home · Other · Candidate for master of sports in boxing: this is the title or rank, conditions for obtaining, certificate. Athletics categories. Youth categories

Candidate for master of sports in boxing: this is the title or rank, conditions for obtaining, certificate. Athletics categories. Youth categories

Where to run?

Not every competition will be considered a sufficient basis for assigning a category. To do this, they must be included in the official calendar of certain bodies that supervise the sport. Competitions approved at the ministry level can be found in a document called the UCP (Unified Calendar Plan for Interregional, All-Russian and International Physical Education and Sports Events for 2015). Competitions at a lower level will be in similar city documents.

Any resident of Russia can receive an amateur sports rank, I was pleased at Moskomsport. To do this, you need to do three things: firstly, join the sports federation of the chosen sport (submit an application and pay the membership fee), secondly, take part in competitions (often even city or district starts are enough) and, thirdly, show there is a definite result. Exactly what result and at what competitions will be sufficient depends on the type of sport; all standards can be found in a document called the Unified All-Russian Sports Classification (USSC).

If you performed successfully, then documents from the competition (copies of protocols, certificates from the main panel of judges - all this can be taken from the referees) should be submitted to the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of the region at your place of residence. Your federation or sports school where you trained or competed can help with this (check documents, write applications and even send all the papers). Keep in mind that the amateur rank is valid for 2 years, after which it is canceled - unless you confirm it or go even higher.

After listening to this instruction, I went to look for the shortest route to the coveted badge on my chest.

Step one: chess

– Hello, I want to get a sports category.

I didn't beat around the bush. As they say, checkmate.

– Congratulations, you already have it. Just sign up to study at a chess school,” they answered me with a yawn at the regional chess club, where checkered board lovers gather once a week. - Everyone who studies is automatically assigned the 5th category.

Wow! If this continues, then by the end of this article I will be hung with badges like Brezhnev with medals! Curious what the icon looks like? I went online, but couldn’t find a “5th category in chess” badge in any store, or just “5th category” either.

– Maybe you’ll take the “3rd category”? “It costs 54 rubles,” the saleswoman persuaded me over the phone. And I would take it, but what to do with my conscience? And anyway, why is there a 5th rank, but not a badge? I, as taught at Moskomsport, called “upstairs”.

Unlike categories, the titles “Master of Sports” and “Master of Sports of International Class” are awarded only by the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation, and once and for all. These titles have no expiration date. True, they are not given for regional, district and city championships, but only at national championships (master of sports) or international tournaments at the level of European and world championships or at the Olympic Games (international master of sports). You can become a candidate for master at regional, sometimes city competitions, taking a prize there.

“And they deceived you with the 5th rank,” the rating administrator of the Russian Chess Federation Ilya Filippov upset me (apparently, not even all amateur sports clubs know how ranks are now assigned). - The 5th and 4th ranks were abolished, and now the lowest rank is just the 3rd. To get it, you need to score a rating of 1400 points or higher in tournaments, information about which can be found on the federation website.

How well do you need to be able to play to get such a rating?

Well done! In September there will be competitions in Moscow in which anyone can take part, and everyone who finishes will receive the 3rd category in running,” Smirnov made me happy.

- Wow! Where can I sign up?

– And right on the Moscow Marathon website.

– Are you saying that they will give me a discharge if I run 42 kilometers and 195 meters? Is this posthumous, or what?

Why posthumously? Last year, more than nine thousand people finished, only 40 did not make it...

– So I say - posthumously... I can only travel so far on a bicycle.

However, although I liked this idea at first, it turned out that there were no bike starts nearby in the near future. And just finishing in them is not enough - even for the third category I was required to take place from 7 to 12 at city competitions.

You can receive a category in running by meeting these standards at any competition where at least three referees of the 1st category and higher are judged. Here are the standards for the most popular distances.

