home · Appliances · Is it possible to keep gardenia signs at home? Gardenia - description, beneficial properties. Indoor plants by zodiac sign

Is it possible to keep gardenia signs at home? Gardenia - description, beneficial properties. Indoor plants by zodiac sign

Gardenia is an evergreen shrub plant that belongs to the Rubiaceae family. In nature it grows up to two meters. It is characterized by the presence of branching stems, glossy and wide foliage, the length of which is approximately eight centimeters. The plant has large flowers, with a diameter of up to eight centimeters. White flowers. There are also decorative varieties of flowers that produce double flowers.

Gardenia's native places are China and Japan. The plant produces yellow-orange fruits. The grass prefers acidic soil, so to grow the plant you will need to create a unique humus composition and regular watering. Why is the plant called this way? All because of Alexander Garden. It was the explorer who discovered the herb in the eighteenth century. The plant has a very refined aroma, slightly reminiscent of jasmine. Gardeners adore this plant because it is beautiful and fragrant.

Beneficial properties of gardenia

The plant lowers blood pressure and exhibits anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effects. Gardenia enhances the activity of the gallbladder, allows you to treat hepatitis, kidney and lung ailments, wounds, ulcers, stomatitis.

The fruits of the plant also demonstrate antipyretic and choleretic effects. The product can be used to completely cure nephritis, tonsillitis, mastitis, ailments of the dermis and esophagus. The fruits are also used externally, for example, to treat fever and heal wounds.

Gardenia is used to relieve spasms, headaches, and treat bronchopulmonary diseases. Remedies from this plant are used to cure hepatitis, cholecystitis, inflammatory processes in the bladder and urinary tract. The plant is even used in aromatherapy. The plant calms, tones, gives vigor and strength, and evokes only positive emotions in a person. The product will be especially useful for people who have recently experienced grief or are weakened after an illness.

The herb lowers the level of bile pigments in the blood, has an anthelmintic, laxative and antiseptic effect.

Gardenia is actively used in the cosmetology industry. The plant soothes the dermis, improves its condition, even makes it shine and “glow”. The plant has a cleansing, regenerating and moisturizing effect on the skin. It improves tissue elasticity, removes dead cells and helps fight orange peel.

Gardenia is also used for hair care. It nourishes the dermis of the head, moisturizes and cleanses the hair, protects it from external factors. After using the herb, hair becomes soft, silky, dense and elastic.

Indications and contraindications

Who will benefit from the herb? Gardenia promotes the rapid elimination of bilirubin in the blood, so the plant effectively treats streptococcus, a skin fungus. The product will cure nephritis, tonsillitis, mastitis, ailments of the dermis and esophagus. He also treats hepatitis, kidney and lung diseases, wounds, ulcers, stomatitis.

Who is prohibited from using herbs for medicinal purposes? If you have an individual intolerance to the product, then you are prohibited from taking the herb, because it can lead to a lot of side effects. Consult your doctor before taking the plant.

Medicinal recipes

  • Using herbs we remove high temperatures. If a person has a high temperature, this indicates that he most likely has the flu, malaria, sore throat or other ailments. To bring down the temperature, you can create the most useful remedy. Take a tablespoon of the fruits of the plant, which have been crushed in advance, pour them into a container and fill everything with boiling water in a volume of two hundred milliliters. Infuse the product for fifteen minutes, and then filter. Take the medicine three times a day, fifty milliliters.
  • You can prepare the product according to a different recipe. Take a tablespoon of the plant's flowers, a tablespoon of peppermint, mix everything and pour the mixture with two hundred milliliters of boiling water. Infuse the product for fifteen minutes, and then filter. Take the medicine twice a day, one hundred milliliters.
  • We heal bruises and wounds. Use the fruits of the grass. Take fifty grams of them, grind them into a paste and apply to the affected area for an hour.

Gardenia essential oil

A very useful oil is created from gardenia. It is obtained exclusively synthetically, thanks to extraction from dried flowers. The product is characterized by a sweetish floral aroma. Typically, the oil is used in perfumery. You can use it to create simple but very bright home perfumes; the product is also used in creating complex cosmetic compositions. Gardenia oil gives the perfume a pleasant oriental flair.

The oil is also used in aromatherapy. It can lift your spirits, calm you down, restore inner harmony and balance. The product is extremely useful, bright and rich.

