watch in the pool and at sea.

The “brains” of the device are not too far behind the design and amaze with their functionality. So, they can independently determine what type of physical activity you are currently doing (paired with a connected smartphone), determine the stages of sleep, but without a smart alarm clock.
The operation of the heart rate monitor in the watch quite accurate, but during intense training the data is distorted.


  • record life time
  • stylish design
  • high degree of protection against water


  • inconvenient controls
  • no GPS
  • inconvenient charging
  • The heart rate monitor does not cope with intense workouts

Verdict: An excellent option for a smartwatch with a heart rate monitor and pedometer for those who appreciate classic style and do not like to charge gadgets.

Editor's rating:

Average price – $150

Estimated life time: 11 days

Xiaomi AmazFit Pace is the first smartwatch from the famous Chinese brand, which went on sale quite recently, at the beginning of 2017. They have already gained a lot of fans around the world due to their stylish design and fitness tracker capabilities. In this review, we are interested in precisely these capabilities and, in particular, the operation of the heart rate monitor.

Functionality and characteristics. Xiaomi AmazFit is not just a smart watch with a heart rate monitor, it is also a good GPS-tracker, capable of tracking your movements. This combination of functionality should be appreciated by lovers of jogging in the fresh air. It should be noted here that when GPS is turned on, battery life is reduced from 5 days to one day, and in domestic use the manufacturer promises work up to 11 days, which is a very impressive indicator with such a display.

Another interesting feature of the watch is the presence of memory - 4 GB, where you can store music that you can listen to using a wireless headset.

Among other things, the watch has standard functions for tracking sleep, steps, and calories burned. There is no smart alarm clock, there is only a regular vibration alarm clock. Heart rate monitor operation I was very pleased; a series of comparative tests with chest heart rate monitors did not reveal any serious errors.

Design and interface. Xiaomi AmazFit Pace boasts a rich display where you can easily view basic data; the brightness is adjusted automatically due to the built-in sensor. At the same time, the display has a number of control disadvantages. First, the gadget does not support voice control, and second, to activate the display you need to press the small mechanical button in the upper right corner.

Like any smartwatch, Xiaomi AmazFit Pace can receive notifications from applications. Unfortunately, this area has not been fully developed. Thus, the “Reply” and “View conversation” functions do not function. The interface is presented only in English or Chinese.


  • Availability of GPS
  • high quality display
  • long life time


  • inconvenient display activation
  • flawed notification software
  • no support for Russian language

Verdict: An excellent option for those who prefer a sporty design and do a lot of outdoor activities.

Average price – $375

Estimated shelf life: up to 4 days

Design and interface. The watch was released in two design options, which are noticeably different, but at the same time quite similar. Samsung Gear S3 Frontier is a brutal version, similar to what we see on the covers of magazines with harsh models. The Samsung Gear S3 Classic is a timeless classic design, smaller than its larger sibling and not as shock and shock resistant, while the Frontier version is MIL-810G protected.

One of the main features and the main control feature of this watch is the “bezel”, this is a rotating ring around the watch, with the help of which gadgets are controlled. This solution turned out to be very successful and simplified interaction with the device by an order of magnitude.

The watch uses a standard strap that can be easily unfastened and replaced with yours. The body is made of high quality 316L steel.

Display with the SUPER AMOLED matrix there are no complaints, all data is readable without any problems in any lighting.

Functionality and characteristics. The watch runs on its own Tizen platform, which is noticeably more convenient than Android Wear. There are fewer applications here, but they are quite enough for everyday use.

Like any fitness tracker, the watch can track steps, calories, and sleep. Interesting features include determining the lifting height, as well as the ability to compete with friends in the number of steps. To evaluate all the fitness capabilities of the watch, you need to use the S Health application, which is only available for the Galaxy series from Samsung. Such exclusivity is an undoubted disadvantage of the gadget.

The watch has GPS and Glonass, which can remember your route. Separately, I would like to note that there is a version with LTE, which will allow you to call directly from the watch without a smartphone. A pleasant advantage of the gadget is its long operating time, taking into account the huge number of functions that require battery power.

The third generation of guiaras has significantly improved heart rate measurements, which is why the watch is included in our TOP. The heart rate monitor works correctly even during intense movement.


