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When is the best time to exercise? The best time to train. When to go to the gym

Not sure what time of day is best to exercise? After reading this article, you will determine the most optimal time for working out in the gym.

Designing a training process is not an easy task. It is necessary to provide for many subtleties and nuances. Proper nutrition, a list of effective exercises, recovery time, sleep, discipline and much more will help you build a beautiful body.

Few people know that to achieve the required result, you need to choose the right time for training. The fact is that not all hours of the day are equally suitable for exercise. Let's look at what can influence the timing of your workouts, and what part of the day is the most fruitful.


What do you want to achieve from going to the gym? Everyone knows what they want, and you are no exception.

Correctly selected time for training helps to achieve faster results.

AND are the most desirable goals that are stuck in the heads of many people who decide to work on themselves and change for the better.

  • Fat Burning

The human body is designed in such a way that after waking up, blood sugar levels are lowered and metabolism is accelerated.

If you exercise early in the day, fat will become the main source of energy, not carbohydrates. Therefore, you can burn much more fat in the morning than during an evening workout.

If you exercise before breakfast, your body will lose more calories than after breakfast.

But it must be said that if you exercise on an empty stomach, you will lack strength, and therefore you will quickly get tired. Therefore, do not overload your body, otherwise you will drive it into a state of stress.

Thus, morning exercise will be much more effective if you decide to lose weight. But you need to approach the training process wisely and correctly calculate the load.

Useful article:.

  • Mass gain

Evening workouts help gain muscle mass and increase strength. Hormones such as testosterone and cortisol are known to have a strong effect on muscle gain. While testosterone promotes muscle growth, cortisol, on the contrary, destroys muscle fibers.

Testosterone levels after evening workouts are much higher than after morning workouts. The level of cortisol, known as the stress hormone, on the contrary, is much lower in the evening than in the morning.

Therefore, by training in the evening, you are likely to gain muscle mass much faster than by training in the morning.

Useful article:.

Kind of activity

If you sit in front of a computer all day and lead a sedentary lifestyle, then at the end of the day you need to stretch your body. In this case, evening training is the best remedy for muscle atrophy. Physical activity will increase testosterone , improve blood circulation and help keep muscles toned.

If you are engaged in physically demanding work associated with constant travel, active movement and heavy lifting, you will not have the energy for an evening workout. Therefore, morning workouts are the best choice for you. By working out at the beginning of the day, you are guaranteed to perk up and activate brain and muscle activity. The main thing is not to overdo it during training, otherwise you will not be able to effectively cope with work responsibilities.


The choice of time for training is also influenced by your daily routine. Each person lives in his own rhythm and organizes his day in a way that suits him.

If you work from morning until 5–6 pm, then, of course, you have no opportunity to train in the morning. You have no choice but to come to the gym in the evening.

If you have a relatively free work schedule and can choose absolutely any time to work out in the gym, then you are incredibly lucky. Organize your day as you wish, but do not forget that you should always train at the same time. The body must adapt to consistently receiving the next dose of load.

You should not train haphazardly: first in the morning, then in the evening. Such instability will inevitably lead to stress because the body will not be able to adapt to the constantly changing schedule. In this case, accuracy and methodology are important.

Proper organization of the day will benefit you from working out in the gym, and will also make you more disciplined.

Morning workouts have another advantage - a small number of people in the gym. In the evening, the halls are packed to capacity and look more like a jar of sprats than a sports club. Therefore, if you can go to training in the morning, then you have a unique opportunity to train in a practically empty gym, rather than standing in line for 10 minutes to get the necessary exercise machine or equipment. In addition, in many halls, a morning pass is much cheaper than an evening pass.

It should be noted that in the morning your muscles and ligaments are less elastic and flexible than in the middle or at the end of the day. Therefore, before your morning workout, you need to devote enough time toto warm up the muscles, stretch the ligaments and tune the nervous system for productive exercise.

Do not neglect warming up during evening workouts, otherwise the risk of injury increases. In the morning, causing damage to an uncrushed body is much simpler and easier than at sunset, but evening time is not insurance against injury.

