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Begs for forgiveness. Prayer for forgiveness of sins (very strong)

– Father Alexander, what is resentment? Only internal pain or retention of evil, memory of evil?

– I won’t answer these questions first, but I’ll ask you myself: can you imagine an offended Savior, or an offended Mother of God?.. Of course not! Resentment is evidence of spiritual weakness. In one place in the Gospel it is said that the Jews wanted to lay hands on Christ (that is, to grab Him), but He walked among them, through an aggressive, bloodthirsty crowd... It is not written in the Gospel how He did this, perhaps He looked at them so angrily , as they say, he flashed lightning with his eyes that they got scared and parted. This is how I imagine it.

– Is there a contradiction? His eyes sparkled - and suddenly humble?

Of course not. The Word of God says: “Be angry and do not sin.” The Lord cannot sin - He is the only Sinless One. We are the ones of little faith and pride; if we get angry, it is with irritation and even malice. That’s why we get offended because we think that they are angry with us too. A proud person is already internally ready to be offended, because pride is a distortion of human nature. It deprives us of dignity and those grace-filled powers that the Lord generously bestows on everyone. A proud person himself refuses them. It is impossible to offend a humble person.

– And yet, what is resentment?

– Firstly, this is, of course, acute pain. It really hurts when you are offended. Due to our inability to repel physical, verbal and spiritual aggression, we constantly miss the blow. If any of us is forced to play chess with a grandmaster, then it is clear that he will lose. And not only because he doesn’t know how to play, but also because the grandmaster plays very well. So, the evil one (as Satan is called) plays perfectly. He knows how to walk in order to hook a person at the most painful points. The offended person may think about the offender: “Well, how could he? How did he know it would hurt me? Why did you do that?” And the man, maybe, didn’t even know anything, the evil one just directed him. That's who knows how to hurt us. The Apostle Paul says: “Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in high places.” The evil one moves us, and we obey him, even if unconsciously, out of our pride.

A proud person does not know how to distinguish between good and evil, but a humble person does. For example, out of my pride I can say something that hurts a person very painfully. Not because I want to hurt him, but because the evil one puts such words into my proud soul at a time when the one with whom I communicate is most defenseless. And I really hit a very painful point for him. But still, this pain is because a person does not know how to humble himself. A humble person will say to himself firmly and calmly: “I received this for my sins. Lord have mercy!" And the proud one will begin to be indignant: “Well, how is this possible?! How can you treat me like this?”

When the Savior was brought to the high priests, and the servant hit Him on the cheek, with what dignity He answered him. Was He offended or upset? No, He showed truly royal majesty and absolute self-control. Well, again, can one imagine that Christ was offended by Pilate or the high priests?.. It’s funny. Although He was tormented, mocked, slandered... He could not be offended at all, he could not.

- But He is God and man, father.

- So, the Lord calls us to perfection: “Learn from Me, for I am meek and humble in heart.” He says: “If you want no offense to touch you, if you want to be above any offense, then be meek and humble in heart, like Me.”

– What if the offense is not deserved?

- Was He deservedly offended?

- But this is dishonest, if there is some kind of untruth, slander, then you just seethe because you don’t agree with it.

“It seems to me that it could be even more painful if they tell you the truth: “Ah-ah, that’s what you are like!” “But I’m really like that... Those bastards!”

- We hit the mark!

- We hit the nail on the head. And they said it in front of everyone! No, to quietly, to say something delicately, to pat him on the head or sweeten things up. Right in front of everyone!.. It will hurt even more. “Blessed are you when they revile you and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you unjustly because of Me.” It is good when people are unfairly slandered. When it is undeserved, we are blessed, and when it is deserved, we must repent and ask for forgiveness.

– And the second part of the question? Resentment - includes holding onto evil, memory of evil?

– Yes, of course we continue to keep the grudge in our memory. We were offended and instead of straining our spiritual strength and repelling this very painful blow, we not only accept it, but begin, as it were, to pick and infect an already painful wound. We begin to scroll through the mental chain: “How dare he... Yes, that’s what I wanted, and that’s how he did it... And if I had said that, if I had explained it, and if there was more,... then he would have understood everything.” But at this point the thought breaks off, and you start all over again. No matter how much you strain, no matter how much you try to be cool and calm, no matter how much you try thoroughly and rationally to overcome the offense, it turns out that your thoughts are simply walking in a vicious circle. You become ingrained in the idea that you were undeservedly offended, and you begin to feel sorry for yourself: “Oh, look, I’m so unhappy... And then there are such people... I expected one thing from him, but it turns out he’s just like that! But it’s okay, I’ll explain to him that this can’t happen to me: how could you, I’ll tell you.”

