home · Networks · Short stories about insects for preschoolers. Little-known facts about caterpillars. Akraga koa, or "gummy" caterpillar

Short stories about insects for preschoolers. Little-known facts about caterpillars. Akraga koa, or "gummy" caterpillar

The caterpillar is a larva - an interesting furry creature that undergoes a transformation and becomes a beautiful butterfly or moth. The process of this transformation is fascinating, and its result is amazing.

What does a caterpillar look like?

A caterpillar is a small, long insect. The larva, depending on the species and family, grows from a few millimeters to a maximum of 12 cm. Their body is longitudinal. Consists of a head, 3 thoracic and 10 abdominal segments. Their whole body is soft - not covered with a protective, hard shell. But the caterpillar has peculiar bristles. They may vary in density and location depending on the species.

Different larvae have different patterns. There is an opinion that caterpillars are exclusively green. In fact, this is not so. In nature you can find larvae whose color is very variegated and contains almost all the colors of the rainbow. Basically, all caterpillars move smoothly, rearranging their legs one by one. However, there are also types that fold like an accordion when moving. Thanks to this way of moving, these larvae were called land surveyors.

Characteristics and structure

Each larva immediately upon hatching from the egg has 3 pairs of legs in the front part of the body. Their size immediately corresponds to the size of an adult insect, that is, these organs will not grow in the caterpillar throughout its entire life. Some species also have “false” legs. They are located in the abdominal part of the body. Mostly there are up to five such pairs. The hairs that cover the entire body of the caterpillar are not harmless. They contain toxic substances. If they come into contact with the skin, they can severely burn or cause injury.

The caterpillar's mouth is capable of biting off and chewing food, which cannot be said, for example, about butterflies, since they feed through the proboscis. The larvae are able to evaluate food using special antennae, which are located next to the mandibles. Caterpillars have a well-developed digestive system. The insect has several intestinal sections. The larva also has spinning glands and nerve ganglia. There are small holes along the body - breathing holes.

caterpillar coquette photo

The newly born caterpillar experiences such intense hunger that the first thing it eats is an abandoned egg. The development of the caterpillar can continue for several years. When the larva has gone through all the stages of molting and reached adulthood, it transforms into a pupa, from which a butterfly emerges. Caterpillars Molt Newly hatched caterpillars begin to eat a lot. Soon their body seems small to them, since the skin cannot stretch. In this regard, the larva stops eating food for some time and sheds its cover. Scientists call this molting.

As soon as the caterpillar has a new skin, it begins to lead the same life as before, until this skin hardens. Thus, the larva molts more than once. Usually there are 5 such processes. By losing its covers and growing new ones, the caterpillar thereby grows and develops. In four weeks it can reach adult size.

Where do caterpillars live?

For most caterpillars, their usual habitat is the ground. However, there are also species that prefer an aquatic lifestyle, for example, broad-winged moths. In nature, there are also larvae that can safely live both on land and in water. Biologists divide these insects into two subgroups: secretive larvae and larvae leading an open life.

harpy caterpillar photo

The first group includes:

  • Leafworms - these insects go through all life stages in the wrapped leaves of trees.
  • Carpophagous - hiding in fruits.
  • Xylophages - live in the bark of trees and in plant trunks.
  • Miners - with the help of their growth, they break through small passages and live in dense leaves, buds or in the peel.
  • Gall formers - settle in plants and cause pathological growth in them.
  • Underground - inhabit the top layer of the earth. Aquatic - live in fresh water bodies.

The second subgroup settles openly on plants.

What do larvae eat?

The first "dish" in the life of a caterpillar is the egg from which it hatched. Most larvae are considered herbivores. However, even here, caterpillars can be divided into categories depending on their preferences:

Regardless of the species, each larva is capable of secreting silk threads. They serve to secure the tracks to surfaces and move them. While moving, a thin thread of silk trails behind the insect. This path can even save a caterpillar if it falls from a branch.

silkworm caterpillar photo

Silk thread is very strong and can hold the spinner. The caterpillar spins thread using a special organ. It is a complex apparatus consisting of a papilla-tube and a plate - sclerite. It is placed slightly below the oral cavity.

The resulting silk slowly leaves the labial glands. The substance takes on the form of a thread only after pressing. Biologists are still studying the process of hardening of the silk substance. However, they are sure that this does not happen due to air drying. Since even aquatic caterpillars form hard silk threads directly in the aquatic environment.

Types of caterpillars

  • Cabbage caterpillar;
  • Moth caterpillar;
  • Great Harpy Caterpillar;
  • Redtail;
  • Silkworm;
  • Wood is corrosive;
  • Lady Bear Caterpillar;
  • Swallowtail.

Poisonous caterpillars

In nature you can find a poisonous species of this insect. Touching or biting such a caterpillar causes a chemical burn and discomfort, although sometimes the consequences can be much more serious.

Caterpillar burning rose photo

Contact may also result in local itching or rash. Allergy sufferers notice symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, poor health, and upset stomach. Many people are unaware that there can be danger behind bright colors.