Body type

Oddly enough, your body type also affects the choice of time to work out in the gym.

  • Ectomorph

People with this constitution have a fast metabolism.usually tall, thin, with long limbs, narrow bones and long muscles. If you are one of them, then train in the evening, since it is by this time of day that your body will have accumulated a sufficient amount of calories that can be used as a source of energy.

  • Mesomorph

People with such a physique, as a rule, have average proportions, close to normal. Mesomorphs have muscular legs and arms, as well as broad shoulders and chest.

This body type is universal, so the benefits of morning workouts are approximately equal to the benefits of evening workouts. Again, I would like to mention that the goal and work schedule will mainly determine the choice of time for classes.

  • Endomorph

People of this body type are usually prone to gaining excess weight.

If you are an endomorph, then your body has a slow metabolism. It is recommended that you exercise early in the day to burn off that stubborn fat as much as possible.


Choosing a time for training is a purely individual thing. After analyzing your lifestyle, your goals and desires, you can easily decide on this important factor, which will certainly help you in your difficult task.

The main thing is not to torture yourself excessively. If you cannot wake up normally and come to your senses in the first half of the day, and your productivity in the morning is zero, then there is no need to mock yourself - train in the evening. Conversely, if by the end of the day your strength is running out, but with the first rays of the sun you are full of energy, then train in the morning.

Remember, you need to enjoy life, and training and working on yourself is an integral part of your life.

The topic of healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition has not lost popularity for several years. Some want to improve their health, others want to build a beautiful body, and others - and this is the largest group - want to lose weight. One of the problems for them is the difficulty of finding the right time to play sports.

Time is only one of the factors influencing the effectiveness of training. Its intensity, duration, and the set of exercises you perform are also important.

But still, let’s try to figure out what the benefits of exercising at different times of the day are for the body of a person who wants to lose weight.

When is the best time to train: table

It is difficult to give an exact answer to the question: when is the best time to play sports? Firstly, by the word sport, different people mean completely different types of activities. Running, gym classes, dancing, swimming pool, aerobics, race walking, etc. Secondly, all people are different. With different daily routines, preferences for different activities, individual characteristics. The recommendations presented below are advisory in nature, because in any case you need to focus on your own body.

pros Minuses
  • The rest of the day will be free
  • Feeling energized all day long
  • Fat deposits are burned the fastest
  • Easier to control your appetite throughout the day
  • The need to get up early 1-1.5 hours
  • Without breakfast, you have little energy for an intense workout.
  • Without a thorough warm-up, you are more likely to get injured.
  • The body did not “wake up”
  • Your productivity is higher during the day
  • Sports immediately after study or work relieves stress
  • In the morning you sleep longer, the evening remains free
  • You can study together with colleagues or classmates
  • Unforeseen matters may force you to postpone your workout
  • Lunch break time is limited
  • If you exercise outside, the heat may interfere in the summer
  • Muscles are warm and flexible after a whole day
  • Calories accumulated during the day are burned
  • Fat deposits continue to be burned even at night
  • There's no need to rush anywhere
  • Crowded gym
  • Fatigue can interfere with an effective workout
  • For some people, exercising too intensely reduces the quality of their sleep.

Morning workout: features.

Some people decide to start with regular exercises at home and also face the question: when is the best time to do exercises? Morning is the best time. You don’t need special sports equipment to charge, just your own body. You will wake up, get the blood flowing throughout your body, and recharge with energy for the whole day.

Many people say: “ To lose weight, you need to exercise in the morning" This is both true and false.

Indeed, if you didn’t eat anything before your morning workout, your blood sugar levels are low. In this case, the body turns to fat reserves and receives energy from fat cells. However, without breakfast you have too little energy for an intense workout. And instead of fat cells, the body uses muscles as “fuel”. As a result, muscle mass will decrease, and the amount of fat deposits will remain the same.

Let's continue talking about muscles. After sleep, they are poorly stretched, so special attention should be paid to warming up. 15-20 minutes will help warm them up and reduce the possibility of injury. In addition, the level of blood circulation will increase and the body will wake up.

