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Low-budget marketing campaigns: rules and examples. Trade marketing: its tools and strategies. Trade marketing promotions

New trends in the world of marketing force us to look at the sales chain from a different angle. And no matter how well the classic techniques work, you have to keep up with the times in order to remain competitive in the market. Today, one of the new trends in the world of marketing is trade marketing.

What is trade marketing?

Quoting Wikipedia, trade marketing is one of the areas of marketing that allows you to increase sales by influencing the supply chain. From this definition it is difficult to understand what we are talking about. To simplify, trade marketing, also known as trade marketing, is a set of techniques and tools aimed at increasing sales volumes through direct influence on the end consumer.

For example, such tools include:

  • Tastings.
  • Promotions.
  • Exhibitions.
  • Presentations, etc.

Difference between marketing and trade marketing

To feel the real difference between the two terms, you need to introduce 2 more new concepts. They relate to activities used to stimulate sales. Namely:

  • ATL – marketing activities that carry advertising information directly to the buyer (TV, radio, online advertising).
  • BTL – tools that advertise products indirectly (discounts, bonuses, promotions).

All participants in the trade chain are involved in BTL events: manufacturer, distributor, seller, consumer. This direction of marketing was separated into a separate branch and was called “trading”.

But in addition to other methods of influencing the target audience, trade marketing poses completely different tasks.

Trade marketing tasks

Any marketing activities must ultimately produce some result. Whether it will be good or bad can be judged by answering the question: was the task accomplished? In trade marketing it is:

  • Draw attention to a specific product. Direct contact with the buyer is needed, not only so that he sees the product. But so that it becomes entrenched in his mind, stimulating purchases of goods in the future.
  • Show the brand's advantages over competitors. The rapprochement of the seller with his consumer has a positive effect on the company's reputation.
  • Stimulate a positive decision to purchase a product. Techniques used by trade marketing (discounts, promotions, etc.) allow you to convince the consumer to make a purchase “right now.”
  • Increase the number of repeat sales. Trade marketing primarily interacts with an already formed flow of clients. Instead of attracting new customers, he increases sales at the expense of old ones.

In the long term, trade marketing has another goal - to increase brand loyalty. Systematic implementation of BTL events has a positive impact on the image and trust of the manufacturer.

Trade Marketing Strategies and Functions

Before using trade marketing tools, a strategy is carefully developed. This responsibility usually falls on analysts, brand managers and other specialists in the field. They are responsible for the following steps:

  • Market research and analysis.
  • Analysis of competitors and their products.
  • An assessment of the company itself and its place in the market.
  • Designation of the objectives of the marketing strategy.
  • Researching the interests and needs of the target audience.
  • Development of brand positioning.
  • Economic analysis of strategy.

An effective trade marketing strategy is one in which limited resources produce maximum results. The result means an increase in sales volume and consolidation of the brand in the market. The effectiveness of the strategy can be assessed over time, since trade marketing works for the long term.


  • Merchandising strategies (category expert assessment).
  • Customer cooperation programs or trade marketing activities.
  • System of indicators for the sales team (planning and drawing up sales reports, prompt adjustment of tasks, etc.)

In large companies, a trade marketing strategy is developed and adjusted once a year. At the same time, a plan for sales volumes and budgets is formed. In general, the plan consists of the 3 points listed above, so you should consider them in more detail.

Merchandising strategy

A merchandising strategy is a plan for the quantity, assortment and location of goods at each outlet. It is compiled based on expert assessment data in a separate product category.

The formed merchandising strategy should answer 4 main questions for each of the sales channels:

  • What product items should the assortment include?
  • Where will they be located?
  • How many spaces (faces) will the product occupy on the shelf?
  • How to calculate the minimum stock of goods at a retail outlet?
  • How much will it be?

Drawing up a merchandising strategy for each outlet is very problematic. Especially for large companies with a large number of distribution channels. They are divided into groups depending on:

  • Format of a retail facility (supermarket, department store, pavilion, etc.).
  • Trade turnover.
  • Location of the retail outlet.
  • Size of retail space, etc.

