home · Other · Mospilan instructions for use for indoor plants. Insecticide Mospilan: action, dangers, use in individual households. Mechanism of action of the insecticide

Mospilan instructions for use for indoor plants. Insecticide Mospilan: action, dangers, use in individual households. Mechanism of action of the insecticide

The drug “works” even in rainy weather, acting from the vegetative mass of plants. Mospilan (acetamiprid) is actively absorbed by greens and circulates in the juice of the crop for a long time, reliably protecting it from pest attacks. The concentration of acetamiprid, which is harmful to insects, remains in the plant for up to 30 days, so Mospilan is rarely used more than once during the growing season. Private owners most often use Mospilan for the Colorado potato beetle, but the drug also does an excellent job:

  • With colonies of potato ladybugs and pest bugs, whiteflies;
  • With ground beetles, flea beetles, grain flies (grain agricultural fields);
  • With all types of locusts in pastures and uncultivated virgin lands.

How does Mospilan work?

How to use the drug

Mospilan is produced in the form of a powder, which must be dissolved in water in the following ratios: 0.5-0.8 g per 10 liters. for treating potatoes against young colonies of the Colorado potato beetle and ladybug; 2-2.4 g per 10 l. for spraying plantings during mass invasions of the Colorado potato beetle. The planned consumption rate is 10 l. working solution in private households - 200 sq. m. It is not recommended to use more than once a season.

Potatoes are processed by uniformly spraying each young non-flowering bush, doing the work in the morning or evening hours. Dry weather without gusty winds is required (precipitation in the forecast for the next day is not terrible). Mospilan is moderately dangerous for humans and warm-blooded animals (cl. 3), does not pose a significant threat to honey bees (cl. 3). The use of protective equipment (masks, goggles, gloves) is mandatory at all stages of work.

If you find several types of pests on your flowers, vegetables or fruit crops, you will need a broad-spectrum product to get rid of them. One of the most effective products in this category of insecticides is Mospilan, developed by the Japanese manufacturer Nippon Soda Co., Ltd. It will be especially interesting to those gardeners who keep bees. We will tell you more about this drug.

Appointment of Mospilan

Mospilan is one of the newest systemic insecticides of contact-intestinal action, designed to combat coleopteran, lepidopteran, hemiptera, even-winged pests and thrips. The drug is widely used to protect crops in open and protected ground, gardens and indoor plants.

Effect of the drug Mospilan

Analogues of Mospilan are the drugs Alpha-Acetamiprid, Coragen, Mavrik and Micro.

This insecticide is used to destroy Colorado potato beetles, apple sawflies and codling moths, aphids, leafminer and apple moths, ground beetles, reticulated leaf rollers, scale insects, various types of locusts, weevils, beet flea beetles, shield moths, sand bugs, thrips, mealybugs, bedbugs and larvae leeches.

The advantages of Mospilan are:

  • the ability to destroy pests even in untreated areas of the plant;
  • a new mechanism of action that does not cause resistance;
  • high biological activity even at high air temperatures;
  • lack of phytotoxicity;
  • low level of danger for people, bees and animals;
  • compatibility with most pesticides;
  • preservation of properties during temperature fluctuations.

