home · Other · Temperature standards for batteries in an apartment temperature chart. What should be the temperature of pipes, radiators, radiators in the apartment. What to do if there is no heating

Temperature standards for batteries in an apartment temperature chart. What should be the temperature of pipes, radiators, radiators in the apartment. What to do if there is no heating

As a rule, increasing tariffs for residential heating leads to people's dissatisfaction with the quality of heat. This can be called simply a negative reaction to increased bill amounts, but it may well be that the temperature of the water in the heating radiators is very far from normal. In this situation, consumers should be aware of their rights and responsibilities, and that they can request a refund from the service provider.

You should always check the water temperature level in the radiators

Parameters for starting heating

As autumn approaches, the temperature outside becomes lower and lower, people touch their batteries every day and hope that today they will become hot. If this does not happen, then the residents look for the culprits, but in fact, all standards for the supply of heat to houses are specified in Resolution No. 354 of 2011.

This document states that heat is supplied at an outside temperature of 8 degrees Celsius, if it lasts for five days in a row. If this indicator fluctuates in one direction or the other over the specified time, then the radiators and risers in the apartments will remain cold.

Heat is supplied only on the sixth day and, as a rule, in most cases the heating season begins on October 15 and ends on April 15.

In this video you will learn the temperature standards in the apartment:

Standards for an apartment

Temperature standards in heating radiators are different for a particular room. The air in apartments should be heated to the following level:

  • living area and kitchen - +18°C;
  • corner apartments - +20°C;
  • bathroom and toilet - +25°C.

Corner apartments should be heated more strongly due to the presence of cold corner walls. The standards for common premises are slightly different:

  • entrance - +16°C;
  • elevator - +5°C;
  • attic and basement - +4°C.

Measurements in a residential area are made on the internal walls no closer than a meter from the outer wall and one and a half meters from the floor level.

If the parameters do not comply with the standards, the consumer must notify the management company. After the required checks, the heat charge can be reduced by 0.15% per hour of deviation from the standards.

Battery temperature

There are minimum and maximum standards. Sometimes, even when heating is started, there is not enough heat in the room due to the fact that the temperature of the radiators is far from the standards. The reason for this is the banal airiness of the system. You can fix the problems with the help of a specialist or yourself using a Mayevsky crane.

If the problem arises due to worn-out riser pipes or batteries, then you simply cannot do without the help of specialists. If the heating system did not work and the air in the apartment was colder than specified in GOST standards, then this entire period is not subject to payment.

To find out the temperature norm, you need to study SNiP

There are no minimum temperature standards for heating radiators, so it is customary to rely on the air parameters in the apartment. Normal air parameters during the heating period are +16…+25°C.

To document that the temperature of the heating system does not meet the norm, it is necessary to invite an authorized representative of the heating service provider. What the water temperature in the batteries should be is described in SNiP 41−01 of 2003:

  1. If a two-pipe design is used in the room, then 95°C is the maximum.
  2. The norm for a single-pipe design is +115°C.
  3. The winter temperature norm for heating radiators in an apartment is +80…+90°C. If it approaches +100°C, then urgent measures must be taken to prevent water from boiling in the system.

Although many battery manufacturers often specify a maximum temperature threshold that is high, you should not reach it frequently as this will damage the battery.

To ensure that the heating complies with GOST standards, you need to take your own measurements and understand what the temperature of the water in the heating radiators is:

  1. An ordinary mercury thermometer can be used, but then 2°C will need to be added to the result obtained.
  2. An infrared thermometer will also work.
  3. The alcohol thermometer must be tightly tied to the battery, wrapped in thermal insulation.

If the results obtained are far from normal, then you need to submit an application to the heating network office with a request to carry out control measurements. A commission will visit the apartment and make all the necessary calculations.

Actions in the absence of heat

If there is any discrepancy between the heating system and GOST, you need to find the cause of the cold radiators. The best person to deal with this will be the specialists of the supplier company, who will be able to officially record the temperature in the living room.

If the problem is caused by poor-quality maintenance of the systems of an apartment building, then the solution to the problem lies entirely with the organization supplying the heat. At the same time, all residents should be recalculated for heat or they should be completely exempt from paying if the radiators did not heat at all.

Any application from the residents of the house to the communal structure must be considered as soon as possible, and the commission must record on the spot the fact of inadequacy of the services provided.

Knowing what the temperature of the radiators in the apartment should be and at what period the heating starts, each resident of an apartment building can determine for himself whether the temperature indicators comply with the established standards. This will help you take action in time and solve the heat problem.

Knowledge of room temperature standards will help detect a malfunction And apply for a decision to the appropriate authority.

Temperature indicators are regulated by standards GOST and SNiP.

What are the temperature standards in an apartment according to GOST in winter and summer?

The main indicator is indicated in the document by number 51617-2000. In accordance with it, the temperature should be:

  • on the flight of stairs - 14-20 degrees;
  • in the lobby and corridors - 16—22;
  • in hallways, living rooms and other rooms of the apartment - 18—25;
  • in the bathroom - about 24.

Regulates temperature more accurately GOST 30494-2011:

Minimum indicators

Heating rooms is important at any time of the year, but especially in winter.

The heating system has typical temperature values ​​that must be observed.

There is a small interval for each room presented in the table above. There is no minimum threshold as such.

But there are several indicators, a drop below which indicates a malfunction. This applies to space heating: the law allows a temperature drop up to 12, 8 and even 4 degrees, but only for a short period of time - 16, 8 and 4 hours respectively.

Maximum water temperature in radiators

SNiP 41-01-2003 sets temperature limits from above: heating of the coolant is allowed for piping from one pipe up to 115 degrees, of the two - up to 95°C. Despite the permitted values, they rarely exceed 80—85°C.

Attention! These rules apply to the interior parts of the heating system.

Parameters by which central heating in the house is turned on

The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation characterizes the need to turn on the heating at the average street temperature +8°C or less. When warming up, the temperature is measured +5°C or more. Both values ​​should last at least 5 days in a row.

Reasons for the lack of heat in the apartment

There are 5 problems, each of which has a solution:

  1. Wear of the piping during operation

A high percentage of apartment buildings were built during the Soviet era. Aged pipelines and boilers provide the building with heat, but do not have the proper efficiency.

Photo 1. Clogged pipes in an old heating system. Because of this, the flow of the coolant is disrupted and the radiators do not warm up well.

Outdated equipment is rarely replaced, distributors lack thermal insulation, and side problems arise. The solution is a major overhaul of the system throughout the building., but for this you need to contact the supplier with the appropriate act, with the signatures of the residents.

  1. Poor hardware setup

In some houses, heating maintenance is carried out by untrained specialists or high-quality personnel who do not have engineering diagrams. This leads to incorrect adjustment of the harness and, accordingly, malfunction. This is somewhat more difficult to deal with: the management company is unlikely to select new employees in connection with a single complaint. Therefore, it is recommended to submit a collective letter with a request to resolve this issue.

  1. There may be errors that occurred during the creation of the project or installation of heating.

They can be corrected by a major overhaul with redevelopment and replacement of pipelines.

  1. Illegal interference with the design or modification of the harness by the user or third parties.

Some residents of apartment buildings independently change the heating system in their apartment, without thinking about the consequences for their neighbors. Violations are:

  • increased number of radiator sections;
  • expanded heating area;
  • connection of additional equipment, for example, heated floors.
  1. High thermal conductivity of building walls, low radiation protection, other violations of technology during construction.

This mainly applies to old houses, in which the insulation is made of low-quality materials or is missing. Over time, they also wear out, which degrades performance.

This leads to loss of heat going outside. Sometimes a similar problem affects modern buildings: builders may use an unsuitable, less effective, but cheaper analogue.

As a result, residents suffer. The solution to this problem is almost complete refurbishment of the heating system, major renovation of the building.

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How to measure battery temperature

You can measure the temperature of radiators as follows:

  1. Place a container, for example a basin, under the drain tap and place a thermometer in it.
  2. The valve is opened and the volume is filled with water.
  3. Waiting for the device to react.

The obtained temperature value may deviate from those presented in the table above 1 degree down or 3 up. For example, if according to documents in the radiator 85 degrees then it is allowed 84—88. If the temperature drops further, it is necessary to write a corresponding report to the management company or heating service provider. The same applies to excessively large numbers.

There are 5 ways to check the temperature:

  • presented above;
  • simply applying a thermometer to the pipes (add to the result two degrees);
  • using an infrared pyrometer: it is sent to the harness and wait for the result, the error is about 0°C;
  • the alcohol thermometer is wrapped in a heat-resistant material, for example, foam rubber, and taped to the battery, then throughout the day readings are taken every hour;
  • use an electrical meter, fixing the sensor on the harness.

Along with the temperature, the system pressure should be checked by installing a pressure gauge. If the indicator exceeds 2 atmospheres, you need to file a complaint about air pollution with the Housing Office. This problem is also easy to detect when draining the water.

How to adjust and increase heat transfer

To change the temperature of heating radiators, it is necessary to install special regulators on them. There are 4 types of such devices: regulators with a locking mechanism, manually controlled valves, thermostats with automatic settings, radiator thermostats.

Photo 2. Manual thermostat for a radiator. By turning the knob you can set the desired temperature.

In order to increase the temperature of the radiator, it is necessary to open the regulator and let more coolant into the heating device. And, conversely, to lower the temperature, it is necessary to drain excess coolant.

Is it cold in the apartments? We talk about how to determine that you may be accused of providing poor-quality service, what you need to do and how to correct the situation.

The heating season has arrived, the amounts on receipts are growing, and the radiators are getting warmer. But many apartments are still cold. This is one of the most painful topics - the service is expensive, and residents are ready to act at the slightest doubt. Special documents clearly define the temperature of the radiators in the apartment and the norms of air temperatures in different rooms.

Temperature of batteries in the apartment: standards according to GOST

Heating season duration

Only residents of houses with an autonomous heating system can decide independently when to turn on the batteries. All others connected to a centralized heating system must rely on the decision of local authorities.

Of course, they cannot set this up as precisely as the residents of one house - it’s not for nothing that every spring and autumn all news sites are filled with articles “When will the heating finally be turned on/off?”

The specific timing in each region depends on weather conditions: according to standards, during the 2018-2019 heating season, the average daily street temperature must be below 8°C for 5 days in a row. The heating can be turned off again if the temperature remains above 8°C for 5 days.

In addition, there is also a small “emergency reserve” for heating shutdown standards in winter. It can be turned off, remaining within the current standards, for a period of no more than 24 hours in total, within one month. The heating can be turned off at a time for a period of 4 to 16 hours, depending on the air temperature in the living quarters - if the apartment is +12°C, for no more than 16 hours, and if +8 - up to 4 hours.

How to measure the temperature in an apartment during the heating season

Residents can measure their temperature themselves using a household thermometer. You need to comply with simple requirements: check for drafts, whether windows and interior doors are properly closed. The temperature should be measured one meter from the radiators standing on the “street” wall, at a height of one meter from the floor.

It is better to do this in the evening or in the morning - during the day the sun, which has heated the room, can greatly blur the picture.

The optimal temperature that should be in the apartment is 20-22 °C.

  • Room type Optimal, °C Acceptable, °C
  • Living room 20-22/18
  • Kitchen 22-23/20
  • Toilet 19-21/18
  • Bathroom and combined toilet 24-26 / 18
  • Rooms for recreation and training 20-22 / 18
  • Inter-apartment corridor 18-20/16
  • Lobby, staircase 16-18/12
  • Storerooms 16-18 / 14

Moreover, in corner rooms the temperature should be higher - at least 20°C.

Where to go if the temperature is below normal

If residents independently detect “underheating,” that is, the temperature drops below 18°C ​​in living rooms, they have the right to contact the management company to draw up a report. Moreover, they have the right to apply both in writing (write a statement) and orally (call). The duty officer must register the request and set a time for the inspection. According to the rules, an inspection is scheduled no later than 2 hours from the moment of a complaint about a violation of the quality of a utility service, unless another time is agreed upon with the applicant.

The test must be carried out with a special thermometer. The requirements for it are explained in GOST 30494-2011. The device must necessarily come with technical documentation - have a special certificate, which inspectors are required to present upon first request. If there is no such certificate, then the apartment owner may refuse the inspection and require the use of proper equipment. The temperature is measured in several rooms.

After the inspection, a report is drawn up that contains:

  • date;
  • housing parameters;
  • list of commission members;
  • device indicators;
  • temperature;
  • signatures of the commission members.

The report is drawn up in several copies: one remains with the applicant, the others - with the specialists who carried out the inspection.

This act is evidence of violations in the provision of public services. With it, the tenant can file complaints and demand that the management company comply with the conditions for the provision of utility services.

A complaint addressed to the utility service provider may contain a demand for recalculation of heating fees, compensation for damage, or even a demand for the installation of additional heating radiators - there are such cases; recently, a resident of Tver managed to get additional batteries installed in his apartment.

When filing a complaint in two copies, accompanied by an act, one is marked with the incoming number and date, the second is transferred to the secretary of the organization.

If the applicant does not have heating in the apartment and after a complaint, he has the right to forward it to higher authorities:

  • Regional Housing Inspectorate;
  • Prosecutor's Office;
  • Rospotrebnadzor.

It is important to remember that appeal to higher authorities can be carried out not only after consideration of the claim in the primary authority. At this stage, the document can be sent to several addresses in parallel.

In addition, having the act, the tenant can go to court with a claim for reimbursement of costs incurred and damages.

Heat / Radiators

Problems with heating during the heating season and cold in the apartment can be a reason for going to court. By law, batteries must warm the room no lower than the temperature established by special standards.

What should be the temperature in the apartment? Legal requirements

The temperature in the residential premises of an apartment building is determined by the “Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings”, as well as “GOST R 51617-2000. State standard of the Russian Federation. Housing and communal services. General technical conditions."

The “Rules for the Provision of Utilities” states that in residential premises the temperature should not be lower than +18 °C (in corner rooms - +20 °C). And in areas with the coldest five-day temperature of -31 °C and below, the air temperature in residential premises should not be lower than +20 °C (in corner rooms - +22 °C).

At night (from 00.00 to 5.00 hours) the air temperature in the apartment can drop by no more than 4 °C. During the daytime, a decrease in temperature below the standard level is not allowed.

At the same time, GOST R 51617-2000 (State Russian Federation standard. Housing and communal services. General technical conditions. approved Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated June 19, 2000 N 158-st) establishes the minimum air temperature level for certain types of premises in an apartment.

Room Indoor air temperature during the cold season, °C
Living room of an apartment or dormitory 18 (20 )
The same, in areas with the temperature of the coldest five-day period (security 0.92) minus 31 °C and below 20 (22 )
Apartment and dormitory kitchen, vat: 18
Drying cabinet for clothes and shoes in the apartment -
Bathroom 25
Individual restroom 18
Combined toilet and bathroom area 25
The same, with individual heating 18
Common washroom 18
Shared shower 25
Shared restroom 16
Dressing room for cleaning and ironing clothes, washroom in the dormitory 18
Lobby, common corridor, hallway in an apartment building, staircase 16
Lobby, common corridor, staircase in the dormitory 18
Laundry room 15
Ironing and drying rooms in dormitories 15
Storage rooms for storing personal belongings and sports equipment; household and linen in the hostel 12
Isolation room in a dormitory 20
Elevator machine room 5
Garbage collection chamber 5

Notes: In the corner rooms of apartments and dormitories, the air temperature should be 2 °C higher than specified

How to correctly measure the air temperature in your apartment?

The current “Rules for the provision of public services” explain the situation as follows:

... The air temperature in residential premises is measured in a room (if there are several rooms - in the largest living room), in the center of planes spaced from the inner surface of the outer wall and the heating element by 0.5 m and in the center of the room (the point of intersection of the diagonal room lines) at a height of 1 m. In this case, measuring instruments must comply with the requirements of standards (GOST 30494-96)…

What to do if the temperature in your apartment drops below normal?

If you find that your apartment is colder than required by law, you must notify your emergency dispatch service. The application can be made either in writing or orally (by telephone call).

The duty officer is required to register your application and set a time for the inspection.

The time for the inspection is set no later than 2 hours from the moment of receiving a message from the consumer about a violation of the quality of the utility service, unless a different time is agreed upon with the consumer.

Upon completion of the inspection, an inspection report is drawn up. If during its course a violation of the quality of a utility service is established, then the inspection report indicates the date and time of the inspection, the identified violations of the quality parameters of the utility service, the methods (tools) used during the inspection to identify such violations, conclusions about the date and time of the beginning of the violation of the quality of the utility service. services.

It’s cold in the apartment: what compensation can you expect?

If no one comes to you, or comes and signs documents, but nothing changes, then you have a natural desire to influence the situation in more radical ways.

Before moving on to considering possible methods of influencing public utilities, let's clarify what responsibilities the current legislation places on the heat supplier to a residential building.

The requirements for an acceptable interruption in the heat supply are formulated as follows (for more details, see the Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, Appendix 1, Section VI):

  • no more than 24 hours (in total) within 1 month;
  • no more than 16 hours at a time - at an air temperature in residential premises from +12°C to the standard temperature indicated in the table above;
  • no more than 8 hours at a time - at an air temperature in residential premises from +10°C to +12°C;
  • no more than 4 hours at a time - at an air temperature in residential premises from +8°С to +10°С

The liability of utility companies for violations of these requirements is established as follows:

  • for each hour of exceeding the permissible duration of a heating interruption, calculated in total for the billing period in which the specified excess occurred, the amount of payment for utility services for such billing period is reduced by 0.15% of the fee determined for such billing period.

Well, what if heat is supplied to the apartment, but the radiators do not warm the room? In this case, the following requirements are established:

  • permissible decrease in standard temperature at night (from 0.00 to 5.00 hours) - no more than 3°C from the above level;
  • a decrease in air temperature in a living room during the daytime (from 5.00 to 0.00 hours) is not allowed

Responsibility for violation of these norms is established as follows:

  • for each hour of deviation in air temperature in a residential area in total during the billing period in which the specified deviation occurred, the amount of payment for utility services for such billing period is reduced by 0.15% of the fee determined for such billing period for each degree of temperature deviation.

Thus, the current legislation makes it possible:

  • In the event of your batteries being disconnected, for every hour in excess of the permitted duration of battery disconnection (the terms are indicated above), you will be charged 0.15% of the monthly (this is how we set the billing period) payment for heat
  • If the apartment is cold, but the radiators still heat, then you can demand a reduction in the monthly heating fee by 0.15% for each hour when the temperature was below the standard.

The recalculation may be for a significant amount. Let's do the math.

Suppose you pay about 3,000 rubles a month in winter for heating your apartment. You are tired of constantly freezing and, say, on December 3, you drew up an act stating that the temperature in your apartment does not exceed 15 degrees Celsius (determined based on the temperature in the largest room by area).

However, within a month there was no reaction from the utility workers. It's still cold in the house. What will the recalculation be like?

We take 27 days following the drawing up of the act. This will be 648 hours. We multiply this number of hours by 0.15%, we get a figure of 97.2%. You should be recalculated for this amount. It turns out that you are actually not obligated to pay for heating if this service is not provided efficiently.

Naturally, no one will return this money to you voluntarily. We need to go to court.

What are the chances of winning a lawsuit regarding cold radiators in an apartment?

There are precedents for residents being able to get their heating bills recalculated due to the cold in their apartment.

In particular, in 2014, in several courts, a resident of the Perm Territory managed to obtain a recovery of 136 thousand rubles in favor of low temperature in her living room.

As Rossiyskaya Gazeta reports, Gubakha resident Natalya Alekseeva (surname changed) filed a lawsuit against the local management company in the spring of 2014, demanding 350 thousand rubles from utility workers. She justified her statement by the fact that during the heating season of 2012-2013, as well as in the winter of the following year, the temperature in her apartment did not rise above 15 degrees. Meanwhile, according to the rules for the provision of public services, the air in residential premises must be heated to 18 degrees, and in corner rooms - to 20.

Alekseeva invited employees of the Criminal Code to take her temperature. In total, such measurements were made ten times. And not once did they meet the norm. The plaintiff even noted in her statement to the court that because of the cold in the apartment she became ill, and listed several diseases that brought her to the hospital.

Alekseeva did not stop complaining to various authorities, district and regional, trying to get a recalculation of utility bills. And in 2013, she even refused to pay for heating, believing that the money was being taken from her unreasonably. The case then reached the magistrate’s court, which issued an order to collect 31 thousand rubles in debt from Alekseeva. But this decision was overturned, since she was able to prove the improper provision of a service such as heating.

As a result, all attempts to solve the problem peacefully failed. Claims asking for a recalculation of heat payments were rejected. The woman was not offered any compensation. And then she went to court.

During the trial, representatives of the management company completely denied their involvement in the low temperatures in Alekseeva’s apartment. They stated that there was no agreement between them for the provision of such a service as heating, and money for it did not arrive at their cash desk. Therefore, they did not recognize the demands presented.

However, the Gubakhinsky City Court decided otherwise. The fact is that, according to the management agreement for the apartment building where Alekseeva lives, the management company is obliged to provide water supply, sanitation and heating services. According to the same document, payment for them must be made directly to resource supply organizations.

The management company also has an agreement with the local housing and communal services department on the supply of thermal energy. It states that this resource is intended for heating residential buildings, and the air temperature in them must meet the standards.

Therefore, the court recognized Alekseeva’s demands as legal, and all the objections of the Criminal Code as unfounded. The absence of a heating agreement between them does not play any role, since this obligation of the utility organization is specified in the agreement for the management of an apartment building.

Taking into account that the management company could no longer argue the fact of poor-quality heat supply, the court satisfied the plaintiff’s demands to recover money. At the same time, Alekseeva is required to return 77 thousand rubles as a recalculation, in addition, a fine of half this amount and 20 thousand rubles as compensation for moral damage. Total 136 thousand.

Heating an apartment is the responsibility of either an authorized organization or the homeowner himself. In the second case, everything is very clear - the individual heating system of the home makes it possible to maintain any required temperature in each room. The first option is much more difficult.

Heating standards have been developed based on sanitary standards for both residential and non-residential premises. The basis, in the latter case, is the calculation of the needs of an ordinary organism.

The calculation process itself has a sufficient level of complexity. These values ​​are usually called optimal. They are legally established and reflected in SNiP.

Temperature of heating radiators in the apartment: standards

Apartment heating standards determine the specific value of a sufficient indicator for residential and non-residential premises, with permissible deviations from their indicators.

They are developed more simply than for work premises, since those living in the housing exhibit low and, at the same time, stable activity:

  • For residential premises, the air temperature is from 20 to 22 degrees Celsius, while acceptable limits are considered to be from 18 to 24 degrees;
  • If we take corner rooms, then the indicator should not be less than twenty degrees, since such rooms are more susceptible than others to low external temperatures and winds;
  • The kitchen is a work space where, in most cases, there is a heat source - an electric or gas oven. The temperature in this room should be between 19-21 degrees. Acceptable is from 18 to 26 degrees;
  • The optimal temperature for toilets is 19-21 degrees. The limit values ​​range from 18 to 26. One way or another, bathrooms are not among the coolest rooms;
  • The bathroom is a hot room because it has a fairly high level of humidity. The minimum temperature here ranges from 18 to 24 degrees. The permissible maximum is 26 degrees. But still, at another 20 degrees, the comfort of using this room decreases;
  • For non-residential premises, the temperature is calculated based on the frequency of their operation. In corridors, the acceptable temperature level is 18-20 degrees, however, 16 is also acceptable. For storerooms, the air temperature should be 16-18 degrees. Permissible limits are 12 and 22 degrees.

Since the need for heat during sleep is somewhat reduced, according to GOST, it is allowed to lower the temperature level in residential premises to 3 degrees from 00.00 to 05.00 in the morning. Such a decrease in the norm will not be considered a violation.

What are the requirements for the heating system?

The heating process in a multi-storey building is based on the results of many engineering calculations, sometimes they are not so successful.

The complexity of the process lies not in the delivery of heated water to the facility (building), but in its uniform distribution throughout all apartments, under the conditions of ensuring standard temperature indicators and optimal humidity in the apartments.

How effective such a system will be directly depends on the coherence of all its elements, including pipes and radiators in each apartment.

For this reason, replacing radiator batteries without taking into account the features of the heating system can lead to extremely undesirable consequences: one of the apartments may experience a shortage of heat, while another will have an excess of it.

It is through the establishment of standards that optimization of heating of city apartments is achieved:

  • Safety requirements determine that the temperature of the coolant in the heating system should be 20 degrees less than the temperature of materials that tend to spontaneously ignite. For multi-apartment residential buildings, the standard coolant temperature should be in the range from 65 to 115 degrees, taking into account the season;
  • When water overheats to 105 degrees, measures must be taken to prevent the liquid from boiling;
  • The standard limit for the temperature of water flowing through heating radiators is 75 degrees. If this value is exceeded, the battery must have a restrictive design;
  • The heating season in mid-latitudes begins in mid-October and ends in mid-April. In reality, service providers must initiate the start of heating from the moment when an average daily temperature of no higher than 8 degrees is recorded for five consecutive days.

Before you go looking for heat, you should remember that heat in the room will be supplied through the heating system only when the outside temperature reaches a certain level.

Standards require heating to start when the outside temperature is no more than 8 degrees. This temperature indicator must last for five days in a row, and only after this the rooms will begin to be heated.

When the heating in the house is adjusted, and temperature deviations are observed only in your room, it is necessary to check the indoor heating system for airing.

It is enough to feel the individual batteries in the apartment from top to bottom, and back. If some of the batteries are noticeably warm and the rest are cold, you can be sure that airing is the cause of the thermal imbalance. The air is released using a separate tap, which is located on each radiator battery.

Before opening the tap, you should place some container under it. When you open the tap, water should come out of it with a characteristic hissing sound. If the water begins to flow smoothly and without hissing, it means that the air has been released from the system, and the job is done.

After this, you should fix the tap in the closed position. After a while, check the cold spots on the battery, they should warm up.

If the problem is not with the batteries and they are completely cold, you should contact the management company. The technician will arrive within 24 hours. He will be able to draw a conclusion about the temperature conditions in the home and, if necessary, call a team that will fix all the problems.

When the management company did not respond to your appeal or the appearance of a technician did not change the situation, you should take temperature measurements in your home yourself, calling your neighbors.

When you have a device such as a pyrometer at your disposal, you should use it to take the necessary temperature measurements. Record all data in a report on measuring the air temperature in your home. It is compiled in the usual form. Let the neighbors sign the act.

You should pay attention to the fact that the temperature regime is determined by the “Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for Residential Buildings and Premises” SanPiN

Recorded measurements should be compared with the limit values ​​specified in SanPiN. Then you need to go back to the management company and the organization that supplies the house with heat to write a written complaint.

The document is drawn up in two copies. One of the copies must be in your hands with a stamp, signed indicating the details of the person who accepted the document and the date of receipt of the document. The second one must be submitted for consideration.

If you were not satisfied with the answer, then there is no need to leave everything halfway, move on. You should contact the district Prosecutor's Office and the Housing Inspectorate, since it is she who is authorized to monitor the work of the management company and other communal structures.

Also write a letter to Rospotrebnadzor (based on the violation of your consumer rights). You can use the Rospotrebnadzor hotline (8-80-010-000-04).

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Temperature of radiators in the apartment, normal

The cold weather has arrived, the central heating has been turned on, but you don’t want to take off your favorite sweater? Find out what the temperature of the batteries in the apartment should be according to the standards.

As soon as the apartment gets cooler, you start thinking about buying a heater. But no matter how ultra-modern it is, it is still an additional expense. If, on top of everything, you have to pay impressive sums for centralized heating, then it becomes completely sad. Therefore, at first, before frost hits, you need to buy a thermometer and check whether the readings are really below normal.

How to measure the temperature of a radiator

This is the first thing that comes to mind when, after touching the radiator, you realize that it is barely warm. There are also standards: no less than 35-40°C, but no more than 95 degrees of heating of the coolant, and ideally - from 50 to 70°C. The easiest way to check is to unscrew the tap, drain the hot water and measure its temperature. If this is not possible, then apply a regular thermometer to the radiator, adding a couple of degrees to the result. It is very good to make such measurements with an infrared pyrometer.

What to do if the thermometer in the apartment is broken

As you can see, the accuracy of such measurements is relative. Therefore, it is better to monitor compliance with the standards for the microclimate in the apartment. In any residential building, the air should be heated to at least 18°C, naturally, with the windows closed.

It should be a little warmer in the corner rooms - 20°C. From 12 midnight to 5 am, indicators can decrease by 3 degrees; at other times of the day, deviations are unacceptable. At the same time, the location of the apartment does not matter, the main thing is that it is residential. Even in the semi-basement it should not be colder.

When should heating be turned on in apartments?

Cold radiators in the apartment, where to complain

They gave me heating, but the radiators are cold, what should I do? If the temperature of the radiators in the apartment does not correspond to the norm, then you must contact the performing organization. You can call, but it’s better to go to the emergency dispatch service. To do this, it is necessary to state all claims in writing in two copies. One remains in the service, and the other must be marked with an incoming registration number.

After accepting the application, you must immediately agree on the time when representatives of this organization will come to conduct an inspection. If the time has not been agreed upon, then the commission must arrive no later than two hours after the application. Next, temperature measurements are taken and a corresponding report is drawn up. It is advisable to involve representatives of the public in signing. They have the right to sign the act if the opinions of the consumer and the contractor differ.

How to choose batteries for central heating

Compensation for the provision of poor-quality services

For deviations from the norm, you can request a recalculation. For each “underheated” hour, the monthly heating fee is reduced by 0.15%. It should be borne in mind that performers also have rules according to which they can take a break in the provision of services:

  • in total no more than 24 hours per month;
  • no more than 16 hours in a row at a room temperature of 12 - 18 degrees;
  • no more than 8 - at 10 – 12 °C;
  • no more than 4 - at 8 – 10 °C indoors.

If the contractor did not heat in excess of this norm and, on the basis of the claim act, refuses to recalculate, then the consumer has the legal right to sue.


Heating radiator temperature: how to sue for cold in an apartment?

Heat / Radiators

Problems with heating during the heating season and cold in the apartment can be a reason for going to court. By law, batteries must warm the room no lower than the temperature established by special standards.

What should be the temperature in the apartment? Legal requirements

The temperature in the residential premises of an apartment building is determined by the “Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings”, as well as “GOST R 51617-2000. State standard of the Russian Federation. Housing and communal services. General technical conditions."

The “Rules for the Provision of Utilities” states that in residential premises the temperature should not be lower than +18 °C (in corner rooms - +20 °C). And in areas with the coldest five-day temperature of -31 °C and below, the air temperature in residential premises should not be lower than +20 °C (in corner rooms - +22 °C).

At night (from 00.00 to 5.00 hours) the air temperature in the apartment can drop by no more than 4 °C. During the daytime, a decrease in temperature below the standard level is not allowed.

At the same time, GOST R 51617-2000 (State Standard of the Russian Federation. Housing and communal services. General technical conditions. approved by Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated June 19, 2000 N 158-st) sets the minimum air temperature level for certain types of premises in the apartment .

Room Indoor air temperature during the cold season, °C
Living room of an apartment or dormitory 18 (20)
The same, in areas with the coldest five-day temperature (probability 0.92) minus 31 °C and below 20 (22)
Apartment and dormitory kitchen, vat: 18
Drying cabinet for clothes and shoes in the apartment -
Bathroom 25
Individual restroom 18
Combined toilet and bathroom area 25
The same, with individual heating 18
Common washroom 18
Shared shower 25
Shared restroom 16
Dressing room for cleaning and ironing clothes, washroom in the dormitory 18
Lobby, common corridor, hallway in an apartment building, staircase 16
Lobby, common corridor, staircase in the dormitory 18
Laundry room 15
Ironing and drying rooms in dormitories 15
Storage rooms for storing personal belongings and sports equipment; household and linen in the hostel 12
Isolation room in a dormitory 20
Elevator machine room 5
Garbage collection chamber 5

Notes: In the corner rooms of apartments and dormitories, the air temperature should be 2 °C higher than specified

How to correctly measure the air temperature in your apartment?

The current “Rules for the provision of public services” explain the situation as follows:

... The air temperature in residential premises is measured in a room (if there are several rooms - in the largest living room), in the center of planes spaced from the inner surface of the outer wall and the heating element by 0.5 m and in the center of the room (the point of intersection of the diagonal room lines) at a height of 1 m. In this case, measuring instruments must comply with the requirements of standards (GOST 30494-96)…

What to do if the temperature in your apartment drops below normal?

If you find that your apartment is colder than required by law, you must notify your emergency dispatch service. The application can be made either in writing or orally (by telephone call).

The duty officer is required to register your application and set a time for the inspection.

The time for the inspection is set no later than 2 hours from the moment of receiving a message from the consumer about a violation of the quality of the utility service, unless a different time is agreed upon with the consumer.

Upon completion of the inspection, an inspection report is drawn up. If during its course a violation of the quality of a utility service is established, then the inspection report indicates the date and time of the inspection, the identified violations of the quality parameters of the utility service, the methods (tools) used during the inspection to identify such violations, conclusions about the date and time of the beginning of the violation of the quality of the utility service. services.

It’s cold in the apartment: what compensation can you expect?

If no one comes to you, or comes and signs documents, but nothing changes, then you have a natural desire to influence the situation in more radical ways.

Before moving on to considering possible methods of influencing public utilities, let's clarify what responsibilities the current legislation places on the heat supplier to a residential building.

The requirements for an acceptable interruption in the supply of heat are formulated as follows (for more details, see the Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, Appendix 1, Section VI):

  • no more than 24 hours (in total) within 1 month;
  • no more than 16 hours at a time - at an air temperature in residential premises from +12°C to the standard temperature indicated in the table above;
  • no more than 8 hours at a time - at an air temperature in residential premises from +10°C to +12°C;
  • no more than 4 hours at a time - at an air temperature in residential premises from +8°С to +10°С

The liability of utility companies for violations of these requirements is established as follows:

  • for each hour of exceeding the permissible duration of a heating interruption, calculated in total for the billing period in which the specified excess occurred, the amount of payment for utility services for such billing period is reduced by 0.15% of the fee determined for such billing period.

Well, what if heat is supplied to the apartment, but the radiators do not warm the room? In this case, the following requirements are established:

  • permissible decrease in standard temperature at night (from 0.00 to 5.00 hours) - no more than 3°C from the above level;
  • a decrease in air temperature in a living room during the daytime (from 5.00 to 0.00 hours) is not allowed

Responsibility for violation of these norms is established as follows:

  • for each hour of deviation in air temperature in a residential area in total during the billing period in which the specified deviation occurred, the amount of payment for utility services for such billing period is reduced by 0.15% of the fee determined for such billing period for each degree of temperature deviation.

Thus, the current legislation makes it possible:

  • In the event of your batteries being disconnected, for every hour in excess of the permitted duration of battery disconnection (the terms are indicated above), you will be charged 0.15% of the monthly (this is how we set the billing period) payment for heat
  • If the apartment is cold, but the radiators still heat, then you can demand a reduction in the monthly heating fee by 0.15% for each hour when the temperature was below the standard.

The recalculation may be for a significant amount. Let's do the math.

Suppose you pay about 3,000 rubles a month in winter for heating your apartment. You are tired of constantly freezing and, say, on December 3, you drew up an act stating that the temperature in your apartment does not exceed 15 degrees Celsius (determined based on the temperature in the largest room by area).

However, within a month there was no reaction from the utility workers. It's still cold in the house. What will the recalculation be like?

We take 27 days following the drawing up of the act. This will be 648 hours. We multiply this number of hours by 0.15%, we get a figure of 97.2%. You should be recalculated for this amount. It turns out that you are actually not obligated to pay for heating if this service is not provided efficiently.

Naturally, no one will return this money to you voluntarily. We need to go to court.

What are the chances of winning a lawsuit regarding cold radiators in an apartment?

There are precedents for residents being able to get their heating bills recalculated due to the cold in their apartment.

In particular, in 2014, in several courts, a resident of the Perm Territory managed to obtain a recovery of 136 thousand rubles in favor of low temperature in her living room.

As Rossiyskaya Gazeta reports, Gubakha resident Natalya Alekseeva (surname changed) filed a lawsuit against the local management company in the spring of 2014, demanding 350 thousand rubles from utility workers. She justified her statement by the fact that during the heating season of 2012-2013, as well as in the winter of the following year, the temperature in her apartment did not rise above 15 degrees. Meanwhile, according to the rules for the provision of public services, the air in residential premises must be heated to 18 degrees, and in corner rooms - to 20.

Alekseeva invited employees of the Criminal Code to take her temperature. In total, such measurements were made ten times. And not once did they meet the norm. The plaintiff even noted in her statement to the court that because of the cold in the apartment she became ill, and listed several diseases that brought her to the hospital.

Alekseeva did not stop complaining to various authorities, district and regional, trying to get a recalculation of utility bills. And in 2013, she even refused to pay for heating, believing that the money was being taken from her unreasonably. The case then reached the magistrate’s court, which issued an order to collect 31 thousand rubles in debt from Alekseeva. But this decision was overturned, since she was able to prove the improper provision of a service such as heating.

As a result, all attempts to solve the problem peacefully failed. Claims asking for a recalculation of heat payments were rejected. The woman was not offered any compensation. And then she went to court.

During the trial, representatives of the management company completely denied their involvement in the low temperatures in Alekseeva’s apartment. They stated that there was no agreement between them for the provision of such a service as heating, and money for it did not arrive at their cash desk. Therefore, they did not recognize the demands presented.

However, the Gubakhinsky City Court decided otherwise. The fact is that, according to the management agreement for the apartment building where Alekseeva lives, the management company is obliged to provide water supply, sanitation and heating services. According to the same document, payment for them must be made directly to resource supply organizations.

The management company also has an agreement with the local housing and communal services department on the supply of thermal energy. It states that this resource is intended for heating residential buildings, and the air temperature in them must meet the standards.

Therefore, the court recognized Alekseeva’s demands as legal, and all the objections of the Criminal Code as unfounded. The absence of a heating agreement between them does not play any role, since this obligation of the utility organization is specified in the agreement for the management of an apartment building.

Taking into account that the management company could no longer argue the fact of poor-quality heat supply, the court satisfied the plaintiff’s demands to recover money. At the same time, Alekseeva is required to return 77 thousand rubles as a recalculation, in addition, a fine of half this amount and 20 thousand rubles as compensation for moral damage. Total 136 thousand.


Housing and communal services in Russia

  • Hello, Ksenia! First. The main factor characterizing the quality of heating is not the temperature of the radiators, but the air temperature in the rooms, which should be: - OPTIMAL - 20-22 degrees C for all of Russia; - MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE: - for the Central European part of Russia - not lower than 18 degrees C (in corner rooms - not lower than 20 degrees C); - for the Northern European part and Asian regions of Russia (areas where the temperature of the coldest five-day period (provision 0.92) is “minus” 31°C and below) - not lower than 20 degrees C (in corner rooms - not lower than 22 degrees C ); Second. If the temperature is lower than specified, write, write, write to all authorities. If you have a heating problem, please contact the head of the house management company in WRITTEN or by email, and then the State Housing Inspectorate, Rospotrebnadzor and the city (district, village) administration - one by one or all at once. Ask a question and I will send you an example text of the letter with links to the relevant technical documentation. Third, this is a specific answer to your question about battery temperature. The temperature of the heating system batteries must not be lower than that indicated in the temperature schedule approved by the city administration. What is a temperature graph? This is a table that shows what water temperature ENTER AND OUTLET A HOME HEATING SYSTEM should be maintained based on the actual outside temperature based on specific local conditions. These schedules are developed by specialists based on the requirement that during the cold period of the year an optimal temperature of 20 - 22 degrees C is maintained in living rooms, for which we pay our hard-earned money. Below, as an example, some figures are given from a typical heating temperature schedule after the heating point of a residential building for a single-pipe heating system with radiators according to a bottom-up scheme for cities with an estimated outside air temperature of 15 degrees C (Moscow, Voronezh, Orel, etc. ) with a calculated (design) water temperature difference of 105/70°C: (accepted abbreviations: Tnv - actual outside air temperature, gr.C; Tpr - direct water temperature, gr.C, Tobr - return water temperature, gr.C) ​​At Tnv + 5 degrees C Tpr. = 50, Tobr. = 40 At Tnv 0 deg. C Tpr. = 65, Tobr. = 48 At Tnv - 5 degrees C Tpr. = 79, T arr. = 56 At Tnv -10 deg. C Tpr. = 92, Tobr. = 63 At Tnv - 15 degrees C Tpr. = 105, Tobr. = 70 As you can see, at an outside temperature of 21 degrees C, the water temperature at the entrance to the heating radiators on the 1st floor of the house (with a single-pipe heating system) should be 105 degrees. WITH! Next, the water, rising through the floors and then descending, on each battery should be cooled by 2 -3.5 degrees C. Even if your apartment is located on the 1st floor of a 5-story building on a “descending” (reverse) riser, the temperature at the entrance to the battery should be about 65 - 70 degrees C. The temperature difference at the inlet and outlet of each battery depends on many factors: on the heating scheme (single-pipe or two-pipe), on the type and area of ​​the battery, the condition of its internal surface (pollution), on the actual water flow through the battery, etc. If the actual temperatures of the batteries are Your apartment is below those indicated in the temperature chart, this indicates a clear “underflow” in the boiler room (at a thermal power plant) and/or insufficient water flow in the heating system! Request a temperature schedule from the organizations listed in the “Second” section and monitor whether the heat supply organization and management company comply with it. In your requirements, refer to the following. documents: - to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Heat Supply” dated July 27, 2010 No. 190-FZ: Art. 6, part 1, paragraph 6; Art. 23, part 3, paragraph 7; Art. 20, part 5; Art. 29, part 3. - on “Rules and standards for the technical operation of the housing stock” (approved by the Post of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 No. 170), paragraphs 5.2.1, 5.2.3 and Appendix 11. Fourth. You have the right (and must!) demand a recalculation of heating fees if the air temperature in at least one room is below 18 degrees C (for the northern and eastern regions of Russia - below 20 degrees C). This is established by paragraph 15 of Appendix 1 of the “Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings” (approved by the Russian Government Resolution No. 354 of May 6, 2011). The recalculation amount adds up to a very decent amount, up to a complete “exemption” from payment! Fifth. Please open the “Articles” → “Useful Information” section on this site - and there you can probably find many articles with information on a topic that interests you - about heating, even templates for letters about fee recalculation, etc. If you inform , in what city you live, how many floors are in the house, on what floor is your apartment, what kind of heating system in the house (one-pipe or two-pipe) - I will try to tell you more specific figures for heating your apartment..

    Good luck and 20 degrees in the apartment!

    Kalnin Yuri
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