The strategy itself should be clear and understandable. Since its execution mainly lies at the lower levels of the company (sales representatives, merchandisers, etc.).

Sales Team Scorecard

The sales team's scorecard is determined based on the merchandising strategy. It includes 3-5 main indicators that most strongly influence sales in a certain group of retail outlets.

The implementation of this system is necessary to:

  • Determine the potential increase in sales volumes in each group of retail outlets in a certain territory.
  • Plan a budget for the implementation of trade marketing activities.
  • Assess the degree to which goals have been achieved across a group of sales channels or sales territory.

The main indicators of the sales team system are usually: distribution, product range, shelf turnover, etc.

Trade marketing activities

Trade marketing activities are called trade marketing tools. This also includes the formation of a budget for their implementation. We will consider the types and principles of using these tools below.

Trade marketing tools

Trade marketing tools are aimed not only at the consumer, but also at all other participants in the sales chain. After all, an important task for him is the development of distribution and effective operation of the entire marketing channel.

Trade marketing tools include:

  • POS materials (flyers, price tags, stoppers, calendars, etc.) that carry information about the product and, at the same time, attract the buyer’s attention.
  • Motivational promotions that encourage the buyer to purchase a product in exchange for a monetary reward or prize.
  • Promotions to increase purchase volumes, stimulating wholesale buyers with free bonuses when purchasing a certain amount of products.
  • Promotions to expand the range of products offered at the point of sale. As a rule, in order to expand the name of a certain brand of products, a representative of a retail outlet is offered improved terms of cooperation (discounts, an increase in accounts receivable, bonuses, etc.).
  • Promotions to reduce the amount of overdue accounts receivable. Introducing discounts and benefits to certain groups of customers as motivation for speedy debt repayment.
  • Promotions to expand the active client base. This includes developing incentives for company employees (sales team). For example, payment of a fixed% for exceeding the sales plan.
  • Business trade marketing events for wholesale buyers, distributors, representatives of retail outlets (presentations of new products, business meetings, conferences, exhibitions).
  • Events aimed at the end consumer (free distribution of product samples, lotteries, competitions).

This is not the entire list of tools used by B2B and B2C companies to influence all participants in the sales chain. When drawing up a strategy for trade marketing activity, a list of activities is prescribed separately for each of them, taking into account the budget that the company has.

Trade marketing techniques in retail trade

Trade marketing techniques work at medium and large-format retail points of sale. They are used in retail to fully accompany the consumer on the way to the product. Techniques are divided into 2 groups:

  • Outdoor marketing (external, outdoor) extends along the buyer’s path to the point of sale.
  • Indoor marketing (internal, indoors) influences the consumer at the point of sale, that is, inside a retail facility.

In fact, these two groups of techniques complement each other. Because the buyer needs to be escorted not only to the point of sale, but also to the specific shelf where it is located.

External support techniques include:

  • Choosing a store location, taking into account the proximity of public transport stops, accessibility, parking availability, etc.
  • Directing the buyer from the stop (parking) to the retail facility using billboards, signs and other elements of outdoor advertising.
  • Placing signboards, decorating shop windows and the façade of a point of sale.

Since outdoor marketing techniques are aimed at attracting the buyer’s attention in an open space, they exclusively affect the organs of vision. It is important to use outdoor advertising opportunities correctly.

During internal support of the buyer:

  • The retail facility, the path to the product, as well as its display on the shelf are drawn up.
  • Neuromarketing is involved (audio and aromatic effects on humans).
  • POS materials are placed.

Indoor marketing also uses various types of advertising at the point of sale. These include: tastings, audio and video advertising, promotions, etc. Ideally, all human senses should be involved, including taste and smell.