For some, a morning workout becomes a source of energy for the whole day. Another positive effect of morning exercise includes increased metabolism throughout the day. Some people note that it is easier for them to control their appetite during the day if they devote 1 hour of their life to physical activity in the morning.

Sometimes the choice of time of day for classes is approached solely from a rational position. So, in the morning there are few people in the gym, which means there is no need to waste time standing in line. Secondly, morning exercises are easier to add to your daily routine. Urgent matters that arise during the day will not interfere with your training. Thirdly, in the summer the mornings are cool. At this temperature it is comfortable to exercise.

Who is suitable for exercising in the morning?

  • For those who work all day. It’s easiest to find an hour of free time in the morning, and you can spend the evening with family or friends.
  • For beginners, it’s easier to convince yourself to work out in the morning and then spend the whole day with a sense of accomplishment. After an eventful day, it is more difficult to force yourself to go to the gym or do any other type of activity.

Who better to choose another time?

  • For those who like to soak in bed in the morning or sleep an extra 0.5-1 hour.
  • For those who start working or studying early in the morning and whose journey takes 1 hour or more. In this mode it is more difficult to find an extra hour. In addition, not all fitness clubs start opening so early.

Daytime training: features.

More people engage in sports during the day than in the morning. Firstly, some people only wake up around noon. Secondly, during the day it is easier to allocate time for a full workout. Thirdly, this is the optimal time for “night owls” and “larks” at the same time. Fourthly, the middle of the day is the time when a person has the highest productivity, which means the training will be effective.

Who is the day workout suitable for?

  • For those who don't work. You can get a good night's sleep and then do fitness with full energy.
  • For those who have a lunch break longer than 1 hour, and near work there is a fitness club or other area for sports.
  • For those who are released early from work or school.

If non-working citizens usually have no problems finding time, then working or students the question arises: is it necessary to have time to study during the lunch break or is it better to leave studies for free time after the working day? Let's take a closer look at this issue so that you can choose the option that is convenient for you.

When is the best time to exercise: during your lunch break or after work?

Sports during your lunch break allows you to exercise together with other colleagues who are losing weight. This increases motivation. You are less likely to give up your next workout. Also, training takes up a significant part of the lunch break. This means that you will not have time for a hearty lunch and tea with pastries, sweets or cakes. Therefore, you will lose weight faster. After all, admit honestly that free time in organizations is often spent on tea with sweets and extra snacks, which will not help with weight loss at all. Lunchtime fitness will also help you take your mind off work for a while, especially if it involves mental work.

But there are also disadvantages that you need to remember. Firstly, while playing sports, you can forget that your lunch break is limited and be late for work. Secondly, if there is too little free time, it is difficult to conduct an intense, effective workout. Thirdly, urgent matters may arise at work. And along with the lunch break, you will have to give up training.

Those who are released from work early prefer to go in for sports immediately after work. This is a great option, as sport helps relieve stress and tension accumulated during the working day.

Since the time after work smoothly flows into the evening and the line between these parts of the day is different for everyone, we will take a closer look at the pros and cons of playing sports after work in the next part of the article.

Evening training: features.

Evening training with our rhythm of life suits almost everyone. This confirms the overcrowding of gyms and group classes in the evening. Indeed, in the evening it is easiest to allocate free time for sports. There is no need to run anywhere or rush. You can devote all your attention to training. By this time, the whole body is warmed up and active. The injury rate is significantly reduced, although a thorough warm-up should also not be forgotten. In addition, by this time the “owls” have maximum performance. Evening workouts are more effective for them than at any other time of the day.

Separately, for those who want to lose excess weight, it should be noted that in the evening you can burn the calories “eaten” during the day. You can control the intensity of your workout. If you realize that you ate too much today, add an extra 10-15 minutes to your workout. But the most important thing is that the fat burning process will continue even at night for several hours. Especially if you do strength training. Thus, you will lose weight not only during 1-1.5 hours of training, but several times longer.

