home · electrical safety · Daffodils are white varieties. Let's get acquainted with the varieties and varieties of daffodils using photos and descriptions. Floral SE MA FOR

Daffodils are white varieties. Let's get acquainted with the varieties and varieties of daffodils using photos and descriptions. Floral SE MA FOR

To date, many varieties and types of daffodils have been bred. By choosing a flower that is suitable in color and conditions of maintenance, you can decorate the garden, organically integrating it into the design of the entire site. In this article we will provide the most popular varieties of daffodils with photos and names.

The natural habitat of this variety is mountainous areas with the presence of water sources such as lakes and rivers. First bred in 1538 near the Mediterranean Sea. The plant is characterized by accelerated growth and abundant flowering. Important conditions are sufficient humidity and direct sunlight on the leaves.

In adulthood, the daffodil can reach half a meter in height. Reproduction occurs using spherical or ovoid bulbs. One bush produces about five long and flat leaves of a rich green color. The inflorescences bloom one by one, the color is white, the heads are directed towards the ground. In the center of the flower there is a yellow crown with a bright outline. The diameter can reach 6 cm, and its stem often outgrows the height of the leaves.

The awakening of the bulbs occurs in early spring. After this, active growth of the plant occurs and already in May the narcissus pleases with its flowering, which lasts up to 12 days. If the frost drops below -10 degrees, protection in the form of an improvised shelter will be required. Otherwise, freezing may occur.

yellow daffodil

The species and varieties of daffodils shown in the photo are distinguished by their yellow inflorescence. The first appearance of the plant dates back to 1500; it was brought to our region from France, Italy and Germany. In the wild, it thrives on the slopes of the Caucasus Mountains.

This daffodil grows small - up to 30 cm. Reproduction occurs in round (sometimes oval) bulbs, about 5 cm in diameter. The stem with the flower grows higher than the leaves; when open, the petals reach a diameter of 4 cm. The core is shaped like a crown, the edge of which has a corrugated structure. Flowering begins on the 15th of May and lasts 14 days.

During the rapid growth phase, the plant produces dark green buds that will eventually end up 10cm below the flowers. Many other types of daffodils have been bred from this variety. They are used to decorate personal plots and gardens with rocky soil. Usually planted as neighbors for tulips, royal crowns and other mixed plantings, in which juniper occupies a central place.

White daffodil

This flower continues the list of types of daffodils (with photos and names). It was developed as a crop in 1579 and brought from the Iberian Islands. In the wild it can be found in mountainous areas with a lot of grass cover. In adulthood, the plant reaches a height of 35 cm. Reproduction occurs by spherical bulbs with a diameter of 4 cm. The leaves are similar to the varieties described above, the peduncle does not grow higher than 23 cm.

The flower itself is completely white. Unlike the poetic daffodil, here the inner crown is the same color, without a pronounced outline. The active growth phase begins in mid-spring, and flowering occurs at the end of May. The flower blooming period lasts no more than 10 days.

Narcissus Tete-a-Tete

This variety of narcissus belongs to the cyclamen type. It was developed as a separate crop in 1585. The height of the plant does not exceed 25 centimeters. There is one flower on the flower stalk, which is very different from other types: the petals are sharply directed upward, while the bud itself and the inner crown are lowered down. Color - bright yellow.

Flowering begins in early May, which is earlier than other varieties. The aroma of the flower is pleasant. When caring, it is important not to let the soil dry out too much, since this daffodil does not tolerate drought. Usually planted near borders or low fences. Able to quickly increase its numbers by releasing new bulbs in the shape of a ball. During winter, the plant is dug out of the ground and stored in the basement until the weather warms up.

Varieties of pink daffodils

The first appearance of this plant with a pink flower was noted in 1520. It was brought from the western part of Italy. A characteristic feature is not only the color, but also the height - up to 45 cm. The foliage of the plant is dark green, quite wide (5 mm wider than other species). There is usually one inflorescence on the peduncle. The main difference is the color: the petals are also white, but the inner crown is pale pink.

The bulbs of pink narcissus reach a diameter of 5 cm, with the help of which the plant reproduces. Flowering occurs in the first ten days of May. In winter, it is recommended to place it in the basement.

Breeders have bred the following types of pink narcissus:

  • Diar Love- belongs to the split-crown type. The height of the plant reaches 40 cm. Flowering occurs in May, more precise dates vary depending on the climate. It is best to plant in sunny areas where the soil has good drainage. The peduncle is quite large, the petals are white, the crown is roseate, pale salmon color with a corrugated outline.

  • Kam Loud- pink daffodils of this variety are frost-resistant, which does not require removing the bulb from the soil during the winter. The height does not exceed 45 cm. The inner crown is intertwined with the outer petals of white color. The core is pale yellow and the edge is creamy pink. Color saturation increases closer to the contour.

  • Replit- a representative of the group of double daffodils, distinguished by its extraordinary beauty and interesting flower structure. The flowering period occurs in April-May and lasts up to 20 days. The flower itself is large - about 10 cm in diameter. The petals are ivory-colored, and the inner crown is pink-apricot. The aroma is noticeable, but light at the same time. An adult plant reaches a height of 50 cm. Often used to decorate the garden and as a house flower planted in a pot.

