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The best color scheme for a logo. How to choose a logo color without screwing it up

Black is almost universally represented as the color of negative forces and sad events, and in Europe it mostly has a sad meaning. However, for example, in Egypt it means rebirth and resurrection, among the Jews - understanding and kingdom, in heraldry - prudence and wisdom. Black color is also a negation of earthly vanity and splendor, the color of priestly clothing and, accordingly, a symbol of conservative (church-oriented) parties. In logos, black looks extremely solid, reliable and solemn. Because black combines well with most other colors, designers often use it for two-tone signs and logos. Nowadays, black is also very fashionable.

Black is the motivated use of force, creation, learning, foresight, content, hidden treasures, destructiveness, the use of force as a manifestation of weakness and selfishness, suppression, depression, emptiness, abstinence, restrictions. Black hides what he has. A person who prefers it seeks to hide his inner world from others. Black symbolizes the end. Every evening we are happy to return to the night to recuperate. But it is he who gives rise to everything new. Life begins with the unknown. Black is able to control the situation thanks to secret knowledge. Black seeks to maintain his power by any means necessary. On the other hand, this person feels the need for external control. Power, sexuality, complexity, formality, elegance, richness, mystery, fear, evil, anonymity, discontent, depth, style, sadness, remorse, anger, underground, good techno color, mourning, death (Western cultures).

Grey is a neutral color with subtle beauty. Gray goes almost as well with other colors as black or white, but is often more expressive. In the interpretations of the peoples of the world, the color gray mainly has a somewhat negative meaning (renunciation, humility, melancholy, indifference, death, mourning, punishment, etc.), but this is precisely the case when time has changed the meaning of color and breathed a new one into it meaning. Gray color by its nature is not pure and has many shades and nuances, therefore it provides the designer with a huge field for self-expression. Unlike many other flowers, you will never get tired of it. Often used in the works of high-class designers who have good taste and pay great attention to nuance.

Gray - security, reliability, intelligence, sedate, modesty, dignity, completeness, firm, conservative, practical, old age, sadness.

Grey, black and white (tones) are the connecting link for colors. They have no effect. They are a background for flowers and increase the intensity of the color nearby, and when added, they increase the lightness (light gray, white) or saturation (dark gray, black) of the color.

Every day we see a lot of graphics, logos and symbols with a wide variety of color combinations. The same logos can change their meaning if you change their color. Different color combinations can stimulate or inhibit, add energy or cause a depressed mood, help attract or distract attention. The colors used in the logo are of great importance in shaping its perception and, of course, allow you to fully use the potential of the brand name. That is why logo development should be carried out by professionals who can take into account every detail. It is very important to connect the incentives that arise when you see the color scheme of the logo and the company’s activities. For example, a company producing GPS navigators should have a different color scheme than one engaged in financial services.

You shouldn’t skimp on logo development by entrusting this task to random people.

What associations do people have when they see certain colors and what color should you choose for your company logo?

Red – this color evokes a feeling of warmth, it is also called the “color of fire.” It is the color of life, attracting attention due to its visibility and having a stimulating effect. Suitable for signs that require association with warmth, energy and vitality.

Orange is another color from the “fire colors” palette. It is associated with joy and causes extroversion. This color attracts people, positively stimulates them and motivates them to action. Because of these characteristics, orange is best suited to create symbols associated with dynamic, happy, positive and active actions.

Yellow is the brightest of the “colors of fire” and is associated with the sun and warmth. Thus, it is a symbol of the sun and is indispensable for travel agency logos. The yellow color perfectly reflects the optimistic nature of the logo. Since this color is very bright, it should be presented against a dark background to increase the contrast of the logo.

Gold is the color of luxury, wealth, associated with the ideas of prosperity, stability, peace and trust. If the logo needs to express such characteristics of the company, then this color will be ideal, especially in combination with gray and brown tones. These color combinations evoke a feeling of peace, security and sustainability.

White is the color of snow, reminiscent of pristine purity. It calms, pacifies and improves mood. This color works better against a dark background. The combination with blue shades enhances the impression of purity. This combination of colors is necessary if we want to convey to the viewer the impression of cleanliness and hygiene. This is the reason why most dental or medical companies use both of these colors for their logos and emblems.

Pink is a color that has a positive and strong effect primarily on women or children. This color evokes feelings of weakness, sensitivity and romanticism. Also evokes sympathy and is associated with good melodies. As such, it seems an obvious choice when designing the symbols of "female" businesses - from beauty salons to "gossip" portals about celebrities, artists and the like.

Purple is a combination of pink (or red) and blue. Just like pink, it is associated with femininity, but does not have the infantile connotation that pink has. With an admixture of blue tint, the color violet evokes associations of something serious, calm, and dignified. Emphasizes ideas of weakness, peace, security and dignity.

