home · Measurements · Omar Khayyam phrases about life and love. Omar Khayyam about the relationship between a man and a woman. An excellent selection of immortal quotes from Omar Khayyam. Reflections on God and Religion

Omar Khayyam phrases about life and love. Omar Khayyam about the relationship between a man and a woman. An excellent selection of immortal quotes from Omar Khayyam. Reflections on God and Religion

He was born half orphan, for his father Abdullah died when his mother was two months pregnant.

When he was six years old, his mother, Amina bint Wahab, also died, leaving Muhammad an orphan. His guardian was Abdul-Muttalib, his paternal grandfather, who had a special position and influence in Mecca. Members of his Quraysh tribe treated him as a respectable sheikh. And in those days, the Quraish tribe occupied a dominant position among all other Arab tribes.

The Prophet Muhammad became the object of his grandfather's care, love and affection, but all this did not last long, for his grandfather passed away when Muhammad was only eight years old. After the death of his grandfather, his uncle Abu Talib became the boy's guardian.
When Muhammad was twelve years old, he and his uncle Abu Talib went on a trading journey to Bilad al-Sham (Syria). This is how Muhammad left his native place for the first time. When he was twenty-five years old, he again went to Bilad al-Sham, this time on the business of Lady Khadija bint Huaylid, a rich and noble woman. Having heard that he was a reliable and honest man, Khadija entrusted him with her money. Upon Muhammad's return from Bilad al-Sham, she invited him to marry her. At that time he was twenty-five years old and she was forty.
Even before Muhammad became a prophet at the age of forty, he was nicknamed “worthy of trust,” for he was the most highly moral and most worthy person in his midst. He was famous for such character traits as tolerance, modesty, justice, patience, chastity, generosity and courage.
Muhammad was known for his hatred of pagan idols even before he began his prophetic mission. This hatred was so great that Muhammad never attended any of the pagan rituals. In addition, the Prophet Muhammad never drank intoxicating drinks in his life.
These character traits are common to all prophets. God endows His prophets with such qualities in preparation for receiving His Revelation. For prophets must always be infallible. This means that they do not commit sins either before entering the path of prophecy or after that.
The Jews and Christians who lived at that time on the Arabian Peninsula and in neighboring lands expected the appearance of the Last of the prophets in this world, as their Holy Books - the Torah and the Gospel - spoke about this.

In 610 AD, when the Prophet Muhammad was forty years old, a revelation from God was sent down to him through the Archangel Gabriel (Jibriel in Arabic). Gabriel brought him the first five verses of Surah Al-‘Alaq (“The Clot”) of the Holy Quran1. Thus, Allah appointed Muhammad as a prophet.
From that day on, the Qur'an was gradually revealed to the Prophet Muhammad over the next twenty-three years. Each new revelation of the Koran was sent down to the Prophet by God in accordance with 1) circumstances and events that required their correct interpretation and explanation, and also 2) as necessary, specific practical instructions and instructions2. The Qur'an is the Word of God revealed to the Prophet Muhammad through the angel Gabriel; in this case, the role of both the prophet Muhammad and Gabriel was reduced only to conveying it to the people. Gabriel recited the Koran to the Prophet Muhammad, who then memorized it and brought it to the people. The Prophet ordered everyone who was entrusted to keep the text of the Koran and write it down, for he himself was illiterate3. It is also worth mentioning that the entire text of the Koran was completely written down and preserved during the life of the Prophet Muhammad.
Before the start of the Prophet's mission, the Arabian Peninsula was under the rule of ignorance and tyranny, for the people worshiped idols. Each tribe had its own god in the form of an idol which it worshiped. At that time, the peninsula was inhabited by 360 tribes, and, accordingly, there were at least 360 idols.
In addition, the stronger treated the weaker according to the principle of “divide and conquer,” and therefore wars broke out at the slightest provocation. This was a period when theft and all kinds of robberies flourished, including the robbery of caravans on large trade routes; usury, adultery, drunkenness, gambling, and the custom of burying baby girls alive because the newborn's family feared shame or poverty. The position of women in society was reduced to nothing. Thus, a woman did not have the right to inherit the real estate of her close relatives and, on top of everything else, she herself was considered a thing to be inherited, like a piece of furniture, an animal or household utensils.

