home · Other · Paints for painting indoors: which ones can be used to paint on the wall in an apartment, preparing the surface for painting with acrylic paints. Graffiti brightens up drab city neighborhoods - a stunning selection of interesting works by street artists

Paints for painting indoors: which ones can be used to paint on the wall in an apartment, preparing the surface for painting with acrylic paints. Graffiti brightens up drab city neighborhoods - a stunning selection of interesting works by street artists

Drawings on walls have long become an art accessible to everyone. This is a simple and quite economical way to diversify the interior of a room. The drawing can also be done by professional artists. The work will be excellent, but the price will leave a significant hole in the apartment owner's budget. The cost of painting one square meter of wall will cost at least 2–2.5 thousand rubles. And it’s far from a fact that this space will be painted with a dense pattern. For 2 thousand, the artist will draw only simple patterns or monograms. A full-wall painting can cost more than 100 thousand. No one argues that this option is obviously a win-win, but if you wish, you can make a drawing on the wall, or a fresco, with your own hands.

We create a drawing on the wall in the apartment with our own hands

A person’s lack of artistic talent does not at all put an end to the idea of ​​decorating the wall of his apartment with an interesting image. Enterprising people have developed several simple technologies that will allow you to do without such colossal costs. The main thing is inspiration and the desire to create.

Projector to help the artist

Some creative people use technology to make their lives easier. You can simply display the image you like on the wall using a projector. Outline all the elements in the form of a sketch and then decorate with paints. A very convenient technique that you can use.

Projection drawing technique

Variant of drawing in the nursery

How to draw with fingers

Children love to draw on the walls. And often this is painting with paint using your hands. Some artists have taken this childhood fun to a whole new level. Using finger painting, you can draw a real masterpiece on the wall of your apartment. Of course, this requires a certain skill, but you can also train on an ordinary Whatman paper. In addition, there are a huge number of video tutorials on the Internet, which explain in simple and understandable language all the intricacies of this work, as well as various technologies. Drawings created in this way are never repeated. They always have their own individual look. The paint can be absolutely anything, the main thing is that it is not toxic or has a pungent odor. When drawing, you should not put a lot of paint on your finger at once to avoid drips.

Using this technique you can make unusual drawings

Painting a wall with your fingers

Unusual full-wall panel

In Romania, the use of special rollers with a convex pattern is no longer something out of the ordinary. But in the CIS countries this innovation is just beginning to take root. Some designers even came up with their own ideas for the embossed rubber surface of this wonderful invention. All you need to do is prepare the surface and choose paint. The pattern is applied with a simple movement, as when painting a wall.

Using a roller when drawing

Decorative roller

The Russians turn out to be no less interesting

Where to start painting the walls in a room

You have to prepare everything for work in advance. Purchase the necessary paints, make or buy a ready-made stencil, prepare the wall. But first things first.

Surface preparation

The first step is to decide which image on which wall will best fit into the design of the room itself. Then you need to clean the surface of the old coating, be it wallpaper or paint. Although, some types of paints can be safely applied with plaster. This won't work with just oil paints. Most often, paintings or frescoes on the wall are made using plaster that has been carefully applied and dried. The stencil technique is possible without this preparation: it can be done directly on the wallpaper. You can also do without cleaning the wall if the room has paintable wallpaper (special types of non-woven, paper or glass wallpaper).

Required materials and tools

You can apply a design to the walls with your own hands using the most ordinary brushes. But you will need at least 3 with different pile thicknesses. For application using a stencil, a regular sponge or roller may be suitable.

Almost any paint will do. You can buy regular gouache, acrylic or tempera paints are also suitable. It is advisable to take moisture-resistant paints so that the drawings are more durable. Their consistency should be medium. Beginners should not take on designs that contain more than three shades. When used correctly, even several colors will create an elegant design. You need to remember that even if you choose only black, you can get a beautiful abstract painting. You can also use spray paint for painting if you have experience working with them. By the way, graffiti is not such a bad way to make your apartment bright and individual. But not everyone can cope with this.

You can use tempera paints for painting.

To make your work easier, you can purchase a palette. You can mix colors and create new shades on it. You can also make several test strokes on the palette or practice them.

The drawing should suit the character of the room. In living rooms, you can paint abstract images in the form of geometric shapes. A children's room should convey the spirit of childhood: cartoon characters, funny animals or toys. In the bedroom you can place pictures of the forest or the sea, something soothing and not stressful. Don’t rush to redraw the first picture you come across on the Internet. To liven up a room, a simple floral pattern or the application of butterflies, cats, stars, and so on may be enough.