Blue is a color from the palette opposite to the “colors of fire”; it is called “watercolor”. Most often, blue is associated with water and sky. The color is cool, relaxing, calming, stimulating to work. Promotes a feeling of cleanliness and space. The color is undoubtedly the leading color in logos related to business and medicine.

Green - just like blue, refers to “watercolor”. Reminiscent of nature, appears in almost all sites related to nature, environment, tourism and forestry. Reminds of peace, relaxation, calms, improves mood, gives optimistic, peaceful energy. Green symbols are also used in projects dedicated to military, sports and outdoor activities.

Brown is the color of the earth palette. The color of safety and warmth, radiates peace and harmony. Recommended for companies that want to have an image associated with a feeling of stability and security in life. In combination with green color it will reflect the ideas of ecology, harmonious relationships with nature, with golden shades it expresses dignity, control and balance.

Black is often used in everyday speech as a “negative” color. This color is characterized by such qualities as dignity and sadness. Although black is also associated with magic and mysticism, at night. In combination with white, it sets it off, creating a strong contrast. When designing any logo, you need to take into account the creation of its black and white version. For this reason, before committing to the final shape of a symbol, you should first check how it will look in black and white.

Many people know that the colors in the logos of famous brands are chosen for a reason. And they understand that this is all a very cunning process using the psychology of human perception of colors. Thanks to different colors, you can convey a certain mood, sensations and feelings. We have translated an infographic that details which brands use certain colors and why.

The psychology of color in logos is already in action! Companies have become adept at using to their advantage some even purely biological facts regarding the perception of colors, and each of us has already fallen for the bait of their experienced marketers at least once in our lives.

If you trust the given data, then red color can evoke a range of feelings in the reader, including drive, aggression, energy, excitement and many others. No wonder it is used by such companies as Red Bull (energy drinks), Marlboro (cigarettes), Shell (petroleum products) and many others.

Its semantic opposite is white color. In human perception, it symbolizes purity, tranquility, perfection, sterility, simplicity, honesty, integrity, impeccability and purity.

Pink the color, like crimson, is close in the spectrum to red. Therefore, its influence, its symbolism is worth considering immediately. According to the data presented, it evokes feelings of innocence and sophistication. In addition, the following associative series arises in thoughts: delicacy, femininity, tenderness, gratitude, romance, calmness and gentleness.

Associations associated with contemplation yellow colors are slightly different. It symbolizes curiosity and at the same time cowardice, cheerfulness, playfulness, warmth, joy, warning, sunny color, etc. An example of a brand that implements it is McDonalds.

Orange often used to attract attention. It symbolizes carefreeness, ardor, fun, enthusiasm, creativity and many other positive things. One of the companies that uses it in their own logo is Nickelodeon.

Brown color is most often associated with nature, trees, earth... Its contemplation should evoke in a potential buyer a feeling of calm, depth, richness, seriousness, sophistication and usefulness.

Green color implies renewal and life. He is calm and gentle. In some cases it can be interpreted negatively and is associated with such concepts as envy. But for the most part, it still symbolizes nature, inexperience, ecology, freshness, health, harmony, naturalness, money, serenity and much more.

Violet The background of any logo gives the idea of ​​spirituality and sophistication pursued by the respective company. The blue hue is a symbol of solidity, power and calm, serenity, security, success and trust, as well as strength, recognition and dignity.

Finally, it remains to consider the peculiarities of the influence on human consciousness of colors not included in the main spectrum, such as gray and black. According to the presented infographics, the first of them is quite cold and neutral. Therefore, it can symbolize power, corporatism, gloom, and stability. The second can also be associated with power. But the further continuation of the associative series will be completely different: courage, classicism, conservatism, formalism and mystery.

Color, as the main component of the logo, along with shape, font and symbols, is firmly rooted in our associative row. That is why it is so strange to see the usual Coca-Cola in an unusual blue color. But how strong is this connection? Is the color of a logo really a constant that cannot be changed under any circumstances due to the risk of losing the “face” of the brand?

To answer these questions, Paula Rupolo, a graphic designer from Brazil, did an experimental project - changing the color schemes of famous competing brands. According to Paula, “Color is the first thing we notice in a logo, and what is most quickly perceived by the brain. And only then do we read the form, symbols and typography.” Here are the results of her labors:

It’s hard not to notice that in some cases color itself becomes the company’s calling card. We are talking about Google, whose rainbow colors have become so recognizable that they are directly associated with Googl, no matter what font the word is written in. Whatever the font is, no matter what word is written - Yahoo clearly lost in this battle!

Fast-food giants McDonald's and Subway appeal to ideology in their color scheme. In this case, the green Subway says, “The food here is fresh and healthy!”, and McDonald’s was created back in those years when it was important to eat nourishing and tasty, and not dietary and healthy. Hence the inviting red color that screams - here, here is food!