  • display
  • Availability of Wi-Fi and GPS
  • convenient control
  • MIL-810G protection in Frontier version


  • Samsung's proprietary fitness app is only available for the Galaxy series

Verdict: An ideal option for everyday use at work, in the gym, on vacation, if you also have a Galaxy smartphone from Samsung.

Average price – $350

Estimated shelf life: up to 2 days

Polar is the 2nd company from this TOP, which came not from the world of technology, but from the world of sports watches. And this fact significantly influenced the Polar M600 model in terms of functionality.

Design and interface. The design of the watch is sporty and futuristic, the case is made of plastic, there are metal inserts on the sides, and the strap is made of silicone. The design is very much for everyone’s taste and will not appeal to everyone, plus the device is already quite bulky.

The main control is via the touch screen, there are also two mechanical buttons, on the left there is a “Stop” or “Back” button, below the display there is a button responsible for starting the workout.

Display juicy and bright, but in direct sunlight it is difficult to read data.

Functionality and characteristics. The watch is based on Android Wear, which means that more than 4,000 applications for various purposes will be available to the owner. Fitness capabilities are implemented through Google Fit and a special Polar Flow service, which records all the information about the training performed, and you can also schedule them there. The service is very good and will appeal to many athletes.

Runners and cyclists will appreciate the presence of a full-fledged GPS. Another nice feature of the gadget is that it is waterproof and can be submerged up to 10 meters, which is more than enough for a swimming pool.

Due to the 6-LED sensor, the heart rate monitor can compete in accuracy with chest-mounted heart rate meters. During testing, the heart rate monitor did not cause any complaints.

One of the unpleasant features is the short lifespan of the gadget, only 8 hours in training mode and 2 days in normal mode with Android, but with iPhone will only work for a day.


  • Availability of Wi-Fi and GPS
  • proprietary software for sports activities


  • design for everyone
  • short period of life

Verdict: A good option for professional athletes who need the most functional smartwatch.

Apple Watch Series 2

Average price – $400

Estimated life time: one day

It’s not for nothing that watches from the legendary brand are included in most reviews of smart watches and fitness trackers. Apple Watch Series 2, as a watch with a heart rate monitor, also did not disappoint.

Design and interface. The design is quite futuristic and not everyone will like it, but at the same time many will find it very attractive. It is presented in the shape of a rectangle with rounded corners. There are two control buttons on the right side. The number of varieties of straps is amazing in variety; the case itself is presented in the main material options: aluminum, steel, and ceramics. The updated version now has quick access to the necessary applications via a button, which makes control quite convenient.

Display juicy and bright, all data can be read without any problems in any weather. There is an automatic brightness adjustment sensor, the operation of which can be adjusted in the settings.

Functionality and characteristics. Apple Watch Series 2 is a true multifunctional machine among smartwatches, which can do almost everything that a modern smartwatch can provide. Briefly by functions:

  • Ability to answer calls and receive messages;
  • Tracking the physical activity of the wearer;
  • Supports many additional applications from the App Store;
  • Measuring calories burned, steps taken, heart rate
  • Recording the route traveled using GPS
  • Internet access via Wi-Fi

The watch boasts not only the usual Bluetooth and GPS modules, but also a Wi-Fi module that allows you to access the Internet directly from the gadget. The gadget is waterproof, it can be used in the pool, and even a separate functionality has been created for this purpose that tracks strokes.

All the perfection of the watch is killed by its lifetime, which is one day, which is an anti-record for this top, and it’s difficult to find smart watches in 2017 who live so little.

The app for measuring heart rate is very primitive and is suitable only for lovers of an active lifestyle, but not for professionals. But it is worth noting that The heart rate monitor works flawlessly. Moreover, an independent scientific study conducted at Stanford showed the error of the heart rate monitor on an exercise bike is only 2%, which is comparable to the electrocardiogram data; for walking, the figure was slightly higher than 2.5%.


  • wide selection of applications
  • Availability of GPS and Wi-Fi module
  • juicy display


  • very short period of life
  • high price

Verdict: An excellent option for those iPhone owners who require the widest range of capabilities from a smartwatch.

