home · Installation · Kyrgyzstan Aliya Atambaeva what she does. Aliya Shagieva talks about what it’s like to be the president’s daughter. Aliya and her “star” position

Kyrgyzstan Aliya Atambaeva what she does. Aliya Shagieva talks about what it’s like to be the president’s daughter. Aliya and her “star” position

BISHKEK, April 18 - RIA Novosti. The youngest daughter of Kyrgyz President Almazbek Atambayev, artist Aliya Shagiyeva, deleted her pages on social networks after criticism from ill-wishers.

Twenty-year-old Aliya Shagiyeva uses her mother's surname to avoid accusations of using family ties to the president. On social networks, the girl, who gave birth to her first child, son Tair, on March 20, published photographs of her paintings and reflections on life and motherhood. The young artist’s extraordinary thoughts, picked up by local and world media, made her pages the most visited in Kyrgyzstan. At the same time, the girl was hit with a barrage of criticism, which became especially harsh after photographs appeared with scenes of feeding the baby.

In her posts, Shagieva criticized gender inequality and discrimination against breastfeeding mothers.

“Feeding a child “on demand” (in a public place - ed.) is the most physiologically beneficial way, but the situation when a child receives food after turning blue from crying is traumatic,” she wrote.

Breastfeeding will affect a person's quality of life in the futureBreastfeeding directly affects the physiological and psychological health of the child, said Tatyana Borovik, head of the department of nutrition of healthy and sick children at the Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, during a round table dedicated to the 12th World Breastfeeding Week, which took place from August 1 to 7.

Recently, the British newspaper Daily Mail published an article entitled “The daughter of the president of Kyrgyzstan is accused of “disgracing” her family by publishing photographs of breastfeeding in a country consisting of 75% Muslims,” dedicated to Shagieva.

On Tuesday, Aliya announced that she was closing all her pages, leaving only one.

“This is my only personal page on the Internet, on which nothing else will appear. I am here to communicate with people, to maintain a page on creativity “remains of honesty” and for news of the groups I subscribe to. Nobody needs honesty,” - wrote she.

The daughter of the President of Kyrgyzstan launched her own line of youth clothingThe collection of summer clothes, made in the unisex style, consists of T-shirts, T-shirts, dresses and tunics, decorated with black and white prints depicting paintings from the “Metamorphoses” series written by the young artist.

Almazbek Atambayev has six children from two marriages - three daughters and three sons. His second wife Raisa Atambaeva is a doctor, candidate of medical sciences.

The president's youngest daughter is married to programmer Konstantin Ryazanov. Last March, Aliya Shagieva’s exhibition entitled “Metamorphoses” was held in Bishkek. The artist donated all proceeds from the sale of the paintings to the Santerra public foundation for parents of children with Down syndrome. Later, the girl presented a collection of summer clothes in a unisex style, decorated with black and white prints from her own paintings.

The recently married 19-year-old daughter of Kyrgyz President Almazbek Atambayev, Aliya Shagieva, spoke about her marriage to the Russian magazine ELLE, K-News reports.

She recently announced that she got married and published photos with her husband on the social network Instagram.

The reaction from the Kyrgyz people was ambiguous; along with congratulations, Aliya also received angry comments. The main topic of discussion was that she did not marry a representative of Kyrgyz nationality.

As Aliya admitted, the wedding took place on August 27, the lovers celebrated the celebration in Bishkek on the roof of the Skyhall restaurant.

The wedding took place contrary to established local traditions of celebrating lavish ceremonies with hundreds of guests. Among the guests were friends and colleagues of Konstantin’s husband, Aliya’s friends and relatives from both sides. There were 30 people in total.

The newlyweds decided to abandon conservative rituals and celebrate this important holiday in a modern European style. Everything was elegant, beautiful, without unnecessary pomp and exorbitant costs. No guest stars, just close couples. For the wedding, Aliya chose a knee-length dress with an open back.

The artist got married with the approval of her family. When a young man proposed to her two months ago, parents on both sides joyfully accepted the news.

“The reaction was very, very positive,” Alia shared. “My parents have known Kostya for a couple of years now and have grown to love him.”

As it turned out, the newly-made son-in-law of the country's president was born in 1992 in Bishkek. Konstantin is a programmer by profession and does not like publicity or social gatherings. He met Aliya on the Internet four years ago. Then he was 20 years old, and the girl was only 15.