But there are also some disadvantages that force people to postpone training to another time. Firstly, as already mentioned, there are a lot of people in the hall. In the gym there may be queues for the machines. This increases training time and reduces its effectiveness. Secondly, if you exercise too intensely before bed, some people find it difficult to fall asleep later. But this is an individual feature, you need to focus on your body. Some people, on the contrary, fall asleep well after training. And another periodically occurring feature is increased appetite after training. This means there is a danger of overeating in the evening or at night.

When is the best time to exercise to lose weight?

As you can see, you need to focus exclusively on your body. Although it is banal, it is no less true. Your body will tell you better than anyone else when and what to do. When a charge of vivacity appears, and when there is not enough strength even for basic exercise.

In any case, you will lose weight at any time of the day. The main thing is to constantly be on the move. Exercise regularly, change the type of activity if you don’t like it or suit it. After all, the motivation to do what you don’t like won’t last long.

Tips on how to choose what time of day is best to train:

  1. If you feel energized after training, it’s better to exercise at this time of day.
  2. If your job does not allow you to study at the same time, then just study in your free time. The main thing is regularity.

Try experimenting with your workout timing. Carefully monitor your body's reaction.

If possible, exercise 2 times a day: in the morning and in the afternoon. In the morning, choose light cardio loads. For example, race walking or jogging. In the evening, focus on strength training or other heavier loads. For example, dancing.

In any case, the main thing is to avoid the wrong workouts: without warming up, with too much stress for your body, too often, without allowing the body to recover. Otherwise, you only risk worsening your own health.

Do sports for fun, and your body will soon delight you with the extra pounds you've lost.

Anyone who has made a strong-willed decision to regularly exercise in order to improve their health or lose extra pounds must think about what time it is best for them to exercise and at what interval after that they should take it. The scientific research and recommendations that we have collected in this material will help you understand these issues.

All the pros and cons in favor of the morning

Also, evening workouts are the most effective for relieving stress.

Disadvantages of studying in the evenings

The disadvantages of training in the evenings include the fact that if a person has a priority to reduce their shape and burn fat, such training should take place late in the evening, at least a couple of hours after.

Here you should also add the answer to the question: is it possible to do exercises before bed? Any physical exercise should be completed at least two hours before bedtime. The fact is that it is an important factor for the health of every person. And exercise increases body temperature, increases blood circulation, brings the nervous system into a state of excitability, and the body into wakefulness. All these factors not only do not contribute to normal and timely falling asleep, but even prevent it.

Important! If there is no other time than late in the evening for training, then breathing exercises should be performed at the end of the set of exercises. They will help establish normal breathing and normalize body temperature.

And one more important aspect - going to bed after training is not recommended. You need to eat something light with protein and carbohydrates.

What about lunch?

Lunch workouts are not as popular as morning and evening workouts. They are most often used on, in, during periods of absence from work, etc. Let's look at whether the exercises are effective at a given time.

Why is it possible

During the daytime, the body's tolerance for pain is highest. Therefore, it is good to carry out strength training at this time. Daylight makes activities more comfortable and effective.

The advantages of daytime visits to gyms include the fact that at this time they are not crowded, as a rule, instructors are free and can pay more attention to you. Also, if you have the opportunity to exercise during your lunch break, this will allow you to relax in bed in the morning or relax longer in the evening after a hard day.
Lunch workouts energize you for the rest of the day, stimulate you, and increase productivity. Surely many people are interested in the question: is it possible to exercise after eating, for example during the lunch break? The optimal interval between training should be 1.5-2 hours (if the goal is just to be in shape, then you can reduce it to one hour).

During morning and evening sports activities, the main meal should be taken during the day. Training at lunchtime should be carried out taking into account the recommended intervals before and after meals. It's better to have lunch after class.

Important! In your post-workout diet, you should minimize fat intake and eliminate caffeine (for two hours). Before and after classes, you need to drink at least half a liter of liquid for an hour.

Why not

For any person, regardless of the characteristics of biorhythms, zero activity of the body occurs in the afternoon hours - from two to three. Therefore, it is not worth planning sports activities during this time.

