home · Appliances · Dear time for the eyes of charm. A sad time, a charm of the eyes...

Dear time for the eyes of charm. A sad time, a charm of the eyes...

That's all true, but is this a reason not to love autumn - after all, it has a special charm. It is not for nothing that Russian poets, from Pushkin to Pasternak, so often wrote about autumn, praising the beauty of golden foliage, the romance of rainy, foggy weather, and the invigorating power of cool air. AiF.ru has collected the best poems about autumn.

Alexander Pushkin

It's a sad time! charm of the eyes!
I am pleased with your farewell beauty -
I love the lush decay of nature,
Forests dressed in scarlet and gold,
In their canopy there is noise and fresh breath,
And the skies are covered with wavy darkness,
And a rare ray of sunshine, and the first frosts,
And distant threats of gray winter.
And every autumn I bloom again;
The Russian cold is good for my health;
I feel love again for the habits of life:
One by one sleep flies away, one by one hunger comes;
The blood plays easily and joyfully in the heart,
Desires are boiling - I’m happy, young again,
I’m full of life again - that’s my body
(Please forgive me the unnecessary prosaicism).

State Museum-Reserve of A. S. Pushkin “Mikhailovskoye”. Pskov region. Photo: www.russianlook.com

Nikolay Nekrasov

Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous
The air invigorates tired forces;
Fragile ice on a chilly river
It lies like melting sugar;
Near the forest, like in a soft bed,
You can get a good night's sleep - peace and space!
The leaves have not yet faded,
Yellow and fresh, they lie like a carpet.
Glorious autumn! Frosty nights
Clear, quiet days...
There is no ugliness in nature! And kochi,
And moss swamps and stumps -
Everything is fine under the moonlight,
Everywhere I recognize my native Rus'...
I fly quickly on cast iron rails,
I think my thoughts...

Photo: Shutterstock.com / S.Borisov

Konstantin Balmont

And again autumn with the charm of rusty leaves,
Ruddy, scarlet, yellow, gold,
The silent blue of lakes, their thick waters,
The agile whistle and takeoff of tits in the oak forests.
Camel piles of majestic clouds,
The faded azure of the cast skies,
All around, the dimension of steep features,
The ascended vault, at night in starry glory.
Who's dreaming emerald blue
Drunk in the summer hour, sad at night.
The whole past appears before him with his own eyes.
The surf beats quietly in the Milky Stream.
And I freeze, falling to the center,
Through the darkness of separation, my love, from you.

Fyodor Tyutchev

There are in the brightness of autumn evenings
Touching, mysterious charm:
The ominous shine and diversity of trees,
Crimson leaves languid, light rustle,
Misty and quiet azure
Over the sad orphaned land,
And, like a premonition of descending storms,
Gusty, cold wind at times,
Damage, exhaustion - and everything
That gentle smile of fading,
What in a rational being we call
Divine modesty of suffering.

Afanasy Fet

When the end-to-end web
Spreads threads of clear days
And under the villager's window
The distant gospel is heard more clearly,
We're not sad, scared again
The breath of near winter,
And the voice of the summer
We understand more clearly.

Sergey Yesenin

Quietly in the juniper thicket along the cliff.
Autumn, a red mare, scratches her mane.
Above the river bank cover
The blue clang of her horseshoes is heard.
The schema-monk-wind steps cautiously
Crumples leaves over road ledges
And kisses on the rowan bush
Red ulcers for the invisible Christ.

Painting "Golden Autumn". Ilya Ostroukhov, 1886-1887 Oil on canvas. Photo: www.russianlook.com

Ivan Bunin

The autumn wind rises in the forests,
It moves noisily through the thicket,
Dead leaves are torn off and having fun
Carries in a mad dance.
He will just freeze, fall down and listen,
Will wave again, and behind him
The forest will hum, tremble - and they will fall
Leaves rain golden.
Blows like winter, frosty blizzards,
Clouds are floating in the sky...
Let everything that is dead and weak perish
And return to dust!
Winter blizzards are the forerunners of spring,
Winter blizzards must
Bury under the cold snow
Dead by the time spring arrives.
In the dark autumn the earth takes refuge
Yellow foliage, and under it
Vegetation of shoots and herbs slumbers,
Juice of life-giving roots.
Life begins in mysterious darkness.
Its joy and destruction
Serve the imperishable and unchangeable -
The eternal beauty of Being!

