home · electrical safety · Milana and Alexander Kerzhakov signed a settlement agreement. Lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky about the scandal in the family of football player Kerzhakov: “Milan is being put under extreme pressure by Milana Kerzhakova and Alexander Kerzhakov, the latter

Milana and Alexander Kerzhakov signed a settlement agreement. Lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky about the scandal in the family of football player Kerzhakov: “Milan is being put under extreme pressure by Milana Kerzhakova and Alexander Kerzhakov, the latter


24-year-old Milana Kerzhakova, the wife of the famous Russian football player Alexander Kerzhakov, finally confirmed that their marriage had broken up. Rumors about this, however, the girl preferred not to dwell on this topic. Only sources from her circle said that Kerzhakov was shamelessly cheating on the mother of his son Artemy, and she was in no hurry to divorce him. However, the other day, completely unexpectedly for everyone, Kerzhakova suddenly responded to one of her subscribers’ comments on Instagram. She asked her about her relationship with her husband.

“I haven’t been in a relationship with him for a long time,” Milana replied to the subscriber. - This is an absolutely fallen person, unworthy of respect, alas.


Her answer, of course, generated a wave of discussion. Many expressed sympathy for the footballer’s wife, and some said that a break with Kerzhakov is the best outcome for Milana, and she should be happy (spelling and punctuation preserved). “Milana! When I found out that you are the third wife of this football player, I felt that you had gotten yourself into this mess!!! Where are you and where is Kerzhakov! Different social levels! Well, it happens - love is evil, I fell in love with Azzl. Now God has taken it away - rejoice!!! You are beautiful! - wrote one of the girl’s fans.

Indeed, Kerzhakov’s relationships are not going well. Back in 2010, Alexander divorced his first wife Maria Golova, from whom the football player had a daughter, Dasha.

Maria suspected that Kerzhakov was not faithful to her, but when photos of her husband hugging an unknown blonde appeared on the Internet, the truth was revealed. It turned out that the stranger was Ekaterina Safronova, then the wife of hockey player Kirill Safronov. After the scandal, the couple stopped hiding their relationship: Kerzhakov divorced Golova, Safronova divorced her hockey player husband.

The lovers soon gave birth to a son... and got into another scandal. A year after the birth of the boy, the football player accused his common-law wife of indecent behavior and drug use, demanding that Safronova be deprived of parental rights. The reason for the proceedings was video, in which Safronova, her friend and a certain Albert allegedly consume white powder. Kerzhakov was at the training camp at that time. After long proceedings and appearances on talk shows, Safronova’s parental rights were limited, and little Igor began to live with Kerzhakov and his new lover, who just happened to be Milana Tyulpanova, the daughter of Federation Council member Vadim Tyulpanov.

As the footballer later said in an interview, “the son doesn’t remember about Catherine.”

“I tried to treat this situation philosophically, but I can’t do this even after time,” the athlete admitted. - Milana and I talked about this more than once. No matter what situations happen in life, there are things that cannot be forgiven, and not even so much in relation to oneself, but in relation to one’s own child and the fact that his life was endangered. This whole story became public knowledge against my will. Until the last moment I tried not to make it public, but that side, alas, decided otherwise. I will say this: everything that happens in life is certainly for the better. The difference in who I was four years ago and who I am now is colossal. I became calmer, more efficient, wiser, I learned to treat myself and people more simply, not to take situations that seem hopeless at first glance too seriously and not to think about them for too long. So I don’t regret anything, especially since I have a wonderful son whom I love very much. He doesn’t remember about Catherine, but for myself I said goodbye to this person in the most tragic sense of the word - for me she does not exist. Now I just want my child to be healthy and develop, I want to protect and secure my family from external influences,” Kerzhakov said then.

21-year-old Milana and 32-year-old Alexander got married. Two years after the wedding with Milana, Kerzhakov had another son, Artemy. In the last month of pregnancy, Kerzhakova experienced the death of her father: Vadim Tyulpanov fell in a bathhouse, hit his head and suffered a fracture of the base of his skull. Death occurred as a result of acute heart failure.