Which insects are best not to touch:

  • Coquette caterpillar. Looks like a furry animal. Poisonous thorns are hidden under its fur.
  • "Burning Rose" The cover of this caterpillar is very bright: bright and yellow spots cover dangerous protruding tubercles.
  • Oak caterpillar. Green insect with longitudinal red stripes. It has small spikes on its sides.
  • Traveling silkworm. The black-brown insect is covered with a million small harpoons.
  • "Lazy Clown" Perhaps one of the most dangerous caterpillars. Its poison, having penetrated the human body, can be fatal. Its thorns look like spruce thorns. The slightest touch to them causes internal bleeding.
  • Volyanka caterpillar. The bright red head immediately identifies this caterpillar. Her body is translucent with long spines.

Fighting caterpillars

In garden plots, people do not welcome guests such as caterpillars. After all, this voracious insect can harm many plants and fruits in the garden. People have come up with many ways to combat this pest. Getting rid of larvae using caterpillar glue. This mechanical method is considered the most environmentally friendly, since it does not affect the plants themselves.

Whitewashing trees or digging up the area so that insects get into the grooves and cannot reach the plants. Treating trees with chemical solutions. These include: karbofos and antio emulsion. In recent years, biological products have become popular, which cause much less harm to plants than chemicals.

The most unusual and beautiful caterpillars

  • Hubbrad's Small Silkmoth. Thanks to its amazing color, the night caterpillar hides well from predators.
  • Blue Morpho. The habitat of this larva is Central America. This insect is dangerous to other insects due to the fact that it accumulates strong poison in its body. Sometimes these caterpillars engage in cannibalism.
  • Cerura Vinula. This caterpillar knows how to defend itself perfectly. The butterfly leads an active life in the dark.
  • During the first 2 months of life, the caterpillar gains weight, which exceeds its original weight by 20 thousand times.
  • If you unwrap a caterpillar cocoon, you can get a silk thread whose length is 300-900 meters.
  • The caterpillar can live up to 15 years. The larvae can withstand temperatures down to -70 degrees.

Thus, caterpillars are unusual insects. Behind their colorful appearance there may be a dangerous predator lurking. For many gardeners, this insect will always be on the list of pests.

There are many varieties of caterpillars.

The green color of the poplar hawkmoth caterpillar allows it to camouflage perfectly among the green leaves of plants (Fig. 12).

The caterpillar of a butterfly of the bagworm family protects its body with a sheath made from pieces of grass blades (Fig. 13).

A large caterpillar of the woodworm (Fig. 14), up to 90 mm long, with a strong unpleasant odor, lives in the wood of willows, aspens, birches, alders and some fruit trees.

There are few viviparous butterflies. In most species, caterpillars emerge from eggs at the appointed time. The larvae of some butterflies, after hatching, eat the egg shell: the substances included in its composition will help them in their further development.

Rice. 12. Poplar hawkmoth caterpillar (Laothoe populi)

Rice. 13. Caterpillar of a butterfly of the bagworm family (Psychidae)

Rice. 14. Caterpillar of the woodworm butterfly (Cossus cossus)

Rice. 15. A young caterpillar of one of the butterflies of the moth family (Geometridae)

Caterpillars usually have five pairs of abdominal legs, but their number can be reduced to two to four pairs (Fig. 15), and in some larvaespecies living on plants are completely absent. By the way, the larvae of sawflies (Tenthredinidae) - insects from the order Hymenoptera - are very similar in appearance to caterpillars, and they can be distinguished by counting the legs. Butterflies have 16 or less of them, together with three pairs of true (thoracic) legs. And in sawfly larvae the number of abdominal legs is six to eight pairs, i.e. only from 18 to 22.

Caterpillars of those butterfly species (Fig. 16-18) that scatter eggs far from food plants will have to travel long distances after hatching in search of food. The wind often helps them with this. Tiny caterpillars climb to elevated places (the tops of blades of grass, branches of bushes and trees), release a web and, using it as a sail, are sent out into the world by the will of the wind. This promotes the spread of species, although many caterpillars die during such wanderings. However, nature has prudently endowed all types of butterflies that spread by caterpillars with the help of the wind or a largefertility, or polyphagy (i.e., the ability of caterpillars to feed on many types of plants), or the ability of larvae to exist for a long time without food.

Rice. 16. An early age caterpillar of one of the butterflies of the hawkmoth family (Sphingidae)

Rice. 17. Silver hole caterpillar (Phalera bucephala)

Rice. 18. Caterpillar of the day peacock butterfly (Inachisio) before pupation

The caterpillars of some Lepidoptera have also mastered the aquatic environment. A number of them breathe in water through the integument of the body, and the spiracles, through which all terrestrial species of caterpillars breathe, are reduced. Larvae of the spiny moth (Paraponux stratiotata), living in caps on aquatic plants, have filamentous tracheal gills. Caterpillars of the genus Shoenobius live inside the leaves of aquatic plants and do not come into direct contact with water. Some species of aquatic caterpillars are covered with thick hair and breathe air that remains between the hairs when the caterpillar is immersed in water.

