home · Measurements · Delicate flowers appear in Russian forests. White snowdrops are the first spring flowers. Delicate snowdrops - awakening of nature

Delicate flowers appear in Russian forests. White snowdrops are the first spring flowers. Delicate snowdrops - awakening of nature

In order for people to enjoy life, learn to see beauty and appreciate every moment, nature gave us flowers. Delicate, fragrant, defenseless and filled with the lightness of thin petals, flowering plants They look at us from flower beds and greenhouses, giving positive emotions in any weather and time of year.

Flowers are the eyes of nature - purple velvet violets, blue bells, blue forget-me-nots and small daisy stars with white eyelashes raise their heads to the sun, rejoicing in the warmth and light. Every time you see proud lilies or regal roses, you can’t help but be amazed at how perfect plants can be, how different and beautiful they are in their own way: the brightness of color, the elegance of buds and the miraculous blossoming of petals.

The first flowers always bring with them news of the approaching spring. Fragile and translucent snowdrops break out from under the snow and a thaw sets in, the forest comes to life with sun rays playing in the meadows, gardens and orchards. Then yellow and blue crocuses appear, resembling miniature tulips in their shape. They look like gems scattered across the blackening ground, between stones and near old stumps, where grumpy gnomes may be waiting out the winter.

Flowers - best gift and an elegant compliment. Even one flower is a sign of attention, sympathy or love, and a whole bouquet is an expression of friendly participation, respect and care. Many centuries ago there was a flower language in which each flower had its own meaning. Beautiful women they gave roses and lilies, young girls - bells and daisies, elderly ladies were given bouquets of carnations, peonies or chrysanthemums.

Modern florists know how to collect from different colors stunning compositions that we present at the most solemn and festive moments to loved ones and friends. By using beautiful bouquet we express our good attitude, we give joy, and when you can’t find the right words to talk about your feelings and emotions, tender and fragrant flowers always come to the rescue.

Message quote Forest primroses

Spring can already be felt even here in Siberia! The sun is shining more often and brighter, the frosts have “released”, the birds are singing. The snow will melt and a MIRACLE will appear! The first flowers are small, bright, low, but against the background of the gray earth they are charming!!!

The white ones are the first to emerge from under the snow. snowdrops (galanthus). When you see this flower, you want to shout: “Spring is coming, make way for spring!”

In Siberia, they are the first to appear in forest clearings.kandyki.

This touching beauty of a flower is called a forest tulip. Open lumbago or sleep- grass. The lovely flower greets you with a slight bow, as if begging you not to touch it...

Saffron netted (crocus) - one of the first spring flowers. The first thawed patches have just appeared, and the sun has slightly warmed the southern slopes of the hills, when, piercing the withered foliage, its tender sprouts make their way to the light. The ancient Greeks rightly considered it the flower of the goddess the morning dawn of Aurora, the flower of awakening nature.

Siberian Scilla always pleases with the fact that it creates blue or light blue meadows of unique beauty, reminiscent of a starry sky.

Brandushka multi-colored. People call flowers “orphans” because they are beautiful delicate flowers never grow in groups.

Spring whiteflower. A flower of extraordinary beauty: from a green ball

are going down The petals have a white lampshade and each has a yellow dot.

Muscari. Mouse hyacinth. Viper bow. Names of the same plant. From the center of the rosette of leaves, an ever-growing “grape” bunch appears. After some time, it rises quite high above the ground on a thin peduncle and the “grapes” begin to bloom, starting from the lower ones. And if you look closely, each blue flower has a white edge - a sight for sore eyes.

Spring adonis. Adonis. Its flowers are burning like sunbeams,

among the still withered grass.

Chionodoxa. Very dense compact clumps are pierced with greenish-reddish arrows of leaves, between which for a long, long time you can see bluish-lilac fully open star flowers.

Yellow goose onion. In the spring palette, chives flowers make up the yellow part of the spectrum. Modest small flowers glow like stars among the sparse bristles of young green grass.

Noble liverwort. Its delicate bluish-lilac flowers look very cute after winter on bare ground.

The first month of spring has arrived - March. The snow still lies in drifts in the forests and copses, but it has become gray and dense, heavy with water. Streams ran. At night the frost manages to stop their merry run. But spring can still be felt everywhere. Clouds float across the clear blue sky. The birds became cheerful. The first greenery of tiny leaves makes the heart so happy - spring has come!

And the first delicate flowers appear among the melting snow and protruding wet earth. It's a snowdrop! There is one in every corner of the country. In Siberia it is a violet-blue lumbago, or sleep-grass, in middle lane Snowdrops include blue corydalis, white anemone, lungwort, goosebush, and yellow primrose.

But the real snow-white snowdrop comes from the south of Europe, where it grows in mountain forests on wet soil. The Latin scientific name of the snowdrop genus is Galanthus. The word comes from two Greek roots: “gala” - “milk” and “anthus” - “flower”, i.e. translated into Russian means “milk flower”. And, indeed, snowdrop flowers are milky white. A large bud, ready to open, looks like a hanging drop of milk. When the bud opens, the three outer, long, pure white leaves first spread out, then the three inner, shorter ones open. Inside, like in a small bell, six stamens and a pistil are hidden.

If you see a snowdrop in the forest, do not pick it. It is listed in the Red Book of Rare and Protected Plants. You can sow snowdrops on summer cottages, in flower beds on rocky hills. Sow freshly harvested seeds in the fall. The seedlings grow together and bloom in the 4th-5th year. Flowers do not like replanting. European flower growers have bred a lot unusual varieties snowdrop white.

There is also a snowdrop in the south of Primorye, in the Amur region, and on Sakhalin. This is the golden adonis, or Adonis Amur. This flower is also found in the North Caucasus. He also loves mountain forests. Adonis is like a butterfly: it only takes a few minutes for him to warm up in the sun and bloom a flower. But bad weather also instantly affects him. As soon as the cold hits, the flower cup closes, the sepals cover it from above, and the stem presses against the soil.

Ten species of Adonis are known in our country. All of them are medicinal and all... poisonous. Adonis belongs to the buttercup family and contains highly active substance. Be careful! You can get poisoned if you chew the stem or lick your fingers smeared with juice. The first signs of poisoning: the pulse slows down, interruptions in heart function are observed. Later, abdominal pain appears and vomiting begins. If the poisoning is severe, convulsions occur, and the person may die from acute heart failure.

To prevent this from happening, everyone needs to know this plant well. In the first week, the adonis stalk is white, juicy and fragile. Instead of leaves, filmy scales are visible on it. As soon as warm days arrive, these scales bend back and green leaves curled into balls appear under them. They grow quickly and look like carrot leaves. After three to four weeks, the leaves fade, turn golden yellow and die. Only one rhizome remains alive.

The ancient Phoenicians, noticing the ability of a flower to awaken to life at the first breath of spring and soon die without dying, identified it with the God of ever-fading and inevitably reborn vegetation - Adonis.