Distance MS KMS I II III
100 m 10,4 10,7 11,1 11,7 12,4
200 m 21,1 21,8 22,8 24,0 25,7
400 m 47,5 49,5 51,5 54,0 57,8
800 m 1:49,0 1:54,5 2:00,0 2:09,0 2:20,0
1000 m 2:21,0 2:27,0 2:35,0 2:47,0 3:00,0
1500 m 3:46,0 3:55,0 4:08,0 4:25,0 4:50,0
5000 m 14:00,0 14:35,0 15:20,0 16:25,0 17:50,0
10,000 m 29:25,0 30:35,0 32:30,0 34:30,0 37:30,0
Marathon 2:20:00,0 2:28:00,0 2:37:00,0 2:50:00,0 Finishes-
to sleep

252nd digit

In total, in our country there are sports categories in 252 sports and sports disciplines. Here are just a few that we didn't mention in this article:

  • Aeromodelling sport
  • Bowling
  • Helicopter sport
  • Water skiing
  • Darts
  • Canine sport
  • Paintball
  • Radiosport
  • Fishing sport
  • Sports bridge
  • Ship modeling sport
  • Checkers

Step three: tennis

In team sports, the path to the goal traditionally runs through the bodies of defeated opponents. In tennis, these bodies must pave the way to at least 4th place in a tennis club or sports school tournament. And it would be good to find out in advance from the tournament organizers whether the results achieved at their tournament are taken into account for assigning categories. In my case, everything was complicated by another fact - I have a complicated relationship with a tennis racket.

“Olya,” I carefully asked our producer (and also the storm of amateur tennis tournaments), “but theoretically you can imagine the following situation: we play mixed doubles, but I do practically nothing, since I don’t know how, and you Are you carrying the entire game on yourself?

- No, you will have to serve too, and in general, then the opponent will only start playing at you, and there will be no wet spot left from us...

At the words “wet place” I perked up:

- Thank you! I have a new idea!

Step Four: Swimming

Yes, to obtain a sports category, you can take part in any competition, even among prefectures or fitness clubs,” confirmed Nikita Petrov, chief specialist of the water sports department of Moskomsport. I thanked him and immediately sat down to look for the nearest start - it’s not for nothing that I swim several times a week.

The shortest path to the third category is 50 meters (this is not a marathon!). If in 30 seconds or faster, you can qualify for a discharge.

Well, on May 17, the “My Olympic Record” competition, which will be judged by professional judges, is scheduled to take place at the Olimpiysky sports complex located not far from the editorial office. I'll try my luck there. In the end, a contribution of 330 rubles is a small price to pay for this dream. And even if I don’t meet the standard, it doesn’t matter: like all participants, I will be given a beautiful diploma with my results.

It remains to wait for May 17 and find out whether I will look at this diploma with pride, or whether it will become for me that red rag that will force me to train with redoubled force in order to prevent a repetition of the shame.

When starting to play sports for fun, many get so carried away that they begin to seriously think about obtaining sports ranks and titles. It is impossible to achieve what you want without hard training, time and even health, if you are not going to buy a kms badge and not get it deservedly. It’s easier to act when you understand which direction to move in and follow a firmly established plan.

Choosing a club and mentor

It is extremely important to choose a section and a coach. You can even practice on your own. Study literature, select training programs using books and magazines, communicate in thematic forums. However, an experienced mentor will help you achieve results faster, with minimal losses, and prevent mistakes and injuries.

When choosing a club, be guided by the reviews of athletes, their achievements, the number of people who have achieved sports titles and categories. If there are few of them, give preference to another organization.

Normative base

Decide what standards you have to fulfill so that the executive body for physical education and sports has grounds to assign you the next rank or title.

In the Russian Federation, there is a single document establishing the procedure for assigning and confirming sports ranks and titles - UESC (Unified All-Russian Sports Classification). The document defines a list of standards and the conditions necessary for their implementation at a given level. Requirements are placed on the level of competition and opponents, and the qualifications of judges. Each sport has different requirements.

It is important to focus on the current edition of the EVSK, since the requirements are developed every 4 years. It is possible for several editions of the normative act to be in effect simultaneously for different sports.

Training plan

Together with your coach, create a training plan and strictly follow it. Keep a training diary where you enter the training program, load, achievements, body condition, diet. Prepare methodically for regional competitions.

An athlete's classification book must be purchased and issued in advance, which records the achievements of the applicant for the category.

The CMS category is awarded upon achieving certain results:

  • winning prizes in official competitions
  • achieving the required number of victories over opponents, established by the standard category or title
  • fulfillment of objectively measurable standards at official competitions
  • The awarded category “candidate master of sports” is subject to confirmation every two years.


