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Number magic, number divination and numerology. Interesting and simple fortune telling with numbers about love and the future

Each person has their own handwriting and method of writing numbers. Some write the numbers, placing them close together, almost together, others - with a large inclination to the left or right.

What does tilt mean? Numbers written with a slant to the left indicate a person’s inability to defend his position or point of view. Numbers tilted to the right indicate such human qualities as gentleness, humility, romance, the need for guidance, and the search for authority. Numbers “put” directly indicate self-control, steadfastness, energy, and toughness.

  • If the numbers “2” and “3” have curls, then there is a possibility of insufficient blood circulation in the body and convulsions.
  • Too elongated numbers “4” and “7” indicate a weakness of the nervous system and low resistance of the body.
  • Zigzag "5" - nervousness, painful attitude towards the environment.
  • If the lower part of the number “8” is more “massive” than the upper, food preferences and erotic desires predominate in the character.
  • If the number “9” has a large “window”, as well as an elongated tail, these are signs of strong energy, self-affirmation, possible cruelty, and sometimes power based on the subconscious.
  • Numbers written in small handwriting: lack of practicality in life, inability to find oneself in the business sphere, fear of responsibility.
  • Volumetric, large numbers - a tendency to waste, inability to handle money, combined with destructive disorganization.
  • The almost horizontal direction of the columns of numbers is self-control, methodicality, improvement, excessive desire for orderliness and systematicity.
  • Columns of numbers with a slope - dreaminess, insight, some absent-mindedness.
  • Columns of numbers bend to the right - orientation towards success and maximum comfort in life.
  • Columns of numbers bend to the left - resistance, tendency to confrontation, increased excitability.
  • Shifting all columns to the left means stinginess, disappointment, selfishness.
  • Shifting all columns to the right - bold plans, spontaneous decisions, the desire to achieve one’s goal at any cost.

To this day, ancient rituals of fortune telling with numbers have been preserved, and they are becoming increasingly popular. With the help of such fortune telling, you can calculate the number of the day, get an answer to a question, and predict the nature of expected events. Let's look at the two most common options for fortune telling by numbers, which became famous in the last century.

Fortune telling "One Hundred Numbers"

Think of a loved one, and if this is a person with whom you have established a close relationship, imagine this image as clearly as possible. Focus your attention. Take a piece of paper and a pen. Write two rows of numbers from one to one hundred. What numbers these will be and in what quantity - you determine yourself. At the end of the second line, write the date on which the fortune telling is carried out.

The next stage of fortune telling will require some calculations. On each line, cross out two numbers that add up to ten, or two numbers with the same value. Cross out only those numbers that are next to each other, both horizontally and vertically. But you cannot remove numbers from a line through characters that have already been crossed out.

Write down the remaining numbers in the same order, only this time you can cross out identical numbers, even if there are already crossed out numbers between them. Repeat this action until there is at least one pair of numbers left that can be crossed out. Count the number of digits that are left. This is the result of numerological fortune telling. If the number of digits is determined as a two-digit number, then add the digits that make up the number. You will get a single digit number. If, for example, there are 15 numbers left, then the final calculation will look like 1+5 = 6.

Let's consider the interpretation of fortune telling by numbers:

  • 1 - this is not love
  • 2 - soon connect with your loved one
  • 3 - you have a rival
  • 4 - you are dearly loved
  • 5 - the mysterious person loves another
  • 6 - the mysterious person is too jealous and secretive
  • 7 - beware of linking your destiny with this person
  • 8 - a long journey awaits you, you should not enter into a relationship
  • 9 - separation

Fortune telling by numbers

There are simple methods of fortune telling that allow you to find out the answers to your questions. For this purpose, you have to work with numbers, therefore, you need to arm yourself with a pen and paper. To find out what awaits you in the near future, use natural numbers from 1 to 9. The numbers will show the prospects for the coming month in a particular matter, but the question must be asked about what you have already started. If you are just planning or considering the possibilities of implementing an intention, it is better to ask this question at another time.

The question asked must have a clear and concise formulation, specificity, it must be based on a current situation that is significant at the life stage of the fortuneteller. For example, if you are busy looking for a life partner, do not ask, guessing with numbers, about the time of the wedding. The answer you get will deviate significantly from reality. The situation is completely different if a person with serious intentions shows you attention. Then you can ask whether there will be an offer from such and such a person. Depending on how accurately the question is posed, the answer will be so accurate.