Instructions for use of Mospilan

  • 2.5 g of Mospilan is diluted in 1 liter of water, after which 200 ml of the resulting solution is poured into 10 liters and mixed thoroughly - this solution is enough to treat 200-250 m² of plantings. The total solution prepared from one packet of Mospilan (2.5 g) is enough to treat an area of ​​1000 m².
  • To destroy the Colorado potato beetle, a solution is prepared at the rate of 5-8 g of Mospilan per 10 liters of water. Five liters of working solution should be enough to treat 100 m².
  • To spray apple trees, 2.5 g of Mospilan is diluted in 1 liter of water, after which, with constant stirring, the volume is gradually increased to 10-12 liters with water.
  • To destroy Mospilan scale insects, you need to use 2 times more.
CulturePestDrug consumptionTime of processingNumber of treatments / waiting period
Apple tree codling moth 1.5-2 g per 100 m² Spraying during the growing season to revive caterpillars of the 1st and 2nd generations 2 / 45
Apple tree Aphids, apple and leafminer moths, rose and netted leafrollers, apple sawfly 1.5-2 g per 100 m² 2 / 45
Apple tree California scale insect 4-5 g per 100 m² Spraying trees at the beginning of bud break (along the scutellum) and in the summer - during the revival of traveling larvae 2 / 45
Winter and spring rape Rapeseed flower beetle, cruciferous flea beetles, aphids, rapeseed weevil, rapeseed sawfly, rapeseed bug, secretive proboscis, cabbage pod gnat 1-1.2 g per 100 m² Spraying during the growing season (before flowering, at the beginning of flowering, during flowering and at the end of flowering) 2 / 30
Wheat Larvae of pest bugs, aphids, thrips, leeches 1-1.2 g per 100 m² Spraying crops during the growing season, but no later than the stage of “milk ripeness of grain” 2 / 30
Sugar beet Beet weevils, beet flea beetles, honey beetles, sand beetle, beet leaf aphid 0.5-0.75 g per 100 m² Spraying during the growing season 1 / 40
Sunflower, alfalfa, sugar beet Locusts 0.5-0.75 g per 100 m² Spraying during the growing season 1 / 40
Tomatoes and cucumbers in protected ground Greenhouse whitefly, greenhouse aphid, peach aphid, melon aphid, thrips 2-3 g per 100 m² Spraying during the growing season 2 / 3
Potato Colorado beetle 0.5-1 g per 100 m² Spraying during the growing season 1 / 35


Mospilan can be combined with almost all pesticides and insecticides. The only exceptions are those drugs that, when combined, give a highly alkaline reaction. Such substances include, for example, Bordeaux mixture and sulfur-containing preparations. However, before mixing even approved drugs with Mospilan, make sure they are compatible by combining them in a small dosage. If flakes or sediment appear as a result of the reaction, the drugs should not be combined.


Mospilan belongs to the 3rd hazard class, which means that it is moderately toxic to humans, warm-blooded animals, fish, bees, bumblebees and earthworms. Since it is, although slightly, still toxic to pollinators, it is advisable to treat plants with the drug early in the morning or after sunset, when bees are not flying.

Precautionary measures

  • When searching plants with Mospilan, it is necessary to wear a gown, a respirator, safety glasses and rubber gloves.
  • When finished, wash your face and hands with soap and rinse your mouth with water or a weak soda solution.
  • Empty Mospilan packaging is prohibited from being thrown into water bodies or used for any purpose.
  • It must be burned, being careful not to inhale smoke.

First aid

  • If the drug gets into your eyes, they should be rinsed while open with plenty of running water.
  • If the drug enters the digestive system, you should take activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight and wash down the tablets with two to three glasses of water, after which you must induce vomiting.
  • If the drug gets on the skin, blot it with a cloth or cotton wool, being careful not to rub it, and wash the area with soapy water.
  • Providing first aid does not relieve you from the need to see a doctor! There is no antidote for Mospilan, so treatment of poisoning with the drug is symptomatic.

Storage of Mospilan

Mospilan must be stored in a dry place, inaccessible to children and animals, at a temperature of -15 to +30 degrees. Do not keep it near food or medicine. The working solution cannot be stored; it must be used on the same day it was prepared.

And in general, any crops on the site are not a reason to breathe a sigh of relief. It is important to preserve the future harvest and not allow diseases to spoil it.

There are many methods of protecting plants from pests, including creating unfavorable conditions for their appearance, increasing the protective properties of plants, applying, even premature harvesting so that pests do not have time to profit from them.

In this article we will talk about chemical protection of plants from diseases and pests, namely, a systemic action called “Mospilan”. This drug was invented and patented in 1989 by the Japanese chemical company Nippon Soda.

Description and composition

The active ingredient of the Mospilan insecticide, according to the instructions, is acetamiprid 200 g/kg, which belongs to the group of neonicotinoids. This is a highly effective systemic substance. It affects insects in various stages of growth - larvae, eggs and adults.

Mechanism of action

The mechanism of action of Mospilan is very simple: after spraying, it is quickly absorbed by parts of the plant and spreads throughout its entire body. As a result, insects that have eaten the plant treated with Mospilan die. Acetamiprid destroys the central nervous system of insect pests. Besides, the protective barrier after treatment with the drug lasts up to 21 days. Read on to find out what plants Mospilan is suitable for and how to grow it.