Trends in the trade marketing market 2018

To stay ahead of the competition in the market, it is important to follow the latest trends in the world of marketing. You can learn about them at specialized courses, conferences, and business presentations. Several of the new trends in trade marketing can be found here. Perhaps something will be the impetus for launching an original advertising campaign.

Trend #1. Personalization of products and promotional offers

The technique is already actively used by large companies, but the well-known coffee company Starbucks was the first to implement it. As it turned out, the usual inscription on a cup of coffee helped create a positive image of the company and increase customer loyalty. While the implementation of the technique required absolutely no investment, except for markers.

Next, the companies Coca-Cola, Nutella, etc. decided to personalize their products. And with the advent of social networks, personal inscriptions on products brought additional benefits. People began taking selfies with products with their name on them and posting them online. Thus, advertising the product among your friends, relatives and acquaintances for free.

Trend No. 2. Eco-trend in retail chains

A beautiful display of fresh fruits and vegetables separates a good supermarket from a bad one. And for it to really be like this, reliable suppliers, farmers, and distributors are selected. But today retail chains decided to take a leap forward and began to grow their own vegetables and fruits right inside the outlet.

A good example is the Whole Foods store, where herbs and vegetables are grown on the roof of the building all year round. But not in all countries the climate allows year-round vegetable growing. Therefore, the German retail chain METRO installed greenhouses right in the sales area.

Trend No. 3. Stress-free shopping

Here's a look at retailers in South Korea who are actively working to improve the stress-free shopping experience. For example, some stores have begun marking shopping baskets with orange and green signs. Green color indicates that a person is ready to make contact with store consultants and needs their help, orange, on the contrary, signals that the buyer does not want to be disturbed.

Another futuristic innovation for shy people is the Pepper robot waiter, who can take orders using an interactive tablet and tell you about the restaurant’s promotions and special offers. Such robots began to be hired in hotels, shops, and airports.

If you don’t have time to follow trends, draw up strategies, and generally delve into the essence of trade marketing, you can hire a separate specialist for this position. By conscientiously fulfilling his duties, a professional manager will quickly establish the process of increasing sales volumes.

Responsibilities of a Trade Marketing Manager

There is no such specialty in universities as “Trade Marketing”. You can become a specialist by attending courses, seminars and other thematic events. But they will give a theoretical understanding of this direction of marketing. In order to fully organize the work of the department, which includes specialists in marketing, management, planning and other areas, practice is important.

The manager's job description includes:

  • Management of the trade marketing department.
  • Organization of work on research and analysis of factors influencing changes in demand for products.
  • Development of a strategy and budget for trade marketing activities, as well as appropriate and justified use of the budget.
  • Developing a strategy for entering a new market and assessing the company’s development prospects in its category.
  • Determining the range and pricing policy for products, taking into account its cost and current tax standards.
  • Search and identification of sales channels, development of a concept for creating dealer and distribution networks.
  • Organizing the collection of information from consumers regarding the quality, price and range of products, working with complaints and wishes of the target audience.
  • Development of a strategy for advertising events.
  • Analysis of the effectiveness of trade marketing activities.
  • General management of regional divisions and representative offices.
  • Preparation of ideas and proposals for creating a corporate identity for the company, etc.

Today, the demand for specialists specializing exclusively in trade marketing significantly exceeds the supply. The official salary of such workers is sometimes equal to, and sometimes even exceeds, the salary of the director of the marketing department. Some companies, having not found a suitable candidate for an open vacancy, use the services of trade marketing agencies instead of hiring a full-time employee.

An impressive resume does not always guarantee a good specialist. Perhaps a person can be truly professionally savvy, but he may simply not fit the format and specialization of the company.