Let's do this action in practice. Cut the sheet into 9 pieces and then number each piece from 1 to 9. Stack the pieces in a box or something like a jewelry box. Focus on the issue that matters. Pull out one piece of paper of your choice. Look at the number indicated on it. This figure is the answer to your question.

Interpretation of fortune telling by numbers:

1. You have every chance of getting what you want. A new direction in your life is possible. Existing circumstances will be changed radically.

2. Most likely, a choice between two options is inevitable, and therefore the fulfillment of the desire will be suspended. What you have in mind will require an investment of strength from you; you will walk on the edge of a knife, risking losing your balance. Think about stability, do everything possible to maintain a stable position, both on a physical and spiritual level.

3. You have all the prerequisites to implement your idea. A good foundation has been laid, you have started successfully, and now your business will develop on its own. To speed up the completion of what you started, you will need persistence.

4. Four can be interpreted in several ways. The question posed matters. If you are asking a question about something that has lost its balance, harmony, poise, for example, your health has deteriorated, or you want to clarify whether the situation will change for the better after a quarrel, then the number “4” will tell you about stabilization, a return to normal, the answer for such cases - positive. If the question is raised about projects that should be developed, about a position for which there is hope, then the four reflects stagnation, a delay in getting what is planned. It is important to keep in mind that this figure does not negate the good, it will just have to wait.

5. Five portends a sudden turn, and what is especially unpleasant - for the worse. In any case, the present state of affairs will be disrupted. There may be losses, changes in plans, unexpected separations from people, etc. Perhaps the number “5” warns you of a risk, an unjustified act on your part, an unreasonable action that you will later regret. Think about it, try to prevent unwanted events if you understand what you should pay attention to.

6. Your business will progress with ease, you will achieve your plans without obstacles. Don't forget that you will receive according to your merits. The result will be commensurate with the money spent and the effort you put in. Travel is possible, as well as assistance from someone close to you. A situation of choice and partnership cannot be ruled out. Be that as it may, your plans will come true.

7. Thanks to dexterity and unprecedented tricks, you will overcome many obstacles. There may be delays due to uncertainty. If you are interested in how an event that has begun or is already happening will end, the seven will show that the means and efforts made will be incommensurate with the achievement that you strived for at any cost. It also assumes incomplete success. However, don't let this discourage you. After all, you didn’t work in vain - now you have precious experience.

8. The current situation will develop at an accelerated pace. You will receive your well-deserved reward; The efforts you put in, the knowledge and skills you acquire, guarantee a worthy reward. If your intentions were selfish, aimed at destruction or self-interest, adverse consequences are expected for you, you will receive a well-deserved punishment.

9. Everything you planned earlier is approaching successful completion. You will achieve incredible results, but it can be both positive and negative. In order for your business to develop successfully, you will need maximum caution and forethought. Nine reflects your internal state, and the number interprets both moral and physical well-being. At the current stage, what will matter to you is not the visible events and phenomena, but the inner meaning of the project on which you are working so hard.

What to do on New Year's holidays? Why not remember the pastimes of our ancestors and tell fortunes? And even if you don’t really believe in predictions, you can have a great time with your girlfriends. Fortune telling with numbers can also surprise skeptics who doubt that the future is unknown and cannot be predicted. The psychological attitude is important, which is why the results of fortune telling can put you in the right mood and will add to your income.

It doesn’t matter whether you believe in fortune telling and want to know the future, or just decided to while away your free time, we invite you to tell your fortune by numbers for love.

Fortune telling: crossing out numbers

It is one of the most popular fortune telling among girls. You need to guess the guy you are interested in, write numbers from one to one hundred. The first line can consist of as many numbers as you like. The next lines must contain as many numbers as the first. Finally, you need to write the day, month and year of the day on which you are telling fortunes. Now start crossing out two numbers at a time:

  1. Same (4 and 4, 18 and 18).
  2. They add up to 10 (5 and 5, 3 and 7).

You can cross out as follows:

  1. Numbers next to each other vertically or horizontally. Numbers that have already been used cannot be crossed out again.
  2. Or you cross out the same numbers, along with those already crossed out.

Next, you need to separately write down the numbers that you have left, and exactly in the order in which you have them. The number of numbers in the line must match the number of letters in the name of the young man you wished for. Next, in the resulting matrix, you need to cross out the numbers in the same way as you did earlier. You must cross out until there are no more matches.

