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Mandarin houseplant. How to grow a tangerine from a stone at home. Where to place a flower pot with an escape

For top dressing, you can use both dry additives and soluble ones. There is a root and foliar citrus fertilizer. Both of these methods are quite important and useful for the mandarin. At the same time, phosphorus and nitrogen are often used during root nutrition. And for foliar (which, by the way, is best combined with spraying), copper, manganese, boron, iron, magnesium and zinc are used. All these ingredients should be used with the following dosage: copper sulfate - a dose of no more than 250 mg / l, potassium permanganate - about 200-300 mg / l, boric acid - 200-250 mg / l, iron sulfate - no more than 3 g / l, magnesium (or magnesium sulfate) - 10 g / l and zinc oxide - 5-7 g / l.

How often should this citrus be fertilized? Fresh soil on average nourishes the plant for about 3 months. But there are various subtleties. If you fertilize with not completely rotted manure, then it is worth adding nitrogen-containing elements. But it is worth remembering that the plant must receive all the necessary components, since the lack of one element cannot be replaced by an excess of any other component. With this condition, it is worth using not individual components, but mixtures. The list of required components includes: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, iron, oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, calcium, magnesium and others.

You need to feed the tangerine, focusing not only on the indicated tips on the packages, but also on the condition of the plant itself.

Phosphorus fertilizer. There are several ways to phosphorus feed a plant. The first most convenient is to sprinkle the surface of the earth with superphosphate and then loosen the soil and sprinkle the phosphate with earth. The next method of such feeding is to mix superphosphate with a manure mixture and apply it to the ground. And the most difficult is mixing phosphate with water. It is difficult because superphosphate is practically insoluble in water. Therefore, per liter of water, you need to take 50 g of superphosphate, boil this solution for about 30 minutes, and then drain and dilute it 10 times with water.

Nitrogen fertilizer. Nitrogen minerals can be fed, for example, with saltpeter (0.5%): 2-3 tablespoons per 15 liters of water. You can also feed with a mixture of ammonium nitrate and potassium soda. Dissolve 1-2 tablespoons of ammonium nitrate and 1 tablespoon of salt in 10 liters of water. It is best to initially mix saltpeter and salt in a liter of water and then pour it into the rest of the water.

How to improve productivity?

We are constantly getting letters in which amateur gardeners are worried that due to the cold summer this year, a poor harvest of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year we published TIPS about this. But unfortunately, many did not listen, but some still applied. Here is a report from our reader, we want to advise plant growth biostimulantswhich will help increase the yield by up to 50-70%.


Calcium supplement. This is a fairly simple way to fertilize a tangerine. For calcium, it is best to take already used lime or plaster. It is best to apply these substances under the roots of the plant, in the soil.

Fertilization with organic matter. This fertilizer is a natural substance, namely manure. Initially, manure must be filled with water and left for 5-10 days so that it ferments. After that, it must be diluted with water. If this is cow dung, then you need to dilute it 10-15 times, if bird droppings, then 15-20 times. Then, 2-3 g of superphosphate and 1-3 g of viburnum salt should be added to the finished slurry. You can also feed it with non-stray manure. Manure is used to accelerate the growth of citrus. Organic fertilizer is used in summer. Also in summer, slurry is best combined with nitrogen-potassium fertilizer. At the same time, nitrogen with potassium is applied every 10 days, and slurry 5 days after nitrogen. If you use only manure, then you need to do this 1-2 times a month.

It is important to remember that you need to feed the plant depending on the season and weather conditions. Active fertilization begins in March and ends around September. In winter, plants can be fertilized once a month, and if it saturates the soil well, then until January you can not feed the plant at all. It is necessary to make various substances only in moist soil.

To saturate the soil with various useful substances, tea or shag tincture, castor oil, and a solution of ferrous sulfate are also used. Also sprinkled with rust and horn shavings.

