home · Appliances · Sliding door mechanism, sliding doors on mechanisms. Types of sliding interior door mechanisms and features of their installation Mechanisms for interior doors

Sliding door mechanism, sliding doors on mechanisms. Types of sliding interior door mechanisms and features of their installation Mechanisms for interior doors

To ensure that the interior door does not swing, but slides to the side, various mechanisms with guides for sliding doors are used. Let's understand how these systems work.

Before planning which mechanism you will use when installing sliding sashes, you need to decide on the type of structure itself. They can have one flap that slides to the side or several. They may be moving in the general direction, or at least one leaf will move in the opposite direction. Particularly interesting are designs of 4 or more parts, and they can move apart not only along their plane, but also fold like an accordion, which creates completely new ideas for using space.

So, the simplest type is exactly what was described in the first example, that is, one-, two-, three- or even four-leaf doors. The first option, when opening, moves freely along the guides, usually to the right, but the 2 doors diverge to the sides, like in an elevator or in a subway car. If the door has 3 parts, the 2 outermost ones are on the same level and move apart in opposite directions, and the 3rd one covers one of the leaves, moving in the same direction as it. And finally, the 4 parts are divided into 2 pairs, each of which moves opposite to the other, and one panel overlaps the second when opened. Another type is the same two-, three- and four-leaf doors, but of the cascade type. Their main difference is that all the doors move only in one direction.

Single- and double-leaf doors can slide either along the wall, closing part of it in the open position, or be buried in it, going into special grooves.

Sliding interior doors

The next option is compartment doors, when two doors, converging when closing the opening, do not close, but, moving along two parallel guides, slightly overlap their edges. In this case, if the opening is sufficiently wide, 1 part can be stationary, and the second can move freely along the guides. In essence, the previously discussed three-leaf version can be made as a coupe if the middle, third part, closing the opening, slightly overlaps the edge of the panel moving towards it along parallel runners.

Next comes the radius sliding door. To make such a structure, you need to have a rounded wall instead of one of the corners and an opening in this area. Otherwise, except for bending along a certain radius, the doors are not much different from ordinary sliding doors. In the open position, they will overlap small sections of the wall on the sides of the opening, and in the closed position, they will close together, like in an elevator. Accordingly, the single-leaf version simply slides to the side along the guides. In some cases, radius doors can be buried in special grooves if the wall is thick enough or the niche is made of plasterboard.

And finally, the last type is accordion sliding doors. Doors of this type are equipped with rollers sliding along the top edge on special turning platforms. The panels themselves are connected to each other by ordinary or piano hinges, several pieces each, depending on whether such structures are made in the form of one or two “curtains”. It is noteworthy that the width of the sashes can be different, for example: narrower at the edges, and wider closer to the middle of the opening. The number of panels in each group is practically unlimited, except for the distance between the side ends of the interior opening.

Having chosen the one you like with the doors sliding to the sides, you need to carefully consider all the mechanisms available today that are included in the sets of sliding systems (SRS).

There are relatively few of them, and the simplest type is suspended. In fact, this is only one guide along which the rollers move, but it is very powerful and can withstand heavy loads. A groove is made at the bottom of the door leaf into which a ridge stop placed on the threshold fits so that the door does not swing when moving. However, if the groove does not allow it to move from side to side, then it can quite warp slightly in its plane, due to the relatively free position of the rollers inside the guide.

Hanging view of a sliding door structure

Unlike not very reliable (albeit inexpensive) suspension systems, which quickly become unusable during active use, KRS with two guides are much more durable. This option provides for each sash of the structure a lower groove in which an additional roller moves, which also serves as a stop. As a rule, such mechanisms are installed on compartment doors and accordions.

It should be taken into account that the presence of bearings in the rollers increases their service life and increases the smooth movement of the panel. The number of wheels is also of considerable importance; for panels with a large weight, 4 rollers are required in each carriage.

So, we have looked at all the possible options that you can install in your home with your own hands. However, now you need to correctly combine sliding systems for interior doors and the type of preferred design.

As already mentioned, compartment and accordion doors require lower guides. Moreover, the first option requires a separate gutter for each panel and a separate suspension system, respectively, while with an accordion the mechanism moves exclusively in one plane. Conventional sliding doors work on the same principle, and you can make them hanging for savings and ease of assembly with your own hands.

Bottom accordion guides

Radius sliding structures are much more interesting. Of course, their mechanism is no different, but all the carriages are rotated in relation to each other in an arched guide. Such a design must have a support roller and, preferably, more than one, so that the sash does not jam during sudden movement.