Butterfly caterpillars that develop in water feed on aquatic plants, which also serve as food for most caterpillars living on land. At the same time, they not only eat leaves, but can lead an underground lifestyle and feed on roots or be inside the stems of grasses and tree trunks, making long passages in them.

Some caterpillars feed on various parts of plants. For example, caterpillars of the shamil weed (Phassus schamyl) first feed on half-rotten leaves, and later move on to feeding on the roots of various herbaceous plants.

Some types of caterpillars belonging to the family of moths make passages in the tissues of the leaf, where they eat away a cavity called a mine (English mine - to dig a passage, to dig a mine, for which they are called miner moths.) Characteristic features of miner moth caterpillars are tiny sizes and flat body shape.

The larvae of some species of butterflies cause abnormal growth of tissue in plants, the so-called galls. For example, a moth from the genus Coleohora lays eggs in the buds of one type of bindweed. Having completed development, the caterpillar separates the gall with a circular incision and, together with it, sinks to the ground on a cobweb, after which it moves for some time like a snail with its house. Then the caterpillar attaches its gall house to some plant with a web and, having prepared a hole for flight, pupates. The damage caused to plants by caterpillars of different species is very specific, and there are even caterpillar identifiers based on the form of such damage.

In addition to plant foods, butterfly caterpillars can also feed on food of animal origin. Caterpillars of a dozen families of butterflies are characterized by predation. Some species of moths live in bird nests and feed on feather litter there. Moths that have chosen the caves feed on the droppings of birds and bats. Larvae of various types of moths damage fur coats, mohair sweaters and rabbit hats. Caterpillars of the wax moth (Galleria mellonella) feed on beeswax in hives.

The caterpillars of some species of blueberry butterflies (Lycaenidae) are myrmicophilous creatures that live in anthills. The ants do not touch them, apparently because the caterpillars secrete calming odorous substances, as well as a sweet liquid, which the ants happily lick off. In anthills, blueberry caterpillars feed on ant larvae, eggs and pupae. One can only be surprised at such a relationship between the predators of the insect world and their usual victims - butterfly caterpillars.

The ability of some species of caterpillars to camouflage is widely known. For example, many moth caterpillars (family Geometridae) perfectly imitate the branches of plants on which they feed. These caterpillars are also curious because when moving, they sharply pull the back part of the body towards the front, and then push out the front part, while holding onto the substrate with their abdominal legs. Moving, they seem to measure length, for which they are called land surveyors in both Russian and Latin. The limbs of caterpillars differ greatly in structure and function.

The caterpillars of the pine hawkmoth (Sphinx pinastri) perfectly camouflage themselves as pine needles. And one of the tropical caterpillars perfectly imitates a snake. More precisely, under the head part of a snake of a certain type, since the entire snake, of course, is longer than the caterpillar.

Many inedible poisonous caterpillars (like other poisonous insects) have bright warning colors, the protective role of which is enhanced if the animals are located close to each other. Apparently, this is why many species of caterpillars stick together throughout the full development cycle, forming so-called nests. In caterpillars covered with hairs, when living together, these hairs also create an additional common barrier that prevents attacks by predators. The formation of nests is characteristic of the larvae of a number of cocoon moths (family Lasiocampidae). Caterpillars holding a nest usually weave peculiar tents from their web, which they leave while feeding (usually at night) and then return back. Moving while feeding, each caterpillar separates one web at a time with the help of special glands, and in the end, together they literally weave the entire tree with a web. Closer to autumn, caterpillars of the pine silkworm (Dendrolimus pini) begin to weave a winter tent-nest, in which they spend the winter, gathered in a dense mass.

It is interesting to learn about vision in caterpillars. It is very weak for them; butterfly larvae can only distinguish between light and shadow and do not see the clear outlines of an object. The caterpillar's eye itself is a cluster of colored light-sensitive spots. Such eye spots are not only on the head, they are scattered throughout the body and help the caterpillar to hide from the scorching sun in time or determine that the leaf has already been gnawed and it’s time to crawl to a new one.

Butterfly larvae are important members of natural communities. Feeding mainly on plant foods, they themselves serve as food for many insectivorous animals. Their role in the nutrition of a number of insectivorous birds is very important, which not only eat them themselves, but also collect them in large quantities as food for their chicks.

By the way, Australian aborigines eat cutworm butterfly caterpillars, and in Congo markets they sell striped caterpillars up to 10 cm long, which are considered a delicacy of African cuisine.

But people can use caterpillars for other purposes. In Australia, the caterpillars of the moth Cactoblastis cactorum are successfully used to control prickly pear. This cactus, imported from Mexico, multiplied in huge quantities and literally became a scourge for local farmers. Chemical treatments did not help. After a long search by scientists, moth caterpillars became a means to restrain the massive growth of prickly pear. Subsequently in Australia near the city of Chinchila. In the small town of Bunarga, a modest building for holding concerts and meetings, Memorial Hall, appeared. His. built in honor of the fire butterfly.

And the mass reproduction of larvae of the malumbia butterfly (Eloria noyesi) in Peru has confused the cards of the local drug mafia. Having multiplied, these caterpillars in a short time destroyed more than 20 thousand hectares of illegal coca crops, the plant from which cocaine is obtained. A detailed study of the biology of this butterfly species may open up prospects for the further use of malumbia caterpillars in this field.

