home · Other · The mantra for marriage is very powerful. Prayer to the Holy Great Martyr Catherine. Mantra for attracting the ideal partner

The mantra for marriage is very powerful. Prayer to the Holy Great Martyr Catherine. Mantra for attracting the ideal partner

If a lonely woman comes to a Vedic astrologer and complains that she is alone, he prescribes a powerful mantra for her. Because, my dear, your marriage karma is a complete ass, pardon the expression. It is for you sacred mantra for a successful marriage.

It is better to read in the morning, on an empty stomach: “om hrim kumaraye nama svaha...”. And in the evening, before going to bed: “om hrim kumaraye nama svaha...”. And during the day, before lunch, instead of lunch and after lunch: “om hrim kumaraye nama swaha...”. After 250,000 repetitions, a prince will appear. Then they walked down the aisle and died on the same day.

Now explain to me, a person with several higher educations, including a diploma in research physics, how a set of words in a bird’s language will attract a normal man to me? Will God hear and send? Waiting for me to speak Hindi? Prayer in Russian did not reach God? Here's the problem... God doesn't know Russian. Or the more you don’t understand what you say, the more you believe that it will help and bam... it helps? The placebo effect in its purest form, a dummy?

But if you continue to believe in the power of mantras for a successful marriage, I will share with you a truly powerful mantra. It is in purely Russian. I use it myself, it works 100%, the results are visible in a week. For some it works the next day. You need to repeat only as needed.

The principle of the mantra is simple. I'll explain.

If in your birth chart everything is fine with marriage and partners, you will still get yours. It doesn't depend on what you look like, how much you weigh, or how good you are at oral sex. Your soul is young, there are few mistakes in past incarnations, so meet the one, get married and give birth. My mantra is not for you! You enjoy the joys of family life.

My mantra for those whose program for choosing men is faulty. Here is your Venus in your birth chart in the 6th or 12th house, afflicted by malefic planets. And you will waste your life, which, by the way, you only have, on assholes who will play tanks until they are 40 years old or sit in magazines for women in the middle of the working day. And all this time you will suffer and think: what is this nonsense with my feminine energy? I probably don’t inspire him enough to accomplish feats of labor. Let me go and spin another circle of power with Larisa Renard. And when the next women’s training does not help, you will again start the old fashioned way, as your mother taught, to drip on your husband’s brain and demand.


I created illusions myself and blew my ex’s mind. We divorced. My dear ex-husband, if you suddenly read women's blogs, forgive me. I admit, I was a fool.

Once again, briefly: you need to invest in a man who has potential. And to do this, you don’t need to get involved with assholes and waste your time and resources on them. If you have inherited a faulty program in choosing men, and you can see this in your personal life, then your resources and time, first of all, should be spent only on yourself. Until you clean and correct what’s inside, you will have to endure failures, because you are not up to others. You are an asshole magnet!

Or am I not right? Then tell us how you were able to beat your dull husband so that he turned into a successful man in social terms?

If you are a magnet for assholes and losers, or don’t attract anyone at all, but want to change the situation, then counseling is what you vitally need. In it, we will together analyze and correct the jambs of your faulty program for choosing men.

In the meantime, don’t forget about the mantra, your resources will be very useful to you!

At numerous requests from the participants of the “Women’s Sanga,” I learned from my teachers and mentors mantras and prayers for a good marriage. Prayer will help attract a worthy and respected spouse with good qualities; it tunes a woman’s mind to the right wavelength, developing in her the qualities of a true wife.

The suggested prayers are really very powerful and help many. Ask sincerely - and it will be given to you!

A girl's prayer for marriage

Oh, All-merciful Lord, I know that my great happiness depends on the fact that I love You with all my soul and with all my heart and that I fulfill Your holy will in everything. Rule Yourself, O my God, over my soul and fill my heart: I want to please You Alone, for You are the Creator and my God. Save me from pride and self-love: let reason, modesty and chastity adorn me. Idleness is disgusting to You and gives rise to vices, give me the desire to work hard and bless my labors. Since Your Law commands people to live in an honest marriage, then lead me, Holy Father, to this title, sanctified by You, not to please my lust, but to fulfill Your destiny, for You Yourself said: it is not good for man to be alone and, having created He gave him a wife to help him, blessed them to grow, multiply and populate the earth. Hear my humble prayer, sent to You from the depths of a girl’s heart; give me an honest and pious spouse, so that in love with him and in harmony we glorify You, the merciful God: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer to the Holy Great Martyr Catherine

Oh, holy Great Martyr Catherine, the chosen vessel of purity, the pillar of Orthodoxy, our reliable intercessor, who showed us the guilt of begging you, a legal ascetic, a saint resting holy on a holy mountain! We pray to you: having come down from above, listen to the voice of our prayer, look at the misfortune of your servants, enlighten the darkness of our mind, make us wise in heaven, not earthly. Hasten with your prayers to overcome carnal lusts, addictions to the world and the machinations of evil spirits who are viciously fighting against us: so that through your intercession in the days of this life we ​​will be free from their hostile attacks and after the end from their aerial tortures.