Painting “On the veranda. Autumn". Stanislav Zhukovsky. 1911 Photo: www.russianlook.com

Boris Pasternak

Autumn. Fairytale palace
Open for everyone to review.
Clearings of forest roads,
Looking into the lakes.
Like at a painting exhibition:
Halls, halls, halls, halls
Elm, ash, aspen
Unprecedented in gilding.
Linden gold hoop -
Like a crown on a newlywed.
The face of a birch tree - under a veil
Bridal and transparent.
Buried land
Under leaves in ditches, holes.
In the yellow maple outbuildings,
As if in gilded frames.
Where are the trees in September
At dawn they stand in pairs,
And the sunset on their bark
Leaves an amber trail.
Where you can't step into a ravine,
So that everyone doesn't know:
It's so raging that not a single step
There is a tree leaf underfoot.
Where it sounds at the end of the alleys
Echo at a steep descent
And dawn cherry glue
Solidifies in the form of a clot.
Autumn. Ancient Corner
Old books, clothes, weapons,
Where is the treasure catalog
Flipping through the cold.

  • © Camille Pissarro, “Boulevard Montmartre”

  • © John Constable, “Autumn Sunset”

  • © Edward Kukuel, “Autumn Sun”

  • © Guy Dessard, “Autumn Motifs”

  • © Wassily Kandinsky, “Autumn in Bavaria”
  • © James Tissot, “October”
  • © Isaac Levitan, “Autumn Day”

  • © Isaac Levitan, “Golden Autumn”

  • © Francesco Bassano, “Autumn”

  • © Vincent van Gogh, “Falling Leaves”

The famous poem “Autumn” (in another version “October has already arrived...”) is known to everyone in our country. Perhaps not by heart, but a couple of lines are a must. Or at least some phrases, especially those that have become catchphrases. Well, at least this one: “Sad time! The charm of the eyes! Who else could say that? Of course, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin! Autumn time is a charm of the eyes... Look how subtly noted... What could inspire a person, even if he is very gifted, to write such a touching work? Just autumn? Or something more?

Family estate

In the fall of 1833, a famous person, the author of the most famous works to this day, a Russian genius, a literary reformer - A. S. Pushkin, came to Boldino, a village located near Nizhny Novgorod. Autumn time, the charm of the eyes... He loves this place, he idolizes the season, which gives him not only inspiration, but also physical strength. The estate that the famous poet visited is a family estate.


The work “Autumn” is considered unfinished, consisting of 11 complete eight-line lines and a beginning twelfth. In poetry, he describes his worldview during his stay in Boldino. Silence, the opportunity to forget, even to renounce the world, in order to give free rein to thoughts and dreams... Only work - boiling, selfless, all-consuming...

This is exactly how the inspired Autumn time felt - the charm of the eyes - captured the author, forcing him to paint every moment of the withering of the surrounding nature with the bright colors of words. The poet describes the life and way of life of the district estates, and his own pastime.

He also talks about his attitude to the seasons, arguing in detail this or that point of view. The author refers these enthusiastic words not only to autumn, but also to winter with its amusements and beauties. Pushkin shares his feelings with readers in a simple form.

Autumn time, the charm of the eyes, so unloved by many, but which has won his heart, makes him feel the need to justify himself to others, proving and explaining his enthusiastic attitude, which is so strikingly different from the opinion of most other people.