It will be difficult for a working person to plan time for a lunch meal, since it is not recommended to eat a full lunch before training, and eating after training will be an afternoon snack, which also should not be oversaturated with calories.


Of course, everyone will choose the time for training individually, depending on the rhythm of life, work or study schedule, their chronotype and the desired result. The purpose of our article is to point out the changes in the body that occur at one time or another during physical activity.
To summarize the above, we note that to maintain health, training at any time of the day and regardless of the eating interval will be useful. If the ultimate goal of physical exercise is to gain muscle mass and you plan to focus on strength exercises and stretching, then the best time for this will be the evening. It is also good to practice swimming and team sports in the evening.

Those who want to lose weight quickly and effectively should give preference to morning workouts. At this time, it is good to engage in light types of exercise: cycling, exercises, etc.

If you clearly belong to a certain chronotype, then “larks” tolerate training best before 12 noon, “pigeons” train well around four o’clock in the afternoon, and “night owls” prefer to physically load the body between eight o’clock in the evening.

1. Lose weight: morning and evening workouts

When it comes to sports for the sake of losing weight, when choosing between morning and evening workouts, you need to take into account, first of all, your age.
In 2010, a study was published in one of the American journals dedicated to sports medicine. According to it, evening exercise was more likely than morning exercise to promote weight and fat loss in postmenopausal women. It also turned out that evening workouts change eating habits: women began to eat more at breakfast. And you probably know that if you do not neglect breakfast in the morning, it reduces the likelihood of obesity, stabilizes blood sugar levels, and even suppresses appetite later in the day.

However, a study from the same 2010, but already published in the journal of physiology, proved that exercising before breakfast helps achieve greater weight loss, since the energy for exercise comes from burning large amounts of fat accumulated by the body, and not from carbohydrates eaten at breakfast. In addition, this work proved that for those losing weight, working out on an empty stomach is more beneficial than exercising after eating: it energizes the body and improves glucose tolerance against a diet rich in fat. Morning workouts seem to program the body to burn fat throughout the next day.

So, if you exercise to lose weight, the choice of when to exercise is entirely yours. The main thing is that you can then provide yourself with regular training at the time of day you choose.

2. Increase muscle strength: evening workouts

It has been proven that muscle strength is at its minimum in the morning and then gradually increases, reaching its peak value in the early evening.
A 1998 paper published in the American Medical Journal examined how time of day affected muscle performance in a group of untrained men in their 20s. The men performed a series of muscle strength exercises at different times of the day: 8 a.m., 12 p.m., 4 p.m., and 8 p.m. The result was the following: the muscles worked better in the morning only in those exercises that included fast, rapid movements. In other words, maximum muscle strength varies depending on the time of day and depends on the speed at which you train.

3. Increase muscle size: evening workout

Fitness fans are constantly tormented by the question of when is the best time to exercise in order to quickly build muscle mass and get rid of the hated fat. The answer has been found! A study by American scientists published in 2009 proved that studying in the evening contributes to this.

Scientists observed a group of young people who played sports for 10 weeks from 17 to 19 hours. Then amateur athletes were divided into 2 groups. And over the next 10 weeks, one group changed their schedule and began training in the morning - from 7 to 9 am. And the second part continued playing sports at the same hours as before - from 17 to 19 hours. The good news is that the researchers found that all men in both groups eventually increased their muscle strength and size. However, the devil, as always, is in the details: the evening group gained an average of 3.5%, while the morning group increased their muscle mass by an average of 2.7%.

The fact that an increase in muscle mass is also observed in the morning, although not as intense as in the evening, scientists explain by a recently discovered phenomenon called “temporal specificity.” This phenomenon has been confirmed by repeated experiments: with regular training at the same time, your body makes certain settings that allow you to develop the highest possible productivity of physical activity at exactly this time.

From this it was concluded that regular evening training combines both phenomena - maximum muscle strength and endurance in the early evening, plus temporary adjustment to training at this time. And this allows those who play sports to build muscle mass to achieve the best results.