Glass doors also have some special features if they do not have a wooden, metal or plastic frame. When mounting rollers directly to thin glass, special overhead slats with rollers in the upper part are used; they are screwed along the entire length through small holes. At the bottom, instead of a roller or stop, a narrow guide groove is sometimes installed.

How to properly install a sliding system with your own hands

How to install a sliding door system with your own hands - step-by-step diagram

Step 1: Marking

First of all, you need to take into account that even for the simplest hanging mechanism the old door frame is not suitable, and therefore the jambs will need to be dismantled. Only when you have an empty opening left can you make markings for a new structure. For the future, stock up on decorative panels to disguise the top rail and trim for finishing the ends of the opening.

Now we measure the height of the sash and add 15 millimeters to the result obtained for the lower gap. We measure the required distance along the wall from the floor and make marks along which we draw a line, after which we place the door next to it, wedging it from below with wedges, and check the correctness of the calculation.

Step 2: Install the Guide

We measure the width of the already assembled mechanism (you need to check it in action to make sure there are no defects). Then we add the width of the guides and mark the locations of the fasteners, focusing along the line of the top edge of the door panel. We disassemble the mechanism for further assembly already on the sash. If there is only one upper guide, you can fix it with your own hands on a wooden beam pre-attached to the wall. If there should be 2 or more hanging profiles for rollers, then special brackets are installed, screwed to the wall with several long screws.

Hanging the door

And finally, the most crucial moment - in the lower part of the door you need to either make a groove with your own hands, if a stop knife (comb) or a leash will pass there, or secure a plate with a lower roller. The latter requires a special gutter, which is mounted on the line of movement of the door and serves as a threshold; to install it, use a plumb line or a laser level to prevent distortions of the sash. Now all that remains is to hang the door on the mechanism, securing the previously installed hinges using a special adjusting screw, which allows you to more accurately set the height of the door relative to the floor.

When assembling such a system with your own hands, special attention should be paid at the very beginning to aligning it with the level of the guide so that there is no tilt towards the opening of the sash. Otherwise, we can confidently predict that the door will open on its own, and the load lock will quickly fail. As a last resort, you can make a slight tilt towards closing, then the sash will always strive to close, but the small tilt angle (no more than 2 degrees) will not allow it to do this quickly. If you are making synchronous sliding doors yourself, do not forget to adjust the cable before final assembly of the system.

A convenient and functional sliding door mechanism will help make your space more comfortable and modern. Fittings for sliding mechanisms and the possibility of replacing them allow you to maximize the service life of the product without the need for replacement, saving you money. Adapt your home or office to meet your ever-changing comfort needs and enjoy convenience in every detail.

Buy a sliding mechanism for doors: interior, entrance

The online store catalog presents a large selection of devices that ensure smooth opening and closing of door structures. Including, you can buy sliding mechanisms for:

  • wooden doors;
  • plastic;
  • glass;
  • metal (garage doors).

All presented models are classified by type of action and can be:

  • synchronous;
  • folding; hidden;
  • telescopic;
  • with closers and others.

The difference lies in the opening principle and depends on the design of the door, its weight, size, presence of a threshold and other related factors. You can select suitable products for door leaves weighing from 20 (wardrobe) to 300 kg (metal gates), which fully covers the demand, as well as with a single leaf length of up to 1.5 meters with a rail length of up to 3.
Additionally, you can choose to order accessories for sliding mechanisms: aluminum profiles, decorative overlays, various fasteners, carriages, lower leads. The opportunity to purchase everything you need in one place is especially appreciated by our wholesale clients who are professionally involved in the repair and finishing of houses and apartments. In addition, the price of sliding mechanisms and components for them at Maximum is one of the lowest in Moscow, and the assortment will please even picky buyers.

The company has many years of experience in the sliding hidden doors market. We provide only high-quality products, designers offer individual solutions to issues. The price of the products is competitive in relation to other manufacturers. Meeting deadlines is our credo; your door will be installed on time. Additionally, the product can be purchased in the online store, we are located in Moscow.

Sliding hidden doors - features of use, installation

Installation of the canvas is carried out by professional workers who understand the nuances of the work. When making the sliding mechanism, they use durable and reliable material. The system is designed for long-term use. In addition to doors, fittings for them are also sold. It will help hide the moving slider and add charm to the interior. Measure the door compartment in the wall and select a product for it. Door sliding mechanism only according to buyer's dimensions. The workers who install the canvas will hide the movement mechanism.