Oh, wise maiden! Grant us everything that is useful for asking: you can ask much from your beloved Bridegroom, Christ our God. We know that the prayer of the righteous can do much, promoted by the compassion of the merciful God; to Him be glory, honor and thanksgiving always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer to Saints Fevronia and Peter of Murom

O great saints of God and wonderful miracle workers, blessed Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia, representatives and guardians of the city of Murom, and about all of us, zealous prayer books for the Lord! We come running to you and pray to you with strong hope: bring your holy prayers to the Lord God for us sinners and ask us from His goodness for all that is good for our souls and bodies: rightful faith, good hope, unfeigned love, unshakable piety, success in good deeds, peace of peace, fruitfulness of the earth, prosperity of the air, health to souls and bodies and eternal salvation. Intercede with the Heavenly King: may His faithful servants, in sorrow and sorrow cry out to Him day and night, hear the pained cry and may our belly be delivered from destruction. Ask the Church of Saints and the entire Russian Empire for peace, silence and prosperity, and for all of us a prosperous life and a good Christian death. Protect your fatherland, the city of Murom, and all Russian cities from all evil, and overshadow all the faithful people who come to you and worship you with the power of your auspicious prayers, and fulfill all their requests for good. Hey, holy wonderworkers! Do not despise our prayers offered to you with tenderness, but be worthy of us as intercessors to the Lord in your dreams and make us worthy, through your holy help, to receive eternal salvation and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven; Let us glorify the ineffable love for mankind of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, in the Trinity we worship God forever. Amen.


For those who follow the Vedic path, there is an amazing and powerful mantra, especially for women, which helps to marry a worthy and moral man.

Mantra is the purification of the mind (“manas” - mind, “traya” - cleanse). This mantra not only cleanses the female mind, but also creates the necessary state in order to remove obstacles on the path to her betrothed.

This mantra must be repeated 250,000 times, and the desired will begin to come true. Read it sincerely, you can meditate on certain qualities of your future husband. Try to focus on the sound of the mantra, as if passing it through your whole body.

Mantra: om hrim kumaraye nama matchmaker

Petitions on pilgrimage

In addition to praying for a good marriage, you can go on small pilgrimages. I’ll tell you one that is accessible to residents of the capital.

At the Vvedensky cemetery there is a chapel of Elder Zechariah, or, as he was called in monasticism, Zosima, to which people specially come to pray for the gift of a spouse or for help in choosing their other half. They say that help is on the way for them and their children. He was a holy man, bringing love and goodness to the world.

Before asking him for the gift of a spouse, you need to make 12 bows with the words: “ Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner».

The chapel where the elder is buried is open every day, except Mondays, from 10 to 16 o'clock, there is an eve there, you can light candles, and it is also auspicious to leave food or flowers.

I wish you to meet your loved one and live with him in peace and harmony! May these prayers help you!

Mandala (Sanskrit: मण्डल - circle, disk, wheel ib. དཀྱིལ་འཁོར, pronounced with an accent on the “a” in the first syllable) is an instrument that is actively used in Buddhism and Hinduism. It represents a geometric pattern, the most common is an outer circle in which a square is inscribed, inside this square there is another circle, which consists of 8 Lotus petals. On each side of the square there is a “T”-shaped door facing all 4 cardinal directions. They also include other graphic images. Among Buddhists, a mandala is an image of the sphere where the gods live In the process of visualizing the mandala, awareness of the unity between the external and internal worlds, the sacred space around and in a person, is achieved. A mandala acts as a means of concentrating consciousness and overcoming its boundaries. Each mandala carries certain information. For a successful marriage, love and strengthening relationships, the Mandala of Love is used - a sacred circle, which carries a special meaning and energy. A harmonious state and peace of mind is created when you look at the mandala or just be nearby. The Light Network of mandalas fills the entire system of our body and thereby has a cleansing and harmonizing effect on the body, soul and mind. Mandalas are ideal as meditation aids. and after a while you feel how your desires are revealed, filling your body with love and beauty

Meera Indian mantra of love

Mantra-meditation with very powerful mandalas of love, invoking joy, passion, fulfillment of desire for marriage.