Important! Beware of Mospilan fakes. There are no 100g or 1000g packs.

Instructions for use

The drug "Mospilan" (2.5 g), according to the instructions for use, should be diluted in 1 liter of water, then add another 10 liters of water. A solution of this concentration is used to treat indoor plants.

One packet of Mospilan is enough to treat an area of ​​up to 1 hectare. Next, we will consider dosages for different crops.


When treating grain crops against thrips, harmful bugs, and aphids, the application rate is 0.10–0.12 kg/ha. Recommended number of treatments - 1.

Tomatoes and cucumbers

When treating tomatoes and cucumbers, including greenhouses, against whiteflies, melon and other types of aphids, thrips, the application rate is 0.2–0.4 kg/ha. Recommended number of treatments - 1.


To protect against the Colorado potato beetle, as indicated in the instructions for use, Mospilan should be diluted in a proportion of 0.05–0.125 kg/ha. Recommended number of treatments - 1.


To destroy beet pests (weevil, beet flea beetle, beet leaf aphid), you need to use 0.05–0.075 kg/ha. Recommended number of treatments - 1.


The Mospilan norm for protecting sunflowers from locusts is 0.05–0.075 kg/ha. Recommended number of treatments - 1.

Apple tree

To protect the apple tree from invasions of the fruit stalk, aphids, moths, and apple budworm, the following dosage should be used: 0.15–0.20 kg/ha. To protect against all types of scale insects, the dose of Mospilan must be increased - 0.40–0.50 kg/ha. The recommended number of treatments is 2.

Treatment of fruit trees with Mospilan is carried out according to the instructions for use for - 0.2–0.4 kg/ha.

Compatibility with other drugs

Insecticide "Mospilan" goes well with other preparations for treatment against pests. The exception is drugs that give a strong alkaline reaction when mixed, for example, Bordeaux mixture, and preparations containing sulfur. Before use, carefully read the composition and recommendations for use.

Despite the fact that this insecticide belongs to hazard class 3 (moderately hazardous substance), you need to be careful when using it.

First of all, this concerns safety precautions when spraying - Be sure to wear protective equipment (gloves, respirator, protective clothing).
Smoking while spraying plants is prohibited. The recommended time to use the insecticide is early morning or evening. It is also advisable to take into account the weather on the day of treatment with Mospilan - it is advisable that precipitation occurs no earlier than 2 hours after spraying.
After finishing the work, hands, face and other open areas of the body should be wash thoroughly with soap.
Mospilan packaging must be burned. It is prohibited to throw it into water bodies.

Mospilan is a product belonging to a new class of insecticides - neonicotinoids. It has an effective contact and gastric effect against harmful insects from the family Lepidoptera, Hemiptera, Coleoptera, and Homoptera. Mospilan can be used to process various vegetable crops, as well as sunflowers, winter wheat, apple trees, pears, citrus trees and other crops.

Characteristics of Mospilan

The active ingredient of Mospilan, developed by Japanese scientists, is acetamiprid, the content of which in the insecticide is 20%.

Mospilan insecticide is presented in the form of a water-soluble powder, which is packaged in bags of different weights - from 2.5 g to 1 kg.

Mechanism of action

Mospilan, characterized by excellent systemic and translaminar action, is absorbed by the plant in a short time and spread to all its parts, including untreated ones.

After treatment, pests die as a result of direct contact with the insecticide, as well as by eating parts of plants poisoned by Mospilan solution.

The insecticidal effect of Mospilan is manifested through its effect on the nervous system of insects, which leads to severe nervous overexcitation, paralysis of insects, and then their further death.

Depending on the type of insect, the insecticide can have a poisonous effect on eggs, larvae and adults.

Advantages of Mospilan

  • Has a contact and systemic effect;
  • Destroys pests regardless of the development phase: eggs, larvae, adult insects;
  • Does not cause resistance in both the adult pest and its larvae;
  • It is effective even at high air temperatures, and therefore can be used even in the hottest months;
  • It is not phytotoxic, odorless;
  • It has good compatibility with literally all pesticides and insecticides, with the exception of only those that, when combined, make the solution highly alkaline (sulfur-containing products, Bordeaux mixture)
  • The plant protection period is 15-20 days;
  • Does not pose a danger to humans. Also non-toxic to bees, fish, earthworms and mammals.