The meaning of fortune telling by numbers

There are several options for interpreting fortune telling by numbers, thanks to which you can find out the attitude of your chosen one towards you.

Option A:

1-10-19 - the young man loves you very much.

2-11-20 – jealous of surrounding men.

3-12-21 – he is indifferent to you.

4-13-22 – he likes you.

5-14-23 - in the future he will pay attention to you.

6-15-24 - nothing will work out for you.

8-17-26 – your feelings are mutual.

9-18-27 - you will be together, but for how long depends only on you.

Option B:

  1. Longing, sadness and loneliness.
  2. You are destined to be together for a long time.
  3. Unfortunately, he has a lover, and it is not you.
  4. He is very attracted to you.
  5. The chosen one loves you.
  6. He won't be with you.
  7. Feels jealous of you.
  8. The road will lead him to you.
  9. You will not be together, separation awaits you.
  10. Wait for news from him.
  11. A joyful and happy meeting lies ahead.
  12. Conversation, interesting conversation.
  13. Soon the guests will shout “Bitter!” at your wedding.
  14. Love for you lives in his heart.
  15. The chosen one misses you and is looking for a meeting.
  16. He doesn't need to communicate with you.

We also bring to your attention an interesting Jewish fortune telling with numbers. There is an opinion that this fortune telling is a connection with a guardian angel. In it we will ask a question and its interpretation will depend on how it is suggested to us by our angel. Here you yourself will ask the question you are interested in, and the answer will be specific and fixed. You will also use your name in the question, and this will enhance the result of the fortune telling. The most important thing here is to formulate the question clearly and specifically.

You'll have to remember a little math and solve some easy problems. Compose the question as follows: last name, first name, patronymic of the person you are guessing about, then the question. And you need to note how many letters are in each word:

Does Denis Ivanovich Rudenko love Anna Sergeevna Ivanova?

Now you need to add the numbers in pairs, and if the resulting number is greater than nine, then you need to subtract nine from this sum and write down the next row. So you have to build a pyramid down to one number.

7 5 8 5 7 4 9 add: 7+5 5+8 8+5 5+7 7+4 4+9

12-9 13-9 13-9 12-9 11-9 13-9

3 4 4 3 2 4 (same as in the first option, add up the numbers)

15–9 15-9 12-9 11-9

Your result: 8

Now see the answer:

Odd numbers mean YES (1, 3, 5, 7, 9)

Even – NO (2, 4, 6, 8)

If you want to use dates, they must be specific, for example, “in 2016”, your question must be specific, because it is an exact science.

Fortune telling by 99 numbers is very popular among young girls. It allows you to find out how the young man you like treats you. The method for this is simple. There is a type of reliable fortune telling with 99 numbers - free online fortune telling. In a few clicks you can find out your destiny. But you can do this on a piece of paper.

All you need is a pen or pencil and a piece of squared paper. Write the young man's full name, then write down the numbers from 1 to 99 in a row. Attention! Zeros are not involved in fortune telling 99. There can be any number of numbers in a row, but each one has the same number. In addition, numbers in rows cannot be broken.

How to do independent fortune telling with 99 numbers

This interesting, fascinating and at the same time truthful fortune telling of 99 meanings can be done independently in your free time.

Write one number in each cell. After the number 99, write the date, also without zeros. Now cross out identical numbers vertically and horizontally, as well as those numbers that add up to 10. Now cross out identical numbers that separate the spaces (already crossed out numbers).

Next, fortune telling by 99 numbers is carried out as follows: when all the extra numbers have been crossed out, separately rewrite the remaining numbers, but now not arbitrarily, but strictly according to the number of letters in the full name of the person for whom the rite of fortune telling by 99 numbers is being carried out. In other words, there should be as many numbers in the row as there are letters in the guy’s full name.

Now again, using the same principle, cross out the numbers as in the first one. You need to repeat the process until there are no numbers left to cross out. Now count the number of remaining digits. The final stage will be the interpretation of the result of the ritual.