  1. There are approximately two hundred and fifty species of this plant in the world. Usually these are evergreen shrubs or small trees.
  2. Indoor gardenia fits perfectly into any interior, as it is beautiful and sophisticated.
  3. Gardenia came into fashion back in the eighteenth century. It was at that time that aristocrats began to wear flowers of the plant in their buttonholes.
  4. It is believed that the vitality of the flower will help set a romantic mood in the house, and the soft aroma of the plant evokes positive and calm dreams.
  5. Sometimes you can find another name for gardenia - Chinese rose.
  6. The plant can be grown not only in bush form; some gardeners have managed to create a beautiful gardenia tree, reminiscent of a bonsai in its sophistication.

Gardenia is a wonderful plant that is not only very beautiful, but also extremely useful. It has been used for treatment by many traditional healers for many centuries and very successfully.

They serve as decoration for our houses and apartments. Not only women, but also many men treat with trepidation and care. With the help of plants, you can add certain notes to the entire interior. Flowers are often planted in oddly shaped pots. Plants are known to maintain indoor humidity and purify the air.

Home gardenia flower

Gardenia is one of the most popular plants for many indoor flower lovers. It belongs to the class of tropical madder flowers and has about two hundred and fifty varieties. Only one type of gardenia has adapted to home conditions - jasmine, also called Cape jasmine or Augusta. This flower is very capricious to keep and requires special care. But the evergreen, rich green petals and very beautiful blooms of this plant are worth the effort and care in growing it. The aroma emanating from the flowers invariably gives a feeling of freshness and spring harmony.


Gardenia moved into apartments from the forests of Japan, India or China. This flower is extremely beautiful. It belongs to the climbing shrubs and in nature reaches two meters in height. The bark of this plant has scales. Its petals are hard, green with a glossy sheen and lancet-shaped. Gardenia flowers are quite large - 8-10 cm, usually white, somewhat reminiscent of a tea rose. The color of the buds can be pale yellow, pink or cream. This plant has bright yellow fruits that are even suitable for consumption. The jasmine gardenia flower usually does not reach a size of more than 50 cm, but in rare cases its height can be one meter or more. This indoor plant, unlike most of its fellows, has a delicate, persistent aroma and blooms for a fairly long period of time, about four months. Gardenia blooms begin in mid-summer and last until mid-autumn. Although an already adapted flower can bloom at other times of the year, in winter it can also please with its lush buds, which are located at the tip of the stem one at a time or in pairs, which creates an unusually beautiful appearance of the plant. White large flowers are found in lush greenery.

Main types of indoor gardenia

There are several types of gardenia flowers (photo attached to the article):

  • jasminoid (G. Jasminoi-des ellis);
  • golden, yellow (Gardenia carinata, kuta);
  • citriodora (G. Citiodora).

The varieties of this plant include the following varieties: Flore Pleno, First Love, Variegate, Veitchii, Fortuneana, Kleim’s Hardy, Radicans. These species performed well as indoor flowers.

Types of garden gardenia

Among the garden flowers there are also quite a lot of varieties:

  • Radicans - flowers are white in color, double, leaves are lancet-shaped and glossy.
  • Kleim's Hardy - small white flowers, blooms in summer and spring.
  • Four Seasons - blooms all year round with proper care.
  • Fortuniana - large camellia-shaped double flowers.
  • Variety Veitchii - has delicate double double flowers, dark foliage.
  • First Love - double cream-colored flowers can appear 2 times a year.
  • Variegata - leaves with light yellow speckles, white and double flowers.
  • White Gem - small dark-colored oval leaves and star-shaped five-petal flowers.
  • Mystery - blooms with large flowers for quite a long time.

Gardenia flower: care at home

As already mentioned, this flower is quite capricious and requires increased attention. By following the following rules in caring for gardenia, you can preserve this plant as a home decoration for a long time. To do this, you must follow some care rules:

  • monitor the temperature so that there are no sudden changes, this is the only way the plant will grow successfully and delight with its magnificent flowering;
  • the soil should be moist, but not too wet;
  • acidic soil is an ideal environment to ensure plant health and rapid growth;
  • lighting should be sufficient, but exposure to sunlight should be avoided;
  • suitable for rooms with high humidity, provided there is access to daylight;
  • in no case should you change the location of the flower during the formation of buds or flowering, as this can lead to shedding of the formed buds;
  • gardenia is a heat-loving flower; the ideal temperature for its growth is 20 degrees Celsius;
  • You need to water only with settled water or rainwater and always warm.