Instructions for use

Plants are treated with a freshly prepared solution at a time when the number of pests reaches the economic threshold of harmfulness. The effect of Mospilan is visible within an hour after spraying.

Application regulations



Insecticide consumption rate

Spraying time

Last treatment before harvest (multiplicity)


Colorado beetle

0.05 kg per 1 ha

During the growing season

35 days (once per season)

Sugar beet


The beet weevil is common, black, gray; beet flea beetles, sandy middlyak.

Beet aphid, leaf beetleaf

from 0.05 to 0.075 kg per 1 ha

0.075 kg per 1 ha

0.05 kg per 1 ha

Crop treatment

Spraying during the growing season

40 days (1 time)

Cucumbers and tomatoes in protected soil

Whitefly, aphid

from 0.2 kg to 0.3 kg per 1 ha

Spraying during the growing season

3 days (2 times)

California scale insects, scale insects

apple moth,

aphids, moths

miner, leaf roller,

apple ermine

moth, apple sawfly, netted leaf roller

codling moth

0.4-0.5 kg per 1 ha

from 0.15 to 0.2 kg per 1 ha

from 0.15 to 0.2 kg per 1 ha

Spraying of trees is carried out at the beginning of bud break, as well as in the summer during the revival of wandering larvae.

Spraying during the growing season to revive the larvae of the first and second generations

45 days (2 times)

45 days (2 times)

45 days (2 times)



from 0.05 to 0.075 kg per 1 ha

Crop treatment

40 days (1 time)

Winter wheat

Thrips, pyavitsi, aphids,

bug harmful turtle

from 0.1 to 0.12 kg per 1 ha

Processing during the growing season

25 days (2 times)

Cruciferous flea beetles, rapeseed flower beetle, aphids,

Bed bugs and other species

from 0.1 to 0.12 kg per 1 ha

Treatment is carried out during the growing season (before, at the beginning, during and at the end of flowering)

30 days (2 times)

Material prepared by: Yuri Zelikovich, teacher of the Department of Geoecology and Environmental Management

© When using site materials (quotes, tables, images), the source must be indicated.

The insecticidal plant protection drug Mospilan has clearly passed its peak of popularity among summer residents and small private plant growers, and during this period hopes for this drug were definitely excessive. But the potential of Mospilan as a plant protection product (PPP) against pests has not yet been exhausted. The active ingredient of the drug stops the development of eggs of harmful organisms, and very few plant protection products have an effect on their non-feeding phases. Therefore, it would not be superfluous to figure out in what cases and how Mospilan is still applicable and useful in an individual household.

Composition and release form

Mospilan insecticide is developed and produced by Nippon Soda Co. The active substance - α-acetamiprid - is a white or yellowish powder (see figure) with a solubility in water of 4.2 g/l. This makes it possible to produce the drug for agrochemical purposes in the form of a water-soluble powder (WRP, RP) or a water-soluble concentrate WRK, because acetamiprid is much more soluble in organic solvents, e.g. in ethyl alcohol. Sales forms from other manufacturers in the form of wettable powder SP, suspensions, emulsions (KS, SK, EC) necessarily contain additives; may not be listed in the drug description.

Note: the original drug goes on sale in a 20% concentration (200 g/kg), but for analogues it may be different, see below.


Acetamiprid belongs to the class of neonicotinoids and is a contact-intestinal nerve poison. Its effect on pests is similar to that of other substances of this class (see below): the drug blocks nicotine-dependent acetylcholine receptors on the synaptic membranes of nerve cells. The affected object stops feeding, and within an hour convulsions and death await it. But, unlike other neonicotinoids, acetamiprid is able to some extent to penetrate the membranes of fertilized eggs and kill the developing embryo, i.e. the drug Mospilan also has ovicidal activity, although limited, see below.

Mospilan problems

The disappointment of small owners in Mospilan is largely caused by the fact that the drug was not effective enough against aphids in the open ground, see for example. video

Video: an example of the ineffectiveness of Mospilan against aphids

In the comments to this video it is indicated one of the possible reasons: not the original drug. Quite likely, because “analogues” from the active ingredient purchased in bulk often contain acetamiprid in a concentration 5-10 times lower than the original one. It’s good if it is indicated on the packaging or in the description, see fig. lower, but it often happens that it is not.