During the development process, butterfly caterpillars go through several instars, the differences between which are sometimes so strong (for example, in the larvae of the first, third and last instars of the Aglia tau butterfly from the peacock-eye family, Saturniidae), that they can be mistaken for caterpillars of other species. The transition from one age to another occurs during the process of molting. With each age, sex differences at the caterpillar stage appear more and more clearly.

In most caterpillars, the development cycle completes in one to two months, but in some, for example, in the butterfly of the species Stigmella malella, it is much faster, in just 36 hours. And in some butterflies living in the north, caterpillars, on the contrary, develop for several years. The sizes of butterflies that develop from such caterpillars vary greatly. Butterflies from caterpillars that have lived more years are larger.

More interesting articles

We offer you 12 interesting facts about insects that will be of interest to children:

1. All insects have common features: six legs, antennae and wings. Their body seems to be divided into parts by thin lines - notches. Hence the name – “insects”.

2. The ladybug is of great benefit: it destroys many plant pests - aphids. The ladybug is cunning - she can pretend to be dead if you put her on your palm. At the first danger, a ladybug secretes a yellow liquid - even if a bird once grabs a ladybug, it will understand that this bug is not tasty, will remember its color and will not touch it again.

3.Why do they say that the grasshopper plays the violin? The fact is that there are special notches on its wings. He rubs them quickly, quickly, against each other, as if moving a bow across a violin, and a chirping sound is heard. Let the baby take a good look at the grasshopper (what color it is, does it have antennae and eyes), and at the same time think about why it needs such long hind legs. To jump, of course!

4. Bees, bumblebees and wasps are pollinating insects. After all, without them, flowers would never become fruits, and that means we would not be able to enjoy delicious apples.

5.Children are often afraid of stinging insects. But the one who waves his arms and screams in fear is more likely to be stung by a bee than a calm person. Because insects will not be the first to attack.

6.Ant is the strongest on earth! He can carry weights up to 10 times his own weight. If adults don’t forget to bring a magnifying glass to the dacha, with its help kids will learn a lot of interesting things about the life of these ubiquitous ants. To do this, it is enough to find a small anthill with little holes in the ground and watch it from time to time: what do the ants do, how do they treat each other, what kind of prey do they carry, how far do they run away from their home?

7. The main pest for a country garden is the Colorado potato beetle, which regularly “attacks” potatoes. The child needs to be told about the harm this insect causes and ask for help in fighting it. Children usually do a good job of this task, collecting bugs in a jar of water while exercising their fingers.

8. Another serious enemy of the garden is the mole cricket. This is a large insect that lives in the ground and feeds on potato tubers, carrots and young parts of plants. You can find it while digging up potatoes. The bear is sure to make a strong impression on children due to its large size and terrifying appearance. And her paws are of particular interest to little researchers. They are well suited for digging. The mole cricket does not bite. She can fly and even chirp like a cricket.

9. It’s interesting to watch the fireflies at night. The firefly flies in zigzags. Be sure to show with your hand in the air how a firefly flies. In the dark, the firefly glows with a yellowish light.

10.Bees collect nectar from which they make honey. A bee collects nectar with its proboscis. Bees have a whole set of tools on their feet. Here you will see brushes for collecting pollen, baskets for transferring pollen, and brushes that bees use to clean their eyes from pollen that has entered them. Bees, flying, buzz: “w-w-w-w-w-w-w.” Play bees with your child: repeating this sound is useful for speech development.

11. In the summer, in a village or country house, you will probably see a dragonfly. These beautiful insects hunt in the air: in flight, they keep their strong hairy legs folded in a net at the ready. Their sleepy victims end up in these “nets”. Interestingly, in just an hour, a dragonfly can eat as many as 40 house flies. If you want to make a dragonfly from plasticine, it is useful to know that its body consists of three parts: head, chest and abdomen.

12. A bumblebee flies very quickly, at the speed of an adult cyclist (18 km/h). It has a soft coat that helps keep it warm in the early morning. Bumblebees live in their “bumblebee towns” (about 200 individuals each). In the morning they are not allowed to sleep. Before dawn, a “trumpeter” appears in bumblebee nests and buzzes, rousing his fellow tribesmen to work collecting pollen. To “develop” the topic about bumblebees, you can play for your child an audio recording of “The Flight of the Bumblebee” from the opera by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov "The Tsar's Bride". This is how bumblebees will help your child become familiar with classical music.