Fortune telling value for 99 digits

0 – he is crazy about you
1 – does not like at the moment
2 – if you call, he will love you
3 – thinks you are cute
4 – a little in love
5 – now he has no time for you
6 – little chance of success
7 – he likes you as a friend
8 – he needs you
9 – you have a rival
10 – wants to seem cool
11 – offended by you
12 – you’re not his type
13 – you will have a difficult conversation with him
14 – will invite you somewhere soon
15 – he likes your girlfriend
16 – traveling together
17 – see you soon
18 – his friend likes you
19 – he will be with you
20 – he loves you
21 – he’s shy about you
22 – afraid
23 – hates
24 – will call you for a walk
25 – thinks you are beautiful
26 or more - he is not interested in you

Many fascinating fortune-telling stories exist today. Even the youngest people, young girls, are fond of fortune telling, which means that the method of fortune telling should be understandable and harmless to them. Such fortune telling exists - it is fortune telling with numbers.

The principle of fortune telling by numbers

How to guess correctly

Such fortune telling includes fortune telling using numbers from 1 to 99. When our grandmothers performed such fortune telling in their distant young years, such ancient fortune telling with a table of numbers always gave a truthful result.

All you need is a piece of squared notebook paper and a pencil. You need to know the name of the boy that the girl constantly thinks about. Write it down in full. For example, not Lesha, but Alexey. Then, in rows (if the name Alexey has seven letters, then there must be seven letters in each such row), you need to enter numbers in order from 1 to 99, but excluding zeros.

After making the entry, you need to draw vertical and horizontal lines and cross out all repeating numbers. Then you need to cross out the numbers that, when added, will form the number ten.

Then the remaining numbers must be arranged again in rows under the name, not forgetting that in each row there must be exactly the same number of numbers as there are letters in the boy’s full name. And then repeat the crossing out again, as you did the first time. Such deletions should be carried out until there is nothing left to cross out and it is necessary to decipher the resulting final version.

Decoding fortune telling by numbers

Meaning of numbers

The numerical values ​​​​in fortune telling by numbers remaining in the final version will mean the following.

  • The number 1 means that the boy is not interested in the girl at the moment.
  • Number 2 suggests that the girl should call her lover, and then perhaps he will pay attention to her, but for this she should take the first step.
  • The number 3 means that the boy finds the girl very attractive and cute, and also wants to show signs of attention in the future.
  • Number 4 indicates that the boy is in love, but not enough to make a further impression and charm the girl. He does not deny that he may like other people.
  • Number 5 indicates problems for the boy. He certainly has no time for love at the moment, but it is better to pay attention to his studies.
  • The number 6 is not a very good option for those girls who fully believe that they are attractive to a boy. This is wrong. He doesn't care about them.
  • The number 7 means that the boy is ready to be friends with the girl, and then everything will fall into place and, perhaps, they will start dating.
  • The number 8 completely screams about how a boy wooes a girl. Not only does he like her, but he needs constant communication with her.
  • Number 9 is a number that it would not be advisable to leave in the uncrossed version of fortune telling. This suggests that the girl has an envious friend who has her eye on her boy.

Even Pythagoras, an ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician who lived in the 6th century BC, said that the beginning of all things and phenomena in the world is hidden in numbers. This means that with the help of numerology you can find out a person’s fate. In addition, since the time of Pythagoras, countless ways to calculate your future have appeared.

Even if you are an ardent realist who doesn’t particularly believe in predictions of this kind, fortune telling with numbers is a great way to have fun. In addition, fortune telling with numbers can be useful for skeptics who believe that our future is not predetermined and everything depends on our actions and deeds. Because the results of fortune telling with numbers can set you in the right mood, add confidence on the path to achieving your goals, which is especially valuable, according to modern psychologists. If you believe, then you set yourself in the right mood, you subconsciously bring your plans to life, which means that everything will definitely come true!

Whether you want to know the future or just have fun, then you can use our collection, which contains interesting fortune telling with numbers. And good luck!

Fortune telling by numbers and the way they are written

Numbers can really tell a lot about a person. And one of their most useful properties is the ability to tell about a person’s character, the ability to foresee his actions, and sometimes they will report on his state of health and even emotional experiences.

Each of us has our own, individual way of writing numbers. Some people write numbers by placing them next to each other, and some make large spaces. Some write numbers with a large slant to the left, while others slant them to the right. Some people prefer the printed format, while others decorate the numbers artistically with all sorts of curlicues and other things. Moreover, often the way of writing numbers differs significantly from the way of writing letters.

What does the tilt indicate and the format for writing the numbers will be suggested by fortune telling on paper with a pen. It is necessary for a person to write several columns of numbers one below the other, for example, telephone numbers, and then evaluate them.