It was mentioned above in the article that it is necessary to nourish the soil and the plant not only according to the schedule or depending on the season, but it is also extremely important to focus on the state of the citrus itself. In this case, you need to pay attention to the age of the plant. So on young leaves, the manifestations of poisoning or deficiency will be one, and on adults and old ones - completely different.

How to understand what a young plant lacks

If there is not enough iron, then on the leaves of the mandarin (regardless of the color of the leaf itself), the network of veins will stand out brightly. It will be a bright green color, especially the central vein. With a lack of iron, plant growth will be halted.

Manganese deficiency manifests itself in a similar way. The veins will also be bright green, but the tissue between them will turn yellow, and then completely turn into dead.

Sulfur. Starting from the veins, the entire leaf becomes either pale green or pale yellow. It will not become completely yellow, but a certain yellowness will appear. The absence of sulfur does not lead to tissue death.

Lack of calcium. The lack of this substance is more dangerous for the plant. In the absence of calcium, the mandarin leaf first becomes discolored, and then the upper edge begins to curl down. Further, the top and edges of the leaf begin to die off, which can lead to leaf fall.

Boron deficiency leads to various modifications of foliage. Particularly noticeable factors are the deformation of the leaf plate and various types of color changes, usually at the top of the leaf.

If the citrus lacks copper, then the plant begins to fade. The leaf becomes an unnatural dark green color. And the shape of the sheet becomes not symmetrical. The central vein may also change, it becomes arched. And resinous smudges may appear on the fruits.

An adult plant may lack completely different elements.

How to grow a gorgeous citrus tree?

Lack of substances in old tangerines

Nitrogen. With chlorosis, a yellowish-green speck appears on the plant, which eventually spreads to the entire leaf. And the runs are getting shorter.

No phosphorus. In this case, the sheet remains green, but ceases to be glossy. What is also remarkable is that young foxes become very narrow. Also, flowering is weak and as a result - low yields and a thick peel for tangerines. And the fruits become sour.
If there is a lack of zinc, then the leaves become paler and the veins brighter. At the same time, they shrink.

Poisoning or overabundance of elements

Poisoning is possible with any of the elements: nitrogen, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, boron, etc.

For the normal existence of the plant and in order for it to give a good harvest, while the taste of tangerines is balanced, it is necessary to carry out proper care for the plants.

Nutrient for citrus trees

And a little about the secrets of the Author

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Most florists agree that among the abundance of "home" plants, indoor tangerine occupies a separate place. An ornamental shrub not only pleases the eye with a bright, cheerful color of leaves and fruits, but also has a beneficial effect on the atmosphere in the home. It has been proven that a delicate, light aroma helps to get rid of headaches, relieves irritation, anxiety, gives a feeling of cheerfulness, improves mood. In addition, growing mandarin at home does not require a lot of effort, and this is also one of the important advantages.

How to turn a tiny bone into a flowering tree?

The easiest and easiest way to become the owner of a spectacular tangerine tree is to buy a ready-made seedling in the store. However, it is much more interesting and, importantly, economically, to grow a tangerine tree from an ordinary stone on your own.

In order for the plant to take root well, you need to take the seeds of ripe, juicy, large fruits. It is desirable that there are more bones (10 -12 pieces, so the chance of the "event" for success will be much higher!

Before planting the seeds in the ground (purchased or “extracted” from the plot), you need to place them in a humid environment for several days (it is better to wrap them in clean gauze and slightly moisten it with water). During this time, the bones will swell, and tiny sprouts will hatch on them. When this happens, it's time to do the direct planting of the plant in the ground.

Despite the fact that indoor tangerine is unpretentious to the type of soil, experts still recommend approaching this moment responsibly. So, the best solution would be to independently prepare a special mixture (if possible), which will include the following components:

  • leaf ground - 1 part;
  • soddy soil - 3 parts;
  • rotted cow dung - 1 part;
  • clay;
  • sand.

Drainage is laid at the bottom of a clean, dry container (as a rule, small ordinary pebbles or expanded clay act as drainage), after which the pot is filled with a thoroughly mixed composition of the above components. Swollen bones are placed in the ground to a depth of 5-7 cm. It is recommended to place a container with planted seeds in a well.