Hocus Pocus: Caterpillars turn into butterflies!
Who among us in childhood was not surprised at the transformation of a nasty caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly? This transformation is akin to magic for the baby. Therefore, even if the baby’s parents have never seen this happen before, it’s time to do it now with the baby. First you need to catch a few caterpillars. It's better if they are different.
Firstly, not all caterpillars can be hatched into butterflies, and secondly, it will be interesting to compare the behavior of different insects.
Cabbage butterfly caterpillars can be found in the garden, on cabbage or radish. They are blue-green, with three yellow longitudinal stripes and black speckles. But you can’t take them with your bare hands. The caustic secretions of these caterpillars irritate the skin. The child should know about this. Matte green caterpillars of the reptile butterfly can also be found here. And if you are very lucky, you can find a swallowtail caterpillar on carrots, parsley or dill. It is large, clearly visible, green with black stripes and red specks on them. Urticaria caterpillars live where they are supposed to be based on their name - on nettles. In the same place or on raspberries you can also find caterpillars of the peacock butterfly. Caterpillars of various silkworms or apple moths gnaw leaves on fruit trees.
Future butterflies need to be collected and placed in a jar or plastic bottle with the top cut off. Plants or twigs on which the caterpillars were sitting should also be placed there, and the vessel should be covered with gauze. Green food needs to be changed every 2 days. Now you can watch your pets together with your baby: how they chew leaves, how they crawl, how they grow. After some time, the caterpillars will pupate and turn into pupae. In this state it is better not to disturb them. All you have to do is be patient and wait. Until that wonderful moment when a beautiful butterfly emerges from a motionless chrysalis.

Like butterflies, moth caterpillars have a camouflage color, the color of which depends on the type of vegetation that is the main food supply of the insect.

The thin bodies are practically naked and have no villi. ABOUT distinguished by their amazing ability to pretend to be branches, stems, cuttings and other parts of the plant, which makes them quite difficult to recognize even if you are close.

Photos of different types of land surveyors:

Freezing in a protruding position by holding a plant branch with one pair of abdominal legs, they become invisible to their immediate enemies - sparrows, tits, nightingales And other small birds. They achieve such camouflage due to highly developed muscles.

If it falls due to a strong gust of wind or danger, the insect rises along a thread, with the help of which it is attached to leaves and branches.

It is important! The main feature of this family of caterpillars is the peculiar arrangement of the abdominal legs. They are located on the 6th and 10th (sometimes 5th and 6th or 4th and 5th) segments of the body, which explains their unusual method of movement, during which the back of the body is pulled towards the front, as if measuring the distance with spans. In fact, this is how they got their name.

The unusual loop-like bending of the body gave birth to another name for this family - they are also often called land surveyor caterpillars.

Differences between different types of land surveyors

The most common types of caterpillars in our country are winter, pine, deciduous (pickled) and gooseberry moths.

Z In the process of growth, the moth goes through 5 stages of development, during which it molts 4 times. It has a characteristic transparent greenish color with a dark line along the entire back and three white stripes on the sides.

In mid-June, winter moth caterpillars descend into the ground and, burrowing 15 cm into the soil, pupate. At the end of August and beginning of September, butterflies appear that are not able to fly, so they climb up tree trunks to mate.

The location for laying is usually small cracks near the buds, into which lay up to 400 eggs.

also has a green color, but it has more lateral white stripes - 5. Pupates in late autumn, burrowing into the forest floor.

The gooseberry moth is completely white with black and yellow accents. On deciduous trees you can find adult caterpillars of the deciduous moth, predominantly brown and yellowish in color with dark brown spots and a bright yellow stripe on the side.

We also suggest learning about another variety -. This butterfly is of a dull color, blends in with its surroundings and presses its wings and body very close and tightly to the surface of the trees. Can cause enormous damage to gardens and forest plantations.

What plants are affected by moths?

Caterpillars of this order pose a threat to almost all shrubs and plants growing in Russia and the CIS countries.

Activity period pine moth falls on July - September. During this time, the caterpillar manages to cause serious damage to pine forests, completely eating the needles of the trees.

Gooseberry eats foliage not only of gooseberries, as its name implies, but also loves to eat currants and hazel bushes in spring and autumn.

Moth-ripped off less picky and feeds on the leaves of most deciduous trees, including fruits.

Winter the moth is the boss enemy of all garden shrubs and trees, including apple trees, pears, currants and raspberries.

Ways to combat moth caterpillars

Greatest danger for gardens and orchards is a winter moth. About once every 6–8 years, females of this species demonstrate very high fertility, a reproduction outbreak occurs, the duration of which can reach up to 3 years.

One of the most effective ways to combat it is a thorough autumn digging of the soil under fruit trees and shrubs, during which each lump is checked for the presence of pupated larvae.

Attention! The fight against the winter moth does not end there and continues throughout the entire growing season of shrubs and trees.

In addition to regularly digging up the soil once every 2-3 weeks, the most effective methods are:

  • Treatment of crowns with solution oleocuprite And DNOCa in early spring until the snow cover completely melts. Drug No. 30 is also effective.
  • Spraying plants before flowering with a solution karbofos.
  • Treatment with insecticides when 1st generation caterpillars appear.
  • Also, the number of winter moth individuals can be easily controlled using an adhesive hunting belt, which is attached directly to the trunks at a distance of 20–30 cm from the ground. A butterfly that climbs tree trunks to lay eggs simply cannot avoid this obstacle. In October, such a belt must be removed and burned.

It is important! Another good way, which also does not require almost any complex actions, is to attract birds - sparrows and starlings. Long-term observations show that the presence of birdhouses and feeders in the garden helps to avoid outbreaks of mass reproduction of caterpillars.