Estimated life time: 9 days in watch mode, 11 hours in training mode with GPS

The ForeRunner series of watches is designed for running, as clearly evidenced by the name of the same name. The Garmin ForeRunner 235 is one of the best value for money running heart rate watches on the market. This model is suitable for both professionals and amateur runners who need much more than the functionality of a regular fitness tracker, but at the same time need a watch for everyday use.

Design and interface. The design of the ForeRunner 235 is made in a sporty style and they will not match a formal suit to emphasize the status of the wearer. But they will fit perfectly into any other wardrobe and not just sports ones.

Display quite large and bright, all notifications and data can be read without any problems, even in the sunniest weather. Control is carried out by 5 mechanical buttons, which is quite convenient in rainy weather. The entire interface is intuitive and does not require much time to understand. Russian language is supported.

Functionality and characteristics. The watch is equipped with GPS and the GLONASS system, which made it possible to introduce a wide range of capabilities; in addition to the classic data on steps, calories and sleep, it offers a number of other options. As they run, they can show an estimated finish time based on their current momentum. They will evaluate the training effect of the lesson. They will predict your best result based on the data already received. They will give recommendations for post-workout rest. Supports cycling training.

Also, many will find it useful to assess VO2 max to assess the effectiveness of the training process in athletics.

Additional amenities include smart notifications and music control on your smartphone. This is also the only smartwatch with a heart rate monitor suitable for this review.

Heart rate monitor operation does not cause any complaints even with intensive training. It is possible to track heart rate zones.


  • Availability of GPS/Glonass
  • Windows Phone support
  • advanced features for running training


  • not suitable for a formal suit
  • lack of app store and internal memory

Verdict: An excellent option for those who are engaged in professional running training.

A heart rate monitor is a measuring device that measures your heart rate. It is also called a heart rate monitor.

Heart rate monitor is used to monitor heart function, analyze loads, determine heart rate zones and go beyond these zones. A large number of different models for heart rate monitoring are sold on the sports paraphernalia market. Let's figure out what a heart rate monitor is for, what its advantages and benefits are, how to choose one, and also look at the most popular models of heart rate monitors on the market.

If you need information about how your heart works during exercise, then a device like a heart rate monitor is a must-have. During training, a heart rate monitor helps maintain the desired heart rate, measures the number of calories burned and monitors heart function and workload.. Most often, a heart rate monitor is used during interval and cardio training, but it will also come in handy during strength training. In addition, the heart rate monitor can be used during daytime activities to monitor heart function.

Who might need a heart rate monitor?

  • For those who do cardio training to lose weight or develop endurance.
  • For those who do high-intensity interval training (HIIT).
  • For those who have heart problems and need to control their heart rate.
  • For those who want to control the number of calories burned during exercise.
  • And also for those who want to regularly improve their results without harm to their health.

Why is it even necessary to measure your heart rate during exercise? Depending on the pulse or heart rate(abbreviated heart rate) your body will use different sources of energy. Based on this, there are several load zones that determine the effectiveness of your workout:

The indicated percentage is taken from the maximum heart rate value. To calculate it, we use the formula: Maximum heart rate = 220 – age.

Accordingly, in order for the body to use fatty acids as a source, it is enough to keep the pulse in the zone of 60-70% of the maximum heart rate. For example, if your age is 30 years old, then the following calculations will be used to calculate the possible range of your heart rate:

  • Lower threshold = (220-30)*0.6=114
  • Upper threshold = (220-30)*0.7=133

With such a pulse (114-133 beats per minute) you can practice for a long time, maintaining a continuous pace. In this case, the exercise will be aerobic, that is, using oxygen. Such cardio workouts help burn fat and train the heart.

If you are doing high-intensity interval training (for example, training according to the Tabata protocol), then at the peak moments your heart rate should be in the anaerobic zone, i.e. 80-90% of maximum heart rate:

  • Lower threshold = (220-30)*0.8=152
  • Upper threshold = (220-30)*0.9=171

A heart rate monitor helps you monitor your heart rate and keep it in the zone that meets your requirements.. If your heart rate monitor model allows it, you can set the heart rate zones you are interested in, and you will be notified when your heart rate leaves the specified zone.