Direct sunlight should be avoided, as only emerging, fragile sprouts can simply burn out!

Homemade mandarin - care and feeding

Approximately three weeks after planting in the ground, the first sprouts should appear from the pit of the tangerine tree. From this moment, you can start feeding the plant, since the mineral and organic substances originally contained in the soil are quickly washed out as a result of regular watering. In specialized flower shops, you can easily pick up mixtures for fertilizing and feeding citrus fruits.

Particular attention should be paid to fertilizer in the spring, when indoor mandarin develops most intensively. Like most indoor plants, the tree should be fertilized in the morning, while the temperature should vary between 18-20 ° C. The composition of the fertilizer may be different, but components such as phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen must be present.

In no case should you violate the recipe for the preparation of a nutrient mixture or solution. The manufacturer always indicates on the packaging in what proportions to use a particular product. An irrational approach to feeding mandarin can lead to burns of the stem, leaves, or even the complete death of the plant.

The period of intensive growth of indoor tangerine is the time from March to September. The optimal frequency of feeding is 2 times a week. The plant will surely "thank" with lush, fragrant flowers and beautiful fruits if the owner combines mineral and organic fertilizers (for example, rotted cow dung).

The main rules for caring for a tangerine tree

All plants love care and attention, and mandarin is no exception. How to care for indoor tangerine so that the tree is healthy, strong and beautiful? Professional florists distinguish several main points in the rules of care:

  • Partial removal of flowers on a young plant. This is done in order not to deplete the tree in the process of intensive growth. Let only a few flowers remain on the stem, but later they will turn out to be beautiful, large fruits.
  • Timely removal of stretched twigs and dried leaves.
  • Pinching the tops of branches. This is necessary for the tree to form a lush, dense crown.

When fruits are tied on the branches of a tree, it is recommended to tie the stem and twigs of the plant to a support.

What can pose a threat to the tangerine tree?

Good care is sometimes not enough for a long "life" of citrus fruits, in no case should such a threat as pests be ignored. Small, almost invisible red spider mites, citrus whiteflies or scale insects can cause great harm to the plant. In order to prevent the death of a tangerine tree, it is necessary, at the slightest suspicion of pests, to wipe all the leaves with special solutions (Fitoverm, Aktellik, etc.). A few procedures are enough, and all unwanted "guests" will disappear.

What varieties are suitable for growing at home?

Among the most popular varieties of tangerine tree, ideal for home growing, are the following:

  • Shiva Mikan
  • Unshiu
  • Clementine
  • marcotte

Each of these varieties has its own specifics, but in any case, the owner of the plant will be provided with spectacular flowers with a pronounced aroma and sweet, ripe fruits.

How to grow a tangerine from a stone at home - video

The tangerine tree belongs to the citrus family. It is evergreen and does not shed its foliage even in winter. Today, many species of this plant are known that can successfully grow and bear fruit at home.

The most popular of them are:

  1. Konkhinkhin- the most popular variety grown commercially. In nature, it can reach up to 3-4 m in height. But at home, this species is too whimsical and, with proper care, can only grow up to 1 meter.
  2. Yingshiu- a popular and unpretentious look. Easily tolerates a drop in temperature to -5 degrees. The fruits are very sweet and fragrant with almost no pits. Ideal for growing at home.
  3. Tangerine characterized by elongated fruits and plump skin. Tangerines are very sweet and tasty, but have a specific pungent smell that not everyone likes.

In addition, breeders have bred many hybrid species that are more hardy and unpretentious, and therefore caring for them will not be difficult.

Popular tangerine tree hybrids include:

  1. Clementine. Its leaves are narrow and elongated, and the fruits are bright and juicy. This variety is especially valued for its taste and aroma.
  2. Minneola- This is a hybrid obtained by crossing grapefruit and tangerine, so the fruits have a bitter taste. The size of the fruit can be different, the color is bright, red-orange. The skin is thick and hard to remove.
  3. Tangor differs in large fruits, which can reach a diameter of up to 15 cm. They taste very sweet and juicy. In addition, there are several varieties, with variegated coloring not only of leaves, but also of fruits.
  4. Ellendale unpretentious plant, giving a large harvest in the form of very sweet fruits. Yes, but finding a seedling of this hybrid is quite difficult.