Thus, 2.5 years after the wedding, discord began in the relationship between Alexander and Milana. Rumors have appeared in the media that the couple no longer live together, and their marriage is in danger of breaking up. In February 2018, Milana posted “They hit me a little” on Instagram, deleting the photo some time later:


Every now and then the girl published sad statuses on social networks:

— The face is only a mask. Souls are bound and sick,” she once wrote. However, there is no talk of divorce for the star couple yet.

Alexander Kerzhakov has not yet commented on his relationship with Milana. However, he may soon have to do this, because subscribers bombarded the football player with angry comments and questions. Many, not without reason, assume that it is not Kerzhakov who is unlucky with women, but they with Kerzhakov. “Why do you treat women so disgustingly and disgustingly, Alexander? Fuck you!”, “A wonderful person does not divorce twice so much that his exes hate him,” “He is already divorcing a third woman, leaving a third child without a father. Says a lot. Thank him that there is money and the children are not hungry, but for me, he is a lousy man, husband, father and person,” people write.

22 May 2018, 20:45

Specialists protect the young mother from any contact with the outside world.

After Milana’s divorce announcement, Kerzhakova stopped updating her social networks. Fans, unfortunately, wondered if something irreparable had happened. A friend of the Kerzhakov family only fueled the rumors.

According to the girl, Milana was so worried about the quarrels with her husband that she ended up in the hospital. She is still there now. The woman is isolated from the outside world.

Kerzhakova was robbed of all her means of communication: her phone and tablet. Allegedly, on the day the scandalous message about the divorce appeared, the doctors, as an exception, allowed her to use a smartphone. Milan is promised to be discharged from the clinic at the end of May. It is not known what illness Milana came to the doctors with. “If a phone is taken away at the clinic, everyone has strange thoughts,” a friend shared with the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper website.

There are rumors that the footballer's wife has been a little out of sorts lately. She was so desperate that she even tried to save her collapsing marriage with the help of magical rituals. The girl turned to the psychic Irina Martynova and asked to bewitch her husband.

“Martynova, I think, promised to help. But Irina does not have basic knowledge, she simply took money from Milana. I know Irina well. She came from Krasnodar, worked at the Personal Development Center of Natalia Banteeva, the winner of the 9th “Battle of Psychics.” Irina in The center was engaged in applied “dirty work”: sewing dolls for love spells, making lapels, love spells, arranging cash flow,” psychic Tatyana Larina told reporters.

Larina thinks that Kerzhakov deliberately sent Milana to the clinic in order to pass her off as crazy, and in the event of a divorce, to sue the children from his wife. Allegedly, the football player had already pulled off this trick several years ago with his partner Ekaterina Safronova.

“I went to the psychiatric hospital, where Kerzhakov sent her for “treatment,” and pulled her out. Katya was injected with a strong drug that her heart could not withstand, and then they offered to put her into an artificial coma. I begged her not to agree. Milana was also put into an artificial coma. She repeats Katya’s fate,” EG.ru quotes the magician.

A week ago, details appeared from a mutual friend of Katya Safronova and Milana Kerzhakova - Svetlana. She spoke about the situation in the Kerzhakov family. It turns out that the relationship between Alexander and Milana has long reached a dead end.

As Milana says, not a day goes by in their family without mentioning Safronova’s name, says Svetlana. - It seems to Milan that he loved Katya more than her, so she always sees her features in her son Igor. The problems got worse when her dad died. Kerzhakov began to often not spend the night at home and not say when he would return. One nervous breakdown, another, and she ended up in a psychological clinic. It's not hard to guess who sent her there. Let us at least remember the story of Katya Safronova, who was kept in a drug treatment clinic by force. Milana was treated in Russia, then in Germany. She was put into an induced coma and woke up in handcuffs. While she was lying there, someone was filming her. And then the recording can be presented in court as evidence that the child cannot be given to such a mother. As in the case of Safronova. It turns out that after the death of Milana’s influential dad, he no longer needs her. Milana loved him very much, wanted to save the family, but now it’s too late. Now she lives with her mother.