The first step is to draw the background, if there is one in the selected image. It is applied, as on paper, to a damp surface. The wall should be lightly moistened with water. After the background has been applied, you can begin drawing the sketch. This can be done even with a simple pencil. Tracing paper or carbon paper will also work. Professional artists can try transferring a large design onto the wall using a grid-based enlargement of the design. The drawing and the wall are drawn into cells and then painstakingly redrawn. Another way to transfer an image to a wall is with gunpowder. All lines in the drawing are pierced with a needle. Then it is applied to the wall and all holes are filled with coloring powder. You can use coal. A drawing in the form of dots remains on the wall, with which you can already work. To apply large paintings, you need to mark the wall using a level so that the drawing does not warp. After which the artist sets off on a free voyage. The main thing is to let the already drawn elements dry before taking on the next ones. Drying can be done with a regular hairdryer or even a fan. But just don’t bring them too close, otherwise the paint will spread. If the work is not urgent, it is better to let the paint dry on its own. It won't take that long.

For those who are not so confident in their abilities, an excellent option would be to apply a design to the wall with your own hands using a stencil.

Making a stencil

Stencils can be found on the Internet, printed and cut out on hard cardboard. Not any cardboard will do; you need to take something that won’t get wet from the slightest drop of water. You can also use a plastic paper folder to make a stencil.

For advanced users, the option of using a plotter may be suitable. First you need to find a picture in eps format, and then simply send it to be cut on a plotter. Thin plastic or oracal film is suitable for this. The stencil will be completely ready as soon as you remove the cut out elements that are not included in your drawing.

If you don’t have time for this, you can purchase Gstencils. Some printing studios can make a stencil based on your design. You just need to stick it on the wall in the chosen location.

Applying wall art

The main rule for applying a pattern to a wall using this method is that after applying each element, you need to thoroughly wipe the stencil itself. Otherwise, multi-colored spots will spoil your masterpiece.

Use a spateria to spread the paint.

Your cardboard or plastic assistant needs to be firmly attached to the wall using special glue, or better yet, regular tape. But make sure that you do not remove a piece of primer or wallpaper along with the fastening.

Using a brush to make a design

Easy Stencil Ideas

You can advantageously highlight some parts of the apartment with the help of butterflies or flowers. A very popular design is a tree. The variety of designs is amazing: cherry blossoms and apple trees, family trees, black silhouettes and trees of life. Cats are also a popular design: they are easy to make, everyone likes them, and they enliven the apartment with their presence. In the children's room you can create a real starry sky. Especially if you use luminous paints.

What is needed to create a unique interior? Desire, time and inspiration. Nothing is impossible. Pick up brushes and paints and create drawings, create. But everything that is created with your own hands makes you even more happy.

Modern interiors are associated with something exclusive; many people are wondering how to add uniqueness to their bathroom. As you scroll through the beautiful designs, you notice the unusual wall paintings. “I wish I could!” – the first thought, followed by the purchase of paint and brushes. Often these actions are followed by disappointment, but don’t rush to put your chic idea in the closet, let’s learn how to make drawings on the walls in the bathroom with your own hands!

The first thing you must do is select a surface and prepare it for artistic use. Let's say you have an ordinary wall, and the room was renovated quite a long time ago. Somewhere the paint has peeled off or a piece of plaster has fallen out. The first thing that needs to be done is to clean and prime all surfaces. Our walls will be painted, so before priming them, you need to choose a mixture with good hydrophobic properties. The photo shows several different types of bathroom primers for painting.

Types of primer mixture for surface finishing

It is not difficult to list the stages of work: cleaning the surface from old finishing material and greasy stains, plastering, leveling if the walls are made of brick, puttying the walls, grouting. After the last step, re-priming is done to create a holding base before applying paint. The wall is ready, now we move on to painting the main background.

Applying the background

The first condition when choosing paint is its water-repellent properties.

When choosing paint, you should choose one that is moisture resistant. And to prevent mold, purchase paint that contains fungicides. Stores now offer a wide variety of paints and varnishes. Below we note only their types.

Types of paints for bathrooms

For the bathroom it is better to choose acrylic. It is accessible, inexpensive, its colors are represented by a large palette; various varnishes and impregnations are used to protect against moisture. But you can do without varnish. Acrylic has high vapor permeability and practically does not require varnish. It is better not to buy water-based emulsion - it does not withstand a lot of washing, and over time it begins to fade and wear off.