Benefits of a heart rate monitor:

  • A heart rate monitor protects your heart from overload during exercise because you monitor your heart rate.
  • You will exercise in the heart rate zone you need - for fat burning or endurance, depending on your goals, and therefore train more effectively.
  • With a heart rate monitor it is easy to track your progress, analyze the level of load and its perception by the body.
  • You will know exactly how many calories you burned during your workout.
  • You can use the heart rate monitor during your normal daily activities to assess your body's performance or monitor your stress levels.
  • The heart rate monitor is indispensable when running or walking fast on the street, when there are no other sources for determining the level of load.

Many cardio machines already have a built-in heart rate monitor. But firstly, such heart rate monitors show inaccurate data , which are better not to focus on. Secondly, to record data you need to hold the handles while running or walking, which is not always convenient. Therefore, if you want to receive the most accurate data on heart rate and calories, it is better to purchase a heart rate monitor.

You can also use manual heart rate monitoring. To do this, you need to stop and count the beats, recording the resulting values. However, additional manipulations during training are not always convenient, and the resulting values ​​will have strong error . In addition, constant stopping lowers your heart rate, which disrupts the rhythm of the activity. This is why a heart rate monitor is indispensable: it will record data instantly throughout the entire workout.

  • Heart rate (HR) monitoring
  • Setting your heart rate zone
  • Notification of heart rate zone changes by sound or vibration
  • Calculation of average and maximum heart rate
  • Calorie counter
  • Time and date display
  • Stopwatch, timer

Some heart rate monitors have additional functions: GPS navigation, alarm clock, pedometer, training history, automatic calculation of training zones, fitness test, heart rate calculation for a single lap (useful for runners), synchronization with applications and computer. The more functions a device is equipped with, the more expensive it is.

Types of heart rate monitors

Heart rate monitors can be divided into 2 large groups: breastplates (using chest strap) And carpals. Heart rate monitor with chest strap used O more popular among practitioners, but thanks to new technologies, models have appeared that allow you to accurately measure your pulse without a chest sensor.

A chest heart rate monitor is a sensor with electrodes that is worn under the chest and transmits data to a receiver watch or mobile application. There are two types of chest heart rate monitor models, which differ in configuration:

  • Heart rate monitor without watch receiver. In this case, the data is transferred to the smartphone via Bluetooth Smart technology. The sensor is synchronized with special applications on the smartphone, where all the necessary information about heart rate and calories burned is automatically stored. This is convenient for training analysis, since the application stores the entire data history. Most often, heart rate monitors are synchronized with applications on Android and iOS operating systems.
  • Heart rate monitor with watch receiver. In this case, the sensor sends data to the receiver watch, where it is processed and you can see it on the screen. Such models are more expensive, but also more convenient. You do not need to additionally use a smartphone; all information will be displayed on the watch. For example, it is more convenient to use such heart rate monitors outdoors.

If you purchase a heart rate monitor with a watch, then also pay attention to the type of data transmission. There are two types of data transfer from the chest strap to the watch:

  • Analog (uncoded) type of data transmission. May be subject to radio interference. It is considered less accurate, but if there is an error, it is very small. The analog heart rate monitor can sync with cardio equipment, picking up heart rate data from your belt. But if in your immediate vicinity (within a meter) If someone uses a heart rate monitor with the same type of data transmission, for example in a group training session, interference may occur.
  • Digital (encoded) type of data transmission. A more expensive and accurate type of data transmission, not subject to interference. However, a digital heart rate monitor cannot be synchronized with exercise equipment.

Both analog and digital heart rate monitors are quite accurate, so The type of data transfer does not play a key role when choosing a heart rate monitor. There is no point in overpaying additionally for digital data transmission.

The convenience of wrist heart rate monitors is that you don't have to wear a chest strap with the sensor. To measure the data, you only need a watch that is worn on your wrist. However, this version of heart rate monitors also has a number of features and disadvantages, so despite the apparent convenience, wrist heart rate monitors are still less popular.