Win the Russian zonal championship boxing or the Moscow (St. Petersburg) championship among juniors. To be awarded the CCM, you must have completed at least three fights, and there must be at least two CCMs in your weight category.

Take first place in the championship of any sports society, for example, “Dynamo”, “Youth of Russia”, etc. Conduct at least three battles, two of which must be with CCM. Also, to receive the CMS, you can take first place at the Russian championship.

Video on the topic

There is such a well-known expression as “boxing is the science of defeat without harming oneself.” This is the rule you should follow boxer to defeat your opponent in a duel. He must combine offensive skills with skillful defense. He also needs to follow a number of important rules.

You will need

  • - Boxing ring;
  • - gloves;
  • - rival;
  • - boxing uniform;
  • - trainer;
  • - video recordings of opponent’s fights.


Research your opponent first and get to know how he fights in the ring. Professionals always know exactly who they will be dealing with in the ring, having studied the opponent’s tactics in the best possible way. Beginners act according to the situation, which is why they get paid much more often. This is not a forward-thinking approach. Therefore, talk to those athletes who have already fought against your opponent. Also attend his training session (or ask your trainer to do so). Ultimately, study all of your opponent's available fights.

Develop a clear plan for fighting a given opponent and build your training aspect in the same way. If your opponent is fast and left-handed, then do more sparring with faster left-handed athletes. Practice moves that will baffle your counterpart. If you notice that he throws his right hand after a straight punch, work hard on his right hook.

Build a rough strategy for fighting against your opponent, taking into account that he can adapt to you. If your greatest strengths are high speed, long arms and a sharp jab, then think about what else might be in store if the enemy forces you into close combat and gets under your arms. In this case, he will be able to deliver hundreds of small but sensitive blows. This means you should still work on your uppercut and side punches.

Stay calm as you enter the ring. You can lose a lot of energy just from worry. But you can also get a lot out of it if you get excited about the fight. Some pray, others look at their opponent and try to understand his plans. It all depends, of course, on what calms and inspires you. Use this before the fight!

Be 100% sure that you will win! There should not be a note of doubt in you about the successful outcome of the fight! This is where the winner comes into play. Use it to the fullest and don't leave your opponent a chance.

Video on the topic


On your physical and psychological condition before the fight.

Helpful advice

Build your battle strategy very clearly.

Each work performed by employees of the organization belongs to a certain tariff category. The Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers contains a complete list of job titles. Sometimes in the process of an organization’s economic activities, managers promote their employees. What is the procedure for assigning a tariff category?


First, you must receive an application for assignment of a rank from the employee himself. If he has completed any professional training in the desired category, he must attach copies of certificates, certificates and other supporting documents to the application. After this, he must be characterized in which he is.

Then issue an order to appoint a tariff and qualification commission, which should evaluate the work of this employee. Its composition may include foremen, managers, personnel, foremen and other persons. Be sure to appoint a chairman of the commission; this must be an employee who has an education in the field in which the worker wants to increase his rank.

First, test the employee’s knowledge, that is, assess the level of knowledge of the theoretical part, for example, if a carpenter wants to increase his rank, then first he must tell the theory of woodworking production. Next, move on to assessing the practical part. To do this, the worker must complete at least three tasks, and the quality of the product must meet the highest standards.

Children studying the art of judo are awarded in a ceremonial atmosphere after successfully passing qualifying exams and are given belts of various colors. Each color represents a certain degree of skill in that form of martial arts.

Beginners to the martial art of judo are awarded a white belt. Then, step by step, each student moves towards the main goal - black belt. Color schemes may vary slightly across countries, clubs and systems. The standard set of generally accepted belts is white, yellow, orange, green, blue, brown and black.

To assign belts to a student, a special ceremony is scheduled. Thus, the effect and significance of the achievement is enhanced. But the celebration is not always held. Many systems are based on rigorous assessment. Here, students are awarded based on the authoritative opinion of a coach who has a special qualification that gives him the right to award degrees and belts. Even then, however, degrees are awarded primarily for the sake of presentation.

We can say that this is an opportunity to demonstrate your skills. In advance, coaches decide which belt a particular student deserves, based on his efforts and results in classes. As the child gets older, the requirements for passing the exam become more stringent.

