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Minecraft 1.2 9 without license verification. Changes and fixes

New Update is here! Come visit us and you can download Minecraft PE for Android for free, which is finally released! We have been waiting for this joyful event for so long! Even more fun awaits us in our favorite world made of cubes. The developers have tried to optimize the speed of operation as much as possible, so there should be no problems with launching even on weak devices.

If your device is too weak, reset the graphics settings to minimum and then the fps will increase several times. What can we expect this time from the developers for Pocket Edition? They promise even more animals, interesting mobs and unique opportunities for each user. So update to the latest version promptly.

Find out about all the changes in the game, exploring every meter of it and discovering various secrets scattered throughout the location, even in the darkest places surprises may await you, so be careful and be sure to steal yourself a sword or an improved pickaxe.

The game allows players to create and destroy various blocks
and use objects in a 3D environment.
The player controls a stick figure who can destroy or place blocks to form fantastic structures, creations and artwork alone or cooperatively with other players on various multiplayer servers in different game modes.
Gameplay in Minecraft consists, of course, of adding and destroying blocks on the map.
There are different types of blocks, they perform different functions and have different properties
(Example: sand falls due to gravity if there is no block underneath it).
Using blocks, you can launch large-scale construction:
build castles, roads, buildings and bridges, and also draw pixel art.
A giant chessboard or painting is hard to miss on a server.
You can also build stadiums for spliffing from blocks.
Considering all the functions of the blocks, you can build different mini-games, etc.
Having built your first house in Minecraft, you will begin to think differently about this wonderful game,
At first the graphics are always intimidating, but here they play a secondary role, since there is nothing
better than the opportunity to be truly free.

Hi all! The developers again delight players with the release of an updated version minecraft 1.2.9 for android. This time, in addition to new functions, a number of changes have been prepared for players to simplify the interface and controls. Now creating your own virtual dream world will become more comfortable and interesting.

What's new in Minecraft 1.2.9

The development team took into account all the previous wishes of the gaming community and added a number of innovations to 1.2.9 , not forgetting to fix crashes and bugs of the previous version. And here is the list of innovations:

  • the movement of creepers before the explosion is stopped, and if the character stops falling into their field of view, the explosion will not follow;
  • the skeleton wither returned to the lower world again;
  • The frequency of appearance of new animals has been increased to simplify their location in game locations;
  • using food you can lure animals on uneven surfaces;
  • The chat has also undergone minor changes; now, to make it easier to read, the text will automatically move across several lines.

High-quality modifications also affected the visual part of the game. The graphical interface of the safe zone has been improved, which is now available in both the horizontal and vertical planes.

Changes and fixes

The technical side of Minecraft PE was also not deprived, having corrected critical errors and malfunctions of the previous version. Full list of changes:

  • fixed crash on devices when logging in via Xbox Live;
  • shortcuts for the back button in the game menu have been corrected;
  • Intermittent graphical artifacts on the split screen have been eliminated;
  • A crash when editing a world longer than six characters has been fixed;
  • Problems with crashes when drawing the moon at night have been resolved;
  • Receive Xbox Live achievements even when fire spread is disabled;
  • Fixed an error when loading chunks;
  • Fixed problems for some players when experience and positions were swapped when creating a new world.

In addition to the listed fixes, the developers have reworked a lot of minor bugs, eliminating unpleasant bugs that arise at various stages of the gameplay.

Having put together all the above functionality, we can sum it up and say that the new version has made the game even more comfortable and stable. To ensure the veracity of the developers' words, you should download Minecraft 1.2.9 for Android and enjoy creating a perfect world without freezes or crashes. Below you will find three client variations, one of which works without a license.

The developers of the world-famous and cult game took care of the connoisseurs of their creation and are offering new improvements for the mobile version by releasing . To make control on a mobile phone as comfortable as possible, the creators have simplified some options and speeded up the gameplay itself.

Connoisseurs of new characters will be pleasantly surprised by the heroes who have returned to the game. The graphics have improved and it is now possible to control the image, which also has a beneficial effect on the quality of the entire gameplay.

With each new version for Android, the creators of the game try to bring it as close as possible to its computer counterpart, as well as improve the interface and controls.

Fixes for Minecraft PE 1.2.9

Every gamer who downloads a new update to their mobile phone Minecraft 1.2.9, will definitely appreciate the new features from the creators of this gaming bestseller.

The improvements offered by the developers affected management, namely:

  • To customize some game functions, you no longer need to activate cheats. So now you can easily set parameters for displaying coordinates, select options for spreading fire, change the extraction of resources from mobs, as well as set up regeneration and control the explosion of dynamite.
  • took into account the shortcomings in the chats. In previous versions, a long message was written in one line, but now automatic transfer to the next lines has been added, which greatly facilitates communication between gamers;
  • The “Back” button in the game menu has been improved and fixed, it now works faster, which allows you to increase the character’s reaction speed;
  • it became possible to configure safe zones in horizontal and vertical planes, regardless of the platform.

It is also impossible to ignore the improvements in graphics and characters.

The creators have returned the wither skeleton to the Lower World, which is a colorful character, and now you can lure various animals in uneven areas. As for animals, the creators have also improved the speed of their appearance, which significantly saves time on searching for them.

Creepers in the new version of Minecraft Pocket Edition are also improved; they do not explode while moving or when the character is lost from sight.

The creators also improved the functions of mobs, now they faithfully follow the character without leaving him. The developers have brought back the forgotten passive mobs, which can be found in new territories.

The new, improved version of Minecraft 1.2.9 for mobile devices offers the player new features that optimize the gameplay and speed it up. Check out the new features and download the full version of updates for the cult game on our website.

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Download the full version of the Minecraft 1.2.9 game on Android for free: Free activation of Xbox Live, Wither Spawn, readable Natural texture pack, Animals react to food and other changes in Minecraft PE 1.2.9 on your mobile phone!

As you know, Minecraft PE 1.2 had quite a few bugs and problems. But fortunately, developers are releasing new versions where these problems are solved or optimized.

Minecraft 1.2.9 is one of these, and, by the way, is advanced in terms of downloading and successful use. Many bugs that interfere with the game have been fixed here, which we will talk about today.

What's fixed in Minecraft 1.2.9?

IN full version of the game for Android There was a glitch when the game was loading chunks. No more crashes or rendering problems were found.

Even if Java servers are more popular than Pokcet Edition, this does not change the fact that they are in the pocket edition and many people play on them.

But most popular servers require Xbox Live account activation, fortunately, free.

But in earlier versions of this update on Android, it was not possible to connect to this due to problems on the game side. This bug has been fixed in the full version of the Minecraft 1.2.9 game for Android. Now you can play on servers without errors and with comfort.

In previous betas, after reconnecting to the world, the locations of objects, experience points and other things changed. We don't see this in Minecraft PE 1.2.9 either.

Now, before the Creeper explodes, it stops. The mob will no longer explode when it loses sight of the player.

Previously, while crouching, it was impossible to place blocks; this was considered as activating the redstone mechanism. Now this won't happen.

In releases prior to Minecraft PE 1.2.9, it was impossible to defeat the Wither because it could not be spawned.
Sources of production of his heads - wither skeletons, did not appear in the fortresses of the lower world. Fortunately, this was corrected in Minecraft 1.2.9 for Android.

Fixed a bug where animals did not respond to food when the player was behind a fence or fence.