Mandarin tree care

In order for the tangerine tree not only to please with its foliage and flowers, but also to bear fruit, it is necessary to properly care for it and create comfortable conditions.

To do this, it is necessary to take into account such important factors as lighting, air humidity, top dressing, etc.

1. Location

It is not difficult to guess that bright lighting is especially important for a tangerine tree. This is especially true in the cold season, so place the pot in the southern part of the apartment.

The southwest or southeast sides are also perfect. But do not forget to shade the plant during the heat so that it does not get burned.

During a period when the weather outside is warm enough, it is better to place a tree on a balcony or veranda. If you live in a private house, then you can dig the plant right with the pot.

Before you transfer the tangerine tree to the sun, you need to give it time to get used to the direct rays. For this purpose, the pot is placed in partial shade and only after a while is transferred to the site.

2. Temperature regime

It is very important to provide the tangerine tree with optimal temperature conditions.

In summer, it is worth maintaining the temperature within 15-18 degrees, and in winter - 12 degrees. If you do not observe the temperature regime, then you can not wait for the appearance of fruits.

3. Humidity

The humidity level must be high enough. To achieve this, the plant is regularly sprayed several times a day. This must be done both in summer and in winter. It is also recommended to place a small bowl of water near the pot.

If the air humidity is too low, various pests, such as scale insects, spider mites, etc., will spread very quickly.

4. Lighting

Throughout the year, the lighting should be bright, but at the same time, direct sunlight should not fall on the tree. On too hot days, it must be shaded so that burn spots do not appear on the leaves.

5. Spraying

Mandarin tree must be sprayed all year round 2-3 times a day. This is especially true if the plant is located in a room with central heating. For spraying use settled water at room temperature.

6. Watering

For watering a tangerine tree, you can use only warm settled water. In summer, watering should be plentiful, and in winter it is better to reduce it to 2 times a week.

7. Top dressing and fertilizer

From April to September, the tangerine tree must be actively fed. For this, complex fertilizers, both mineral and organic, are used.

It is better to give preference to special fertilizers for citrus plants. Fertilize every week, after watering the tree.

In winter, feeding can be completely stopped or reduced to a minimum.

Fertilizer for citrus plants is so important, as it is this factor that affects the taste of the fruit. If you fertilize in a timely manner in the summer, then the tangerines will not be bitter.

8. Pruning and pinching

In order for the tree to have a neat appearance, and the fruits to appear as soon as possible, it must sometimes be cut off. Mercilessly get rid of weak and diseased branches. In addition, you can trim excess branches to give the crown the desired shape.

In time, pinch the apical shoots. Thanks to this, the tangerine tree will begin to branch more actively.

9. Transplant

Like other indoor plants, the tangerine tree must be replanted periodically:

  1. Young specimens - 1 time per year.
  2. Fruiting trees - 1 time in 2-3 years.

Transplantation is carried out in March, while the plant has not yet begun to actively grow. If this procedure is carried out later, it can adversely affect the condition of the tree.

In the case when young specimens have not yet completely filled the pot with their root system, then only the drainage and upper layers of the substrate can be changed.

When transplanting, do not destroy the earthen ball too much and handle the roots carefully so as not to damage them. Also make sure that the root neck is above the ground at the same level as in the old pot.

The soil for a tangerine tree may vary depending on its age. For young plants use the following mixture:

  1. Leaf snake.
  2. Sand.
  3. Humus.
  4. Sod land.

All components must be used in a ratio of 1:1:1:2.

The substrate for an adult tree is different in that it is necessary to take turf land not 2 parts, but 3. In addition, it is advisable to add a small amount of oily clay.

10. Diseases and pests

The tangerine tree is very vulnerable to pests such as spider mites and scale insects.

The soil after the procedure should be abundantly sprinkled with ash. If necessary, after a week, all actions are repeated.

There is also a more radical method of pest control. The tree can be treated with special preparations that are sold in ordinary flower shops.

In order to enhance the effect, you can cover the plant with polyethylene and leave it under such a cap for a couple of hours. Remember that the fruits after such processing should not be eaten for at least a week.


A tangerine tree can even be grown from a seed, but this method is not very common. The fact is that fruits from such a plant can be expected for more than one year, since it begins to bear fruit after 10 or even 15 years.

Even if you are lucky, it may turn out that the resulting tangerines taste bitter. You can, of course, bud or graft from another citrus plant, but in this case, the result may not be as expected.

The easiest way to propagate a tangerine tree is by cuttings. Root cuttings in a pot covered with a jar. A young plant will begin to bloom and bear fruit in a year.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Why do leaves fall from a tangerine tree?

When the leaves fall occasionally and in small quantities - this is a natural process. If the foliage began to intensively turn yellow and fall off, then this may indicate that the plant does not have enough lighting, it is watered incorrectly (dry, flooded), or there was a significant temperature difference when the tree was transferred to winter mode.

The leaves have turned brown. What is the reason?

As a rule, the leaves of the tangerine tree turn brown due to excess fertilizer.

To prevent the appearance of pests, it is necessary to adhere to all the rules for caring for the plant. It is also necessary to periodically treat the leaves with soapy foam. But be careful not to get soapy water into the substrate. To prevent this, it is enough to cover the pot with polyethylene.

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Despite the simple names (“sticky” or “indoor maple”) and the status of a modern substitute for indoor hibiscus, abutilons are far from the simplest plants. They grow well, bloom profusely and delight with a healthy look of greenery only in optimal conditions. On thin leaves, any deviations from comfortable lighting or temperatures and violations in care quickly appear. To reveal the beauty of abutilons in rooms, it is worth finding the perfect place for them.

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Tomato sauce with onion and sweet pepper - thick, fragrant, with pieces of vegetables. The sauce cooks quickly and turns out thick because this recipe is with pectin. Make such preparations at the end of summer or autumn, when the vegetables have ripened under the sun in the beds. From bright, red tomatoes you get the same bright homemade ketchup. This sauce is a ready-made spaghetti dressing, and you can also just spread it on bread - very tasty. For better preservation, you can add a little vinegar.

This year I often saw a picture: among the luxurious green crown of trees and shrubs, here and there, like candles, the tops of the shoots are “burning”. This is chlorosis. Most of us know about chlorosis from school biology lessons. I remember that this is a lack of iron ... But chlorosis is an ambiguous concept. And not always lightening the foliage means a lack of iron. What is chlorosis, what our plants lack in chlorosis and how to help them, we will tell in the article.

Korean-style vegetables for the winter - a delicious Korean salad with tomatoes and cucumbers. The salad is sweet and sour, spicy and slightly spicy, because it is prepared with seasoning for Korean carrots. Be sure to prepare several jars for the winter, in the cold winter this healthy and fragrant snack will come in handy. For the recipe, you can use overripe cucumbers, it is better to harvest vegetables in late summer or early autumn, when they are ripe in the open field under the sun.

Autumn for me is dahlias. Mine begin to bloom already in June, and all summer the neighbors look over the fence to me, reminding me that I promised them a few tubers or seeds by autumn. In September, a tart note appears in the aroma of these flowers, hinting at the approaching cold. So, it's time to start preparing plants for a long cold winter. In this article I will share my secrets of autumn care for perennial dahlias and preparing them for winter storage.

To date, the efforts of breeders have bred, according to various sources, from seven to ten thousand (!) varieties of cultivated apple trees. But with their huge variety in private gardens, as a rule, only a couple of popular and beloved varieties grow. Apple trees are large trees with a spreading crown, and you cannot grow many of them in one area. But what if you try to grow columnar varieties of this crop? In this article I will talk about such varieties of apple trees.