4. Increase performance: workout in the afternoon

To improve your productivity, especially if you tend to feel sluggish in the afternoon, work out at noon. A 2009 study found that exercise was more energizing for cyclists who pedaled at 6 p.m. rather than 6 a.m., for example. So the middle of the day is better not for walking or hiking, but for high-intensity workouts such as running, swimming or cycling. This is partly because body temperature is higher during the day - meaning that muscles and joints are already stretched and better prepared for exercise, and thus there is less risk of injury during the day.

5. Improve sleep and reduce stress: morning workouts

Paradoxically, setting an alarm early in the morning for exercise can improve your night's sleep and also reduce stress. In 2011, American scientists tracked blood pressure levels in amateur athletes aged 40-60 years. Each participant exercised on a treadmill at a moderate pace for 30 minutes three times a week—at 7 a.m., 1 p.m., and 7 p.m. The results found that participants who exercised at 7 a.m. experienced an average 10% drop in blood pressure and a 25% drop in blood pressure at night.

Morning workouts also improved sleep quality: Unlike those who exercised at other times of the day, these volunteers slept longer during the night and went deeper into sleep. Overall, the morning group spent 75% more time in deep sleep at night. The early risers not only improved their cardiovascular health, but also reduced their anxiety and stress thanks to sound sleep. Because the more time the body spends in deep sleep, the more time it has to recover.

6. So when is the best time to exercise?

Regardless of the time of day you exercise, the main key to exercise is regularity and consistency. This means that it is better to train at a time in which you can continue to train consistently. Exercising at different times of the day on different days will bring less effect and more stress. Therefore, when planning your training, pay attention to this important component: classes should be held at the same time, regardless of the day of training. As mentioned above, in this case the “temporary adjustment” effect will work and you will achieve the best result.

Don't forget about the required load. For example, the American Centers for Disease Prevention recommends doing 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity every week. This can be running, swimming, skating and roller skating, tennis, basketball, as well as dancing, walking and even climbing stairs. In addition, strength exercises are recommended 2 or more days a week, which include working all major muscle groups, such as legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders, arms. However, this type of load can be divided into daily sessions of 10 minutes.

And, of course, all efforts will be in vain without proper nutrition, which is the key not only to the absence of excess weight, but also to the health of the body as a whole.

It doesn't matter why you decide to start exercising, whether it's weight loss, health concerns, or a desire to have a toned body. It is important to answer the question: “What time of day is best? Almost each of us has our own daily affairs and responsibilities, and it is extremely important to set aside time for training.

problematic. Some have time in the morning, others in the evening, and some are free at lunchtime. So what should we do? Is there a specific time of day when exercise will bring maximum benefit and minimum harm? If you are thinking about this, this is a very good sign, showing that you have taken the matter seriously and will not deviate from the intended path.

Two opinions

Surely you have heard about such a thing as biorhythms, because they directly affect our activity during the day. Studying this issue, scientists came to the conclusion that the safest time for training is the afternoon and early evening. However, they proceeded from the fact that it was during this period that a person’s body temperature rises by 1-2 degrees, which eliminates various types of injuries. But we all know from our school days why we should play sports only after a good warm-up. Therefore, if you decide to train, then do everything correctly, and it doesn’t matter at what time. There is also an opinion that there is no big difference whether you exercise during the day or in the evening, the main thing is that you do it regularly and at the same hour. Thus, your body will already be expecting the load exactly at the moment you need. In this

and there is a compromise between the majority of opinions, the main thing is that you feel comfortable, you cannot force yourself, otherwise it will lead to sad consequences.


Very often, along with the question of what time of day is best to exercise, people also ask the question of whether it is worth exercising immediately after sleep. There is a very important point here: of course, you cannot get out of bed and immediately run or start doing any exercises. And no one will do that. Between waking up and the actual workout, you will somehow have to perform a number of actions: wash your face, brush your teeth, clean up, drink a glass of water, get dressed, get ready and go to a place where you can exercise. And this can no longer be called “immediately after sleep.” For many people it gives them a boost of energy and good mood for the whole day. Therefore, in many Eastern countries it is customary to practice before sunrise, although this is also due to the fact that it can be very hot there.