Numbers slanted to the left- mean a person’s inability to stand up for himself, they report some kind of harassment against him.

Numbers slanted to the right- they talk about humility in character, the need for control, they report softness, romance, the search for cover, support in other people.

Numbers strictly vertical- indicate strength of character, self-control, energy, often even some rigidity and callousness of a person.

Numbers "2" and "3" written with curls– they report poor blood circulation, some kind of physical and mental “convulsions”.

Threaded "4" and "7"– characteristic of people with physical weakness and reduced resistance of the nervous system, mental fragility.

Number "5" written in a zigzag– reports a person’s nervousness, the “bilious tuning” of the human body against the environment and others in general.

Numeral "8" with a thicker bottom ring than the top- speaks of the predominance of food preferences in a person and erotic aspirations.

Numeral "9" with a massive upper part and an arrow-like tail– is inherent in people with strong energy, self-affirmation, sometimes cruelty, sometimes means strength based on the unconscious, an internal core.

Very small numbers– report a lack of practical position in life. Often, they talk about the inability to navigate in business circles, about the fear of a person making his own decisions.

Very large numbers- a witness to the inability to save money or, in general, the ability to handle money more or less rationally. Such people are simultaneously dangerously disorganized and have a craving for big spending.

When the columns of numbers from top to bottom are directed almost horizontally- this speaks of a person’s methodicalness, self-control, an exaggerated desire for order, and some pedantry.

Tilted Columns- report a tendency to daydream, exposure to flashes of insight, but more often to a slight absent-mindedness of the person.

Bend to the right– talks about the desire for success and maximum comfort in life.

Bend left– indicates a tendency towards oppositional behavior, confrontation with any opponent, slight excitability, and sometimes aggressiveness.

If all columns gradually move to the left- this speaks of the selfishness of the owner of such a numerical handwriting, indicates frequent disappointments, and stinginess in various manifestations.

All columns are shifted to the right– people with energetic plans are often characterized by sudden decisions and dramatic changes in life. Owners of this style, by any means and efforts, strive to achieve their goal and often achieve it.

If you have done fortune-telling with numbers for yourself and discovered character traits that you don’t like, try correcting them by correcting your handwriting. By forcibly correcting the way you write numbers, you can gradually adjust your character and give it a different, more trustworthy direction.


Fortune telling by numbers for the future

For practical purposes, there are fairly simple techniques that allow each person to get answers to the questions that most concern him. This, again, is fortune telling on paper with a pen using numbers.

If you are interested in the near future, use a series of natural numbers for fortune telling, from 1 to 9, inclusive. With their help, you can find out about the prospects for the next month in any important matter, but only in that which you have actually already started, and not just thinking about or just dreaming about.

It should also be taken into account that the question asked must certainly be formulated as clearly as possible, specified based on the real situation at a given stage of life. For example, if you are looking for a groom, there is no point in asking when doing fortune telling by numbers: “When will I get married?”, since the answer received will most likely be far from reality. However, if you have a serious suitor, you can find out about marriage prospects by asking: “Will (so-and-so) propose to me?” The more specific your question is formulated, the more accurate the answer will be.

Now let's start practicing! Divide a piece of paper into nine small pieces of paper, take a pen and write numbers from 1 to 9 on each of them, respectively. Put these leaves in a box, a hat, or something like that. Focus on the question and, at random, without looking, pull out one of the pieces of paper. The number that is written on it will be the answer to the question of interest.

Fortune telling by numbers is deciphered as follows:

