home · Lighting · Rich borscht without meat. Borsch without beets - tasty, aromatic, bright. Recipe for red borscht so that beets retain their color

Rich borscht without meat. Borsch without beets - tasty, aromatic, bright. Recipe for red borscht so that beets retain their color

Meatless borscht, the recipe for which we offer you, is the ideal solution for a delicious first course on fasting days and beyond. Despite the absence of meat ingredients, this wonderful first course will perfectly fill you up and wonderfully diversify your diet. We will prove to you that the absence of meat has absolutely no effect on the taste or satiety of a hot dish. Many will give this borscht a higher culinary rating than the classic version.


  • fresh beets – 1-2 pcs.;
  • white cabbage – 200 g;
  • greens – 3-4 sprigs;
  • potatoes – 3 pcs.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • tomato – 1-2 pcs.;
  • bell pepper – 1 pc.;
  • hot spice – 1 tsp;
  • vegetable oil – 5 tbsp. l.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.
  • salt - to taste.


Wash all vegetables and herbs thoroughly. Peel the onion from the husk. Remove the seeds from the sweet pepper. We use sprigs of young parsley as greenery, but basil or dill, for example, will also perfectly highlight the taste of this vegetable soup. This recipe used the Georgian Hot spice blend. But you can take any one you like.

Finely chop the onion. Grind the peeled carrots on a coarse grater. Those who have some time and patience can chop the carrots finely.

Chop the tomatoes into small cubes (we used two medium-sized ones). It is advisable to first peel the tomatoes. It's easy to do. Simply put the tomato in boiling water for a few seconds and then in cold water. The top layer will literally come off on its own. If there are no tomatoes, you can add two tablespoons of tomato paste. Roughly chop the bell pepper.

Place all the chopped vegetables in a deep frying pan in which vegetable oil has already been heated over medium heat. Let's reduce the heat a little and start sautéing until soft. Those who also count calories can sauté vegetables in a small amount of water.

Let's clean the beets. Let's grate it coarsely. To do this, we will again use the large links of a grater. If other vegetables were previously chopped, then the beets should be chopped as well.

About ten minutes after the start of heat treatment, put the beets in the frying pan. At this point, add a tablespoon of vinegar (6%) to the vegetables. This will allow the finished borscht to retain its bright beetroot color. If your vinegar is more concentrated than ours, then a teaspoon will be enough. Let's continue to saute everything together for another ten minutes.

Peel the potato tubers. Let's cut into cubes. Pour one and a half liters of bottled water into a large saucepan. Put the potato cubes in there too. Let's cook on medium heat.

Chop the cabbage into small strips. Instead of white cabbage, you can use Chinese cabbage, but then it should be added when the potatoes are almost ready.

Place it into the future borscht a couple of minutes after boiling.

After twenty minutes, throw in the vegetable contents of the frying pan. We will cook for another 10 minutes.

Add spices and herbs, add salt, and after five minutes turn off the heat.

Delicious lean borscht without meat is ready. Pour hot into broth bowls. Look how bright and appetizing it is. Add a little chopped greens to each. Classically, borscht is served with garlic donuts and sour cream. In Lent, of course, you will have to enjoy it without these two components. But even without this it will be no less tasty.

We have proposed a simple and common option for preparing borscht without meat; you can also add to it:

  • Beans. You can use both canned and dry beans, which must first be filled with water. This borscht begins to cook by boiling the beans, because... it takes much longer to cook than cabbage and potatoes.
  • Sprat in tomato. This is, of course, a completely different version of borscht and is not suitable for the Lenten version, but you can consider such a recipe. Borscht with sprat turns out very tasty.
  • Eggplant. It is unusual and unusual to see eggplants in first courses, but borscht with eggplants is prepared, it is also called Hetman’s.
  • Beet tops. You can add canned young beet tops or prepare such borscht at the beginning of the warm season, when young leaves of beet tops appear.
  • Sorrel. It is prepared completely differently, it does not look like a traditional dish. It can be cooked with meat, but green borscht is also highly respected without meat.

What dish do they usually treat foreigners to when they want to introduce them to Russian cuisine? Of course, we are talking about borscht. Fragrant, tasty, with sour cream and fresh bread - delicious! The ingredients for it can be found in any refrigerator, and it is very easy to prepare.

But it happens that the necessary products run out at the most inopportune time. Is it possible, for example, to cook delicious borscht without beets? Surprisingly, but possible! Try to cook borscht without beets according to our recipes - and you are guaranteed to cook it very often.

Borscht is known for its bright, beautiful color. To ensure that your dish is not inferior to classic borscht, use tomato paste. You only need a little bit of it to make the soup rich and red. In addition, along with tomato paste or instead of it, you can add chopped or minced tomatoes, take Chinese cabbage instead of white cabbage, experiment with different spices - the result will always be excellent. And tasty, and satisfying, and healthy. A very balanced composition, and just the right amount of everything.

Step-by-step recipes for making borscht without beets

Classic version

Borsch without beets can be served with herbs and sour cream


  • water - 3 l;
  • meat (pork, beef, chicken, turkey - in a word, any will do) - 800 g;
  • white cabbage - 400 g;
  • potatoes - 300 g;
  • onions - 0.5 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • greens (dill, parsley) - 1 bunch;
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

Cooking time: 2 hours
Number of servings: 10
Cuisine: Russian


1. Pour cold water over the meat and put on fire. It is important that the water is cold - then during the cooking process the meat will give more flavor and aroma to the soup. While the broth is boiling, chop the onion.

Chop the onion

2. Chop the cabbage with a knife or on a special grater.

Shred the cabbage

3. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater. If you like the vegetables in your soup a little crispy, you can cut it into cubes.

Grate carrots

4. Slice the potatoes.

Cut potatoes

5. Prepare the roast. To do this, you first need to heat a frying pan with vegetable oil, then add the onion and lightly fry.

Fry the onion

6. Then add carrots and chopped bell pepper to the onion. Often, when preparing borscht, many people forget about bell pepper - and it’s completely in vain, thanks to it, borscht becomes especially tasty. Fry everything until light golden brown.

Add carrots and peppers to onions

7. 5-7 minutes before readiness, add tomato paste to the roast. Pour a couple of tablespoons of broth into the pan, mix everything well and let it simmer.

Add tomato paste

8. Periodically you need to remove the foam from the broth. As soon as the meat is ready (this will take about 1.5 hours), put the roast in the pan and stir. Add chopped potatoes.

Add potatoes

9. When the potatoes are cooked until half cooked, add the cabbage. If you use a little more cabbage than indicated in the recipe, the soup will be thicker and tastier.

Add cabbage

10. Cook the borscht until the potatoes are soft and the cabbage is slightly firm and crispy. It's time to add salt to the soup.

Stir and salt

If desired, you can add citric acid so that the borscht acquires a pleasant sourness.

To make the soup more flavorful, add dried herbs or a mixture of peppers.

11. After this, cook the borscht for another 5 minutes, then remove from the heat. The dish is ready - you can serve, seasoning each serving with sour cream and fresh herbs.

Video: cooking borscht without beets with tomato paste

As you can see, the recipe is very simple, it helps out when you have little time and need to prepare a full meal. And the next day the borscht becomes even more aromatic and tasty.

Instead of tomato paste, you can add tomato juice. In this case, it must be added at the end of cooking in the proportion of 3 liters of broth - 0.5 cups of tomato juice. This borscht retains its rich color and taste.

From fresh tomatoes and young cabbage

Borscht with tomatoes and young cabbage


  • broth - 3 l;
  • young cabbage - 0.5 heads;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • dill, parsley, green onions - 1 bunch;
  • garlic - 2 cloves.
  • salt to taste.

Cooking time: 1 hour
Number of servings: 10
Cuisine: Russian

1. Prepare meat or vegetable broth in advance. Put it on the fire, cut and wash the potatoes. Wait for the broth to boil and place the potatoes in it. Cook for 20 minutes.