For example, the principles of organizing trade marketing in the retail trade of alcoholic beverages and household chemicals are strikingly different. Alcohol is a group of goods that has strict restrictions on advertising, pricing, etc. To understand whether an employee fits the company’s specialization, it is recommended to divide the interview into three blocks:

  • Theoretical. The theoretical block contains a list of general questions that will help you learn more about the applicant. For example, what kind of education does he have, what additional courses has he completed, is he familiar with the company’s activities.
  • Specialized. In the specialized block, ask several specialized questions about trade marketing, its tools, techniques, etc. Find out about past experience in trade marketing and the successes you have achieved.
  • Practical. Prepare several technical tasks or cases and provide the applicant with the opportunity to solve them. This way you will see whether a person is able to quickly analyze and make decisions, how he behaves in stressful situations, what approach he chooses when solving a simulated problem, etc.

During an interview, all attention should not rest on the applicant. The employer needs to sell the idea that working for the company not only brings a stable salary, but also career growth, corporate training, free meals and other bonuses. Today, good specialists know their worth; an open vacancy should be tempting. Otherwise, at the interview you will have to choose the best from the worst.

The best books on trade marketing

There is not much literature on trade marketing in Russia. Many experts share their knowledge on blogs, on thematic portals and on their own websites, but not everyone dares to systematize all the information by placing it in a good application guide. Here are 3 books that are currently the best in the ranking by specialization.

TOP 3 books on trade marketing:

  1. Retail networks. Secrets of efficiency and typical mistakes when working with them.

The book was published in 2007, but still has not lost its relevance. With its help, you can learn how to enter a retail chain, as well as how to create a unique commercial offer. In addition, it contains a lot of useful advice in the field of logistics, distribution, pricing policy and trade marketing activities. The book also contains practical recommendations on how to fight for shelf space and set up the entire marketing path of a product as a whole.

  1. Marketing Wars. Authors: Al Ries, Jack Taut.

The book “Marketing Wars” will be useful to businessmen who are just introducing a company to the market. She does not specialize only in trade marketing. The book is about how to create an effective marketing strategy and how to win the fight against competitors. The authors pointed out all the common mistakes in building a strategy that novice businessmen make.

  1. Trade marketing - a guarantee of successful trade, or How to stimulate wholesalers and retailers. Authors: Marina Snezhinskaya, Nadezhda Nosova.

This book is not a theoretical presentation of the material, but a practical guide to trade marketing. The textbook outlines the basic concepts and features of the field of activity in an accessible language, provides successful examples of BTL activities and the results of their implementation, and examines common mistakes that novice marketers make. It will be equally useful for both company managers and novice specialists.

The most common methods of stimulating wholesale and retail retailers, which allow them to increase sales overnight, are bonuses for purchase volumes and discounts for complex purchases of certain types of goods. Retrobonuses are the most effective “stimulant” in this case. They allow the retailer to receive a free product at the end of the month, a large discount or.

The relationship between the supplier of goods and the merchant can develop dynamically and develop into close, mutually beneficial cooperation. For example, a manufacturer may, in response to good service from a trader, provide him with transport or technical resources for temporary use. Various contests and competitions organized by the supplier for its retailers are a good way to stimulate the sale of goods.

The most common way to encourage a supplier to make good sales is to offer him lucrative bonuses or other benefits for achieving a certain level of sales.

Illustrative examples: the Barnaul company “Altan” and the project “Beer Lovers Club” from the company “SUN Interbrew”. In the first case, the “Organized Office” campaign was carried out, as a result of which the retail network received technical equipment for the office as a gift for a good one. The second example shows how the “selectability” factor of a retail outlet, stimulated by bonuses and discounts, significantly increased product sales. Retail outlets that became members of the “Club”, having fulfilled the difficult conditions of the promotion, received, in addition to good economic benefits, also emotional ones in the form of club cards and participation in VIP events.

A far-sighted supplier of goods understands perfectly well that additional incentives for the retail company’s personnel also bring good profits. If sales managers and administrators are not interested in increasing sales of a certain type of product, then the effect of a trade marketing campaign will tend to zero. Therefore, material bonuses from the supplier to the best managers of the trading company will stimulate the necessary goods.

It is also worth noting the importance of choosing the timing of trade marketing campaigns. As a rule, they are carried out when a new product is launched on the market or during seasonal sales declines. It is unprofitable to set the duration of one trade marketing campaign for more than two months. The optimal period is 30 days. During this time, a well-planned trade marketing campaign should give the desired effect.

How to calculate the effect

One of the main differences between trade marketing campaigns and those aimed at the end consumer is the ability to assess their effectiveness as accurately as possible. Evaluating the effectiveness of trade marketing campaigns includes indicators such as growth in the number of orders, sales levels, distribution, etc.

The effectiveness of trade marketing campaigns is calculated in the following main areas:

  • An increase in the number of sales in relation to the previous, base period. It can be absolute or relative, measured in %.
  • Increase in the number of goods sold compared to the same period in the previous year.
  • Deviations and changes in the number of sales compared to previously designated goals - analysis of the effectiveness of the advertising campaign.
  • Specific increase in sales per accepted monetary unit, for example, ruble or euro.
  • The duration of the effect of the promotion, the speed of the return of the number of sales to the basic indicators, that is, to the standard value that was before the incentive.

As for the deviation of actual sales from planned ones, +6-7% is considered natural, +8-10% is considered maximum acceptable, and a value above +10% is unacceptable and indicates a miscalculation in campaign planning. The duration of the effect of a trade marketing campaign is the “distance” between the last day of the trade marketing campaign and the first day when the sales volume returned to the base value that was before the start of the campaign.

How much will the promotion cost?

According to experts, the costs of trade marketing promotions are second only in volume. Stimulating the sales team is not a cheap pleasure. If we take, for example, food products with a long shelf life, then trade marketing fees for them can reach 3-5% of the total annual turnover. In cases where a new product is introduced to the market, costs can amount to up to 15% of annual turnover.

It is worth noting that investments in competent trade marketing, as a rule, pay off in full and bring tangible profits to the company. The main mistake of the management of manufacturing companies is weak control (or lack thereof) over trade marketing processes organized by intermediaries. Managers must tirelessly monitor all steps of intermediaries and fully control all trade and marketing movements with the product. Only in this case can trade marketing bear fruit.

One of the most pressing topics for owners and marketers of any business is advertising promotions.

What could you come up with to increase sales and make legends about your business? There is a way out, you don’t even have to imagine it.

You can just take what’s ready, add your own, and get a great promotion. Where to get it from? From the list below. There are more than 15 ideas for every taste and willingness to take risks


Before we get into the specific list of stocks, I want to warn you that everything should be in moderation. You can’t live on stocks alone, just as you can’t live without them at all.

Everything should be fine in your company: and other important elements of a successful company.

Once your business becomes sufficiently harmonious, you can move on to advertising campaigns.

Although they all have their own goals, there is a common and basic one - to attract attention and smooth the corners on the purchase decision. But if your seller “Petya” screws up and doesn’t work with, then there will be no money in the cash register.

I also want to say that if you are planning to hold an action, you need to promote it well (this is of course good, but not enough).

You need to use a sufficient amount, otherwise you will make a premature conclusion that advertising campaigns to attract customers do not work and that this is not your thing at all.

For example, you can notify visitors to your website about a promotion using an online consultant.

Or if you actively use Instagram to promote your business, then the “Direct Mailing” function from the Okogram program can help in communicating information about promotions.

And one more thing, people get tired of the same type of promotions, and besides, when they are carried out constantly, they begin to classify you as a company that increases prices and then drops them. Therefore, you take breaks or do not include new collections in promotional items.

Performance action (nerves of steel)

And now that the word to go has been given, we can start. Let's start with those who have strong nerves and who are not afraid to take risks. These are the most interesting, eye-catching and unusual promotions that attract customers.

In this section, I will rather describe to you the approach (strategy) with examples, since not everything is so simple. But further you will see ready-made examples.

One of the most successful, memorable and increasing sales was the advertising campaign of the well-known Euroset store - come naked and get a cell phone for free.