  • 1. – The planned business is quite realistic. It can mark the beginning of a completely new direction in life and change existing circumstances radically.
  • 2. – Most likely, you will have to make a choice from two possible options, this, in turn, will somewhat delay the implementation of your business. It is likely that what you have in mind will require significant effort; you will have to walk along the blade of a knife, maintaining your balance with great difficulty. Therefore, first of all, provide yourself with the necessary stability, a more stable position, both physically and morally.
  • 3. – You have good prospects for realizing your plans. You have laid a good foundation, successfully started this business, and now it will develop on its own. However, in order to speed up its favorable completion, you should be persistent.
  • 4. – The number “4” can have several interpretations, depending on the question itself. If you are interested in something that has been removed from the normal state of habitual balance (for example, you have health problems and you want to find out whether there will be an improvement in the near future, or you had a fight with someone and want to find out whether you will make peace) , then the number “4” means stabilization of the situation (i.e., if we take the examples given as a basis, the answer is “yes”). If we are talking about something that needs to develop (for example, getting a new position, etc.), then the number “4” means stagnation and delay in what was planned. However, this does not mean a categorical “no”, you will just have to wait for some time.
  • 5. – An unexpected turn is possible in your business, and, most likely, for the worse. One way or another, the current state of affairs will be disrupted. There may be some disruptions in plans, losses, sudden separations or something like that. It is quite possible that the number “5” warns you about the possibility of an unreasonable act or a rash action committed in a state of passion, on emotions that you will soon regret. Try to prevent this.
  • 6. – Your business will move forward smoothly, you will be able to achieve what you want without any interference. But remember that you will get a result commensurate with the efforts or funds you spent on this matter. There may be some events related to your travels or your family. It is possible that you will have to make some choice or enter into a partnership, one way or another, the plan must be successful.
  • 7. – You will be expected to overcome difficulties with the help of various tricks, or to remain in a state of uncertainty for some time. Provided that you are interested in the result of some business that has already begun or events that are already taking place, the number “7” will indicate that this result will most likely be less than the effort or means expended to achieve it. Perhaps your success will be only partial, but don’t let this discourage you - in return you will gain valuable experience.
  • 8. – The current situation will develop with redoubled force or at an accelerated pace. You will be able to earn money or receive a reward for your efforts, acquire new knowledge and valuable skills. But if your intentions were negative, then the consequences will be double, and the punishment will be appropriate.
  • 9. – The plan is nearing completion, you will soon get the result, but it can be both good and bad. For a positive resolution of the case, caution and forethought are required. At this stage, the main thing is not external events and manifestations, but the internal meaning of what you are doing now, perhaps this is your internal state, and it does not matter whether it is physical or emotional.

Interesting fortune telling with numbers: “Fortune telling on the heart”

This is a kind of “daisy” version, according to the principle “loves - does not love,” only fortune telling on numbers, not petals, fortune telling on paper with a pen, and with a large number of possible results. In order to find out how a young man treats you, you need to “make a wish” for him - think about him continuously during fortune telling. Take a piece of squared paper and be sure to draw a heart on it with your left hand. After this, only whole cells located inside the heart are marked along the contour of the figure. They need to be crossed out four at a time, having first drawn figures from four adjacent cells. After this procedure, a certain number of whole cells will remain, and it is by their number that the feelings of the young man are judged. The meanings in fortune telling by numbers are:

  • 1. – he loves you;
  • 2. – respects;
  • 3. – wants to be friends with you, and nothing more;
  • 4. – he likes you;
  • 5. – he is very jealous of you;
  • 6. – he dreams of you;
  • 7. – he is absolutely indifferent to you.

Fortune telling by numbers and letters

Take and remove all vowel letters from the alphabet, without exception, and number the consonant letters according to the order in which they are located. That is, the letter “B” is the number “1”, the letter “C” is “2”, “G” is “3”, etc.

On a piece of paper, write the question you are interested in and cross out all the vowels in this sentence. Under the consonant letters, put numbers that correspond to numbers from the alphabet. Multiply the resulting numbers together, and divide the resulting product by 7. Correlate the remainder of the division with the day of the week, numbering them first from 0 to 6, starting from Sunday (that is, 0 is Sunday, 1 is Monday, 2 is Tuesday, and etc.). Look for the answer to the question in the table below:

  • 1. D – the answer is affirmative, “Yes”;
  • 2. N - negative, answer “No”;
  • 3. X – means that the decision on this issue must be postponed to another day.

You can use this fortune telling by numbers no more than once a day. Among other things, you should not ask the same questions if they received a specific answer “yes” or “no”. Otherwise the result will be erroneous.

Fortune telling by numbers: "The Matrix"

This kind of fortune telling with numbers is a labor-intensive process, but as numerous reviews confirm, it is very exciting and accurate. This fortune telling by numbers answers the question about the future development of relationships with your chosen one.

Step #1. Focus on the subject of your sympathy and create a numerical matrix. This should be done like this: write numbers from 1 to 100 on a piece of paper, but they should only be written down without zeros. In addition, the first row of the matrix can consist of any number of numbers (at your request), the next rows will correspond to the first row. At the end of the numerical matrix you enter the numbers of the full date of the day (day, month, year) on which fortune telling is performed using numbers.

a) the numbers add up to 10 (that is: 1 and 9, 4 and 6, and others);
b) identical numbers (1 – 1, 2 – 2, etc.).