“At that time I was blogging under a pseudonym,” recalls Aliya. – It was a sentimental diary of a teenage girl experiencing various difficulties. One day he wrote to me in the comments: “Good night, everything will be fine!”

This began their friendship, which over time grew into love and romantic relationships. When asked what attracted her to the young man, Aliya replies: “He is in many ways wiser than me and very caring.”

Konstantin found out what name Aliya had and who her father was only a year and a half after they met, but it took him much less time to fall in love with the girl.

Aliya comments on the situation with the reaction of many Kyrgyzstanis to this marriage as follows: “I believe that such violent nationalism manifested itself as a logical result of a low level of cultural thinking. But, on the other hand, there are still more adequate people.”

By posting photos with her husband, Alia did not expect so much negativity.

Recently, the Russian media received news about the secret wedding of the daughter of Almazbek Atambayev and her Russian boyfriend named Konstantin. 19-year-old Aliya notified her Instagram followers about this after the fact, publishing a series of photos from her honeymoon on Lake Issyk-Kul. Immediately after this, the president’s daughter received a lot of negative comments from her nationalist-minded compatriots. Although Konstantin is also a citizen of Kyrgyzstan, many ethnic Kyrgyz - usually men - are unhappy that Aliya chose a representative of a non-titular nation as her wife. The editor of ELLE contacted the “Kyrgyz princess” to find out the details of the wedding first-hand.

As Aliya Shagieva herself told us, the wedding, which was talked about only this week, took place August 27. The lovers celebrated the occasion in their native Bishkek, on the roof of the Skyhall restaurant. Contrary to established local traditions of celebrating lavish ceremonies with hundreds of guests, the presidential daughter and her fiancé decided to limit the celebration to a small circle of guests. Among the guests were friends and colleagues of Konstantin, Aliya’s girlfriends and relatives from both sides. Aliya also invited her elderly piano teacher, who, according to her, is like her own grandmother. There were 30 people in total, which by Central Asian standards is considered an indecently modest banquet.

But it was precisely this kind of quiet celebration that the newlyweds dreamed of. They decided to abandon conservative rituals and celebrate this important holiday in a modern European style. Everything was elegant, beautiful, without unnecessary pomp and exorbitant costs. A closed restaurant area on the 11th floor with a view of the capital, light jazz music in the background. No guest stars like Robbie Williams or crowds of journalists. The bride wore a dress with an open back and knee length. A distinctly minimalistic wedding dress without any fancy decorations is also a kind of challenge to the canons, but the progressive, creative girl is no stranger to rebellion.

Although it should be noted that the artist got married with the approval of her family. When the young man proposed to her two months ago, the parents on both sides, including the high-ranking father of the bride, joyfully accepted the news. “The reaction was very, very positive,” Aaliyah shared. “My parents have known Kostya for a couple of years now and have grown to love him.”

As it turned out, the newly-made son-in-law of the Kyrgyz leader was born in 1992 in Bishkek. Konstantin is a programmer by profession and does not like publicity or social gatherings. He met Aliya on the Internet four years ago. Then he was 20 years old, and the girl was only 15. “At that time I was blogging under a pseudonym,” Aliya recalls. - It was a sentimental diary of a teenage girl experiencing various difficulties. One day he wrote to me in the comments: “Good night, everything will be fine!”

This began their friendship, which over time grew into love and romantic relationships. When asked what attracted her to the young man, Aliya replies: “He is in many ways wiser than me and very caring.” This sensitive attitude of his towards his wife can be seen even from their photographs:

“Despite his mathematical mindset, Kostya is a creative person,” describes his wife Aliya. - Our common hobby is film photography. We also both love nature and love traveling through the gorge."

The daughter of the head of Kyrgyzstan can reassure those who suspect the newlywed in a relationship of convenience - their union was concluded solely out of love. Konstantin learned her real name only a year and a half after they met. To fall in love with a girl, her nickname on the Internet was enough for him.

And Aliya never trumped her famous surname “Atambaeva”. Shortly before her marriage, she even changed it to her mother’s surname, becoming Shagieva this spring. This again happened due to the dissatisfaction of her fellow citizens, who reproached the young artist for taking advantage of her father’s position by launching her own clothing line. The fact that all proceeds from the sale of T-shirts were donated to a charity to treat children with cancer stopped few of the indignant commentators. So for Aliya, her last name and belonging to the family of a state leader is a painful topic.

