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Natural makeup without foundation. What can you use instead of foundation? Rules for using a cosmetic product

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How to apply foundation correctly, how to highlight all the advantages of your face with blush, how to hide minor skin imperfections with concealer, and how to get rid of unwanted shine with powder? Almost all girls use cosmetics every day, but we don’t always know how to use our favorite beauty products 100%.

website I have selected for you the best tips for creating perfectly smooth and beautiful skin. We hope you find them useful!


Correctly selected and applied foundation can work wonders. The tone refreshes the face and gives it a sculptural appearance.

    Before using foundation, apply your daily moisturizer to your face. Let it dry and blot off any excess with a towel.

    To apply your foundation flawlessly, don't forget to use a sponge, brush or beauty blender.

    After finishing applying foundation, be sure to blot your face with a napkin.

    Always choose a foundation that can improve your skin type. Oil-free formulas are best for acne-prone skin, hydrating formulas are good for normal to dry skin, and hypoallergenic creams are ideal for sensitive skin.

    Never test tone on your wrist or elbow. The skin in these places differs significantly from the complexion. It is best to apply foundation to a bare face and wait a few minutes. After some time, the cream will darken and you will be able to understand whether it is suitable for you.

    Apply foundation in circular motions, moving from the center to the periphery.

    Avoid applying cream in large portions. It is best to distribute the base in small peas. This way the base will lie more evenly and naturally.

    If possible, apply foundation in daylight. Even if your bathroom has artificial lighting, it is very important to check it in daylight after completing your makeup to reveal any imperfections or unevenness.


Every girl needs concealer in her makeup bag. It will help hide the traces of a sleepless night, disguise unwanted circles under the eyes and cover up unpleasant age spots and pimples that appear at the wrong time.

11. Choose a concealer that is a shade lighter than your skin tone.

12. Apply your daily eye cream before using concealer. It will be much more convenient to blend the corrective product on pre-moisturized skin.

13. The shading process will be much easier if you warm up your fingers before doing so.

14. First apply foundation to your face and only after that apply concealer.

15. And remember the basic rule: never use foundation instead of corrective.


Compact powder is one of the most common beauty products. It can hide imperfections and make the skin perfectly smooth and even. The powder can also absorb excess oil and oil from the face and reduce shine.

16. Apply powder only after the moisturizer and foundation have completely dried.

17. Basic tools for applying powder: sponge, wide brush or powder puff.

18. Follow the sequence when applying powder: first cover the forehead, then the wings of the nose and chin, and only then the cheeks, cheekbones and side areas.


Although many of us use blush, not everyone knows the basic rules for applying it. Proper use of this cosmetic product will help highlight the advantages of your face and give it freshness.

18. Apply blush in several light layers. This will help them last much longer.

Some girls believe that using a moisturizing or mattifying base before applying makeup is not at all necessary. But it's like painting without wetting the brush in water.

The foundation will emphasize flaking on dry skin, and will shine on oily skin. Prepare your face if you don't want to mess it up right from the start.

2. Too much makeup

Women want to be beautiful. And there is nothing wrong with that, but you shouldn’t get carried away. Unfortunately, many fashionistas have problems with a sense of proportion.

If you are going to cover your face with foundation and powder, then use it generously so that not a single pimple shows through. If you blush your cheeks, then like Marfushenka-darling. If you do smoky makeup, then it’s blacker than night.

Overdoing your makeup means crossing the fine line between sexy and vulgar.

Think about it: are you using too much cosmetics? Naturalness is now in fashion. One of the latest trends is the “no makeup makeup” effect.

3. Foundation doesn't match your skin tone

There is nothing worse when a “tanned” beauty has white ears, neck and décolleté. Is it just the dark, dirty neck of a girl with “white” skin? Those who miss the choice of foundation shade are easily recognized in the crowd.


This error is very common. In the store, under artificial lighting, colors are distorted, and we often buy a product that does not suit us. It is also wrong to choose a tone by applying testers to your wrist.

To find the perfect foundation that will literally blend into your skin, apply a swatch to your cheek near your chin and see the results in natural light.

4. Careless shading

Even with a well-chosen tone, you can get into trouble if you apply it carelessly. When applying foundation with your hands, it is difficult to distribute it evenly - stripes and bald spots remain. It is better to use a special brush or sponge.

The same applies to other cosmetics. Unblended blush looks like a trace of a kiss, shadows applied too graphically make the look heavier and add age. Make sure that the lines in your makeup are smooth and upward, and that the colors move harmoniously from one to another.

5. Using concealer that is too light

Concealer is a woman's lifesaver. It can be used to disguise a pimple or circles under the eyes. The trouble is that many girls choose a concealer that is too light or dark and get the opposite effect: they do not hide, but emphasize imperfections.


Must match your skin color or be half a tone (maximum!) lighter. And don’t forget that there are different proofreaders, each of them has their own mission. So, peach-colored concealers are ideal for applying under the eyes, greenish ones are ideal for covering pimples.

6. Hard sculpting

Sculpting is designed to correct the shape of the face, hiding flaws and emphasizing advantages. You can find many video tutorials on YouTube with sculpting patterns for different face shapes.

But this makeup technique is really complicated and not all girls can do it. Typical mistakes are using products that are inappropriate in tone, applying in the wrong places, or poor shading.

Even skillfully executed sculpting is not always appropriate. A sculpted face looks great in photos and videos, but is it worth wearing makeup like Kim Kardashian if you just want to go out to buy bread?

7. Bronzer instead of sculptor

If you cannot imagine yourself without sculpting and prefer dry correction, then do not confuse cosmetic products such as bronzer and sculptor. Identifying them is also a common mistake.

Bronzer, like highlighter, is applied to the prominent parts of the face and is designed to highlight the tan and create a glowing effect, as if you were kissed by the sun.

It is unacceptable to use bronzer, especially with a reddish undertone, to correct your face shape!

There is a sculptor for this. It usually has grayish-olive shades (shadow colors) and is intended for drawing cheekbones, chin, and hairline.

8. Too much blush

Sometimes girls think that the more blush they apply, the fresher they will look. But if you overdo it a little, the young beauty, bursting with health, turns into a circus clown.

We already know how to choose blush for your color type. Let us remind you that in order to apply blush correctly, you need to smile, find the “apples” of your cheeks and blend the product from them to your temple.

9. Apply powder all over the face

The purpose of powder is to set makeup. It is recommended to apply it to the T-zone, since the skin is most susceptible to shine on the forehead, nose and chin.

But many girls cover their entire face with powder, and in a dense layer, and use a brush for this, rather than a puff, which is why they sometimes look like porcelain dolls.

10. Eyebrows drawn with black pencil

The fashion for eyebrows is changing dynamically: today sables are popular, tomorrow they will be thin again. But eyebrows drawn with a black pencil are always terrible. Always!


11. Applying shadows to the entire eyelid

Some women just can’t come to terms with the fact that the 1980s have sunk into oblivion, and continue to paint their entire eyes - from eyelashes to eyebrows.

In modern makeup, colored shadows, as a rule, are applied only to the moving eyelid. The fixed eyelid under the eyebrow is highlighted with a highlighter. Applying shadows over the entire eyelid is only permissible for creative photo shoots, if the image requires it.

12. Eye shadows

It is a common misconception that the color of eye shadow should match the color of your eyes.

If a green-eyed brunette wears green eye makeup, her eyes will dim. You can highlight emerald eyes with burgundy and dark pink colors. Copper, plum and terracotta shades are great for blue eyes. Brown-eyed girls should try blue and purple eyeshadow.

13. Chic! Shine!

Shadows with shimmer, powder with reflective particles, pearl eyeliner - many representatives of the fairer sex have a passion for everything shiny.

But the use of cosmetics with glitter is only appropriate for evening and festive occasions. In everyday office makeup, it is better to stick to calm matte shades.

The right eyeliner highlights your eyes and makes them more expressive. The key word here is correct. For some reason, many girls draw eyeliner not only from above, but along the entire contour. It doesn't look very good. Makeup artists call this eyeliner eyes in a black frame.

Eyeliner of the lower eyelid mucosa with a black liner visually narrows the eyes. If you want to line the lower eyelid, draw the space between the eyelashes (only at the outer corner of the eye). Line the water line with kajal.

15. Undrawn lash edge

The oversight is minor, but can ruin the image. The fact is that painting eyelashes at the roots is quite difficult. As a result, a small gap remains between the eyelid and eyelashes, creating disharmony.

To avoid this, do not forget to color the eyelash edge using a liner or dark shadows.

16. Aggressive shooters

Some girls draw arrows so intensely that it seems as if there is nothing else on their face - just arrows. Need I say how cartoonish this looks?

If you are going to work and not to a nightclub, try to keep your shooters neat and moderate.

17. A ton of mascara

Women dream of long, thick eyelashes. In pursuit of their dream, they apply one layer of mascara after another. The eyelashes stick together to form “spider legs.” It looks terrible, and when it dries it also starts to crumble.

Carelessly glued false eyelashes also look ugly.

18. Disharmony of lip contour and lipstick

The contour pencil is designed to highlight the shape of the lips and fix the lipstick. But if it doesn't match the lipstick shade, the following happens.


Looks weird, doesn't it?

19. Spreading glitter

If the gloss rolls into a white stripe or spreads beyond the lips, then this may be a problem with the gloss. But before you throw the product in the trash, try applying a little less.

Stylists say that the fashion for lip glosses remained around 2004. Now they only put a drop of gloss in the center of the lips to create volume.

20. Matte lipstick on dry lips

Matte lipsticks, on the contrary, are trendy. But they should only be applied to perfectly smooth lips. Do this, exfoliate dead particles, moisturize your lips with balm and only then apply matte lipstick.

It takes 20 minutes to look like a goddess. But it takes three hours to look natural.

Yanina Ipohorskaya

Some flaws in makeup are trivial and almost unnoticeable. Others immediately catch your eye and spoil the whole image. But it's better not to do them at all. After all, a woman’s appearance is her calling card.

An even complexion is a kind of canvas, the basis for perfect makeup. However, constant use of foundation, especially in the hot summer, is fraught with clogged pores and overloaded skin. Does this mean that you need to give up foundation completely? Not at all!

Decorative cosmetics

If you can't resist masking, use a concealer. Due to its dense texture, it copes well with problem skin, masking pimples, capillaries and even bruises. The corrector should be applied with a synthetic brush directly to the area that needs to be hidden, carefully blending the borders.

For dark circles under the eyes, there are special correctors called concealers. They have a liquid texture, do not dry out the skin and do not emphasize facial wrinkles. A correctly selected concealer will blend in with your overall skin tone and eliminate the need to completely cover up your entire face.

Another alternative to foundation is powder. Its main advantage is that it has a lighter coating and allows the skin to breathe. And in addition to its decorative function, it has antiseptic properties, has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and is the most durable.
The powder can be used either alone or in combination with a concealer. Apply it with a large round brush from the center of the face to the edges in a circular motion.

If your skin does not have serious blemishes, take a look at a moisturizer with a tinted effect. This is a 2 in 1 cream, it moisturizes well and evens out skin tone. A great option for summer and everyday makeup.

Popular today BB creams and even CC creams will help replace not only foundation, but also a couple of other products in your cosmetic bag. BB cream (from English “balm against imperfections”) will not only disguise problem areas, but also, with regular use, will reduce them to a minimum. And CC cream (from English “color correction”) will add radiance and a healthy appearance to the skin.

Not only beautiful, but also useful

There are many ways to improve the condition of your skin using folk remedies. Herbs are among the simplest and most inexpensive. Freeze ice cubes from green tea or a decoction of chamomile, parsley, or calendula. Wipe your face every morning and your skin will look fresher and your pores will be less noticeable. Masks made from cucumber, cottage cheese and sour cream will help even out the tone. Clay masks can help get rid of skin problems.

Also in the arsenal of many cosmetic brands there are creams with which you can get rid of freckles, age spots, and redness. They have a whitening effect, mattify the skin and contain UV filters.

Foundations have many opponents: some don’t like the fact that up close they look unnatural on the skin. Others don't like these beauty products because they sit on the skin in thick layers. In summer, the discomfort intensifies - it seems as if the foundation is melting under the influence of high temperature. Therefore, I don’t want to apply it to my skin at all. How else can you give your skin a flawless look?

You cannot do this without proper skin care. If you want to give up foundation and powder, you will have to use skincare products and not neglect the appropriate procedures. Firstly, it is important to take care of clean skin. On a daily basis, remove dirt and makeup residues with oils and cleansing gels; on a weekly basis, remove dead skin cells using a scrub. Secondly, clean skin needs to be provided with moisture and nutrients, so you can’t go without day and night creams. The result of careful care will be beautiful skin with an even tone, without inflammation and other imperfections.

Color correction

Color-correcting primers will help improve the appearance of your skin when creating makeup in which you want to do without foundation. They are transparent and therefore not visible on the skin, but still have a slight tint that helps even out the tone. For example, Studio Perfect Primer from NYX Professional Makeup is available in the form of a green (helps to “correct” redness of the skin) and lilac (brightens the skin, giving it a fresh look) gel. True, such primers cannot cope with noticeable skin imperfections.


One or several pimples cannot be hidden without a product with pigments. You'll have to use concealer. However, spot correction is still better than creating a full coverage on the face. To ensure imperfections remain hidden all day, choose a concealer with a long-lasting formula. On skin that has not been pre-treated with foundation, regular concealer is unlikely to stick well. Pay attention to the High Precision Retouch concealer from Giorgio Armani.

Blur effect

Products with a blur effect can be effective - they smooth the skin, hide enlarged pores and create a light-reflecting coating, thanks to which imperfections (for example, wrinkles) seem to blur and therefore become less noticeable. As a result, the skin looks like it was retouched using one of Photoshop's tools. For example, Touche Éclat Blur Perfector from Yves Saint Laurent Beauté is capable of this. On the skin, this product acquires the texture of a balm, which performs retouching, significantly improving its appearance.

Matte leather

Do you use foundation to solve the problem of oily skin? There is another way to deal with this problem. First, the skin can be prepped with a translucent mineral powder, which is typically used to set makeup and create a velvety finish. There are also special mattifying powders - these include, for example, De-Slick from Urban Decay. This powder is different in that it not only hides oily shine, but also absorbs sebum secreted by the skin. Due to this, it remains matte throughout the day. Another product that can help is matting wipes. Blot your skin with it once or twice a day to get rid of the oily film.

Foundation is the basis of makeup for many beauties. Even if a girl uses minimal makeup, she always applies foundation or keeps foundation in her makeup bag just in case. In the summer heat, using foundation can safely be considered a crime against your skin! Under it, she seems to be suffocating - irritation appears, sweat appears. With this temperature exposure, the foundation spreads, gets stuck in the folds and makes the face dirty. Read about how easy it is to ditch foundation in 10 steps and still remain beautiful and fresh!

1. Home cleansing

Skin that doesn't require foundation is clear skin. Even if you don't suffer from acne, you need to constantly cleanse your face to tighten pores and get rid of flaking. So, make it a rule Use a soft scrub and an electric brush 2-3 times a week, - this will allow you to “polish” the skin a little and make it smoother, which means you can abandon the tone.

2. Mineral powder

We will not discover America if we say that the surest way to forget about “foundation” is with powder. But there are a few “buts”. Firstly, powder often ages and “heavies” makeup. Secondly, not every powder is suitable for girls with dry skin. There is a solution - mineral moisturizing powder. It looks as natural as possible, does not dry out and does not settle into wrinkles. Lightly powder your face with a fluffy brush and start applying makeup - this is quite enough as a “summer” foundation!

3. Always carry matting wipes with you

If your face begins to shine during the day, there is no need to return to point No. 2 and apply powder again. Just always have matting wipes with you - periodically blot your T-zone with them and you will be happy!

4. Make a mask once a week

Another step towards skin that does not require foundation is cleansing masks. Especially good - clay-based or with activated carbon. This will allow you to tighten your pores and make your skin more matte. Yes, yes, such a miracle is possible if you make a mask regularly 2 times a week!

5. Hide problems accurately

If there are rashes on your skin, and dark circles under your eyes don’t give you peace of mind, it is absolutely not necessary to apply the tone to the entire surface of your face. Use concealer to cover only the circles under your eyes and spot problems. Apply the product with a thin brush, and then gently blend with your fingertips to make the edges invisible.

6. Use a toner

Some girls consider tonic a completely useless product, but in vain! By rubbing your face with toner every morning, you help your skin restore its natural PH balance, making it visually fresher and more rested. Well, why do you need a tone after that?

7. Drink vitamin C

Vitamin C helps get rid of pigmentation- regular use of ascorbic acid really works, making your complexion and skin tone more even!

8. Use gel moisturizers

Water-based gel creams are our everything. Before you start applying makeup (no foundation!), be sure to moisturize your skin. The fact is that if it has enough moisture, the sebaceous glands work less actively - this will allow, if not get rid of the oily sheen, then at least delay its appearance.

9. Add bronzer

We use foundation not only to disguise imperfections, but also for a more beautiful and healthy complexion. You need to replace it with bronzer: a couple of strokes of the brush, a little shade on the cheekbones, and you no longer look pale and tired, voila!

10. Primer only

Another way to give up the tone, but at the same time achieve more even skin, is use only primer or makeup base. There are a lot of advantages: the skin is moisturized, its texture is slightly evened out, and some primers have a light tint, but do not “flow” in the heat like foundation. Try it, you'll like it.