The effect was intended primarily to be shocking. Since then, all store owners who have the courage to promote their store at the expense of human greed have been trying to repeat such an action, in one way or another.

A recent example is a sports store in Germany, which organized a similar promotion on its opening day.

You could come and dress from head to toe in whatever you wanted in the allotted time. Absolutely free. True, there was a small condition - you had to come completely naked.

Moreover, a business does not have to be large and famous to hold such a promotion in a store.

For example, in Irkutsk, at the opening of a small youth clothing store, a promotion was held - tear up the jeans/trousers you are wearing now and choose new ones completely free of charge.

A married couple lived in one of the IKEA stores for almost a month. They slept there, cooked, ate and even washed there. A lot of people came to see these extraordinary people (read: eccentrics).

Do you think this has had an impact on this store? You're right, it did ;-)

We discussed the performance of the action in more detail in a separate article. Be sure to study it if you are hooked by such a crazy technique. Just when implementing, think not only short-term, but also long-term, how it will affect your business.

Almost a freebie

Quite an old example of a successful promotion. The Technoshok store began selling video cassettes at cost (at half price, almost at a loss), very aggressively talking about it. There was no time to deliver the cassettes to the store.

Crowds of people stood to buy a cheap video cassette. And at the same time they were sold a new VCR, TV, antennas and much more.

This promotion applies to almost any business. All you have to do is find one in your company and start attracting people to it.

You don’t have to sell it at a loss; you can simply not earn anything from it. But you must do it.

Totally freebie

We organized a similar promotion in our client's store. They gave out free socks. Good, high-quality socks and completely free.

Moreover, you didn’t even have to buy anything. Just walk in, fill out and get your pair of socks. You may start swearing that you won't give away anything for free. So appreciate the whole idea.

Firstly, we gave out free socks, which cost us 20 rubles (quite little), and this figure was much more profitable from an advertising point of view, since from other advertising sources, one visitor cost us at least 35 rubles.

Plus, you understand that in addition to the socks, they offered a discount on the main assortment, a coupon for a repeat purchase, in general, a lot of things. The result is an increased customer base and promotion, with more than 400 percent.

Or here's another example of a good implementation. The target audience will react absolutely accurately.

Example of a Freebie promotion

Search for treasure

Quite an unusual and interesting event. You are pawning/burying a valuable treasure somewhere. The location of the promotion can be, for example, the shopping center where your store is located or even the entire city.

As soon as the treasure is found, news will be published about it (for example, in) and information about the next one will be given.

This is what one bank did, for example. They put in dozens of treasures containing real gold coins and began actively promoting it. There were also successful cases for food delivery services.

The certificates were hidden for a year and a search was organized with the help of radio presenters. People are very willing to get involved in such advertising games and promotions because they love interactivity.

Give a discount/gift to the client for what he rolls on the dice. You can even make a stage game. For example, if a person throws once, he is guaranteed to receive a gift of up to 1000 rubles.

And if he rolls three times and scores more than the nth value, he will receive a super prize, or he will be left empty-handed.

A variant of the super game from Field of Miracles. By the way, instead of cubes, there may be a spinning drum. The rules are up to your discretion and imagination.

Example of the Cubes promotion

Typical promotions

Therefore, there is no need to rack your brains about which promotions can be carried out and which are not suitable. For the most part, they are designed for discounts and play on one of the main feelings of a person - the desire to save money, to purchase profitably (not to be confused with greed).

By the way. To carry out just such promotions, a service such as “Bazaar-online” may be perfect for you. He will solve the issue with discount cards and. And notifications will cost pennies;)

Two for the price of one (three for the price of two)

A standard promotion launched at most grocery and clothing retailers. When you buy two/three products, you get the third one free. Ideal for services.

Install a suspended ceiling in 2 rooms and receive installation in the hallway as a gift. Buy 2 apartments, get a parking space as a gift (what if!).

Example of a promotion Two for the price of one

This type of promotion is a good alternative to a discount. And we even implemented this approach in the wholesale business.