Interestingly, in 2010, McDonalds made a color compromise and gradually began to replace the usual red in corporate identity elements and packaging with a “safe” green color. This trick is entirely aimed at those unique individuals who, in a pseudo-pursuit of healthy food, do not want to give up their favorite fast food, and, eating a fatty hamburger in a green package, are in full confidence that it will not make them fat.

In general, color associations play a huge role in our lives, not to mention design. It’s not for nothing that scientists have developed a whole direction - color therapy, in which the mood and psychological state of a person is regulated with the help of colors. We will not talk here about the meaning of each color in different cultures. This topic is well covered in many scientific and design works (Color Harmony: Logos, Color & Layout. From Asparagus White to Burnt Olive, Color Catalog / Color Index), but we will still recall the basic associations of some colors.


The color of the endless ocean and endless sky. Strongly associated with wisdom, calm, solidity and confidence. Blue is often chosen as a logo color by state-owned companies and large corporations. It's practically a win-win option.


The color of nature and money is therefore often chosen by companies for broadcast or environmental or economic overtones. In addition, green color calms the nervous system - it is safe in every sense, it is only important to combine it correctly with other colors.


The color of energy, joy and happiness. Thanks to this message, it is often used for children's themes. Very strong both on its own and in combination with other colors.


If you want to attract attention, then red is what you need. Despite its aggressive nature, red has long become not so much a signal color as a color of desire. Shades from scarlet to burgundy are actively used by such giants as Shell, Coca-Cola, MTS, etc. Red is always popular with women and often with men over 40 (remember the midlife crisis and the passion for red sports cars). Red looks especially good as an accent color in a restrained color scheme.


It's about health and relaxation. Everything related to vitamins, healthy drinks and other health products is orange. By itself it is very strong, but behaves well in combinations with black (catchy), gray, white and blue.


Elitism and purity are the main characteristics of this color. Much loved by pharmaceutical and cosmetics companies and dairy product manufacturers. But since white color requires some kind of contrast, white typography on a contrasting gray or blue background is used to create a logo. Recently, thin white fonts on a colored background have become very popular in the web and mobile applications.


Self-sufficiency, style and conciseness. In general, one way or another, any logo should have its own black and white version (very much about this well said will.i.am). But being black is always a brave choice.


Gray and its variations, from graphite to silver, are today associated with technology, computers and science. Looks good in combination with blue, orange, red.


The first and most persistent association is coffee. Then chocolate. And then everything else. That is why brown color is beloved by a wide variety of coffee shops, restaurants, pastry shops, etc. A rich combination with brown creates gold; the combination with white looks very tasty.


Whatever color you choose for your logo, it is important to remember that it itself is already part of the story. In combination with the shape of the logo and the typeface, the color creates a single whole - a unique symbol, with just one glance at which the idea of ​​the company should be clearly understood. If the choice of color is unsuccessful, the logo will be torn by contradictions. For example, the logo of a financial institution in an orange and blue color scheme is more about relaxation than about money.

It's no secret that an important component of a logo is its color. The right color combination brings logos to life, making brands popular. The color scheme can be very different, the main thing is compliance with the general theme, as well as the ability to combine all the elements of the logo so that each of them looks beautiful and stylish. An abundance of colors when creating logos is undesirable, as it can disrupt the harmony and be out of place. A good logo is distinguished by a competent combination of two or three colors that fit perfectly together.

So, what importance does color have when creating a logo? Let’s look at this issue in more detail. As a result of research conducted by Yandex in 2007, it was revealed that the color of the logo is of great importance: brand recognition, brand success and its reputation depend on it.

So, red is the favorite color of many. It reflects the desire for evolution, implies impulsiveness and a thirst for victory, which means that the logo in red speaks of success. However, its use in logo design is not always justified, since the color can be too bright, aggressive and provocative, which is not desirable for some brands. Use red color carefully.

The blue color in the logo design symbolizes that the brand somehow connects itself with consumers. Psychologists say that blue is chosen by companies where everything is going smoothly. This is the color of purity and lightness, it speaks of intelligence and reliability.

Green colors indicate the safety of the brand. Green represents forward movement and consistency. This is the color of spring and good mood, it is formed as a result of a combination of blue and yellow colors. The first speaks of harmony, the second is the color of the sun, positivity and joyful emotions.

Yellow color in logo design is used as a signal color; it is often combined with black, with which oblique stripes are drawn to enhance contrast and give the logo originality. Yellow is the color of optimism, which means its use in logo design is always fashionable and stylish.

Black color is often used to give logo elements a clearer outline. This color goes well with all the others, emphasizing and highlighting the main thing.

The color purple speaks of sensitivity, inspiration and charm, which is why its use is common among perfume brands.

Gray is considered a neutral color; it goes well with others, but does not manifest itself in design. Gray is practically not boring, but it does not attract attention either.

White color creates a feeling of perfection, it demonstrates the ideal solution and freedom, its main idea is equality. This is why white is often used in design.