Eat two types of wrist heart rate monitors, which differ in the principle of heart rate monitoring:

  • Pulse is measured upon contact of fingers and sensor on the front side of the device. For example, model Sanitas SPM10 or Beurer PM18 (cost 3000-4000 rubles). You simply place the heart rate monitor on your wrist, touch it, and the device gives you your heart rate readings. The disadvantage of such monitoring is that you will measure your pulse not for a certain period of time, but on demand, only after contact of your fingers and electrodes on the body. This heart rate monitor is more suitable for tourism, mountaineering, or for those who, due to health restrictions, are forced to periodically monitor their heart rate zone.
  • Pulse is measured via tracking behind blood vessels. The principle of operation of such heart rate monitors is as follows: you put the bracelet on your hand, the LEDs shine through the skin, the optical sensor measures the narrowing of blood vessels and the sensor displays the obtained values ​​on the watch screen. Issued with this type of monitoring Mio heart rate monitors (cost from 4500 rubles), which quickly gained popularity. But the disadvantages of such devices are also obvious. For data accuracy, the belt must be tightly tightened on the wrist, which is not always convenient during training. Additionally, heavy sweating or rainy weather may interfere with the sensor's performance.

Of course, a watch is a more common piece of equipment than a chest strap. Therefore, if you feel uncomfortable wearing a belt under your chest, we recommend purchasing a second version of a wrist heart rate monitor. But discomfort and inconvenience are almost the only argument in favor of a wrist heart rate monitor. Most trainees still opt for a heart rate monitor with a chest strap because of the convenience and accuracy of the data.

So, they are determined by the following parameters:

  • Manufacturing company
  • Heart rate monitor type: chest or wrist
  • Contents: is there a watch receiver, replaceable straps, cases, etc.
  • Data transmission type: analog or digital
  • Moisture protection
  • Belt, its width, quality, ease of fastening
  • Quality of the watch receiver case
  • Availability of additional functions

Heart rate monitors: a selection of the best models

We offer you a selection of heart rate monitor models with a brief description, prices and pictures. Based on this review, you can choose the right heart rate monitor for yourself. Prices are indicated according to Yandex Market data as of September 2017 and may differ from the cost of the heart rate monitor in your store.

Sigma heart rate monitors

Popular models of Sigma heart rate monitors are developed by a Taiwanese manufacturer. Among heart rate monitors, Sigma is considered one of the market leaders; their models are almost ideal in terms of price and quality ratio. They mainly offer heart rate monitor models with a chest strap and a watch:

  • Sigma PC 3.11: the most primitive model with a basic heart rate counting function. There is no calorie counting.
  • Sigma PC 10.11: the optimal model with all the necessary basic functions, including calculation of average and maximum heart rate, calorie counter, sound signal when the target heart rate zone is violated.
  • Sigma PC 15.11: This model is suitable for running enthusiasts, as it adds functions such as lap counter, average and maximum heart rate per lap, number of calories burned per lap, lap time.
  • Sigma PC 22.13: This heart rate monitor uses digital data transmission, so the price is a little more expensive. The model is offered in several body colors. Standard functions: calculation of average and maximum heart rate, calorie counter, zone indicator, sound signal when the target heart rate zone is violated.
  • Sigma PC 26.14: model similar to the previous one, but with the addition of new functions. For example, this device has a lap counter, an automated function for calculating the target zone, memory for 7 training sessions, totals per week.

Polar heart rate monitors

Polar is one of the most famous brands in the heart rate monitor market. Polar produces high-quality devices, but their prices are much higher. You can purchase a chest strap with a sensor that will transmit data to your smartphone, or a set of strap and watch receiver for easier data tracking.

Chest straps with sensor:

  • Polar H1: GymLink communication interface, Android and iOS support, moisture protection.
  • Polar H7: GymLink and Blutooth Smart communication interfaces, Android and iOS support, moisture protection.
  • Polar H10: a new generation of heart rate sensors, replacing the H7, new for 2017.

Chest heart rate monitor with watch included:

  • Polar A300: in addition to the standard functions, this device also has many additional features: pedometer, sleep monitoring, reminder function, goal setting, accelerometer. It is also possible to connect to a smartphone via Bluetooth.
  • Polar FT60: this model includes a calorie counter function, as well as a number of auxiliary, but very convenient and useful functions, such as: alarm clock, second time zone, low battery indicator, locking buttons from accidental pressing.
  • Polar M200: Another very multifunctional gadget, waterproof, with GPS navigation and backlight. Added notification function for incoming calls, received messages and notifications from GPS social networking applications.

Beurer heart rate monitors

This brand offers models of heart rate monitors with a chest strap and models in which you need to touch the sensor of the device to measure data. For training, we recommend choosing heart rate monitors with a chest strap; it is more convenient and practical.