Terry daffodils - varieties

This group of species was brought from South America. Double daffodils prefer a moist environment and do not respond well to long periods of drought, which requires frequent watering. Let's consider the most popular varieties belonging to this group.

Gay Challenger

It grows to a small height, the leaves are dark green and do not exceed 5 mm in width. On the flowering arrow there is one flower with white petals and a bright yellow crown, which is shaped like a starfish. The diameter of the bud in some cases exceeds 7 cm. It is used in the formation of bouquets and retains an attractive appearance for a long time after cutting. Flowering begins in the last ten days of May.


The flower has many white petals and a yellow crown inside. This variety does not require special growing conditions, but the soil for it must be rich in nutrients and sufficiently moist. This species looks great when planted in groups. It is mainly used for arranging bouquets, as it can withstand prolonged periods without water after being cut from a bush.

The flower has a pleasant aroma and blooms in mid-May. When the temperature drops significantly, it is better to cover the bush.

Ice King

This variety of daffodils was bred in Italy later than the others - in 1850. Reproduction occurs by vegetation. The bulb of an adult plant reaches 5 cm in diameter.

The leaves of the narcissus are quite wide, located just below the inflorescences. The flower has white petals and a voluminous yellow core. Its diameter is 11 cm. It is important to water in a timely manner, since the variety does not tolerate drying out of the soil. Flowering begins in early May and lasts almost the entire month.


It has a unique appearance that does not allow it to be confused with other varieties. The flower is large - up to 10 cm in diameter. The petals are arranged in several levels, the crown is yellow interspersed with orange and red.

The height of the plant is 35 cm. The leaves are thin, dark green, and are located much lower than the buds. Reproduction is carried out by the vegetative method. The planting site must be open to the sun, and the soil needs constant watering. The rapid growth phase begins in mid-May. In the final stage of flowering, the inflorescence is darker, but continues to emit a pleasant aroma.

Rip Vann Winkle

A low variety of daffodils (up to 30 cm), which feels great both in the open sun and in the shade of trees. The leaves are wide, located below the flower arrows. Like other representatives of the species, it prefers moist soil. There is one peduncle on the stem, which, due to its volume, does not allow one to recognize the daffodil at first glance. The entire flower is completely yellow and has many multi-directional petals.

Almost immediately after flowering, this plant will need to be dug out of the ground and placed in a dark room until next spring.

I'll obdam

The diameter of the flower in some cases exceeds 10 cm. The petals are white, towards the center they begin to acquire a delicate beige tint. This variety of daffodil is large in size; its height can reach 50 cm.

The bulbs are planted in the soil at the end of summer. Any area in the shade or sun will do. With spring warming, the first shoots emerge from the ground. Flowering occurs in mid-May and lasts about 12 days. When exposed to the sun, the petals fade to white, but continue to emit a pleasant scent.

At first glance, all daffodils are exactly the same: an easily recognizable flower with six perianth lobes and a characteristic outgrowth in the middle. They also don’t indulge in color variety; the traditional colors are white and yellow, sometimes with the addition of pink, orange, and red. But once you dive a little into the “narcissus” world, it turns out that each variety has its own “face”, its own unique appearance.

Today there are more than 30 thousand varieties and this figure increases every year thanks to the work of breeders. Breeding work with daffodils is concentrated mainly abroad: in the UK, USA, New Zealand and other countries. There are only a few varieties of domestic selection. The recognized international authority in narcissus fashion is The Royal Horticultural Society in London (England). Every year, during the flowering period of daffodils, leading companies exhibit their products at a special exhibition of this society. Here you can see and get acquainted with the latest achievements of breeders, as well as other, less valuable varieties. This is where it becomes clear that varieties of daffodils are very diverse in appearance: the shape and color of the flower, the number of flowers on the peduncle; and according to qualitative characteristics: height and strength of the peduncle, scope of application (forcing, cutting, landscaping), resistance to diseases and pests.

To systematize such a number of varieties, a unified international classification of garden daffodils was introduced. This division is largely arbitrary, since modern varieties arose as a result of distant hybridization of various wild species. Currently, all garden forms and varieties of narcissus are united under the common name Narcissus x hybridus hort. According to modern garden classification, they are divided into 13 groups: 12 groups of garden daffodils (including hybrids Narcissusbulbocodium– Group 10), Group 13 – natural types and forms.

Let us remind you once again that the narcissus flower has a very unusual shape. It consists of six perianth lobes, which can have different shapes and colors of white, yellow or cream. The diameter of the flower is from 2 to 10 cm. In the middle of the flower there is a growth called the tube (crown). The crown comes in various diameters (0.8-6.0 cm) and heights (0.5-6.0 cm), with a smooth or wavy edge. Colored in white, yellow, orange, pink or red. Sometimes along the edge of the crown there is a border of a different color or shade of varying width. The flower is on a smooth peduncle 10 to 50 cm high. The peduncle can have from one to seven flowers, depending on the variety. The leaves are narrow, linear, up to 35-50 cm long, green or bluish in color.

To navigate this diversity, we provide a brief description of the main groups of garden daffodils, crown shapes and color options.