For the New Year holidays, Sasha bought trips to Bali. They rested there, only separately. Milana lived with her mother, and Sasha hung out with friends. On social networks, Milana did not post a single general photo and wrote: “I’m going home and crying.”

After the birth of her first child, Milana went through a difficult period. The young mother herself wrote about this on her Instagram after a long silence: for about a week, usually active on the Internet, Milana did not contact fans, did not post photos or share details of the baby’s growing up. As it turned out, the nervous exhaustion that the girl suffered after her charity ball “Stars for Children” was to blame.

“I want to ask for your forgiveness. Forgiveness for the fact that exactly one week after holding an incredibly important event for me, I fell completely out of life - the reason for this, unfortunately, was nervous exhaustion, apparently, as rightly, at one time, my dad said: “Everyone is given exactly the same amount of tests.” forces." At that moment, my strength probably ran out,” Milana admitted to her subscribers. And then she posted a photo with newborn Artemy, which she tenderly captioned: “What heals me.”
The fact that Milana remembered her father in her address did not surprise fans: shortly before the birth of her grandson, he died tragically.

The other day, 24-year-old Milana left a message on social networks about family life: “We haven’t been together for a long time.” And a little lower she added: “This is an absolutely fallen person, unworthy of respect, alas.” Alexander Kerzhakov has three marriages. From each - a child. The youngest turned one in April.

Alexander Kerzhakov was once considered one of the best scorers in the history of Russian football. He was a star of St. Petersburg Zenit and the Russian national team. Kerzhakov was clearly not deprived of the attention of the girls. And he himself willingly proposed to the ladies of his heart, gave birth to children and just as easily got divorced.

The football player's first marriage failed after 5 years. Kerzhakov separated from his wife amicably. The athlete's ex-wife is raising their common daughter.

Kerzhakov’s second companion was Ekaterina Safronova. In 2013, a son was born into the family. A year later, the athlete filed a lawsuit against Safronova, demanding that he raise their common son himself. His claim was granted.

Kerzhakov had his third wedding in June 2015. The chosen one was the daughter of the famous politician Vadim Tyulpanov, who died on April 4, 2017, a few days before the birth of his grandson. It was then, according to some sources, that discord began in the family.

The first bell rang when last winter Milana Kerzhakova published a selfie on her online page, where a bruise under the girl’s eye was visible. “They hit me a little,” Milana herself captioned the photo. A few hours later the card was deleted. But another photo appeared with an equally telling caption: “My father always asked me to leave his last name. I love you, dad. You are the only real man in my life."

Kerzhakov and Milana left the showdown online without commenting to the press.

None of the star couple’s friends are willing to comment on the latest news about a possible divorce.

I haven't been to Russia for more than a month. When he left, everything was fine with them,” said the footballer’s lawyer Igor Reshetnikov. - In any case, none of them mentioned divorce. This topic was not raised at all. Maybe something happened in the last few days? To clarify the information, I need to listen to both versions. I think it will take a week to figure it out.

We called the charity foundation run by Kerzhakov and where Milana works.

“We have a definite position on this topic, we do not give out comments,” said the girl at the other end of the line, but, apparently, she did not deny the obvious facts.

We contacted Kerzhakov’s ex-wife, Ekaterina Safronova, the same one whose son the footballer sued.

- Ekaterina, are you aware that your ex-husband may soon become a free man?

I don't really follow his personal life. But it so happened that after this news they started calling me and telling me. So I willy-nilly find out about him, even if I don’t really want to.

- Does your son still live with Kerzhakov? The situation was not resolved in your favor?

Yes, his son is with him. The situation has not yet been resolved. My position is wait-and-see. I won’t be surprised that Kerzhakov will divorce Milana. She knew that their life would end like this sooner or later. Milana herself told me that everything was not going smoothly for them.

-Can you take advantage of the situation and sue your child?

It was not by chance that I chose a wait-and-see attitude. But by no means am I giving up. Perhaps during the process of their divorce some things will come to light.

- Has Kerzhakov’s relationship with Milana deteriorated for a long time?

As far as I know, it's been a year already.