How to choose the best time for yourself

The first thing you should pay attention to is your daily routine: what time do you get up,

how long your work takes, how long your lunch break is, how far away it is to work out, and how you feel during the day. Evaluate all your options and choose the best option, because no one will tell you for sure that morning training is best for you. In addition, it is important to choose the time that you always have, because the main thing for effectiveness is regularity, especially if your goal is not just to maintain health, but, for example, to lose weight. It’s a good idea to determine your biorhythms, because then you’ll know almost exactly what time of day is best for you to exercise.

Morning and sports

Now we will look at each of the workouts separately and weigh the pros and cons. If, after a simple analysis, you come to the conclusion that you belong to the category of “larks,” then set your alarm clock for 5-6 in the morning and go for a run. This is the perfect time for you to get a boost of energy for the whole day. But then you will have to go to bed earlier, because sleep should be complete, and you should not sacrifice it in favor of training. What could be better when you come out fresh?

In the morning, go for a run; there are only dog ​​walkers around, or people like you who like early workouts. The air is still clean and not polluted, the sun is just rising, the only thing missing is energetic music. Afterwards you can take a shower, have breakfast and go to work in a great mood. Another advantage of doing sports in the morning is that you have free evening and can devote it to your favorite activity.

If the day is free

A fairly common case is when free time falls in the middle of the day. In principle, this is the best option for everyone, since both “night owls” and “larks” can feel comfortable after lunch. Well, if you have a long stay, then you can choose a gym or fitness center near work. Unlike in the evening, you are full of energy and will be able to get a good workout; you won’t have to try to do exercises in the morning or after work in an exhausted state. After all, why do you need to play sports? In order to be healthy and beautiful, and an exhausted person cannot be called either the first or the second epithet.

Evening workouts

It's time to talk about those who only have an evening free, or about those who are most

one lives comfortably at this time of day, that is, about “owls.” The body of the latter is designed in such a way that in the morning it has great difficulty in “swinging”, and performance in this state is at a low level. But after work, they are usually full of energy and ready to give their all. You can stop by, for example, on the way home to the gym, or you can have dinner and after an hour and a half go out and work out in the fresh air. The main thing is to remember: if you decide to exercise in the evening, you shouldn’t delay it until night, otherwise it will threaten you with insomnia. The pluses include the fact that there is nowhere to rush, unlike in the morning hours. Among other things, this is also convenient for those who like to study in a group, because almost everyone has a free evening, and you can invite friends.

Post-workout relaxation

After any workout, especially in the evening, for better sleep it is worth doing a series of relaxing exercises that are based on the principles of yoga:

  • Lie down on a hard, straight surface and close your eyes.
  • Restore your breathing if you are short of breath, breathe slowly and deeply, concentrating on each inhalation/exhalation. This is necessary to stabilize the heartbeat and fill the blood with oxygen.
  • Next, gradually relax all parts of your body, starting with your toes and rising higher, feel this wave.
  • It is important to relax every muscle, imagine this state as if you had a very stressful day, and then you came home and collapsed on the bed.
  • Think about something good and pleasant, feel how your body is filled with heaviness and calm. Lie like this for 10 minutes, and you can get up.

After such an exercise, tension will go away, breathing will be restored, and it will be easier for you to fall asleep or return to your business.

Now you know what time of day is best to exercise, and you can start your training. It remains only to give a few tips:

  1. You need to approach your classes wisely, thinking through all the details. First of all, start with nutrition, because we are what we eat.
  2. Don’t come up with excuses, if you just give in to laziness, there will be a lot of reasons why you don’t need to go to training today.
  3. Exercise at every opportunity, spend more time outdoors, replace the elevator with stairs.
  4. If you can’t exercise at the same time, develop an individual plan for yourself, the main thing is to train regularly and at least 3 times a week.
  5. Over time, you will begin to listen to your body and become more aware of what is good and what is harmful, so take your time and don't overdo it. After all, why do you need to play sports? Only to be healthy, and a healthy person is most often beautiful and successful.