Group 1. Tubular daffodils

On the peduncle there is one large flower, a tube of the same length as the perianth lobes or longer than them. The color is white, yellow, one- or two-color (perianth and tube of different colors). The plants have a noble, classic appearance, bloom early, and are suitable for landscaping (planting in a mixborder, single planting on the lawn) and for winter forcing.

Group 2. Large-crowned daffodils

Probably the same daffodils that were depicted on Soviet postcards for May 1st. There is one flower on the peduncle, the crown is longer than 1/3 of the perianth lobes, but less than the length of the perianth. To put it simply, the crown does not look like a long “gramophone” trumpet, like in varieties from the first group, but it is not small, like in varieties from the third group. This group contains the most diverse combination of colors of the crown and perianth lobes. Perianth white, yellow, cream. The crown is white, cream, yellow, orange, orange-red, pink. There are many varieties with borders of varying widths in orange, pink or red; the edge of the crown can be wavy, corrugated, bent back, similar to airy lace.

Group 3. Small-crowned daffodils

The name of the group speaks for itself. The crown of varieties from this group is low, no more than 1/3 the length of the perianth, and there is one flower on the peduncle. The perianth is white, cream or yellow. The crown is often bordered, yellow-orange, apricot, pink, red, greenish. They bloom later than varieties from the first and second groups and grow well.

Group 4. Terry daffodils

Not at all like a traditional daffodil. There are one or more flowers on the peduncle, with a double perianth or a double crown or a combination of both. One- or two-color: white, yellow with red, orange, pink. The first plants appeared a long time ago, thanks to spontaneous selection, then daffodil breeders purposefully began breeding varieties with double flowers. They have been widely known since the end of the 19th century, but were not immediately identified as a separate group, since the number of terry varieties could be counted on one’s fingers. A significant drawback is the drooping of peduncles when wet. After rain or heavy watering, heavy, moisture-saturated flowers do not stay on the peduncles; the peduncles bend toward the ground and often break.

Group 5. Triandrus daffodils

There are two or more flowers on a low (25 cm) peduncle, the perianth lobes are slightly thrown back, the flowers are drooping (hanging). The color of the flower is white, yellow, golden. They bloom early, are suitable for planting among stones, and go well with other early flowering bulbous plants.

Group 6. Cyclamenoid daffodils

On a low (15-20 cm) peduncle there is one graceful flower, similar to a cyclamen flower. The perianth lobes are very strongly bent back, the flower is located at an acute angle to the peduncle, with a short peduncle, the crown is narrow and long. White, yellow perianth, crown white, yellow, orange. It blooms early, suitable for decorating rocky hills, borders, planting with muscari, crocuses, scillas and other spring-flowering plants.

Group 7. Jonquil daffodils

There are five flowers (sometimes eight) on the peduncle, the perianth lobes are spread out or bent back, the crown is cup-shaped. Usually its width is greater than its length. The flowers are fragrant, the leaves are narrow. Color yellow, white. They bloom late, the peduncle is tall (50 cm), they look good in mixborders.

Group 8. Tacetoid daffodils

Usually they have several flowers (more than three) on a strong, thick peduncle. The perianth lobes are spread out, not thrown back, the flowers are usually fragrant, the aroma is specific. The petals are round, with a folded surface. The leaves are wide. Color: white, cream, yellow. Suitable for forcing and cutting.

Group 9. Poetic daffodils

Usually one flower on a peduncle, the perianth lobes are pure white, the crown is folded, disc-shaped, usually with a green or yellow center and a red border around the edge (sometimes monochromatic). The flowers are usually fragrant. Suitable for long-term cultivation in one place without transplantation, they bloom late.

Group 10. Hybrids N. bulbocodium

There is one flower on a low (10-15 cm) peduncle, the perianth lobes are very small, almost undeveloped, the crown is a specific bell-shaped, large (they are called “crinoline” daffodils, since the flower resembles a lady’s skirt put on a hoop). They winter relatively successfully in the middle zone, but in severe winters they can freeze out and require shelter. Very good on rocky hills, suitable for potting.

Group 11. Split-crowned daffodils

There is one flower on the peduncle. The crown (tube) is divided by more than half and is adjacent to the perianth. The flower resembles an orchid. The color options for the split crown (tube) are varied: white, yellow, red crown, pink, orange. Plants from this group will decorate the garden and are suitable for bouquets and for forcing for cutting.

Daffodils are perennial bulbous plants from the amaryllis family. This is one of the most common spring flowers, it has about thirty thousand varieties, and is represented by thirteen species.

Daffodils are endowed with a wonderful aroma and a bright, memorable appearance, they grow quickly, are not afraid of cold weather, and are unpretentious, so not a single “spring” flower bed is complete without these beautiful flowers.

In Ancient Rome, daffodils were considered the flowers of winners; in Chinese culture, the flower represents the coming New Year; in Eastern medicine, it is used as a remedy for mastitis and rheumatism.

The content of the article:

Planting daffodils: when and how to plant

Daffodils are not capricious flowers and even a novice gardener can cope with their cultivation. The flower is not picky about soil, however, some features of the plant should be taken into account when choosing a place for planting. There is a clear answer to the questions of when and how to plant daffodils; plant them in the fall, in a quiet area well lit by the sun. Daffodils are unique flowers; they adapt to any type of soil. Still, there are some conditions that must be observed when planting some of their species.

So, planting time is determined purely individually, and depends on the climatic latitude. Planting daffodils in open ground in the fall can stretch from August to October, the main thing is that the soil does not cool down and keeps the temperature at + 9-12 degrees. Before the first frost, the narcissus bulb should have time to take root and begin to grow.

How to properly cultivate the soil for planting daffodils

Daffodils develop well on loamy soils, this does not mean that the flower will not grow on fertile soil rich in humus.

Daffodils, like all garden flowers, prefer fertile soil, enriched with humus, with a neutral acidity level. But excessive aeration and light sandy soils are not suitable for planting daffodils, since the bulb can freeze in winter and dry out in summer without proper care.

It is not difficult to adjust the soil yourself: add chernozem (1 bucket per 2 sq.m.), lime and nitrophoska (150-200 grams per 1 sq.m.) to poor loams; mix light sandy soil with chernozem and clay in equal parts, add nitrogen fertilizers and potassium; heavy and clogged soils are artificially lightened with river sand (15 kg per sq.m.) and peat. Organic fertilizers are applied to the soil a year before the plant is supposed to be planted on the site, in order to avoid burning the narcissus bulb.

Optimal planting depth for daffodils

The depth of planting a flower primarily depends on the variety and size of the narcissus bulb. Experienced gardeners say that the optimal deepening can be considered to be planting the bulb at a depth three times greater than its size. Thus, for large bulbs, the optimal depth will be about 22 cm, and small bulbs can be planted at a depth of 11 to 16 cm. Larger planting material will give early flowering, and to force the bulb ahead of schedule, plant it at 5-8 cm higher than that obtained when calculating the depth.

Planting daffodils in the fall or the main rules for planting bulbs

You have decided on preparing the soil and choosing a site before planting; now you need to form holes for planting.

Multiply the height of the bulb by three and get the planting depth; take into account the fact that the soil freezes in winter; it is better to deepen it an additional 5 cm than to lose the bulb during wintering.

Before planting, the bulbs are carefully inspected for affected areas, soaked for a minute in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and dried with a paper towel.

At the bottom of the hole (for drainage), pour 1 cm of river sand, lay the onion root down and lightly press down so that the onion takes root better.

The bulb is sprinkled with ash on top and half filled with soil, the next part of the soil is mixed with phosphorus and potassium and poured into the hole, the surface is lightly pressed down and watered generously.

Caring for daffodils

Caring for daffodils in the open ground in the fall should be aimed at creating conditions for the bulb to take root and protect it from upcoming frosts. Applying fertilizers during the hibernation stage of the plant is not required, unless, of course, you followed the rules for planting daffodils and applied fertilizers in the proper amount before planting.

Watering in the fall is also not required, but if the autumn turns out to be dry and warm, weekly watering is welcome. For the winter, the area with daffodils is covered with mulch or spruce branches, and cleared in early spring.

Caring for daffodils consists of watering, weeding, hilling and fertilizing the plant. Fertilizers are applied during the formation of the peduncle. Watering in early spring is not required, since the soil is saturated with moisture from the winter; during flowering, daffodils are watered once a week.

Weeding is carried out as they appear. Hilling should be done as needed, carefully so as not to damage the bulb and the newborn plant. In harsh winters, daffodils need additional shelter: a layer of peat, straw or dry foliage is perfect.

Daffodils are planted once every 5-6 years; the bulbs are dug up, separated, dried and transplanted to a new location. Difficult to separate and small children are left with the mother's bulb. Transplantation is carried out when the plant has completely bloomed, in August and September.

Bulbs for storage do not need to be dug up annually, but they are stored well in a dark, cool and dry place until next year. Before planting, the bulbs are sorted and soaked in a manganese solution.

Species of daffodils, their varieties and characteristics

Narcissus has about a dozen species and more than 20 thousand varieties. They are common in most countries with temperate climates. It grows wild in Europe, Russia, the Alps, and Asia.

The history of the origin of the name of the flower rests on the legends of Ancient Greece, in one of which, the Ancient Greek goddess Nemesis punished a young man, at the request of the nymphs he rejected, and he, seeing his reflection in the water, froze with love for himself and turned into a flower.

The color of daffodils varies depending on the variety and type, the classic shades of white and yellow. The foliage is basal, width and length also depend on the variety. The bulbs are scaly, brown, oval-elongated. The narcissus flower is bright, decorative and unpretentious, and therefore is gaining increasing popularity.

Double daffodils

The “terry” cap of the narcissus lives up to its name with its appearance and adorns the tall peduncle. The perianth is white and yellow, the crown is red, milky or deep orange. The terry species grows well, is unpretentious and looks impressive in any flower bed. The most common varieties: Modern, Indiana, Golden Ducket, Beauty Exotic, Texas, Replit, Menly.

Cyclamenoid daffodils

Reaches a height of 22 cm, and is similar to the cyclamen flower. The narcissus flower itself looks down, the petals puff up upward. The middle is lighter than the main shade, long and thin. It blooms early and gets along well with its neighbors in the flowerbed. The leaves are long and thin, prone to lodging. Common varieties: Jenny, Tete-a-Tete, Baby Doll, Jack Sneel, Andalusia.

Split-crowned daffodils

You won’t be able to pass by the split-crowned daffodils. Their brightness and unusual appearance attracts the attention of others.

The middle of the flower has a dissected crown, creating a volume effect. The color palette of the species is varied. Narcissus of this species grows up to 20-25 cm. The peduncle is decorated with a single flower with a diameter of 11.5 cm. Common varieties: Lemon Beauty, Split Crown, Size King, Chantarel, Modesta, Cassata.

Jonquil daffodils

Another representative of daffodils, it has more than five small flowers on a peduncle, with a short, rounded, convex center and long, thin leaves. The species is distributed in temperate latitudes of our country. The colors of the jonquil daffodil are varied, including yellow, milky and pale orange shades.

Common varieties include: Star Hill, Sweetness, Golden, Susie Cherry, Bel Zong and the most beautiful specimen Baby Moon.

Trumpet daffodils

One of the large and widespread groups of narcissists. The middle of the flower is tubular. Flowering is early, the variety of varieties is wide.

The flower is large, on a long stem, the leaves reach 21 cm in height.

The tube and the main shade of the flower occur in different shades. The look is unpretentious, decorative and sustainable. Common varieties are:
Golden Harveys, Celebrity, Christian Andersen, Bonnet, Golden Stark, Mount Hood, Musical Hall, Little Jame, Lunar C.

Large-crowned daffodils

They live up to their name with a large convex crown. The flower is large, bright yellow or white. Crowns come in a variety of colors. The peduncle grows up to 35 cm, surrounded by narrow and long leaves. Large-crowned daffodils are very popular among flower growers and are represented by the following varieties: Smagard, Lagerlef, Cardinal, Velaxes,
Progress, Sound Semiramis, Flower Shea, Royal Orange, Scarlet, Lady Bird, Kentucky.

Small-crowned daffodils

You can recognize the variety by its small, short crown, widening towards the top. Shades of milky, pearl, yellow, pale pink, orange. The peduncle is short, strong and resistant to lodging.

Daffodils of this species are unpretentious and stable. They grow quickly, without additional requirements. They delight with the long-lasting freshness of the bouquet and fit organically into any decor.
Varieties: Jewel, Barrett, Verger, Limerick

Triandrus, triander daffodils

A selective species of daffodils, delicate, with a crown that flares upward. A small flower, yellow in color, is located on a narrow and high stalk, proudly crowned with a bright cylinder and bent petals. Recommended varieties: Ice, Thalia, Liberty Bells, Hawera, Stoke.

The grace and sophisticated appearance of the narcissus appeals at first sight. It blooms with white, neat inflorescences with a short, skirt-shaped crown framed in bright red.

The flower is crowned with a tall and thin stem up to 38 cm. The delicate spring aroma and pearly whiteness of the petals will not leave any gardener indifferent. The most successful garden varieties are: Actea, Rome, Margaret Mitchell, Milan and Beauty.

Wild daffodils

The species includes about 50 subspecies, grow in families and cover vast areas. The flowers are small and fragrant, on a short stalk, white and yellow. The wild species is found in the Alps, Greece, Romania, Europe, Italy and the forests of Russia.

Daffodils multiflorum

One peduncle of this species contains about 8 flowers. The appearance of the multi-flowered narcissus is unusual and chic, due to the clustering and splendor of the inflorescences. The colors are varied, ranging from soft peach, white and yellow. Despite its appearance, the appearance is not capricious and stable. Common varieties: Medusa, Minnow, Laurent Coster, Scarlet Jam, Elvira, Geranium, Chefulness.

Bulbocodium or bell-shaped hybrids

A beautiful hybrid developed by breeders not so long ago.

The inflorescences are small with a large and wide crown, a delicate aroma and a low-growing peduncle. This daffodil is an ideal pot option.

Growing daffodils at home

Narcissus is one of the few flowers that grows well both in open ground and indoor conditions. Planting and caring for daffodils is not difficult. First, you should choose the variety that best suits you; these can be low-growing and lush types of daffodils, such as multi-flowered or double.

It is better to choose a ceramic or glass pot for planting daffodils, at least 15 cm in diameter, with drainage holes. You can purchase soil at a flower shop or prepare it yourself by mixing garden soil with mineral fertilizers and a small amount of peat.

If you decide to buy bulbs in a store, carefully inspect them and allow only healthy and large material to be planted.

Preference can be given to the following varieties: Inbal, Ziva, Magnet, Avalanche and Bumazhny.

Before planting, the bulbs are soaked in a solution of manganese, in a solution of hydrogen peroxide or potassium permanganate, and then dried.

If you want to get flowering by a certain time, plant the daffodil bulbs 3 weeks before your date. And be sure to add nitrophoska or liquid fertilizer for bulbous flowers to the pot.

A small flat pebble is placed at the bottom of the pot for drainage, soil is poured up to half of the pot, a bed is formed in it, which must be covered with a thin layer of river sand. Then, the bulb is placed bottom down and covered with soil, the pot is placed in a sunny place and watered generously with water at room temperature, and after three weeks you will enjoy the first flowering of the indoor daffodil.

perennial spring garden flowers of the amaryllis family. There are more than 25 thousand varieties of daffodils, which are classified into 13 groups, of which only one group is a wild species (about 60 subspecies), the rest are selection ones. In the natural environment, they are distributed in Eastern and Western Europe, Asia, and northern Africa. The favorite habitat where you can find the most beautiful daffodils is mountain alpine meadows and forests.

Did you know?The flower got its name from the beautiful young man Narcissus. An ancient Greek myth says that a young man, seeing his reflection in the water, could not turn away and leave, his face seemed so beautiful to him. Struck by his own beauty, he died by the pond from admiration and hopeless self-love. And at the place of his death, delicate beautiful flowers appeared, and they were called daffodils. That is why in Ancient Greece they were considered the flowers of the dead.

The colors of flowers in all species are varied - cream, pink, yellow, white-orange, sand, white and various variations of white-yellow combinations. The leaves of the flower are basal, green; their width, length and shade vary among different species. The bulbs are brownish, covered with scales, round, oval or elongated.

The cultivation of daffodils is becoming more widespread - both because of the decorative properties they have and because of the relative cheapness of purchasing these flowers for planting. Next, all types of daffodils will be presented with descriptions.

Their flower crown is the same length as the petals or slightly longer, which is why it resembles a gramophone tube - hence the name. There is one flower on the stem with a diameter of 7 to 13 cm, the peduncle is strong and tall.

Tubes – red, white, orange, yellow. The flowers are white and yellow or yellow-white at the tips. They are garden daffodils and bloom well in winter. Look great in a vase and bouquets. These types of daffodils grow and develop well in our climate. These include the following varieties:

  • white – Kantara, White Knight, Peter Bahr, Birshiba, Madame de Graaf;
  • yellow – Maximus, Dutch Master, Obvallaris, Ballad, Albert Schweitzer, Birsheba, Golden Harvist, Hans Christian Andersen, Priamble, Golden Medal, Celebrity, Golden Harvist, King Alfred, Lunar C, Easten Bonnet, Golden Spar, Musical Hall, Little Gem, Point Barrow, Mount Hood, Pseudonarcissus, Henry Irving;
  • barely perceptible creamy color - variety Milner;
  • two-color trumpet varieties of daffodils - very fragrant yellowish-white Spring Glory and garden Emperor, Impress.

These garden daffodils have the largest crowned inflorescences of all types - up to 12 cm in diameter or more. The inflorescence consists of six identical lobes and an elongated wavy crown. The colors of the crowns are deep orange, pink, yellow, white, red. Petals are white, orange, yellow. The peduncle is single, long – up to 50 cm in height, tubular.

There are 2 - 4 narrow leaves around it. But their tubers are mostly small - up to 3 cm in diameter. Large-crowned daffodils are very popular among gardeners, their best varieties are Anthea, Voa, Confuoco, Smaragd, Kentucky Cardinal, Lagerlef, Velazquez, Daydream, Fortune, Carlton, Mount Tekoma, Tibet, Curley, Modern Art, Ringleader, Record, Mercato, Flower, Shea, Orange Progress, Selma, Professor Einstein, Rococo , Salome, Prekoshes, Sound Semiramis, Royal Orange, Lady Bird, Scarlet.

Inflorescences with a diameter of 5-8 cm with a low crown - no more than 2/3 of the length of the perianth. The color of the crown is white, pink, yellow-orange, red in the center with a green eye. The peduncle is low and strong. This is a universal type of daffodil - they are quite unpretentious, take root easily, and grow well without creating any special conditions.

They are perfect for forcing and gardening, as well as for cutting into bouquets. Varieties of small-crowned daffodils - State Fair, Amor, Jewel, Matapat, Barrett, Audubon, Altruist, Browning, Verona, China White, Burma, Limerick, Verger, Apricot.

Did you know?Small-crowned daffodils are often characterized by a bordered crown.

They have either a double crown or the entire flower is double. The crown can be white, yellow, bright orange, red. Perianth – white, yellow, yellow-orange. They have one or more inflorescences on a peduncle.

For example, double multi-flowered daffodils varieties Yellow Chirfulnes. Other varieties - Ice King, Van Sison, Replit, Modern Art, Irene Copeland, Texas, Acropolis, Golden Ducket, Tahiti, Obdam, Exotic Beauty, Menley, Rip Van Winkle, Indiana Chief, Dorchester, White Lyon, Fashion, Mary Copeland. They take root well, are relatively unpretentious, and are suitable for lawns, gardens and cuttings.

Stunningly beautiful, decorative with a regular rounded flower shape. They have a noticeably dissected crown with what appears to be a second row of petals. This effect is created due to the fact that the six free lobes of the crown grow together only at the base. This species has one inflorescence on a long peduncle with a diameter of up to 11-12 cm. The color of the inflorescences is white with pink, white, yellow, white.

Universal flowers: for indoors, gardens and for cutting. Photophilous - avoid shading when planting; insulation is necessary in winter. Some of the best varieties - Baccarat, Dolly Molinger, Cassata, King Size, Modesta, Palmares, Lemon Beauty, Chanterelle, Canasta Baccarat, Oringeri, Split Crown. The flowers of the Split Crown variety have an incredibly attractive appearance - they look like an exotic butterfly or orchid.

Triandrus, triander daffodils

Hybrid, garden, miniature, with a small goblet-shaped crown with all the characteristics of three-stamen daffodils. A very narrow and rather long (sometimes longer than the perianth) tube with the perianth lobes bent back at a large angle.

Flowers on a low peduncle are drooping, with single or multiple inflorescences - from two to six. The color of the crowns is yellow, pale yellow, yellow-green, white, golden. Triandrusaceae look great in flower beds, suitable for complex flower arrangements, rock gardens, but they are not cold-resistant, this must be taken into account when planting. Varieties – Tresemble, Ice, Liberty Bells, Wings, Hawera, Stoke, Thalia.

Not higher than 20 cm in height, they resemble cyclamen in appearance. Peduncle with one inflorescence, drooping flower, with petals moved back. The crown-tube is long and narrow. Characterized by early flowering, they look great in alpine slides, borders, and flower beds. Varieties – Beryl, Tete-a-Tete, Baby Dowell, Andalusia, Jenny, Jetfi, Jack Sneel, February Silver, Piping Tom.

Important!For the rapid and complete development of daffodils, clay must be present in the soil.

Heat-loving, unusually fragrant (their essential oils are used in perfumery) and graceful daffodils. The peduncle can have from one to six inflorescences with a short crown. The leaves are thin, flexible, the stem is up to 35-40 cm high.

Very interesting yellow jonquil daffodils of the Baby Moon variety - with very small inflorescences. Basically, all varieties of this species are sensitive to cold, but in the southern regions they can grow without transplantation for up to 6-7 years. Common varieties - Susie, Cherie, Golden Chain, Sweetness, Trevitien, Hill Star, Step Forward, Bel Zong, Pipit, Hesla.

On the peduncle there is a single inflorescence with a small crown and a trumpet. The tube with a bright red border is a feature of the daytime species. The inflorescence has six petals of pure white color. Peduncle up to 40-45 cm high, narrow gray-green leaves. They have a sophisticated, fragile appearance and a pleasant, subtle aroma, which is why they got their name. They require shelter for the winter. Varieties – Margaret Mitchell, Sarchedon, Red Rome Actea, Milan.

Narrow-leaved daffodils growing in natural conditions in groups and even entire fields. They have white, pale yellow, cream inflorescences with a red or orange border. In the CIS, this species grows in the Carpathians - in the Valley of Narcissus.

In Europe - in the Alps. Found in Russia, Italy, Greece, Romania, Great Britain, Monaco. The narrow-leaved species is unpretentious, but prefers the mild, humid climate of the Mediterranean.

Narcissus is a representative of the class of the earliest spring flowers. Science knows about 60 different species growing in southern Europe.

In addition to the well-known ones created by nature, humanity has developed a huge number of hybrids of this plant. The flower gained its fame thanks to its use in perfumery and folk medicine.

The plant is perennial, herbaceous. It has linear basal leaves. The buds are large, there are both single specimens and clusters. They have a delicate aroma, slightly drooping in shape, 6 cm in diameter. It is a decorative flower, especially in early summer - late spring, yellow and white shades predominate. The very first representatives of this beautiful plant begin to bloom as soon as the snow melts. They have white petals. Soon they are replaced by more beautiful varieties with large flowers.

Varieties of Narcissus

At the moment, there are over 30 thousand different varieties of narcissus. There is a division of flower species into groups of 13 species, where only 1 is natural. The remaining fruits of the crossing are hybrids. Before humanity learned to breed new varieties of plants, the colors of daffodils were represented only by white and yellow shades. Now things are different, hybrids come in all sorts of colors, from standard to cream.

There are varieties that can change their color during flowering. Each type has a specific purpose. Some were bred specifically for bouquets, some for winter flowering in an apartment. There are separate, decorative ones, they decorate gardens.


Yellow petals are the same length as the tube. There is a resemblance to a gramophone trumpet. Well suited for creating bouquets as gifts.

They perform well in winter flowering conditions and garden decorations. They are taking root well in Russia and the CIS countries.


It is the largest type of universal application. There is only 1 bud on the peduncle, the crown of the flower is small in height, about a third of the length of the petals.

The size of the flowers is above average, up to 12 cm. They have a yellow tint and a white crown.

Small crown

They have a strong peduncle on which there is a fairly large bud. Its diameter is 8 cm. The crown itself is small. They have good growth and a long lifespan.

Endowed with a pleasant, subtle aroma. They belong to the group of universal purposes, perfect for bouquets and garden decorations.


It got its name from the terry structure, which can cover not only the crown, but also the flower itself. Petals are standard, yellow, white, orange. There are specimens with red petals.

Depending on the variety, they can be found singly or in groups. Ideal for creating bouquets. The disadvantage is poor resistance to rain.


A distinctive feature is the small size of the flowers. Hanging on the stem, 5-6 copies are located. The stem itself is low, the crown is also small, in the shape of a yellow, white glass.

The advantage is the miniature size of the plants, adding elegance. Well suited for planting in rocky areas. Disadvantage: poor resistance to low temperatures.


The peduncle is small, with 2 “sad” small buds on it. The crown has a tube-shaped, narrow shape. The petals of the plant are bent back.

Popular in the design of ledges and stone slides.


Almost the same look as the previous one. The difference is that there are up to 7 flowers on one stem. They are slightly larger than their counterparts and have small, rounded crowns. They have an excellent aroma and elegant appearance. Suitable for rocky garden

The leaves of the flower are similar to grass. Almost all varieties of daffodils of this species love warmth and are recommended for cultivation in warm regions of the country.

Tacetaceae (multiflorous)

The peduncle is strong, reaches 33 cm in height. The brushes are thick, small in size, shorter in length than the petals. Shade white, yellow.

The crown itself is often orange. Varieties are valued in Siberia for flowering in winter. However, it does not tolerate low temperatures well and requires shelter.


It is one of the most ancient. Graceful appearance and wonderful aroma are the hallmark of varieties of this variety. The flowers have a white tint. The stem is elongated, the crown is low, yellow, bordered with a bright red tint.

Advantages: immunity to bad weather conditions, easily progresses in twilight. Ideal for bouquets.


The youngest connection, single buds reach 5 cm in diameter. The peduncle is small. The wide tube is similar to a bell, the petals are narrow and sharp.

Endowed with yellow and white colors. Excellent for flowering in the cold season on the window.


A distinctive feature of the species is the dissected crown of the flower. That is why the plants have an exotic, beautiful appearance, it seems that there is a second row of petals, and the flowers themselves resemble butterflies in appearance. The peduncle is tall, on which there is 1 flower, 10-12 cm in size. The varieties have a universal purpose.

However, the decorative, aesthetic appearance may deteriorate over time due to very cold winters. With proper care, they can almost completely restore their former appearance. Experts recommend planting them mainly in sunny areas and insulating them well before the cold period.

Other daffodils

This subgroup includes all varieties and species that did not find a place in qualified groups. They have a universal purpose.


It is one of the most ancient species and includes wild specimens.

Highly valued for its essential oil content.

Growing daffodils

Most types and varieties are widely used. This means that they can be grown in any type of open ground, at home, or on a window.

The growth process of the narcissus occurs from the bulb. Many bulbous plants are quite unpretentious, including daffodils. They bloom every spring, becoming more beautiful every year. To achieve more luxuriant flowering, you need to place them in partial shade or in the sun.

Plants are not picky about soil. The only requirement is good water permeability. This is due to the fact that daffodils love moisture very much, but cannot tolerate water stagnation. It provokes the occurrence of basal rot, which is incurable.

This plant reproduces by bulbs, by children. Reducing shoots means a signal about the necessary change of planting site. To do this, after the dry foliage has fallen off, dig up the bulbs. After which they are processed and dried in a dark place. Then they are sent for storage. However, if dug late, this will negatively affect their quality.

Landing dates

The most suitable time for planting is late summer or early autumn. Planting is done in the ground to a depth of at least 10 cm. At the same time, maintain a distance between the bulbs of about 15 cm.

Daffodils by their nature are unpretentious plants that quickly adapt to the climatic conditions in which they are found.

Caring for a Narcissist

Maintenance will also not be difficult. The only peculiarity of the flowers is their increased interest in soil moisture. During flowering, ensure proper watering of the planting sites, and the same is done for the next 5 weeks after flowering.

Constant weeding and elimination of diseased specimens are necessary. To improve the overall quality of the bulbs, it is recommended to cut the flower after flowering. This is done because the narcissus spends most of its energy on the process of seed ripening. So that the plant does not waste energy on the seeds, but directs them to strengthen the bulb itself, it is cut off. But, if there is a need to propagate beautiful plants using seeds, then there is no need to remove the peduncle.

Preferences in the soil are given to those places where the content of nitrogen and potassium is high. In this regard, in the first years of growth it is necessary to feed the plant. The first feeding occurs in the spring, in small quantities. This is due to the fact that excess nitrogen can easily become a pathogen. This can also affect the leaves, they will become too tall and narrow in shape. The second feeding takes place during the emergence of the peduncle; it is produced by adding nitrogen and potassium.

Particular attention should be paid to the natural death of dried leaves. Under no circumstances should you tear them off or cut them yourself. To prevent unsightly spots of wilted leaves from being visible, you can remove the daffodils from a prominent place. In the garden, it is recommended to mulch the planting site. Mulching has a beneficial effect on the appearance of the flower garden, and at the same time protects it from bad weather.

Daffodils are fast-growing plants; they quickly form beautiful plantations. They grow without transplantation, with proper care, for at least 6 years. A decrease in flower shape over time means that the plants are planted too often, this needs to be corrected. Under normal conditions, dividing such plants is required once every 5 years.

Planting new ones, as well as replanting grown flowers, should be done exclusively at the end of summer and before the beginning of October. The planting depth should be three times the height of the bulb. In “heavy” soils with a high clay content, it is recommended to plant plants on a layer of sand; this will significantly improve drainage.

The daffodils themselves are well suited to the parameters of spring forcing. When growing daffodils in a pot, their bulbs are arranged in a checkerboard pattern. This approach is needed when there is a need to fit as many instances as possible.

Due to the wide range of varieties, daffodils are widely used to create a unique garden design. Some groups are widely used in natural growing conditions, together with other flowers that bloom in early spring.

With the proper desire and experience, it is possible to create a composition of types and varieties of daffodils in such a way that the total flowering period is 5 months.

The most commonly used variety is paper daffodil. This is due to the arrangement of many white, blank canvas-like flowers on each individual stem.