You can use real butter. Then the picture will be almost eternal. However, it takes a long time to dry and can smell unpleasant.

It remains to emphasize one important point. It is better to apply the background in accordance with the original or immediately make it very light: white, blue, light gray - neutral. You can draw anything on this background if you don’t like the chosen image.

Background application process

I want to say a little here. Your wall is smooth, prepared, all that remains is to paint it directly. It is best to do this with a roller. The roller applies a layer of paint thinly and evenly. Of course, you can use a spray gun, but a roller is more accessible. We invite you to watch a video with useful tips for painting with a roller.

Which brushes to choose for painting on the wall

The surface is dry, you grab brushes, and you will have to buy a lot of them. It all depends on the image. If it is a complex landscape like the one in the photo, then you need to visit an art store.

It is better to buy artificial brushes. In addition, buy foam ones with a wooden handle if you plan to draw flowers and grass. These brushes are cheap and make the job very easy. One touch and the petal is ready.

For painting walls, we use large, wide brushes. You need a small brush to draw thin lines. You can’t save money here, otherwise the drawing won’t come out neat. A professional wall painting brush produces a crisp line.

Examples of brushes and what they can do

If you haven't bought paints yet, you need to do it now. In the meantime, let's look at ways to transfer an image.

Image transfer methods

This is the most common way. But not everyone has a projector; it can only be used in semi-darkness or darkness. The bathroom space is too small, so your image may not reach the desired size.

Translating a picture with a projector

Scale grid

This method is more suitable for our task. First, draw the desired picture with squares. Use a building level or a large ruler to mark the surface area. Draw the same grid here, being sure to respect the proportions. Redraw the image from each square of your picture with a pencil. Color the result.

The closer the details of the picture, the larger they should be. The more distant the composition, the smaller and paler the details.

What to do if you still could not transfer the image accurately enough? Try scanning it onto your computer or finding an image on the Internet. Then place it in any graphics editor, draw it into squares, enlarging each one to A4 size, and print it out. Don't forget to number the squares! Then transfer the picture according to the numbers using carbon paper. You can ask the sellers of a hardware store for the latter - there you can find it in very large sizes, or use a regular one from the office.

Drawing by yourself

Self-adhesive film

This method is good for transferring small patterns or objects with a clear outline. But first, all this must be cut out on film with a plotter. Call the place where they use self-adhesive film, for example, advertisers. There, cutting a stencil will cost you from 200 to 1000 rubles. With this method, we do not need brushes, but a spray gun, an airbrush, or just a piece of foam rubber. We glue the stencil, blow it out or apply color with foam rubber and then remove the self-adhesive (very carefully). The stencil can be made in an interesting way. Find a picture, go to the photo editor. Then the following sequence: filter, sketch, photocopy, set the necessary parameters. you get an outline. You enlarge it using the ProPaster program, divide the image into squares and print it there. Cut out the black outline with a utility knife, leaving jumpers. Your stencil is ready!

IMPORTANT: Test your stencil on a different surface! Modern paint mixtures for bathrooms dry quickly; it will be difficult to correct the flaws of your unsuccessful art.

Drawing by stenciling

By hand

Why not, if your hands grow as they should, and everything is fine with your eye. The easiest but most difficult way - if you're not sure, don't do it!

While working, many people are faced with the problem of how to draw without smudges. There's nothing complicated about it. When applying with a spray gun or spray can, it must be kept at a distance of 30 cm from the surface. When working with other tools, apply minimal paint.

How to paint on tiles: work order

Until now, you and I have been learning how to paint a bathroom using a painted wall. But what if the wall is covered with tiles, you don’t want to remove it, but you really want to freshen up your bathroom. Let's paint on the tiles - nothing could be easier! You just need to remember that there is preparation for drawing for this surface as well.

Cleaning tiles

Wash the tiles and degrease them. Use a metal sponge with a powder like “Comet” or “Pemolux” to thoroughly rub the entire surface - they will remove dirt and lightly sand the tile. It's good to do this with sand. Cleaning products and sand will remove dirt and help damage the integrity of the glossy layer of the tile.


Paint will not last long on a smooth surface. Take fine sandpaper or a block and rub. Using a grinder or a special drill attachment will speed up this process. After all the manipulations, your tile has become rough. Don't forget the seams! They need to be cleaned with a sanding mesh.