This wouldn't surprise me at all. Everything secret becomes clear. You'll see, a lot more will be revealed. I just don’t want to bring all their negativity onto myself now. I know a lot what happens in their family. I can say one thing - God took me away from this man in time. And our mutual friends think the same way. They tell me about this, they say, you are lucky. Now I don’t want to be somehow drawn into their story. And I’m not at all eager to be associated with Kerzhakov.

- Do you think that Kerzhakov could not change for the better after divorcing you?

People don't change at that age.

- When did you first complain about Milan’s problems?

About a year ago. We met, she even wanted to help me establish communication with my son. But Kerzhakov then reared up. She tried to help, but it didn't work. They had a big fight over this back then. Can I not comment anything further for now? The less I take part in dismantling them, the calmer I will live.

-Have you not seen your son for a long time?

The last time I saw my son was when he was one year old. Now he is five. So consider it. Kerzhakov does not allow me to communicate with the child under any circumstances. No one deprived me of parental rights, and the court did not restrict my communication with my son. It seems to me that my ex-husband has problems...

- So you ask for communication with your son, and what does Kerzhakov say?

It doesn't, that's all.

- Does your son live with Milana?

According to rumors, he constantly lives with his grandmother. Kerzhakov seems to be nowhere near there.

- Have you tried to come to your grandmother to at least see the child?

Why do this? I don’t want to traumatize the child’s psyche and mine. We can't communicate on the phone either. He is still small. And the son won’t understand what kind of aunt this is calling him. You see how everything in life has turned out. It’s not for nothing that they say that you can’t build happiness on someone else’s misfortune. That's for sure. Milana understands this now.

- They say that the relationship between the young people deteriorated when Kerzhakov’s father-in-law died.

I don't have the right to share it yet. Not ready. Let's wait a little.

- How did Milana herself seem to you?

She's a normal girl. I just made a mistake when I linked my life with Kerzhakov. She understood what a bad past he had with his previous wives. Until recently, no one took my words regarding the football player seriously. I screamed into nowhere. It was hard for those around me to believe that such a cute guy from the cover could be a scary person.

Alexander Kerzhakov was once considered one of the best scorers in the history of Russian football. He was a star of St. Petersburg Zenit and the Russian national team. Kerzhakov was clearly not deprived of the attention of the girls. And he himself willingly proposed to the ladies of his heart, gave birth to children and just as easily got divorced.

The football player's first marriage failed after 5 years. Kerzhakov separated from his wife amicably. The athlete's ex-wife is raising their common daughter.

Kerzhakov’s second companion was Ekaterina Safronova. In 2013, a son was born into the family. A year later, the athlete filed a lawsuit against Safronova, demanding that he raise their common son himself. His claim was granted.

Kerzhakov had his third wedding in June 2015. The chosen one was the daughter of the famous politician Vadim Tyulpanov, who died on April 4, 2017, a few days before the birth of his grandson. It was then, according to some sources, that discord began in the family.

The first bell rang when last winter Milana Kerzhakova published a selfie on her online page, where a bruise under the girl’s eye was visible. “They hit me a little,” Milana herself captioned the photo. A few hours later the card was deleted. But another photo appeared with an equally telling caption: “My father always asked me to leave his last name. I love you, dad. You are the only real man in my life."

Kerzhakov and Milana left the showdown online without commenting to the press.

None of the star couple’s friends are willing to comment on the latest news about a possible divorce.

I haven't been to Russia for more than a month. When he left, everything was fine with them,” said the footballer’s lawyer Igor Reshetnikov. - In any case, none of them mentioned divorce. This topic was not raised at all. Maybe something happened in the last few days? To clarify the information, I need to listen to both versions. I think it will take a week to figure it out.

We called the charity foundation run by Kerzhakov and where Milana works.

“We have a definite position on this topic, we do not give out comments,” said the girl at the other end of the line, but, apparently, she did not deny the obvious facts.

We contacted Kerzhakov’s ex-wife, Ekaterina Safronova, the same one whose son the footballer sued.

- Ekaterina, are you aware that your ex-husband may soon become a free man?

I don't really follow his personal life. But it so happened that after this news they started calling me and telling me. So I willy-nilly find out about him, even if I don’t really want to.