The trick to growing gardenia flowers is to water deeply in summer and moderately in winter.

Lighting, temperature and humidity

The lighting in the room in which the gardenia flower is located should be sufficient. Moreover, in order to achieve year-round flowering, it must be present around the clock. The ideal location for a gardenia pot is a window that faces west or east. It should also be remembered that the flower is very susceptible to drafts. In winter, it is strictly forbidden to change the location of the plant in the house. It is better to postpone moving the flower until spring.

The temperature required by the plant during the warm period of the year should be approximately twenty-two degrees. In winter, gardenia grows buds for wintering, and the temperature during this process should not exceed twenty-one degrees Celsius.

The temperature of the soil and the room should be at the same level. No sudden jumps. If you reduce or, conversely, increase the soil temperature too much, you can interrupt the processes of bud formation and never see the plant bloom.

Plant watering conditions

The above temperature and lighting conditions are not the most important for healthy flower growth. Gardenia is called capricious precisely because of the peculiarities of its watering.

When the plant gains growth, it should be watered abundantly, but only if the top layers of soil in the pot are completely dry. During transition periods (spring and autumn), watering is reduced to 3 times a week. But in winter, watering should be minimal. Water for irrigation is taken warm and must be settled. You can maintain soil acidity by adding citric acid or lemon juice to the irrigation water. But when adding acidity to the soil, the main thing is not to overdo it, as this will immediately affect the size of the leaves and their color. They will turn yellow and decrease in size. A few grains of acid or drops of juice per 1 liter of water will be enough.

During budding and flowering, the humidity in the room should be increased. These problems can be solved by constantly misting the plant while the buds remain closed. After the flowers open, spraying should be stopped. But the humidity should continue to be maintained, so you need to place a container of water next to the gardenia pot.

During the period of active flower growth, it is necessary to actively fertilize the soil with liquid fertilizer additives. Universal fertilizers are suitable for flowering indoor plants. But when using them, you need to halve the recommended amount for watering.

During the period of bud formation, it is better to reduce the acidity of the soil. This can be achieved by watering and fertilizing with a high iron content. Watering twice during the budding period is quite enough.

The root system of gardenia grows throughout the pot and quickly absorbs moisture if it lacks minerals. It is during this period that you can apply both mineral and organic fertilizing, alternating it alternately.

Replanting this plant requires extreme caution and is best done only when absolutely necessary. When transplanting, you need to handle the horses very carefully; they are thin and very fragile. They should be trimmed to a minimum. In the new soil they will soon grow again.


The gardenia flower, the care of which we discuss in this article, has certain transplant rules:

  • the flower pot is filled one third with drainage;
  • cover it with substrate for indoor and flowering plants or special soil for gardenias or azaleas;
  • Calcareous soil is prohibited, only a substrate with an acidity of at least pH 4.0.
  • When preparing the soil yourself, it must contain equal parts of sand, turf soil, coniferous soil, leaf soil and peat soil.

Pruning and propagation

It is imperative to prune the gardenia flower, removing weak shoots and dried flowers. If the plant is too abundantly covered with leaves, it can be thinned out. You can shape the growth of foliage both to the sides and upwards, while cutting off unnecessary branches. They can be used to propagate the plant by simply rooting it in the soil.

Also, the gardenia flower (see photo in the review) reproduces by seeds. But at home this is very rare. Cuttings from young shoots measuring 10 cm in size is the best way to grow a new flower. It is recommended to carry out cuttings in the winter months or early spring, and the branch should be placed in water or soil mixture. Over time, the stem will begin to become overgrown with roots. A growth stimulator should be added to the mixture or water. This will allow the plant to take root much faster. For rapid growth, you can also cover the cutting and soil mixture with film or glass, ensuring the same temperature of the substrate and the plant.

You need to replant a grown gardenia flower at home when its height reaches 10-12 cm. A lush crown should be formed initially by cutting off the upper shoots. If everything is done correctly and in the future you follow all the nuances in caring for the plant, the shoot will flower within a year.

Diseases and pests

There are a number of symptoms of diseases of indoor gardenia flowers. Below is a list and reasons for their occurrence:

  • Falling buds.