A person finds himself in an endless mental cycle. He strains, invents what to say to him, how to answer. The longer a person stays in it, the more difficult it is to forgive the offender. He only moves away from this opportunity because he roots himself in resentment, moreover, he develops a stereotype in himself, biologically speaking, a conditioned reflex that prevents him from communicating with this person. As soon as you see him... and it goes: “Since he, so-and-so, a scoundrel, did this to you, it means it’s impossible to talk to him. You treat him so well, but he treats you so badly...” And people stop communicating with each other because they simply cannot overcome the insult: “I might be glad to talk to him, it seems that I even tuned in, and came, and I want to, but nothing works.”

There is a wonderful story about this in Russian literature by N.V. Gogol, “How Ivan Ivanovich and Ivan Nikiforovich quarreled.” They quarreled over a mere trifle (Gogol is a genius), well, just nothing. And nonsense turned into mortal hatred. They have spent all their money in disputes, become impoverished, and still sue and quarrel with each other, although this is absolutely futile. There were good, calm, good-natured neighborly relations, and everything was lost. Why? Because the offense is not forgiven. And each is sure that the other is the enemy. This enmity has eaten them both up and will continue to eat them to death.

- Father, what should you do when some situation arises with a person that you do not understand? Then I figured it out with him, forgave everything, and forgot. I forgot everything. Normal relationship. The next time the person does something worse. You forgive again. But he treats you even worse. And then you start to doubt. Or maybe there was no need to forgive, so that he would understand that he shouldn’t behave like that? Maybe we need something different? And then, when you forgive for the third or fourth time, you have simply come to terms with the line of his behavior, you have come to terms with the fact that he is like this, and you just need to forgive, suddenly the relationship reaches such a high point when the first, second, fifth are remembered...

- This means that you have not forgiven the first, nor the second, nor the fifth.

- But I thought I forgave...

– And there is no need to take wishful thinking. This is not only your mistake, it is very typical for each of us.

-You think you have forgiven. You don’t sort things out, not even any complaints...

– But everything is boiling inside... Only this means that we have pushed the resentment somewhere into the subconscious, and there it remains. Because when a person sins (and offense is a sin, it doesn’t matter whether we were offended fairly or unfairly, it is evil that invades our lives), he tries to hide it away from himself... There is a certain spiritual reality, it burst into life, and it won’t just disappear, it’s here. If we try to push this spiritual reality into the underground of our consciousness, this does not mean that it has disappeared, it means that it remains in your consciousness, but in those corners of it where you try not to look. And there the resentment lurks hidden and waits in the wings.

This can be compared to a disease: a person is a carrier of a dangerous disease, but it lies dormant. Viruses are present in the body, and if some kind of overload occurs, the body weakens, the disease can flare up and fall with all its force on a person who did not even suspect that he was sick.

If we try to cope with resentment with our strengths, we really achieve nothing. This simply contradicts the words of the Lord, who said: “Without Me you cannot do anything.” “Out of my pride, I myself want to forgive.” - Well, wish it. You can wish until you're blue in the face. You can, for example, go into the forest and wish that a mosquito would not bite you. Please. You can strain as much as you want. But the mosquito doesn’t know this and will bite you anyway. And the evil one is not a mosquito, it is an active, evil, aggressive, extremely mobile and proactive force that seeks and chooses the moment when a person is most defenseless before it. And then it attacks and holds the person in a death grip - it reminds of acute moments, pushes the thought to analyze the situation and relive it again and again: “How can you act unfairly like this? How? Well, how could you? You, so-and-so, my neighbor and my friend, we have been close for so many years, and you told me this!” And he, perhaps, did not even notice that he had said something stupid and did not understand that he had hurt him so deeply and painfully. He just doesn't know that he offended you. Because the evil one made a fuss here, and man simply became an instrument of the devil’s power.

- Well, okay, there is an evil one, evil power, but where is the Lord? What does He want?

– So that a person from a proud person becomes humble. The Lord allows us these trials so that we fight our pride. If you want to defeat this inner spiritual infection, scream, just scream. It is not necessary to shout at the offender, not to take out your pain on those around you, but to shout to the Lord: “Lord, help me! Lord, I can't cope. Lord, now this sin will drown me. Lord, give me strength to overcome it!” Cast your sorrow on the Lord. Don’t even lay it down, but lift it up. Throw it up high, high, send your sorrow to the Lord. Don’t shove it into your subconscious, not on those around you: “Oh, you are so bad, you don’t feel sorry for me,” but “Lord, have pity, give me strength to overcome my weakness, give me strength to endure.” This is what the Lord expects from us. If you ask so, if you pray to the Lord to strengthen you and give you strength to endure the pain, the Lord will help. The pain of resentment is an objective reality and sometimes unbearable. How can I tolerate it? Yes, why endure it? It just can't be tolerated. You need to apply all your faith, all your spiritual strength, but rely not on yourself, but on the Lord; without God’s help you will not overcome it, you will not endure it.