Pinjur - Balkan eggplant caviar with sweet peppers, onions and tomatoes. A distinctive feature of the dish is that eggplants and peppers are first baked, then peeled and simmered for a long time in a brazier or in a saucepan with a thick bottom, adding the rest of the vegetables indicated in the recipe. The caviar is very thick, with a bright, rich taste. In my opinion, this cooking method is the best of all known. Although it is more troublesome, the result compensates for the labor costs.

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands do not know boredom!


Indoor tangerine among the abundance of plants, according to many florists, occupies a special place. An ornamental bush pleases with a cheerful and bright color of fruits and leaves. The leaves are leathery and wide. It is believed that a light and delicate aroma can help get rid of headaches, relieve anxiety, irritation, give a feeling of cheerfulness and improve mood. How to grow a tangerine tree related to citrus plants, find out further.

How to grow mandarin at home

If you are going to grow a tangerine tree at home, check out two ways to solve this problem. In farms, citrus fruit trees are obtained by grafting. If you want to enjoy juicy tangerines, you can perform this procedure yourself. At home, you can prepare seeds and grow a tangerine tree from them, remembering to follow all the rules of care. The easiest way is to buy a ready-made seedling.

Buying a ready seedling

Having decided to grow a homemade tangerine at home, buy a ready-made seedling in a specialized online store of horticultural crops or a fruit nursery. Often sell plants that have a closed root system, ie. immediately in an earthy coma or pot, packed in a bag. In the first case, a mandatory transplant into a container will be required. If you are looking for a more economical option, then it is best to use the second method, i.e. growing a citrus tree from the seed of a ripe fruit.

Growing mandarin from the stone

This way of growing an ornamental citrus tree at home can bring some moral pleasure. Although, it will take an order of magnitude longer than buying and transplanting a finished seedling. For sprouting, you will need to select a few seeds from juicy, sweet and ripe fruits to increase your chances of success. Soak selected seeds in warm water. To do this, place them between 2-3 layers of gauze and put on a saucer.

As the gauze dries, be sure to keep it moist for several days until the pits swell. If you do not have the opportunity to wait for several days, then try soaking ordinary seeds in water for 2-3 hours, adding a few drops of Epin, which is a growth stimulant, to it. As soon as the first sprouts hatch, you can plant the bush in the ground. In general, any novice florist can competently prepare the seeds of this exotic plant.

Land for the tangerine tree

Prepare a pot or a regular seedling box, and fill it with a layer of soil to transplant the hatched seeds into it. Despite the fact that indoor tangerine is unpretentious in relation to the ground, experts still strongly recommend taking this moment seriously. It is best to use a mixture consisting of:

  • 1 part leafy earth;
  • 3 parts of soddy soil;
  • 1 part rotted cow dung;
  • clay;
  • sand.

How to plant a tangerine in a pot

To grow an ornamental mandarin, do not use peat, which often turns sour, dries quickly and does not have special nutritional properties. This component is available in almost all those mixtures that can be bought in specialized stores. Don't forget the drainage layer. Put expanded clay or small ordinary pebbles on the bottom of a dry container, then fill the pot with the composition of the above components. Then place the swollen bones in the ground to a depth of 5-7 cm. The pot with planted seeds should be placed in a well-lit place.

soil drainage

To form a lush and bright bush, you will need to pay attention to the drainage of the container in which it will grow. As already mentioned, put crushed stone, small expanded clay pebbles on the bottom of the pot, but if you don’t have any of the above at hand, then use fragments of ceramic dishes. Before planting a tangerine and laying the soil, be sure to thoroughly flush the drainage. In general, it is necessary so that excess liquid from the soil is discharged into the sump. Thanks to this, effective prevention of fluid stagnation and root rot is carried out.

Where to place a flower pot with an escape

Caring for a mandarin at home requires a competent approach, of particular importance is the location of the tree, which will delight you with its beautiful leaves and flowers. The period of the beginning of flowering and growth activity will depend on the conditions created. A houseplant needs bright and good lighting. When daylight hours get shorter, add artificial light. Do not make a sudden transition, as the plant may shed its young leaves.