Choose a quiet place. Take a comfortable position and concentrate your attention on the image of the mandalas. While listening to the mantra, free your mind from extraneous thoughts and try to concentrate on the feelings of love inside. Immerse yourself in them, leaving behind everything that is currently bothering you. Don't forget to breathe. Feel how with every inhalation love enters into you, and with every exhalation it comes out to other people. Such meditation can last from 5 minutes or more (it all depends on preparation and habit). And after a while you will feel how your desires, filling your body with love and beauty. This very powerful mantra will definitely help you meet your love and get married.

Mantra that bestows beauty and charm

An unmarried girl, repeating this mantra, attracts her true, best man, purifying her heart, preparing to meet him!
A married girl, repeating this mantur, gains strength in family life and softens her husband’s heart with this austerity.

Mantra for finding a worthy husband.

Even if there are karmic or generic reasons for female loneliness, still repeating this mantra will eliminate all causes and obstacles, and create favorable conditions for a successful acquaintance and a happy marriage. This mantra should be repeated a total of two hundred and fifty thousand times.

Mantra for attracting the ideal partner

“Oh Goddess Katiyani, great energy of the Lord, you are the owner of great mystical power and the patroness of all, please bless me and arrange it so that I can find my Divine husband and serve Him. I offer my obeisances to You"
SAT PATIM DEHI PARAMESVARA Translation from Sanskrit - Goddess send me a groom like God, possessing the same qualities.
There are many rituals and rituals to find your love, and some are considered the most powerful and effective.
Love ritual with white flower

This ritual has been known since the Middle Ages and is intended for girls to help attract wonderful relationships into their lives, built on pure and mutual love.
The ritual must be performed on the waxing moon - in the first days of the new moon. It is best on Friday evening - since Friday is ruled by Venus - the Goddess of Love.
You will need any white flower. Place this flower on the windowsill or balcony so that the light of the growing moon falls on it. Ask the Universe to send you mutual and bright love.
At dawn, take this flower and put it in the sacred book. It doesn't have to be the Bible. You can put a flower in any book of spiritual content that you really like and reading which gives you strength and energy.
The flower must lie on the pages of the book until the next new moon. On the next new moon (the first night of the new moon), take a flower from the book, scatter its petals into your palm and say: “I give you, shining spirit, part of your dream. I will ask you, fulfilling spirit, for the triumph of love!”
Describe the qualities of the person you dream of meeting and blow the petals of a flower out the open window.
It is believed that after this ritual, the man of your dreams should appear in your life within a month.
Mirror Rite

Required attributes: Mirror; Pomade. The ritual helps if a young man treats a girl as a friend and does not see her as a future soul mate, a partner in family life. Friendly feelings do not develop into love, which is what a lover dreams of very much. The ritual will help change the current situation, speed up the process of a man understanding that next to him is someone with whom it will be easy to go through life. For the ritual, a mirror is taken, and the name of the beloved and desired man is written on it using lipstick, preferably bright or red. Then they look into the mirror for a long time and carefully through the written name. You can say the following words:
“You and I will be together, you will soon love me.” The words of the conspiracy are pronounced three, nine or twelve times. After preparing the mirror, you must definitely get into the room of the mysterious man. It is advisable that no more than three days pass between preparing the mirror and the meeting. The less time passes, the stronger the effect of words. When you come to visit, you need to look in the mirror again. The words will be as follows: “My mirror, open my image, convey your feelings, give me the power of love. I leave the mirror, I entrust my feelings to it.” When the young man leaves the room, the mirror must be hidden in a secluded place. The strongest position is where a man sleeps: under the bed, under the mattress, under the pillow. Perhaps there is some kind of shelf above the bed, then you can put it there too. If there is no way to hide it near the bed, choose any corner of the room. After seven days, the enchanted item must be taken back and brought into your home.
Remember the day: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc. Every repeating day of the week, repeat the words while looking in the mirror: “My mirror was with my beloved, everyone knew about him, it reminded him of me. The mirror conveyed my feelings. Help me now: send him my image, bring him to my house.” There are quite a lot of word options, the meaning is a request for help. It is believed that within seven weeks the young man will understand where his true happiness is.


Women's mantra to attract a man's love:

"Sat patim dehi parameshvara."

Translation: "Please God give me a true man who embodies ideal masculine principles." Sung 108 times.

This Vedic mantra attracts success in your personal life, helps to raise your inner state of mind and accept masculine energy.
If a woman is single and wants to attract her soulmate, she needs to read: as many weeks as you are old, plus one more.

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If you feel like your luck has turned away from you, and fatigue and depression have settled in your heart, you can perform this simple ritual.
On the day of the Sun, namely on Sunday before sunset, pour 2 tbsp into a cotton bag. spoons of coarse table salt (from a new pack). Sit in a comfortable position and hold the bag between your palms, opposite your forehead. At the same time, read this conspiracy (try to feel every word):

I won't be too far off,
Neither close, nor high, nor low,
Neither in feast, nor in trouble, nor under the sky,
Not under a roof
Neither relatives nor strangers
And sadness will pass me by
Stay away and will never come close to me.
These words are eternal, strong
Now and forever.

The bag can be placed at the head of the bed or carried with you.
__________Protective mantra from bad influences

This mantra protects a person from the evil influence of dark forces and allows him to cope with any obstacles. This prayer can relieve bad mood, selfishness and laziness. A person who practices it gains strength for many accomplishments, and as a result, he gains influence and respect.

A healing mantra that has amazing effects!

This mantra:
used to treat physical problems
Helps heal relationship problems
activates the energy that will bring you the necessary method for healing,
will help you find a good, competent doctor or spiritual practice

This is how Deva Premal talks about this mantra:

“When practicing a mantra, especially such a strong one, it is very important to remember that its effect, its impact, can manifest itself in the most unexpected way.

Perhaps the mantra will activate the channel, which will bring you the necessary method of healing, the necessary doctor or an effective prescription. So the main thing is to be open to everything and not limit the effect of the mantra!”
Open up to the energy of healing, focus on the end result rather than imagining the healing process. Let the Universe do everything itself! It is also very good to charge water or medicines that you take with this mantra.

“I recite this mantra to summon healing energy to myself and get rid of the disease (its name)!”


A man or a woman, this word is straight. Then since the face of the kpas is lifeless and unlovable from birth.
Then let three sunrises in a row come after the full moon.
then let them go into the field. Let them wander there. Let them read this.
Yes, that’s why they decree beauty for themselves.

The sun is early. My face is rosy
The sun is in the sky. Yes, I’m in the clear
The sun is shining.
I find beauty
Then they'll match me
Then they give me
It won't fight back
Then you will fall in love with love
Tacos are famous in this region
Yes, the sun will get better.

Say it at least 33 times.
Then the face is white.

Mantras for attracting the ideal partner
Two of the most powerful, unique mantras from Marianne Polonsky's lectures for attracting the ideal partner.

The first mantra is to attract a partner with the best masculine qualities, which is only possible for you:


(Translation from Sanskrit - God, please send me a husband who would use my energy honestly and selflessly.)

The second mantra is an appeal to Goddess Durga (Shiva’s Consort):


(Translation from Sanskrit - Goddess, send me a groom like God. Possessing the same qualities.)

Mantras are read:

As old as you are +1 week (i.e. if you are 30 years old, read 31 weeks);

40 weeks;

Until the energy matures and you meet a partner.

While reciting the mantra, a woman must maintain chastity (a mandatory condition).

The mantra is stronger if you chant it.
_____________Spell for making coffee for love..
Spell for making coffee for love...

In addition to cinnamon, add nutmeg on the tip of a knife, light a candle and read while the coffee is prepared..
Adlavah saus, corga avidalo.
Piro tagul, ahvadol.
Ueder nore kofado, ude ode do.

Move the candles over the Turk depicting a triangle, symbolically representing the sides - love, your name, his name, then move your hand away and read:

Ahalael atabl.
El lekamur, Azwakh.
Ode faul lame, ode lah.

Extinguish the candle sharply, a doomok will appear, catch it in your fist and “throw” it into the coffee.....