Coming with a prophetic mission, Muhammad heralded the beginning of a new era with the introduction of Islam. He called on people to worship the One God and observe a number of new principles and norms of daily life, unknown to the people of that time. These new principles and norms of behavior put an end to murder, robbery, usury, adultery, gambling, drunkenness, live burial of newborn girls, disregard for the rights of women, and all other vices that prevailed in pre-Islamic times.

The religion preached by the Prophet Muhammad profoundly changed moral principles among the Arabs, for it called for the worship of the only God, Allah, and also instilled in people the concept of life after death. This new religion preached the equality of all people, chastity, respectable family relations, respect for the rights of a neighbor, charity, and also defended the rights of women to inherit and own property.
Most of the pagans of Mecca were dissatisfied with the new way of social life, which was preached by the Prophet Muhammad, and began to fight against it. They subjected him to all kinds of persecution, causing him deep physical and mental wounds. They began calling him a “liar”, “madman”, “sorcerer” and “poet”. The nickname “poetmaker” was intended to humiliate him. Thus, the pagans sought to show that they do not recognize the Koran as a Revelation sent down to Muhammad from above. And if before the prophecy of Muhammad people called him “worthy of trust,” then later they awarded him with many bad and offensive nicknames.

The pagans also tortured the followers of the Prophet. And, in the end, Muhammad and his followers were expelled from their hometown of Mecca and were forced to move to the desert area. There they remained for three years, experiencing severe shortages of food and water, as well as many other hardships and suffering.
But despite everything, the Prophet Muhammad continued to preach Islam in Mecca for thirteen years. After this, Almighty God ordered him to move to Medina. This migration from Mecca to Medina, called the Hijra, is considered the starting point of Islamic history and marks the beginning of the Muslim calendar. When the Prophet moved to Medina, the inhabitants of this city supported him, and he founded the first Islamic state there.
Medina, the prophet Muhammad was a ruler, judge and military leader. These responsibilities complemented Muhammad's vital role as prophet, messenger, father of his children, and husband of his wives. This point clearly proves the main differences between Muslim and non-Muslim cultures. Thus, Islam is a comprehensive religion that covers all aspects of human life. Therefore, Muslims do not believe in the doctrine of “separation of church and state” common in the West.
Prophet Muhammad provided strategic leadership in the defense of Medina, directing troops and military operations. He fought in many battles against the pagans and other enemies of Islam - twenty-seven military campaigns and sixty military detachments. All these military actions were taken to stop the onslaught of enemies, as well as to ensure the protection of Medina. In addition, these battles were intended to clear the way for the spread of Islam.
As time passed, people realized that they themselves were free to decide whether to choose Islam as a new way of life. After some time, they became convinced of the truth of this new religion, and Islam began to spread throughout the Arabian Peninsula. Prophet Muhammad sent letters to some of the monarchs of that time, as well as the rulers of neighboring states, urging them to accept Islam, because Islam is a religion without borders, i.e. for all peoples. The Prophet Muhammad sent messages to: Heraclius, the Byzantine emperor; Al-Mukaukas, an Egyptian prince; Askham ibn Al-Abjar, Negus (ruler) of Ethiopia; Khosrow, king of Persia; Al-Munzhir ibn Sawa, king of Bahrain; Jifar and 'Abd, both kings of Oman; and also to Khuza ibn Ali, king of Al-Yamam.