How to care for a tangerine tree

An actively growing and beautiful tangerine tree is the result of systematic and proper care. For an indoor ornamental plant, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions with a certain temperature and humidity level. We should not forget about the peculiarities of watering, as well. in a difficult situation, the bush can shed its foliage to reduce the amount of moisture evaporated from the surface. When the branches begin to bear fruit, they need to be tied to a support. We should not forget about possible pests and diseases.

Air temperature and humidity

The best temperature regime for a tangerine seedling is a temperature of + 15-18 degrees in the warm season and +12 degrees in the winter. In hotter weather, the plant begins to bear fruit and bloom worse - buds and ovaries are weakly formed at this time. At the same time, it is important to avoid sudden changes in temperature, but in order for the plant to become stronger, it must be hardened, i.e. help him adapt to changes in lighting and temperature conditions. To do this, in the spring during the day, briefly take the plant to a closed veranda or balcony.

Very important for mandarin and humidity. On hot, dry days and in winter, when the heating dries out the air in the room, it is often necessary to spray the ornamental plant - sometimes up to three times a day. You can put a bowl of water on the windowsill or some other humidifier, for example, an imitation of a fountain or waterfall. When the bush begins to bloom, spray carefully to avoid getting moisture on the flowers and buds. It is better to replace this procedure with regular rubbing of the leaves.


Without enough light, a decorative indoor tangerine will not grow large. The easiest way is to put a container with a plant on the windowsill of the southern part of the house, but this is fraught with leaf burns. A more acceptable option is the side of the east or southeast windows. If the south side turns out to be the only possible choice, then in spring and summer you will have to shade the plant. In winter, the south window will be the best place for a seedling. When shortening daylight hours, add artificial lighting using special fitolamps.

How to water indoor tangerine

The tree needs regular and frequent watering. In hot weather, water 2-3 times a day. In the winter period of the year, while maintaining good moisture, 2-time watering per week will be sufficient. It is better to pour water for this procedure into a container, for example, into a bottle, so that it has time to settle and warm up to room temperature.

With a short-term lack of moisture, the tangerine tree will not die, but at the same time it can throw off part of the leaves or all of the foliage. On "bald" places, fresh greenery will no longer appear, so try to avoid unexpected leaf fall. Leaves will only appear on new branches. The frequent transfusion of the plant with water will not do any good, either. this will lead to the appearance of fungal diseases.

How to feed a tangerine tree at home

The entire growing season, i.e. from April to September, the tree needs top dressing. Every week it must be fertilized with organic or mineral fertilizers, which can be alternated. This is especially necessary for mature trees growing in cramped containers, and without transplants and soil renewal. In one week, the plant can be watered with a solution of liquid mullein, and after a week, it can be treated with a garden complex fertilizer specially designed for citrus trees. Water the soil before fertilizing.

Mineral mixtures based on phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen

In a specialized garden store, you can buy a ready-made composition for citrus fruits. Make sure that the solution includes minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen. Feeding is recommended in the morning. The temperature of the solution should not be less than +20 degrees. Follow the recommended nutrient solution recipe exactly. Here the rule applies - it is better not to add than to overfill. Excessive concentration, excess fertilizer can lead to a burn of the stem or leaves, and even to the death of the plant.

organic fertilizers

A tangerine tree can be fed with both mineral and organic fertilizers, and it is best to alternate them. To prepare a natural nutritional composition, you will need cow dung or bird droppings. Dilute part of the dry component in 10-12 parts of water, infuse the resulting composition for 2 to 4 days, then apply in small portions. Be sure to moisten the soil before doing this.

Rules for caring for homemade mandarin

In order for your tangerine tree to be as bright and pleasing to the eye as in the photo of one of the gardening magazines, attach special importance to caring for it. Many of the rules listed above for a plant seedling apply to a grown tree. In addition, it is necessary to carry out periodic pruning of branches and pinching the tops of the shoots. In addition, remove all dried twigs, leaves and shoots stretched down from the tree. Such measures will help form a compact mandarin with a lush and dense crown. We should not forget about the need for transplantation.