First visit to Boldino

Pushkin came to the Nizhny Novgorod region for the first time on the eve of his wedding. The author was stuck in Boldino for three months. The magnificent autumn season - the charm of the eyes, as Pushkin wrote - inspired him to fruitful work. During that period, from the pen of the Russian classic came a whole series of works that are still famous to this day, including “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda.”

Second visit

The next time (in the fall of 1833) Pushkin deliberately goes to the village; he already perceives it not as a family estate, but as an office for creativity. He is in a hurry to get there, despite the fact that his beautiful wife is waiting for him in St. Petersburg, and he has not been home for a very long time. Pushkin stayed in Boldino for only a month and a half, but during this time he gave the world several fairy tales and more than one poem.

Autumn time! Ouch charm!.. Do you know how beautiful Boldino autumn is? She cannot help but captivate with her beauty.

Everyone who has ever visited those places experiences the same feelings as Pushkin, but not everyone is able to express them so eloquently. Perhaps this is not necessary. After all, we have his “Autumn”.


During the same period, Pushkin gave birth to such a famous work as “The History of Pugachev.” In Boldino, the author finished work on the work, rewriting it completely. There, work began on the cycle “Songs of the Western Slavs”. The writer must not have exaggerated when he wrote that it was in the fall that he felt a surge of inspiration:

"... And I forget the world - and in the sweet silence
I'm sweetly lulled to sleep by my imagination,
And poetry awakens in me..."

1 presenter.
It's a sad time! Ouch charm!
I am pleased with your farewell beauty.
I love the lush decay of nature,
Forests dressed in scarlet and gold... -
This is how Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin once expressed his admiration for autumn nature. And I wanted to express my feelings in the words of the great poet.
2 presenter. And I would like to continue with the words of another famous Russian writer and poet Ivan Alekseevich Bunin:
The forest is like a painted tower,
Lilac, gold, crimson,
A cheerful, motley wall
Standing above a bright clearing.
Birch trees with yellow carving
Glisten in the blue azure,
Like towers, the fir trees are darkening,
And between the maples they turn blue
Here and there through the foliage
Clearances in the sky, like a window.
The forest smells of oak and pine,
Over the summer it dried out from the sun,
And autumn is a quiet widow
He enters his colorful mansion.
1 presenter. Autumn... The golden time of the year, striking with the richness of flowers, fruits, and a fantastic combination of colors: from bright, eye-catching to blurry-transparent halftones.
2 presenter. But it’s true, look around, take a closer look: the foliage sparkles like forged gold, multi-colored lanterns of asters and chrysanthemums flash brightly, rowan berries freeze on the trees with droplets of blood, and the bottomless autumn sky surprises with the abundance and brightness of the stars scattered across it.
1 presenter. Sad October holds out its business card, where the lines of the brilliant Russian poet are written in colorless ink of fog:
October has already arrived - the grove is already shaking off
The last leaves from their naked branches;
The autumn cold has arrived - the road is freezing.
But the pond has already frozen...
2 presenter. It’s autumn outside the windows now... We call it differently: cold, golden, generous, rainy, sad... But, be that as it may, autumn is a wonderful time of year, it’s the time of harvesting, summing up the results of field work, it’s the beginning of studies in school, this is preparation for a long and cold winter... And no matter how it is outside: cold or warm - the native land is always beautiful, attractive, charming! And popular wisdom says: “Autumn is sad, but life is fun.” So let the beautiful sounds sound on this October day, let the river of uncontrollable cheerful laughter flow, your legs know no fatigue, let your fun have no end!
All presenters. We are opening our holiday “Autumn Ball”.
1 presenter. Now let's take an oath for the participants of the "Autumn Ball".
All. We swear!
2 presenter. Have fun from the heart!
All. We swear!
1 presenter. Dance until you drop!
All. We swear!
2 presenter. Laugh and joke!
All. We swear!
1 presenter. Participate and win in all competitions.
All. We swear!
2 presenter. Share the joy of victory and the prizes received with friends.
All. We swear! We swear! We swear!
1 presenter. We talked for a long time, but completely forgot that we had to dance at the ball.
They want to present their dances to us...
2 presenter. And now we are starting the competition.
1 competition - literary. Now the lines of Russian poets will be heard, and you name their authors.
a) Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous air
Invigorates tired forces,
Fragile ice on the icy river,
It lies like melting sugar.
Near the forest, like in a soft bed,
You can get a good night's sleep - peace and space! -
The leaves have not yet faded,
Yellow and fresh, they lie like a carpet. (N.A. Nekrasov)

B) There is in the initial autumn
A short but wonderful time -
The whole day is like crystal,
And the evenings are radiant... (F.I. Tyutchev)

B) The sky was already breathing in autumn,
The sun shone less often,
The day was getting shorter
Mysterious forest canopy
With a sad noise she was naked... (A.S. Pushkin)

D) Autumn. Our whole poor garden is crumbling,
Yellowed leaves are flying in the wind.
They only show off in the distance, there, at the bottom of the valleys,
Bright red brushes of withering rowan trees... (A.K. Tolstoy)
1 presenter. And now the competition program is interrupted. Let's get a look …
2 presenter. Dear guests, please listen to a short announcement. In parallel with our competition program, a competition for the title of King and Queen of the “Autumn Ball” is taking place. Each of you has pieces of paper with numbers. Each of those present can go to the basket and write down the number of the person they consider a contender for this title.
1 presenter. It's time to take a break from dancing. That's why we have a game.
2 presenter. You all probably love apples. I hope our members do too.
Game "Who can eat the apples faster."
The apples are tied on a rope and the participants' task is to eat the apple without their hands.
1 presenter. And now we invite everyone to watch the dance...
2 presenter. And now we invite 2 representatives from each group. Everyone knows how tasty and healthy potatoes are. Very often we all have to both plant it and clean it up. I suggest that the next participants in the game collect the harvest. The game is called "Collect Potatoes".
Conditions of the competition: a lot of potatoes are scattered on the floor, and blindfolded participants must quickly collect the crop in one minute. The winner is the one who collects the most potatoes in the bucket.

1 presenter. We remind you that the competition for the title of King and Queen continues.
Hurry up to make your choice of King and Queen. Since the competition program is coming to an end
2 presenter. And now the last competition of our ball. Two participants from each group are invited. Competition "Wreath of leaves".
1 presenter. And while the participants are working on the wreaths, we offer you a performance...
2 presenter. They say that autumn is sadness, continuous rains, cloudy weather... Don't believe it, friends! Autumn is beautiful and attractive in its own way. It brings generosity to the soul, warmth from human communication to the heart, and brings unique beauty into our lives!
1 presenter. It is announced who became the King and Queen of the ball. (They wear wreaths of leaves)
2 presenter. Autumn has fully come into its own today, and we will celebrate its arrival. We thank this autumn for bringing us all together for the “Autumn Ball”. Winter, spring, summer are ahead... And then autumn again. How many more of them there will be in our lives! We hope that the golden lights of the Autumn Ball holiday will be lit for all of us at our school more than once. See you again!

The poem in octaves “Autumn” by A. S. Pushkin was written in the fall of 1833 during the poet’s second visit to the village. Boldino, upon returning from the Urals.

Both in prose and in poetry, A. S. Pushkin repeatedly wrote that autumn is his favorite time of year, the time of his inspiration, creative growth and literary works.

It was not without reason that the poet was happy about autumn and considered it the time of his heyday: A. S. Pushkin’s second autumn on the Boldino estate, lasting a month and a half, turned out to be no less fruitful and rich in works than the first, epochal, Boldino autumn of 1830.

The most famous passage is “Sad time! The charm of the eyes!”, which is the VII octave of the poem “Autumn,” belongs to the landscape lyrics of A. S. Pushkin. The lines of the passage present a complete picture, realistically accurately conveying the awakening of poetry in the soul of the poet inspired by his favorite time.

The verse size of the passage is iambic hexameter; stanza of a poem is an octave.

It's a sad time! charm of the eyes!

The work “Autumn,” and in particular the excerpt, was not published during the author’s lifetime; it was first published by V. A. Zhukovsky in the posthumous collection of works by A. S. Pushkin in 1841.

We bring to your attention the text of the poem in full:

October has already arrived - the grove is already shaking off

The last leaves from their naked branches;

The autumn chill has blown in - the road is freezing.

The stream still runs babbling behind the mill,

But the pond was already frozen; my neighbor is in a hurry

To the departing fields with my desire,

And the winter ones suffer from mad fun,

And the barking of dogs wakes up the sleeping oak forests.

Now is my time: I don’t like spring;

The thaw is boring to me; stench, dirt - in the spring I’m sick;

The blood is fermenting; feelings and mind are constrained by melancholy.

I'm happier in the harsh winter

I love her snow; in the presence of the moon

How easy the running of a sleigh with a friend is fast and free,

When under the sable, warm and fresh,

She shakes your hand, glowing and trembling!

How fun it is to put sharp iron on your feet,

Slide along the mirror of standing, smooth rivers!

And the brilliant worries of the winter holidays?..

But you also need to know honor; six months of snow and snow,

After all, this is finally true for the inhabitant of the den,

The bear will get bored. You can't take a whole century

We'll ride in a sleigh with the young Armids

Or sour by the stoves behind double glass.

Oh, summer is red! I would love you

If only it weren't for the heat, the dust, the mosquitoes, and the flies.

You, ruining all your spiritual abilities,

You torture us; like the fields we suffer from drought;

Just to get something to drink and refresh yourself -

We have no other thought, and it’s a pity for the old woman’s winter,

And, having seen her off with pancakes and wine,

We are celebrating her funeral with ice cream and ice.

The days of late autumn are usually scolded,

But she’s sweet to me, dear reader,

Quiet beauty, shining humbly.

So unloved child in the family

It attracts me to itself. To tell you frankly,

Of the annual times, I am glad only for her,

There is a lot of good in her; a lover is not vain,

I found something in her like a wayward dream.

How to explain this? I like her,

Like you probably are a consumptive maiden

Sometimes I like it. Condemned to death

The poor thing bows down without a murmur, without anger.

A smile is visible on faded lips;

She does not hear the gaping of the grave abyss;

The color of his face is still purple.

She is still alive today, gone tomorrow.

It's a sad time! charm of the eyes!

I am pleased with your farewell beauty -

I love the lush decay of nature,

Forests dressed in scarlet and gold,

In their canopy there is noise and fresh breath,

And the skies are covered with wavy darkness,

And a rare ray of sunshine, and the first frosts,

And distant gray winter threats.

And every autumn I bloom again;

The Russian cold is good for my health;

I feel love again for the habits of life:

One by one sleep flies away, one by one hunger comes;

The blood plays easily and joyfully in the heart,

Desires are boiling - I’m happy, young again,

I’m full of life again - that’s my body

(Please forgive me the unnecessary prosaicism).

They lead the horse to me; in the open expanse,

Waving his mane, he carries the rider,

And loudly under his shining hoof

The frozen valley rings and the ice cracks.

But the short day goes out, and in the forgotten fireplace

The fire is burning again - then the bright light is pouring,

It smolders slowly - and I read in front of it

Or I harbor long thoughts in my soul.

And I forget the world - and in sweet silence

I'm sweetly lulled to sleep by my imagination,

And poetry awakens in me:

The soul is embarrassed by lyrical excitement,

It trembles and sounds and searches, as in a dream,

To finally pour out with free manifestation -

And then an invisible swarm of guests comes towards me,

Old acquaintances, fruits of my dreams.

And the thoughts in my head are agitated in courage,

And light rhymes run towards them,

And fingers ask for pen, pen for paper,

A minute - and the poems will flow freely.

So the ship slumbers motionless in the motionless moisture,

But choo! - the sailors suddenly rush and crawl

Up, down - and the sails are inflated, the winds are full;

The mass has moved and is cutting through the waves.

Floating. Where should we sail? . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Kibereva Elizaveta

One of the topics in the “Listening to Music” lesson was a conversation about the seasons. I especially liked the autumn season and, while doing my homework, I decided to take a closer look at the theme of “Autumn” in painting, literature and music.

Having started work, I discovered that I knew few poems about autumn, was almost unfamiliar with paintings, and only one piece of music came to mind.



NG MBOU DOD "Children's Music School named after. V.V. Andreeva"

City competition of research projects “The History of a Masterpiece”

Nomination "Musical Art"

Sad time, charm of the eyes.....

Kibireva Elizaveta

1st grade student

vocal department


Korolkova M.A.


theoretical disciplines

Nefteyugansk, 2013.

  • Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
  • Main part. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
  • Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
  • Application. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9


In September of this year, I, like many children my age, went to first grade. My long-time dream was to learn to sing and play an instrument, so I entered the music school named after Vasily Vasilyevich Andreev and became a student in the vocal department. In addition to vocal lessons, I attend solfeggio and listening to music, learning to play the piano.

One of the topics in the “Listening to Music” lesson was a conversation about the seasons. I especially liked the autumn season and, while doing my homework, I decided to take a closer look at the theme of “Autumn” in painting, literature and music.

Having started work, I discovered that I knew few poems about autumn, was almost unfamiliar with paintings, and only one piece of music came to mind. Then I decided to conduct a survey among my comrades and ask them these questions.

Do you know poems about autumn?

Do you know any paintings about autumn?

Do you know musical works, songs about autumn?

After the survey, it was concluded that my comrades know very few poems (two out of 14), don’t know paintings at all (not a single positive answer out of 14), and know a little more songs (three out of 14).

Main part.

In autumn, nature becomes quiet, as if preparing for winter sleep, it seems tired, tired. The trees are throwing off their leaves. Birds are leaving us and flying to warm countries. When you look at this fading autumn nature, you are overcome by different feelings: tenderness, surprise from admiring the beauty, and sadness from saying goodbye to summer, the warmth that the beauty of autumn is leaving. If we compare the time of year with the time of day, then spring is the morning, because everything wakes up and begins to move, summer is the middle of the day, and autumn is twilight, evening, the end of the day.

Autumn can be so different! In early autumn, nature is decorated with a multi-colored outfit. You won’t see any colors and shades! And in late autumn it rains, the leaves fall, all the fabulous beauty of nature fades and goes away. It's sad to see bare trees, clouds and puddles.

To paint a picture, the artist has paints, the poets have words, the composer has only sounds. But you can draw beautifully with them, as Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky does. In the melodious melody of Tchaikovsky “Autumn Song” there is a parting with the passing summer, regret about the fading nature. The work is dominated by sad intonations - sighs. The melody brings back memories and nostalgia. In it, a sad autumn landscape and a person’s mood are fused together. Listening to “Autumn Song,” it’s easy to imagine an empty veranda, strewn with withered leaves, and the sounds of a piano coming from afar... This is my favorite work.

S. Yu. Zhukovsky was probably filled with similar feelings when creating his painting “Autumn. Veranda” (Appendix No. 1).

One of the most famous artists who loved to paint autumn is Isaac Ilyich Levitan. Autumn was Levitan's favorite time of year, and he dedicated many paintings to it.

The painting “Golden Autumn” is one of the artist’s best creations; bright colors and solemn peace create a feeling of the greatness of nature. Looking at the pictures, I just want to exclaim: “It’s a sad time! The charm of the eyes!”, “Lush decay of nature”, “Forests dressed in crimson and gold.” How accurately and aptly Pushkin described his favorite time of year in his famous poems, and the artist depicted autumn, putting a flurry of feelings and experiences into the paintings (Appendix No. 2).