- Father, are tears bad?

– There are different types of tears. There are tears from pride, from resentment, from failure, from envy... And there are tears of repentance, gratitude, tenderness.

– What if, in confession, we say that we have sinned with the sin of resentment, but it does not go away?..

– This is evidence of our lack of faith, inability to repent and fight sin. I say again: the offense will not go away on its own. If you want to get rid of it, treat it like any other sin - ask God for healing. Now, a smoker, for example, or an alcoholic, cannot cope with his sin on his own, that’s it, period. A completely calm statement of fact: I can’t. This does not mean that I am bad, inferior, abnormal. This means that I am just an ordinary person, so I cannot deal with sin on my own. If he could, the Lord would not have to come to earth. Why then did God need to accept humiliation, become a man, live and experience terrible persecution and persecution, endure the torment of the cross, if people could do without His help? Why was Christ? To save a person.

You feel bad, but do you really ask for salvation, for the Lord’s help? Well, how do you pray to Him? Is there a result? - No, but he offended me so much! Ah, I can't. - It’s not how you were offended, but how you pray! If you really pray, it means there will be results. What, the Lord is powerless to protect you from the evil one? Yes, you just don’t pray, you don’t ask! You don't want the Lord to help you. If you want, you can. That is why the Lord gives us His divine, all-conquering, greatest power in the world. Who is the evil one?

Ten is more than one, a hundred is more than ten, a million is more than a hundred, and a billion... But there is infinity. And compared to infinity, a billion is still zero. And let the evil one be powerful, but All only the Lord can do it. If God is with us, then no one is against us... Or rather, we are with Him, the Lord is always with us. If we are truly with God, under His divine grace, then nothing can be done to us. We can be destroyed physically, but not morally; we cannot be forced to do what we do not want. I don’t want to be offended, which means I won’t be offended. If they offend me, that means I will pray so that this offense can be overcome by the power of God.

– It seems to me that often a person, without realizing it, does not want to forgive an offense, because the awareness of his own rightness and the wrongness of the offender is somehow comforting.

- Yes: no one feels sorry for me, so at least I feel sorry for myself. This is absolutely a hindrance. And again, this is either a proud attempt to cope with one’s strengths, or wishful thinking. Resentment is painful. Even if you burn yourself with nettles, it hurts. Of course, a mosquito bite and even a burn can be tolerated. But there are some deep wounds, they just don’t go away. Well, let’s say there’s some kind of abscess on my hand... Here you need medical help. You can look at your wound with all your might and say, “I want to be healthy.” Useless. Nowadays, especially among Orthodox Christians, self-medication is very common. They call the doctor, and he treats the person over the phone. He heals for a day, two, a week, a month until the person understands that it would be better for him to go to the hospital after all... There they finally begin to treat him, he gets better. But you cannot treat over the phone, whether you are a thrice-Orthodox doctor or a thrice-Orthodox patient. If the illness is serious, you need to take efforts appropriate to your condition. What is our spiritual state? We don’t know how to pray, we don’t know how to humble ourselves, we don’t know how to endure, we know practically nothing. Unless you mindlessly repeat prayers according to the prayer book - we know how to do that.

– How can you understand whether you have truly forgiven a person or are you trying to deceive yourself? What is the criterion for forgiving an offense?

– You can test yourself purely speculatively. Imagine that you come to the offender, offer to make peace, and he throws himself on your neck, you kiss, hug, cry, sob and everything is fine. Then imagine: you come and say: “Let's make peace? Forgive me, please,” and in response you hear: “You know, get out of here...”, “Wow. Yeah! I’m so humbled here, I came to you to ask for forgiveness, to offer peace, and you!..”

There was such a lord Meliton, during his lifetime they called him a saint. He lived in Leningrad. I had the good fortune to know him a little. He walked around in an old coat, alone, without any retinue. One day, Bishop Meliton came to the wonderful elder Archimandrite Seraphim Tyapochkin, knocked on the little gate, but the cell attendant did not see the bishop in the simple old man and said: “Father Archimandrite is resting, wait.” And he humbly waited. Once I asked Vladyka: “You are such a loving person, how could you be like that?” “How loving am I? - he was surprised, and then thought about it, “In my entire life, I have only offended a person once.”