Secondly, neonicotinoids are incompatible with plant protection products that have an alkaline reaction (Bordeaux mixture, preparations with copper, lime, soda); Summer residents and private owners know this. But not everyone knows that Mospilan absolutely incompatible with sulfur. If before using it the sprayer was filled with a sulfur-containing preparation, then washing the device is not enough. It needs to be disinfected from traces of sulfur, and in relation to this substance this is oh so difficult. And if there are insignificant traces of sulfur left in the sprayer, then the branded Mospilan sprayed from it will be almost ineffective.

Thirdly, it is very difficult to remove aphids in the open ground without first getting rid of the ants grazing them. Without them, the aphid population will not grow to the point of causing significant harm - natural enemies will not. At the same time, acetamiprid is extremely toxic to predatory insects that eat aphids, see also below. And the ovicidal activity of Mospilan on aphid eggs is low; It best destroys clutches of leafmining moths. As a result, the ants manage to save part of their herd for brood, the beneficial predators, having eaten the poisoned aphids, die, and the effect of Mospilan against aphids is the opposite.

Note: the same thing will happen in a greenhouse if aphids have been brought into it and ants are grazing it.

Mospilan and bees

Statements about the supposed safety of Mospilan for bees, excuse me, are either extreme ignorance or a shameless lie. A total of 4 neonicotinoids are currently known:

  • Acetamiprid (preparations certified for individual farms Grinda, Mospilan, Stozhar).
  • (the same, Borey, Tanrek, Tabu).
  • Thiacloprid (Biskaya, Calypso).
  • Thiamethoxam (Aktara).

All of them have a hazard class for insects (any) and aquatic organisms of at least 4th, and Mospilan for bees can safely be assigned 5th (deadly). It is precisely because of the initially too rosy attitude towards neonicotinoids that some Western countries are now importing bees and beneficial insects - all of theirs have become extinct. In France, where uncultivated lands and wild insect reserves no longer exist in nature, all neonicotinoids were banned back in 1999. In 2017, under pressure from their “brothers” in the EU, the French Ministry of Agriculture approved the drug Calypso with thiacloprid, but local guidelines agricultural technology refrains from making recommendations for its use.

In Russia there are more natural spaces uncontaminated by toxic chemicals, and land use is much less chaotic. It is at least possible in principle to ensure a protective zone of an apiary of more than 3 km and a more or less systematic use of pesticides in dacha areas and small settlements. Replenishment of useful insect fauna in cultivated areas from natural reserves is quite possible. Therefore, in addition to the above 11 drugs for small areas at the beginning of 2018, 8 or 9 more neonicotinoid drugs are approved for large agricultural machinery in the Russian Federation. But for private owners in the open ground, it is better to focus only on Iskra Zolotaya and Confidor from the Colorado potato beetle, because there is no complete replacement for them. But you need to be careful with Mospilan, see at the end. In any case, it is unacceptable to use Mospilan during the flowering period of any nectar-bearing plants minus two days before and plus the same amount after.

Mospilan from Colorado

Mospilan is relatively cheap (about $70 for a package of 0.5 cubic dm of the original powder), is stored for a long time in suitable conditions (see below) and can be taken from an opened package in parts. Therefore, amateurs are trying to combine it against the Colorado potato beetle with other relatively inexpensive remedies, see for example. video:

Video: Mospilan + Regent against the Colorado potato beetle

However, of course, in this case there is no guarantee that the recipe will work on a whim in other local conditions. As well as objective qualified studies confirming the effectiveness of the technique and the absence of after-effects from it. And the earth is not “my hut on the edge”; land use regulations apply to everyone. Something bad happened in the surrounding area as a result of amateur experiments - the experimenter is to blame.

Precautionary measures

For warm-blooded humans, Mospilan is a substance of hazard class 3. But, firstly, one should take into account the better permeability of the skin to acetamiprid than other neonicotinoids. Secondly, for the specifics of using the drug in private households, see at the end.

