home · Appliances · Mister synthol Kirill. Who is “Mr. Synthol” Kirill Tereshin and why is everyone talking about him. He “pumped up” his huge biceps with injections. Don't try this again. What is synthol and what does it mean?

Mister synthol Kirill. Who is “Mr. Synthol” Kirill Tereshin and why is everyone talking about him. He “pumped up” his huge biceps with injections. Don't try this again. What is synthol and what does it mean?

Over the past week, 21-year-old resident of Pyatigorsk Kirill Tereshin, who is called “Bazooka Hands” or Mr. Syntol, has gained wild popularity on social networks. With the help of injections, the guy “pumped up” his giant biceps, but the problem is that now he could lose his arms at any moment.

Synthol is a drug for local increase in muscle volume, consisting of 85% synthetic oils. The bloated muscle effect occurs due to the oil base flowing around the muscle fibers and inflammation, which causes the muscle to swell.

Synthol is dangerous because it has many side effects, ranging from infections and nerve damage to fat embolism of the lungs and brain, which can cause a heart attack or stroke.

We decided to recall the most striking examples of how synthol disfigured people and how their pursuit of giant muscles ended.

Romario Dos Santos Alves

Brazilian Romario Dos Santos Alves always dreamed of being like the Hulk, and with the help of synthol he enlarged his arms, pectoral muscles and trapezius. After a long course of the drug, the Brazilian’s biceps swelled to 65 centimeters.

Side effects were not long in coming - my hands began to hurt unbearably, and then stopped moving altogether. Doctors insisted on amputation, but Alves refused. As a result, doctors still managed to find a way to pump synthol out of the would-be Hulk’s body, and for two years now the Brazilian has not touched the drug that almost became fatal to him.

Gregg Valentino

One of the pioneers in the use of synthol is the famous American bodybuilder Gregg Valentino in the 90s. The volume of his biceps in the early 90s was about 47 cm, but Gregg dreamed of outperforming the legendary Arnold Schwarzenegger, whose arm was 55 cm in girth. Then Valentino decided to try the recently invented drug synthol.

With the help of injections, the American increased the volume of his arms to 69 centimeters. But one fateful day, Gregg’s muscle simply burst, tearing the skin on his arm, and a wave of blood mixed with pus poured out of the wound. Synthol caused infection of the muscle tissue, and surgeons had to simply cut off most of the arm muscles.

Rich Piana

Bodybuilder Rich Piana had his own YouTube channel and was incredibly popular among fans of iron sports. At the same time, Piana never hid the fact that he uses synthol and not only it, but also many anabolic drugs for muscle growth. They brought him to his grave.

In August of this year, Rich Piana was found unconscious in his own home - he fell into a coma due to an overdose of muscle-enhancing drugs, and two and a half weeks later he died without regaining consciousness.

Arlindo de Suoza

In terms of biceps volume, the little-known Brazilian Arlindo de Suosa outdid all his famous competitors. At 46 years old, he boasts arms measuring 73 centimeters in girth. True, artificial muscles look more frightening than impressive. According to Suoza, so far the Brazilian has not felt any side effects other than dizziness, but everything has its time...

Kirill Tereshin

Finally, the Russian answer to bodybuilding stars is Kirill Tereshin. The guy began his “transformation” in July of this year, having completed a 20-day course of injections. During this short period of time, his arms grew in volume by 26 centimeters and, satisfied with the result, Kirill decided to continue. Standard doses of the drug for serious bodybuilders are 1-2 milliliters, but Tereshin even calls doses of 5-10 milliliters “children’s”.

Among them is “Mr. Synthol,” 21-year-old Kirill Tereshin, who independently “pumped up” his huge biceps with the help of Synthol, a special mixture for increasing muscle volume. Tereshin’s story and the dangers of this method are actively discussed in the media and social networks: his subscribers and relatives are worried that because of his hobby the young man may lose his hands. Meduza tells what is known about Kirill Tereshin - and why this approach to self-improvement is dangerous.

The biggest hands in Russia

On November 28, Pyatigorsk resident Kirill Tereshin posted on his Instagram several photos from the set of “Live Broadcast,” Andrei Malakhov’s talk show, with the hashtags , and . Tereshin calls his hands “bazooka”: the volume of each is almost 60 centimeters.