The reason may be drying out of the soil, improper watering, insufficient lighting, low room temperature, moving the pot, or using cold water when watering.

  • Falling of yellowed leaves.

The main reasons for the foliage to fall and change its color to yellow can be: a decrease in temperature, cold water when watering.

  • The color of the foliage fades.

Insufficient lighting, lack of fertilizing or too high humidity are the main causes of foliage loss of color.

  • The buds do not open.

A non-acidic soil environment and lack of light can be the reasons for the non-opening of formed buds.

  • Yellow stains on the leaves.

Increased soil acidity or chlorosis disease is required.

  • Slow growth.

The plant stops growing if pests (scale insects, mites or aphids) appear on it.

To control pests, special preparations are used approximately once every seven days. Symptoms of pests include sticky leaves, cobwebs on the foliage and curling, gray stripes or brown spots on the surface of the stem and leaves.

Healing properties

The gardenia flower (we discussed care at home in the article) is not only a beautiful ornamental plant, but also medicinal. Its effectiveness is known in the treatment of stomatitis, dysentery and mastitis. Also, decoctions from its petals successfully help fight diseases of the lungs, kidneys, and intestines.

Following the recommendations of experts when growing this beautiful plant will allow you to admire its magnificent appearance and flowering. Thanks to its amazing beauty, gardenia can be an excellent decoration for absolutely any home.

Gardenia is native to Japan and China. Flowering time begins in July and ends in October. There are many types of gardenia, but only one is grown as a houseplant - gardenia jasmine.

Gardenia jasmine is an evergreen shrub, which in natural conditions can reach a height of 2 m. It has dark green leathery smooth leaves up to 10 cm long. The flowers have a pleasant unobtrusive aroma, the color is white, then it can turn yellow. The flowers are collected in corymbose inflorescences.

The plant is credited with a variety of medicinal properties. Traditional medicine in many countries is rich in recipes based on the roots and fruits of gardenia, from which decoctions are prepared. They are used as an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic agent, as well as for pathologies such as mastitis, tonsillitis, pemphigus, stomatitis, jaundice and stomach diseases. The fruits are used for fever and lung diseases.

Gardenia-based medications are used externally to heal wounds. You can simply apply the fruits of this plant to wounds, bruises, burns, and tumors. For the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity and herpes on the lips, a decoction of the roots and fruits is suitable, which also helps with bloody vomiting, hepatitis, mastitis, dysentery, nephritis, nosebleeds, and epidemic flu.

Chinese herbalists use gardenia preparations as an antiseptic that helps cope with inflammation of the biliary tract, headaches, and pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory system. Gardenia also has a diuretic effect in kidney disease and is used for fatigue, stress and insomnia.

Gardenia helps solve sexual problems. Her presence in the house helps to show tenderness, love, improves mood and has a calming effect on everyone in the house. This is why it is recommended to place gardenia in the living room where all family members can enjoy it.

Decoction of gardenia fruits for herpes

Compound: 1 tbsp. l. chopped fresh gardenia fruits, 500 ml of water.

Cooking method: Pour boiling water over the fruits, put on low heat and boil under a closed lid for 10 minutes. Then leave for 1 hour, strain and squeeze the liquid from the fruit.

Mode of application: several times a day, lubricate the affected areas with the prepared decoction.

Note: the decoction also helps with stomatitis, for which you need to rinse your mouth with it several times a day.

Gardenia fruit compress

Compound: 1-2 fresh gardenia fruits (depending on the area of ​​the affected area).

Cooking method: chop the fruits.

Directions for use: apply the paste to the affected area, tie with a bandage, hold for 2 hours.

Infusion of gardenia fruits to cleanse the body of waste and toxins

Compound: 1 tsp chopped fresh gardenia fruits, 500 ml of water.

Cooking method: put the fruits in a thermos, pour boiling water and leave for 2-3 hours, then strain and squeeze the liquid from the fruits.

Mode of application: drink the infusion for 2-3 days, 3 tbsp. 2-3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals.

Infusion of gardenia and white lily flowers

Compound: 1 tbsp. gardenia flowers, 1 white lily flower, 500 ml of water.

Cooking method: pour boiling water over the flowers, leave for 2-3 hours, then strain and squeeze the liquid out of the flowers.

Mode of application: apply lotions after hair removal on the face, armpits, legs and bikini area.