As a result, waterproof work overalls are required when working with Mospilan. Lightweight respiratory and eye protection is acceptable (latex gloves, petal respirator, canned glasses, see figure).

After work, PPE is disinfected with a solution of 50 g of soda ash per bucket of water; textile/knitted clothing is washed with laundry soap or soap powder. Allowable operating time 4 hours; at the end of it you need to take a shower. Security space around the work area:

  • apiary – from 3 km (limit the flight of bees from 48 hours);
  • reservoirs – 1.5 km;
  • children's institutions and playgrounds, places of collective recreation - 150 m;
  • for children, pregnant women, nursing mothers, allergy sufferers, people sick or recovering from cancer – 50 m;
  • residential buildings, poultry houses, livestock yards - 15 m;
  • outbuildings not intended for keeping pets – 5 m.

If the operator shows signs of illness, stop working and consult a doctor. Symptoms of poisoning: shortness of breath, salivation (increased salivation), tremors (trembling limbs, facial tics), impaired coordination of movements, convulsions. If the drug gets on the skin, remove it without rubbing it with a swab moistened with a solution of baking soda, and wash in the shower with soap. In case of contact with eyes, rinse them open under running water. If ingested, immediately consult a toxicologist: there is no antidote, treatment is symptomatic.


Original Mospilan can be stored for 36 months in unopened packaging. in a dark place (all neonicotinoids are subject to photolysis). In reality, the powder can be taken in parts over 2 seasons from a tightly sealed, vapor-tight container if the drug is stored in a dry room (neonicotinoids are also subject to hydrolysis). The remaining storage conditions are usual for pesticides: locked away from children and animals in a separate non-residential area in which food products are not stored. The permissible storage temperature range for Mospilan is +(5-30) degrees Celsius.

Note: how to divide a package or large sample of powder into small doses without precise scales, see the video below:

Video: how to measure the required amount of the drug


To prepare tank mixtures of Mospilan with neutral or slightly acidic agrochemicals that do not contain sulfur (see above), you must first do a compatibility test. In a shaded room, 50-100 ml of working solutions are prepared, poured into a clean glass container and left for an hour in the dark or semi-darkness. If signs of a chemical reaction are detected (change in temperature and/or color of the mixture, cloudiness, formation of flakes and/or sediment, bubbles, foam) – the drugs are incompatible. But this is not a guarantee of compatibility: using homemade methods, the incompatibility of pesticides is accurately determined only by the lack of a protective effect.

Application procedure

The temperature range for the effectiveness of Mospilan corresponds to that for storage. That is, this pesticide is not a spring pesticide and is not very effective in the summer heat. The working solution of the drug is prepared in a plastic bucket in the shade or in a shaded room. Water temperature is 20-25 degrees. The container is filled one-third to one-quarter full with water, while continuously stirring with a chemically neutral stirrer (glass, plastic), the powder is gradually introduced, stirred for another 3-5 minutes, and water is also added to the norm while stirring. The prepared solution is immediately poured into the sprayer tank. It must be developed within 24 hours. Keeping in mind the decomposition of the drug in the light, treatment should be carried out in the evening. Time before rain – from 4 hours.

Instructions for treating plants with the Mospilan insecticide are given in table. On potatoes, the drug is more effective against such a little-known pest as the potato ladybug. On the apple tree - from mining moths. Doesn't take sawfly eggs at all, because... they hide them deep in the wood. See above about the effectiveness of Mospilan against aphids.

Let's think about the future

Mospilan, like imidacloprid (the basis of Iskra Zolotoy and Kofidor), at the first time of its use seemed environmentally safe in the long term, because does not contain sulfur, phosphorus, or metals that give long-term negative after-effects. But its deadly effect on insects has already led to a quiet but severe environmental disaster in some Western countries. There is a lot of space and wildlife in Russia, but not an infinite amount. It is immeasurably more difficult to control the environmental impact of many small farms than large areas. That's why For private farmers, it is highly desirable to limit the use of the Mospilan insecticide to greenhouse farming. Mospilan can be “released” into the garden for a season or two to get rid of leaf miners. And in the field - if there are potato bugs in large numbers. Which, of course, is better not to do.

Final note: When working with Mospilan in a greenhouse, the use of PPE that completely excludes contact of the drug with the worker’s body is mandatory!