As for, raking forest litter in the autumn will lead to the death of most of the pupae. Herding domestic pigs is also an effective method of control, since insect larvae are their favorite treat.

To get rid of gooseberry moth enough to produce regular collection of caterpillars from fruit bushes and trees and their subsequent destruction by burning. The larvae, due to their color, are clearly visible, so such actions will not cause much difficulty. Spraying with arsenic solution will also help. in early spring.

Against ripped off the most an effective method of struggle is use of adhesive belts.

In Russia, the share of this order of insects is about 12-15% of all Lepidoptera. Due to the fact that some individual species are susceptible to outbreaks of mass reproduction, which are facilitated, in particular, by increasing average winter temperatures in most of our country, these insects can pose a serious danger to horticultural crops and forestry.

We bring to your attention a video about the moth caterpillar:

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Tell children about insects

Young explorers of the world are undoubtedly attracted by the numerous kingdom of insects. As you know, children can look at a beetle, butterfly or caterpillar for a long time. They ask a lot of questions and are surprised at this unique behavior of insects. Little scholars are interested in everything that crawls, flies or buzzes. Help your baby understand this huge world of small creatures.

What to tell?

Tell your child that, despite their small size, insects are just as alive as animals. Insects are so different, there are so many of them, more than the entire animal world, including fish, birds and animals. Scientists discover new species of insects every year.

Insects can talk!

Only they do this not with the help of words, like people, but through touch, sounds, smells, visual signals. It turns out that the bee performs a dance in her hive after she finds a clearing with flowers. Her movements will tell other bees about where the clearing is and what plants grow there. Ants transmit information using their antennae.

To hide from enemies and protect themselves from predators, insects dress in different colors. Green grasshoppers hiding in the green grass. Locusts are gray in color and become completely invisible on the gray ground. Brightly colored butterflies seem so colorful to us when they fly in the air. But when they land on a flower, they are difficult to find. Many insects look like parts of a plant - leaves or twigs. The most skilled hide-and-seek masters are stick insects. Their name refers to how they camouflage themselves. These insects live on trees, are brown or green in color and look like thin stalks.

Wonderful transformations.

Insects can be found almost everywhere. It only takes a little effort to discover a few insects that you can make your friends. Tell children about insects, read interesting poems about them, and also very important advice. When your child is no longer interested in his pet insect, please do not kill them - release them into the wild.

Your child learns about the world every day. You will become his best teacher if you diversify his knowledge with information about the animal and plant world. There is a lot of beautiful and amazing things around. The adult's goal is to show this to the child's gaze.


A fly sat on the window,

The fly ate a crumb of bread,

We drove away the fly with a rag:

“We didn’t invite you to visit.”

T. Shorygina

You, of course, have seen a fly more than once. Very often flies come to visit us without an invitation. They have two large eyes, which consist of many small faceted eyes. Each large eye consists of four thousand facets. Each such eye gives its own small image. The fly has a good sense of smell thanks to its short but fluffy antennae.

Flies are black, sometimes red with a blue or green sheen. There are about five thousand species of flies in total. We usually encounter a housefly. It is very dangerous and carries many different infections: intestinal infections, worm eggs, typhoid fever, cholera and tuberculosis. One fly carries up to 6 million microbes.

A fly eats as much as it weighs per day – that’s about 20 milligrams. Interestingly, some species of flies can signal to other flies that food has been detected. A fly, having found an object, first tastes it with its foot and determines whether it is edible or not. If the item is suitable for food, the fly flies away and, using a special substance, transmits this information to other flies.

Special pads on its feet help the fly crawl on smooth surfaces. The fly lives only 30–45 days.

Scientists have calculated: if the offspring of one fly survived completely, then in a year it could cover the entire earth with a layer of one and a half meters! Fortunately, this does not happen, because flies have many enemies in nature: birds, various animals, for example, frogs.

There are a lot of them in the summer,

And in winter everyone dies out

They jump and buzz in your ear.

What are they called? - … (fly)

How I buzz on a hot day,

Any ear could hear.

I fly into every house

Everyone knows me! I am... (fly)



A mosquito is a gray insect with two wings. More than two thousand species of mosquitoes live on our planet.

The mosquito has a proboscis on its head, with which it pierces the bite site and releases poisonous saliva under the skin of the animal. This is why the skin itches and itches after a bite. Mosquito activity usually begins in the evening.

Many people think that mosquitoes squeak, but the squeaking occurs due to the rattling of mosquito wings. They can even communicate with each other by shaking their wings. An ordinary mosquito makes about 500 wing beats per second.

Many mosquitoes carry very dangerous diseases when they bite people. Malaria mosquitoes are so named because they carry malaria pathogens.

Animals help people fight mosquitoes. The most famous mosquito hunters are frogs and toads. Birds are also not averse to eating mosquitoes: wagtails, tits, sparrows. Mosquitoes also have enemies among insects. The most formidable among them is the dragonfly.

It flies and squeaks,

His long legs are dragging,

The opportunity will not be missed

He will sit down and bite.