So, when Vladyka was a young man (even before the revolution), he studied at the diocesan school, in missionary courses, set up like a boarding school. Misha (that was his name then, Meliton is a monastic name) always studied well. One day he was sitting in the classroom, doing homework with other children, and suddenly Kolka, a slob and a disgrace, ran in and scattered snuff. Everyone started sneezing, coughing... Noise, commotion. Kolka disappeared, and then the inspector appears: “What’s that noise?” And so the bishop said that he himself did not know how it escaped him: “It was Kolka who scattered the tobacco,” he pawned his comrade. This was completely unacceptable back then. Nowhere, not in the army, not in the gymnasium, not in the diocesan school, nowhere. Pawning a friend is the last thing. Well, Kolka was immediately sent to a punishment cell for disgrace for two hours. And Misha runs circles around this punishment cell, worrying about how he pawned his comrade. Although this disgrace provoked him, he doesn’t do anything himself and interferes with others, Misha worries, prays, walks... Finally, two hours later, Kolka is released, he rushes to him: “Kolya, forgive me! I don’t know how I escaped!” He told him: “Well, let’s get out of here...”. Mikhail again: “Kolya, forgive me!” The boy was 14-15 years old. They hit him on one cheek - he turned the other one. Well, what can you do, Kolka is furious and contemptuous, Misha turns around, but before he had time to take a few steps, Kolya catches up with him: “Misha, forgive me too!”

If you can turn the other cheek, then the second time a normal person will not raise his hand when you truly humbly, lovingly asked for forgiveness. You really have to be a villain to hit him a second time.

The boy Misha had such faith, such prayer that he himself forgave the outrage that Kolka had committed and took all the blame upon himself, although he was provoked.

These are just people from a different cloth. They did not put up with what cannot be put up with - anger, resentment, sin. And we: “Oh, I was offended, and I was offended.” You have no right to be offended, to carry resentment in your soul - this is a sin, a spiritual illness. Whatever you want, just overcome it. If you are with the Lord, this is possible. If you have been hurt, then you need to have patience, endure and fight as long as it takes for you to truly overcome the sin. Here “I want” is completely insufficient. There is only one criterion: can you tolerate rudeness again or not?

But, of course, we are talking about more or less ordinary, everyday sins. There are grave sins, on the verge of death (let's say, betrayal - that's a completely different conversation). But in fact, from these everyday relationships, from these unovercome sins, a lump of sin accumulates that can crush. He cannot be tolerated. If you don’t want this stinking, rotting garbage heap to bury you, then fight every sin until you win. Try to repent so that no trace of it remains in your soul. And if there is nothing left, it means he has gone into oblivion.

- Like this? After all, there were words, there were actions, they were - this is a fact?!

– The Lord says that He blots out sins, but what is sin? Everything that exists in the world was created by God. Did the Lord create sin? No. This means that sin does not exist like other God-created ideas, spiritual and material entities. Everything that the Lord created is good. But sin is evil, and the Lord did not create sin, which means that in this sense there is no sin, it is a kind of mirage. Is there a mirage? Happens. Do you see a mirage? See. But in reality what you see is not there? No. And there is no sin in that sense. On the one hand there is, but on the other hand there is no. If you repent, then this pseudo-spiritual entity is expelled by the Lord from this world. Just as it was not, so it will be. And if you really forgot and forgave, you can communicate with the person as if nothing had happened. But for this you must make enormous spiritual efforts. It's not that easy at all. Everyone knows how difficult it is to forgive. We do not forgive because we do not make the spiritual efforts that are necessary to defeat evil, to completely drive sin out of this world. We limit ourselves to calming down over time.

- Father, does it happen that you don’t know if a person is offended? For some reason he doesn't speak...

- Well, come up and say, but only with love and gently: “Did I offend you in any way?”

- But…

“But then pray in such a way that your prayer overcomes the evil that you have done involuntarily and unknown to you.” The evil one does not act openly. He takes advantage of our weaknesses. You have to say: “How rude and insensitive I am if I did something like that and didn’t even notice how I hurt a person. Lord, forgive me, damned one. I am guilty. I offended the man so much that he doesn’t even want to talk to me. What did I do? Lord, grant me to see my sins.”

- What if a person has a flaw? If he drinks. If he is a boor?.. How to talk to him?

– It’s difficult to answer such questions because you need to look at a specific situation. But as an example, I can give a story from the book “Father Arseny” “Nurse”. There, answering the question of how she grew up to be so good, the sister explains that her stepmother raised her this way. Her mother died, and this orphaned girl tormented her stepmother in the first degree, simply mocked her as only a 14-year-old child can. But the stepmother was a very deep, truly deep Christian. She prayed, it’s hard to describe how. And with her humility, fiery prayer and faith, this stepmother managed to break the heart of the embittered girl.