Sliding hidden doors can also be used as a drawing board. This feature will delight children. Sliding doors can hide unwanted entrances, such as a closet or basement. The wall appears to be one-component. The movement device is also hidden using special fittings. Sliding panels are installed at the exit to the loggia, and a glass opening is made.

Sliding system range

  • pencil case Eclisse Syntesis Line;
  • INVISIBLE WOOD fittings set;
  • pencil case Eclisse Syntesis Line Double;
  • Open Space Unikit Desing canvas helps hide passages in the house;
  • INVISIBLE GLASS fittings set includes a sliding mechanism;
  • pencil case Open Space Unico Desing;

The Eclisse pencil case is one of the most common options.

There are two types of sliding devices - those consisting of two canvases, that is. double-leaf, and single-leaf - for one leaf. Having a large opening in the wall, the system is installed in two panels, in such a situation it will have several advantages. Easier to open - single door unit is too heavy. In addition, having elderly people and children in the house, this design will create difficulties in movement. It is customary to install a single-leaf sliding door with a hidden mechanism in small openings. To make a rational decision, come to our office in Moscow. Our employees will show a new disguised type of designs from famous designers. We will help you choose hidden sliding interior doors. The roll-back design is gaining momentum in popularity. Moscow is famous for the presence of such factories.

Sliding door mechanism- this is a unique hanging sliding system for interior doors, created for the convenience of people - it allows you to increase the free space of the room. Saving potentially useful spaceoccurs due to opportunityinstallation of a sliding door leaf with rollers for sliding doors and a guide for sliding doors (mechanism for sliding doors assembled) in the doorway or along it, where it will be f operate the sliding door on the mechanism.

The sliding door mechanism includes:

About installing a mechanism for sliding doors.

Install sliding door mechanism no more difficult than installing a standard swing door, because for installing sliding doors on mechanisms, exactly the same is useddoor leaf, but when installing a mechanism for sliding doors, the door leaf yields lessmilling.

The sliding door mechanism can be installed:
  • through the hole in the wall
  • along the wall

By type of sliding door mechanisms:

  • single leaf sliding doors
  • double-leaf sliding doors

Examples of installing sliding doors on mechanisms:

Installation of the mechanism

Sliding doors along the wall

Installation of mechanisms

Sliding doors in an opening in the wall

Sliding door mechanism installation diagram

Sliding doors save potentially useful room space - this is a fact, not a single sliding door will work without high-quality mechanisms for sliding doors - even more undeniable fact .

The quality of the sliding door mechanism is expressed in the quality and functionality of its components.

Also, regardless of the type of your sliding door and the sliding door mechanism installed there, the sliding door can be upgraded.

1. installation of a sliding mechanism for synchronous opening

2. installation of a closer on the sliding door mechanism

3. installation on the sliding door mechanism of a system for parallel opening of doors

Also, it is worth adding that each sliding door mechanism is equipped with assembly diagram .

Our sliding door mechanism a multifunctional thing, it is suitable for installing sliding interior doors in apartments and offices, sliding partitions in country houses and industrial premises, for example, it is used for organizing work compartments in car repair shops and car washes, also sliding door mechanisms widely used for hanging heavy curtains, for example in assembly halls.

Helpful information

Sliding mechanism for interior doors

To ensure that the operation of interior door leaves in the house does not take up useful space when opening/closing, it is enough to install mechanisms for sliding doors with doors built into the system. The operating principle of this design is simple - the blades are equipped with rollers and move along special rails (guides) back and forth. To prevent shock loads, they are equipped with stoppers and limiters. They are distinguished by quiet operation, ease of maintenance, reliability, and visual appeal. For the production of doors, MDF boards, glass, mirrors, and solid wood are used. Fittings for sliding doors are selected depending on the weight and area of ​​the door panels, taking into account the type of material from which they are made.

The sliding mechanism for interior doors is structurally divided into types and differs in the method of installation (location) of the working rollers. They are installed in the upper or lower part and can have a combined sliding mechanism. In the first case, the main load is placed on the upper rollers, while the lower mechanism supports the movement of the doors and prevents impacts when opening. In the second option, the lower rollers are working, and the upper ones are auxiliary. In the third, the load is distributed across two mechanisms simultaneously. Depending on the weight, design, and area of ​​the target, the number of rollers is determined. Their number varies from two.

Sliding fittings guides are made of steel or aluminum. They are available in single and double types. Attached to the stream and/or floor.

Buy high-quality sliding compartment door mechanisms in Moscow

The TBM-Market company offers to purchase high-quality sliding door mechanisms for compartment doors. Experienced enterprise managers will help you select the necessary system for the flawless operation of your doors and components for their installation - from fasteners to seals.