Dragonfly, dragonfly,

Curious eyes

Then she flies forward

It hangs like a helicopter

Blue above the water

Over the meadow grass,

Above the forest clearing...

M. Shapovalov

Dragonflies are one of the most beautiful insects. They can be seen on a sunny summer day over the water. They come in different colors: blue, green, black... In Japan, dragonflies were considered a sign of victory, poems were written about them and depicted in paintings.

The dragonfly has four mesh wings, this helps it fly quickly, and its elongated body, like a rudder, guides it in flight. The flight speed of a dragonfly is 96–144 kilometers per hour. Her big eyes shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow! They occupy almost the entire head and consist of 28 thousand small eyes.

The dragonfly is voracious and constantly hunts. It feeds on small insects: mosquitoes, beetles, flies, moths. In an hour, a dragonfly can eat 40 flies.

Dragonflies are active all summer and hibernate in the fall. These insects can even predict the weather. If it does not spoil, they behave calmly, but before bad weather they gather in flocks and begin to make loud sounds, fluttering their wings.

The largest dragonfly found in our country is the rocker. It is usually brownish-red in color, but blue dragonflies are also found. The wingspan of the rocker dragonfly is 10, and their body length is 8 centimeters.

You see everything, dragonfly,

TV eyes!

Your chirping flight

It's like a helicopter in the sky,

And during an “emergency” landing

You boldly show your paws.

E. Koryukin

Dragonfly larvae - also called naiads - eat a lot. With the help of a strongly extended downward lip, they grab fry, tadpoles and small beetles. The larva can eat up to 50 fry per day. In a year, a big-eyed beauty will fly out of the unsightly larva. She is still weak, her wings and body cover are soft, but after two hours she can already fly perfectly.

small helicopter

Flies back and forth.

Big eyes,

Name - ... (dragonfly)


Very clever from my palm

A small bug flies up.

Why do they call him cow?

Nobody could answer me!

Ladybug is a common insect. Surely everyone in the summer put a ladybug on his hand and said: “Ladybug, fly to heaven, bring us bread, black, white, but not burnt.” The ladybug beetle is the favorite of all children because it is bright and beautiful. Tell your child what great benefits this little creature brings. The ladybug is a tireless predator; every day one ladybug eats 150-200 aphids; it is also an enemy for other garden pests. The benefits of the ladybug have been known since ancient times; farmers carefully transported and resettled ladybugs around the world to save their plantations and fields. It is known from history how ladybugs saved citrus, coffee, and mulberry trees. Experienced gardeners now collect a handful of bugs and transfer them to pest-infested trees and shrubs.

The consultation was prepared by teacher Baidalina I. Yu.

Literary material taken from the book by E. L. Emelyanova

"Tell the children about insects."



Tell children about insects

Young explorers of the world are undoubtedly attracted by the numerous kingdom of insects. As you know, children can look at a beetle, butterfly or caterpillar for a long time. They ask a lot of questions and are surprised at this unique behavior of insects. Little scholars are interested in everything that crawls, flies or buzzes. Help your baby understand this huge world of small creatures.

What to tell?

Tell your child that, despite their small size, insects are just as alive as animals. Insects are so different, there are so many of them, more than the entire animal world, including fish, birds and animals. Scientists discover new species of insects every year.

Insects can talk!

Only they do this not with the help of words, like people, but through touch, sounds, smells, visual signals. It turns out that the bee performs a dance in her hive after she finds a clearing with flowers. Her movements will tell other bees about where the clearing is and what plants grow there. Ants transmit information using their antennae.

Insects can play hide and seek!

To hide from enemies and protect themselves from predators, insects dress in different colors. Green grasshoppers hiding in the green grass. Locusts are gray in color and become completely invisible on the gray ground. Brightly colored butterflies seem so colorful to us when they fly in the air. But when they land on a flower, they are difficult to find. Many insects look like parts of a plant - leaves or twigs. The most skilled hide-and-seek masters are stick insects. Their name refers to how they camouflage themselves. These insects live on trees, are brown or green in color and look like thin stalks.

Wonderful transformations.

The kid will be surprised by the story about a caterpillar that turns into a beautiful butterfly. You can collect caterpillars in the garden and follow this process at home.
Insects can be found almost everywhere. It only takes a little effort to discover a few insects that you can make your friends. Tell children about insects, read interesting poems about them, and also very important advice. When your child is no longer interested in his pet insect, please do not kill them - release them into the wild.

Your child learns about the world every day. You will become his best teacher if you diversify his knowledge with information about the animal and plant world. There is a lot of beautiful and amazing things around. The adult's goal is to show this to the child's gaze.


A fly sat on the window,

The fly ate a crumb of bread,

We drove away the fly with a rag:

“We didn’t invite you to visit.”

T. Shorygina

You, of course, have seen a fly more than once. Very often flies come to visit us without an invitation. They have two large eyes, which consist of many small faceted eyes. Each large eye consists of four thousand facets. Each such eye gives its own small image. The fly has a good sense of smell thanks to its short but fluffy antennae.