Her own father once a year became a heavy drinker, brought his friends, a drunken company burst into the house, and her own mother, when she was alive, was terribly frightened, hid in a corner, listened to reproaches and almost endured beatings. The girl waited with fear for her father’s next binge (even before reconciliation with her stepmother). And then a drunk daddy and his friends burst in and demanded that his wife set the table. And the quiet and unresponsive stepmother suddenly grabs one friend, throws him out the threshold, and closes the door on the other. Daddy: “What, on my friends!” Almost hit her. But she grabbed whatever came to her hand and brushed it aside... And that’s it, the issue was resolved.

– Is this humility?!

“The fact of the matter is that humility is a supernatural virtue.” The Lord said: “I am humble.” One of the holy fathers said that humility is the robe of the Divine. It's supernatural. A humble person is one who defeats evil at its very root. And if he needs to use physical force for this, then he will use it. This is not at all a mattress-mat on which you can wipe your feet: “Oh, I endure, I’m so humble.” And inside everything is seething and seething... What kind of humility is this? This is passivity before evil.

– If a loved one behaves, to put it mildly, badly towards you, and does not suffer from special repentance, won’t forgiveness be to his detriment?

- Will. Of course it will. But, I just gave an example of a stepmother and a girl. The stepmother had enough spiritual purity to understand how to behave with this girl. Because her hands probably itched more than once, or she wanted to tell her dad... But she realized that the child was behaving this way out of some kind of wild pain. The girl lost her mother! Therefore, I met with hostility a meek, humble, quiet, loving stepmother. The stepmother reacted not with resentment, not with anger in response to this terrible aggression that was poured out on her, but in an amazingly Christian way, with spiritual humility. With her love, prayer, patience and humility, she was able to overcome the most difficult temptation for this girl.

– How do you understand when to humble yourself and remain silent, and when...

“That’s why you need to humble yourself.” Only a humble person distinguishes between good and evil. As the Lord blesses, so he will behave. For others, it may be useful to shed seven skins. Recently, one general (he was already approaching 80) told me: “When I was 14 years old, I began to behave completely disgracefully. Moreover, our family was not an easy one, the famous shipbuilder Academician Alexei Nikolaevich Krylov visited, he and my dad spoke French, and I understood French. When topics were forbidden for me, they switched to German. And then one day, in response to some of my next rudeness, daddy took me and spanked me thoroughly. This was not a violation of my dignity. I just had a transitional age, a hormonal explosion. And the father extinguished this explosion with a powerful opposite action. I am grateful to my dad." His father spanked him without malice. But I do not at all encourage everyone to spank their children, because for this you need to be the kind of dads and moms who can do this with humility, internally maintaining the presence of mind. A humble person does not lose spiritual peace under any circumstances. Should I tear it off? Well, then, we’ll stick it out for the good of the cause, only with love.

– Is it possible to go to communion if you can’t overcome the pain?

– There are sins that cannot be overcome in one go and, of course, in such a situation God’s special help is necessary. Therefore, you need to take communion, you need to pray, repent, fight your sin. And understand that either you will conquer your sin within yourself, straining all your strength, or sin will defeat you without any effort.

- What do you mean, will defeat you?

- This means that you will lose this person, you will not be able to communicate with him at all. Since you have sin in your soul, you will act sinfully, there will be vindictiveness, rancor, and resentment. You will accumulate grievances, look for and see where they are not, and interpret everything in a bad sense. This will lead to spiritual degradation. But you need to receive communion only on the condition that you pray from your heart and repent from your heart. You may be overwhelmed by this sin, but you fight against it. There are sins that cannot be overcome quickly; you need to fight them constantly, just make sure you don’t relax, don’t get tired and don’t lose hope that with God’s help you will overcome them. Then, of course, it is simply necessary to receive communion.

The Lord sends us such trials so that we learn to fight sins. We have forgotten about some ancient sins, we don’t even think about them, but we are sinners anyway, so the Lord sends us this present visible sin so that we feel it and overcome it. But since a person is a holistic being, if he overcomes this sin, then he also overcomes others. Man is a sinner, but the Lord is merciful. You ask for forgiveness for one sin - the Lord can forgive you others. But you shouldn’t treat the sacrament like some kind of medicine: take a pill and your headache goes away. By the way, if the headache has stopped hurting at the moment, this does not mean that the illness has passed. And here we are talking about healing completely, so that this moral pain does not return.

For every Orthodox Christian, it is extremely important to pray and live your life righteously, committing as few sins as possible. But we are all imperfect, so it is necessary to ask the Lord for forgiveness and atonement for our actions.