Perhaps the people have inflated demands on the daughter of the head of state? Aliya does not rule it out. “However, I am glad that I published these photos,” she tells ELLE, “because for many of our girls who are experiencing social pressure, they can serve as a stimulus and inspiration for decisive changes in their lives.”

All people have always had and will have a desire to learn about the life of a popular person. If earlier it was difficult to do this, now, thanks to the development of information technology and the spread of the Internet, more and more people have the opportunity to look at the life story of a particular person. In this article we will talk about the biography of Aliya Nazarbayeva, the daughter of the permanent President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev.


The girl was born in the city of Almaty, the capital of Kazakhstan. According to official data from the birth certificate, Aliya was born on February 3, 1980.

Since childhood, she has been closely monitored by the media and other figures. Which is not surprising, since Aliya Nazarbayeva is the daughter of the President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, who has been in office for several decades.

What did the parents want from their daughter?

From a young age, the girl was independent and did not want to be “different from everyone else” - she avoided such a position. An interesting fact is that parents who did not realize their childhood dreams try to do this through their own children.

Nursultan Nazarbayev and his wife, after long discussions, decide to send Aliya to study at a music school. They wanted to make their daughter a creative person, and preferably, she would become a pianist - Aliya’s mother really liked this.

She studied in a piano class, and it cannot be said that this activity gave her great pleasure. However, Aliya studied diligently and did not want to let her parents down: she regularly attended classes and tried to be the best in everything.

An easy choice

After finishing her piano studies at a music school, her parents made an offer that was easy to refuse because they left the choice to Aliya. Namely, they offered to build a career as a musician who would forever tour different countries and receive money for it.

And another option for the development of these events is an independent decision. And it is not surprising that the girl chose the second option, because she saw herself in a different way.

Aliya and her “star” position

As noted earlier, her dad is the current president of Kazakhstan. And, as practice shows in all CIS countries, he will remain in office for a long time. He came to power when Aliya Nazarbayeva was only eleven years old.

There is information that Aliya did not want to somehow stand out among her peers and peers. Therefore, she did not take advantage of and did not particularly advertise her “special” position; she did not want to be known as “daddy’s girl”, for whom everyone always decides.

Aliya Nazarbayeva and her family were entitled to official transport, which she used reluctantly. There was such a case that when she was driving to school with a personal driver, she asked him to stop the car where no one would see them.

Then she opened the door and got out of the official vehicle, walked several hundred meters and entered the school along with all the children. In this way, the girl wanted to show that she was no different from the others.

Gossip behind your back

It is not surprising that when the girl could not hear the conversations of her friends, various gossip was invented about her. For some time this hurt Aliya terribly, and she was offended by envious people.

And then the realization came that her father was the head of not the smallest state and there would always be various rumors about her. Soon Aliya simply stopped paying attention to the fables created about her.


The girl strived to become independent because she was very smart. She, with all the determination she can have, decides to leave her parents' house. An interesting fact is that the parents themselves were the catalysts for the moving process.

At the age of thirteen, Aliya Nazarbayeva left for Germany, which caused discontent among some segments of the population of Kazakhstan. For what reasons does the daughter of the head of state study abroad and not in her homeland? This is the question they asked themselves.

Aliya came to Germany and began studying in the building of a former monastery, which is located near the city of Cologne. Soon Aliya begins to miss her family and decides to return. In total, she studied at a German school for only a few months.

New life - Switzerland

Aliya was not happy in her homeland, and she decides to change the picture to a more presentable one - Swiss. At the age of 15, she moved to Switzerland, where she really liked it, and she was no longer so worried about parting with her parents. She studied at a national school, where she fell in love with alpine skiing. Which is not surprising, since this is a common subject in Swiss schools.

Higher education

And here Nazarbayeva decides to study abroad. To get a "red crust" she flies to England, where she enters the Faculty of International Law at a prestigious English university. She decided not to stop at one higher education and therefore flies to the US capital, Washington, where she receives a second education as an art critic.