Before priming the tiles, rinse the surface with water. There should be no dust. Make sure there are no leaks. It is best to use an epoxy primer. After the primer has dried, lightly sand again with sandpaper or sanding mesh.


Painting is the same as on a regular wall, but you need to remember that your drawing will consist of squares. Keep this in mind when choosing a picture. To paint tiles, paint compositions for tiles and glass are used. Solvent paints without firing consist of pigments, additives, and an organic solvent. They are difficult to wash off and retain color. Diluted with a special solvent.

For white tiles, the color can be diluted with a special solvent, which will make it translucent. The image will look very gentle.

Children's bathroom

The paint for ceramic tiles looks like thick sour cream. It cannot be diluted with water - this violates its moisture resistance. The painted surface requires drying for three days.

You can draw using a stencil. The technology is the same as with a regular wall, but you can use aerosol automotive paints.

Lace as a stencil

If the tile was not laid too evenly initially, then you can cover the surface with matte acrylic varnish, then the unevenness will be almost smoothed out.

IMPORTANT: The varnish is applied only after the paint has completely dried, otherwise, when interacting with water-based varnish, it will get wet and irregularities will begin to show through.

The tile can also be updated by partially painting it.

Partial staining of tiles

Or you can decorate with special stickers for bathrooms

Room decorated with stickers

The applied pattern can visually expand the space of the room and create an unusually comfortable atmosphere. Subjects and locations of patterns can be very diverse. If the walls are of a single color or lined with tiles, panels, or Euro boards, then an Egyptian-style ornament will look chic. Repeating the same image over and over is also an interesting option. You can zone a room using ornaments. An identical pattern will be the finishing touch if applied to or around the mirror.

The drawing visually expands the corner of a small bathroom

A professionally executed painting can look realistic. The plots are usually related to water themes. Seascapes are popular, where there is an imitation of almost destroyed walls, from where a view of the sea surface opens, or images of the depths of the sea. Often the theme of the plots is stylized or real animals, flowers, birds.

Painting on tiles with the addition of fresh flowers

If you don’t like landscapes, but still want the bathroom to be decorated with paintings, you can choose to imitate any textures: wood, stone, stucco, plaster. Made with high quality, it can hardly be distinguished from imitated materials.

Simulation of a destroyed wall

In addition to its decorative function, painting can visually “push the walls apart,” create a spatial illusion, and make the room brighter. It happens that this design successfully masks the details of the plumbing wiring.

Interesting inclusion of a regular pipe in a picture on the wall

Decoration of “Fish”

Octopus pattern

Flowers on ceramics

Sky with clouds

An unusual painting that continues the landscape outside the window

Funny animals in the children's shower

Minimalism and drawing

You decorated the bathroom, you did it yourself. Now it really has an exclusive look, you can be proud of yourself.

Don’t have artistic skills and dream of making original drawings on the walls of your own apartment? You have come to the right address: this publication tells you how to draw a beautiful picture with your own hands in any room - a nursery, a bedroom or a kitchen.

Creating drawings using a stencil

There are several ways to colorfully decorate the interior of a home - drawing, painting, and applying a stencil pattern. The last option is perfect for apartment owners who don’t know how to draw.

The first stage of work is preparing the base for the wall image. The wall surface is leveled and finally finished in the following ways:

  • installation of drywall with glue or a metal frame plus finishing cladding - paint or wallpaper;
  • applying smooth plaster and painting;
  • You can stick white or other light-colored wallpaper with small patterns on a flat wall.

Advice. It is advisable to prepare the foundation during the renovation of the apartment. It is not very advisable to start finishing work in a living room for the sake of a picture; it is easier to tint the wall in place of the picture.

How to make a stencil template

Before making a stencil, you need to decide what you want to draw. For example, an abstract drawing on the wall with clear geometric lines would be appropriate for the hallway, images of animals would be appropriate in the children’s room, and pictures of flora (trees, flowers) and city landscapes would be appropriate in the living room and bedroom.

A simple tree silhouette looks great in a living room interior

Where to get reference patterns:

  1. A huge number of creative ornaments have been published on the Internet. The photo below shows various examples of such drawings.
  2. Use pictures from children's coloring books.
  3. Create a sketch yourself using graphic design programs.
  4. Buy ready-made stencils at a construction supermarket. True, such a design solution is completely devoid of individuality.