Prayer is a way of communicating with God and the saints, strengthening faith and a pointer to the right path in life. With their help, you can cleanse your soul of negativity and find a way out of a difficult life situation; the main thing is to pray sincerely and with all your heart. A few of the most powerful prayers will help you overcome your weaknesses and receive forgiveness for past sins.

Prayers to the Lord Jesus Christ

Prayers in which you turn directly to the Lord have special power: by sincerely asking for forgiveness of your sins, you can receive atonement and move on with a pure heart and conscience.

“Lord, my God, Father and Patron! I pray to You, hear Your unworthy servant, who has given his heart, thoughts and soul into Your hands, weak and helpless. Don’t leave me, Lord, don’t let me melt in sin and perish in fiery hell, don’t hand me over to the devil to be mocked and don’t let my immortal soul perish. Lord, Your servant is weak, I am weak and like lost cattle I stand in the midst of sin and vice that surrounds me. Reach out Your hand and help me overcome the bitterness of the vice that has bound me. Forgive me my past and future sins, lessen my pain and show me the path to salvation. Amen".

“Our Father, heavenly King and Patron! I appeal to You and pray to forgive Your servant (name) for his current, past and future sins! Lord, forgive me, Your unworthy servant, show me the way to salvation and true humility. Amen".

Prayers to the Virgin Mary

The Mother of God is considered the comforter of those who mourn and the giver of hope to those who have sinned. By asking the Virgin Mary for help and mercy, you can change your life for the better and find the path of true faith.

“Oh, Mother of God, Immaculate Virgin, salvation for the suffering and hope for the desperate! I pray to You, hear me, a sinful and unworthy servant of God! Hear me and do not turn your holy face away from me, do not leave me to be torn to pieces by the tempting demons, turn away mortal sins from me and help me strengthen in faith. Ask our Lord and Your Son to forgive me my sins and deliver me from the horror of the Last Judgment. Amen".

“Blessed Virgin Mary, Intercessor and All-Helper! I humbly pray to You, do not turn away from me, do not leave me in sin and vice, help me cleanse myself and strengthen myself in faith, forgive my sins and allow me to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Beg Your Son and our God Jesus Christ to let go of my vices and show me the way to the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen".

Morning prayers for prosperity and success will help you achieve good luck and prosperity in all matters. We wish you peace in your soul and firm faith in God. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

04.04.2017 02:05

Words addressed to the angels will help strengthen the subtle energy of the spiritual world. Reading the prayer daily will give you a strong...

All peoples who live on Earth have secret words that are necessarily passed on from the older generation to the younger, and thanks to which a person turns to higher powers, to the Lord God. Such words are called prayer. The main appeal is a prayer to the Lord for forgiveness - atonement for sin before another person, cultivating the power of forgiveness.

To atone for your sins, it is important to visit the temple of the Lord. Attend Divine Services. But, the most important thing is to really want to receive the condescension of grace from the Almighty in the form of forgiveness of sins. The Lord God forgives everyone and absolves them of their sins, but only to those who show him their unshakable desire to receive forgiveness, all-consuming faith and the absence of evil thoughts.

Prayer for forgiveness of sins

During his stay on planet Earth, a person commits a large number of sins day after day based on various circumstances and reasons, the main ones being weakness, the inability to subordinate one’s willpower in order to resist the many temptations that surround us.

Everyone knows the teaching of Jesus Christ: “From the heart come evil plans and defile a person.” It is in this way that sinful thoughts are born in a person’s subconscious, which flow into sinful actions. We should not forget that every sin originates only from “evil thoughts.”

Prayer for forgiveness of sins is a very powerful prayer
One of the common ways to atone for sins is to give alms and donations to those who need it more than you. It is through this act that a person can express his compassion for the poor and mercy for his neighbor.

Another way that will help free the soul from sin is a prayer for the remission of sins, which comes from the heart itself, about sincere repentance, about forgiveness of committed sins: “And the prayer of faith will heal the sick person, and the Lord will raise him up; and if he has committed sins, they will be forgiven and atonement for him” (James 5:15).

In the Orthodox world there is a miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Softening Evil Hearts” (otherwise known as “Seven Arrows”). Since ancient times, in front of this icon, Christian believers have asked for forgiveness of sinful acts and reconciliation of warring parties.

