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The night of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad. Great Islamic Library

The word "Kurban" means "to come closer", "to be closer." As a religious term, it means sacrificing an animal at a specific time, with the intention of worship, to bring one's heart closer to Allah Almighty.

Qurbani in Islam is one of the types of worship performed by property. This is an expression of gratitude to Allah Almighty for the blessings He has sent down. Sacrifice became wajib (obligatory) in the second year of Hijri. Its obligation is justified by the verses of the Holy Quran, the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him!) and Ijma (the unanimous opinion of Islamic theologians). Kurban is the sunnah of Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him!). Our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him!) said:

“Kurban is the sunnah of our father Ibrahim (peace be upon him!) (Abu Daud).Types of obligatory (wajib) Qurbani

Kurban Ismail

Qurban Ismail is a sacrifice performed during the Eid al-Fitr holiday and is obligatory for people who own property in the amount of nisab (i.e. for people for whom payment of zakat is fard).

Nazir Kurban

This is a sacrifice that was promised to Allah. The word "nazir" means "promise", "vow". This Qurbani is (fard). In order for Nazir Kurban to be performed correctly, the following conditions must be met:

1. The animal for Nazir Qurbani must belong to one of the types of animals intended for wajib Qurbani.

2. Nazir Kurban should not coincide with Wajib Kurban.

Z. Nazir Kurban should not contradict the will of the Almighty.

4. Nazir Qurban cannot be made from someone else's property, since you can only promise your own property.

5. Nazir Kurban should not exceed a person’s capabilities and should not be beyond his strength.

Neither the person who made the sacrifice nor his family (children, grandchildren, father, mother, grandparents) can eat the meat of Nazir Kurban. All meat must be distributed to the poor. If the owner eats even a little of this meat, then he must distribute sadaqah (alms) to the poor, equal to the cost of the meat eaten.

Kurban Thanksgiving (Hadiy)

This Qurbani is obligatory (wajib) for those who perform Hajj Kiran and Hajj Tamattu.

Kurban of Atonement (Jaza Kurban)

This is Wajib Kurban, which is offered for committing some unlawful acts during the Hajj.

Types of additional (nafil) Kurban

Akyka Kurban

Kurban performed at the birth of a child. The hair on a newborn's head is called "akika". As a sign of gratitude to the Almighty for his wonderful gift, a sacrifice is made, which is called “Akika”. Kurban Akika is the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him!). It is reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him!) sacrificed a ram for his grandson Hussein.

This sacrifice can be performed from the day the child is born until he comes of age. But it is better to do this on the 7th - 14th or 25th day of the child’s life. The most favorable day is the 7th day. On the same day, the hair on the child's head is cut, and alms are given equal to the weight of the child's hair expressed in silver. This is (nafil) Kurban, that is, additional benefit and intercession. For example: Intercession of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him!) on the Day of Judgment

Qurban of those who performed Hajj Ifrad

Sacrifice is not wajib for those who have performed Hajj Ifrad. At your own discretion, you can perform an additional (nafil) Kurban.

Kurbani performed outside the holiday

Shukur Kurban

These are Kurbans made at any time, for any reason, as an expression of gratitude to Allah Almighty Nafil Kurban.

Proof of the necessity of Kurban.

"... perform prayer for the sake of your Lord and slaughter the sacrifice" (Surah Al-Kawsar, verse 2). According to the generally accepted opinion, the word “namaz” in this verse means “holiday prayer”, and the word “slaughter” means “Kurban” on holidays.

“Neither their meat nor their blood reaches Allah. Only your fear of God reaches him..." (Surah Al-Hajj 37)

The value of Qurbani

The Koran says: “Therefore perform prayer for the sake of your Lord and slaughter the sacrifice.” (Sura Ap-Kausar, 2)

Undoubtedly, the value of actions (actions) is measured by intention. If Kurban is brought for the sake of the Almighty, then you can count on a reward. For example, Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him!) prayed like this:

“I sincerely turned my face to the One who created the heavens and the earth, and I do not belong to the polytheists!” (Surah Al-An'am, 79). Another verse says: “Say: “Verily, my prayer and my worship, my life and my death are dedicated to Allahu" (Sura Al-An'am, 162-163)

Therefore, every independent Muslim should take Eid very seriously. Only sincere believers perform Kurban, the essence of which is to get closer to Allah Almighty. It may be added that the proof of iman is the fulfillment of religious duties.

Qurban status

Qurbani is wajib.

For whom is Kurban obligatory?

In order for Eid to become mandatory, the following conditions must be met. A man must:

Be a Muslim.

Be competent.

Be an adult.

To be free.

To be a tormentor, that is, not to be on a journey.

Have the means to pay Zakat

Conditions of Kurban

The conditions of Kurban are the sacrifice of one of the permitted animals. Without slaughtering an animal, donating it or a sum of money equal to its value to those in need is not committing Kurban. The above actions can be regarded as sadaqah.

Nisab Qurbana

Nisab is the quantity (size) of property, the possession of which makes the worship associated with the property obligatory.

Nisab of Qurbana is the possession of property exceeding 20 mithqals (i.e. 80.18 g) of gold (or this amount in monetary or material terms), minus the basic needs of a person (which includes his housing, necessary household utensils, riding animals , clothing, annual expenses for himself and for those whom he is obliged to provide for) and his debts. That is, someone who has the nisab of Kurban is considered a wealthy person, and Kurban is obligatory for him. He is obliged to perform a sacrifice annually on the days of Kurban.

Conditions for fulfilling Kurban

Qurbani takes place at a specific time

The time of sacrifice is the first, second and third days of Eid al-Adha.

Bringing Kurban at night is makruh (reproachable), since due to darkness it is possible to make mistakes in the ritual of sacrifice. It is reported that Bera bin Azit (may Allah be pleased with him!) said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him!) said: “The first thing we must do on this day is- is to read namaz, A then return and bring our qurbani.” (Bukhari, Muslim)

The sacrificial animal must be healthy

It is necessary to pay special attention to the state of health and the absence of physical defects in animals that are intended for Kurban. We can divide the defects of sacrificial animals into two groups: acceptable and unacceptable.

Acceptable defects

Poor vision, strabismus;

Lameness in one leg but ability to walk on the other legs;

Congenital absence of horns or parts thereof;

Perforated, branded or docked ends of the ears;

Missing several teeth;

Removal of a small part of the tail or ear;

Congenital shortening of the ears;

The animal is castrated by torsion of the testicles.

But the best option is to sacrifice an animal that does not have such disadvantages.

Unacceptable defects

Blindness in one or both eyes;

Lameness that does not allow the animal to independently reach the place of slaughter;

Both or one ear is cut off completely to the base;

Most teeth are missing;

Broken horns or one horn to the base;

The tail is docked to half or more;

Absence (falling off) of nipples on the udder;

Extreme exhaustion and weakness of the animal;

Congenital absence of an ear or tail;

Violence that prevents joining the herd;

An animal that eats sewage.

From the point of view of Shariah, it is clear that animals with such characteristics should not be sacrificed. Kurban is also not imposed on animals that have a large number of acceptable defects.

What animals are included in the Qurbani category?

Kurban can be made from three types of animals:

1. Sheep and goats;

2. Cows, bulls and buffaloes;

Z. Camels.

Of the other animals, Qurbani is impossible. Of these three types of animals, both males and females can be sacrificed. The sacrifice of a ram and a goat is considered preferable. Sheep and goats must be one year old, cattle two years old, and camels five years old. But if the lamb at the age of six months gains the weight of a yearling, then its sacrifice is permitted. And cattle and camels can be sacrificed either by one person or on behalf of seven people at the same time. Note: Companions must unite with the intention of making a sacrifice for the sake of Allah. If one of them aims only to buy meat, then the Kurban will not be valid for any of them.

How is the ritual of sacrifice performed?

In our religion, the sacrificial animal is slaughtered as follows:

1. The animal is delivered to the place of sacrifice without violence.

2. Without torturing the animal, place it on its left side, with its head towards the Qibla.

3. Three legs are tied (of small cattle), and the right hind leg is left free, and then the intention (niyat) is made to the Almighty on behalf of the person asking.

4. The people present recite the Takbir out loud together: “Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. La ilaha illallahu wallahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar wa lillahil hamd"- repeated 3 times.

5. After this, parts of the verses from Surah Al-An'am (162 -163) are read, like the du'a of Kurban:

"A"uzu billahi mina-shshaitani-rrajim. Bismi-llahi-rrahmani-rrahim. Kul inna salati wa nusuki wa makhyaya wa mamati lillahi Rabbil "alamin. La balla lyahu..."

“Say: “Verily, my prayer, my worship [of Allah], my life and death are in the power of Allah, the Lord [inhabitants] worlds, along with which there is no[other] deities"

6. After this du "a, it is pronounced "Bismillahi Allahu Akbar" and cut the animal's throat with a knife.

After this, dua is performed, asking Allah for mercy and mercy to fulfill what is desired on earth and in heaven in another life.

Additionally, you can perform (nafil) after the sacrifice a 2-rak'at prayer, asking the Almighty to fulfill what you want. In this regard, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him!) conveys the good news: “Everyone who makes a sacrifice, after releasing the knife from his hands, let him recite 2 rak’ats of prayer. Whoever reads this 2-rak’at prayer, Allah will give him what he wishes.”

How is Kurban distributed (distributed)?

Qurbani meat

It is advisable (mustahab) to divide it into three parts:

One part is distributed to neighbors and relatives.

The second part is given to the poor and needy.

The third part is left to his family.

In this way, the meat of Qurbani finds its proper place. Because Allah Almighty commands: “...Eat from them (sacrificial animals), and feed those who are content with little, and those who ask frompoverty"(Sura " Al-Hajj", 36), “Eat from them and feed the needy sufferer!”(Surah Al-Hajj, 28).

Prohibited parts of permitted animals to eat

There are 7 parts (organs) of permitted animals that are haram (forbidden) to eat:

1. Released animal blood;

2. Male genital organ;

H. Female genitals;

4. Gallbladder;

5. Blood thickened in meat;

6. Bladder;

7. Testicles of males.

(the latter, according to some opinions, is makruh).

Wisdom of Qurban

1. Helps to approach the Almighty and achieve His Contentment.

2. Allah does not need Qurbani, as well as other types of worship, but the Almighty tests His slaves with the command of sacrifice and measures the degree of closeness to Himself.

Z. And also the Kurban helps to remind that Ismail (peace be upon him!) was saved from being sacrificed.

4. The annual sacrifice of a thousand animals is a symbolic expression of the willingness to sacrifice all one's property for the sake of worship and submission to the commands of the Almighty.

5. The canon of sacrifice in Islam is also a great blessing and mercy for the poor and needy

Benefits of Kurban

1. Verily, Qurbani is made obligatory to pay tribute of gratitude for the annual worldly benefit, and thereby an obligatory debt is rendered to the Almighty.

2. Sins are forgiven and sawab is earned.

Z. Kurban will become a support for the owner on the Day of Judgment, which will guide him across the Syrat bridge and will be the reason for his salvation.

4. Help the poor and needy and help meet their humble needs.

Qurbani, not consumed by the owner himself, are obligatory for distribution.

There are some qurbani that the people who killed them and their relatives cannot use. Since this meat must be completely distributed to the poor. These are the Qurbani listed below:

a) Nazir (promised) Kurban;

b) Kurban bequeathed by a person during his lifetime, and which the heirs sacrificed after his death from one third of his property.

c) Kurban, not slaughtered for any reason on holidays, which must be given as sadaka.

Is the sacrifice made for the deceased?

One can make Qurban with the intention of transferring the sawab (reward) for it to a deceased relative or loved one.

Takbirs Tashriq

The Eid holiday begins on the 10th day of the month of 3ul-Hijjah according to the lunar calendar and lasts 4 days. To the four holiday days, the day of “Arafa” is added (9th day of the month of 3ul-Hijjah). These 5 days are called “Ayyam Tashrik” (Days of Tashrik). On these days, after fard prayers, takbirs are pronounced. These takbirs are also called “Takbirs of Tashrik”.

The takbirs of Tashrik begin with the morning prayer on the day of “Ara fa and end with the evening prayer on the 4th day of the holiday - the 23rd day in a row. These takbirs are wajib and are proclaimed loudly.

The words of Takbir: “Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, la ilaha illallahu wallahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar Wa lillahil hamd.”

Actions that are honorable (mustahab) to perform on the holiday night and days

1. Holiday nights are spent in prayer and worship, reading missed prayers. They read the Koran and ask for forgiveness. After all, du'a made on the holiday night are accepted.

2. On a holiday morning, get up early and take a bath.

H. Wear clean or new clothes.

4. Use good incense.

5. If possible, go to prayer on foot.

6. Smile and be joyful.

7. Give more sadaqa to the poor and needy.

8. On the way to the holiday prayer, recite takbirs.

9. If a person is going to perform Qurbani, then it is advisable to abstain from food until he can taste the meat of his Qurbani.

10. Eating Qurbani meat, as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did.

11. Be generous to your family.

The day of the holiday and its prayer

The holiday became obligatory in the 2nd year of the Hijri. At the time of the migration of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him!) to Medina, the inhabitants of Medina had two holidays. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him!) asked: "What is this behind days? The Medinians replied: “We have been dancing and having fun these days since the days of jahiliyyah (ignorance).” Why did the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him!) said: “Instead of these days, Allah Almighty gave you two best days: “Eid-ul-Fitr (the end of the Ramadan fast) and “Eid-ul-Adha (Eid al-Adha).” (Abu Daoud).

The Koran says: “Perform prayer for the sake of your Lord and slaughter sacrifice" (Surah Al-Kawthar 2). According to the most authoritative interpretation, the word “namaz” is the prayer of Eid al-Adha. It is reliably known that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him!) I myself personally performed holiday prayers.

According to the madhhab of Imam Abu Hanifa, namaz Eid al-Adha - wajib.

How is Eid prayer performed?

The obligatory holiday collective (with jamaat) prayer consists of 2 rak'ahs. In the first rak'ah, "subhanaka" is read, after which the imam says out loud, and the jamaat - silently, takbir - "Allahu Akbar" three times. In the first two takbirs, the arms are raised and lowered along the body. After the third takbir, hands are folded without lowering. The imam reads Al-Fatiha, verses (or surah) from the Koran. Then they perform ruku and soot. They rise to the second rak'ah. The imam reads Al-Fatiha and verses (or sura) from the Koran. Then, as in the first rak'ah, three takbirs are made. In all three takbirs, the arms are raised and lowered along the body. the fourth takbir is ruku,” and then soot. Then, while sitting, at-Tahiyat, Allahummasalli, Allahummabarik, Rabbana are read, then salam is given. After this, the imam ascends the minbar and reads the khutbah. Du'a is made and the prayer ends.

Holiday prayers are important collective prayers, just like Friday prayers.

The khutbah is read after the prayer, as it is sunnah, and in the Friday prayer the khutbah is a condition for the Friday prayer and is read before it.

The Feast of Sacrifice marks the end of the Hajj - the pilgrimage to Mecca

On September 1, 2017, Muslims will celebrate one of the main Islamic holidays, Eid al-Adha (Arabic name - Eid al-Adha) or the holiday of sacrifice, dedicated to the end of the Hajj - the pilgrimage to Mecca.

Every year, Eid al-Adha is celebrated on the seventieth day after Eid al-Adha, that is, on the tenth day of the Islamic month of Dhul-Hijjah. Thus, in 2017 this holiday falls on September 1st.

The Festival of Sacrifice dates back to the story of the test of the prophet Ibrahim with a sacrifice in honor of Allah. As the Koran tells, Jabail, an angel, appeared to Ibrahim and conveyed the command from Allah to sacrifice his son (the first word of Allah). Being pious, Ibrahim obeyed the command of the Almighty and began to prepare to sacrifice his son Ismail. Ismail, having learned about his fate, also did not resist, since he was obedient to both his father and God. However, at the last moment, when the sacrificial dagger had already been brought up, Allah made sure that the son of Ibrahim was not stabbed. Subsequently, a ram was sent to slaughter instead. Ibrahim was blessed because his faith passed the test.

Celebrating the day of sacrifice, even if it does not take place in Mecca, begins early in the morning. At first light, Muslims go to the mosque for morning prayer, but first they must perform a complete ablution, put on new and neat clothes, and, if possible, anoint themselves with incense. It is not recommended to eat before prayer.

On this holiday, Muslims perform ablution and dress up in festive clothes; it is especially important that the outfits are in light colors. Therefore, there is no need to wear dark things.

At the end of the morning namaz (prayer), believers return home, and then, if desired, gather in groups on the street or in courtyards, where they sing the praises of Allah (takbir) in chorus. Then they go again to the mosque or to a specially designated area, where the mullah or imam-khatib delivers a sermon.

On this Muslim holiday, it is considered obligatory to sacrifice to Allah a young lamb, cow or camel up to a year old, without external defects and without offspring. The sacrifice is divided into three parts: the owner of the house keeps the first for himself, donates the second to the community, and distributes the third to the poor on the street. If after the feast part of the sacrificial animal was not eaten, then the very next day it cannot be eaten. The skins of the killed animals are given to the temple.

Let us remind you that in Muslim countries Eid al-Fitr is a holiday, and in some countries Eid al-Adha is celebrated for three days.

“The word “kurban” translated from Arabic means “approaching”, “proximity”. By doing good deeds during the holiday, we get closer to the mercy of Allah,” explains the meaning of the word Head of the dagvat direction of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Republic of Tatarstan Niyaz Hazrat Sabirov.

By fasting and prayer

Muslims celebrate Eid al-Fitr on the 10th day of the month of Dhul-Hijjah and celebrate for four days. At the same time, preparations for Eid al-Fitr begin in advance. So, 9 days before the holiday, it is advisable for every Muslim to start fasting. During fasting, as in, it is prescribed to abstain from food and water from dawn to dusk, bad words and deeds, and also to worship the Almighty more. The first days of the month of Dhul-Hijjah (in 2017 it began on August 23) are especially valuable, as Allah increases the reward for good deeds.

The day preceding Eid al-Fitr is called the day of Arafah. In 2017 it falls on August 31st. Pilgrims in Saudi Arabia gather in the sacred Arafat Valley, where they perform the main ritual - standing on the mountain. It was in this valley, according to Islamic traditions, that Adam and Chava met.

“After Allah sent Adam and Hawwa to earth, they could not see each other for a long time. After numerous requests for forgiveness, the Almighty had mercy on them. Having met in the valley, they spent the whole day in prayer,” says Niyaz Hazrat Sabirov.

Believers who are not on Hajj on the day of Araf observe strict fasting and pray to Allah. From the morning prayer of the day of Arafah, takbirs (words exalting Allah) are added to the prayer, which must be pronounced out loud by men and silently by women after each prayer for 5 days (in 2017, from the morning of August 31 to the evening of September 4). In addition, on holidays, in addition to the 5-fold prayer, you need to say additional prayers, night prayers (tahajjud prayer) and more often pronounce words of remembrance of the Almighty (La ilaha illallah, Allahu akbar, Alhamdu lillah).

“Muslims need to spend the day of Arafah usefully. For performing good deeds on this day, the reward increases many times over. One hadith says that when the Prophet Muhammad was asked about fasting on the day of Arafah, he said: “The sins of the one who fasts on this day will be washed away for the previous and subsequent years,” Niyaz quoted Hazrat.

Believers read namaz in the mosque. Photo: AiF-Kazan/ Ruslan Ishmukhametov

The night before Eid al-Adha should be spent in prayer. You should read the Koran, perform Tahajjud prayer, and ask Allah for forgiveness. It is believed that prayer made before the holiday is accepted by the Almighty. The prophet has a saying: “The soul of the one who spends the nights of holidays (Eid al-Adha and Kurban Bayram), counting on reward, in worship, will not perish on the Day of Judgment, when the hearts of many die.”

Towards morning, the men wash themselves, put on clean clothes and go to the mosque, reciting takbirs along the way. Morning prayer is performed in the mosque, then the imam reads the Koran and the holiday sermon. The holiday prayer is performed 30 minutes after sunrise. Only after this can the ritual of sacrifice begin.

Rules of sacrifice

The sacrifice can be performed by every Muslim who has reached the age of majority, has a permanent place of residence (not necessary for a traveler performing the Hajj), has sound mind, and is wealthy.

You can sacrifice: a goat, sheep or ram over the age of one year (from one person). A bull or cow from two years old (up to seven people). Camel from five years (up to seven people).

The men divide the sacrificial animal into three parts. Photo: AiF-Kazan/Maria Zvereva

Women don't go to the mosque

On the day of Arafah, women clean the house, buy gifts and food for the table. The night is also spent in prayer, then they wash, change into fresh clothes and begin to prepare the festive table. At the same time, only men go to the mosque, women stay at home.

“On the day of the holiday, it is customary to invite guests. In the morning, tables are set in the houses, and after cutting up the animal carcass, women begin to prepare dishes from the sacrificial meat. Also on Eid al-Adha you need to visit the sick, orphans, and give affection and care to people. Family holidays are held on the territory of mosques, where people are treated to refreshments. This great holiday for Muslims lasts 4 days: during this time you need to go to the cemetery, pray for the souls of the deceased, visit your parents more often, and ask for their blessings,” says Niyaz Hazrat Sabirov.

Women stay at home on holiday and cook food. Photo: AiF/ Aliya Sharafutdinova

Eid al-Adha or Eid al-Adha(Arabic: عيد الأضحى‎‎‎ - holiday of sacrifice) in Islam is a day of joy, thanksgiving, worship, brotherhood, solidarity and morality. A Muslim should take advantage of this day to be closer to Allah Almighty.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

“Every nation has its own holiday, and this is your holiday.”

Here he referred to the fact that these two holidays (Eid al-Fitrr and Eid al-Adha) are exclusively for Muslims.

Muslims have no other holidays except these two. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) said:

“The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) came to Medina, the people of Medina celebrated two holidays. On these two days they had carnivals and festivals. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) asked the Ansars (Muslims of Medina) about this. They replied that before Islam they had carnivals on these two joyful days. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told them: “Instead of these two days, Allah appointed two other days that are better, the days of Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha” (Abu Dawud).

These two holidays are among the signs of Allah to which we must pay attention and understand their purposes. Below we will look in detail at the rules and etiquette of the Eid al-Adha holiday.

Eid al-Fitr rules

  1. Fast. Fasting on this day is haram. According to the hadith of Abu Saeed al-Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him), which reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) forbade fasting on the day of Fitr and on the day of Adha (Muslim).
  2. Holiday prayer. Some scholars say that the Eid prayer is wajib (due, but not with as strong evidence as fard). This is according to the scholars of the Hanafi madhhab and Sheikh al-Islam ibn Taymiyyah. Some scholars say that the Eid prayer is fard Kifaya (obligatory for the Muslim community). This is the opinion of the Hanbalis. The third group is of the opinion that the Eid al-Adha prayer is a sunnah of muakqada (actions that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) performed constantly and omitted very rarely). This opinion is shared by the Malikis and Shafi'is.
  3. Additional prayers. There are no additional prayers that take place before or after the Eid prayer. Ibn Abbas reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) prayed two rak'ahs on the day of Eid al-Adha without additional prayers before and after. This is the case if the prayer is offered in an open space. However, if people perform Eid prayer in the mosque, then they must pray two rak'ahs of the Tahiyatul Masjid prayer (after entering the mosque).
  4. Women's participation in holiday prayer. In accordance with the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), everyone is strongly encouraged to take part in the Eid prayer and compete with each other in piety and fear of God. A woman during her period should not leave the remembrance of Allah or places of meeting for the purpose of seeking knowledge and remembrance of Allah - except mosques. Women certainly should not go out without wearing a hijab.

Eid etiquette

  1. Ghusl(complete ablution). It is considered proper to take a bath on the day of Eid al-Adha before going to prayer. It was reported that Saeed ibn Jubair said: “Three things are sunnah on the day of Eid: going to the place of Eid prayer, taking a bath and eating before going out (if it is Eid al-Fitr).”
  2. Food before going to prayer. Unlike the holiday of Eid al-Fitr, on which it is recommended to take an odd number of dates before going to prayer, on Eid al-Fitr it is recommended not to eat until the end of the holiday prayer, when you can eat the meat of a sacrificial animal.
  3. Takbir on the day of Eid al-Fitr. This is one of the biggest sunnahs on this day. Al-Darakutni and others reported that when Ibn Umar went out on Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, he would diligently recite takbir until he reached the place of prayer and continued to recite takbir until the imam arrived.
  4. Congratulations on the holiday. People can exchange Eid greetings and good wishes in any verbal form. For example, they can say to each other “Takabbal Allahu minna wa minkum” (May Allah accept from you and from us), “Eid mubarak” (Happy holiday). Jubair ibn Nufair said: “In the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), when people met each other on the day of Eid, they would say: “Takabbal Allahu minna wa minkum” (Reported by Ibn Hajar)
  5. Wearing your best clothes on Eid day. Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) had a jubba (cloak) that he wore on Eid and on Fridays.” Al-Bayhaqi reported that Ibn Umar wore his best clothes on Eid, thus men should wear their best clothes when they go out on Eid.
  6. Changing the route upon returning from Eid prayer. Jabir ibn Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) changed his route upon returning from Eid prayers on the day of Eid. (Al-Bukhari).