- Does your son still live with Kerzhakov? The situation was not resolved in your favor?

Yes, his son is with him. The situation has not yet been resolved. My position is wait-and-see. I won’t be surprised that Kerzhakov will divorce Milana. She knew that their life would end like this sooner or later. Milana herself told me that everything was not going smoothly for them.

-Can you take advantage of the situation and sue your child?

It was not by chance that I chose a wait-and-see attitude. But by no means am I giving up. Perhaps during the process of their divorce some things will come to light.

- Has Kerzhakov’s relationship with Milana deteriorated for a long time?

As far as I know, it's been a year already.

This wouldn't surprise me at all. Everything secret becomes clear. You'll see, a lot more will be revealed. I just don’t want to bring all their negativity onto myself now. I know a lot what happens in their family. I can say one thing - God took me away from this man in time. And our mutual friends think the same way. They tell me about this, they say, you are lucky. Now I don’t want to be somehow drawn into their story. And I’m not at all eager to be associated with Kerzhakov.

- Do you think that Kerzhakov could not change for the better after divorcing you?

People don't change at that age.

- When did you first complain about Milan’s problems?

About a year ago. We met, she even wanted to help me establish communication with my son. But Kerzhakov then reared up. She tried to help, but it didn't work. They had a big fight over this back then. Can I not comment anything further for now? The less I take part in dismantling them, the calmer I will live.

-Have you not seen your son for a long time?

The last time I saw my son was when he was one year old. Now he is five. So consider it. Kerzhakov does not allow me to communicate with the child under any circumstances. No one deprived me of parental rights, and the court did not restrict my communication with my son. It seems to me that my ex-husband has problems...

- So you ask for communication with your son, and what does Kerzhakov say?

It doesn't, that's all.

- Does your son live with Milana?

According to rumors, he constantly lives with his grandmother. Kerzhakov seems to be nowhere near there.

- Have you tried to come to your grandmother to at least see the child?

Why do this? I don’t want to traumatize the child’s psyche and mine. We can't communicate on the phone either. He is still small. And the son won’t understand what kind of aunt this is calling him. You see how everything in life has turned out. It’s not for nothing that they say that you can’t build happiness on someone else’s misfortune. That's for sure. Milana understands this now.

- They say that the relationship between the young people deteriorated when Kerzhakov’s father-in-law died.

I don't have the right to share it yet. Not ready. Let's wait a little.

- How did Milana herself seem to you?

She's a normal girl. I just made a mistake when I linked my life with Kerzhakov. She understood what a bad past he had with his previous wives. Until recently, no one took my words regarding the football player seriously. I screamed into nowhere. It was hard for those around me to believe that such a cute guy from the cover could be a scary person.

Serious passions are playing out around the family of the best scorer in the history of Russian football - Alexander Kerzhakov. The wife of 35-year-old athlete Milana Tyulpanova said live on Instagram that her husband kidnapped their common son Artyom. According to her, her husband arrived at the dacha with unknown people, climbed over the fence and took the child away from the nanny. Tyulpanova claims that she has not seen her own son for a month - Kerzhakov does not allow her to see the child.

Sasha says that I need to prove my social sanity. Without certificates, he will not allow you to see the child. “I don’t know how to prove it, I’m an adequate person,” says Tyulpanova, not holding back her tears.

In mid-May, 24-year-old Milana said on her social network page that she and her husband had not been together for a long time. She called Kerzhakov a fallen person and unworthy of respect.

I loved my husband very much and never thought that he would do this to me. My whole life for the last 4 years has been dedicated to him,” Milana complained. “I don’t understand how people who loved each other can communicate like that now.”

The love story of Alexander and Milana began in 2015. By this time, the football player already had two marriages - official and civil. In each one a child was born - a daughter and a son.

This was Milana's first marriage. A year after the wedding, the girl became pregnant, and in April 2017 the couple had a son, Artyom. This event was overshadowed by a terrible tragedy - literally a few days before the birth, it became known about the death of Milana's father, 52-year-old member of the Federation Council Vadim Tyulpanov.