Make peace with your husband
This curse should be read twelve times, twelve days in a row, exactly at midnight and noon. This hour is considered the wedding hour of fate.
Read the spell over a drink or food, and treat your husband to this dish
The crown of the king and queen, a heavenly wedding on earth.
Two hearts of the soul of the servant of God (name)
and the servant of God (name) wedding scarf,
wedding candle, wedding altar,
wedding bell, wedding time,
the wedding hour and my strong command.
From this hour, from my order -
go two hearts, souls of the servant of God (name)
and the servants of God (name) meet each other,
for everlasting eternity.
I crown you with a strong word and a sculpted deed
and all White magic. Amen.
Just as a mother loves a child until she is seven years old and does not want to take a step without her, so the husband of God’s servant (name) looked and could not stop looking at God’s servant (name). And they would rejoice at each other, like a mother at her child, and a child at her beloved mother. I lock my plot on holy keys, holy locks. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Funnel for attracting men

As you inhale, bring your hands together in front of your chest, as if in prayer. As you exhale, raise your arms through your sides; you need to enter the energy flow, joining your palms above your head. While inhaling, lower them again to chest level, while holding your breath, turn them down and lower them to the level of the center of passion (four fingers below the navel), focus the energy by spreading your palms and joining your fingers, as if forming a triangle around this center, and while exhaling, open the funnel, raising your arms up and bending your elbows slightly.
Make turns clockwise.
The number of turns depends on who you can and want to attract:

3 times - for the first level,
7 times to attract second level men,
17 - for the third,
34 - for the fourth,
72 - to attract the minister,
108-to meet the emperor.

It takes 28 days for cells to change from one level to another. It’s better to start with 7 times, and if it goes easily, you can increase to seventeen.

After practice, thank and mentally close the space
______________________Plot on beauty.
In order to look good, you can perform a special ritual ritual. You need to prepare a small mirror and one candle. Before the conspiracy, you need to wash off all makeup, curtain the windows, and close the doors. Sit at the table facing the window, let your hair down, take off your shoes, light a candle, set the mirror so that the candle fire is reflected in it. Look in the mirror and repeat:

“In a wide field stands the flammable stone Alatyr, it is not a toad sitting on it, not a rooster crowing, not a snake hissing, but the Firebird is burning with fire, fluffing its golden tail, blinding with beauty. Just as the Firebird is more beautiful and brighter than all, so may (name) be more beautiful and brighter than all, shine with gold, and welcome the betrothed mummer. Forever and ever. Truly."

After you have uttered the spell words, you need to stand up, turn around your axis, then read the spell again. This action should be performed three times.

Series of messages "

From Sanskrit the word Mantra is translated as “verse” or “spell”. Each “verse” is addressed to an Indian deity who patronizes a specific area. In India, they are compared to prayers, as they have a huge impact on emotions and thoughts, directing their flow into the channel of love and creation. As practitioners say, the life of a person who regularly pronounces mantras for love and attracting a soulmate very soon changes for the better.

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    Mechanism of action

    A mantra is a vibration, a certain setting for a person, helping him to enter a state of love and harmony in order to more quickly achieve what he wants. All words are pronounced in Sanskrit, so practice is required to learn how to pronounce the text accurately.

      The mantra fills, relaxes, and takes a person into distant bliss, provided that everything is done correctly and from the heart. The longer a person stays in such states, the more he is filled with the energy necessary to attract happy events. Mantras can be chanted, or they can be calmly pronounced.

      The main condition for successful chanting of mantras is to open your heart and trust in the absolute. When pronouncing the text of the appeal, you need to mentally imagine the desired result that a person strives for in real life.

      How to sing correctly?

      In order for mantras that attract love and men to have power, you need to adhere to certain rules:

  1. 1. For singing, you must choose a quiet, secluded place.
  2. 2. Sit in a comfortable position (you can do it in the lotus position) and calm your thoughts.
  3. 3. Breathe a little deeply and calmly.
  4. 4. Take out the selected text and read or turn on the recording with the mantra and repeat after the speaker.
  5. 5. Say words a certain number of times (108 times, as practitioners advise). People use rosary beads to guide them in the number of repetitions.
  6. 6. Read regularly - morning and evening, until positive changes appear.

First, you need to use an audio recording to understand the pronunciation, and then learn it by heart. You should not think that just by practicing everything will get better for a person and love will burst into his life “on a white horse.” No, the effect will grow from practice to practice. A person must feel how his body reacts, what emotions arise and how his heart responds to the “song of love.” If there are no sensations or the mantra simply does not fit, you need to change the text to a more suitable one.

Only regular practice of chanting sacred words will help attract mutual love and a happy marriage into a woman’s life.

Mantra Texts

A powerful Indian mantra for attracting a beloved man, love, tenderness, building relationships with a loved one: