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Night frame. How is the Night of Laylatul Qadr going? Memorable days and nights

Dua before the exam: what to read and in what cases?

Every exam is an incredible challenge for every student. That is why it is always preceded by stress and fear. Moreover, it is usually not only the student who is about to take the exams who is worried, but also his loved ones. However, there is no reason for despondency and pessimism; you just need to learn to believe in your abilities and, of course, prepare as thoroughly as possible. In addition, every believer has a special “weapon” - faith. In particular, you can use dua before an exam.

Dua is a special prayer aimed at turning to Allah. It is believed to be a form of worship. This prayer is usually read in different life situations. Basically, every Muslim asks for Allah's help before starting a new activity.

In order for this special prayer to be accepted, a believer must direct all thoughts to Heaven. It is necessary for the person praying to be confident that the Almighty is watching the “presence” of his heart while pronouncing sacred words. It is noteworthy that prayer must be persistent and repeated many times. When pronouncing sacred words, you need to lower your voice slightly. It is advisable to ask even in a whisper. Every message must begin with the fact that a believer exalts Allah. Moreover, you can ask for what you want an infinite number of times.

If a believer does not receive what he wants in real life from Allah, it will be credited to him on the Day of Judgment. Moreover, this encouragement will be considered a kind of reward and can bring a person much more benefit than on Earth.

Dua before an exam: how to get rid of anxiety

Any tension can always interfere with an excellent result. That is why there is a dua before an exam in Islam.

So, before starting such a test, you should read the following prayer:

If the student is already directly on the exam and any minute he has to answer the teacher’s questions, then he should read the dua of the prophet Musa:

How to get rid of fear?

The Messenger of Allah always instructed his devotees only to have bright faith in Allah and in themselves. Therefore, if you are scared and timid, then you should say the following dua before the exam:

How to attract good luck in the exam?

In order for luck to always be nearby, you should read 62 verses of Surah Al-Anfal:

It's no secret that every serious test will require concentration of attention and all mental capabilities. To do this, you should read a special dua before the exam:

The main thing to remember is that the key to any exam is hard work and careful preparation. The Russians have the following proverb: “Patience and labor will grind everything down,” but in the Koran there is a similar expression: “... a person has only what he has been diligent in. And his zeal will be considered.”

Of course, you should carefully consider the choice of prayers, so you need to know which dua is read before the exam. It is imperative to remember that you must always ask Allah, regardless of any external circumstances. Contact the Almighty and believe in the power that will definitely help. After all, dua is the most powerful Muslim prayer.

Muslim prayer for exam


Question: What dua should be read to successfully pass the exam?

Answer: To successfully pass the exam, you need to prepare well for it. And this is achieved through systematic training throughout the school year.

Without a certain amount of knowledge, it would be wrong to count on good grades. You need to study not for the sake of good grades in a diary or grade book, but in order to gain fundamental knowledge in your specialty.

When entering the classroom to take the exam, say: “Bismillahi-r-rahmani-r-rahim” - in the Name of Allah, Most Merciful to everyone in this world and to those who believe in the Hereafter.

This most valuable expression is pronounced before doing something good or good. And the main meaning of this expression is that a Muslim begins this act in the name of Allah and in the hope of His grace (barakat).

Ask Allah to sincerely grant you knowledge so that you can benefit society.

There are many verses and authentic hadiths about the virtues of studying science.

Every student of knowledge must have a sincere intention while studying science, as this is the basis of success. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Every act depends on the intention” (Imams Bukhari and Muslim).

Also, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) reports: “How many deeds are there that are outwardly similar to the deeds of this world, but due to good intentions they become deeds of the next world (akhirat). And how many deeds are similar to the deeds of akhirat, but due to bad intentions they become deeds of this world.”

A student, starting to study science, must intend to earn the pleasure of Allah Almighty and rid himself and others of ignorance, revive religion and preserve Islam, since the preservation of Islam depends on knowledge.

When studying science, one should not intend to gain the respect of people towards oneself and obtain worldly benefits.

بسم الله والحمد لله ولا إله إلا الله والله أكبر ولا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله العلي العظيم عدد كل حرف كتب و يكتب أبد الأبدين ودهر الداهري

(Bismillyahi walhamdu lilyahi wa la ilaha illaAllah wallahu akbar wa la hawla wa la kuwata illa billahi Aliil Azym adada kullu harf kutiba wa yuktyabu abadal abidin wa dahru dahiri)

“In the name of Allah, and Great is Allah, and praise be to Him, and there is nothing worthy of worship except Allah, and Allah is Great, and there is no power and strength except with Allah, the Highest, the Greatest, the All-Powerful and the All-Knowing - in the number of all letters, which were written from time immemorial and which will be written throughout all eternity.”

The dua of such a person will not be accepted by the Almighty

Whose dua will be accepted

The shortest but most effective dua

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Muslim prayer for exam

Dua for passing exams

During exams we feel tension and constant anxiety.

Exam time is approaching. Soon, in schools and universities, pupils and students will face a serious test, experiencing anxiety and fear. Exams are always stressful, a nervous and hectic time not only for those taking the exams, but also for their loved ones. But do not despair and become despondent; the acquired knowledge and preparation will help you pass the exams. In addition, the believer has a special weapon that, by the mercy of Allah, will make this test easier. This is a dua, reading which before an exam will relieve stress and help you perform better in the exam.

There are two things that are the source of success in any business - perseverance and the will of Allah. And simply pronouncing a dua will not bring good luck until a person has a sincere intention, makes an effort, shows perseverance, and most importantly, it is not the will of Allah Almighty. But we should not forget that a sincerely made dua asking Allah to grant good in this matter will in every possible way contribute to the successful outcome of the matter.

Dua for anxiety before exams

During exams, we feel tension and constant anxiety, which can affect the result, so we need to read dua for anxiety.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “If a person is worried about something, let him say: “O Ever-Living, Ever-Existing One, I resort to Your mercy and help” / “Ya Hayu ya Qayyum birahmatika astagys”/.

Dua for Exam Fear

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) taught his Companions to say the following words if they feel fear: “I take refuge in the perfect words of Allah from His anger, and the evil of His servants, and from the instigations of the devils and from their coming to me.” /A'uzubika bi kalimati Llahi at-tammati min gadabihi wa min sharri ibadhi wa min hamazat ash-shaitini wa an yahdurun/.

“Allahumma inni abduka ibnu abdika ibnu amatika nasyati biyadika mazyn fiya hukmuka, adlyun fiya kazauka, asaluka bikulli ismin huva laka sammaita bihi nafsaka, vaanzaltahu fi kitabika, wa allamtahu ahadan min halqika wa istasarta bihi fi i lmilgaibi indaka an tajalal Qur'ana rabia kalbi vanura sadri vajalyaa huzni wazahab gummi!”

اللّهُـمَّ إِنِّي عَبْـدُكَ ابْنُ عَبْـدِكَ ابْنُ أَمَتِـكَ نَاصِيَتِي بِيَـدِكَ، مَاضٍ فِيَّ حُكْمُكَ، عَدْلٌ فِيَّ قَضَاؤكَ أَسْأَلُـكَ بِكُلِّ اسْمٍ هُوَ لَكَ سَمَّـيْتَ بِهِ نَفْسَكَ أِوْ أَنْزَلْتَـهُ فِي كِتَابِكَ، أَوْ عَلَّمْـتَهُ أَحَداً مِنْ خَلْقِـكَ أَوِ اسْتَـأْثَرْتَ بِهِ فِي عِلْمِ الغَيْـبِ عِنْـدَكَ أَنْ تَجْـعَلَ القُرْآنَ رَبِيـعَ قَلْبِـي، وَنورَ صَـدْرِي وجَلَاءَ حُـزْنِي وذَهَابَ هَمِّـي

“O Allah, verily I am Thy servant, and the son of Thy servant, and the son of Thy handmaid. I am subject to You, Your decisions are binding on me, and the sentence You passed on me is fair. I conjure You by each of Your names, by which You called Yourself, or sent it down in Your Book, or revealed it to anyone of Your creation, or left it hidden from everyone except You, to make the Quran the spring of my heart, the light of my chest and the reason for the disappearance of my sadness and the end of my anxiety!

“Allahumma inni auzu bika minal-hammi wal-khazani wal-ajzi wal-kasali wal-bukhli wal-jubni vadali-ddaini vagalyabati-rijali.”

اللّهُـمَّ إِنِّي أَعْوذُ بِكَ مِنَ الهَـمِّ وَ الْحُـزْنِ، والعًجْـزِ والكَسَلِ والبُخْـلِ والجُـبْنِ

“O Allah, I resort to You from anxiety and sadness, weakness and laziness, stinginess and cowardice. »

Dua for good luck in exams

Wain yuridu an yahdaku fainna hasbaka Allahu huwa allazi ayadaka binasrihi wabialmumin.

وَإِنْ يُرِيدُوا أَنْ يَخْدَعُوكَ فَإِنَّ حَسْبَكَ اللَّهُ ۚ هُوَ الَّذِي أَيَّدَكَ بِنَصْرِهِ وَبِالْمُؤْمِنِينَ

If they want to deceive you, then Allah is enough for you. He supported you with His help and the believers (8:62).

Dua for good memory

Allahumma la sahlan illya maa jaAltahu sahlan wa anta tajAala l-khazanah iza shi'ta sahlan

“O Allah, nothing is easy except what You have made easy, and You make the difficult easy when You will.”

Dua for concentration in exam

“Sallallahu Alya Muhammadin wa Aali Muhammad. Allahumma inni as'aluka ya mazakkira l-kheiri wa faAiyalahu wa l-aamira bihi zakirni maa ansaanihi shaitan."

Dua for exam success

“Ya seyida saadaat ya mujiiba ddaAwaat ya raafiAa ddarajaat ya waliyya l-hasanaat ya gaafira l-khatiaat ya muAtia l-mas'alat ya kaabila taubaat ya saamiAa l-aswaat ya Aaalima l-hafiyaat Ya daafiAa l-baliyaat.”

“O Lord of lords, O Answerer of prayers, O Exalter in degrees, O Possessor of good, O Forgiver of sins, O Giver of what is asked for, O Receiver of repentance, O Hearer of voices, O Knower of hidden things, O Averter of disasters!”

Dua for clear speech

قَالَ رَبِّ اشْرَحْ لِي صَدْرِي وَيَسِّرْ لِي أَمْرِي وَاحْلُلْ عُقْدَةً مِنْ لِسَانِي يَفْقَهُوا قَوْلِي

"God! Open my chest for me! Make my mission easier! Untie the knot on my tongue so that they can understand my speech” (20:25-28).

Why did Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, never read the adhan?

Question: One infidel asked me a question that I could not answer. We know that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was an imam in prayer, but why was he not a muezzin, i.e. didn't read the adhan? Please, I really need it. Umar

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    Dua for study and memory

    1. To learn or understand something difficult, read:

    اللَّهُمَّ لاَ سَهْلاً إِلّاَ مَا جَعَلّتَهٌ سَهْلاً وَأَنّتَ تَجّعَلَ الحَزَنَ إِذَا شِئتَ سَهْلاً

    Allahumma la sahlan illya maa jaAltahu sahlan wa anta tajAala l-khazanah iza shi'ta sahlan

    “O Allah, there is nothing easy except what You have made easy, and You make the difficult easy when You will.”

    2. Dua for concentration:

    صَلّىَ اللهُ عَلى مُحَمّدٍ وَآلِ مُحَمّد. اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَسْألُكَ يَا مُذَكِرَ الخَيْرِ وَفَاعِلَهُ وَالآمِرَ بِهِ ذَكِرّنِي مَا اَنّسَانِهِ الشّيطَان

    Salla Allahu Alya Muhammadin wa Aali Muhammad. Allahumma inni as'aluka ya mazakkira l-heiri wa faAiilahu wa l-aamira bihi zakirni maa ansaanihi shaitan

    “May Allah bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad! O Allah, I ask You, O reminder of good and commander of it! Remind me of what Satan made me forget!”

    3. Dua for success and prosperity:

    يَا سَيِّدَ السَّادَاتِ يَا مُجِيبَ الدَّعَوَاتِ يَا رَافِعَ الدَّرَجَاتِ يَا وَلِيَّ الْحَسَنَاتِ يَا غَافِرَ الْخَطِيئَاتِ يَا مُعْطِيَ الْمَسْأَلاتِ يَا قَابِلَ التَّوْبَاتِ يَا سَامِعَ الأَصْوَاتِ يَا عَالِمَ الْخَفِيَّاتِ يَا دَافِعَ الْبَلِيَّاتِ

    Ya seyida saadaat ya mujiiba ddaAwaat ya raafiAa ddarajaat ya waliyya l-hasanaat ya gaafira l-hatiyaat ya muAtia l-mas'alat ya kaabila taubaat ya saamiAa l-aswaat ya Aaalima l-hafiyaat Ya daafiAa l-baliyaat

    “O Lord of lords, O Answerer of prayers, O Exalter in degrees, O Possessor of good, O Forgiver of sins, O Giver of what is asked for, O Receiver of repentance, O Hearer of voices, O Knower of hidden things, O Averter of disasters!”

    4. Dua to increase knowledge:

    Allahumma salli Alya muhammadin wa aali muhammad.

    Allahumma inni as'aluka Ailman nafiAan wa Amalan saalihan wa hifzan kaviyan wa fahman kaamilan wa Aklan saaliman birahmatika ya arkhama rrahimiin.

    Allahu sally Alya muhammadin wa aali muhammad.

    “In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful!

    O Allah, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad!

    O Allah, I ask You for useful knowledge and righteous deeds and strong memory and perfect understanding and sound mind, in the name of Your mercy, O Most Merciful of the Merciful!

    O Allah, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad!”

    5. To increase knowledge, read this dua 7 times after each obligatory prayer:

    “O my Lord, increase my knowledge!”

    6. If you forgot something and cannot remember, according to Imam Sadiq (A), you need to put your right hand on your forehead and read:

    Inni as'aluka ya mazakkira l-kheiri wa fa'Aiyalahu wa l-aamira bihi an tusalliyya Alya Muhammadin wa aali Muhammad wa tazakkirani maa ansaanihi shaitan

    “I ask You, O Reminder of good and Commander of it! Bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad and remind me of what Shaitan made me forget!”

    7. In order to speak well and quickly, often read Sura 62 “The Assembly”, and for a good memory you need to memorize Sura 87 “The Highest”.

    8. Regular reading of salawat to the Prophet (S) and his family (A) improves memory.

    9. So that other people understand and agree with your position, read:

    كاف ها يا عين صاد حا ميم عين سين قاف

    Kaf ha ya Aain saad ha mim Aain siin kaaf

    And then ayatf 25-28 of Surah Ta.Ha:

    Kaala Rabbi Shrach Lii Sadri Yassir Li Amri Vahlul Aukdatan min Lisaani Yafkahu Kauli

    He said: “Lord, expand my chest, and make things easier for me, and untie the knot in my tongue: let them understand my speech.”

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    Duas and deeds from the torment of death and interrogation in the grave


    Assalamu alaikum. At the end of the 28th verse of Surah “Ta.Ha” in the transliteration there was a typo “yafkazu” instead of “yavkahu”

    Wa alaikum assalam! Thanks, fixed it!

    Thank you very much! Very useful and necessary verses.

    Thank you very much for everything

    God help you and He will save you

    Thank you! And when you take the exam, you need to read Surah Anfal. I also read Rabbi Zidni Ilman on the water and ask for certain knowledge that I need at the moment.

    Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh! Thank you! Just what I was looking for

    Thank you for this wonderful article! May the ALMIGHTY be pleased with you.

    Thank you. I found what I was looking for, Alhamdullilah, Thank you!

    Hello. I really need advice on what dua to read, my 4.5 year old son speaks very poorly, slurred speech eats up the first letters of words. Cannot fully convey his thoughts. Tell me what to read?

    Hello! Unfortunately, I don’t know the dua for this particular case. But you can read general duas for all needs from this section: arsh313.com/prayers/ Such as “Dua Mashlul” etc. The Almighty will definitely hear you!

    Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh! I studied well at school, I had a good memory, then every year I felt that my memory was getting worse, when I taught lectures I started to yawn, my eyes watered, please help, tell me what to do.

  • One of the most blessed and significant events in the Muslim calendar is the Night of Predestination (or power - Laylatul-Qadr or Laylatul-Qadr). Her special status is evidenced by the fact that the Merciful and Merciful dedicated an entire sura to her in His Revelation, which is called “al-Qadr”.

    Our Creator explains in its opening verses:

    “The Night of Predestination is better than a thousand months. On this night the angels and Gabriel descend by the permission of their Lord according to all His commands" (97:3-4)

    “Better than a thousand months” in this case means that any good deed performed on the Night of Power, be it prayer, almsgiving or any other act, in terms of the amount of its reward will exceed the reward that a person could receive by performing this act for a period of time. 1000 months (or 83 years - an entire human life). It is for this reason that believers try to seek this night in order to receive as much reward as possible.

    Further in the sura it is said that angels and, in particular, the greatest of them, Gabriel, descend on this night. With the onset of the Night of Kadr, a huge number of angels descend on the mortal earth and fill our entire world. The angels reach such a number that the Shaitan in Laylatul-Qadr is deprived of any power, and during this night he cannot lead believers astray.

    The Night of Predestination is also called the Night of Power for the reason that Muslim theologians disagree about its exact name. Some believe that the word “al-Qadr” in this context is the same root as the word “qadara”, which in Arabic means “to predetermine.” Supporters of this position explain this name by the fact that Allah on this night deals with all people that should happen to them over the next year. In this regard, on Laylatul-Qadr, believers should ask the Lord for forgiveness of sins, and also do good deeds so that Allah predestined only good things for believers. Others tend to call it the Night of Power, since it carries the greatest dignity, multiplying our deeds a thousandfold.

    Time of attack of Laylatul-Qadr

    The exact date of the Night of Power is hidden from people. This is the special meaning and mercy of the Almighty, who wished that believers would seek her and be diligent in worship, not only for one night, but over a longer period of time.

    However, from the hadiths of the Messenger of Allah (s.w.w.), we know the time frame for the onset of Laylatul-Qadr. Many hadiths cited in the collections of al-Bukhari and Muslim say that it should be expected in the final ten days of the Holy month of Ramadan, and on odd days. At the same time, the most probable date of the Night of Qadr is the 27th, which is confirmed by the hadith cited by Abu Dawood.

    However, most Muslim scholars believe that it is necessary to look for the Night of Destiny in the last 10 days of Ramadan, and not rely only on the 27th.

    In addition, some theologians claim that on this night there are also special natural characteristics, having seen which you can recognize Laylatul-Qadr:

    • Cloudless weather, clear sky
    • The air temperature is not too hot, but not too cold either
    • Absence of wind, or its presence, but light and moderate
    • The special brightness of the stars and moon
    • Complete silence that even dogs rarely bark
    • Lack of stargazing
    • After the Night of Predestination, the sun rises without rays

    At the same time, not all scientists agree with this point of view. Some Muslim theologians argue that there is no point in trying to look for the presence of these signs, since they are fictitious. Supporters of this opinion claim that if the signs listed above actually occurred on Laylatul-Qadr, then believers would know the exact date of its occurrence, which, in turn, contradicts Allah’s original plan to make the date hidden from people .

    How to Spend the Night Frame

    1. Perform additional prayers

    4. Perform other good deeds.

    The holy month of Ramadan for Muslims is a time of spiritual purification and improvement. And the most significant at this time is the Night of Predestination, or the Night of Power

    The Night of Al-Qadr, the Night of Predestination, or the Night of Power is a special holy night for Muslims, which occurs in the month of Ramadan.

    When is the Night of Al-Qadr

    The exact date of this night is unknown, but it usually falls on the last 10 days of the holy month of Ramadan. Many theologians pay attention to the night of the 27th day of the month of Ramadan, saying that this is the most likely time.

    The holy month of Ramadan for Muslims is a time of spiritual purification and improvement. And the Night of Predestination Laylatul-qadr is considered the most significant at this time, because the first suras of the Holy Quran were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad precisely then - in the Hira cave of Mount Jabal an-Nur.

    A little history

    On this night, according to Islamic sources, the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the praying Muhammad and, pointing to the scroll, said: “Read!” (Koran!). At this time, it is customary to ask God for forgiveness for sins committed and read the Koran.

    On this Night, the worship of the Lord, like any good deeds, even the most mundane, everyday ones, are more significant in terms of Divine reward than those that were performed over a thousand months.

    The name of the night in Arabic is Laylatul-Qadr, or Al-Qadr, translated into Russian as the Night of Predestination and Power. It can also be translated as “crowdedness.” According to legend, on this night such a huge number of angels descend to earth that they feel crowded.

    There is also another translation - “limitedness”. This interpretation is explained by the fact that awareness and knowledge of which night of the next month of Ramadan will be Laylatul-Qadr is limited by the Almighty.

    Most Islamic scholars believe that Night falls precisely on the night of the twenty-seventh day of the month of Ramadan. In this regard, solemn and festive events at both the state and local levels dedicated to this significant event are often held on the twenty-seventh day of the month of Ramadan.

    How to celebrate the Night of Power

    It is believed that this night has its own unusual shine and radiance. She is calm and cloudless.

    In Laylatul-Qadr, the best thing for a Muslim is to perform repentance (tawba) with both heart and tongue, so that Allah forgives all his sins. On this Night, missed prayers are performed, the Holy Quran is read, the mistakes of days and months spent are analyzed, past grievances are forgiven, plans for the future are made.

    You should ask for forgiveness for your sins, remember the Prophet Muhammad and turn to the Almighty in the language in which it is easier to express your thoughts. On the night of Al-Qadr, you should listen to your heart, and be energetic and patient in your affairs.

    Missing Night is considered an irreparable loss, so Muslims try to stay awake at night and wait for its onset.

    Theologians have more than once expressed the opinion that the exact time of the onset of the Night of Destiny is hidden from Muslims so that they would be far from sin and purify their thoughts every night.

    This year, the Muslim holy month of Ramadan began on May 27. During these days, believers must devote themselves completely to worshiping God in order to receive his mercy and forgiveness. During the month of Ramadan, Muslims must follow strict restrictions on food, pleasure and entertainment.

    Observing fasting during the days of Ramadan is proof of the faith and sincerity of believers, noted Khairiddin Abdullo, Head of the Department for Spiritual Culture and Spiritual Education of the all-Russian public movement “Tajik Labor Migrants”.

    First Deputy Chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Russia Rushan Abbyasov recalled that sincere prayers to the Almighty during the Night of Power and Predestination can change the course of the fate of the person asking.

    “Naturally, a person must work on himself, there is no medicine that you can take like a pill and change. A person himself must strive to make himself better, cleaner and more correct. This is why such a blessed month is given. Through fasting we realize a lot, we become imbued with a state of grace,” Abbyasov added.

    Believers spend the last ten nights of Ramadan in worship, hoping that their good deeds will fall on the night of Destiny, which surpasses the significance of a thousand months. Hafiz Ibn Rajab spoke about her, addressing believers: “O one who spent his life without acquiring anything good! Use the Night of Predestination to gain what you missed, because this Night is equivalent to your whole life!”

    Some hadiths give the signs of Laylatul-Qadr. From Ubadah ibn Samit it is reported that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said about the signs of the Night of Destiny: “The sign of the Night of Predestination is that this night is clean and bright, and the moon seems to shine in it. She is quiet and calm, neither cold nor hot. On this night one is not allowed to throw stars until morning comes. And another sign of it is that the sun rises evenly in the morning, without rays, like the moon on a full moon night, and the devils are not allowed to go out with it on this day.” (Ahmad).

    Also, Islamic scholars, based on reliable sources, have identified some signs of the attack of Laylatul-Qadr. Among them are the following:

    The Night of Predestination is bright, however, at present this can only be noticed in deserted places where there are no lights or lighting.

    The moon and stars shine brighter this night.

    On this night, believing slaves feel a special calm and reverence that they do not feel the rest of the time.

    The wind on this night is not hurricane and gusty, but most often it is light or moderate.

    Allah shows this night to some of the faithful in a dream, which has repeatedly happened to the righteous companions.

    From reading the night prayer, the believer receives pleasure that he cannot feel at other times.

    Another sign of the onset of the Night of Predestination is the appearance of the Moon, which looks like half a dish. The hadith narrated by Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, says that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, speaking about the signs of Laylat al-Qadr said: “How many of you remember how the moon rose, looking like half a dish?” (Muslim).

    It is also reported that Jabir, may Allah be pleased with him, reported that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: “The Night of Destiny was shown to me, and then I was made to forget about it. It is among the last ten nights of Ramadan. This night is open, bright, neither hot nor cold. And on this night the moon seems to outshine the stars, and the devils do not come out into it until dawn breaks.” (Ibn Khuzaimah, ibn Hibban).

    Every year the Night of Predestination falls on a different date. And opinions regarding the accuracy of its offensive may vary. Therefore, in order to be sure not to miss it, scientists advised spending all ten nights in worship. This is one of the Sunnahs of Ramadan. Since it is narrated from Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her: “When the last 10 days of Ramadan arrived, the prophet tightened his isar (that is, he worshiped with special zeal and moved away from his wives), practiced worship at night and woke up his family members (so that they would also pray).” He also said: “SubhanAllah! So many beautiful things were sent down on this night, as many as Allah sent down from His treasury! Oh, those who sleep in rooms! (addressing their wives) - i.e. calling them also to get up and spend this night in worship (Bukhari, Muslim).

    In the Koran, the Almighty also indicated its peculiarity:

    "On this night the angels and the Spirit descend" in large quantities, which does not happen at other times, “with the permission of their Lord according to all His commandments, and she brings peace with her.”

    “She is free from all troubles and brings peace with her.”, i.e. no misfortunes or evil occur in it, since the good it brings with it is immeasurably great.

    "before dawn", i.e. it begins at sunset and ends at dawn.

    May the Almighty help us to be more diligent this night and spend the last nights in the way that is most pleasing to Him!

    2016-12-29, 20:32

    Calendar of Muslim holidays for 2017

    The Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar used in Islam to determine the dates of religious holidays.

    The Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar used in Islam to determine the dates of religious holidays. 2017 according to the Muslim calendar is 1438 Hijri. The editors publish a calendar of holy days for Muslims.

    In 2017, Ragaib Night falls on March 30th.

    It is believed that the name of this night was given by angels. This year Ragaib Night falls on March 30th. On this night, duas are accepted, and innumerable rewards will be given for completed prayers, fasting and sadaqah. According to the clergy, it is advisable to spend this night in worship, performing nafil prayers, reading the Koran and dhikrs, and also asking for forgiveness for sins committed. Before the onset of this night, that is, on Thursday, it is advisable to fast.

    On the night of April 23, the Muslim world celebrates the holiday of Miraj - the journey of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Jerusalem and his ascension to heaven.

    On this day, after the obligatory night prayer, it is customary to perform a special prayer in honor of this event.

    Believers celebrate the Holy Night of Baraat (Night of Cleansing from Sins) on the night of May 10th.

    Theologians say that this is the second most holy night in Islam after Laylat al-Qadr (Night of Destiny). The word "baraat" is translated from Arabic as innocence, detachment, purity, liberation. According to Islamic tradition, on this night God shows mercy to all people, except adherents of polytheism and those who have malice in their hearts. Muslims treat this night with special trepidation and dedicate it to prayers, asking Allah for mercy and forgiveness. Some interpreters of the Book of Allah believe that the Quran was sent down on the Night of Qadr, while others believe that the entire Holy Book was sent down to the firmament of the earth on the Night of Baraat.

    The Night of Laylat al-Qadr, or the Night of Power and Predestination, will come in 2017 on the night of June 21.

    According to sources, Laylat al-Qadr is the night when angels descend to earth, and the prayer said on this night has much greater power than all the prayers in the year. This is the night when the fate of every person, his life path, the difficulties and trials that must be passed are predetermined in heaven, and if you spend this night in prayer, in understanding your actions and possible mistakes, then Allah will forgive your sins and be merciful. Therefore, Laylat al-Qadr is usually held in a mosque. It is also believed that at this time all evil retreats from people - the night is filled with goodness and peace.

    The holiday of the end of fasting - Oraza Ait will take place on June 25.

    The tradition of charitable offerings (alms) is very important, when food or money is collected for those in need. It is believed that it is no less important before the holiday to ask for forgiveness from those to whom you are guilty and, in turn, forgive everyone.

    Arafah Day is celebrated on August 31st.

    According to theologians, this is the most valuable day of the year. For performing good deeds on this day, the reward increases many times over, as does the amount of punishment for sins.

    Eid al-Adha in 2017 falls on September 1st.

    The Feast of Sacrifice is one of the two great holidays in Islam, celebrated on the tenth day of the twelfth month of the Muslim calendar - Dhul-Hijjah. The essence of the holiday is getting closer to God, turning to him. The very word “kurban” in the Muslim tradition means approaching. According to tradition, on the days of Kurban Ait, a believer must show love and mercy to his neighbors and help those in need. One third of the meat of the sacrificial animal is given to the poor as alms.

    September 2, 3 and 4 are Tashriq days.

    On these holidays, theologians advise Muslims to increase their reading of the Koran, dhikrs and takbirs many times over. Scholars divide takbirs into two groups.

    Muslims will celebrate the New Year 1439 Hijri on September 21.

    The Islamic calendar begins its countdown with the migration of the Prophet Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Yathrib (later called Medina). Hijra, which means migration in Arabic, is an Islamic calendar compiled in accordance with the Koran, and its strict observance is the sacred duty of every Muslim. The Muslim Hijri calendar is based on the lunar annual cycle. The lunar year is shorter than the solar year and is 354-355 days, and therefore, from year to year there is a kind of shift of the solar calendar from the lunar calendar by 11-12 days. The Hijri months are in no way tied to the seasons or to seasonal work, so the new year can begin at different times of the year - in summer, autumn, and winter.

    Ashura Day in 2017 falls on September 30th.

    This day, according to the Koran, marks the creation of heaven, earth, angels, and the first man - Adam. On Ashura Day, believers thank God. In addition, on this holiday it is customary to perform as many good deeds as possible.