Moreover, you can cross out in two ways:

Method one: adjacent numbers are crossed out, both vertically and horizontally, but you cannot cross out previously crossed out numbers.

Method two: The same numbers are crossed out, but crossing out through previously crossed out numbers is allowed.

Step #3. Create a new numerical matrix. Write down the remaining, not crossed out, digits of the matrix in the same order as they were located. Moreover, the line must contain the number of digits that make up the name of the hidden young man (for example, if the name is Egor, then the number line of the matrix will be equal to 4).

Step #4. From the new matrix you need to cross out the numbers again according to the same principle as the previous time. You need to repeat the procedure until you can cross out at least some pair.

Step #5. A young man's attitude towards you is judged by the number of numbers that remain.

If fortune telling by numbers was carried out using the first method, then the meanings are as follows:

1. – 10. – 19. – it means he loves you;
2. – 11. – 20. – it means he is jealous of you;
3. – 12. – 21. – does not pay attention;
4. – 13. – 22. – it means he likes you;
5. – 14. – 23. – will soon pay attention;
6. – 15. – 24. – there is nothing...
7. – 16. – 25. – we will have to communicate face-to-face;
8. – 17. – 26. – it means he wants to be with you;
9. – 18. – 27. – you will be together.

If fortune telling by numbers was carried out using the second method, then the meanings are as follows:

1. – loneliness;
2. – you will be together soon;
3. – unfortunately, he has another one;
4. – loves you;
5. – loves you only;
6. – loves another;
7. – he is jealous of you;
8. – he has a road to you;
9. – separation awaits;
10. – receive a letter from him;
11. – there is a meeting ahead;
12. – there will be a conversation;
13. – there will be a wedding;
14. – he loves you;
15. – misses you;
16. – he doesn’t need you anymore.

Fortune telling on paper with a pen on numbers

With the help of fortune telling with numbers, you can create a portrait of the person you are interested in and find out his character traits. This fortune telling has its roots in ancient Kabbalistic divination rituals.

To do this, assign numbers to the letters of the alphabet. Write down the person's first and last name. Substitute the numbers corresponding to the numbers in the alphabet instead of the letters. Calculate the sum of these numbers and from the total, find out the answer using the meaning of the numbers from the table.

If the result of such addition is a number that is not in the table at all, then it still needs to be calculated further. Break this number down into thousands, hundreds, tens and ones. Keep in mind that the new numbers must be “visible”, in other words, present in the original number. For example, after adding the numbers we got the number 1358. It is not in the table. Then we decompose 1358 into “visible” numbers, that is: 1000, 300, 50 and 8, the values ​​of which we analyze. If the same number is decomposed into “invisible” numbers, for example, 800, 400, 90 and 68, the result of fortune telling with numbers will turn out to be incorrect, because in Kabbalistic fortune-telling even the image of a letter is of great importance.

Fortune telling by numbers: “What happened? What is? What will happen?"

And finally, easy fortune telling by numbers for fun. Name the first number that comes to mind from 1 to 8. Now look what happened:

"What happened?"

  • 1. Frivolous hobbies.
  • 2. Unrequited love.
  • 3. Vain dreams.
  • 4. Mutual love.
  • 5. Deception of loved ones.
  • 6. Far-reaching plans.
  • 7. Fun dream.
  • 8. Betrayal of a loved one.

"What is?"

  • 1. Deception.
  • 2. Serious changes in you.
  • 3. Happy life.
  • 4. Misunderstandings, troubles.
  • 5. Rejoice: you have great friends, there is someone to support you.
  • 6. Betrayal of a loved one.
  • 7. Longing.
  • 8. Dream of love.

"What's coming?"

  • 1. A frivolous hobby.
  • 2. Love.
  • 3. Vain dreams, unrealistic.
  • 4. Bad life.
  • 5. Luck, happiness.
  • 6. Deception, betrayal.
  • 7. Happy meeting.
  • 8. Letter.

“What will calm you down?”

  • 1. Conversation with a young man.
  • 2. Own future.
  • 3. Dancing.
  • 4. New hobby.
  • 5. Love adventures.
  • 6. Music.
  • 7. Passion for sports.
  • 8. Art.

A little more about numbers: