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The husband is a ladies' man. The naked truth about ladies' men. He talks negatively about his ex

Womanizers are favored by many representatives of the fair sex. These men have a special talent for seducing women, causing them to admire and fall in love. But even such a guy can be charmed. In order for him to fall in love without memory, you need to act according to certain rules. The conquered womanizer eventually becomes an exemplary family man and listens to every word of his life partner.

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Is it possible to make a womanizer fall in love with you?

A man who is a womanizer can be immediately identified in any company. These male representatives are always neatly and stylishly dressed, boast a large vocabulary and a deft tongue, and are attentive to the ladies. It's a rare woman who can resist a brilliant dandy who knows how to carry on a conversation, looks after him beautifully and is not devoid of passion in bed.

Falling in love with such men is dangerous, but many girls neglect this and want to connect their lives with a female lover. In this case, you should take the advice of psychologists in order to be able to tame the Don Juan and make his heart beat stronger with love. If you try, it is quite possible to make a womanizer fall in love with you, but how long he can last in the role of an exemplary family man is not known for sure.

Rules for skillful communication with a ladies' man

The womanizing guy is used to women easily falling for his charms, and he hardly has to make any effort. To surprise such a man and make him interested, you need to behave differently, that is, show a little indifference. You should not tell a new acquaintance the details of your life. By maintaining the image of a mysterious stranger, you can arouse the womanizer's interest in your person. The desire to get to know the lady better will keep him close.

You need to be confident with a Don Juan, stopping his attempts to take the initiative into his own hands. If you always agree with such a gentleman, he will be confident in his irresistibility. It is allowed to make fun of him slightly, but not too much, so as not to hurt his heightened pride.

Meetings should not be too frequent. If the romance began through correspondence on a social network, then you can stick to virtual communication for a while to stir up interest in yourself. It is better to start intimate relationships no earlier than after a month of dating. The main task of a girl when communicating with a man of this type is to arouse his interest not only with her appearance, but also with her inner content. You need to be interested in a man’s life, ask his opinion on any issues, talk about your work and hobbies. He should see a person next to him, and not a beautiful doll.

If the womanizer gets carried away, it is necessary to maintain his interest further. To do this, you must follow certain rules of behavior:

  • manipulate a man;
  • maintain mystery;
  • remain beautiful and desirable;
  • warm up emotions.

To be the ever-elusive prey

In psychology, a man who is a womanizer is considered a skilled manipulator, which is why ladies so often fall into his network. Such representatives of the stronger sex should be fought with the same weapons, that is, you need to learn to manipulate.

Since ladies' men are not interested in women who are in love with them, they should remain neutral throughout the entire conversation. A man who is accustomed to constant female attention and adoration will try to win it in this case too. It is necessary to make him want to charm his new acquaintance. In the future, he will have the instinct of a hunter, wanting to achieve what he wants at any cost.

A womanizer can fall in love with a woman who always seems to elude him. Such a man needs to be kept at a distance, but you should not constantly refuse him, otherwise his interest in the girl will soon dry up. Therefore, after several cold meetings, you can give your friend a warm welcome. When building relationships, you should also take into account the zodiac sign under which the chosen one was born. For example, Scorpios are very fond of riddles and are often attracted to women who appear in a new image every day. But such tricks can only scare away the down-to-earth Cancer.

You should not put pressure on a womanizer’s pain points, so as not to hurt his pride and cause aggression. These points are considered:

  • self-esteem;
  • vanity;
  • confidence in one's own irresistibility.

Remain a mystery

To keep a womanizer on his toes, you need to remain a mystery to him. You shouldn’t dump the details of your life on him; they need to be told in doses and within reasonable limits. If a man sees something inaccessible to his understanding in a girl’s behavior, he will definitely try to figure it out and try to tame the lady.

You can maintain mystery and mystery if you always act differently. On one date you can keep him at a distance, be a cold and distant lady, and on another you can become a passionate coquette and flirt with him with all your might.

Always be attractive in appearance

For a man who is a womanizer, attractive appearance is of great importance. To please him, you need to look irresistible not only when going out, but also at home. Such a man will not understand if a girl wears a worn-out dressing gown and walks around with disheveled hair, even in the kitchen while preparing dinner. His life partner should always look dazzling. Even a married womanizer will expect sexy outfits and stylish makeup from his wife.

It is difficult to seduce a lover and connoisseur of women with a short skirt or deep neckline. Outfits should be sexy, but not provocative or flashy.

Build interest in yourself

To keep a womanizer forever, a relationship requires intense passion. From time to time you need to give him a reason to be jealous. For example, you can talk about a colleague who constantly shows signs of attention. In this case, a bouquet of flowers bought on the way home would be appropriate.

The girlfriend of such a man should constantly stir up his interest in her person so that he is not interested in other ladies. Staying mysterious is the best way to make a womanizer truly fall in love.

By nature, all men who are womanizers are selfish. Most of all they are interested in their own person. This is to some extent due to complexes. Such a man is afraid of being somehow insolvent, uninteresting, unnecessary. Therefore, a smart companion will maintain interest in his person, ask about his affairs, and try to understand the state of his soul. This can bind the Don Juan to you.

In fact, such a person is not too interested in the intimate side of relationships. Any woman who was in a relationship with him can confirm this fact. Men who are constantly looking for new relationships get pleasure from changing partners. A womanizer needs variety, so his girlfriend needs to make sure that he doesn’t look for it on the side. In this case, the womanizer will not be able to stop loving his partner.

You should not take revenge on a loving man for the experiences he once caused. A womanizer will not be able to understand such behavior. You can teach a womanizer a lesson using his own method - charm him and make him fall in love. This will take time, but the results are worth the effort. A womanizer in love turns into a handsome prince. This is the most gentle and affectionate partner, a caring life partner, a skilled lover.

And a little about secrets...

I looked at my husband in fascination, and he did not take his admiring eyes off his mistress. He acted like a lovesick idiot...

Beautiful words, flowers, gifts, pleasant little things, a fun and interesting time - any woman is pleased to receive this from a man, especially if he is not bad-looking, has an amazing perfume and enough material resources. “This is my ideal,” most often think women who meet this type of man along the way, but we hasten to dissuade you from this, most likely such a man is a banal womanizer, whose goal is to drive as many ladies crazy as possible.

Lovelace - who is he?

Lovelace, Don Juan, Casanova, whatever epithets are used to describe men who have a special attitude towards women . Such a man is a pure manifestation of his natural essence - he is a full-fledged male. He is interested in all the more or less beautiful women on the planet, he strives to please them, and having won the sympathy and affection of one, he immediately switches to another.

Lovelaces are players, they play strategy, they think through various moves, options, situations. There should always be a woman next to such a man as a source of energy, inspiration and strength. If you are next to such a man today, do not have any illusions that maybe with you he will change and become completely different. Even if you manage to keep him near you longer, he is unlikely to enter into a serious relationship or marriage; the desire to take possession of the next victim will be dominant in his behavior.

What to do? Relax and have fun

If your man is a womanizer - enjoy, all these mind-blowing compliments, nice gifts, romantic encounters are just for you. His goal is your heart, your love, he calls it and drinks it in one gulp, like a glass of mineral water in extreme heat. He gets “thirsty” too often and gets “drunk” too quickly. As soon as he gets what he needs, he will immediately lose interest in you, as if you were an empty container; you can’t give him anything else.

Look at things realistically, your wonderful romance will not last long, its “bitterness” is unchanged, he will definitely move on in search of the next victory. Don't try to hold him back, especially with words of love, it's useless. You can only slightly extend the time of pleasure in the opposite way, demonstrating to him your coldness and inaccessibility. This will create excitement in him, because he is a player, he is a winner, and a new unapproachable peak is even more interesting and exciting, it must be conquered. All efforts will be devoted to this.

Don't believe, don't be afraid, don't search

Lovelace is a tempter, he will constantly say that you are the only, unique, the most beautiful and wonderful, of course he is not lying, but you don’t need to believe him either, you are like that, but not next to him.

A ladies' man disappears, as a rule, suddenly; firstly, he quickly becomes captivated by a new object, secondly, he does not tolerate sentimental explanations, and thirdly, he generally cares little about anything other than his own person. Don’t look for him, don’t call, don’t send SMS, you’ll be wasting your time. Let him go, let there be pleasant memories of this relationship.

Lovelace is like a heavy downpour in the summer heat, it causes a storm of emotions, excites and delights, it seems that this is forever, that this is happiness. In fact, this is an illusion that he creates for you, and you strengthen it even more. This illusion dissipates very quickly, like coolness after rain.

Lovelace - good or bad?

Neither one nor the other, ladies' man is a necessity. We women need men who will conquer, shower us with pleasant words, flowers and gifts. An ordinary man rarely showers with compliments, understands the intricacies of a woman’s soul, but ladies’ men are gentle, caring, they strive to guess all a woman’s desires, although this does not last long. So if you miss the ladies' man, you may never get such a great experience again.

A woman is a step for a womanizer on his ladder of self-affirmation. Treat it the same way, let it be a step in your ladder of self-esteem and self-affirmation. After all, if he chose you, it means there really is something in you. Accept the ladies' man for who he is, you are not the first and you are not the last, but you are one of a kind. Thank him for the wonderful moments and move on, let someone else be lucky.

Marina Kurochkina

If you want a serious relationship, but you only meet womanizers, then you don’t know how to distinguish them from monogamous men. Learn about the signs that immediately indicate a womanizer, and you will no longer have to waste time on fleeting romances.

In the hope of finding a faithful life partner, women spend a lot of time on polygamous men who do not need a serious relationship. Some men justify their lack of seriousness by saying that they naturally tend to be “hunters” and do not stop at one woman. However, many representatives of the stronger sex deny this opinion and believe that the behavior of ladies' men is nothing more than ordinary promiscuity. For women who are tired of frivolous romances, we have compiled a portrait of a typical womanizer.

Often talks about women

If in your presence a man allows himself to discuss other women, it means that there is a womanizer in front of you. At the same time, he does not complain about gossiping colleagues and does not talk about the problems of his acquaintances, but admires the appearance of other representatives of the fair sex. And he does it in a rather vulgar way.

Of course, any man will pay attention to a beautiful woman and mentally evaluate her attractiveness. But if he takes his companion seriously, he will never admire the appearance of another woman in her presence. If he is not afraid to seem like a womanizer in your eyes, it means that he is not interested in you as a permanent partner and will be able to exchange you for another woman at any moment.

Doesn't say anything about himself

A womanizer man is not interested in you knowing the details of his life. He is reluctant to answer your questions about him, his work, interests and tries to change the topic. But such a man will often be interested in you - simply in order to understand how easy prey you are and how quickly he will be able to achieve intimacy with you.

In fact, male womanizers are not at all interested in the life of another girl. He’s just trying in every possible way to impress a woman and create the image of a man who has serious intentions and views his companion as a potential wife. Therefore, do not delude yourself if a man often asks you questions on a date. You may just be another check mark on his list.

Seeks physical contact

If a man is aiming for a serious relationship with a woman, he will be afraid to make a bad impression on her. On the first date, he will limit himself to only casual hugs and a kiss on the cheek, but will not even think about crossing the line of what is permitted. If a representative of the stronger sex, already at the first meeting, constantly tries to take your hand, hug you tightly and kiss you passionately, it means that there is a womanizer next to you.

The goal of a womanizer man is to achieve intimacy. He does not strive to spend a lot of time on one woman and tries to get what he wants on the first date. In this case, physical contact is a kind of catalyst with the help of which he tries to seduce the woman and quickly get his way.

Tries to please a woman

Men who are womanizers try to look ideal in the eyes of a woman and are always able to please her. If you are upset, he will try to make you laugh with funny stories. If you have a bad day at work, he will immediately invite you to an expensive restaurant so that you can relax and forget about work problems.

At first glance, it may seem that he is really interested in his companion. But all his actions are just attempts to seduce a woman and once again prove to himself that he can make absolutely anyone fall in love with him.

Often disappears

Just recently he spent hours talking to you on the phone, inviting you on dates or coming to your house, but for the last three days there has been no call from him. If you are familiar with this behavior of a man, it means that you have already encountered a heartthrob once.

Lovelaces try to keep their distance, so they like to suddenly disappear and appear just as unexpectedly. Sometimes he just gets tired of being around the same woman, and he disappears only to spend time with other representatives of the fair sex. However, after just a few days, he may be standing in front of your door with an expensive bouquet and justifying his disappearance by an urgent business trip or illness of a close relative.

Some women are attracted to polygamous men, despite their checkered past. But is it worth dating a walking man? You will find the answer in this article. We wish you happiness and love, and don't forget to press the buttons and

What to do if a ladies' man becomes your husband? In fact, it's best to avoid this. He is fickle, flighty, his reliability tends to zero, but the desire to conquer and achieve, to be in search - constantly, in such an unusual way, he asserts himself. It is very difficult to maintain close relationships with such men for a long time, and you can completely forget about relaxing and just feeling loved. Yes, it is better not to marry such a person.

However, what to do if you fell in love and already married him, or if you considered his character only after the wedding (and this happens), in general - if you can already say about yourself: “yes, my husband is a ladies' man”?
In this case, remember that it is difficult to maintain a long-term relationship with such a man, but it is quite possible if you adhere to certain rules.

You shouldn’t show your womanizer husband that he is the only light in the window for you, especially at the beginning of a relationship. Chat with friends, go to work and even let him be jealous of you sometimes, remind him that you are an attractive and interesting person. Just don’t overdo it in any case - jealousy is a super-powerful weapon, it’s very easy to go too far. And after outbursts of his jealousy, surround your loved one with attention and care, communicate with him tenderly, show him how much you love him.

Also, constantly show your womanizer husband that you are discovering new positive aspects in him as you get to know him. Note his tenderness, his strength and intelligence, how skillfully he manages the house, his business acumen, and generally say as many compliments as possible. Just remember that compliments are only valuable when they are justified - there is no need to tell lies. Even the most praise-worthy person will not believe it if you tell him, who carefully and regularly gives you your salary and has never shown his nose to the store, how much you admire his ability to run a household. But you shouldn’t be afraid to exaggerate your existing positive qualities when praising your womanizer husband - hearing pleasant words every day, he will inevitably try to live up to them. However, here too there is a danger of going too far. Hearing overly diligent praise, the womanizer may decide that he deserves a better fate than being your husband - after all, you yourself praise him so much. And spoiling such a person is a direct path to, perhaps, the most unpleasant scenario in your future relationship - for example, he will leave you to continue looking for his ideal that corresponds to him - so beautiful, or he will simply cheat left and right, without considering your feelings at all. and emotions.

So, praise your womanizer husband, give him compliments, don’t skimp on them if they are really relevant, but don’t overpraise him; remain attractive and desirable to other men, and let him see this (but in no case change), be gentle, affectionate and attentive to him, but do not forget about your previous interests and hobbies - and then what seemed impossible - You will definitely succeed in building a strong and happy family with a womanizer.