Among Orthodox believers, 3 prayers for forgiveness of sins are common:

Prayer of repentance and forgiveness

“In the hand of Your great mercy, O my God, I entrust my soul and body, my feelings and words, my deeds and all my movements of body and soul. My entry and exit, my faith and life, the course and end of my life, the day and hour of my breathing, my repose, the repose of my soul and body. But You, O Most Merciful God, invincible to the sins of the whole world, Goodness, Gentle Lord, accept me, more than all the most sinful people, in the hand of Your protection and deliver from all evil, cleanse my many iniquities, grant correction to my evil and cursed life and from those to come. Always delight me in the fall of cruel sins, and in no way, when I anger Your love for mankind, cover my weakness from demons, passions and evil people. Forbid the enemy, visible and invisible, guiding me along the saved path, bring me to You, my refuge and my desire. Grant me a Christian death, unashamed, peaceful, keep me from the airy spirits of malice, at Your Last Judgment be merciful to Your servant and number me at the right hand of Your blessed sheep, and with them I will glorify You, my Creator, forever. Amen".
Prayer for forgiveness of grievances

“Lord, You see my weakness, grant me correction and make me worthy to love you with all my soul and thoughts, and grant me Your grace, grant me the zeal to perform services, offer my unworthy prayer and thank You for everything.”
Forgiveness from God

“Lord my God, You know what is saving for me, help me; and do not allow me to sin before You and perish in my sins, for I am sinful and weak; do not betray me to my enemies, for I have come running to You, deliver me, O Lord, for You are my strength and my hope, and to You be glory and thanksgiving forever. Amen".

Prayer for forgiveness of sins- this is a daily appeal to the Lord God, which helps a person cleanse his soul.

The sinful grievances that we spew on those next to us, over time, come back in the form of illnesses.

To earn God's grace and heal spiritually, it is necessary to read prayers for forgiveness as often as possible.

Such prayers can be addressed not only to the Lord God, but also to other holy images.

Before you begin reading the suggested prayers, you should visit an Orthodox Church and ask for forgiveness mentally before God.

Orthodox prayer to the Lord God for forgiveness of sins:

1. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. I sincerely repent before you and pray for forgiveness of sins. With caustic words and slippery deeds, I undeservedly belittled people. Not on purpose and out of evil, I sinned unbridled and did not ask for forgiveness from good people. Have mercy, O God, and forgive me all my known sins, voluntary and involuntary, as well as those not mentioned due to oblivion. Let it be so. Amen."

2. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. I turn to you in prayer and ask you for help in redemption. Forgive all sins committed out of oblivion. Guide me on the path of Orthodoxy, past sinful vanity. In the name of the father, and the son, and the holy spirit. Amen."

Orthodox prayer to the Lord God for forgiveness of grievances:

,Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. I fall at your feet and pray for your generous forgiveness. He offended and did not apologize, humiliated and did not repent. With hurtful words he caused pain to close people and strangers. Have mercy on my sinful soul and forgive me for my evil deeds. Let it be so. Amen."

If you are a woman, then the Prayer to the Lord for forgiveness should be read on behalf of the weaker sex.
To earn forgiveness from sins and grievances, it is necessary to say these prayers as often as possible in calm solitude.

Prayer of repentance to Jesus Christ for remission of sins:

Living in this world, we sin tirelessly, sometimes forgetting that we have offended someone.
In order for the Lord to forgive your sins, you must periodically say a prayer of repentance.
Just don’t forget that any prayer is not empty words, but a promise to God in the form of actions.

Before you begin to read the prayer of repentance to Jesus Christ, make sure that nothing interferes with you. Lock yourself in a cozy room and light church candles. Place Orthodox icons nearby. This is the image of Jesus Christ, the Most Holy Theotokos and the Blessed Eldress Matrona of Moscow.

,Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. I sincerely repent to you and ask for your generous forgiveness. Forgive me all my sins through oblivion, swearing, abuse, insults to my neighbor and cleanse my soul from sinful thoughts. Protect me from unrighteous deeds and do not torment me with too difficult trials. May your will be done now and forever and forever and ever. Amen."

Wait until all the candles have completely gone out. Having baptized yourself diligently, go in peace and try to sin as little as possible.

I bring to your attention another prayer of repentance, which asks Jesus Christ for the speedy forgiveness of sins:

,Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Have mercy on me and forgive me all sins committed with malicious intent and not according to my will. I repent for the insults caused, the caustic words and the nasty deeds. I repent for the mental turmoil and lamentation of a difficult life. Forgive me all my sins and drive away demonic thoughts from my soul. Let it be so. Amen."

5 prayers that allow you to beg forgiveness for the sins of your ancestors, aborted children, fornication, lust and betrayal.

Light 1 candle. Place icons available at home. Read the prayer several times "Our Father".

Then start praying.

How to request an abortion:

,Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Forgive me the sin of abortion - the worst infanticide. In spiritual nakedness, she strayed from the righteous path, seduced by weakness and lust. Thy will be done. Amen."