Flies are black, sometimes red with a blue or green sheen. There are about five thousand species of flies in total. We usually encounter a housefly. It is very dangerous and carries many different infections: intestinal infections, worm eggs, typhoid fever, cholera and tuberculosis. One fly carries up to 6 million microbes.

A fly eats as much as it weighs per day – that’s about 20 milligrams. Interestingly, some species of flies can signal to other flies that food has been detected. A fly, having found an object, first tastes it with its foot and determines whether it is edible or not. If the item is suitable for food, the fly flies away and, using a special substance, transmits this information to other flies.

Special pads on its feet help the fly crawl on smooth surfaces. The fly lives only 30–45 days.

Scientists have calculated: if the offspring of one fly survived completely, then in a year it could cover the entire earth with a layer of one and a half meters! Fortunately, this does not happen, because flies have many enemies in nature: birds, various animals, for example, frogs.


There are a lot of them in the summer,

And in winter everyone dies out

They jump and buzz in your ear.

What are they called? - … (fly)

How I buzz on a hot day,

Any ear could hear.

I fly into every house

Everyone knows me! I am... (fly)


A fly on a horse's tail can travel a thousand miles.

Winter is scary with wolves, and summer with flies and mosquitoes.

Where there is sweet juice, there is a fly jumping.


A mosquito is a gray insect with two wings. More than two thousand species of mosquitoes live on our planet.

The mosquito has a proboscis on its head, with which it pierces the bite site and releases poisonous saliva under the skin of the animal. This is why the skin itches and itches after a bite. Mosquito activity usually begins in the evening.

Many people think that mosquitoes squeak, but the squeaking occurs due to the rattling of mosquito wings. They can even communicate with each other by shaking their wings. An ordinary mosquito makes about 500 wing beats per second.

Many mosquitoes carry very dangerous diseases when they bite people. Malaria mosquitoes are so named because they carry malaria pathogens.

Animals help people fight mosquitoes. The most famous mosquito hunters are frogs and toads. Birds are also not averse to eating mosquitoes: wagtails, tits, sparrows. Mosquitoes also have enemies among insects. The most formidable among them is the dragonfly.


It flies and squeaks,

His long legs are dragging,

The opportunity will not be missed

He will sit down and bite.



The mosquitoes squealed - stock up on raincoats.

They were looking for a mosquito seven miles away, but the mosquito was on their nose.

The mosquito sings subtly and loudly.


Mosquitoes and midges in a column - good weather.

If there are a lot of mosquitoes, prepare a box for berries.


Dragonfly, dragonfly,

Curious eyes

Then she flies forward

It hangs like a helicopter

Blue above the water

Over the meadow grass,

Above the forest clearing...

M. Shapovalov

Dragonflies are one of the most beautiful insects. They can be seen on a sunny summer day over the water. They come in different colors: blue, green, black... In Japan, dragonflies were considered a sign of victory, poems were written about them and depicted in paintings.

The dragonfly has four mesh wings, this helps it fly quickly, and its elongated body, like a rudder, guides it in flight. The flight speed of a dragonfly is 96–144 kilometers per hour. Her big eyes shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow! They occupy almost the entire head and consist of 28 thousand small eyes.

The dragonfly is voracious and constantly hunts. It feeds on small insects: mosquitoes, beetles, flies, moths. In an hour, a dragonfly can eat 40 flies.

Dragonflies are active all summer and hibernate in the fall. These insects can even predict the weather. If it does not spoil, they behave calmly, but before bad weather they gather in flocks and begin to make loud sounds, fluttering their wings.

The largest dragonfly found in our country is the rocker. It is usually brownish-red in color, but blue dragonflies are also found. The wingspan of the rocker dragonfly is 10, and their body length is 8 centimeters.

You see everything, dragonfly,

TV eyes!

Your chirping flight

It's like a helicopter in the sky,

And during an “emergency” landing

You boldly show your paws.

E. Koryukin

Dragonfly larvae - also called naiads - eat a lot. With the help of a strongly extended downward lip, they grab fry, tadpoles and small beetles. The larva can eat up to 50 fry per day. In a year, a big-eyed beauty will fly out of the unsightly larva. She is still weak, her wings and body cover are soft, but after two hours she can already fly perfectly.


small helicopter

Flies back and forth.

Big eyes,

Name - ... (dragonfly)


Very clever from my palm

A small bug flies up.

Why do they call him cow?

Nobody could answer me!

Ladybug is a common insect. Surely everyone in the summer put a ladybug on his hand and said: “Ladybug, fly to heaven, bring us bread, black, white, but not burnt.”The ladybug beetle is the favorite of all children because it is bright and beautiful. Tell your child what great benefits this little creature brings. The ladybug is a tireless predator; every day one ladybug eats 150-200 aphids; it is also an enemy for other garden pests. The benefits of the ladybug have been known since ancient times; farmers carefully transported and resettled ladybugs around the world to save their plantations and fields. It is known from history how ladybugs saved citrus, coffee, and mulberry trees. Experienced gardeners now collect a handful of bugs and transfer them to pest-infested trees and shrubs.

The consultation was prepared by teacher Baidalina I. Yu.

Literary material taken from the bookE. L. Emelyanova

"Tell the children about insects."