Other heroes of the issue dedicated to body modification include the German Martina Big, who enlarged her breasts and changed her skin color, as well as the “vampire bodybuilder” from St. Petersburg Alexander Shpak, who increased his buttocks, lips and breast volume with the help of implants. Shpak too posted on Instagram a photo from the shooting of the program with the words “Positive as always! Great topic and SUPER broadcast!!! " In turn, Andrei Malakhov published on the social network video message Tereshin, where the bodybuilder advises the presenter to “pump up bazooka arms like mine.” "You made my day!" - Malakhov commented on the video, calling Tereshin “the biggest hands in Russia” and warning that synthol is dangerous to health.

Kirill Tereshin, Alexander Shpak and Martina Big on the set of the program “Live”

The heroes of the program were called “freaks” and “freak shows” on the Internet and in the press. On November 11, journalist Pavel Gorodnitsky wrote on Eurosport.ru about Tereshin as “the main fitness freak of this fall,” calling him a psycho. In an article entitled “Why synthol specialist Kirill Tereshin can no longer be helped,” Gorodnitsky writes that a young man’s path in bodybuilding can end in disaster - and cites the example of the Brazilian Romario dos Santos Alves, who was threatened with amputation of both arms due to abuse of synthol (Kirill Tereshin calls Alves one of his idols). In 2015, the tabloids wrote that Alves had serious problems not only with physical but also with psychological health due to the desire for an “ideal” body, constant pain and criticism from others: according to The Daily Mail, the man even tried to commit suicide. when his wife was in her sixth month. “If you take one injection of this drug, there will definitely be a second,” Alves told the publication. “I want people to understand what the danger is.” I could have died because I wanted huge muscles. It's not worth it."

Kirill Tereshin himself believes that he is in no danger, and is perplexed why the use of synthol seems unhealthy to his critics - although he admits himself to be a “desperate person.” For example, he calls doses of 5-10 milliliters “children’s”, although, as Eurosport.ru clarifies, “experts advise increasing the dose very gradually and starting with one milliliter” (the manufacturer of the mixture also recommends this). Tereshin took his first injection of synthol before joining the army a year and a half ago - although before that he went to the gym for three years and had, as he himself says, a “sports body.” In July 2017, after returning from the army, Tereshin conducted a 20-day course of injections; in just 10 days, his arms increased in volume by 26 centimeters. He calls this process “body transformation.”

Kirill Tereshin before synthol injections

Tereshin does not hide the fact that he strives for quick and noticeable results. Even the name of his blog “Slacker” translates as “hack worker”: “I want everything to be fast. I don’t want to exercise, I don’t want to eat, I don’t want to sleep.” According to Tereshin, he carries out the procedures on the recommendations of other fans of such injections - from Brazil and Rostov-on-Don, who, according to him, have been “holding” the mixture in their hands for several years. Tereshin says he is not aware of cases where the use of synthol has led to amputation, but admits that surgical intervention may be required if injections are made with an unsterile needle or the drug gets into a vein. However, according to Tereshin, he does not complain about numbness in his hands or any other symptoms. In addition to injections, the man continues to go to the gym and posts videos of his workouts on Instagram.

What is synthol and what does it mean?

Synthol (this is the common name, although it is now marketed under other names, such as "Synterol") is an injectable mixture that usually consists of oils, benzyl alcohol and an anesthetic. The introduction of oil as a way to increase muscle volume has been used since the 19th century, but Synthol itself was invented by the German bodybuilder Chris Clark in the 1990s. With the help of a mixture that is not a medical preparation, muscle volume is mechanically increased. The mixture can provoke inflammation, which also increases the volume. There are other similar products that some bodybuilders use; leading competitions (but not all) monitor this closely and can disqualify an athlete for using steroids, muscle-building oils and implants. In general, among professional athletes, the use of such drugs is frowned upon and ulcers often appeared and surgical intervention was also required. Synthol is not used by doctors all over the world; Such products are sold in online stores; bodybuilders administer them to themselves or with the help of colleagues.