Friends of the couple expressed the opinion that it was after this sad event that the relationship between Kerzhakov and his young wife went downhill. Allegedly, the athlete behaved “quietly” while his influential father-in-law was alive, and then constant scandals began in the family.

In May 2018, it became known that Milana filed for divorce.

History repeats itself

What is happening is very reminiscent of the scenario in which the football player broke up with his common-law wife Ekaterina Safronova. Kerzhakov lived with her for several years, and in 2013, Ekaterina gave birth to his son. A year after the birth of the baby, the football player announced that his common-law wife was a drug addict. Through the court, he achieved that the girl was deprived of parental rights, and took the boy for himself. Safronova made excuses and claimed that Kerzhakov was lying.

He lived with me for three and a half years and didn’t see that I was a drug addict? I suddenly became one. I can't imagine what he will say to his son. “I will tell my son that I did everything I could,” said Ekaterina Safronova in an interview with Channel One.

But Kerzhakov’s lawyers, according to the court, provided comprehensive evidence of Safronova’s insanity. Since 2014, the young mother has never seen her son.

Everything is not so clear

Analyzing the information that reaches us in the public space, one thing can be said: everything is not so simple. There may be several reasons for this situation in the Kerzhakov family. The first is that it's about him. We all understand that a football player is an assertive person with a strong character. Probably, in life he is also a “striker”, as in football. And those women who come across him suffer from his strengths of character. Plus, Kerzhakov has a very influential administrative resource - he probably has good lawyers and connections, says family psychologist Irina Korchagina.

But there is a second option - it's about the girls.

In pursuit of public suitors, girls sometimes do not think about family matters, and perhaps they really behave unhealthy, some even resort to drugs and alcohol. Maybe Kerzhakov was simply unlucky with the ladies of his heart and every time he tries to protect his children from them, Korchagina added.

Indeed, information appeared in the media that Tyulpanova and Safronova were in one way or another connected with drugs and alcohol.

For example, in May of this year, conflicting information appeared about Milana Tyulpanova. According to the testimony of acquaintances of the Kerzhakov family, in the spring the girl was treated in one of the drug treatment clinics in Moscow - allegedly the reason for hospitalization was problems with alcohol. The doctors took Tyulpanova’s phone and did not even allow her to attend her own son’s birthday party.

In 2016 (two years after the trial), Ekaterina Safronova was reportedly detained by police for meeting on the street with a man who handed her a bag of white powder - it was drugs. The girl herself completely denied her guilt. The next day after her arrest, the police released her, but no criminal case was opened.

However, according to human rights activist Ekaterina Gordon, who defended the interests of Ekaterina Safronova when she was suing Kerzhakov, what is happening now with Tyulpanova is a pre-planned provocation.

The same scenario is unfolding before our eyes as in the case of Safronova. First, a rumor arises that somewhere an anonymous wife is being treated, with whom Kerzhakov is on the verge of divorce. Then the information dump begins, which usually comes from the St. Petersburg media. Suddenly, friends begin to make comments that the woman (in both cases) was not herself and was being treated, says Gordon.

According to her, a few weeks ago she noticed the news about the likely divorce of Kerzhakov and Tyulpanova and decided to support Milana.

I warned her that there could be various provocations from Sasha. Safronova came to me when she lost all the trials. I had the only weapon - to let her speak out publicly in order to question Kerzhakov’s heroism. Now I will help Milana at least medially. “I don’t think that Kerzhakov takes the children because he is a super dad and wants to spend all his time with them,” added Ekaterina Gordon.

Even if the wife of a famous football player really suffers from alcoholism and behaves inappropriately, Kerzhakov does not have the right to prohibit her from seeing the child solely at his own request, lawyers say.

Kerzhakov is now simply engaged in manipulation. He has no legal grounds to demand from his wife any evidence of her sanity - only a court can do this. Probably, his lawyers advised him to choose such a tactic so that during the divorce process, the court would make a determination about the whereabouts of the child even before the final decision, says lawyer Konstantin Trapaidze. - In general, if Kerzhakov continues to insist that his wife is inadequate, the court (if it sees some logic in this) may order Tyulpanova a psychological and psychiatric examination. And after that, a decision will be made about who the boy will stay with.