How to atone for the sins of your ancestors:

,Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. In church remembrance, forgive the sins of the ancestors of the deceased, who during their lifetime did not repent, rarely prayed and suffered. Thy will be done. Amen."

How to atone for the sin of fornication:

,Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Cleanse me from lustful desires and immeasurable seminal defilement. I pray to you for strict retribution, so that posterity does not suffer and does not absorb my sorrows. Let it be so. Amen."

How to appease lust:

Lord, do not destroy my soul, but cool the lustful desire of the flesh. I pray you for a fair punishment and relief for a sincere confession. Thy will be done. Amen."

How to pray for betrayal:

“Lord Jesus Christ, of youthful lust and carnal attraction, I repent of marital apostasy. Righteously angry, punish me for treason, show me the spiritual path to the Temple. Thy will be done. Amen."

Now you can atone for your own and other people’s sins.

Prayer for everything to be fine:

Before you begin to read this prayer to the Lord God, you need to visit the Orthodox Church and put 3 candles each to the icon of Jesus Christ, the Most Holy Theotokos and the Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow.
Zealously crossing yourself and looking at the bright flame, say simple prayer lines to yourself:

,Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Let everything be fine both in the soul and in the mortal body. Let it be so. Amen."

You slowly leave the Temple, purchasing three additional candles and the Orthodox icons listed above, but only if they are out of stock.

Come home and retire to your room. Light the candles.
Look closely at the bright flame and imagine that everything will be fine. Each person who prays has his own understanding of prosperity, but you should not ask the Lord God for a sinful benefit.

,Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Let him reject everything bad and everything will be fine from strong faith in his soul. Give me good, bright thoughts and deliver me from sinful acts. In the father's house and the government's house, on a slippery road, night and day, with loved ones, let everything be fine. May all good endeavors end well. Let it be so. Amen."

Orthodox prayer for everything to be fine, can be addressed not only to the Lord God, but also to his holy helpers to preserve faith in the soul.

When begging God for forgiveness for your sins, observe fasts, read the Prayer Book and the Bible, partake of the holy gifts, and confess to Father. Connect with a spiritual guide.

May the Lord God hear your groans!

I wish you bright and joyful days!

God bless you!


In accordance with the canons of Orthodoxy, we are all human beings - sinners, already at birth we have the firstborn. As we live our lives, we slowly accumulate more and more unseemly deeds. But God loves people so much that he forgives everything. To earn forgiveness, repentance and awareness of one’s actions are important; for this you need to pray and visit temple. But even at home, it is important to know the prayers for the forgiveness of sins and read them before the images.

Prayer of repentance and humility:

“In the hand of Your great mercy, O my God, I entrust my soul and body, my feelings and words, my deeds and all my movements of body and soul. My entry and exit, my faith and life, the course and end of my life, the day and hour of my breathing, my repose, the repose of my soul and body. But You, O Most Merciful God, are invincible to the sins of the whole world, Unevil Lord, more than all sinners of me. Receive Thy protection in the hand and deliver from all evil, cleanse the multitude of my iniquities. Grant correction to my evil and cursed life and always delight me from future falls into sin, so that when I anger Your love for mankind, cover my weakness from demons, passions and evil people. Forbid the enemy, visible and invisible, guiding me along the saved path, bring me to You, my refuge and my desire. Grant me a Christian death, unashamed, peaceful, keep me from the airy spirits of malice, at Your Last Judgment be merciful to Your servant and number me at the right hand of Your blessed sheep, and with them I will glorify You, my Creator, forever. Amen".

Prayer for forgiveness of sins

“Lord, my God, Father and Patron! I pray to You, hear Your unworthy servant, who has given his heart, thoughts and soul into Your hands, weak and helpless. Don’t leave me, Lord, don’t let me melt in sin and perish in fiery hell, don’t hand me over to the devil to be mocked and don’t let my immortal soul perish. Lord, Your servant is weak, I am weak and like lost cattle I stand in the midst of sin and vice that surrounds me. Reach out Your hand and help me overcome the bitterness of the vice that has bound me. Forgive me my past and future sins, lessen my pain and show me the path to salvation. Amen".

The prayer is read morning and evening for 7 days.

Another short prayer for forgiveness

“Lord, You see my weakness, give me correction and make me worthy to love you with all my soul and thoughts. And grant me Your grace, grant me the zeal to perform services, offer my unworthy prayer and thank You for everything.”

And it is always important to remember that in forgiveness and in the request for forgiveness there is hidden the great power of recognizing the merits of Jesus Christ. He did not spare his life, giving it for all people on earth. So great was his love for us.