Despite this, Kirill Tereshin says he plans to continue the “transformation”, and in the future he would like to have a body like Romario dos Santos Alves - but with larger shoulders. After that, he plans, like Alexander Shpak, to grow fangs and get colored tattoos, as well as tattoo his eyeballs - make one eye blue and the other yellow. He says that his goal is to achieve “the biggest body in Russia” and world fame, and his dream is to be different from people.

Olga Strakhovskaya

Kirill Tereshin is the most ordinary guy from sunny Pyatigorsk. He recently returned from the army, is not officially employed, is not dating a girlfriend, and lives with his parents. The boy did not receive the Nobel Prize, was not included in the Guinness Book of Records and did not win the Olympic gold medal. Kiryusha became a star because of a manic desire to become a bodybuilder, without regard to the methods used.

Biography of Kirill Tereshin

There is not much information about the would-be jock, so you can judge his life and hobbies from the numerous videos that litter his YouTube channel and from his Instagram page.

  • The synthol jock was born as a frail little boy in the Stavropol Territory, Pyatigorsk, where he lives to this day. It is difficult to judge who the guy studied at, but judging by his speech and level of mental development, it is clear that Kirill’s studies were difficult.

  • The guy preferred fishing and squatting in the “Gopnik” style. Apparently, it was precisely these individuals that the boy considered as role models.

  • The army was supposed to turn the young man into a man, but a miracle did not happen; the brutal male team did not accept the frail 60-kilogram boy with the concepts of a regional gopnik. The poor fellow's colleagues spanked him a lot, so our Mr. Bazooka had to pay back with money from the army monsters. Returning from the army in 2017, he decided to become famous by becoming an Internet freak.

  • Kiryusha decided to pave the way to fame by experimenting on his own body, but he didn’t even plan to work on his figure in the gym. According to Tereshin, doing exercises with weights is boring for him, and it is impossible to build natural muscles, even using steroids. And Kirill wanted the whole country to talk about him tomorrow, so the drug synthol came to the guy’s aid. In real life, a 21-year-old boy does not go to the gym, eats irregularly and sleeps sparingly as necessary.

Important! A synthol manufacturer from Pyatigorsk assures that he uses not the original synthol for injections, but his own “secret” mixture of oils. Most likely this is true, but only because the original synthol is very expensive, and with Kirill’s level of development it is absolutely not important which oil to inject into his limbs.

  • Kirill Tereshin wrote on VKontakte that he is introducing a mixture of liquid soap and shampoos instead of synthol. It looks like a stupid joke, since with such injections infection is guaranteed. Although the jock is probably more aware of the effects of substances on the body. The carefree young man's future plans include increasing other muscles in his body. Initially he wants to add “shampoo” to the shoulders and then to the hips. Subsequently, the guy wants to build up his entire body with oil, while justifying his actions more than logically: “I want!”

  • Already now, with a weight of 60 kilograms, his cans each have a girth of 69 centimeters. By the way, the girth of a 3-liter jar is only 50 centimeters. The rest of the “athlete’s” body is shabby, decrepit and loose. It seemed that this went against the basic laws of physiology, and only top 140-kilogram jocks could boast of such volumes, but the “secret” mixtures of “Mr. Margarine” did their job.

Synthol for muscles

Synthol is a drug for intramuscular injection with local action. Consists of lidocaine, benzyl alcohol and medium chain triglycerides (in other words, oils). Synthol may contain both coconut and sesame oils. The drug envelops the muscle fibers, increasing the spaces between them (stretches the fascia). This ensures local muscle growth.

And if steroids are not able to grow muscles so clearly, but only speed up recovery after training, then synthol successfully copes with this task. To increase the can by just a couple of centimeters, athletes have to undergo a two-month course of hormonal drugs in combination with rigorous training, good sleep and diets, and synthol is guaranteed to provide growth in just two days. It would seem that there is a catch here somewhere. He is hidden in the photo below. On the left side of the photo is Kirill Tereshin, and on the right is professional bodybuilder Lazar Angelov. The difference is obvious.

The thing is that the muscle has a solid contractile structure and consists of many fibers. Synthol is an ordinary fat that cannot be divided into fibers and contracted. That is why the muscles that were enlarged with synthol look on the hands like tumors of foreign origin, and in 99% of cases they appear to people around them as ugly growths on the body.

