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Insects parasites of humans presentation. Presentation for parents “Insects are carriers of dangerous infections: be careful! Test work on insect orders

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A person can become infected from a seemingly harmless housefly. In fact, flies are very dangerous; they are carriers of cholera, typhoid fever, and dysentery.

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Cockroaches, like flies, feed on waste and carry bacteria and microorganisms on their legs, resulting in infection of humans, most often children. Cockroaches can also cause severe allergies in children.

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Malaria mosquito

One of the most dangerous types of insects is considered to be mosquitoes, which transmit infection by biting and sucking blood. These insects are carriers of human pathogens: malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever, which kill thousands of people every year.

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Tsetse fly

The tsetse fly carries sleeping sickness, which causes blindness. A huge number of people in Africa are going blind from this disease and it is almost impossible to stop this process. Stopping such mass diseases will require hundreds of thousands, millions of dollars, which Africa, as an underdeveloped state, cannot afford to spend on purchasing medicines and protective equipment.

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Blood-sucking insects: fleas and lice

Lice are carriers of typhus and relapsing fever, and fleas are carriers of plague.

Adult fleas feed exclusively on blood, sucking up to 20 times their own weight in blood every day.

Flea bites are painful, causing severe itching and inflammation of the skin.

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Horseflies are carriers of tularemia and anthrax

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The most dangerous insects that carry pathogens live and breed in regions with high average temperatures: tropical and subtropical climates. Due to the onset of global warming, these regions are moving north, insects are beginning to capture new territories, adapt and reproduce in new areas.

Also, due to warming, mosquitoes begin to multiply exponentially, as water bodies dry up under the influence of high temperatures and turn into puddles or swamps, the most comfortable places for mosquitoes to live, which are carriers of diseases dangerous to humans.

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“Ecological groups of plants” - Ecological groups of plants. Light-loving plants are found in open habitats or well-lit places. Hygrophytes. Another important environmental factor in plant life is water. Shade-tolerant plants have a fairly wide ecological amplitude in relation to light. Rock garden.

“Indicator plants” - A small orchid - Lady's slipper, grows only in soils rich in calcium. Under the influence of radioactive radiation, blue blueberries turn white and green. Bentgrass thin Poppy. The goal of the work is to become familiar with plants that help find a variety of minerals. Let's rock Minuartia. The ability of leguminous plants - astragalus, sweet clover, clover - to accumulate a lot of molybdenum.

“Poisonous mushrooms and plants” - An eaten piece of toadstool is stronger than a snake bite. Poisonous mushrooms. A herbaceous plant with an unpleasant odor. Do not pick mushrooms in industrial wastelands and garbage dumps, as well as along highways. Edible honey mushrooms have a brownish-yellow cap and a ring-like film on the stem. Don’t taste a raw mushroom and don’t trust the smell—you might make a mistake.

“Protected plants” - Mosses. Noble liverwort. Siberian iris. Lady's slipper. Lyubka green-flowered. Bells. Protected plants of the Vladimir region. The shot is open. Orchis capillaria. The water lily is pure white.

“Poisoning from poisonous plants” - Remove plant debris from your mouth. Belladonna belladonna. Many plant poisons in small doses are valuable medicinal agents. Blood will appear in the urine. What to do if you ate a poisonous plant step 1. In severe cases, the rhythm and heart rate are disrupted. May lily of the valley.

“Rare and endangered plants” - Found in the Nizhneudinsky region. The daughter tubers, the roots, are harvested. Bulbs – for toothache. It blooms under favorable conditions for 6-8 years, less - for 15-17 years of life. The plant is endemic, rare, listed in the Red Book of the Irkutsk region. The juice of the above-ground organs is prescribed for skin diseases.

There are 20 presentations in total

  • Outbreaks of the epidemic occurred in the summer during periods of greatest tick activity. The disease was called spring-summer
  • The carriage of the virus (the so-called virus phorosity) varies in different areas and ranges from 0.2
  • The distribution of ticks throughout the territory is mosaic, as it depends on:
  • Epidemiological significance of ticks
  • The carrier of Marseilles, “pimple” fever, Rhipicephalus Sanguineus. as a rule, does not attack a person than,
  • Ixodid ticks, most of the pathogens they transmit (encephalitis virus, etc. - I
  • To protect yourself from tick-borne encephalitis, you need to wear special protective clothing in the taiga
  • As a result of evolution, argasid mites have adapted to long-term fasting. Development from egg to
  • To protect yourself in the desert from cutaneous leishmaniasis and tick-borne typhus, you must take
  • Vector-borne diseases and their transmission.
  • The superfamily of Gamasid mites unites more than 20 families of small (0.2 - 2.5 mm) mites,
  • Family Red mites
  • Of the diseases transmitted by ticks in St. Petersburg (then Leningrad) in 1989 there were
  • Diptera insects -
  • The effect of interrupted feeding also occurs because female horseflies need to completely
  • The largest number of larvae in the vessels of human skin is observed during the daytime. When horseflies
  • The fight against horseflies includes:
  • Mechanical carriers of leishmania, anthrax, tularemia. Belongs to the Muscidae family - true flies,
  • Nasty
  • The basic principles of combating midges are the following:
  • The basis of measures to combat mosquito vectors should be the use of aerosols
  • The protective effect of the repellent when applied to the skin lasts 10-12 hours.
  • Mosquitoes and other bloodsuckers like
  • The causative agents of mosquito encephalitis and fevers have traveled a long path of co-evolution with their vectors
  • In Central Africa, the virus is spread among monkeys by Aedeb africanus. When monkeys raid
  • In dipteran insects, a peritrophic membrane is formed around the food bolus in the midgut -
  • In mosquitoes, papatachi fever virus is transmitted transovarially and transstadially. The virus persists in overwintering
  • The relationship between the parasite and the host vector depends on the effectiveness of overcoming the host's defense barriers
  • Some features of the biology and ecology of mosquitoes
  • Exophiles (spring malaria mosquito, reed malaria mosquito) are more likely to attack hosts in the open
  • The importance of exterminating female endophilic mosquito species during day-long periods,
  • The connection between mosquitoes and humans or domestic animals is largely determined by
  • The supply of sperm obtained by the female during copulation is sufficient to ensure that throughout
  • The gonotrophic cycle in all species and subspecies includes several periods:
  • The most common species in Russia lives in the Leningrad region and is found in the summer.
  • Anophelogenic reservoirs and estates where livestock are kept are under the control of the sanitary service and
  • Depending on the attachment of flies to populated areas, they are divided into
  • By alternately contacting waste, feces, animal droppings and human food, flies can mechanically
  • The main measure against flies should be considered sanitary cleaning, consisting
  • In search of prey, fleas can migrate over considerable distances. There are seasonal fluctuations in numbers,
  • Plague is a disease with natural focality that affects wild rodents of deserts and steppes. Inclusion
  • In the fleas X.cheopis (rat flea) and Oropsylla silantiewi (marmot flea), the formation of a complete block
  • In our country, the number of flea species is especially high in the south. Found only in the tundra
  • Fleas are of great epidemiological importance. Except the plague, which, fortunately, is rarely about itself
  • The fight against fleas is carried out in the following areas:
  • Lice belonging to 2 genera parasitize humans: -
  • When scratching the skin due to itching from injections, an infection gets into the scratch area. Happening
  • It should be noted that patients with high fever, as well as those who died from typhus
  • Many parasitic systems include 1) a reservoir of the pathogen, 2) a pathogen, and 3) a host.
  • Arthropods are carriers of diseases

    IN The lectures cover the following issues.

    1. Introduction. History of the study of arthropods (vectors) as disease vectors.

    2. The most important groups of arthropods - carriers of vector-borne human diseases, measures to combat them and their epidemiological significance.

    A). Ticks (meaning).

    B). Diptera insects and the basic principles of combating them

    3. Features of biology and ecology of vectors and theirrelationships with pathogens.

    4. The epidemiological significance of vectors in connection with the natural focality of a number of vector-borne diseases.

    5). Evolutionary aspects of the development of blood-sucking arthropods as vectors.

    First time transfer

    In some areas of Africa. In Asia (for example, in India) and America, several thousand or hundreds of people still die from the plague in some years.

    If a plague epizootic occurs among rodents (so

    are called mass infectious diseases of animals), fleas can transmit the causative agent of the disease to humans. Plague is a natural focal disease, anthropozoonosis, and the specific carrier of the causative agent of this disease is fleas.

    Revealing its secret, that is, zoonotic. natural focal nature and transmission by fleas belongs to the domestic doctor-researcher D.K. Zabolotny and his students.

    Soviet scientists, especially academician, have done a lot to identify disease carriers. E. N. Pavlovsky. Under his leadership carried out in different areas

    The USSR carried out over 160 expeditions to outbreak centers, studied hundreds of species of animals living there, their habits, way of life, their anatomical structure - and determined the routes of spread of many diseases.

    - for imago Ixodes persulcatus- forests, clearings, clearings, bush paths in the forest-steppe;

    - for adults and nymphs of Ixodes ricinus - small-leaved and mixed forests, moderately moist, without swamps;

    - for nymphs and imagoes of Haemarhusalis copsis in shrubs, hummocky swamps, floodplains, groves (forest areas in the steppe);

    - for imago Dermacentyug magginatus - steppe with shrubs, floodplain meadows, ravines (depressions, narrow ravines), lake shores, clearings in the forest;

    - for adults Degmacentorg silvarum - low-lying meadows along rivers, hillsides, taiga clearings, clearings(in human-cultivated taiga). This species is called "man's companion"

    Epidemiological significance of ticks

    Ixodid ticks transmit:

    1) pathogens of the group of tick-borne encephalitis, Crimean hemorrhagic fever (also a viral disease);

    2) tick-borne typhus of North Asia (CTSA), Marseilles fever, Q fever (rickettsiosis);

    3) tularemia. Lyme disease - spirochetosis/bacterial diseases).

    The listed diseases are naturally focal. In ticks, pathogens persist for a long time and are transmitted from phase to phase (transphase), as well as transovarially (through the egg) from the female to the offspring. Therefore, ixodid ticks are reservoirs of pathogens in nature along with vertebrates. The duration of tick development from egg to adult is 1, 2 or 3 years, depending on the number of hosts.

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    Slide captions:

    AUTUMN FLY (Stomoxys calcitrans) In terms of annoyingness and intrusiveness, the flies are not inferior to the houseflies. Fortunately, livestock prefer livestock to humans. This fly, equipped with a piercing proboscis, is a bloodsucker and causes harm as a carrier of anthrax, tularemia and other diseases. At one time, the fly drinks an amount of blood that exceeds its body weight by 1.5-2 times.

    HOUSE FLY (Muscina stabulans) Adult flies are numerous in latrines and livestock buildings, especially if human feces are present. Less commonly, the house fly is found in residential buildings. Although it mainly feeds on feces, it also willingly sits on human food, infecting it with pathogenic microbes. They begin their life as consumers of decaying plant matter, but then, having grown stronger, they begin to feed on the larvae of other dipterans, i.e. they become predators.

    Houseflies are dangerous spreaders of infections. Each of them, having been exposed to feces and various kinds of waste, carries about 6 million microorganisms on the surface of its body and at least 25-28 million in the intestines. But it must be said that the pathogenic bacteria in the intestines of the fly are not digested and are excreted quite viable. Typhoid and paratyphoid bacilli, dysentery bacillus, Vibrio cholera, tuberculosis bacillus, anthrax spores, the causative agent of diphtheria, and worm eggs were found on the flies. It is not found in the wild, outside towns and cities. Manure, feces, various garbage - these are the wastes where the larvae of the housefly, a constant companion of human settlements, develop. The reproduction rate of this species is amazing. HOUSE FLY (Musca domestica)

    Housefly larvae, like other higher flies, do not have a head. They liquefy food by releasing digestive juices onto it; this method of digestion is called extraintestinal. In one liter of horse or cow manure or in the same amount of kitchen waste, from 1000 to 1500 fly larvae can simultaneously develop, and in pig manure - up to 4000 Features of housefly development

    If for the first time a female drinks the blood of a person with malaria, she becomes dangerous, since her saliva is now teeming with sporozoites - the initial stage of the development of malarial plasmodium. Having re-fed the blood, the female again loses interest in food until the next batch of eggs matures and is laid. MALARIA MOSQUITO (Anopheles maculipennis)

    Distinctive characteristics of larvae and adults of malarial and non-malarial mosquitoes.

    HUMAN LICE (Pediculus humanus) Most often, lice infection occurs through close contact, when people are crowded together and find themselves in severe, unsanitary conditions that make it impossible to change clothes, wash them, or wash them. The human louse, especially its body louse, transmits pathogens of such dangerous diseases as typhus, relapsing fever and a number of others. Of particular danger is typhus, a disease caused by microorganisms that settle inside cells - rickettsia.

    R is widespread in Europe, North Africa and Asia. Females of this species lay eggs on the hair of animals, mainly on the legs. Cattle are mainly affected. After 4-6 days, the larvae emerge from the eggs and, having penetrated under the skin, begin complex migrations in the animal’s body. Then they emerge to the place of their final development, which takes place under the skin. Adult gadflies do not feed. They live off the nutrients accumulated in the larval phase, so their life is short. BULL GADDY (Hypoderma bovis)

    These are large blood-sucking dipterans. A female horsefly is capable of taking up to 200 mg of blood in one blood suck, i.e., as much as 70 mosquitoes or 4,000 midges drink. Their harmfulness is further aggravated by the fact that when horseflies suck blood, they carry pathogens of anthrax, tularemia, polio and other serious diseases, and also transmit some diseases caused by nematodes. Family Horseflies (Tabanidae)