But as you already understood, it was not about pieces, but about containers. But in this way we succeeded significantly, and this is one of the main indicators when carrying out actions.

Discount on certain products

100% You have seen products with red/yellow price tags. Such targeted promotions are actively used by retail stores.

But their services are undeservedly ignored, although with a large assortment, this is almost a gold mine for them.

When we talk about a “color” price tag, it doesn’t have to be a discount. You can go the other way and make a purchase without extra charge/without VAT/at wholesale prices.

Or just a promotion for one of the items, for example: “Changing the oil in your car is free! You only pay for the materials.”

And we are also not just talking about shop windows. You can highlight items in the price list or on the website with special colors.

And just an example of how we achieved an increase in sales through elaboration of the price list (including color), read in the article.

“Greetings, dear reader, site. This article will discuss marketing campaigns, their necessity and the effectiveness of such marketing moves. The blog pages already contain some examples of marketing campaigns carried out by Russian companies, for example an article about a 90% discount in a chain of grocery stores. Today there is a desire to describe in detail the process of implementing marketing campaigns almost step by step.”

Well, I’ll try to understand what the various activities implemented by marketers are, which are their integral responsibilities.

The essence of marketing campaigns

Marketing campaign- this is a certain event, or a set of such events, carried out in a company with the aim of increasing sales volumes, attracting new customers or increasing the attention of existing customers. Also, a campaign can be carried out by a company to strengthen its position in the market or conquer new markets.

Naturally, as conceived by marketers, the essence of the promotion comes down to either making a profit or attracting new customers, which ultimately should again lead to increased profits. However, this is ideal. In practice, these ultimate goals are not always achieved.

Basic principles of marketing campaigns

In order for the costs spent on an ongoing campaign to pay for themselves and achieve the set goals, it is necessary, at a minimum, to observe the basic principles:

  • awareness;
  • understandability;
  • value;
  • reality;
  • relevance.

Now I will try to talk about each of these principles in more detail.

Awareness. No matter how ideal a marketer’s idea is, any marketing campaign can simply fail if a sufficient number of potential buyers do not know about it. In other words, if you decide to hold an action, announce it. Choose the most interesting channels and main types of advertising that work in your industry and let people know what you are going to do. The notification must be made in such a way that the client notices it, receives all the information he needs, and understands what is expected of him.

Clarity. The essence of this principle is that the information provided by the company organizing the promotion is correctly understood by customers. There is no need to wrap up the terms of the promotion in such a way that only marketers, and then only those in the know, understand its real essence. The conditions are written in simple, understandable language, with a clear algorithm of actions.

Value. The client must see real benefits from your promotion. For example, if you give a baseball cap for the purchase of an apartment, believe me, there are very few people who want to take part in this bacchanalia.

The gift must be at least useful or at least worth the money spent on the purchase.

The reality of a marketing campaign. The buyer must believe that the gift or the terms of the promotion are really real and quite achievable. In this case, he will take a more active part. As an example, we can give a raffle promotion in one periodical newspaper for its subscribers. The prize was a car worth $20,000. No one believed that it would work and, as a result, the promotion failed. However, a similar action "AiF", where the prize was our seven, was much more successful and such an action was a success.

Relevance. Value, value, but the marketing campaign must be relevant. For example, when buying a purebred cat, giving a mousetrap as a gift is a little tricky. In this case, it’s better to give a portion of food as a gift, at least it will provide some benefit.

How to prepare a marketing campaign

So, the question has arisen for your company about the need to conduct a marketing campaign. The reasons don’t really matter - the management asks, they decided to remind you of themselves, or something else. The main thing is that the decision has been made - we are holding the action. But which one, how to implement it, what opportunities to use, what and how many resources will be required?

There are actually a lot of questions and the correct answers to them will really allow you to achieve the desired result. I will try to answer all these questions in the next article, so look forward to the update, or better yet, subscribe to blog updates.