Achieving any qualification in judo can take a different amount of time. Most martial arts schools award students white belts after one or two months of training. The white belt is awarded to the student along with his first uniform, which is called a kimono. The time interval between the awarding of degrees is usually twice as long as for the previous belt.

Age requirements for some qualifications may slow down the process of awarding a particular belt. To achieve the main goal - black belt - a student requires six to ten years of hard work. The martial art of judo cannot be mastered earlier. Achieving qualifications will require a huge amount of time and effort in training.

You should not pay attention to qualifying degrees. It is much more important to focus on achievements and development. The student must be focused on continuous self-improvement and striving to become a better wrestler. The assignment of belts is only a simple designation of the student's skill.

Receiving one or another rank is a serious step from amateur to professional sports. And the conferment of the title is already well-deserved recognition of the achievements of the eminent athlete. But many are confused about the categories and titles existing in Russian sports and their order. We will try to clarify with this article.

Sports titles and categories

Athletes are assigned ranks at the beginning of their careers, and upon reaching all the latter, ranks. The ascent to the podium begins with youth sports categories:

  • 3rd youth;
  • 2nd youth;
  • 1st youth;
  • 4th category (applicable only in chess - you need to play at least 10 games and score at least 50% of the points in a group game);
  • 3rd category;
  • 2nd category;
  • 1st category.

Let us note that youth ranks are awarded only in those types of sports where age is a decisive factor in competitions, where strength, endurance, reaction speed, and speed of the participant are important. Where it is not an important advantage or disadvantage (for example, in intellectual sports), the youth rank is not assigned.

Those who have the 1st sports category can already be awarded titles. We list them in ascending order:

  • master of Sport;
  • international master of sports/grandmaster;
  • deserved

A long-standing custom prescribes calling international-level masters of sports in intellectual games (checkers, chess, etc.) grandmasters.

About EVSK

In the Russian Federation, confirmation and assignment of sports categories and titles is determined by a document called the Unified All-Russian Sports Classification (UESC). It indicates the standards in each sport that must be fulfilled in order to receive a certain category and title. The first such document was approved in 1994; accepted by Evsk for four years. Today the 2015-2018 option is valid for the summer, 2014-2017 for the summer.

The document is based on the All-Russian Register of Sports and the list of sports games recognized by the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation. The document dictates both the standards that must be met to obtain a particular sports category or title, and the conditions under which all this must occur: the level of the opponent, the importance of the competition, the qualifications of the judges.

Why do you need a sports category?

The assignment of ranks in sports has several clearly defined goals:

  • Mass popularization of sports.
  • An incentive to improve the level of sports training and skill.
  • Moral encouragement of athletes.
  • Unification of assessments of achievements and mastery.
  • Approval of a uniform procedure for assigning sports categories and titles for all.
  • Development and continuous improvement of the field of physical culture and sports.

Assignment procedure

Let's touch on the general important points of assigning ranks and ranks:

  • Athletes must be divided into juniors, young people, and adults.
  • A young athlete who took part in a scheduled competition and fulfilled the necessary standards for a certain category receives the latter. This will be evidenced by a badge and a special qualification book.
  • The athlete’s record book must be registered with the organization where he received this document. In the future, at all competitions in which the athlete will participate, he will enter into this qualification book all the information about his results in competitions, assigned and confirmed categories, and prizes won. Each entry is made based on a specific protocol, certified by the signature of the responsible person and the seal of the sports organization that organized the competition.
  • The assignment of a sports title is the prerogative of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation. To confirm this, the athlete receives a certificate and an honorary

Requirements for the assignment of ranks and titles

Now let’s look at the requirements that an athlete must fulfill, and what he must meet in order to receive a certain rank:

  • The basis for assigning a category is only a certain measurable result of sports activity: taking a specific place in official games or competitions, achieving a certain number of victories over opponents of a specific level over the last year, fulfilling a number of quantitative standards in sports where they are possible.
  • Each category or title implies that the athlete has reached a certain age.
  • If within the framework of a competition, athletes are assigned categories and titles, then it must meet a whole set of strict rules: the composition and level of participants, a certain number of judges and athletes, the number of performances, fights and games in the qualifying and main stages.
  • At international competitions, the smallest number of participating countries is additionally determined. To receive the title of international master of sports or grandmaster, you must participate in competitions of this level.
  • Higher ranks are awarded only to citizens of the Russian Federation and only by the Federal Agency for Physical Education and Sports.
  • The categories are authorized to be assigned by regional executive bodies in the field of physical education and sports.
  • An athlete must confirm his sports category at least once every two years.