The template should be made from durable plastic film, such as is used in paper binders. If you decide to decorate the wall with a repeating pattern, then 2-3 plastic folders will be used for the stencil. To create a large painting depicting natural landscapes or animals, you will have to purchase 3-4 m of film in the store (sold in rolls).

Ideas in the form of drawings are transferred to the stencil as follows:

Note. It is necessary to cut out exactly those parts of the drawing that will be transferred to the wall. When making a complex stencil, make sure that the frame of the picture details does not fall out, leave bridges at several points. Then correct the finished image with a brush or marker.

Transferring an image to the wall

To make simple drawings on the walls in your apartment with your own hands, the base should be cleaned of dust and, if necessary, dried. The further procedure is as follows:

When creating a repeating pattern, the stencil must be moved to a new location and the specified operations repeated. To speed up the procedure, 2-3 identical templates attached to the wall at the same time will help.

Painting decorative elements in a stencil is done in the following ways:

Advice. When working with paints, do not forget to open the window to the street to ensure ventilation of the room.

Regardless of the chosen method of creating a wall picture, follow an important rule: do not put a lot of paint on a brush, sponge or roller. Otherwise, streaks will form under the template and are quite difficult to remove. After removing the stencil, correct the defects and jumpers with a brush, let the picture dry.

Image overlay example

Work with the spray can just as carefully, holding the sprayer at a distance of 20-30 cm from the surface in a vertical position. When the pattern dries, you can superimpose a second image on it, painted in a different color, as shown in the photo above.

For a small master class for beginners demonstrating how to apply a pattern to a corridor wall using a stencil, watch the video:

3D drawing technology

A three-dimensional pattern is also created using a stencil cut from a thicker material - corrugated cardboard, polyethylene foam, etc. When you have found something to draw on the wall and printed the picture on paper, attach it to a sheet of polyethylene foam (it is used most often) and cut out the template with a stationery knife as described above.

Important point. The volume of the ornament depends on the thickness of the stencil. The optimal value lies in the range of 3-5 mm.

The decorative 3D image is applied using the following technology:

The resulting relief pattern requires improvement. Excess protrusions and sagging must be carefully cut off, and depressions and uneven edges must be corrected with putty. Sharp edges are smoothed with sandpaper or light movements of a brush moistened with water.

Note. An equally interesting solution is to use liquid wallpaper instead of acrylic putty. There is no need to paint them after application.

When the 3D image has completely hardened, carefully treat the picture with a primer and apply a layer of acrylic paint of the desired color. The operation can be conveniently performed with a brush or long-haired roller.

Two more simple ways to design

The first technique is called pattern transfer using shadows. It is implemented as follows: in a dark room, a lamp is placed near the wall to be decorated, and in front of it is a paper model of the painting.

Then a reflection of the drawing appears on the surface, which can be traced with a pencil and painted. There are three features:

  • to use this technique, you need to have some skill with a pencil;
  • the image dimensions are adjusted by moving the light source (increased and decreased);
  • the ornament can be placed on top of an existing painting.

Note. Using a projector instead of a regular lamp gives clearer lines to the image and makes it easier to draw.

The second method is the simplest of all. You need to purchase a roller with two rollers: the first one is used to absorb paint from the tray, and the second one is used to install a stencil pattern. During the application process, the paint only hits the open surface of the second roller and is thus transferred in the form of a pattern to the wall. The main thing is not to add a lot of coloring composition, otherwise drips will appear.


The implementation of the methods described above will not allow you to create a real painting or painting, since no technique can replace the artist’s brush. If you are not good at drawing, try this option: invite an artist you know to make a pencil sketch of a not too complex picture, for example, a grapevine, a sakura branch or wildflowers. And do the decorating yourself.

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We say “bathroom decoration”, we mean “tiles”, and vice versa. Tiles on the walls and porcelain tiles on the floor have become so commonplace in modern life that in most families other methods of repair are simply not considered. Yes, of course, denying the fact that tiles are an ideal option for a bathroom is the height of recklessness. However, although it is ideal, it is still not the only possible one. And thanks to the alternative method, you can create a pleasant interior with minimal investment compared to tiles.


Painted walls are a good way to save a significant amount, while making the interior no worse than with tiled decoration. We will just consider such a profitable alternative. Let's start with paint. Previously, in most standard projects, the bathroom was half painted with enamel. And then everyone tried their best to decorate the room.