The entire Internet is discussing the division of the child between the best scorer in the history of Zenit and the Russian national team, Alexander Kerzhakov and his wife Milana. Celebrity friends and ordinary Internet users were divided into two camps. “360” looked into what happened in the Kerzhakov family.

Alexander and Milana got married three years ago. Milana was then 21 years old, Kerzhakov was 32. For him, this marriage was the third, counting his common-law wife Ekaterina Safronova. The athlete had a daughter from his first wife, and a son from Ekaterina Safronova. At the same time, Kerzhakov’s separation from Safronova was accompanied by a loud scandal. His former lover was convicted of drug addiction and deprived of parental rights, which Kerzhakov sought through the court.

Where it all started

The reverent relationship with Kerzhakov’s third chosen one did not last long. The separation of Alexander and Milana became known in mid-May. The couple did not officially announce this, but back in the winter there were rumors in the media that the Kerzhakovs’ marriage was bursting at the seams. This was partly facilitated by a photo of Milana with a black eye published on Instagram, which she captioned: “A little hit.” The photo soon disappeared from her page.

Photo source: Instagram

A few months later, Milana posted a photo with her one-year-old son Artemy. In the comments under the post, she struck up a conversation with a subscriber, admitting that she “has not been in a relationship for a long time” with Alexander. At the same time, she called her husband “an absolutely fallen person, not worthy of respect.”

Photo source: Instagram

On Thursday, June 28, Milana went live with her fans. The girl announced that the star football player had taken her child away from her. According to her, Alexander arrived at the dacha, where Artemy was with the nanny. Having bribed the woman, he took the child and forbids Milana to see him. “I came to his house and asked him to just let me see my son. But he said until I get a certificate of “social sanity,” I won’t see the child,” she said.

After this confession, a whole wave of criticism fell on Alexander. At the same time, the football player himself has still not responded to the scandal. On his Instagram page, he often posts photos with his son, under which dozens of angry comments from users appear.

Photo source: Instagram
Photo source: Instagram

“What kind of men are they, first they make a woman into an unhappy hysterical woman instead of loving and caring for her, and then she accuses her of inadequacy. So you made her like this, and already your second wife,” writes asdemnews.

“Show off! My son needs his mom! Egoist!" - volkova_olya commented on the publication.

“There is no doubt about Milana’s adequacy - it can be seen with the naked eye, the examination will not help take the child away from the mother, like from the previous wife. I wish the baby would be taken away from you sooner. He will grow up, find out that you took him away from his mother, and will hate you all his life, his sick dad,” warns the football player ksunyashka777.

Stars' reaction

While Alexander himself remains silent, other famous people have already commented on the family scandal. Thus, TV presenter and blogger Alena Vodonaeva sided with Milana and called on her subscribers to “get involved” in solving the problem of a family on the verge of divorce.

“Guys, in fact, we don’t live on a desert island! Let's get involved in such problems. Help one parent if the other commits illegal and inappropriate actions,” Vodonaeva.

Producer Yana Rudkovskaya takes the opposite position. She noted that Milana should first explain where she spent almost five months and why newborn Artemy spent all this time with nannies. As the producer emphasized, according to the law, parents have equal rights to the child, so statements that Alexander allegedly “forcefully holds” his own child are unconvincing.

“Yesterday Sasha suggested to you that everything should be resolved peacefully, but you wanted the audience to pity yourself, which, in principle, in your situation is quite strange! You dealt a severe reputational blow to a person. I wish you not to commit such rash acts again,” Rudkovskaya. She also expressed her respect for Alexander, who manages to remain calm in such a difficult situation.

An alternative view of the essence of the conflict was presented by lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky. He noted that he knows a little more about the Kerzhakovs’ discord than everyone else, and with Milana’s consent, he talks about the true reasons for the division of his son.

A few hours ago Milan did new statement. She suddenly said that she no longer considered Alexander a bad person and wanted to enter into a “constructive dialogue” with her husband. Whether the Kerzhakovs will be able to overcome this scandal, only time will tell.