Cut potatoes

2. Grind the tomatoes in a blender or pass through a meat grinder. You should get a homogeneous puree.

Grind tomatoes in a blender

3. Fry chopped garlic in a preheated frying pan.

Fry the garlic

4. Pour tomato puree into the frying pan with the garlic and cook until thickened for about 10 minutes. During this time, excess liquid should evaporate.

Boil tomato puree until thickened

5. Chop the cabbage. It should be added almost at the end of cooking, since the leaves of young cabbage are tender and can quickly boil. Let the soup simmer for 2-3 minutes.

Shred the cabbage

6. Chop the greens.

Chop the greens

7. Add boiled tomato puree to the broth with cabbage and potatoes, add salt and cook for another 3 minutes. At the end, add the greens and let it brew for 15 minutes.

Add tomato puree

The borscht turns out appetizing, aromatic, and light. It’s amazing that such a delicious dish can be prepared from such a small amount of ingredients.

Video: how to cook soup with young cabbage and fresh tomatoes

Be sure to try making borscht without beets, if only for the sake of a new experience. This soup is good in the summer with fresh vegetables, and in the winter when beet stocks are running low and you want borscht. This vitamin dish will be especially useful on a cold and gloomy day.

Although it is richer and more aromatic, if it is cooked correctly, it will also turn out tasty and appetizing without meat. This is not only budget-friendly, but also very healthy, and is also suitable for vegetarian nutrition. In fact, it is prepared in almost the same way as red Ukrainian borscht, only not with meat broth, but with purified water. It will not be completely fat-free, since we will stew the vegetables in vegetable oil; in some cases, you can fry it in lard. Prepare this borscht with garlic donuts, it will be even tastier with them. If you have never cooked borscht without meat, take the risk and you will be pleasantly surprised how aromatic and tasty this dish can be. You will learn in what order to add vegetables from step-by-step preparation of vegetable borscht without meat with photos.

Ingredients for preparing vegetable borscht without meat

Water 2 l
Potato 3 pcs
Cabbage 300 g
Beet 150 g
Carrot 100 g
Celery root 100 g
Bulgarian pepper 1 PC
Greenery 1 bunch
Tomato paste 50 g
Garlic 2 cloves
Sugar 1 tsp
Salt taste
Bay leaf 2 pcs
Vegetable oil 50 g
Vinegar 9% 1 tsp
Black pepper taste
Black peppercorns 3 pcs
Carnation 2 pcs

Step-by-step preparation of vegetable broth without meat with photos

Pour the borscht into bowls and serve with sour cream, bread and garlic. Bon appetit!

- is it possible? Many will say that Lenten borscht cannot be real, but this is not so. There are a large number of recipes for preparing this wonderful dish. After all, everyone knows that every housewife makes borscht special. In addition, borscht can be either red or green. Let's prepare borscht without meat, the recipe for which will be described below.

How to cook red borscht?

The main ingredients of red borscht, regardless of the recipe according to which it is prepared, are:

  1. cabbage;
  2. beet;
  3. carrot;
  4. potato;
  5. tomato paste.

Every housewife has such a set of products. From these seemingly simple ingredients you can prepare a very tasty borscht. The main thing is to know how to do it.

What else can you add to the dish?

The above components are the main ones; no recipe can do without them. But to diversify the taste and give the dish additional colors, you can add bell pepper to it. This vegetable gives a pleasant sour note and also looks very nice on a plate. If you decide to use pepper, cut it into thin strips.

In addition, many recipes add beans, both white and red, to borscht. This type of legume not only complements the taste well, but can also replace meat in borscht. The recipe for borscht with beans differs from the classic one only in that the beans boiled in advance should be added to the dish after all the vegetables are cooked. It takes a little time, but the borscht turns out not just tasty, but very tasty.


Borscht without meat- This is an ideal dish for those who fast or are vegetarians. Even without meat, it can be prepared so well that the taste is indistinguishable from traditional borscht.

Borscht according to today’s recipe turns out to be so tasty and “plausible” that it is in no way inferior to the classic one. The absence of meat does not spoil it at all. Instead, celery root will add richness to our borscht. It will make meatless borscht so flavorful that you will forget about the usual recipe for your favorite first course.

In order to prepare delicious borscht without meat and make it rich and rich in taste, you need to know a few secrets. The taste of borscht directly depends on them:

  • In order for your vegetable borscht to have a pronounced taste, you need to fry the vegetables correctly. If you throw them straight into boiling water, the borscht will turn out watery and tasteless.
  • Vegetables for borscht must be fried in a large amount of oil. The heat must be high so that the vegetables are covered with a golden crust.
  • The water should always be salted at the very beginning and constantly tasted. If you slightly under-salt borscht without meat, you will end up with a brew that has no taste.
  • All ingredients must be added in strict order, and they must be cut as finely as possible: this way they will give off all their taste and aroma.
  • It is better to make tomato paste for borscht yourself. If you add tomato paste from the store to meatless borscht, it will be sour and you will have to add a lot of sugar to it.
  • Garlic and ground black pepper give borscht a rich taste, so they must be added.
  • The borscht should be cooked over low heat, do not allow it to boil: this way the vegetables will quickly “make friends” and the borscht without meat will acquire a rich taste.

You will learn about the rest of the secrets of cooking borscht without meat from our step-by-step photo recipe.


  • (400 g)

  • (250 g or 3-4 medium potatoes)

  • (150 g or 1 pc.)

  • (100 g or 1 small carrot)

  • (1 PC.)

  • (1 PC.)

  • (100 g)

  • (a little for frying)

  • (taste)

  • (taste)

  • (1-2 pcs.)

  • (50 g)

  • (1 bunch)

Cooking steps

    This is the set of ingredients we will need to prepare borscht without meat. Place a three-liter saucepan on the fire and fill it a little more than half with water. Peel the potatoes and cut into small cubes. After the water boils, throw it into the water. Periodically remove the foam from the potatoes with a slotted spoon. Reduce the heat and let it simmer slowly.

    Meanwhile, prepare the remaining vegetables. Peel the beets, carrots, and celery, rinse thoroughly with water and grate on a grater designed for Korean carrots. As a result, your vegetables should look like elongated straws. Thanks to this cutting, borscht without meat will acquire a richer taste. Peel the bell pepper, remove all seeds and membranes and cut into small elongated strips, trying to repeat the cutting of the remaining vegetables.

    Peel the onions and cut into small squares. Take a frying pan, put it on fire and pour in a little vegetable oil. Remember that the heat must be high, because the vegetables must acquire a golden crust. Add chopped onion and bell pepper to the hot oil. Fry for five minutes.

    Next, add the carrots and celery, mix the vegetables a little and continue frying them.

    Add the beets and tomato paste next to the meatless borscht dressing. Fry for 5-7 minutes so that excess moisture evaporates and the tomato paste bakes a little.

    After this, pour some water into the frying pan, add spices, salt and mix all the ingredients thoroughly. Simmer the vegetables for a few minutes. If the tomato paste tastes sour, you can add a little granulated sugar to taste.

    Meanwhile, finely chop the white cabbage and mince it a little.

    Place the cabbage in the pan with the potatoes. Cook the cabbage until it becomes slightly crispy. Different varieties of cabbage require different cooking times. Add a few bay leaves to the vegetable broth.

    Add the prepared vegetable dressing to the pan with potatoes and cabbage. Mix the vegetables well and add water if necessary. Bring the borscht to taste by adding salt, pepper and, if necessary, sugar.

    Finely chop the greens and place in a saucepan with borscht. Squeeze a few cloves of garlic: this will allow the vegetables to reveal their flavors in the meatless borscht. Turn off the borscht and cover with a lid, let it brew a little. It is very important not to overcook the vegetables.

    Well, how would your favorite borscht be without sour cream? Add a few spoons of sour cream to each plate and place on the table.

    And what aromas does your borscht produce without meat! It's simply unsurpassed! Now taste it and make sure that the absence of meat does not make it less tasty! Serve the borscht to the table, cut the black bread and add a little garlic.

    Bon appetit!