Partial removal of flowers

In order to avoid excessive load on the tree in the first years of fruiting, it is recommended to pinch the flowers. Leave only a few flowers on the trunk of the tangerine tree. In this way, you can achieve fragrant and large fruits without depleting the plant itself. Let there be only a few beautiful and fragrant flowers on the stem of the plant, but later you will enjoy beautiful and large fruits.

Pinching the tops of branches

As the tree grows, it is necessary to periodically pinch the tops of the shoots. This is necessary in order for the tree to form a dense and lush crown. With the right formation, it will turn into a real decoration of the room. This can be achieved by controlling the growth of the top and shoots, which must be removed from time to time, i.e. pinch. With the appearance of each new sprout, pinch the top when 5-6 leaves are formed. It is also necessary to get rid of tops (strong shoots) that grow rapidly from the root itself.

Removal of stretched branches and dried leaves

Remove stretched branches and dried leaves in a timely manner so that your exotic tree grows really lush and fruitful. Often they try to grow a homemade tangerine as a bonsai. For this purpose, remove the growing tops of the shoots to the desired length. As a result, your labors will not be in vain - you will get delicious fruits with a thin peel that easily separates from the pulp.

Why does the tangerine shed its leaves

If the basic rules of care are not followed, diseases occur in the tangerine tree. Do not ignore the threat that various pests can pose. These include red spider mites, scale insects, citrus whiteflies. Dropping leaves does not always indicate the presence of a disease, because. this can also occur during a period of relative rest on cold days.

What to do

If pests have become the cause of dropping leaves, then wipe all the leaves of the tree with special solutions. A few procedures are enough to get rid of all unwanted "guests". Yellowing foliage can be a signal that the plant lacks minerals. During nitrogen deficiency, yellowing starts from the lower leaves. In addition, mandarin can react this way to the lack of the right amount of moisture, lack of light. Move the plant to a well-lit area and remember to water regularly.

Methods for propagating a tangerine tree

The most economical way to get a tangerine seedling is to grow it from a seed. This approach will take you a lot of time and patience. If the tree already exists, and you want to get offspring from it, then choose one of the following methods:

  • Propagation is by layering, which are well-formed branches of a tree. Select a branch from an adult tangerine with a thickness of 4 mm and a length sufficient to bend the branch and pin it to the ground. You do not need to separate the branch from the bush, just dig it in with earth. At the same time, the top will protrude on the surface of the soil. Keep the dig site moist. When new roots form at the cutting, separate the branch from the mother plant.
  • Reproduction is carried out by cuttings. For this, the so-called air layering is used - the stalk takes root "on weight". An adult shoot is cut in a circle, cutting off the bark about 1 cm wide, after which the wound is treated, wrapped with sphagnum moss and polyethylene (loosely). It is necessary to maintain the resulting "chrysalis" in a wet state until the roots form - it will take several months.

How to transplant a tangerine at home

The plant begins to need a transplant when the container becomes cramped. For young tangerines, this procedure should be carried out annually, and for trees from 7 years old - once every two years. Do not transplant the plant during flowering, it is better to do this in early spring. The new pot should be a few centimeters larger than the previous one. The root collar should not be deepened during transplantation, because. bark may be damaged. The excess kidney is crushed, and then transferred to a new container with drainage and soil.

Pest control

Pest control is of particular importance when caring for a tangerine tree. Citrus fruits are more susceptible to them. This is due to the fact that they have a very attractive aroma. More about how to fight:

  • Aphid. If there are few insects, then wash the stem with leaves with a solution of laundry soap.
  • Damaged aphids can be treated with a decoction of wormwood or nettle.
  • Garlic water is a good way to deal with aphids.
  • To combat spider mites at home, use garlic water, laundry soap, and tobacco dust. Create a spray mixture based on them.


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