The drug is officially banned in bodybuilding, and its use in competitions is punishable by disqualification. Of these synthol “handsome men,” we note the most famous: Romario Dos Santos Alves and Greg Valentino.

In many of the videos taken, the guy openly sells a homemade synthol surrogate, and states that he took his first injection even before joining the army, and upon arrival, within a week, he increased another 25 centimeters of volume with horse doses of the drug. Already today, Kirill has poured 6 liters of the product into each hand, and according to him, this is not the limit. Tereshin is going to break Greg Valentino's record and increase his volume to 70 centimeters.

Tereshin's online popularity

  • As soon as popularity came into the red, bloated hands of the “Pyatigorsk King Kong,” he decided to work on creating a certain image on social networks. From his stuffed hand, users began to call Tereshin “Mr. Synthol” and “Bazooka Hands.”

  • “My idol is Arnold Schwarzenegger, but I’ve already surpassed him,” says the irrepressible sintologist, since Arnie’s biceps only reached a 56-centimeter girth.

  • Recently, the “muscular guy” was shown on NTV, but in the story the Pyatigorsk resident was far from being a positive hero, but rather a victim of synthol addiction. Tereshin says that children's doses are not for him, and with the air of a professional advises immediately starting with half-liter injections in each arm. Speaking about himself, the guy recalls that he continued to inject himself even with a body temperature of 40 degrees, severe pain and swelling of his hands. These symptoms clearly demonstrate problems in the body of the unfortunate jock.

  • Viewers online have repeatedly told the young man that with this lifestyle, he faces the risk of amputation of his hands, but no operation will make him stop. According to the stubborn freak, even if he ended up in intensive care, and the doctors at the hospital cut off his swollen biceps, Kirill would start injecting synthol into his leg muscles.

As can be seen from the video and news about Tereshin, he has not yet been taken to the hospital, but the bluish-bloody color of his hands looks like unhealthy, rotting meat. Apparently the guy forgot that a half-liter jar of pus, which was formed from the famous synthol, was pumped out of the hands of his main idol Greg Valentino.

Kirill Tereshin became famous throughout the country after he took part in the program “Andrey Malakhov. Live". Pursuing the goal of becoming the owner of the largest biceps in the country, the young man used dangerous substances to pump up his muscles.

With the help of his famous muscles, Kirill not only coped with complexes about being too thin, but also made good money. The young man did not hesitate to admit that he receives decent money for advertising.

However, health, apparently, turned out to be more important than popularity. That is why Tereshin decided to remove his huge biceps. He announced this through a post on social networks.

“Khana bazooka, deleted it along with Instagram,” Kirill said.

Many fans were happy for Tereshin, but there were also those who did not believe in the veracity of his words. “It’s unlikely that he will remove them of his own free will, unless for medical reasons,” “Are there really no more bazookas? Now Kirill has lost his individuality,” “Common sense has prevailed. I hope your health was not seriously compromised,” the young man’s subscribers commented on the news.

A little later it turned out that Tereshin did not delete Instagram. There he continues to post photos and videos in which his huge biceps are visible. It is quite possible that the hero of the program “Andrey Malakhov. Live" simply decided to draw attention to itself once again.

On the air of the show, Kirill admitted that to achieve such a result, he needed not only strength, but also considerable material resources.

“To get hands like mine, you need to pump in at least six liters of synthol. And this is about two hundred thousand rubles. The substance in its pure form is expensive, so you have to use various mixtures and additives,” said Kirill, talking with Andrei Malakhov.

Tereshin also admitted that synthol can be hazardous to health, but this does not stop him. After returning from the army, he decided to get rid of his complexes about being thin. The guy feels comfortable with huge biceps. In addition, he is clearly pleased with the collapsed popularity.

A little later, the young man posted a refutation of the previous post. He emphasized that he is not going to get rid of his muscles, because they have already helped him achieve a lot.

Many subscribers condemn Kirill for striving for fame despite his health. However, there are those who support the young man, because he is ready to make any sacrifice to achieve his unusual dream.