In the picture we see a birch grove in copper-gold autumn decoration. In the depths of the meadow the river is lost, on the left bank of which there are slender white-yellow birch trees and two aspen trees with almost fallen leaves. The ground is covered with yellowing withered grass. And on the right bank of the river there is a row of still green willows, which seem to resist autumn withering. The river surface seems motionless and cold. The autumn day depicted by the artist is full of light.

The same rich autumn decoration appears before us in the painting by V.D. Polenova "Golden Autumn" (Appendix No. 3).

A poem by Sergei Yesenin surprisingly suits this picture:

The golden grove dissuaded

Birch, cheerful language,

And the cranes, sadly flying,

They don’t regret anything anymore...

The mood of this picture is similar to the musical work “Autumn” from the cycle “The Seasons” by A. Vivaldi. Listening to music, we can imagine the following picture: autumn leaves, falling, spinning in a waltz, the sun is shining, birds, smoothly flapping their wings, fly away to the south.

Both musical works and the painting “Golden Autumn”depict calm autumn weather.

These works impressed me very much and I also wanted to depict autumn, to convey my mood in the drawing, inspired by the melody (Appendix No. 4, No. 5).

But autumn is not only golden with a clear azure sky! Autumn weather can be sad and cheerful, sunny and cloudy, golden and gray.

During vocal lessons, I became acquainted with the song “Autumn” based on the verses of A. Pleshcheev. The scale is minor and the melody returns to the same note. It depicts a picture of autumn weather:

Autumn has come

The flowers have dried up,

And they look sad

Bare bushes.

Withers and turns yellow

Grass in the meadows

It's just turning green

Winter in the fields.

A cloud covers the sky

The sun doesn't shine

The wind howls in the field,

The rain is drizzling.

The waters began to rustle

of the fast stream,

The birds have flown away

To warmer climes.

This poem is consonant with “Autumn Melody” by A. Rybnikov. The music expresses a melancholy, depressed, sad mood, consonant with the uncomfortable, joyless picture of fading nature. The music is monotonous, plaintive, and even some disturbing notes can be heard. Notes of regret for the passing warmth and beauty.

This is exactly how Isaac Levitan saw autumn in his painting “Autumn” (Appendix No. 6).

And in the film “Autumn” by Stanislav Yulianovich Zhukovsky, real autumn bad weather played out! (Appendix No. 7).

Looking at this uncomfortable landscape, you can hear the sound of the wind, carrying the last wet leaves and gray clouds into the distance, merging with the restless notes of the work “The Storm” by L. V. Beethoven.


Composers, poets and artists see the nature of autumn in different ways, and convey their impressions in different ways with the help of colors, intonations, comparisons: composers - in music, poets - in poetry, artists - in their paintings.

“Sad time” or “charm of the eyes”... One way or another, autumn has always inspired poets, artists and musicians to create great masterpieces. Such a different autumn: in some works there is a celebration of colors and the triumph of nature, in others there is light sadness, nostalgia, and bad weather.

Autumn is a time of magical transformation of nature, which generously gives the last rays of warmth, preparing to sleep for many months under a fluffy winter blanket.

Autumn is a time of year that leaves no one indifferent. That’s why poets and writers dedicated such wonderful lines to autumn. Artists have painted many paintings of autumn nature, which are masterpieces and never cease to delight us. With the richness of its colors, autumn attracted the attention of great composers who sang its beauty.

I love autumn, perhaps because I was born in October. Perhaps because “Autumn Song” by P.I. Tchaikovsky is one of the favorite works for me and my mother. I dream of learning to play the piano and performing “Autumn Song” for her one fine October evening...



Autumn (Z. Fedorovskaya)

Autumn was blooming at the edges of the colors,

I quietly ran a brush across the foliage:

The hazel trees turned yellow and the maples glowed,

In the autumn purple there is only green oak.

Autumn consoles:

Don't regret summer!

Look - the grove is dressed in gold!

*** (A. Pushkin)

The sky was already breathing in autumn,

The sun shone less often,

The day was getting shorter

Mysterious forest canopy

With a sad noise she stripped herself,

Fog lay over the fields,

Noisy caravan of geese

Stretched to the south: approaching

Quite a boring time;

It was already November outside...

Autumn (V. Avdienko)

Autumn walks along the path,

Got my feet wet in puddles.

It's raining

And there is no light.

Summer is lost somewhere.

Autumn is coming

Autumn is wandering.

Wind from maple leaves


There's a new rug under your feet,

Yellow-pink -


*** (A. Pleshcheev)

Boring picture!

Endless clouds

The rain keeps pouring down

Puddles by the porch

Stunted rowan

Gets wet under the window;

Looks at the village

A gray spot.

Why are you visiting early?

Has autumn come to us?

The heart still asks

Light and warmth!

*** (A.S. Pushkin)

It's a sad time! Ouch charm!

Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -

I love the lush decay of nature,

Forests dressed in scarlet and gold,

In their canopy there is noise and fresh breath,

And the skies are covered with wavy darkness,

And a rare ray of sunshine, and the first frosts,

And distant threats of gray winter.

Autumn (A.N. Maikov)

There's already a golden leaf covering

Wet soil in the forest...

I boldly trample my foot

The beauty of the spring forest.

Cheeks are burning from the cold:

I like to run in the forest,

Hear the branches crack,

Rake the leaves with your feet!

I don’t have the same joys here!

The forest has taken away the secret:

The last nut has been picked

The last flower is plucked;

The moss is not raised, not dug up

A pile of curly milk mushrooms;

Doesn't hang near the stump

Purple of lingonberry clusters;

Lies on the leaves for a long time

The nights are frosty, and through the forest

Looks kind of cold

The clarity of transparent skies...

Autumn (K. Balmont)

Lingonberries are ripening,

The days have become colder,

And from the bird's cry

It only makes my heart sadder.

Flocks of birds fly away

Away, beyond the blue sea,

All the trees are shining

In a multi-colored dress.

The sun laughs less often.

There is no incense in the flowers.

Autumn will wake up soon

And he will cry sleepily.

Autumn tales and stories.

I. S. Turgenev Autumn day in a birch grove(excerpt from the story “Date” from the series “Notes of a Hunter”). The action of many of the stories in “Notes of a Hunter” also takes place in the fall.

I. S. Sokolov-Mikitov Short stories about autumn: Autumn,Deciduous Fairy tale, Forest in autumn, Autumn in the forest, The hot summer has flown by, Autumn in Chun.

N. G. Garin-MikhailovskyAutumn Poem in prose.

I. A. Bunin Antonov apples.

K. G. Paustovskyyellow light, PresentA story about autumnBadger nose, Farewell to summer, What types of rains are there?(Excerpt from the story “Golden Rose”),My house, Dictionary of native nature.

V. Sukhomlinsky I want to have my say.

K. D. Ushinsky Stories and tales Autumn.

M. M. Prishvin Poetic miniatures about autumn.

N. I. Sladkov Autumn in the forest, Autumn is on the doorstep, Forest hiding placesSeptember(Autumn is on the threshold, On the great path, Spider, Time, Birds, Squirrel fly agaric, Winged shadow, Owl that was forgotten, Sly dandelion, Friends and comrades, Forest rustles),October(Sewing, Scary Invisible Man,

Pheasant bouquet, Trees creaking, The mystery of the birdhouse, Old acquaintance, Magpie train, Autumn Christmas tree, Stubborn finch, Forest rustles, Magic shelf),November(Why is November piebald? Resort “Icicle”, Powder, Wagtail letters, Desperate hare, Tit stock, Starlings have arrived, Forest rustles).

G. A. Skrebitsky Autumn(Story from the book “Four Artists”).

G. Ya. Snegirev Blueberry jam.

V. G. Suteev Apple.

V. V. Bianchi