She speaks English impeccably, and several European languages ​​at a basic level. Aliya learned a lot at foreign educational institutions, for example, how to understand people, and strengthened her character and met the “right” people.

A photo of Aliya Nazarbayeva is presented below.


Aliya returns to her homeland and decides to build a career where her father has all the levers of power. To begin with, she tries herself as an assistant at the popular radio station Europe Plus.

But she understands that this is not exactly what she wants. Therefore, he abruptly changes his place of action and goes to work at TuranAlemBank. But she doesn’t stay there for long either.

Then he goes to work for his father Nursultan Nazarbayev, where he gets a job as a secretary. But she decides to leave again, and then she understands that she needs to build her own career.

Therefore, Aliya Nazarbayeva begins to engage in personal business and soon becomes a successful businessman. It is worth noting that despite the fact that her father is the president, she was able to build a business herself. And this says a lot, because even with outside support, a stupid person will not be able to manage his own business.

At the moment, the girl owns a chain of fitness clubs, and also runs the Elitstroy construction company, which operates in Kazakhstan.

The girl also started a jewelry business, entry to which is exclusively for “her” people. Aliya created a company called Alsara, which supplies jewelry not only to the domestic market, but also to the foreign market.

What about your personal life?

At the age of 18, Aliya Nazarbayeva marries the son of the President of Kyrgyzstan, Aidar Akaev. It is quite obvious that the wedding was an ancient Asian tradition of mixing blood and concluding new alliances.

Such relationships do not last long, especially since this is the age of democracy and freedom. After some time, the marriage naturally fell apart. Aliya Nazarbayeva did not have children in this marriage.

After the divorce, Aliya marries the famous football player and businessman Daniyar Khasenov. Almost immediately, Nazarbayeva becomes pregnant, and the couple has a daughter named Tiara. And in 2011, the second daughter Alsara was born. But things don’t work out here either, and the couple separates.

Aliya Nazarbayeva married for the third time to businessman and politician Dimash Dosanov. They somehow met by chance at a meeting with mutual friends, communicated as friends for a long time, but soon it grew into something more, and they got married.

The daughter of Kyrgyz President Almazbek Atambayev, Aliya Shagiyeva, responded to criticism from social network users who harshly criticized her for a photo of her breastfeeding a child that she previously posted on Instagram.

“You shouldn’t expose your breasts like that, you’re the president’s daughter after all!” - a common reaction to a photo of me feeding a baby.

So, about the “shameful”. A woman's breast is a part of the body that has an important function (feeding a child), and is in no way a sexual object. Women's breasts are not an object of vulgarity and indecency, as most of us believe. For a very long time people have forgotten about its true purpose and turned it into an object to please the gaze of men. We have been convinced for a very long time and constantly that female breasts are indecent and connected with sex; this idea can be traced in cinema and literature; the advertising industry and the media are filled with this idea. Society turns breasts into objects of sexuality, attractiveness, and then condemns women who resort to plastic surgery because their breasts are small/not the right shape/with large nipples. Society turns a woman's breasts into an object of sexuality and pride, and then calls those who feel a sense of inferiority, even if the breasts are capable of feeding a child, stupid hens. Society says that motherhood is wonderful, but says “ugh, shame on her” when looking at a nursing mother. It's funny, isn't it?

It is very important to understand that there are no guilty parties here. This is a vicious circle, the solution to which lies in starting with yourself. From your thinking. And I will do so. I will feel absolutely comfortable reaching for my breast anywhere when my baby is hungry, be it the mall, the inside of my car, or a bench in a public park. I will be an example for other breastfeeding mothers who are forced into the uncomfortable confines of a patriarchal society. And if you see indecency in this, then I have news for you: your shame and your indecent thoughts are your problems, and we are only doing what is given to us by nature. Everything is very logical.

P.S. Even during pregnancy, I wrote a long text about how the female body should not be the subject of sexualization. I, of course, was prepared for the worst and was very surprised when I received a huge amount of gratitude from girls and women who clearly see such pressure on the female sex. Thanks to everyone who supported. You inspire me to boldly talk about those things that have not yet been discussed in our country,” Aliya Shagieva writes on the social network Facebook.

Let us note that 19-year-old A. Shagieva became a mother in March 2017 - the daughter of the President of Kyrgyzstan, who married a simple Russian guy Konstantin, gave birth to a son named Tair.