  • Beurer PM25: a simple and convenient model, there are all the important functions, for example, a built-in calendar, clock, alarm clock, stopwatch, calorie counter, alert when leaving the training zone.
  • Beurer PM45: The set of functions is similar to the PM25 models, but adds interchangeable straps, a bike mount, and a storage case.
  • Beurer PM15: This is a wrist-based heart rate monitor with a touch sensor, the device monitors heart rates, alerts you when you go beyond the training zone, but does not count calories. Price: 3200 rubles.

Mio heart rate monitors

The new generation Mio devices do not require a chest sensor or finger contact to operate. The heart rate monitor can simply be worn on your arm. His secret is optical sensor, “observing” the pulse directly through the skin. Measurements are as accurate as possible without the need to use a sternum strap. Prices for Mio heart rate monitors start at 5,000 rubles.

Suunto heart rate monitors

Another well-known company in the sports equipment market, which produces a series of sports watches with the ability to measure heart rate. Suunto offers chest straps and chest straps included with your watch:

  • Suunto Comfort Belt: Chest strap suitable for all T-series sports watches and computers that can be used as a heart rate monitor.
  • Suunto Smart Belt: Chest strap with Bluetooth Smart technology. Compatible with Suunto's Movescount app.
  • Suunto M2: a chest strap with a watch that has all the basic functions, including heart rate control, calorie counting, automatic selection of the desired heart rate zone.
  • Suunto M5: This heart rate monitor comes with additional features to help you determine the best training regimen for your individual performance, as well as get reliable speed and distance information during your running workouts.

Sanitas heart rate monitors

Sanitas does not have many models, but they are notable for their low prices, so we also mention them.

  • Sanitas SPM22 and SPM25: Heart rate monitor with chest strap that includes all the basic functions and is perfect for regular use.
  • Sanitas SPM10: You don't need a chest strap to measure your heart rate with this model. You simply place the device on your wrist and touch the sensor on the front of the device with your finger. This device is suitable for people who do not want to wear a chest belt or, for example, for tourism.

Other models:

1. Nexx HRM-02. A budget option for a chest strap with a sensor, which is suitable for those who are not ready to seriously spend money on fitness gadgets. The device has built-in Bluetooth Smart and is compatible with almost all mobile applications that support the function of transmitting data from a wireless heart rate monitor. Counts heart rate and calories burned.

2. Torneo H102. Chest strap with watch receiver. Equipped with all the basic functions: heart rate calculation, calorie counter, setting heart rate zones, measuring time in the target zone, stopwatch, calendar and alarm clock, water resistance.

3. Ozaki O!Fitness Fatburn. Another option for a chest heart rate monitor that transmits information via Bluetooth to a smartphone. In addition to heart rate, such characteristics as steps taken and calories burned are recorded.

Which heart rate monitor to choose:

  • If you want to purchase a heart rate monitor with an optimal price-quality ratio, then buy the Sigma or Beurer models.
  • If you want to purchase the most reliable and accurate device, then buy Polar or Suunto models.
  • If you do not want to use chest straps, then buy models from the manufacturer Mio.
  • If you want to purchase the mostsimple and inexpensiveoption for a heart rate monitor, you should pay attention to the models offered on the Aliexpress website (review below).

Heart rate monitors: a selection of the best models on Aliexpress

We offer you a selection of heart rate monitors that can be purchased on Aliexpress at an affordable price. All heart rate monitors have similar functions and are in approximately the same price range, so we suggest you focus on customer reviews, the average product rating and the total number of orders for this product.

Chest strap without watch

If you purchase a chest strap without a watch, your heart rate data will be sent to an app on your smartphone. The chest straps are compatible with all Bluetooth Smart (4.0) and ANT enabled devices.

  • 250 orders
  • Average rating: 4.8
  • Reviews: 120
  • Cost: ~1300 rubles

Chest strap with clock

If you purchase a chest strap with a watch, heart rate data will be sent to the watch and displayed on the display. Even heart rate monitors with watches are sold on Aliexpress at very affordable prices.

  • 200 orders
  • Average rating: 4.8
  • Reviews: 200
  • Cost: ~2000 rubles
  • The seller is marked with the “Reliable Brand” badge