All categories and titles of sports in the Russian Federation are regulated by the EVSK. After receiving one or another category in the given order and within the framework of current requirements, the athlete must also periodically confirm it.

1. Sports titles, sports categories.

The following sports titles are established in the Russian Federation:

1) Master of Sports of Russia, International class;

2) master of sports of Russia;

3) grandmaster of Russia;

2. In the Russian Federation, the following sports categories are established:

1) candidate for master of sports;

2) first sports category;

3) second sports category;

4) third sports category;

5) first youth category;

6) second youth category;

7) third youth category.

2. Qualification categories of sports judges

Sports refereean individual authorized by the organizers of a sports competition to ensure compliance with the rules of the sport and the regulations (regulations) of the sports competition, who has undergone special training and received the appropriate qualification category.

In the Russian Federation, the following qualification categories for sports judges are established:

1) sports judge of the All-Russian category;

2) sports judge of the first category;

3) sports judge of the second category;

4) sports judge of the third category;

5) young sports judge.

3. Unified All-Russian Sports Classification (EVSK)

1. The Unified All-Russian Sports Classification establishes norms and requirements, the fulfillment of which is necessary for the assignment of appropriate sports titles and sports categories in sports. The Regulations on the Unified All-Russian Sports Classification determine the content of these norms, requirements and conditions, and also establish the procedure for assigning sports titles and sports categories in various sports.

2. The procedure for assigning qualification categories of sports judges and the content of qualification requirements for candidates for the assignment of these categories, as well as the rights and responsibilities of sports judges are established by the Regulations on sports referees.

3. Honorary sports titles are established for persons who have outstanding achievements and special services to the Russian Federation in the field of physical culture and sports.

4. Rights and responsibilities of athletes

Athletean individual engaged in a chosen sport or sports and participating in sporting competitions.

Athletes have the rights to:

1) choice of sports;

2) participation in sports competitions in selected sports in the manner established by the rules of these sports and regulations on sports competitions;

3) obtaining sports categories and sports titles upon fulfilling the norms and requirements of the EVSK;

4) conclusion of employment contracts in the manner established by labor legislation;

5) assistance to all-Russian sports federations in selected sports in protecting the rights and legitimate interests of athletes in international sports organizations;

6) exercise of other rights in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Athletes are obliged:

1) comply with safety requirements while participating in physical education and sports events, educational and training events and while at sports facilities;

2) not to use doping agents and methods, and comply with mandatory doping control in the prescribed manner;

3) comply with ethical standards in the field of sports;

4) comply with the provisions (regulations) on physical education events and sports competitions in which they take part, and the requirements of the organizers of such events and competitions;

5) comply with sanitary and hygienic requirements, medical requirements, regularly undergo medical examinations in order to ensure the safety of sports for health.

5. Sports passport

1. A sports passport is a uniform document certifying membership in a physical education, sports or other organization and the sports qualifications of an athlete.

2. The sports passport shall indicate:

1) last name, first name, patronymic of the athlete;

3) date of birth;

4) belonging to a physical education and sports organization;

5) selected sports and sports disciplines;

6) information on the assignment of sports categories and titles;

7) information on confirmation of compliance with the norms and requirements necessary for the assignment of sports categories;

8) a note indicating that the athlete has undergone medical examinations;

9) results achieved in sports competitions;

10) information about sports disqualification;

11) information about state awards and other forms of encouragement;

12) last name, first name, patronymic of the coach;

13) other information related to the specifics of the selected sports.

3. The athlete’s membership in a physical culture and sports organization is determined on the basis of an employment contract concluded between the athlete and the physical culture and sports organization.

4. If an athlete is enrolled in an educational institution of secondary vocational education or higher vocational education and the agreement specified in Part 3 of this article has not been concluded with him, the athlete’s membership in a physical education and sports organization is determined on the basis of an order for enrollment in the educational institution.

5. The procedure for maintaining, the procedure for issuing, the procedure for replacing sports passports, the procedure for functioning of the unified system for recording sports passports are established by the Regulations on the sports passport. The regulations on the sports passport and the sample sports passport are approved in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.