Nowadays things are a little different, but painted walls still look pretty good, especially if the patterns on the bathroom walls are chosen correctly.

Selecting a base

First you need to choose the color and paint for the base of the walls. Only after the surface has been prepared can we talk about further painting. Preparation means finishing the walls with a finishing layer of putty, priming and applying the first coat of paint. You can use enamel for the bathroom, but this should only happen if the surface is perfectly flat. Otherwise, all the irregularities will be clearly visible. Drawings in the bathtub on the wall will only be good if the surface is completely ready for this.

The choice of tone depends on the overall color scheme. If you decide to make a room in warm colors, sand, beige, or yellowish colors are suitable for the walls. Naturally, you can experiment with paint. For example, the base can be of two colors. In certain well-lit areas it can be a brown color close to chocolate. This contrast is pleasing to the eye if the designs in the bathroom are equally contrasting and organic.

When choosing cool shades, for example, blue, green, sea green, blue and the like, the base should also be light (or mixed). Here you can use pure white, but then you need to very carefully think through the entire composition on the walls so that the white does not stand out, but is just the background.

Select a pattern

How to decorate the bathroom? Which designs to choose for the bathroom and what does it depend on? Well, firstly, personal vision and desire play a big role. Secondly, it is necessary to proceed from possibilities. If you don’t have artistic talent and the opportunity to invite a specialist to paint, you need to choose the simplest compositions possible. These can be geometric shapes, as well as the use of a stencil. The last option is an ideal way to decorate the walls in the bathroom without the gift of artistic thought. You can simply choose the design you like best, paints, brushes and create masterpieces on the walls.

Where can I find stencils?

A common question asked by those who want to paint their bathroom. To do this, you don’t need to think for a long time, nor do you need to look for specialized art salons. Typical and even very nice stencil options are sold in the regular decor department of any large construction hypermarket.


Now one of the most difficult issues is technology. As we have already decided, it is important that the base is stable and dry well. For this you can use enamel or acrylic paints. Oil or acrylic compositions are well suited for painting. If you need certain colors and shades, you can purchase regular colors that color white paint. An important point in their breeding is proportion. It's best to do this:

  • decide on the number of colors and shades in the drawing;
  • choose suitable dishes depending on the volume of paint;
  • distribute white paint over the dishes;
  • add a drop of color of the desired shade until the desired tone is achieved.

You can start painting as soon as the base dries. To do this, the stencil can be held with your hands or glued with masking tape. The latter option is more correct, since it eliminates the displacement of the substrate, which means the quality of the drawing will be much higher.

Often when carrying out renovations, people want to do something unusual and non-standard. The interior of the bathroom is no exception. One of the options for unconventional design and original wall decoration in the bathroom are drawings. In addition, if you have small children in your apartment or house, such a creative approach on the part of parents will especially please them.

There are 2 main options to help you get a beautiful and attractive design on the walls of the bathroom:

  1. Order design and execution from professional specialists.
  2. Do all the work yourself.

In the first case, you will naturally spend a certain amount of money, since the services of good artists and decorators cost a significant amount of money. In the opposite case, you will be able to save a lot.

Be that as it may, in our article we will dwell in more detail on the second option: making a drawing in the bathroom with your own hands.

Preparation and drawing

Since you have decided to do everything on your own, let’s list what you will need at the preparatory stage. In those cases, if you want to draw through a stencil, you will need to purchase one as well. So, what you need to buy:

  • paints;
  • tassels;
  • stencil.

Be careful! Often when applying images using the stencil method, the images may not be very smooth. In addition, the paint may partially fall under the stencil, leaving small but quite noticeable “washouts”, which will then have to be sketched by hand.

In any case, it is quite possible to make a good and high-quality drawing both in the bathroom and in the toilet independently, without the use of screen printing. So, you can find a suitable image on the Internet, and only then print it on a printer, cut it out and transfer the outlines to the wall. Even if you don’t have a printer or find it difficult to find one, don’t despair. You can simply place a sheet of white paper on the monitor, turn off the light, trace the contours of the picture, and then transfer these contours to the wall.

Important to remember! When carrying out work of this kind, you should never rush. Excessive haste can only result in placement, and the images will have to be redone.

Among the most frequently used subjects are: flowers, animals, fish, ships and other marine themes, palm trees and images of exotic islands. By the way, in addition to drawing on the walls, there is a way to create drawings by laying out decorative mosaic tiles. Success in creative work!