Prophet Muhammad concluded a peace treaty with the people of Mecca for a period of ten years. But the Meccans violated this treaty and united with the Bakr tribe, which killed many members of the Khuzaa tribe (this tribe entered into an alliance with the Prophet Muhammad). At the head of an army of ten thousand, the Prophet set out on a campaign to conquer Mecca. The Meccans realized the futility of resisting the forces of the Prophet and surrendered without a fight.
The conquest of Mecca is considered the greatest triumph among Muslims, since it has the status of a holy city where people make an annual pilgrimage. Mecca is the area where the Kaaba, the Forbidden House of Allah, built by the prophets Abraham and Ismail (peace be upon them) is located. This city was also of great political and commercial importance for all Arab tribes. The Prophet Muhammad himself was a native of Mecca, as were many of his companions. And it was here that all the tribes took up arms against Muhammad. Thus Mecca became a strategic center of resistance to Islam. That is why her conquest was so important. The Prophet was well aware that the capture of Mecca was the best way to spread Islam among the Arabs.

The Prophet Muhammad entered Mecca humbly, completely and completely surrendering to God, and not with the arrogant air of a conqueror who had conquered his worst enemies. Evidence of Muhammad's humility and submission to God was that, upon entering Mecca, he bowed his head so that his forehead almost touched the saddle of his camel. In addition, the Prophet Muhammad forgave all the inhabitants of Mecca and ordered his soldiers not to touch their property and wealth.
Thanks to the Prophet's prudent and tolerant behavior, all the citizens of Mecca converted to Islam. As for the idols surrounding the Kaaba, they had to be destroyed every single one.
Having conquered Mecca, the Prophet Muhammad returned to Medina, where hundreds of people flocked to convert to Islam. All Arab tribes sent delegations to Medina to meet with the Prophet, who would teach them Islam. All these delegations converted to Islam, each on behalf of their tribe. This year became known as the Year of Delegations.
Prophet Muhammad was able to unite all Arab tribes on the basis of Islam. Mutual enmity and contempt reigned between these tribes for a long time. They constantly fought among themselves, and no one in the entire history of the Arabian Peninsula had ever managed to unite them. By establishing an Islamic state, the Prophet Muhammad united the vast majority of the population of the Arabian Peninsula.
Before his death, the Prophet made a pilgrimage to Mecca. He walked around the Kaaba seven times. During this Last Pilgrimage, the Prophet Muhammad delivered his famous Farewell Address. Here is some of what he said then:
“...O people, listen to me, I will explain to you, for, truly, I do not know whether I will meet you in this place after this year.
O people, truly, as this month and day is holy for you, as this city of Mecca is sacred for you, in the same way the life and property of every Muslim should be holy and sacred for you, and so on until you meet your Lord. O Allah, have I brought (Your message) to the attention of people? (If so), be my Witness to this.
And the one who has a thing entrusted by someone (amana), let him return it to the one who entrusted it to him.

O people, truly, Shaitan (Satan) has lost hope that he will be worshiped in your land. However, he is content to subjugate you in all your other actions that you neglect.
O people, truly, believers are brothers, and a person is allowed the property of his brother only according to his own free will. O Allah, have I brought (Your message) to the attention of people? (If so), be my Witness to this.
O people, do not turn into infidels after me, killing and oppressing each other. Indeed, I have truly left among you something by adhering to which you will never go astray - the Book of Allah. O Allah, have I brought (Your message) to the attention of people? (If so), be my Witness to this.
O people, your Lord is one, and your father is one - you are all from Adam, and Adam is from the earth. The most noble of you before Allah is the most God-fearing.
An Arab has no superiority over a foreigner except in fear of God. O Allah, have I brought (Your message) to the attention of people? (If so), be my Witness to this.
And let the one present among you notify the one who is absent.”
In 633 AD. Prophet Muhammad died. He was then sixty-three years old according to the lunar calendar or sixty-one years old according to the solar calendar. Immediately after his death, Abu Bakr addressed the people with the words: “Truly, everyone who worshiped Muhammad knows that Muhammad is dead. But everyone who worships Allah knows that Allah lives, that He does not die.” He then recited the following verses from the Holy Quran:
“Truly, you are mortal (Muhammad), just as they are mortal.”
(Sura 39, verse 30)
“And Muhammad is no more than a messenger, many others preceded him, and if he dies or is destroyed, will you turn back? The apostates will not harm Allah in any way, but Allah will reward the grateful in full.”
(Sura 3, verse 144)
The body of the Prophet was buried in his own house, in the room of his wife ‘Aisha, that is, in the same place where he died. Her room is located near the Prophet's Mosque, which today has expanded so much that the Prophet's house is located inside it. The Prophet's Mosque is located in Medina.
Today this Mosque is visited by millions of Muslims. You can visit it during the pilgrimage to Mecca or at other times.
Less than two centuries after the death of the Prophet Muhammad, Muslims spread his Message. Islam spread throughout the world to China in the east and Spain in the west. The impetus for such an amazingly rapid spread of the Muslim faith was the teachings of Islam.
Today there are more than a billion Muslims in the world4, most of whom live in 55 Muslim countries in Asia and Africa. The largest Muslim country currently is Indonesia. In addition, millions of Muslims live in non-Muslim countries: 120 million in India, more than 100 million in China, about 20 million in Russia.

So, currently the four countries with the largest Muslim populations are: Indonesia, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Nigeria. Millions of Muslims also live in non-Muslim countries such as the Philippines, Burma, Thailand, the former Yugoslavia and the United States.

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

As soon as you went out into the garden, the scarlet poppy became embarrassed,
There is no way to calm down from envy.
Why didn’t the cypress bow to you?
I saw the wondrous figure and was seized with tetanus!

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

To the radiance of the moon, beauty of the night,
I will add the warmth given by the candle,
The sparkle of sugar, the posture of a cypress tree,
The murmur of a stream... And your appearance will come out.

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

What a temptation, what a temptation, God bless!...
Your face reigns in dreams day and night.
That's why there is pain in the chest and trembling in the heart,
And dry lips, and wet eyes, and trembling hands.

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

Only your face makes a sad heart happy.
I don't need anything except your face.
I see my image in you, looking into your eyes,
I see you in myself, my joy.

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

He dressed many women in brocade and pearls,
But I could not find an ideal among them.
I asked the sage: - What is perfection?
- The one next to you! - He told me.

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

Torment ages beauties. Get rid of trouble
The one whose eyelids are transparent and whose lips are firm.
Be more tender with your beloved: beauty escapes,
Leaving traces of suffering on the face.

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

To the world - the haven of our few days -
For a long time I fixed the inquisitive gaze of my eyes.
So what? Your face is brighter than the bright moon;
Than a slender cypress, your wonderful figure is straighter.

Omar Khayyam is rightfully considered one of the greatest scientists and philosophers of the medieval East. This is truly a multifaceted personality, who has been glorified over the centuries not only by wise aphorisms about love, happiness, and more, but also by scientific works on mathematics, astronomy and physics.

And this makes Omar a very significant figure in the arena of human achievements over many centuries: not every person could boast of such talents: very few people like Omar Khayyam or Leonardo Da Vinci were born when a person is talented in everything, a kind of pearl of humanity.

Most often, Omar Khayyam formatted his statements in rubai - poems that were quite difficult to compose, consisting of four lines, three of which rhymed with each other (and sometimes all four). The poet, in the truest sense of the word, was in love with life, with the diversity of its forms, and therefore his witty aphorisms are filled with deep meaning, which the reader does not manage to understand the first time.

Having written rubai in the medieval East, where blasphemy was strictly condemned, even to the point of death penalty, Omar Khayyam, despite the danger of persecution, put his wisdom into written form, and, according to researchers, it was written under the authorship of Omar about three hundred to five hundred rubai.

Just imagine - aphorisms about life, happiness, witty quotes, and simply Eastern wisdom, relevant even now for each of us.

Although everything remains in order five thousand rubai, allegedly under the authorship of Omar Khayyam, most likely, these are statements about happiness and more, of his contemporaries, who were afraid to bring severe punishment on their heads, and therefore, attributing their creations to the poet and philosopher.

Omar Khayyam, unlike them, was not afraid of punishment, and therefore his aphorisms often ridicule the gods and power, belittling their importance in people’s lives, and he did it correctly. After all, the same happiness does not lie in blind obedience to theological books or the commands of kings. Happiness lies in living your best years in harmony with yourself, and the poet’s quotes help you realize this simple, but such an important fact.

The best and wittiest of his statements are presented in front of you, and are framed in interesting photos. After all, when you read a text with meaning not just in black and white, but elegantly designed, then you remember it much better, which is an excellent workout for the mind.

In a conversation with your interlocutor, you can always effectively insert witty quotes, showing off your erudition. You can instill in your child a love of poetry by showing him several photos where the most beautiful rubai about friendship or happiness are beautifully decorated. Read together these wise sayings authored by Omar Khayyam, imbued with his every word.

His quotes about happiness amaze with such a clear understanding of the world and soul of a person as an individual. Omar Khayyam seems to be talking to us, his aphorisms and quotes seem to have been written not for everyone, but for each individual, reading his statements, we are involuntarily amazed at the depth of the images and the brightness of the metaphors.

The immortal rubai survived their creator for many centuries, and despite the fact that they remained in oblivion for a long time, until in the Victorian era, by a happy accident, a notebook was discovered that contained sayings and aphorisms that Omar wrote, expressed in poetic form, in the end, they gained wild popularity, first in England, and a little later throughout the world, when his statements scattered around the world like birds, bringing into the home of everyone who read the poet’s quotes a little oriental wisdom.

Omar probably had no idea that for most of our contemporaries he would be known precisely as a poet and philosopher, rather than a great scientist. Most likely, both of these areas of his activity were the passion of his whole life; Omar, by his example, showed real life, when, if desired, you can manage to do everything.

Often people, in whose minds a lot of talent has been invested, are left alone - their activities take too much energy, but the poet ended his life surrounded by a large family and close friends. He did not become ossified and did not go entirely into science and philosophy, and this is worth a lot.

His quotes in the form of photos can be viewed on our website, and perhaps your favorite ones

The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam is known all over the world. Millions of people know them by heart, endlessly quote and retell them. What was the famous Persian poet's understanding of the most beautiful feeling on earth? His amazing statements about love tell about this. Omar Khayyam masterfully approaches the process of comprehending the greatest mystery of existence, which knows no compromises.

Reading his sayings, you begin to better understand the truth that is indicated in them. The best sayings of Omar Khayyam about life and love will be presented in this article. Maybe they will help some of the readers accept the inevitable and make the right choice.

“Days spent without love are painful for me”

Here the author emphasizes the idea that life cannot be considered complete if a person lacks heartfelt affection. Love is connected with life by invisible threads, it invariably complements it, brings its own special meaning and meaning. One cannot exist without the other. Life without love has no meaning, because in this case the individual will not be able to truly grow and develop spiritually. Existence seems empty and disappointing. This is what Omar Khayyam talks about. filled with unchanging wisdom and knowledge of the subtle laws of the universe.

When something doesn’t work out, you need to understand the reasons for what is happening, and not immediately reject the proposed benefit. Any problem indicates the need to begin to reconsider your attitude towards it. The more we cling, the more we get stuck in our own fears. However, there are no insurmountable difficulties. To overcome the abyss of misunderstanding, sometimes it is enough to start with yourself. Omar Khayyam's best sayings about life and love confirm this idea.

“Whoever planted a rose of tender love did not live in vain”

Even an unrequited feeling carries great benefits. Someone may wonder: “How?” It is known that unrequited love brings suffering, deprives of all strength and desire to act, to achieve something. Only someone who has experienced such a dramatic event in life can understand the feelings of a rejected person. poets sing, at the same time demonstrating to the world what great suffering it leads to. This is a state of mental torment, falling and at the same time taking off. Nothing illustrates the attitude towards the feeling itself better than statements about love. Omar Khayyam emphasizes the idea that experiencing the state of love in itself brings joy and happiness.

If you experience a strong heartfelt attachment, then life can already be called beautiful. Falling in love fills a person with special meaning, makes you listen to yourself, and discover unknown depths in your soul. All this serves as an additional incentive to constantly rise to new heights, conquering the horizons of the infinite Universe.

“Kisses of your beloved are bread and balm”

There are hardly more convincing examples of capacious and meaningful sayings in literature than about love. Omar Khayyam is a master of words. He formed holistic poetic forms in which deep meaning and meaning can be traced. You can read his rubai just like that, enjoying the beauty of the sound.

This saying helps to understand the importance of a loved one for each individual person. In difficult situations, the only thing that saves us is the presence of a kindred spirit nearby, who will always support and understand. If a person did not have the opportunity to fully open himself to another, we would not be able to truly call ourselves happy. His other statements about love are also interesting. Omar Khayyam is a poet whose works touch the most hidden corners of the soul.

"Woe to the heart that is colder than ice"

The inability to experience strong emotional attachment indicates the presence of some psychological problem. Everyone has a need to love. If for some reason it is not satisfied, the person begins to build defense mechanisms. By rejecting close relationships, we become unhappy.

Thus, these statements about love are truly beautiful and amazing. Omar Khayyam helps the reader to realize the enduring truth: it is important to give care and warmth to your neighbor, to open your heart.

One of those who writes the best aphorisms is Omar Khayyam. This Persian mathematician is known throughout the world primarily as a philosopher and poet. Omar Khayyam's quotes are filled to the brim with meaning, which is sometimes so lacking.

If you expect gratitude for kindness -
You don't give good, you sell it.
Omar Khayyam

I enter the mosque. the hour is late and dull.
I am not thirsty for a miracle and not with a prayer:
Once upon a time I pulled a rug from here,
And he was worn out; I would need another one.
Omar Khayyam

Good and evil are at enmity - the world is on fire.
What about the sky? The sky is to the side.
Curses and joyful hymns
They don’t reach the blue heights.
Omar Khayyam

You can seduce a man who has a wife, you can seduce a man who has a mistress, but you cannot seduce a man who has a beloved woman.
Omar Khayyam

To be beautiful does not mean to be born so,
After all, we can learn beauty.
When a man is beautiful in soul -
What appearance can compare with her?
Omar Khayyam

How often, when we make mistakes in life, we lose those we value.
Trying to please others, sometimes we run away from our neighbors.
We exalt those who are not worthy of us, and betray the most faithful.
Those who love us so much, we offend, and we ourselves expect an apology.
Omar Khayyam

You repay good with good - well done
If you respond to evil with good, you are a sage.
Omar Khayyam

Eyes can speak. Scream with happiness or cry.
With your eyes you can encourage, drive you crazy, make you cry.
You can deceive with words, but with your eyes it is impossible.
You can drown in your gaze if you look carelessly...
Omar Khayyam

O fool, I see you have fallen into a trap,
In this fleeting life, equal to a day.
Why are you rushing about, mortal? Why are you fussing?
Give me some wine - and then keep running!
Omar Khayyam

Death is not scary.
Life can be scary
Random, imposed life...
In the dark they handed me an empty one.
And without a fight I will give this life.
Omar Khayyam

We must live, we are told, in fasting and labor.
As you live, so you will rise again!
I am inseparable from my friend and a cup of wine -
So that you can wake up at the Last Judgment.
Omar Khayyam

Lord, I'm tired of my poverty,
Tired of futile hopes and desires.
Give me a new life if you are almighty!
Maybe this one will be better than this one.
Omar Khayyam

Life is either sherbet on ice or wine sucks.
Mortal flesh in brocade, or dressed in rags -
Believe me, the sage doesn’t care about all this,
But it is bitter to realize that life is doomed.
Omar Khayyam

If you spend your whole life looking for pleasure:
Drink wine, listen to chang and caress beauties -
You'll have to give it up anyway.
Life is like a dream. But you can’t sleep forever!
Omar Khayyam

Conscientious and smart
Respect and visit -
And away, without looking back
Run away from the ignoramus!
Omar Khayyam

Keep your words safer than coins.
Listen to the end - then give advice.
With two ears you got one tongue.
To listen to two and give one piece of advice.
Omar Khayyam